Gün: 12 Ocak 2024


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Merhabalar,adım Ozan.27 yaşındayım ve şuan Muğla’da oturuyorum.Size anlatacağım olay bundan 4 yıl önce ben 23 yaşımdayken başımdan geçmeye başladı.Turizm bölümünü bitirmiştim ve bitirene kadar da dışarıdan aldığım kurslar ile İngilizce,Fransızca ve Rusça öğrenip 3 yabancı dili öğrenmiştim.En sonunda herkesin yaptığı gibi bende bir otele başvurmuştum.İstanbul’da okumama rağmen otelim Antalya’da çıkmıştı ve otele alınmıştım.İlk olarak bir gemiye verilecektim ve seyahat gemilerinde hizmet edecek daha sonra da beğenilirsem otele alınacak veya tekrardan daha büyük gemiler ile devam edecektim çalışmaya.Mayıs ayının son haftasındaydık ve benim ilk işim olacaktı,sabahın çok erken saatlerinde bindik gemiye.

Geminin sorumlu müdürü bizi önüne dizdi ve toplam 4 kişi olduğumuzu gördüm.Sorumlu müdür konuşmaya başladı “Arkadaşlar,birkaç arkadaşımız son anda çıkan pürüzler yüzünden aramıza katılamayacağından bu sefer ki turu birkaç kişi daha az yürüteceğiz.O yüzden size burada büyük iş düşüyor. “ dedikten sonra herkese görevlerini dağıtmaya başladı.Bana geldiğinde “Sen,geminin en üst katından ve masaj salonundan sorumlusun.Eğer masaj isteyen birden fazla kişi olursa telefon ile bana ulaşıyorsun ben hemen oraya birini göndereceğim. “ dedi.Herkese görevi dağıtıldıktan sonra “İlk defa gemide çalışacak kim var?” diye sordu.Bende “Ben varım efendim. “

Müdür,diğerlerine dönerek “Siz gidebilirsiniz. “ dedi.Bana yaklaştı ve “Seninle konuşalım biraz,takip et beni. “ dedi.Kendi odasına gelmiştik.O masasına geçti ve bende önünde ki koltuğa oturdum.Bana “Bak evlat,gençsin ve kanın kaynıyor olabilir ama asla müşterileri rahatsız edecek hareketler yapma. Onlara sulanma,olacağı varsa olur ama asla yavşama. “ dedi.Bende “Tamam efendim. “ dedim.Müdür “Senin gemide yeni olduğunu biliyordum zaten o yüzden masaj bölümünü sana verdim.Orada işini hakkınla yaparsan çok güzel bahşiş alırsın. “ dedi.Teşekkür ederek kalktım ve en üst kata kendi bölümüme çıktım.En üst katta ki odalar suit odalardı ve sadece 2 tane vardı.Az odaya bakacaktım ama odalarda ki insanlar daha zengin olacaklardı.

Saat 11.00 gibi gemiye yavaş yavaş gelmeye başladılar yolcular ve bende kendi bölümüme gelecekleri bekliyordum.En sonunda bir çift geldi bizim kata,hemen bavullarını aldım ve taşımaya başladım.Genç bir çifte benziyorlardı ve büyük ihtimal daha yeni evlenmişlerdi.Bavullarını odalarına bıraktıktan sonra “Başka bir isteğiniz var mı?” dedim.Erkek olan elime 20 lira sıkıştırıp “Yok kardeşim sağol. “ dedi ve bende odadan çıktım.Biz aylık üzerinden değil çıktığımız gemi seyahati üzerinden para alıyorduk.Bende ilk seferimde tam 2 hafta çalışacaktım ve 2 hafta boyunca 800 TL alacaktım.Odadan çıktıktan sonra hemen dosyadan kayıtlara baktım merak ettiğim için.Gelenler daha yeni evli çiftmiş ve özel balayı için yer ayırtmışlar.Erkek olanın ismi Mehmetmiş ve 23 yaşındaymış,kızın ismi ise Ecem ve 22 yaşındaymış.

Odaya çok hızlı girip çıktığım için kızı tam süzme fırsatım olmamıştı.Diğer odada yatacak kişiler gelememişler ve o oda bu seferlik boş kalacakmış.Çok sevinmiştim çünkü boş kalan odalarda o katın görevlisi kalabiliyordu o yüzden o odada bana kalmıştı.Öğlen yemeğinden sonra aşağıya masaj salonuna indim ve beklemeye başladım.Birkaç saat geçmişti aradan ki kapı açıldı ve “Kimse var mı?” diye bir ses duydum.Hemen kapıya yöneldim ve “Hoş geldiniz. “ dedim.Kapıda yaşı en fazla 16-17 olan genç bir kız duruyordu.Kız “Ben masaj yaptırmak istiyorum. “ dedi.Bende “Tabi,buyrun.Önce isminizi almam gerekiyor. “ dedim.Gülümseyerek “Ceren. “ dedi.Bende “Buyrun Ceren hanım 3 numaralı odaya geçin. “ dedim.Ceren geçti odaya ve bende hazırlanıp havlumu ve yağlarımı aldıktan sonra 3 numaralı odaya girdim.

İçeriye girdiğimde Ceren çıplak bir şekilde yatıyordu ve sadece kalçalarını kapatacak bir havlu örtülüydü.İçeriye girdim,yağı elime sürdükten sonra vücuduna masajımı yapmaya başladım.Öncelikle sırtından başladım.Ceren ile konuşmaya başladık,kendisi sürekli bana sorular soruyordu ve kendisini anlatıyordu. erkek arkadaşı ile gelmiş buraya.1.70 boylarında,buğday tenli,kumral saçlı,çıkık ve yusyuvarlak kalçaları olan bir kızdı.Havlunun arasından amı ortam loş bir ışıkta olduğu için görünmese bile onun vücuduna dokunmak yetiyordu bana.

45 dakikalık bir masajdan sonra bitirmiştim.Ceren çok teşekkür etti.Bende hemen odadan çıktım ve ellerimi yıkadıktan sonra Ceren masaj salonunun duşuna girdi.Yıkandıktan sonra teşekkür etti ve elime bir para sıkıştırıp “Parmaklarını harika kullanıyorsun.Çok rahatladım teşekkürler. “ dedi.Daha sonra gülerek masaj salonundan çıktı gitti.Bıraktığı para da 50 TL gibi bir paraydı.Oturmuş dinleniyordum ki 20 dakika geçmeden bir telefon daha çaldı.Özel olarak odada masaj istediğini söyleyen bir kadın vardı.Oda numarasını aldığımda bu benim kat görevlisi olduğum yere gelen daha yeni evli çiftti.Birazdan geleceğimi söyleyerek kapattım ve yine hazırlığımı yapıp odanın önüne gittim.Kapıyı tıklattım ve kapıyı Mehmet açtı.

Beni görünce “Geç. “ dedi.İçeriye geçtiğimde Mehmet,Ecem’e “Ben duşa giriyorum. “ diye seslendi ve duşa girdi.Büyük ihtimal ben gelmeden önce seks yapmışlardı ki zaten odanın içerisine girdiğimde anlamıştım.Yerde boxer vardı ve çarşaflar dağılmıştı resmen.Ecem yatakta sırt üstü yatıyordu apar topar giyindiği belliydi.Altında mini kırmızı bir etek üzerinde ise askılı bir body vardı.Bana bakarak “Hemen başlayabilir misin masaja?” dedi.Bende “Tabii ki. “ dedim.Bacaklarının birini kaldırdım ve altına havlu koyarken gördüğüm manzara müthişti.Apar topar hazırlandığı için altına külot giymemişti ve bacaklarını ayırınca hafiften amını tamamen gördüm.Hafif kızarıklık vardı ve daha tam kapanmamıştı şimdi seks yaptıklarından emindim.Mehmet bey bir süre sonra dışarıya çıktı ve yanımıza gelip eşini dudağından öpüp “Hayatım ben havuza gidiyorum. “ dedi ve çıktı odadan.

Eşini benimle odada yalnız bırakabilmişti.Ya gerçekten çok güveniyordu ya da eşinin başkasıyla birlikte olması onun umrunda değildi.Artık odada ikimiz baş başa kalmıştık ve ben masajıma devam ediyordum.Yorgunluk,seks ve rahatlatıcı masaj birleşince bir süre sonra Ecem hanım uyumuştu ve bende bunu fark edince aklıma birkaç şey geldi.Öncelikle omzundan sarsarak “Ecem hanım,Ecem hanım. “ diye seslendim fakat ses gelmeyince işime koyuldum.Öncelikle eteğini beline kadar sıyırdım ve kalçalarını tamamen çıplak bıraktıktan sonra okşamaya başladım.Kalçalarını ayırarak göt deliğine ve amına bakmaya başladım.Hafifçe okşuyordum fakat uyanır diye çok ileriye de gitmek istemiyordum.Biraz okşadıktan sonra tekrardan mini eteğini indirdim ve çekmecesini açtım.

Külotları karşımdaydı ve biraz baktıktan sonra kırmızı dantelli külot ile siyah bir tanga alarak odadan toparlanıp çıktım. Tangayı hemen kendi odama bıraktıktan sonra masaj salonuna inerek malzemeleri oraya bıraktım.O gün başka bir olay olmamıştı.

Categories: Uncategorized

Stranded by a Snowstorm

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The announcement came over the loudspeakers at O’Hare airport but the results were soon to be seen on every one of the Arrival/Departure Screens throughout the airport. The snowstorm that had hit the area was shutting down the place. I rushed to the counter to see if the airline was going to put us up in hotels or if they had made any arrangements with the local hotels to give us discounted rates on a room. No, and No. It was up to us to fend for ourselves.

I called our corporate travel agency and put them to work getting me a room. When I called back a half-hour later I was pleased to hear they had gotten me not just a room but a suite. Whew, I was going to be treated like a queen for the night. The hotel was just a short cab ride from the airport but that tuned out to be a major problem. The taxis didn’t want to give up their spot in line for just a short ride … they wanted longer fares. I went back inside and found one of those big racks showing pictures of the hotels in the area with a phone so you could call them directly with just a push of a button. I got mine and they said they had limo service throughout the airport and if I would go out and stand by the limo area, one would be by shortly.

As I was making this call I couldn’t help but hear a young woman trying desperately to find a room for herself. She was in her late teens and not too bad looking. I listened to her for a short time and then interrupted and offered to share my suite with her if she was interested. Interested, she damn near jumped me.

“Oh yes, I am dead tired and can’t bear to think of sitting in this airport all night by myself. You are sweet to offer it.”

We went outside and waited where I was told to be and sure enough a van with a logo of the hotel plastered all over it pulled up and we had a ride to our sleeping quarters for the night.

I started our conversation with, “By the way, my name is Judy and I am thirty six incase you are wondering,” and she responded with “and mine is Catherine and I am twenty.”

The suite was just that. It had a bedroom with a king size bed, a huge bath with a very nice sitting room for TV, writing desk with a mini fridge full of booze and all kinds of little treats.

“Catherine, it would appear we are going to be sharing the big bed unless you want to camp out on that small sofa in the sitting room.”

“The sofa looks kind of small so I’d just as soon share the bed with you unless you would rather sleep alone. If so, I’ll make do in the sitting room.” She answered.

“Oh hell, I invited you to share a room and when I did I never thought we would have our own beds so we will share this big one.” I said all the while looking at her sweet young figure with lust in my eyes.

“I haven’t eaten and before this place gets overwhelmed I would make the suggestion that we either go down to the dining room or have room service bring up a dinner. What do you say?”

“I’d prefer we ate in the dining room if you wouldn’t mind. I like to have some room when I am eating rather than try and do it on my lap.” She answered.

“Not at all. Let’s go.”

We had a nice dinner with perhaps a few too many drinks. I put the tab on the room so the company was going to pay for it and that thrilled Catherine. We were amazed at the number of people who had taken the airport van to the hotel without having a reservation in the hopes their very presence would get them a room. It wasn’t working for them.

“Catherine, we better get back up to the room before there is a revolt down here and these people storm the rooms.”

I couldn’t bring myself to think that would happen but it was getting nastier by the minute at the front desk. The desk clerk had already called security who posted two guards there but the crowd was at least well over seventy-five and it was growing with each van load. I was damn glad we had gotten our dinner before they also realized they needed more than a room. There was a bit of a feeling of guilt as we moved past the crowd and onto an elevator to take us to our room but it wasn’t so bad I was willing to share any more of the room.

We chatted about lots of things but most of all, our interrupted trip. I was going on a business trip and she was going to visit her grandparents. I was divorced and she had never had a boyfriend. Wow, that struck me as strange and when I asked her why all she would say was:

“Boy’s don’t turn me on and besides I am not that attractive.”

I went over to her and stood in front of her and put one hand under her chin and simply said,

“You are out of your fucking mind. You are very attractive.” She sort of recoiled at my use of the profanity.

We were standing near a full- length closet door mirror and I went up behind her and made her face the thing with me right behind her.

“Hey dummy, take a look at the girl you are saying ‘isn’t very attractive’. If you still think that after looking at yourself I ought to make an appointment for you with an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye exam.” escort bayan

I was right behind her and put my arms around her and cupped her breasts and she gasped.

“Besides being attractive you have a very nice figure. Just look at these lovely breasts.” I said as I was putting a little motion in my cupping of them. I lifted them and just nodded at our images in the mirror. Neither of us were beauty queens but I was hoping my caresses would lead to something a whole lot more.

“Do you think that or are you just saying that to be nice? She asked quizzically.

“Catherine, stand back and drop your skirt. I want to see your complete figure.”

“What do you mean. Are you asking me to get naked?”

“Well, that wasn’t what I was asking but in a little while you will be as close to naked as you can be when we get ready for bed.”

“Yeah, I guess.” She said and she reached around and dropped her skirt and laid it over the arm of a chair.

She had gorgeous hips and legs and as I had her pirouette I could see through her panties she didn’t shave her pubic area. I was quickly dreaming of getting my face buried between her long legs.

“Now take off your blouse but leave your bra on.” I instructed.

She did and I was then looking at a very desirable twenty-year-old gal.

“Catherine. Let me ask you something you don’t have to answer if you choose not to. Are you a virgin?”

You could have used the blush from her face to read by. “Yes, I am and I am embarrassed about that.”

“Why are you embarrassed?”

“Because I am twenty and all of the other gals in school had sex by the time they were eighteen.”

“Here’s another question you can choose not to answer, Have you ever ben real close to another girl?”

She looked at me knowing full well what I was asking but she didn’t want to discuss it in any detail, “No, I have seen some I would have liked to be with but they obviously thought I wasn’t pretty enough.”

“Geez, will you stop that self deprecating stuff. You are a nice looking gal.” And with that I unhooked her bra and let it drop. She caught it at her waist and sort of screeched, “What are you doing?”

I just wanted you to look at your lovely breasts that many gals would die to have. Look at them. She had her head turned to look at me and I almost shouted, “No, look at them, not at me.”

She turned to look at the mirror and I was still behind her and once again I reached around her and put my hands under her breasts, except this time they were bare.

“Now take a look,” as I opened my own blouse and unhooked my bra. “Your tits are every bit as large as mine.” I then reached down and dropped the pants of my pantsuit and stepped out of them saying, “and your figure is by far better than mine and I don’t have any trouble getting close to guys or gals.”

I figured I had to do something to get this to continue so I suggested, “Hey, how about I get us a couple of drinks out of the mini bar and we can drink them while we are in the sack talking?”

I didn’t wait for an answer and went over and got the drinks and led the way in to the bedroom. She followed close behind.

I laid my things over the arm of another easy chair and grabbed my small traveling case and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take off my makeup. “I’ll be there in a minute.” I shouted.

She was right behind me and used the other sink for her night stuff and by then I was bare ass naked. I could see that she was sneaking peeks of me in the huge wall size mirror in front of us and to tell the truth I was doing the same to her. The way she was standing her tits were only really visible part of the time.

It was only a few minutes and I was tossing the covers down on the bed and pouring our drinks from the mini containers. She came back to the bed saying that she ought to dig out her night gown and I asked why for I was going to sleep in the nude as usual. The drinks may have loosened her up a bit for she sort of threw her skirt over her shoulder saying ‘Why not?”

She kind of jumped into the bed the way kids usually do and then reached over to the nightstand and got the drink I had put there for her.

I scooted over on the bed to be nearer to her and said, “Catherine, look down at your breasts and then look at mine and can’t you see how yours are far more attractive?”

She did and answered, “Well, sort of.”

“Sort of? Give me your hand.”

She did and I took it in mine and pulled it to rest on my breast. “Now give it a little squeeze and then take your other hand and put it on one of your own and give it a squeeze and you will see how much firmer yours are than mine.”

“Gee, you’re right.”

“Judy, I can see you shave yourself down there. Why do you do that?”

“Well, there isn’t any mystery about it. I wear a bikini type of bathing suit and I didn’t like my pubic hair sticking out around the edges of it so I shaved most of it. Do you like it?”

“I have never seen one like that before. görükle escort The showers in the girl’s gym were all in stalls and the girls would have a towel around themselves as they came out of them. Does it hurt to shave it?”

“No, not at all. All you really have to do is to trim it way down with scissors and then use shaving cream and a BIC type of razor. You can use an electric razor but I never did. I’d be happy to do it for you if you want. Keep in mind though that once you do it you will have to keep doing it or the stubble will drive you crazy. But you’ll be able to wear a bikini type of suit and show off your pretty figure instead of hiding it the way you do.”

She just giggled and it was obvious she was feeling the effects of the drinks she had at dinner and the one she was drinking right then.

“OK, please do it for me.”

I dug our a pair of scissors I use for work out of my briefcase and told her we ought to do it in the bathtub so she rolled off the bed and followed me in but not before grabbing her drink for company.

The hotel had provided a small traveler’s kit including a razor and shave cream so besides my scissors we were set.

“Catherine, I want you to sit on the side of the tub and I’ll trim it and wash the trimmings down the drain. Then we’ll have you sit in the tub and we’ll put a couple of inches of warm water in and it will soften up your hair to make it easier to shave. OK?”

“OK barber lady.” She replied with an alcoholic laugh

I started trimming and obviously had to ask her to spread her legs a little. She obeyed instantly with a huge giggle. My fingers just naturally trailed down over her pussy lips as I was trimming and I couldn’t wait to do the actual shaving in that spot. The trimming only took a few minutes and I was running the water to wash down the hair and then told her to wait a moment before we put the stopper in the tub.

I had her slide down and get the stubble wet to soften it and she obeyed perfectly. I let her sit there for a few minutes and used the excuse of wanting to get it real soft so I just had to run my fingers around the whole area. Following that I drained the tub and smeared the shave cream all over her pussy. I made sure my fingers dropped down between her pussy lips and just lightly brushed against her clit in passing. It was then time for the shave.

She had slid up to where she was sitting at the top of the tub and I was busy shaving away. I had the water running and going down the drain to wash the razor every time I had a glob of cream on it and then back to the shaving. I began using the fingers on one hand to spread her pussy lips while my other hand was busy with the razor. All of a sudden I could feel her shudder and then let out a small moan.

I kept up exactly what I was doing but I then let the fingers on the hand that was opening her pussy lips also slide up and occasionally touch her clit. That brought on a much bigger shudder.

“Slide forward honey and we’ll get you rinsed off.”

As I was splashing water up on her crotch to wash off the shave cream I was also opening her pussy lips to get the cream out of there. “OK, out of the tub and I’ll do the rest of it on the bed.”

“I thought you would do it all right here in the tub.”

“No, there are a few hairs around the lower section I can’t reach while you are sitting on them”.

She dried off and I led her back to the bed where I put a dry towel beneath her.

“Now lay back honey and open your legs wide.” She did and I thought I was going to die looking at the sweet virgin pussy staring me in the face.

I made believe I was doing more but was just using the excuse to have her on the bed with her legs open. When she was in the tub I noticed she loved to have me lightly touch her clit so I did that every time I slipped my fingers up and down to open her pussy lips. She didn’t disappoint; her moans became louder every time

“I finally said, there you are, smooth as a baby’s ass and twice as pretty.” As soon as I got the last word of that out of my mouth I leaned forward and kissed the outer lips of her pussy.

“Oh my God, that feels wonderful.”

I kept my mouth right where it was and kissed the whole area very lightly. As my lips brushed over the outer lips I stopped and put out my tongue so it just barely touched her clit.

That was like lighting the fuse on a firecracker. She threw her hips up at me and yelled, “Judy, what are you doing with your tongue?”

I lifted my face and just said, “Shhhh, honey. I am doing some of the same things you do to yourself when you are masturbating except I am using my super soft tongue.”

“Oh God, this feels so much better.”

I slipped around so I was lying between her legs and had a much better angle to use my mouth. While my tongue was doing its thing I had a couple of fingers penetrating her pussy as deep as they could reach and soon began finger fucking her while my tongue was working her clit. To say bursa elit escort she exploded would be the understatement of the year. She went crazy would be closer to the truth. Her hips were flying around so violently I had a hard time keeping my mouth where it was and then the river of her juices started pouring out of her. Gals don’t shoot their come like a guy does but these were literally pouring out of her. I was glad the towel under her was double folded or we would have had a wet bed on which to sleep.

My face was just lying against her lower abdomen and she was breathing so hard I was hopeful she was all right. I slid up, wiping my mouth on the towel as I went past it, and then I raised up to give her a long deep kiss. She threw her arms around me and pulled me to her.

“Judy, that is the first kiss I ever had other than those my mother used to give me when I was little. She stopped doing that when her and my dad divorced and she found another guy. I was left out in the cold right then.”

I damn near cried when I heard that. “Well Cath, I’ll have to do more of it to make up for lost time.”

She slipped down and nestled with her face in my armpit and just snuggled there tightly. It was as if she had found a new mother and she wasn’t letting go.

I was so horny my nipples were almost bursting and I had to figure a nice way for her to reciprocate on my pussy eating session.

I lay back on the bed and had my hand just lightly touching myself when I felt another hand moving in. “Judy, I’ll do that for you if you want. I have never done anything at all with either a boy or a girl so if you will just tell me what feels good for you I’ll do it?

“That would be great honey. Just do to me what you do to yourself when you are masturbating. You do masturbate don’t you?”

I looked over at her as I said that and her face was beet red. “Well, do you or don’t you?”

“I do but I am embarrassed to say so.”

“Damn, you get embarrassed too easily about everything.”

“Just use your fingers the way you do to yourself or the way I did to you.” I said.

Her fingers were just perfect except she wasn’t putting them in me. “Cath, how about slipping down between my legs and you will be able to slide your fingers in and out of me the way I did to you. It is almost as good as getting fucked.”

Oh shit, there I go with the profanity again and she will be all embarrassed.

Oh this gal takes directions very well. Her fingers were going in and out of me just fine but my clit was getting ignored. Now if I can only figure a way to get her mouth involved.

“Cath, kiss the lips of my pussy ever so lightly as you are doing that. It will feel great to me.”

“OK, I’ll try.”

She not only kissed the lips of my pussy but sort of buried her face between them and kissed deep inside as well. I put a hand on the top of her head and put ever so light pressure on it and then simply said, “Cath, use your tongue too.”

“Judy, I know you want me to do that but I don’t know what to do. I have read every book on sex I could get my hands on but that isn’t the same as doing the things in person.”

“Honey, just use your tongue the way you use your fingers but when you get to my clit just go very lightly. You’ll do it perfectly I just know.”

Sure enough she was eating me like a pro. She was a little rough at first but soon had it down pat. I could feel an orgasm coming on but didn’t want this to end so quickly. Damn, the only way I was going to be able to stop the orgasm was to stop her and I didn’t want that either so I just let it come over me. “God, here I come Cath.”

I exploded but not with anywhere near the volume that she did. As soon as I felt my juices stop flowing I reached down and pulled her up to me and planted a huge kiss on her still wet mouth with the juices that came out of me. She seemed to like the taste.

“Did I do it right Judy?”

“For the first time you did very well honey. You will get a lot better at it the more you do it to me.” She snuggled deeply as she heard that.

The TV news was giving us some horrible news. The snowstorm we were experiencing wasn’t going to stop until sometime the next afternoon and the airports were going to be closed for at least till the morning after that. We were going to be here for at least one more day and night. I immediately called to the front desk to tell them I would be staying another day and the clerk responded with “Oh, you made the reservation for three nights, didn’t we have it correct.” “Oh yes, I had forgotten that I did. No problem, I just wanted to make sure.” Thank God for an efficient corporate travel agency.

I called my business appointments the next morning to tell them I would be at least a day late and Cath called her grandparents to give them the same news. We were set. At least one more complete day with her.

Last night Cath cuddled so close I thought she would crush me. Just before we fell asleep as she was snuggling to me she said in a very small little girl’s voice, “I love you mommy.” I cried myself to sleep.

I awoke the next morning with her face in my crotch and her tongue working my clit as fast but as gentle as is humanly possible. She looked up at me and pulled her face away and asked, “Am I doing it right Judy?”

Categories: Uncategorized

Sisters and Girlfriends Ch. 01

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This story originally started as my story: Seasons: Summer. The story itself has been revised and re-edited so I’m uploading it again with a new title, because the story has changed a bit from what it used to be. Also, there will be sex in every chapter, whereas Seasons didn’t have sex in every chapter. I hope you enjoy and thank you for taking the time to read the story.

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Chapter One

Ellie woke up to her girlfriend’s shallow, warm breath grazing the back of her neck. Her eyes fluttered open and the bright, golden light coming outside her dorm room blinded her. She narrowed her eyes permitting as little light as possible to enter her eyes. When her sight adjusted she opened them fully and gazed at her brightly-lit room.

Clothes had been thrown about everywhere. Her Playstation three had been neatly packed and put away. An empty bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup was empty and lying on the floor near the bed. The bed sheets were tossed on the floor and Ellie was naked. Her girlfriend, Ariel, had her arm draped over Ellie’s side with her hand clutching one of her breasts. As Ariel began to wake up she gently squeezed her girlfriend’s breast eliciting a tiny moan from Ellie.

“Rise and shine,” Ariel whispered still half asleep.

Ellie turned over. She was now facing her gorgeous, redheaded girlfriend. “I’m already awake,” Ellie giggled.

Ariel smiled, her eyes still closed. She puckered her lips. Ellie leaned in and kissed Ariel. Ariel’s hand traveled down Ellie’s back and came to a stop when it rested upon her rear. She gave Ellie a light squeeze.

“Last night was fun,” Ariel whispered, her lips curving upward, her eyes still closed.

Ellie kissed the tip of Ariel’s nose. “Yeah, it was,” she whispered. “Using the chocolate was a great idea.”

Ariel’s eyes finally fluttered open. Just as Ellie had done before, Ariel kept them narrowed until her vision adjusted to the bright sunlight. “Well, we needed to use it and what better way to use it than for sex?”

Ellie grinned. She ran her smooth leg across Ariel’s thigh until her groin rested against the tender flesh of her girlfriend. “I didn’t think you could possibly taste any better,” Ellie moaned. “Adding chocolate sure proved me wrong.” She giggled.

“Are you saying you’d prefer to lick me with chocolate?”

Ellie’s cheeks turned pink. She bit down on her lower lip as she slowly began grinding her pussy on Ariel’s thigh. The thoughts from the night before were cuasing arousal to steadily within Ellie as her hardened nipples proved. Her pussy was also becoming damp, of course it helped that she was rubbing her clit along her girlfriend’s thigh. “No, but adding chocolate didn’t detract from the experience.” Ellie let out a soft moan.

Ariel grinned. Seeing her girlfriend in a state of ecstasy was always a turn-on for her. “Yeah, it really didn’t.” She leaned forward pushing Ellie to her back. Ariel climbed on top of her, their breasts mashing together. Their hearts beat as one. Their warm skin meshed and Ariel slid a thigh between Ellie legs. She brought her lips to Ellie’s ear. “I enjoyed licking chocolate off of your bare skin,” she whispered seductively.

Ellie gasped. Every nerve in her body jittered causing her to shiver all over. Ellie brought her arms up and around her girlfriend and she held her as they proceeded to kiss each other passionately. Their lips smacked together. Ellie could smell the ocean breeze shampoo wafting from her silky, red hair as it fell around their heads. The feeling of Ariel’s lips against her was electric. Time had stopped, it felt like. Her hands caressed all of Ariel’s bare back and slowly made their way down to her rear. She cupped her soft, toned cheeks and gave them a gentle squeeze which elicited a moan from Ariel.

The girls parted their lips to gather a breath of air. Their eyes were locked on each other. “I love you,” Ellie whispered breathily.

Ariel planted tiny kisses all over Ariel’s face. In between each kiss she spoke.

“I-” kiss “-love-” kiss “-you-” kiss “-too-” kiss “-Ellie.”

Ariel began to grind her thigh into Ellie’s dampened pussy. Soft, gentle moans escaped Ellie’s lips. Her clit was engorged and she wanted more than just thigh grinding. She wanted to make love to her girlfriend one last time before she had to go home. She wanted to forget about everything and just stay in bed with her Ariel all summer long, cuddling her and holding her and kissing her and making love to her.

Ellie had to get ready, though. She had to finish packing. She squirmed her way out from under Ariel’s deliciously tantalizing body. She licked her lips as she stood up from her bed and gazed down at her girlfriend. Ariel lay on her back with her arms and legs spread showing off her entirely nude body.

“You are a tease,” Ellie said, running her tongue along her bottom lip.

Ariel lifted a hand to her breast bursa escort bayan and began fondling herself. “Oh, come on,” she moaned. “You can’t spare me even five minutes?” She pouted her lips and gave Ellie her best puppy dog eyes.

Ellie grinned. “Five minutes would turn into an hour with us.” Ariel’s feigned pouting evolved into a devilish grin as she sat up. “And right now I don’t have an hour.”

“Can I at least have a kiss?”

Ellie bit down on her bottom lip, a blush enveloping her cheeks. “Okay,” she whispered. She knelt forward and pressed her lips to Ariel’s. As she kissed her girlfriend, Ariel reached up, wrapped Ellie in her arms and dragged her back into bed. Ellie giggled. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making every minute count.” Ariel grinned, pinning Ellie beneath her. She pressed her lips to her girlfriend’s and then moved to her chin. She kept moving down planting soft, sensual kisses all along Ellie’s neck and collarbone. Ellie gasped and moaned. Ariel’s hands traveled up Ellie’s body slowly. They covered her soft breasts. She massaged the mounds slowly and carefully. She pulled her lips from Ellie’s skin. “Do we still have time?” She whispered lovingly.

“Yes,” Ellie gasped, giving in to temptation.

Ariel eagerly lowered her lips to Ellie’s skin and went back to kissing her. Her lips found their way to Ellie’s breasts and then to her nipples. She took one of the erect, pink nubs in her mouth and began flicking her tongue across it. Ellie threw her head back and let out a long, slow moan as goose bumps took over her body. Her breasts had become flushed and felt much heavier now that she was completely aroused. Her pussy dripped and glistened between her thighs.

“Oh, honey,” Ellie moaned. “Finger me… Please!”

Ariel’s hand slid down Ellie’s rigid skin and to the slit between her thighs. Her fingers played through the short, fine hair that had been shaped into a triangle just above Ellie’s pussy. Her trimmed nails raked over Ellie’s pubic region and she let out another soft gasp. Ariel’s finger brushed along Ellie’s clitoral hood which elicited a few quick squeals from her girlfriend. Her hand went further down and traced along her sodden vulva.

“You are wet,” Ariel noticed, grinning.

Ellie couldn’t bring herself to speak. She wanted Ariel inside of her and she wanted to feel release. Her wetness had begun to drip down her thighs. Just make love to me! The words were at the edge of her lips, but the desire was too strong and her gasps and moans were disabling her from speaking.

Ariel flattened her hand against Ellie’s damp pussy and slid it through the glistening folds. Ellie felt so warm and she quivered as Ariel rubbed her. Another long, slow moan parted from Ellie’s lips and then she finally spoke.

“Just do it already!”

Ariel giggled and caved to her girlfriend’s command. Her middle finger disappeared inside Ellie and the blonde threw her head back once again, letting out another slow moan, except this time it was louder than the previous moans. Had someone been walking by Ellie’s dorm room door, they would have heard the erotic voice of pleasure. Luckily, almost everyone had cleared out for summer break and beyond that point, Ellie didn’t really care who heard her moan. This was her last day to be with her girlfriend and she wasn’t going to let some random stranger stop her from enjoying Ariel.

Ariel took another nipple in her mouth and ran her flattened tongue across the stiff nub. Her finger easily slid between the wet folds of Ellie’s pussy as she thrust in and out of her girlfriend. Each time her hand thrust inward, her palm would rub up against Ellie’s aroused clit. Each time she made contact with the erect organ Ellie would squeal or moan.

Ellie’s fluids dripped out of her cunt and wetted Ariel’s hand. Ellie felt her stomach filling with butterflies as her orgasm was nearing. She clamped her thighs around Ariel’s hand and bucked her hips, lifting them from her bed. Ariel kept her mouth firmly planted on Ellie’s breast while trying to bring a knee forward – between her girlfriend’s tightening thighs so she could spread them apart. With Ellie’s thighs clenching around her wrist, Ariel was having a hard time fingering the aroused blonde beneath her. Ariel finally managed to spread Ellie’s legs apart and she began thrusting again, faster and with more ferocity.

“Oh, fuck,” Ellie screamed as her orgasm reached its tipping point. Ariel pulled back her head, letting Ellie’s breast plop from her lips. A red ring of glistening saliva coated Ellie’s nipple and areola. Her hips bucked and squirmed as she reached complete satisfaction. She screamed and then moaned loudly as cum spewed from her tight, pink pussy, her mind becoming hazy and then numbing. Her hips fell to the bed and she lay motionless trying to gather her strength and catch her breath.

Ellie’s body was coated in a light sheen of sweat. Her breasts, bursa bayan escort neck, and cheeks were flushed with a soft crimson. Her pussy was puffy and glistened with her fluids. Her toes curled and her eyes were closed as the pleasure was still felt in her body.

Ariel grinned, licking her hand. Ellie tasted like salty strawberries. Not a bad taste in Ariel’s mind. “Are you okay?” she asked, leaning down to cuddle with her girlfriend. She noticed Ellie’s left breast jiggling with each beat of her heart. She brought her arm across Ellie’s chest and kissed her shoulder. “I love you,” she whispered.

Ellie took in several more breaths, steadying her heart. When she felt capable of speaking, she said, “I love you, too, my beautiful goddess.” She turned her head and opened her eyes. Ariel’s red hair was still disheveled, though not nearly as bad as she thought hers was. She lifted a arm out from under Ariel’s and tucked a strand of silky red hair behind her girlfriend’s ear. “You’re too wonderful to me.”

Ariel smiled. “You’re my life, my love. You’re my everything.”

“I could spend the rest of my life with you.”

Ariel sucked in her bottom lip. Her ocean blue eyes stared directly into Ellie’s pale blue ones. A wide grin replaced her passionate smile. Ellie knew the look. It was her fantasy – their fantasy. “Play my sister?” It was less of a question and more of a statement. Ellie grinned and nodded her head.

Ariel quickly got to her knees and straddled Ellie’s abdomen. A knee lay on either side of the blonde and Ellie lifted her head to gaze as Ariel’s glistening pussy. Unlike Ellie, Ariel was completely shaven. SHe licked her lips and dropped her head back to the mattress. Ariel began crawling up toward Ellie’s head. When her wet pussy hovered over her girlfriend’s mouth, she slowly lowered her lips.

Ellie wrapped her arms around Ariel’s thighs, grabbing handfuls of the redhead’s cheeks, and lifted her lips into Ariel’s. Ariel’s wetness coated Ellie’s lips and just slowly ran them through her girlfriend, teasing her. Ariel sighed contentedly and then moaned once Ellie took some of her labia between her lips.

“Oh, God, yes,” Ariel moaned. “Eat your sister’s cunt!”

Ariel and Ellie weren’t really sisters. They first met at college as freshmen a little under two years ago. After a lot of awkward run-ins and flirting, they finally went on a date and have been together ever since. As time went on and they became closer and more intimate, they began revealing their deepest fantasies to each other. Ellie and Ariel both revealed that they had fantasies of seducing their sisters. Of course, Ariel only has two brothers and sees them only as brothers whereas Ellie has one sister… a sister she had feelings for before coming to college. Knowing it was inappropriate to act on the real feelings with her sister, she found solace in performing her fantasy with her girlfriend.

Ellie sucked at Ariel’s labia and lapped at her juices. Her lips glistened with Ariel’s sweetness and some began to drip down her cheeks. She let loose of Ariel’s lips and ran the tip of her tongue through Ariel’s sodden slit. Ariel shivered atop of Ellie and Ellie smiled. Again, she ran her tongue through Ariel’s pussy. It received the same effect.

Ariel sat sitting up on her knees with her hands on her breasts. Her was squeezing the soft mounds and pulling at her nipples. They ached for attention. Seeing Ariel play with her breasts, Ellie decided to graze her fingers up Ariel’s body until her fingertip reached the redhead’s breasts. They snaked over the curve of the plump, warm breasts and then replaced Ariel’s hands. She gave her girlfriend a few gentle squeezes before focusing more attention of Ariel’s erect nipples. Ariel threw her head back and let out a soft moan.

“Oh, sissy,” Ariel gasped. “Fuck me with your tongue!”

Elsa tightened her tongue and found Ariel’s tight, pink hole. She lifted her head slightly allowing her tongue to probe her sister’s pussy. It entered and Ariel was wet yet tight. Ariel began thrusting her hips slowly, bouncing on Ellie’s tongue as if it was a small cock. The sensation of pleasure and arousal surged through her pussy and up into her stomach. She brought a hand down to her clit and began rubbing it.

“Oh, God,” Ariel moaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said with each bounce. The combination of penetration and clitoral and nipple stimulation was becoming too much for the redhead. She was on the verge of cumming and she was ready for release.

To speed things up, Ellie slid her tongue out of Ariel’s tight cunt and back into her mouth. Ariel tasted like what a goddess would taste like, Ellie imagined. She was sweet yet just a bit salty, her favorite combination. Ariel whined at Ellie’s removal of her tongue, but was quickly gasping again as Ellie removed Ariel’s hand from her clit and then took the flushed, erect organ between her bursa merkez escort lips.

“Oh, shit, Ellie,” Ariel screamed.

Ellie sucked hard on her girlfriend’s clit. Ariel’s hands went down her body until her fingers were lost in the golden blonde hair of her girlfriend. She latched onto clumps of Ellie’s hair and pulled her face up into her cunt. Ariel quivered as her orgasm was nearing.

“Keep suck it. Key suh it!” Gasps and the need to breathe were taking over her ability to speak.

Ellie had Ariel’s clit pinned between the roof of her mouth – behind her upper teeth – and her tongue. She was quickly darting the flat of her tongue across the erect organ and not letting loose until Ariel had completely felt the bliss of her orgasm.

Ariel’s body trembled and her mouth hung open with bated breath. Much like Ellie’s body earlier, Ariel’s skin was glistening with a light sheen of sweat. Ellie was still twisting and pulling at Ariel’s reddened nipples and her chest, neck, and cheeks were flushed with a bright crimson.

When Ariel finally let out a loud, long moan Ellie had known she accomplished her job. She felt a splash of warm liquid hit her chin and run down her neck. Ariel had cum and Ellie couldn’t have been happier. She sucked a few more seconds on Ariel’s clit and then let loose. Ariel toppled over and her entire body trembled. Ellie grinned and snuggled up against her girlfriend.

Ariel’s short, shallow breaths hit Ellie’s lips. Ellie leaned her head forward and kissed Ariel with a quick peck. She knew Ariel was trying to recover so she didn’t want to have to have Ariel stop breathing just so she could kiss her. When Ariel managed to recover enough, she tightened her arms around Ellie and kissed her softly on the lips.

“I love you,” Ariel whispered.

Ellie smiled lovingly. “I love you, too.”

# # #

Ellie let out a deep sigh.

Ariel’s gentle voice flowed through the air. “Oh, it won’t be that bad.”

Ellie stood in the middle of her dorm room fully clothed. Their heated passion had left them weak and breathless earlier. They were cuddled up in each other’s arms for an additional half hour. Ellie had lost track of time and was scrambling to get all of her stuff packed away.

I haven’t seen them in almost a year. Ellie stuffed her thin, light blue sweatpants into a suitcase. “I just haven’t been home in a long time,” she replied. She kept stuffing clothes into the suitcase.

“Maybe it will do you good to see your family,” Ariel said. “After all, do you really want to go this whole summer without seeing them – without seeing your sister?”

Ellie hadn’t thought about that. She up and left last summer without as much as a good bye to her sister. She clenched her fist as she pictured her sister in her mind.

Oh, Abby…

“Maybe you’re right?” Ellie stood up, dropping the bunched up shirt she had in her hand and pulled the redhead in for a passionate kiss. Ariel’s lips were wet with lip gloss and Ellie always loved kissing her after she had just put on lip gloss. “Cherry-flavored; I like it.” Ellie grinned at Ariel as the redhead ran her fingers through her long, blonde braid.

Ellie was average height for a woman her age: twenty-one. She had long, golden blonde, frilly hair that went down to her lower back that was a mess to maintain. She enjoyed putting her hair in a French braid to keep it from going everywhere. She often times wore a plain, golden hair band in her hair to keep her bangs from falling in her eyes, though she had already packed all of her hair bands away. Her eyes were pale blue and sparkled like the sun’s light shining over a field of ice. For this reason she had often been mistaken for having icy blue eyes and after a while she learned to accept it rather than correct everyone who made that mistake. She had a slender face with a light dusting of freckles under her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. The freckles were barely noticeable to anyone who hadn’t examined Ellie’s face closely.

Ariel bit her lower lip and grinned back at Ellie. “Would you like my help, my blonde princess?”

Ellie looked at the clothes dispersed about her dorm room and nodded at Ariel. “Just put the clothes in any of the suitcases except that small one on the bed. That’s my Playstation three. Nothing but games and my PS three go in that bag.”

Ellie loved playing video games. She’d been an avid gamer since she was a little girl. Her first system was a Nintendo Sixty-Four and she played it a lot as a kid. She even got to a point where her grades began to decline in school and her mother put her on a strict gaming schedule. She was only allowed to play games after all of her homework was finished and she could only play for half hour spurts. She hated the schedule as a kid, but later learned to thank her mother for it as it helped her do well in school.

“You and your gaming, Ellie,” Ariel teased, nudging her. Ellie responded with a smirk and went back to packing.

Ariel went to the dresser drawer that came furnished with the dorm room and opened the top drawer. She pulled out a hot pink, sports bra. Ariel let it hang from her index finger as she turned to Ellie. “How come I’ve never seen you in this?”

Categories: Uncategorized

Silita’s Morning

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Silita opened her eyes slowly.

The sun was filtering in through the cracks of the blinds.

She uncurled her naked body and stretched, purring like a cat.

Fully awake now, she still lingered in bed wishing she didn’t have to go to school today. She was 18 and it was her last year of High school. Things were so serious this year!

Suddenly her bedroom door was opened.

The new Housemaid Inez walked in. She was small and sassy looking, with black wavy hair in a thick braid at her nape, ripe breasts straining against her pinafore and a soft rounded little ass that wiggled with every step she took.

”Miss Silita, you know you have to get up now and have a shower or you will be late for school. Please Miss get up now.” She said in a coaxing voice, as she walked toward her naked and prostrate mistress whose long legs were wide stretched exposing her clean shaven golden pink pussy.

Silita eyed her from beneath her tousled hair. “ So what if I am late?” she asked petulantly “ whats the worst that could happen?”

She stretched again, this time cupping her unbelievably large and slightly pendulous breasts in both hands.

She pinched her nipples harshly, gasping, liking the sensation and all the while looking at Inez.

Inez inhaled sharply. She had been working in this household for a week now and each day she helped her young Mistress get dressed, barely able to resist the urge to run her hands over Silita’s luscious body.

She had always had these types of desires for hot sexy women and Silita was such a sex hound, it showed in everything she did, and in the way she constantly exposed herself to her.

Now, Inez held Sili’s gaze as she continued massaging her tits and pulling bursa escort at her nipples.

Silita moved one hand from her chest, snaking it down, past her taut stomach to her cunt.

She was wet already and getting hotter every second.

She slowly ran just one finger over her slit, stroking it, and wriggling her hips, while the other hand continued its pinching of her now reddened nipple.

She was gasping more now, locked in the eye contact with Inez, daring her.

Inez swallowed and managed to say in a hoarse desperate whisper “please Miss Silita, you have to stop this and get up, so you can get dressed for school. Her voice was hardly convincing.

Silita was oblivious, her fingers were now digging deeper and deeper into her pussy, she was so hot and soaking wet. Having Inez right there looking at her only spurred her on. “ ooooh ummmm yessssss” she purred. “ Do you like what I am doing Inez?” she taunted through full wet lips, “do you like looking at me, fucking myself? I love fingering myself…. mmm fucking myself…ooooh so sweeeeeet!” she gasped.

Inez by now was so horny, her pussy was on liquid fire. Her nipples had hardened and were tight buttons in relief against her pinafore. She couldn’t take her eyes of silita’s soaking hole, with her fingers pumping in and out faster and faster.

Silita was moaning loudly now, and Inez moved toward her. She couldn’t resist it, she just had to lick that hole! She needed to suck it, drink Silita’s juice. Getting down on her knees, she roughly gripped Silita’s thighs and put her tongue hard on her slit. ‘oooooooohhh, aaaaaaunnnnnnnh, yesssssssss’ cried Silita.

‘Oh yes, YES! Lick me Inez, yes, lick Sili’s pussy, oooooh, it feels bursa ucuz escort so good!’

Inez kept lapping and lapping at Silita’s cunt like the dog she felt she was, she was high from the full musky scent of Sili’s pussy. She stopped for a moment and looked at it. Sili’s lips were red and swollen, liquid juices oozed bright from her slit. Inez’s eyes were shining. She looked up at Silita, lying there, spread, with her tonguing licking her lips and her hands clutching the sheets.

Without warning Inez sank two fingers hard into the teasing, dripping hole.

Silita’ cried out: ‘AAAAAAAAAAH! Yes.YES! Fuck me Inez. Fingerfuck my pussy. Finger me hard…Yeah oh yeah. Ohhhhh, ooooooohhh mmmmm!”

Ynez’s fingers kept pumping in and out of Silita’s cunt making Silita moan and wriggle all over the bed. She pinched her clit, making her yelp in pleasure,then she pulled out her fingers and tasted them, rolling her eyeballs at the sweet musky taste, licking each finger deliciously, relishing the sexy taste.

She stood up and loosened her pinafore. Still looking at Silita, she let it drop.

Now she only had her white maid’s blouse on. Silita could see she was wearing no panties, and had a big hairy cunt, with big wide-open cunt lips. A real slut’s cunt.

Inez dropped her hand to her big cunt and rubbed her slit. Up and down, slowly dipping her fingers in, savoring the wetness, which was practically running down her inner thighs.

Silita was watching and squirming on the bed, it was now her turn not to be able to take her eyes off a pussy!

Inez’s pussy was so dark and sexy, big and hairy, a whore’s cunt.

Inez moved toward Silita again, this time bursa elit escort sitting down beside her on the bed.

Silita immediately pulled her head down towards her, and kissed her.

Their lips locked together and they tasted each other’s mouths, rolling and stroking their tongues together.

Silita reached out started unbuttoning Ynez’s blouse. She opened it and feasted her eyes on Ynez’s big juicy tits with their huge nipples.

She squeezed them hard, and Inez gasped. Silita put out her tongue and started licking one of Ynez’s nipples, pinching the other one hard and painfully.

Inez gasps were louder now, she was moaning in pleasure.

Suddenly she pushed Silita down and straddled her in the 69 position, sitting on her face, while she leaned over toward Silita’s own pungent pussy.

The girls began eating each other in earnest now, lapping at each other’s cunts and moaning in the ecstasy at the sensations.

Silita with ynez’s hairy pussy above her was in heaven.

She shoved one finger in, fingering Inez as she licked her. Inez moaned loudly and teased Silita’s tight asshole. Silita squirmed and moaned loudly into Inez’s pussy, and Inez pushed more, dipping a finger into Sili’s sweet anus up to the second knuckle. Silita’s eyes rolled in her head, it felt so good.

They pumped and licked away, oblivious to anything else.

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door!

The girls sprang apart in alarm.

‘Silita?’ came her mother’s voice ‘are you in there? You better hurry up or you will be late! And don’t keep Inez too long helping you, she has other chores around the house. Come on love, hurry, James is waiting to drive you down.’

‘Yes mum!’ Silita called out in a strangled voice.

Silita looked at Inez who was now lazily buttoning her blouse. Her legs still spread, her pussy wet and glittering.

She leaned over and kissed her, slowly licking her tongue.

There would be another time…but what a way to start the morning!

Categories: Uncategorized

Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine

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Ding dong.

I ring the doorbell at my friend’s apartment. My birthday was 8 days ago but her boyfriend’s is tonight so we are having a small joint birthday thing. We are both turning 21 so I have come equipped with vodka and orange juice.

The door opens and my friend Jasmine shows me in takes my coat.

“Mmmm, screwdrivers!” she says as she shows me into the kitchen were everyone undoubtedly gathers. I set my stuff on the counter and mix myself a drink.

I look around and there is probably 20, maybe closer to 25, guests between the people in the kitchen and the ones that have spilled out into the living room and balcony to smoke. I know about probably two thirds of the people and the rest must be my Jasmine’s boyfriend Dave’s friends.

“Julie!’ I hear from afar and look in the direction to see my old roommate Monica. We hug and she hands me a present.

“Victoria’s secret?” I say looking at the pink striped bag.

“Yea, well I had to get it because it reminded me of you!” she squeals as I push back the tissue paper and pull out a skimpy white bra and panty set with an orchid motif. The orchids are what made her think of me. I am a florist.

“Cute! Thanks Monica!” I say and give her another hug. At this point a few of our girlfriends have gathered because everyone girl gets excited about a Victoria’s Secret bag!

“Actually I am going to go try these one and see if they fit.” I say as I head to the bathroom and shut the door. I down my drink and start to strip. I pull off my current underwear and pull on the new set. It looks really hot and I know I want to keep it on. I pull the tags off and admire it on me in the mirror. The cups are pretty much shear and you can see my pink nipples through them. The panties are a tiny g-string and I turn to see how my ass looks in it. Satisfied, I pull my clothes back on and fix my hair in the mirror. When I am positive that all my red ringlets are in place how I want them, I exit the bathroom and return to the party.

“There she is! Give her a shot!” Dave yelled and hands me a shot glass of clear liquid.

“Here’s to 21!” he says as he raises his shot glass. I raise mine and then we both tip our heads back and swallow the liquid. Tequila. Someone shoves a lime in my hand and I suck on it as the liquor warms my gut. I pour myself another screwdriver and start to mingle.

“Did everything fit okay?!” Monica half yells from across the room. She is pretty buzzed already and apparently can’t control the volume of her voice. I notice one or two of Dave’s guy friends perk up since they obviously knew what she was talking about from the squealing girl fit over the pink bag earlier.

Nothing interests half-drunk males like underwear, I think to myself.

“Yea, thanks again Monica.” I say and avoid the looks from the guys. She seems pleased with herself and goes back to whining about how she wants to play the drums on Rock Band.

I finish my drink and can feel the heat in my cheeks. And decide to sit down at the dining room table and join the game of Kings that is going on. We play for a while and I loosening up and getting really giggly. I get extremely giggly when I am drunk.

“Four for whores!” Dave’s friend Ryan yells and all the ladies at the table take a drink.

The room spins a little and I tell them I think I am done and dismiss myself to the living room. Watching Rock Band and listening Monica sing a really terrible rendition bursa sınırsız escort of Livin’ On A Prayer doesn’t help the spinning so I head to the bathroom in the master bedroom since it is more quiet and splash some water on my face.

“Are you okay?” I hear someone say and I spin around to see a girl that I have met at a few parties before.

“Oh hey Lauren! Yea, I’m fine!” I slur as I throw her into a bear hug and then lean against the bathroom counter. Apparently all my drinks hit me at once.

“Haha, looks like you are having fun tonight.” she says laughing at me.

“Yea…I’m fucking drunk. But it’s my birthday!” I say while throwing up my hands very animatedly.

“Yea, I saw Monica give you your present early. It was really cute. Did you say you put it on?” she asked.

“Oh my god! Yes, I did!” I said excitedly. “It’s so fucking hot. I love it”

“Oh really? Do you mind showing me?” she asked closing the door to make me more comfortable I assumed.

“Oh I don’t know. The bra is pretty shear.” I say reluctantly.

“We are both girls! It’s not like we don’t see boobs everyday!” she says smiling at me but she can see that I am still nervous. “Okay, I won’t look, but can I at least feel it? We seem like we have about the same size tits so I just want to see…”

“Okay.” I say. Somehow this seemed more reasonable to me then actually showing her the bra. She slides her hand up over my stomach and cups one of my breasts with her right hand and feels the material. She lifts my breast slightly feeling the weight of it in her hand. My nipple stiffens from the stimulation and I hope she doesn’t notice.

“Yea they seem about the same size. See.” She says as she takes my hands and presses it against her left tit. I hold it there for a second feeling the size of it and the weigh of it in my hand before nodding in agreement. I am a C cup and hers looked and felt about the same.

“See we are both girls! This isn’t so bad is it?” she says and I shake my head. I am feeling a little light headed because I have never squeezed another girl breast before, and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.

“Did you know that all those guys out there are talking about you?” Lauren said to me casually as she pulled some lip gloss out of her purse and carefully applied it while looking in the mirror.

“Ugh! Really?” I say dramatically. “I was hoping that I wasn’t going to have to fight them off with my purse to get out of here tonight.”

“That Ryan guy is pretty hot. I know he was checking you out during the card game.” She said fixing her hair in the mirror. I look at her closely from the side. She has shiny dark brown hair that is stick straight down her back. She is wearing a zebra print tank top and jeans. She is very tan and it makes her green eyes pop.

“I don’t know…” I say trailing off. I then realize that I am staring at her tits. She also notices and has an amused look on her face.

“Now come on. You told me I can’t see yours in that bra but you can openly stare at mine?” she says with a laugh.

“Sorry…” I say and look away from her.

“Here.” She says pulling her shirt over her head revealing her tight body and her tits nearly spilling out of her black lace bra. “Now it’s your turn and we will be even.”

“Okay.” I stutter looking at her gorgeous tits and then pulling my green t-shirt over my head. I instantly regret doing it looking down at the bursa üniversiteli escort shear cups of the bra showing my stiff nipples clearly.

“Damn that is hot!” She says looking me up and down. “Can I see the bottoms?”

I hesitate and she slides her jeans off until she is in just her bra and matching black lace hipster panties. She does a little spin and I glimpse at her ass and think to myself how hot that black lace looks against her tanned skin.

“There, now it’s your turn.” She says looking at me with her hands on her hips.

I unbutton my jeans and slide the demin over my ass and down my legs. I slowly step out of them and stand up giving a little twirl and then standing shyly against the counter not looking her in the eye.

“Mmmm! Hot.” She says walking over to me. Suddenly her hands are on my tits again kneading them in her hands.

“Its okay.” she says and then she leans in and starts to kiss me.

At first I don’t kiss her back and my head is in a daze. I think to myself that I should stop this but then I realize that I don’t really want to. Her hand slips under the shear fabric of the bra and pinches my hard nipple and I begin feverishly kissing her back. Her hot tongue enters between my lips and I meet it with mine. Our tongues dance and I can feel the warmth and wetness forming between my legs.

She reaches back and unclasps the bra and releases my round tits. She motions for me to sit on the bathroom counter and so I slide up and sit on the edge. She licks two of her fingers slowly looking me directly in the eyes. She runs her fingers over my pink nub and pinched it between it. I close my eyes and tilt my hand back feeling fuzzy from the liquor and lust.

I feel her hot mouth close on my other tit and a moan escapes from my lips. She flicks her tongue over my hard nipple as she roughly squeezes the other. I look down at her and I just can’t take it anymore.

“You are so hot. I want you so bad.” I say as I reach my hand down and squeeze one of her perfect globes through her bra.

“Mmmm.” She says through her mouthful of breast and then bites my nipple softly. I slip my hand into the cup of her bra and run my fingers over her already hard nipple. I pinch it and she moans into my tit.

She stops and moves back up to lock my lips in an intense kiss. She wraps her left hand behind my head in my curls and lowers her right hand over my hot pussy. She only rubs it through the fabric for a second before pushing them aside and sliding her middle finger over up and down my wet slit.

“Oh fuck Julie. You are so wet. Oh my god.” She says spreading my wet lips apart with her fingers and run her fingers over then feeling the soft slickness of them.

She steps back and I jump down and slide the g-string off and toss it aside. She motions for me to sit back on the counter.

“Pull your legs up a little. And spread them.” She says with a lusty look in her eyes.

I follow her demands and she drops to her knees between my legs. I am instantly rewarded with her mouth kissing my wet pussy lips roughly. Her hands reach around and hold onto my ass. I moan and feel the wetness between my legs flow in anticipation of her mouth connecting with my throbbing clit. I start to squirm trying to get any sort of connect to my clit.

She pushes my legs even wider apart and pulls my ass closer to the edge of the counter. bursa anal yapan escort I then feel her hot tongue lightly licking down my pussy to my puckered asshole. She runs her tongue over the tight hole and gently probes at it.

“Ohhhh my fucking god, yesssss!” I moan. I have never felt this sensation in my life. No one has ever licked my ass before and it seems like Lauren is an expert at it. I can feel my juices running from my pussy down to Lauren’s hot tongue on my ass.

She slowly trails her tongue back up my sopping wet cunt and I am rewarded with her tongue flicking my hard clit. I roll my hips towards her and clench the counter as she starts finger my hot pussy. Her fingers slide in and out easily because of how wet I am and so she adds a third to my tight pussy.

“Ooooh ahhhh, fuck!” I moan as she clamps her lips over my hard clit and sucks it. She alternates flicking my clit with her tongue and sucking on it hard until I can’t take it anymore.

“Oh god, I’m cu-cumming!” I gasp as my legs start to shake and an intense orgasm ripples through my body. My juices are flowing freely from my pussy. She replaces her mouth on my clit with her hand rubbing it furiously and her mouth over my wet pussy to lap up all my cum. She does this until my body tenses up and I cum again.

When I finally sit up, I look down at this gorgeous woman with my cum all over her face and her hand in her panties frantically rubbing at her clit. She looks at me with pleading eyes.

“I have never done this before.” I say joining her on the floor. I kiss her and then push her back to lay on the plush, oversized bathmat on the floor. She lifts her ass off the floor and I slide her panties over her legs and throw them aside. She pushes the cups over her bra down and her tits out and starts squeezing and pinching at them while watching what I was going to do next and licking her lips.

I kneel between her legs and start slowly kissing the inside of her thighs.

“Oh no you don’t.” She says through heavy breathes. “Don’t tease me. I want you fucking me now.”

I start pounding two fingers into her pussy hard and fast not wanting to make her wait.

“Oh yea! Just like that. Fuck me hard.” She moaned as I leaned down and start to lick her clit. She bucked her hips at my face trying to grind her cunt into me harder. I flick her throbbing clit with my tongue and start pounding her harder with my fingers.

“Oh god, if you-if you keep doing that…” She gasps and puts her hands on the back of my head to press my face into her cunt harder. I can feel her body start to shutter.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” She screams and her juices gush and I met them with my eager mouth sucking and licking up all her cum. We both collapse on the floor next to each other.

“Oh god Julie, I have wanted to do that for so long.” Lauren says turning her head to look at her.

“Really?” She says actually shocked. Lauren nods and closes her eyes.

“I am going to have to get your number.” She says with a smile. “And I think we should get Ryan’s number too.” She opens her eyes and winks at me.

She stands up and starts to get dressed. I follow her lead. After we fix our hair and get our make-up reapplied we walk out into the apartment.

“Where the fuck have you two bitches been?!” Jasmine says stumbling over to us.

“Julie and I were just discussing Obama’s health care plan.” Lauren says without missing a beat.

“Why the fuck were you doing that?” Jasmine says but then staggers off without waiting for an answer.

I look at her and smile. She winks and walks towards Ryan and sits on his lap while he sings Blitzkrieg Bop with an incredibly horrible fake British accent.

I think to myself that this has been a pretty damn good birthday.

Categories: Uncategorized

That’s What Friends Are For Pt. 02

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Previously on Part 1: Nearly ten years ago, Liz was in desperate need of affection and indulged with her husbands best friend, Phillip. Her husband never knew, but the marriage ended anyway. Now, she finds her self at a party and seeing Phillip for the first time in years.

That’s What Friends Are For, Chapter 2: Last Chance for Love

Ten years ago, Liz Conway cheated on her husband. Her now ex-husband, but the cheating wasn’t what caused the breakup. Not exactly anyway. It certainly didn’t help her happiness level in the aftermath. She had an affair, a one night stand with her husband’s best friend, and the sex had been excellent. Best she’d ever had; but it had also only been a one time thing.

From that moment on she had stayed away from Phillip McKenzie as much as she possibly could. At first it had been tough. The memories of their intensely erotic sex had flashed through her mind for weeks afterwards. Even now, if she thought about it she smiled and felt her cheeks flush at how crazy the whole thing had been.

Liz and her ex-husband David had held a party at their house. David went to bed early after drinking far too much and somehow she and Phillip were left by themselves after having engaged in pretty outrageous flirting all evening. Things had gotten out of hand and eventually she had found herself bent over her own table, in her own backyard, in full view of anyone who might have been around to look; bent over a table naked completely naked and being by Phillip from behind with everything he had to give her.

Now, she shook her head. She couldn’t believe she’d done that. Drunk or not, desperate for sex or not, upset with her alcoholic husband, even still; really no excuse for that kind of reckless behavior. Right there outside, in her own backyard, bent over and moaning about the huge dick plowing into her, and on top of that she still had cum in her mouth from when she’d given Phillip a blow job a few minutes before.

Outrageous is what it was. Completely outrageous. She’d begged for him to cum inside her in that backyard, and he had, flooding her body with sperm. She’d literally said to him, “I want it all, deep inside me.” To another man, outside where anyone could see, spy satellites, nosy neighbors, whoever. And then, just like that, they’d gotten dressed and he’d left. They knew they were trapped. She married, and he having just given everything he’d had to his best friends wife. They couldn’t continue.

Liz had stayed with David. She believed they could make it work. He went through periods of rehab, was sober for weeks, or months, even at one point two straight years. During that two year period she honestly thought things had changed. He was better at home, better at work, their love making was regular, if not vigorous. She started thinking now would be the right time for a baby.

She’d stayed with him for a total of 6 years after her one night stand. She’d been married to David for over a decade at that point, and then it happened again. He started drinking, worse than ever. He lost his job, became violent with her and that was it. She lost it, couldn’t put up with it anymore. She was through. One night she walked out the door and never came back, divorcing David.

She had been fed up at the time. She felt like in some ways she had wasted a decade of her life. Some of it had been good, a lot of it had been bad, and now here she was nearly 39 years old, the cold reality of 40 staring her in the face and she felt like her prime years had been blown up. Like a parking garage that had been blown up by a demolition team, just a space where some alcoholic jerk had parked for over ten years and then obliterated.

She’d dated some, had a couple relationships that lasted a few months and a few very short trysts. Trouble was most of the guys she was meeting were younger guys not really interested in anything long term, they just wanted to mess around. Which was fine, it had been fun. But as a 39 year old, trying to find a man who might maybe, possibly, want to start a family with her was… pretty slim pickings. It wasn’t getting any easier. When her divorce had been finalized she was 35 and her friends assured her she could easily start over.

Now, things were looking bleak. Most guys interested in a family in her age range either already had one, or two depending on their divorce status, or they were younger than her and looking for a younger woman their age to start a family with.

But now, here she was, being flooded with memories of Phillip. She felt feverish as she remembered what his young, muscular body had felt like on top of her, his massive dick plunging into her over and over and his mouth sucking on her tits. Here, now, these memories were rushing over her because Phillip was standing no more than 20 feet away from her for the first time in years. It felt like a lifetime had passed in some ways. While in other ways her mind seemed to recall in perfect clarity how big his dick had looked. Eight inches? Maybe? She’d gorukle escort been so drunk at the time and so well fucked she wasn’t sure her perceptions could be trusted. But, when she kneeled in front of him and began kissing it, sucking it, and admiring it, it had seemed truly massive. Phillip had been huge. Huge to look at, huge to have in her mouth, and definitely huge to have inside her.

She wasn’t sure why he was here after all this time. For now, she was doing her best to stay away from him until she regained control of her emotions. She was making small talk with a couple, Jenny and DeShawn over the chips and beer, chatting about the weather. The weather, how was she supposed to be thinking about the weather when her hormones were raging.

“Yea yea, the weather has been crazy, luckily Steve is having a good night for his party,” Liz said. Steve’s party, her mind began to work on the puzzle. Why was Phillip here at Steve’s party? Phillip had gone to high school with David, but Steve hadn’t, and he had never been friends with David either.

She had only met Steve herself maybe a year before her divorce. She knew Steve was a marketing director for a local branch of a big advertising agency. Phillip, she believed, worked as a floor manager for a big warehouse, or at least he did back then. Maybe Phillip and Steve met through work?

Anyway, it didn’t really matter. What mattered was Phillip was here now and she needed to pull herself together. She took a sip of beer and found him mingling with people again. He looked up and caught her eye and smiled at her. Damn, he looked good. She smiled back and then tried to casually look away and go back to speaking with Jenny and DeShawn, engaging them in their new topic of the local soccer team before another image of Phillip from a decade before could intrude on her thoughts.

“Hey, ya know, it’s a party right…. And DeShawn here is my designated driver, let’s do some shots Liz,” Jenny said giggling.

“Oh wow, really going it for it huh?” Liz said looking over at another table filled with hard liquor and items to make cocktails. “Ok sure let’s go.”

They did two quick shots of tequila and giggled over them like school girls. Liz thought about how she should probably take it easy as Jenny was a good 15 years younger than her. But, for now, what the hell. A few other people came over and joined them and within the next 45 minutes, Liz had taken four more shots. At some point, Phillip had joined them, but she stuck with Jenny and DeShawn and tried to pretend like she didn’t even notice.

It’s safe to say the 8 people that were taking shots were getting a little drunk. Liz herself had let some guy she didn’t even know, who’s name was apparently Jessie, grab a shot glass full of vodka from where she held it between her tits. She clenched it between her breasts as tight as she could, pulled her already low cut shirt down as low as she could, it’s neck line stretching to where it was just an inch above her nipples; then Jessie had leaned down with his mouth open wide and placed it around the shot glass, lifting it from between her bosom and straight up in the air so the vodka poured into his mouth.

“DIDN’T SPILL A DROP!” he screamed. Everyone cheered and clapped. Liz started laughing, hysterical. She hadn’t had this much fun in years. Within a few minutes several of the other girls were having their boyfriends or just random people taking shot glasses they held in their cleavage. It was then that she felt Phillip move up behind her and say, “I’d like to try that.”

She just barely contained herself from being startled as she turned to look at him. She’d forgotten how tall he was, and just how big he was in general. Maybe it was the booze talking but he looked 6’3, towering over her 5 foot four inch body. He’d definitely gained some weight over the years. Whereas in his 20’s he’d been all lean and slightly shredded, now he seemed like he was just overall bigger. Bigger muscles, but also more touches of body fat here and then. Still, she had to admit overall, he looked great. She wanted to eat him up like an ice cream sundae.

“Oh yea? Well, step up to the plate,” Liz said, grabbing another shot glass and pouring a generous helping of vodka. Feeling a little unsteady on her feet, she took a couple steps away from the table as the number of drunken people crowding around it was getting larger, and rowdier. She took Phillip’s hand and led him another step or two away. She glanced up at him again and looked into his eyes as he smiled down at her. “You ready big guy?”

He nodded vigorously and she pulled the neckline of her shirt down further again, making room for herself to place the shot glass between her tits. This time she stretched the neckline just a little bit further, the shirt stretched right over top of her nipples, hanging on for dear life, stretching and exposing more of her body than she had dared to just a couple of minutes. Liz clenched the shot glass full of booze between altıparmak eskort bayan her large breasts. Phillip stepped closer to her, pressing in close to her side as he leaned his head down, bending at his knees so that he could get low enough to place his head into her cleavage.

Liz couldn’t be sure, not in her currently inebriated state, but she was pretty sure she felt Phillips tongue roll around the edge of the shot glass, licking a circle of her breasts, before taking it into his mouth and lifting it. What she could be sure of, 100%, is that when he’d leaned down he had placed his hand on her back and slid it down her clothes, stopping at her ass and grabbing hold of it just as his mouth reached the glass.

Phillip lifted the glass from her cleavage and she felt the absence of the glass, and distinctly felt the absence of his face buried in her chest. She wanted that feeling back and her mind flashed back again to what it had felt like years ago when his face was pressed against her body, his mouth on her nipples licking, sucking and kissing.

His hand unclenched from her ass as he stood up and let the shot fall into his mouth, but his had didn’t move. It stayed planted right where it was and she felt her body flush once again as he gave her a little spank.

“Did you enjoy that?” she asked.

“Oh yea. Of course.”

“I’ll just bet you did, you little sneak.” Liz said. She moved in close to him and put an arm around his back, leaning her hips into him. “So, how have you been? It’s been a while.”

It had indeed. She hadn’t completely avoided him after their one night stand. That would have been impossible as he remained friends with David. But, when he came over she did her best to avoid being around him. She always managed to find something to do around the house, a chore that took her out of the den or away from just being around them. Or she would make a plan to be out with her girlfriends. It hadn’t been a perfect system, there had been a few times she’d had to endure being on a double date with her and David on one side, and Phillip and some woman or other on the other. To the best of her knowledge, none of those relationships had lasted very long.

She never understood why Phillip’s relationships ended. As far as she could tell, he was a perfectly good male companion and his girlfriends always seemed happy enough when they were together. But, she figured, sometimes things just didn’t work out. David had once told her that one of Phillip’s relationships had ended because he worked too much.

Liz and Phillip made small talk and caught up. They hadn’t seen each other in at least 5 years. She cursed herself for smiling a little bit when she learned that he was not married and was currently only seeing a woman very casually, someone he had met online and had gone on a few dates with. Nothing serious, he said.

She silently wondered if it wasn’t serious yet because they hadn’t had sex. She found it hard to believe that any single woman wouldn’t want to make things serious with Phillip if he fucked them the way he’d fucked her a decade ago. Once again, she remembered what it felt like being bent over a table in her backyard, Phillip’s large dick sawing in and out of her, a tidal wave of an orgasm building inside of her.

Liz felt emboldened. She pressed her body closer to Phillip, pressing the front of her body against his leg tightly and subtly grinding her sex back and forth just a little, trying to gain his attention. She saw his eyes light up in surprise and he put his arms around her.

“Maybe we should take a little walk,” Phillip said, untangling himself from Liz, grabbing her right hand with his left and walking away from the group of people that was still taking shots. On their way through the yard he grabbed two beers and popped the tops off both, then continued walking through the front yard and into the street in front of Steve’s house.

They both looked left and right down the street. Steve lived in a pretty quiet area and it was starting to get a little late. There didn’t seem to be any traffic and the nearest houses were a football field or more away.

“I think I saw a park down this way when I drove in,” Phillip said, leading her down the street to the left. He held his bottle up to her and drank a sip.

Liz didn’t want to talk about David, her ex-husband, but she felt like it was coming. She had spent enough time thinking and talking about him. She wanted nothing like that right now. She needed to change the subject.

“So…. How do you know Steve?”

Wow. Really engaging conversation, but it got the job done. She learned they had met for work, and then coincidentally met at a gym and realized they ran in some of the same circles and became friends, or at least friendly.

By the time Phillip was done talking about how work was going, they had arrived at the park he had said he passed. They were maybe 15 minutes walking distance from Steve’s nilüfer eskort bayan house, but they could still kinda hear the thump of the music that was playing in the back yard. Liz was sure now that his neighbors would have something to say to him about the drunken loud party he’d thrown. It was nearing midnight and the park consisted of a swing set, a few picnic tables, a basketball court, tennis court, and a walking path that led into the woods. There were no lights as she led them down the walking path, looking around and trying to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

The path they were on was paved and obviously meant for community runners. But she believed the chances of them running into anyone was extremely low. There were no lights, the community was small, and obviously it was very late. She felt butterflies in her stomach as Phillip reached out and held her hand as they continued walking deeper into the park.

“Sorry, I just want to make sure I know where you are, it’s so dark I can barely see,” Phillip said.

“You don’t have to make excuses to hold my hand if you’re scared,” Liz said and giggled a little. “Not as if we haven’t done more than hold hands before.”

“Yea…” Phillip said trailing off. He took a deep breath, clearly gathering himself for something. “I uhm, I don’t really regret what we did. But, I do regret it if that drove a wedge between you and David.”

“It didn’t, don’t worry. He never knew. We had a lot of other issues. He did think I was cheating on him at one point a couple years later, but I wasn’t. I just wasn’t interested in having sex with him the way that he was at the time. I thought we were going to be alright at one point. But… it just didn’t work out.”

“I’m sorry.” Phillip said, letting go of her hand.

“Don’t be sorry, at all. I knew what I was doing with you, and I loved it.” Liz reached out for him, found his hand and pulled him closer. “I needed to be with you in that moment. I needed everything you gave to me.”

She reached her hand up to his head and pulled it down to her, gently. She stood up on her toes and kissed him on the mouth. Then she slowly pulled away and started walking, still holding his hand as they moved even deeper into the wooded park.

“What did I give you?”

“Like you don’t remember?” She laughed and looked up at his handsome face, his still chiseled jawline “A good fucking for one thing. A really, really good fucking. I needed to feel loved, I needed to feel desired. I hadn’t felt that way in I don’t know how long. Haven’t since really. I wanted you so bad, and I needed that too. I needed to feel that way about a man, needed to feel crazy with desire, and I did, for you. I was overwhelmed. I would have done anything I think, I would have done anything you wanted. I wanted to consume you or something, wanted us to just mold together, I wanted everything.”

She stopped and turned to him. Facing him she pressed her body against him, looking into his eyes and feeling the bulge in his pants press against her. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Phillip put his arms around her and pulled her tight, “Yes. I wanted you so badly that it hurt. I … was afraid I would hurt you, because I kinda wanted to hurt you. I wanted to fuck you so hard you’d never forget it. I wanted to take you, so you’d be mine. You were so amazing, you looked so… ripe for the taking. I wanted to take you… use you like an animal. I wanted to make you come with me so I could feel that forever.”

“You wanted to run away with me?” She reached one hand under his shirt and started caressing the skin along the waistband of his pants. She could feel his hardness pressing against her torso. She wanted to touch him so bad.

“I wanted to possess you, yes. I never wanted to stop fucking you.”

Liz felt her cheeks grow hot. She slowly forced the fingers of her hand below his waistband, slowly pushing them down and running them across the soft skin hair under his pants. She reached her other arm behind him and pulled him closer, pressing her whole body to his and laying her head against his chest. She thought she could feel his heart beating.

Liz didn’t know what was going to happen, but she knew what she wanted to happen. She was prepared to take his pants off right here, right now, just like she did nearly a decade ago, and suck his big dick until he exploded her mouth with everything he had. But she hesitated. She held onto him tight and moved her hand down his pants another fraction of an inch. She wanted to see what he would do. He said that back then, he’d wanted to take her. Well, if he wanted to, he could. If he truly wanted to take her, then he would make a move.

She held her breath as she said, “Was it just about the sex?” She wasn’t sure what she wanted him to say. What if it had been just about sex for him? That had been a major part of it for her too. Part of her really wanted him to say it had been just about sex, that he wanted to use her body because she was hot and desirable; that he still wanted to take her body and use her.

Phillip reached between them and shoved her hand further down his pants and held her tight. Now her hand was firmly resting on top of his long, thick, hard dick. She could feel heat radiating from his body to her hand. It felt amazing.

Categories: Uncategorized

Summer Fun

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It was the first hot day of summer and Ally asked me to stop over to look at her pool pump. She asked me to bring Carrie with so they could talk. Ally was new to homeownership and didn’t have anyone handy to help with odds and ends.

I grabbed a few tools and then Carrie and I headed over. It was hot and humid day the type where you sweat just standing there. After we got there, I grabbed up my stuff as Ally met us at the driveway. Ally was wearing a 2-piece bikini with a see-through cover up on. Ally said if I got the pool running, we could all take a dip and cool off.

Carrie grabbed a few of my tools and her hands were full as she started walking towards the backyard. Ally was walking next to her talking and I trailed behind. Carrie dropped a tool and Ally bent over to pick it up. As Ally bent over at the waist to my surprise, I saw her bald pussy lips sticking out to the side of her bikini bottom.

I felt my body start to get tingly. I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. As Ally stood up she grabbed her bottoms to pull them out of her hungry pussy lips as her ass wiggled. I felt my cock start to engorge and I started to panic. I had nothing to hold it in as I had just thrown shorts on with no underwear. Quickly I turned escort bayan around and acted like I needed something else from the car.

After I settled down, I walked to the backyard to work on the pump. All I could think about was the sight of Ally’s lips engulfing her bottoms. I focused on the pump and got it fixed. Ally walked over to take a look at what had been wrong. As she got close, I could smell the brown sugar and coconut scent of her tanning lotion. The smell made me want her; it was like something had come over me.

As she was talking, I couldn’t help but to check out her amazing body. Ally had just the right amount of meat on her bones. As I was talking to her, she kept looking down at my waist as I was kneeling on one knee next to the pump. After catching her several times looking at me I looked down quick and saw that the tip of my cock was hanging out of the bottom of my shorts.

I quick stood up and put a tool in front of my package as I felt it was starting to swell again. I told Ally I needed to go back in the house to turn the power back on. Ally began walking away towards the house and I had never paid such attention to her backside before, her thick ass jiggled as she walked and also slightly was altıparmak escort bayan eating up her bikini bottoms again.

I almost had to make an excuse to go somewhere else because my cock was now starting to get hard with the sight of her ass and the smell of her lotion. I followed Ally into the house so she could show me where the fuse panel was. We went downstairs into a room where all the utilities were. The small room made the scent of Ally more intense.

Ally asked me to show her how to turn the power on and off and came closer. She was standing right next to me. I pointed out how to use turn on the circuit breaker as she gazed at me with an interested look. Her body close to mine felt so comfortable like we had been together forever. Our eyes locked on each other, and I felt her getting closer.

I quickly turned on the power and turned the opposite direction. I thought to myself, was she going to kiss me, or am I overthinking things. Ally thanked me and started walking back towards the stairs. As I followed Ally up the stairs, I couldn’t help but to stare at her ass again as it jiggled stair after stair while her bottoms worked their way into her lips again.

Ally reached behind nilüfer eskort and to pull them out of her gash again as I caught a glimpse of her bald aching pussy. I asked her jokingly if she needed some help with them. To my surprise she bent over the stairs and pulled them to the side. Ally told me she saw me looking earlier and was wondering what my nice cock would feel like inside of her.

Her lips were beautiful, bald and wet with desire. I leaned forward and put my tongue on her clit and began flicking it. She tasted like brown sugar and her pussy started to quiver as I put my fingers inside to hit the spot. Ally was beginning to moan with satisfaction as I stroked her g-spot. Her pussy began to drip as it gripped my fingers.

“Put it in now!” Ally said. I slapped my hard cock against her clit to tease her a little more. “I can’t handle it, get it in there now” Ally said. I plunged my cock into her while she grabbed the stairs. I could feel my balls slapping against her bald pussy. After a few pumps I could feel her pussy gripping my cock and pulsating.

I knew she was cumming so I pumped harder and grabbed her breasts. I felt her get extremely wet and she tried to push me out of her. I kept going and she squirted a little bit as I pulled out to cum. I felt so naughty as whipped my cock back into my shorts. Ally pulled her bottoms back over her pussy and turned around.

Ally winked at me as she continued up the stairs. I thought was I dreaming, would this be a regular thing, or was it a test. Time will tell.

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Road Tripping Pt. 18

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Chapter 18

Readers, this a fictional road story set in the 1980’s, before cell phones and the internet as we know it today. There is pot smoking and use of “Magic Mushrooms” in this story. All sexualized characters are fictional and over 18. This is part eighteen of a many part series. The end of this chapter parallels events in end of Road Tripping 16.5, Time Tripping 5 I hope all have enjoyed it so far. Any constructive feedback is appreciated, Thank You S. L.

The crowded campground was buzzing early, and Lou and Molly were quick to get to the showers knowing hot water would not last on a day like this. By seven-thirty they had water for coffee and tea heating and Gina was passing out doughnuts she had bought yesterday on sale for all. All were awake early and soon Joe was back with a small sample of the good weed he had been talking about.

“Lou does this stuff look familiar to you?”

Lou took a good look at it and called Molly over. “This looks like the purple weed you got in Philly the day we met Sara, and you got some from that couple next to you.”

Molly took look at it and a quick sniff of the bud. “I am almost certain this is the same and I would love to see it next to the little bit we have left but that stuff if buried deeply in Andromeda.”

Joe knew they had their sample collection and agreed it would be good to see the two next to the other but understood about having things buried and not wanting to dig things like that out with everyone in the campground watching.

Joe talked with their other friends in the group and soon he had an order for four ounces of weed for all looking for some. Lou put up money for an ounce for Molly and him and for another half for Hailey and Irv. They arrived later, just before ten in the morning after having driven since before midnight to get here. Lou told of the weed and helped set up their tent and after Hailey and Irv went to lie down for an hour before getting ready to go to the show.

The caravan of cars out of the lot was huge and just stretched out over a mile on the way to the concert. Lou and Molly were back a way in the line but were able to keep up with Joe and the rest and were soon all lined up on “Shakedown Street” and had the grills going within ten minutes of shutting the car off.

It was a warm and sunny day, giving Molly a chance to wear her favorite skirt and one of her blue/green tie-dyes with it, and little else under it on the warm day. Lou was in his usual shorts and a one of their building collections of tie-dye shirts. Some of the nicest were for the show only and the worn ones were for cooking during the day.

They were busy from the start, and it was a very crowded and active first half of the day. The four cases of beer did not last two hours and by four pm the last of the meatballs were going in the pot with four people waiting for more. Star and her family had a good and busy day. All had not had much income for the last week and many needed to start off with a good day.

Lou and Molly knew they were ok out here and could have just sat back on tour, but they were trying to make this the start of something more for themselves in the long run. They had already found ways to make money beside the food sales and more of that could help secure a future for themselves and a family when they decided to start one. Plus, they met so many wonderful people they would not change a thing.

Donna and Maggie’s van had been the smoking center for most of the day and Lou and Hailey were in there with Maggie and Janet when Joe came to the door and squeezed in with the four ounces of the purple weed. One good bud was broken up for Lou’s pipe, and they smoked with Maggie and Janet, who had never seen pot like this, and was excited for the quarter her and Tommy had put all their spare money in for.

Five minutes later Lou, Hailey, Janet, and Maggie all stumbled out of the van and Donna, Molly, Irv, and Gina, went in to continue the weed division and bake Joe into almost unconsciousness. After Maggie went back for seconds with Ed, Val, and Tommy, Joe went to go lay down for twenty minutes and enjoy the high, while Star laughed at his “beady, red, eyes”, and handed him a root beer and the last of Lou and Molly’s meatball sandwiches.

Star could not smoke for several months but she took a couple of good buds and hid them deeply in her personal stuff for when she could smoke again. This pot was different from any she had seen except for a small bag she had received eight years ago as payment for some items.

Everyone was excited to see the band after over a week off and all were trooping in as a large group before they split up to their scattered seats. Lou and Molly were close enough to make their way over to Hailey and Irv and get a chance to talk with them, with a little more privacy in the crowd. Katy had called Hailey the night after they left. The night before Katy said she fell asleep before eight, after all the fun they had together.

“She sends her Love and said she would meet us at our house görükle escort bayan on Thursday night, the seventh, and spend what we hope is a really fun night and then she will go with you guys to the show on the eighth and set up. Irv and I will be there on the morning of the show, since he will have to do some work on the Friday before we can leave.”

Molly had told Hailey they were keeping Katy’s coming with them a surprise to all those she had met before and was going to try and find a ticket for the second show and then Katy would go back with them so Lou and Molly could head for their meeting in Arizona with Marta and Felix.

They danced the first set away with their dear friends and shared many joints and bowls with the people around them. All ran for the bathrooms, refills on water and to say hi to all their friends they could find, before the second set was ready.

Everyone agreed that this weed was among the best anyone had seen in a long time. The closest was some of the pot found in Chicago. It was a fun night for all and soon they were back dancing for the second set and enjoying the music and fellowship they had missed for the days between shows.

After the show all were back in the lot, grilling a few left-over hot dogs and just relaxing under the stars and comfortable night. It had been heard that it would be ok tomorrow during the day, but it would rain at night, and many were already making plans to head out right after the show. Lou had the reservations for the next night already paid for and they figured they would be good it their tent and Star’s family was staying there too so it would be a good night all could go out for breakfast the next day. Lou and Molly had not made any real plans for days between the shows, other than going to see the Redwoods in the nearby National Park.

Once back at the campground everyone hung out talking and smoking for a while before exhaustion took over and all headed for their tents or van. Lou and Molly decided to wait on trying for a shower with it being crowded since they came back. We will bring out towels to the three am pit stop Molly and have a quieter shower, unless half the campground has the same idea, Lou laughed as they kissed after brushing their teeth in the tent and snuggling in for the next four hours.


Star and Joe had gotten the kids in their beds when they got back and enjoyed hanging out with everyone. Star did not smoke any of the purple weed but had gotten enough secondhand smoke she could feel some of the effects on herself since her tolerance was so low from not smoking for months.

Inside her voices told her that there was an important journey and message waiting for her tonight. She took a small purple bud and popped it in her mouth when Joe was out of the tent. It was the smoke that was the danger to her unborn twins, not the pot itself and she felt reassured that the Gods had something to communicate to her, but they would not do it in a way that would endanger her children or herself.

In her dreams that night Star saw herself in the time of the distant past, leading a ceremony joining the one called Myrine to the one who resembled a thinner Lou, with a full beard and was called Leandros in this time. She was shown images by the Gods and told of what she needed to do to help begin a process where these two worlds could work as one through them and others to preserve what had been learned here to help bring about a more peaceful and understanding world in the future.

It was complex and Star really needed week to think on what she had learned overnight, but the Gods made it clear that the next night was important, and that Lou and Molly were to be assisted with the purple mushrooms in their journey.

With the morning Star went to dig deep in her belongings for the special container she kept the mushrooms of insight in.

Joe had felt her awake in the middle of the night twice and watched her scribble furiously in her notebook before going back to sleep, without telling him what had happened other than a series of profound dreams. He knew he would know soon enough. Her one strange question was. “Do you think you can drive Andromeda Joe?”

“Yes Star, I have driven station wagons like that before. Did they ask us to drive them somewhere in your dream?”

“No Joe but I will have a task for them, and you will need to drive them back here tonight after the show for all to work right and their safety. I will explain all when we see them and have a private moment for the four of us to talk as one.”


Lou and Molly went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night to a still awake campground. They took their towels and at least they did not have to wait to shower but it was still too busy after three in the morning for any discreet fun in the campground with late but for the most part quiet partiers.

They had hung out with Hailey and Irv for a time and made a few discreet jokes between themselves about their fun together last week and all altıparmak eskort promised to be there on the seventh for another fun time with Katy joining in.

“I have an extra strap-on rig for her, so you guys are going to all have some fun that night.” Hailey laughingly told them.

It was too crowded for them to have a fun time in the tent together, but it was good to get together and hang out for a while. Irv had been busy with his consulting job, but Hailey had some free time and had taken the shovel and wok into the woods and done a little more discreet exploring and she told them he had found some more likely gold in both of the small streams. Lou would know what they had actually found within the month when he got back to Delaware.

It was another early morning at the camp with people getting moving around seven and many packing up to head out after the show. Lou and Molly had slept well and were up soon after the sun rose. One of the few quiet tents was Hailey and Irv’s who had said they would try and sleep in until nine since they were going home too after the show.

Not long after getting the water on, Star came back from a trip to the bathroom with Europa and Celesta and got an early tea and said she would be over to talk shortly. Once the kids were all fed and Joe and her had gotten their day set both came over and asked to talk to them in their tent for a few minutes.

Star sat in the folding chair while Lou, Joe and Molly all sat on the bed to listen to what she had to tell them. “As Joe already knows, I had a pair of profound dreams last night and we need to talk about them today Myrine, Leandros, and Jonas, my beloved.”

All three on the bed had their mouths open wide and wore looks of astonishment at what she had just said to them.

Molly looked into Star’s green eyes deeply and asked her in a quiet voice. “What do we need to know….Zephyra?”

Star smiled at Molly. “I had dreams last night involving all four of us last night deep in the past, where the women known as Myrine. She gestured at Molly, and myself in the time where my soul was known as Zephyra. What was different was that Lou and Joe were there with the names of Leandros and Jonas. I cannot explain much more of what happened in my dream, but I can say we are all deeply connected, and I was informed that there is a task that You, Lou and Molly need to perform tonight.”

Lou looked at Molly, then Star with a look of astonishment and some confusion. “I cannot speak for Molly, but I will do whatever needs to be done if it is something right. What is required of us and is it safe?”

“I will do whatever you ask Star, Molly said, still deeply lost in her eyes, but I am curious to know what is required and who asked this?”

“What is required is the easy part to explain my loves.” Star reached into her skirt pocket and produced a familiar pouch to them, which they had last seen in Hartford the day after Lou and Molly met and Star gave them three of the purple mushrooms each and a Tai Stick joint to share and explore each other with during the show and more deeply after it a great storm. It had been the most profound night of either of their lives, so far.

There were eight of the purple mushroom caps in the box this time along with a long and fat joint rolled with the purple weed with some of the hash Lou had given them the day before without telling them where they had gotten it. “I have smoked this purple pot long ago and it is close to the Tai Stick I had before, but that was the last one of several Joe found and that I’ve seen. It was months old when you two smoked it.”

“We still have the roach.” Lou joked.

Star laughed and spoke. “We will have to smoke that after the twins are born. I have heard about your roach collection and one day that will be a party. Maybe with the Winter Solstice or New Year.” I have some of the purple pot hidden away for after I have given birth so I can smoke some directly.”

Now bringing the focus back to the matter at hand Star cleared her throat and straightened up in the chair. “Molly and Lou, I have been asked by those who teach me from outside this world and time to ask something important of you two!”

Molly’s right eyebrow shot up and her gaze into Star’s eyes tightened, but she knew when to listen. Lou tiled his head to one side and wore a somewhat more quizzical expression on his face but a kept a serious look across his lips while trying to understand fully what she was saying and going to ask of them.

“Lou, you know the least of all of us directly about what is going on, but you do understand that you and Molly are profoundly connected over thousands of years and your souls have been joined several and likely many times over many thousands of years. Molly and I are also connected deeply both as friends and lovers over time as are Joe and me.”

“I Understand Star, and I have seen some of this in some dreams I have had, before I met all of you and one very strange dream joined with Sara who nilüfer escort saw both you Star and Molly in a place likely thousands of years ago. I saw her being auctioned off as a slave and went to stop it or I don’t know what since the dream was ended by the phone in the hotel ringing.”

“Molly told me of this and if she had slept five minutes more that morning, she likely would have been there too, seeing the world of that place and time. You said the phone was noticed by all there. That must have been frightening to everyone there if it was that loud. I hope one day one of us dreams of Sara again in that time and know she is safe somewhere. The place we live in that time does not have slaves and if you acquired her, she would be set free, and you would have bought her freedom Lou.”

“I have studied a lot of history and between classes, books, and documentaries I have a fair Idea of the worlds of that time. It was not Egypt but again Sara said you were walking next to an Egyptian being carried on a chair and all three of us looked to be important people since she said all of us were clean and well dressed. I am curious to learn more of this time and one of these days I am going to spend some time in a good Library and see what I can find in bookstores on that area in that time.”

“That is a good idea Lou, and I would deeply encourage you and Molly to do things like that when you have some time, and Lou, like I said before, you are a finder of things. I think there is a chance you both may learn more of this time or some others. I have been informed that it would be best you eat two caps at the very start of the show tonight and then when you arrive here at the end of the show you are to eat the other two caps and smoke this joint and enjoy the night, make love, and sleep well.”

“Just that Star? Just go to sleep??” Molly asked in her best Ta’Pau voice and expression.

“Yes, I suspect that the mushrooms and being closely joined will allow you to journey together. I hope this does not scare either of you.”

“As all of you know I have been to this time and place several times over the years and Star and I have been together in this time, so if that is the journey tonight, I am ready for it.” How about you Lou are you ready to time trip with me?” Molly asked with a half serious grin on her face at Lou while she squeezed his hand a little.

“I am not frightened and now that we have all talked like this, I will be more conscious of my actions while also not trying to disturb things too much. I have a question Star.”

“What is it Lou.?”

“If either of us see Zephyra or Jonas there, should we let them know discretely that we are out of our time and visiting theirs for lack of a better way of putting it?

“That is a really good question, Lou. I was wondering that too?” Molly added while Star thought for a moment and silently asked for some guidance to this very profound question.

Star held her crystal for a moment before speaking. “If you speak to people there you will talk in their language, but you will not get the accent right. I have spoken with Myrine in that time, and she could tell something was not right and when Zephyra visited my home in Vermont my mother said she spoke with an unusual almost Greek accent. Maggie said the same thing of how we greeted each other Molly, in Worcester, after all the chaos there.”

Pausing again to gather her thoughts Star continued. “If you see either Jonas or Zephyra, get them alone to talk or have Jonas take you to Zephyra. If you see a woman who looks like my mother, Gina with long hair also have her get you to Zephyra quietly. She may have been informed of some of this already and either way she will help you find her I suspect.”

“There is one last thing I have to ask of you guys. Neither of you will be in any shape to drive Andromeda safely after the show and I would like to ask you to have Joe drive you back here safely after the show. I would love to myself, but I think at least two of the kids would insist on joining us then and that might be a little much for you at that point.

Thank you and we know Joe has driven just about anything on wheels so Andromeda will be no problem, and I would not want to drive a car on mushrooms. I do want to do bumper cars on them, however.

Joe looked over at him, grinned widely, and said “Hell Yes and I know a good place near Denver we can trip and go to in a few months and I will bribe my honey to drive us and put up with us silly creatures that day.

Star laughed and spoke. “I agree on one condition. You take me back there in a year and we can all trip and do that. That sounds like too much fun, and I want to.”

“Ok back to the serious stuff. Do you guys all understand what may happen here tonight. I cannot guarantee anything or what will happen. I can only guess and give you the information I can and have been told I can.”

“Some things I do not have answers for either. Joe if you have any dreams like this, please let me know too since you are as deeply connected to all of this, and I will give you a couple of your purple friends for later tonight too after we are all back safe if you like so we may join too deeply.” Star was so deeply joined with Joe that they would be as one, mindful of the twins, but almost as deeply joined as Lou and Molly would be.

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Professor’s Roulette Pt. 01

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Is this really happening? he thought, feeling his heart pounding against his chest. The rush of blood in his ears and tightness in his pants made the moment seem unreal. There was something daring about dangling yourself so close to danger. Of course, getting caught would lead to disaster. Being fired or needing to quit, possibly never being able to teach again, and maybe not ever being able to do anything related to his original field of study. But… the risk also came with a taste of exhilaration. Feeling like anything could happen, even something bad, was… exciting. The view from the edge of a cliff and the resulting desire to step off was simply too hard to resist anymore.

“Are you sure about this?” he said. He knew the answer already. She wouldn’t have come all this way, sat in his office and had the conversation they’d just had all to back down at the last moment. He watched her disregard the question almost immediately and scoot her chair closer to him. He had locked the door a moment before and was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. He wasn’t making a concerted effort to hide the beginnings of his erection and she had certainly taken notice by now. Without warning, she locked eyes with him from where she was seated below and began unzipping his pants. The rushing of blood in his ears was back and before he knew it, he could feel the warmth of her hands on his cock.

She broke their gaze to look down at it, tracing careful circles around the tip with her thumb while both hands held him at attention. He let his eyes close and breathed in quietly, feeling his abs tighten when she began to stroke him. Long strokes, up and down his throbbing shaft that made him feel impossibly big. She was clearly experienced. He opened his eyes to see her wetting her lips slightly with her tongue. The sight was almost enough to make him cum, seeing this hot college student ready to suck his cock for a better grade. He shifted to a more comfortable position, standing up fully instead of leaning against the desk. He guided his hand along her neck for a moment and ran his fingers through her hair, getting a gentle grip on the back of her head.

Her face had blushed a deep bink when he guided her head forward and pushed into her mouth. He looked up to the ceiling and grit his teeth, tightening his abs again at the wet, warm feel of her mouth and tongue. She likely knew he was getting close and began working him with her hands görükle escort and mouth, expertly. Each time he heard the ‘pops’ and ‘sllmmms’ of her blowjob, he thought she was hamming it up for him. And boy did he not mind the show. “That’s right, suck your professor’s cock. Swallow this fat dick.” he groaned under his breath. She picked up her pace until he was stiff as a brick and spurting cum along her tongue. He felt a shiver down his spine when, after shaking to catch his breath, he realized she had swallowed. Her hair had gotten messy and she locked eyes with him again as she took him in her mouth one more time to lick him up. What a slut, he thought to himself, impressed at how much she wanted to show off for him.

He thought back to what had brought them here, to this moment.

“I missed last lecture thanks to being sick and I know my last exam didn’t go well either. I think I’m really slipping behind,” she said. They had again been alone in his office, the door slightly open this time. He shared the hallway with a few other professors who routinely passed by, along with other employees and students. But that afternoon he had agreed to meet further into the afternoon, when the building was mostly deserted. The meeting had been progressing the way these meetings always did with failing students, and he rubbed his eyes boredly before addressing her.

“Well, things like this happen. If you come to office hours to study and ask questions, your next test grades should improve.”

“Right… I was thinking that too. Plus there’s the review session coming up that I’ll be sure to come to.”

“Exactly. Up the studying, really try to come to review sessions, and if you have to miss lecture try to get someone’s notes next time.” He was absently scratching his ear and felt the conversation was coming to a close. Dealing with students wasn’t his favorite part of the job and, with the hour growing late, he felt a stronger urge to get home.

“Of course if there’s extra credit, I’d be willing to do that too.”

He had begun to stand up and rustle around for his things. “Yeah, if you write an extra paper at the end of the semester, I’ll drop your lowest grade.”

“Or something else?”

He was patting his pockets, trying to find his keys. “Uh.. I’m sorry. I do need to get going. That’s the only form of extra credit. The paper.” More patting and rustling through drawers.

“Something else,” she repeated. eskort bayan Her tone was serious.

Dr. Everett let out a breathy laugh, having paused with keys in hand. Oh great, she’s one of these kinds of students, he thought. He widened his eyes in mock terror, thinking she would begin hassling him about unfair grades and demanding extra credit. He had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

“There’s nothing else, I’m afraid. You can refer to the syllabus, I only offer the paper,” he said firmly.

She blinked. He saw a small grin forming at the corner of her lips and watched her hand travel to the top of her zip-up sweater. She grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down to reveal a gorgeous amount of cleavage. There was no shirt underneath, he realized, and for a moment he thought maybe she was just adjusting her sweater innocently. Though provocative, she hadn’t revealed much more than one might see on a normal day. He tried to look away before she noticed him staring but the awkward pause in their conversation gave him away. She locked eyes with him and lifted her chin, daring him to keep looking. She unzipped… and unzipped, until the sweater perfectly revealed the center of her bosom and bra. Seeing the fancy black lace of her bra signaled to him that she had premeditated the whole affair… for him. He gulped. Oh… he thought, extra credit.

He sat back down in his chair and glimpsed the crack in the door. The hallway outside had been perfectly quiet to this point. He hoped this luck would last and none of the janitors would come by. Perhaps on any other day, he would have sent a student out for pulling something like this. The only correct response was to immediately expel her from his office and his class, but he had hesitated. It wasn’t too late to back out, but he might as well see what she wanted.

“So, what can I do for you?” he asked.

“I want my last test grade changed to an A, please.” she said, simply.

“And what can you do for me?”

“I… can do things with my hands or my mouth,” she said. She had peered down and lost some of her confidence, having to say the words so directly.

He sat and observed her for a moment. There was no way around how wrong it would be to exchange sex for credit. He didn’t think they were terribly far apart in age with him being a pretty new professor, but the uneven power dynamic made him uneasy. Just another guy taking altıparmak escort advantage…

“I wouldn’t worry about the optics of it all,” she said, suddenly. “I’m using you too.”

“You’re not violating me to do it, though.”

She shrugged.

They both sat uneasily for a while. He couldn’t reconcile how wrong it was, but felt in his bones that he already knew he wouldn’t say no. There was no inertia, no resisting the forbidden fruit when it so easily offered itself up to him. He let his eyes fall back to her cleavage.

“Come to my office a few times after 6, and I’ll see about changing that grade.”

She looked unhappy. “If we do this, I want a more concrete deal than that.”

He raised his eyebrows. He didn’t want to admit how much he wanted this by further hammering out the details. Just not right then.

She zipped her jacket up a bit. “I know you want me, but you still have all the power here. Who’s to say I have all these visits with you and you don’t follow through?”

“Well, that’s right… You can’t trust me. I think we’re both taking a leap here.”

She frowned. There was some amount of mutually assured destruction to be had for both of them. She couldn’t deny that. “Okay. Visits first.”

He couldn’t hold back a small, pleased grinned.

“But,” she added. “Blowjobs will be worth boosted test grades. Handjobs should be worth some missed attendance.”

Selling yourself a bit short there, he thought, but didn’t protest. Nodding and crossing his arms he offered some more terms to their contract. “For some photos of you… perhaps letters of recommendation? I can make some connections for you.”

He saw her face turning a deep pink at the mention of nudes. The rest of her expression didn’t betray whatever embarrassment she felt. “Deal.”

“And what about sex?”

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “I suppose that could also be on the table.”

Sensing her discomfort, he thought he should back off, but he figured she had earned some discomfort for being this bold. Like a shark sniffing blood in the water, he pressed on. “Perhaps worth a full letter grade.”

She blinked, her thoughts indecipherable in that moment.

“Think about it. We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

And with that she nodded and left.

Hours later, when he was well at home, he got an email from her.

“Here’s my phone number. Talk there.”

He sent her a quick text and she immediately replied with a photo.

This ones on the house, it said. Below was a photo of her in her lacy black bra, no sweater in sight. That night, he studied the photo carefully, letting his imagination run wild with everything he would do with her.

Categories: Uncategorized

Paige Pt. 03

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This is part three of the Paige story and takes place the following morning. I recommend reading earlier parts of the Paige series to fully understand this story. I plan to continue the Paige story for multiple parts.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age.

Part 3 *** The next morning around 11AM ***

When Paige wakes up she is face down and naked on a king size bed in a room that she doesn’t know. She opens her right eye, and catches the bright tropical light coming in around the edges of the floor to ceiling curtains. She turns away from the light and opens both eyes. As she does so she realized that her left eye has a crust on it, she isn’t immediately sure why, but it is from the facial she received last night. She smells something delicious, bacon, is that bacon that she smells.

She is alone in the room, it is cool and comfortable, the bedroom door is closed. She remembers coming back here with a guy from the club last night, Bill, she thinks. The sheets on the bed are a shambles. She sits up on the bed and looks around. She doesn’t see her clothes anywhere, but there is a light, white, cotton robe hanging over the back of a chair next to the bed. The door to the master bathroom is open, so she gets up and walks naked to the bathroom. She definitely has a hangover, maybe a really bad hangover.

On the counter there are all the things she needs to freshen up. A new toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, a container of body wash, towel, and a wash cloth. A note that says, “Here are some things to clean up. Make yourself at home.” A small heart and the word “Bill.” Ok, good she remembers, she came back here with Bill. She sees that her purse and clothes are on a shelf in the bathroom… she figured her clothes were around here somewhere. The clothes are folded in a small pile, her small mini-skirt, light blue grey top, with her white panties on top of the pile. She glances into her purse and sees that there is a thick wad of cash in her purse, she smiles remembering her good night at the club.

She moves to the toilet and sits down to pee. Her pussy is sore in a good way, like she got well fucked last night. She thinks back and remembers the pounding that she took in her pussy. And her sphincter is also sore, she remembers getting fucked hard in the ass last night. She smiles, she loves a good ass fucking. She remembers the orgasm that she had while getting fucked in the ass, “that was a good orgasm” she remembers.

She finishes peeing and wipes. She gets up and goes to the sink. At that point she notices that her throat is also sore… reminding her that she also got face fucked. She thinks back to the club and remembers deep throating Bill in the VIP room, and she also remembers the face fucking that she took from Bill “gluck, gluck, gluck” before she told him to cum on her face. She runs her hand up her throat, and looking in the mirror she sees that her left eye is a little red and remembers taking a shot of cum to the face at the end of the night. She grins again. She washes her face, brushes her teeth, and decides that she wants to investigate that delicious bacon smell.

Paige picks up her white panties and slides them on, then she heads back to the bedroom, grabs the robe off the chair, and puts it on. She opens the door and walks out into the living room. Bright tropical light fills the room and she can see the ocean out the floor to ceiling windows on the left. She looks to the right and there is Bill in the kitchen, smiling at her.

“Good morning beautiful, you look sexy in my robe.” Bill walks toward her wearing only boxer briefs and a white tee shirt. Bill leans toward her and plants a kiss on her mouth. Paige thinks, well, he looks good, smells good, and he tastes good and she kisses Bill back.

“I made us breakfast, I hope that you like eggs, bacon, toast, and some fresh papaya.” Bill states, and moves around the kitchen pointing to the pans and putting things onto two plates. “You must be starving, I know that I am.”

“Yes, I am definitely ready to eat, but first I’ll take a cup of that coffee.” Paige says.

“Of course, how do you take it?” Bill asks.

“Cream and sugar, I like it light and sweet.” She smiles.

Bill turns to the coffee maker and pours a cup for Paige, which he pushes across the bar top to her. He slides over a bowl with packets of sugar, and then turns to the refrigerator and gets out a container of half and half. Bill then turns back, gets the plates and serves them on the bar top that separates the kitchen from the living room and sets the two plates on the bar. “Now that you have your coffee, would you like to join me for some breakfast?” Bill asks.

The food is delicious and much needed to start to work away the hangover. Bill and Paige chat over breakfast. Bill asks questions about where Paige escort bayan bursa grew up in Tennessee, how she decided to become a stripper at first in Tennessee and then later traveling out to Guam. She tells Bill about how she loves the tropical island, the beaches, and the ocean. She also loves the fact that being away from home she is able to really explore her sexual side and her love of sex. In the clubs in Guam she has the option of leaving the club with a someone (when a guy buys her out) or if she wants she can offer extras in the VIP room, if the guy is hot and she wants or needs to make some extra cash.

She asks Bill about what he is doing in Guam, and he tells her that he is expanding his international shipping business to the Pacific and Guam is one of the important places that he is working on expanding to as they build contracts in the Pacific. Bill explains that he is married with two kids back on the East Coast, which is fine with Paige, Bill isn’t the first married guy that she has ever fucked. He explains that him and his wife have an open relationship and when they both travel they are free to sleep with other people. Before they had kids they would travel together to different swinger resorts and swap with other like minded couples or have threesomes or moresomes. Their ability to really play with others diminished when they had young kids, but now that their kids are getting older, 11 and 9 years old, they are getting back into the “life-style.”

Paige looks around the room and asks, “So, is this your place in Guam.” Bill explains that since he was going to be conducting business out here for a while he decided to rent an apartment instead of staying in hotels, so his business rented this sweet condo right on the beach.

“I just moved in here earlier this month and got this minimal furniture that you see here. You are actually my first overnight guest.” Bill says and winks at her. They finish breakfast and Bill gets up and moves their plates to the sink in the kitchen.

Paige also stands up and walks over to the large glass window, gazing out at the ocean. While she is taking in the view of the Pacific, Bill is taking in the view of her in the thin robe back lit by the light coming in the window. Paige is stunning, her long brown hair running down her back, her long legs, her firm round ass visible through the thin robe material, and the outline of her small white panties. She turns to Bill and her mouth moves into a wry smile, she knows that he was checking her out. Bill smiles and says, “Wow Paige, you are absolutely stunning.”

As Paige turns back toward Bill she lets the front of her robe fall open, the thin material parts down the front but still covers her breasts. Her nipples are erect, and hold the material. Bill looks down her body, she is still smiling, his eyes move from her breasts to down her flat stomach and then to her pussy. Bill can see the outline of her pussy lips under her panties. Paige snaps Bill out of his trance when she says, “Hey stud, I’m really hung over, and I would love to smoke some more of that weed that we had last night.”

“Of course” Bill responds, “I have a joint pre-rolled that we can smoke right now.” Bill opens his small weed box on the table and takes out a joint and a lighter. He and Paige sit on the couch next to each other and Bill lights the joint and they smoke it together. Both love some weed and pass the joint back and forth.

Paige states, “This always helps with a hangover, smoking some weed… and then masturbating.”

“Yes” Bill agrees, “nothing better for a hangover than marijuana and rubbing one out. That always help me clear my head after a night of drinking.” They both laugh. Bill gestures toward the couch, “Paige, you are welcome to masturbate now if you want.”

Paige laughs, “Thank you, you are a gracious host, just happy to allow me to masturbate on your couch.” She states with a sarcastic and slightly stoned grin.

“I would also be happy to fuck you until you cum. I provide all of the services.” Bill replies.

“I don’t think so, my lady parts are pretty sore from last night.” Paige replies. Bill looks a little disappointed. “I did have a great time last night, you made me cum super hard. I loved the hard ass fucking.” Nodding and grinning, Paige smiles and changes the subject, “Can I see those pictures that you took last night.”

“Of course, let me grab my phone.” Bill replies as he looks around the house for his phone. He grabs his phone and sits back down on the couch. Paige leans into Bill to look at the phone.

Bill opens his phone and goes to photos, and the last photo on the phone is a picture of Paige kneeling in the bedroom, she has a big glob of cum in her hairline, and another on her left eyelash, her left eye is already turning a little red in the photo. Her face has a residual coating of cum on her cheeks and nose, and she has her mouth open and it is empty. She looks like she just got face fucked in the picture. “Oh, that is so fucking bursa sinirsiz eskort hot,” Paige squeals… “go back to the beginning of the night.” She perks up in her stoned daze, enjoying the pics.

Bill scrolls back on the phone until he gets to the first shot that isn’t from the previous night. There are a lot of NSFW photos on the phone, Bill chuckles and then hands the phone to Paige. “Here you go.” The first photo is Paige on her knees in the back room of the strip club, her mouth wide and she is looking up at the camera with her puppy dog eyes and a mouthful of Bill’s cum pooled on her tongue. “This is our first pic together.” Bill states.

“That is super hot.” She says. Paige takes the phone and Bill leans into her on the couch, she is clearly excited to check out the pics from the previous night. Bill is getting hard thinking about looking at these pictures with Paige, and his cock is starting to swell in his boxers.

Paige starts to scroll through the photos. The first two shots are Paige with a mouthful of cum and then her mouth empty after she swallowed. The next shot is Paige naked holding up her swallow shirt with a little bit of cum on her chin. She gets excited an says, “Oh, that is a great pic, you have to send that to me.”

“No problem, you can have all of these pictures.” Bill replies as he rubs his cock through his boxer shorts.

Paige leans over a pecks him on the cheek, and then reaches down with one hand and gives his cock a squeeze, “I would really like that Bill.” She says with a wink.

Paige goes back to scrolling and the next pictures are a series of photos taken in the back of the SUV from last night. The first shot is Paige lifting up Storms skirt in the back of the SUV with her face next to her ass. She then pulls Storms panties to the side and dips two fingers into her snatch. Then a shot of her sucking the wetness from Storm’s pussy off her fingers. And then another shot of her fingers buried back inside storm, and Paige smiling at the camera.

The next one is a video. Paige hits play and it is a shot of Storm’s panties pulled to the side and Paige leaning forward and licking Storms pussy. She then looks to the camera with a little bit of white residue on her tongue and swallows that as well. Paige looks a little confused, and then goes back and hits play again on the video to watch it a second time.

“I’m pretty sure that James came in Storm’s pussy and you were licking a cream pie.” Bill states. Paige gets that wry smile again, she reaches over and gives Bills hardening cock another squeeze. And then swipes to the next photo.

The next photo is super hot, Paige gasps, and Bills cock twitches in his boxers. Paige is on her knees in Bills bedroom and has a full on facial, cum all over her face, in her hair, on her mouth, all over her cheeks, in her left eye, and on her tongue. “Oh my god, this is so hot.” Paige exclaims. “This is the shot.”

“It is certainly the money shot” Bill states. And gives his hardon another pull through his boxers, he is getting really hard now.

She continues to scroll through the series of photos showing her swallowing the cum on her tongue, and then her scooping the cum off her face and into her mouth. Paige moves her hand to her panties and runs her fingers over her crotch as she looks at the pictures.

“Oh my god, you have to send me all of those photos.” She looks at Bill, “What a fun night!”

“Can you airdrop all of those pictures to me? Where is my phone.” Paige bounds up off the couch showing a lot of enthusiasm for the first time in the morning. She goes into the bedroom leaving Bill and his semi-hard cock on the couch. A minute later she comes back with her phone.

“Ok, send those to me.” Paige and Bill get the phones connected and then Bill airdrops all of the pictures to Paige. After about a minute she gets them and is scrolling through them on her phone. She goes to the pic of the facial, “This is the one, this is the money shot.” She smiles at Bill and turns her phone to him. She is standing in front of Bill who is sitting on the couch, a phone in her hand with her face covered in cum in the picture. And as she is holding the phone out to Bill, her robe is open, her breasts are firm and perky, and under her little white panties her pussy is now getting damp.

Paige is standing in front of Bill who is now rock hard and sitting on the couch in front of Paige. Paige closes her phone and looks at Bill, “It looks like you are getting hard. It’s OK to stroke your cock, I want to watch you masturbate.” Paige puts her phone down and stands in front of him, legs slightly spread, robe open revealing her breasts. “Do it, jerk off for me.”

Bill pulls his cock out of his boxers and starts to stroke it. His cock quickly reaches 9 inches and is rock hard. Paige runs her hand down the front of her body and presses a finger against her clit, pressing her panties into the cleft of her pussy, and slowly starting to rotate escort bayan her hips in small circles.

Bill increases the pace, sliding his hand up and down his shaft. “Does it make your pussy wet to watch me stroke my big cock?” Bill asks.

“Oh yeah, I love watching you stroke your big cock.” Paige states, as she continues to sway her hips and is pressing harder against her clit through her panties. “Keep stroking your cock for me, I want to watch you put on a show this time.”

Bill continues to stroke his cock, and Paige puts her hands on his knees as she starts to lower her body to the ground, kneeling on the floor in front of Bill. She slides her hand into her panties, kneeling in front of Bill with her legs spread and her fingers working up and down her clit. Bill leans forward, looking between Paige’s legs as he watches her put on a show of her own. Bill moans as a drop of pre cum starts to form at the tip of his cock. He wraps one hand around his balls and slides the other to the base of his cock, so that all 9 inches are pointing at Paige. She is now working one finger into her pussy and using the other to rub small circles on her clit.

Paige sees the pre-cum on the tip of Bills cock and Bill glances from his cock, up to her eyes, and then gives a nod to motion back to his cock. He say, “suck it.” Paige shakes her head no. The pre-cum starts to run from the tip, so Bill slides one finger through it, getting a drop on his finger, and then extends his finger pushing it into Paige’s mouth. She sucks off the pre-cum off his finger and smiles.

Bill goes back to stroking his cock, faster now. Paige says, “Jerk your load into my mouth” and then opens her mouth wide.

Bill smiles and stands up in front of Paige who continues to rub her clit and finger her pussy. He grabs his cock and balls around the base with one hand and starts to stroke his cock more rapidly just inches in front of Paige’s face. Paige looks up at him once again with those puppy dog eyes. “Sir, I want you to cover my tongue with your cum.” Paige states.

Bill is stroking faster now, getting close, “Open your mouth” he states flatly.

Paige hooks two fingers into her pussy and presses hard on her clit, she is starting to feel her orgasm growing. She tilts her head back slightly and opens her mouth wide. Bills first shot comes out hard with a grunt and hits the roof of her mouth and then drips into the back of her throat. She chokes a little and then groans, pressing harder on her clit. Bill keeps pumping shot after shot into her mouth. Paige keeps her mouth open letting it all collect in her mouth, and keeps her mouth wide open, not sucking his dick, just letting her mouth be used to catch his cum. The last spurt lands on her lower lip and sticks to her chin. She closes her mouth and swallows the load. Bill sits back on the couch, semi-hard cock still in hand, cum dribbling down the shaft.

Paige gets up and sits on the couch next to Bill, both of her hands still on her pussy. Unlike last night she hardly touched Bill or his cock. She leans back onto the couch and spreads her legs. She pulls her little white panties to the side and again slides two fingers into her fuck hole. With the other hand she wipes the cum off her chin and then brings that hand back down to her clit, and using Bills cum starts to rub her clit in circles. “Now you get to watch me masturbate” she says.

She closes her eyes and starts working her clit in small circles starts to gyrate her hips against her hand, flicking her clit with her fingers. As she gets more worked up she starts to dip her fingers faster and deeper into her pussy.

Bill strokes his cock on the couch next to her, he never lost his erection and is getting rock hard again. In the meantime, Paige is in her own world, she again brings her hand to her mouth and gets her fingers wet again and then moved back down to continue to work her clit, going faster now and starting to buck her hips against her hand. She moans. She is the picture of raw sexiness and Bill is rock hard.

Bill stands up, straddling Paige’s right leg. He is definitely going to cum again. “I’m going to cum on your pussy.” He states.

Paige opens her eyes and looks at him “do it” she states. And rubs her pussy faster. Bill immediately cums, shooting his second load onto the back of Paige’s hand, her clit, and onto her little white panties. The hot cum hitting her clit sends her over the edge and she bucks her hips against the couch with a leg shaking orgasm. Her body tenses and then relaxes and she strokes her clit several times as the orgasm waves roll over her body.

Bill sits back down on the couch next to Paige, his softening cock in his hand, cum running over his knuckles. Paige lifts up her hand, looking at his cum dripping off the back of her hand, and brings her cummy fingers to her mouth, catching a drip in her mouth and then licking her fingers. “Mmmmm, tasty” she states. “And look at you big boy with two orgasms back to back, impressive.”

“Watching you masturbate really got me worked up. That was really good, and I think that will definitely help with my hangover.” Bill gets up and goes to the kitchen, he wets a hand towel with warm water and then brings it to Paige. She wipes the cum off her body and then takes Bills cock and also wipes it clean.

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First Porn for Holly

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Big Dicks

I was desperate for the money that was my only excuse for answering the ad in the newspaper. I felt like a fool approaching the seedy looking hotel, where the recording of the movie would be taking place. This was a stupid idea; I berated myself, even as I knocked hesitantly at the door of the room, as directed by the production office when I called. I had to fax them my headshots and clinical records, proving that I was descent looking and healthy. I was surprised that they were not concerned with my body, though I exercised regularly and ate right. The office manager just asked for my weight and body dimensions, stating that there was a role out there for everyone. She also asked me if I was bi or bi-curious, this startled me, and in fear of losing the role, I stuttered out a quick yes. Now I was rethinking answering that way. What if this was a lesbian movie? I should have asked more questions.

The door opened, revealing a broad shouldered man, with dark hair and intense blue eyes. His face was handsome, and a tight white t-shirt stretched over his muscular chest. My breath caught in my chest, and I felt a tremor start in my knees. Would I have sex with this man? He looked like “a slam you against the wall, and take what he wants,” type of lover. Excitement tingled in my lower belly. His eyes drifted over me, from the top of my auburn hair that curled past my shoulders, lingering a moment on my high firm breasts, and down my longs legs swathed in an old pair of jeans, to my fresh pedicure revealed by open toed sandals. Unsmiling he nodded his approval, and stepped back allowing me entrance to the room. My heart thudded painfully in my chest as I stepped into the room.

The drapes were drawn and spotlights placed in every corner of the room, all centering on the low-lying king sized bed. I swallowed thickly, shuffling to the furthest corner of the room. Nervous jitters started in my stomach and I wondered if I would vomit. Sexy white t-shirt man followed me in and adjusted one of the cameras on tripods around the room. He smiled up at me then, revealing straight white teeth. His blue eyes sparkled, and he abandoned the camera to wander to the wet bar near where I was standing.

“Would you like a drink?” He murmured his voice low and deep. The husky timbre of it rolled over my nerves like a balm and eased my discomfort somewhat. I nodded, numbly taking the glass of amber liquid he offered. I knocked it back without hesitation, gasping as the whiskey fire burned my throat and chest. Mr. Sexy laughed lowly, and took the glass promptly he poured me another. “My name is Alexander Vazquez, most call me Zander.” He offered me his hand, and I hesitantly shook it, pleased to see that I only trembled slightly.

“Holly Wilson,” I answered shyly, sipping my second drink.

“You’re very beautiful Holly,” Zander said appraising my body with his eyes. “I will enjoy working with you today, I believe.” I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, my pale skin flushed with crimson color. “Of course, I only play a small part in today’s activities; this scene is more between you and Amber.” I felt the color drain from my face as quickly as I had flushed. Zander threw his handsome head back and laughed, rich and full. “You’ve never been with another woman have you?” His glittering blue eyes met mine, and his smile dimmed slightly.

“No,” I heard the whimper in my voice, “but I really need this job.” Tipping the glass I swallowed the contents quickly, more to block his face from my view than any true desire to drink the potent brew. Draining the glass, I held it back to him, silently requesting another shot of courage. I could feel the effects of the alcohol, as it raced through my blood stream, easing the nervous tension of my muscles and making my body feel like butter. Confident now, I smiled warmly at Zander, as he handed bursa escort me a refill. I drank the third drink as quickly as the first, this time handling the heat without flinching. I felt more than a little drunk, and very at ease.

“Are we ready?” I heard the velvety voice before I saw the vision of feminine perfection that walked through the door. My heart gave a small jolt. It must be Amber, a name fitting for the tall honey blonde woman.

“I was assisting Holly here, with relaxing,” Zander stepped forward and kissed Amber passionately on the lips.

“You were getting her drunk you mean?” Amber cast Zander a disapproving glare, before softening her look and turning in my direction. She smiled warmly, her teeth as perfect and brilliantly white as his. ‘Holly is it?” I nodded mutely, elbowing Zander, who had retaken his place at my side, and pushing my empty glass into his hand. Wordlessly he refilled it, and handed it back to me. “Your quite pretty,” Amber gave her seal of approval as she walked in a tight circle around me. I drained the fourth glass, and swayed slightly on my feet. “She’s done, Zander, no more drinks.” Amber ordered, removing the glass from my weak grip. With a gentle smile, she grasped my hand in her warm palm and gently tugged me toward her. Staggering slightly, I gasped as Amber grasped my thick hair in her hands and pulled my face down to hers.

The kiss was gentle in the beginning, sweet and slow, her lips grazed against mine, the pressure light and undemanding. Amber’s hands rested on my hips, her fingertips just barely caressing the skin beneath my shirt. My heart pounded in my chest, thumping painfully against my breastbone. Goose pimples erupted along my skin and a steady tingling sensation began in my lower belly. Amber deepened the kiss, her tongue darting between my lips. I gasped in shock, my mouth opening and offering her deeper access. The tingling grew into a steady thrum in my stomach, and I felt the damp heat of arousal between my thighs. Suddenly I was kissing her back, my tongue warring with Amber’s, while our bodies pressed tightly together. Her lush breasts were against mine, I could feel the tight tips pressing against my aching nipples, and could not withhold the low moan that escaped my throat.

“Girls, save it for the camera.” Zander growled, elbowing his way between us. Amber laugh, a husky sound that sent a shiver down my spine. My head was spinning, I was not sure if it was due to the alcohol or just the excitement of kissing another woman for the first time. “You need to change, and get ready for the shoot.” He ordered, leading me to the restroom, while Amber immediately began to unbutton her jeans. “There is lingerie hanging behind the door, please change and come out as soon as you are finished. We have a deadline.” Zander closed the door, once I was in the bathroom.

I stripped quickly, lest the erotic effects of Amber’s kiss and the liquor wear off. I donned the skimpy outfit and turned to look in the mirror above the sink. My reflection stared back at me, someone I could barely recognize. My auburn hair fell to the middle of my back; the curls mussed by Amber’s hands and tumbled over my shoulders. The lingerie left little to the imagination, and I truly appreciated the long hours I had spent in the gym. The negligee was a merely a film of white lace, cupping my curves and clinging to my breasts. My nipples tightened as the rough fabric grazed the tips, clearly visible strawberry peaks. It tied beneath my breasts, and opened over my flat toned stomach, falling just past the curve of my round rear. The panties barely covered my mound, the silky fabric clinging to the cleft with the dampness of my arousal. I turned, inspecting the round plump cheeks of my rear, approving of the way the strings of panties sat low and the thong line escort bursa neatly buried between the soft mounds.

I opened the door slowly, stepping into the bright room with an alcohol induced sense of bravery. Amber let out a low whistle, and I smiled shyly. She wore a similar negligee and panties in black. I noted that her breasts were not as perky as my own B cups, but they were impressive in size, round and full. I could make out the dark brown nipples straining at the lacy fabric. She held out her hand to me and drew me toward the king sized bed. Zander was flitting between the cameras, checking the angles, and he smiled in my direction, I assume to reassure me.

Amber knelt on the bed, and I mimicked her pose. With a nod in Zander’s direction, Amber leaned forward and kissed me gently. The honey taste of her lips was heavenly against mine. I felt the response of my body, the lust building in my belly and spreading lower. I moaned softly opening my lips to her and allowing entrance to her questing tongue. My head fell back, as she skimmed her lips along my jaw line, and nuzzled at my throat, nipping and licking. I could feel the wetness growing between my thighs, and my muscles clenched with excitement. Amber’s hands slid up my arms and over my shoulders. Lightly she ran them over my breasts, cupping them in her palms, her thumbs caressing my nipples through the fabric. I moaned freely now, forgetting about the cameras and just enjoying the sensation of the rough fabric and gentle pressure.

Breathing heavily, I watched as Amber’s fingers deftly untied the negligee, sliding the flimsy material over my shoulders and bearing my high proud breasts. She caressed my belly with the tips of her fingers, drawing a moan from my throat as they barely brushed the underside of breasts. I felt as if I could not breathe when her lips covered one extended peak, drawing the nipple into the hot cavern of her mouth, sucking gently, then harder. Her fingers pulled and tweaked the other nipple; each sensation echoed with a response from my pussy. I could feel the wetness and heat building and I ached to touch myself.

Instead, I reached out and tugged on the ties of Amber’s negligee, it fell open easily, baring those full heavy breasts to my hungry gaze. I cradled them in my palms, enjoying the weight and softness of them. They filled my hand, generously overflowing. I massaged them gently, enjoying the soft purring that bubbled from Amber’s throat, as she suckled at my nipples, the taut pink peaks jutting ripe and ready from my tight hard globes. My thumbs flicked her nipples lightly, the tawny skin tightening into hard pebbles. I dipped my head, my lips covering her right nipple, I could feel my pussy clench with excitement. I drew lazy circles around the tip with my tongue, while my other hand gently pinched and squeezed her left tit. I could smell her arousal, the musky hot aroma of her juices, just beginning to flow between her thighs. My excitement doubled, as I nipped the very tip of her nipple with my teeth. She moaned outwardly now, her head tilted back, long hair flowing around her shoulders and back.

Seeing her aroused state, I felt bravado of which I was not aware I was capable. My lips met hers in a demanding kiss, as I pushed my breasts against her, using my weight to push her down to the bed. She whimpered slightly, when my thigh slid between her legs and pressed against her hot juncture. I could feel her wetness, and felt empowered by the fact that I excited her as much as she did me. I pressed rough kisses to her neck and chest, my fingers still fondling those delicious breasts with their honey nipples. I suckled each nipple in turn, licking and tickling the tip before sucking it hard into my mouth. Amber pressed herself to my mouth, her hands buried in my hair.

I reached between us, bursa escort bayan my palm sliding over her stomach marveling at the velvety softness of her skin. Her stomach was flat with a bit of healthy roundness above the line of her panties. I found this extremely sexy, running my hands over the gentle swell, and stopping at the black lace of the panties. With my fingertips I traced the ridge of her lips through the fabric, amazed by how wet she was. I could smell her on my fingers, and slid one between my lips, to taste her. Amber shivered with excitement. I smiled, kneeling beside her; I traced the length of her thigh with my fingers, enjoying the soft texture of her, where my own body was hard powerful muscle. Amber fidgeted on the bed, her hips rising as I drew close to her desire, and falling as I drew away. I enjoyed this game immensely, my fingers tracing the inside edge of her panties, never dipping below.

“Please, touch me,” Amber whimpered in her husky voice, the pleas making my pussy release another flood of juice. I covered her entire mound with my palm, fascinated by the plumpness of her sex. She was round and hot under my hand, grinding her pelvis against me seeking release. I squeezed lightly, then harder. She cried out, her hands cupping her large breasts, the nipples peeking between her fingers. I pulled away, my fingers catching the strings of her panties, and pulling them off; baring her sweet pussy to my hungry gaze.

She was shaved, the lips pouty, a paler tawny than her nipples. Her legs spread, opening her fully to my inspection. Her clit was slightly engorged, the pink pearl rising between her plum lips. Never before had I wanted to touch another pussy, to taste another woman’s sweetness, but my mouth watered now as her aroma reached me. I bowed between her legs, pressing kisses along her soft thighs, even as my fingers sought the prize before me. I ran my pointer finger down her slit, marveling at the slick beads of moisture that coated it. The lips spread slightly, as her excitement urged her clit from under its hood. Using my thumbs, I spread the lips and experienced the most exciting wave of arousal I had ever felt. Her pussy was beautiful, fat and shiny with juice, the exterior lips soft and honey colored. I moaned, watching in fascination as another trickle of moisture slid toward her ass.

She nearly screamed as my tongue met her flesh. I reveled in the salty taste of her juice, running my tongue along her slit, and settling at her hard clit. I licked and flicked my tongue across it, drawing a moan from Amber. Her legs trembled and her hips rose of their own accord. My pussy ached with desire as my tongue moved quickly, working her little nub until her pelvis rocked against my face. My tongue found her hole; I pushed it inside drawing a flood of her sweet nectar. Amber cried out, grinding harder against my tongue. Smiling, I pulled away and slid a finger, then another into her dripping pussy. I could feel the tightening of her muscles around my fingers. I fucked her hard, slamming my fingers into her, while I licked her clit.

Amber was screaming now, her pussy spasms increasing around my fingers. I sucked on her clit, the pressure hard, then light, and hard again, followed by a bought of licking and tickling. Her hips were arched, her thighs straining, hands buried in my hair. I felt like I was going to cum, just seeing her arousal and nearing climax. My pussy ached for a fucking, for a giant dick to fill me. My fingers found her G-spot, the soft fleshy place that made her scream, and writhe in pleasure. I tapped it lightly, applying pressure, and then tapping again, my tongue still dancing over her clit. Amber became still below me, her breathing ragged.

Suddenly she screamed, a flood of pussy juice flowed over my hand and into my mouth. I could feel her cumming and I worked my tongue lightly over her clit, drawing her orgasm out until every drop of moisture poured from her. She collapsed beneath me, a quivering heap of female pleasure. I smiled, feeling quite proud of myself.

To be continued…

Categories: Uncategorized

Get It, Girl

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“So, what do you think it will cost?” I asked, chewing my lower lip nervously. I’m good at reading people’s expressions, but her ass gave nothing away as she kneeled down in front of me, head under my kitchen sink.

“Eh, it’s not too bad,” Mia said, crawling backward and wiping her hands on her jeans. She stayed squatting down, peering over her right shoulder at me. She winked. My heart skipped. “It’s just the one gasket, looks like. Should run under $45, provided I can get it off quickly.” She winked at me again and sprang to her feet. Mia moved like a cat – quick, lithe, and sure. She strode past me, calling behind her that she was going to her truck to get her tools.

I took advantage of my alone time to text my bff, Amanda. “The plumber just winked at me. Twice.”

“Ew. Tell him to eff off,” her text came shooting back. I didn’t have time to correct her before Mia came back in. Her arm brushed my side as she entered and a chill went shooting up my spine. It had been so long since I had been touched by a woman that any physical contact may have brought a nice sensation, but this woman was so hot. Her hair was short, a light brown – she wore it swept to the right side. She had just a hint of makeup and wore tight jeans with one hole mid-thigh that revealed an olive-colored thigh just begging to be licked.

Licked? I needed to get myself under control. This poor woman was trying to do her job and here I was, questioning her professionalism. A lot of people had a habit of winking; bursa escort I’m sure I was nothing special. I tried to appear uninterested as Mia lay down on my floor on her back. I caught my eyes traveling up and down her body, spread out in front of me. I wanted my hands to be traveling up and down that soft body. I wanted to slide my finger up that hole on her thigh and see how far up my finger could travel. I wanted to climb on top of her and I wanted to unzip those tight jeans and I wanted…crap. I needed to get it together. I could feel myself getting wet.

“I’ll be right back,” I called, hustling out of there. She didn’t answer. I went into the bathroom and unzipped. I didn’t need to pee, but I could tell I was too wet to be able to fake calmness, and I didn’t want to scare this girl off. She seemed super cool. I couldn’t tell if she was a lesbian or not, but even if there was no romantic connection, she was the kind of girl I loved to hang out with.

But, “Please, let her be a lesbian,” I whispered as I began to wipe my wetness – a little too long. My finger dipped past the tissue paper and touched wet skin. The memory of her plaid shirt came flashing back. She wore it with the top two buttons undone. I had caught a breath-taking glimpse of cleavage when she bent over to get her screwdriver – her breasts curved invitingly under that plaid shirt. I would love to see that shirt on my floor. My finger dove in a little deeper, sliding in so smoothly as I closed my eyes, imaging Mia’s firm breasts escort bursa exposed.

“Hey.” She was right outside the bathroom door. Crap!

“One second!” I called cheerily, my voice two octaves higher than normal. My fingers came flying out of my dripping pussy. I hurriedly wiped my wet fingers on the hand towel, zipped up, and opened the door. Mia moved forward and casually leaned on the bathroom door frame, hands in her pockets. She ducked her head and grinned up at me with her perfect teeth and her soft lips that I need to taste.

“I’m done,” she said.

“Already?” I was shocked and horrified. That stupid pipe had been dripping for months, and I had been changing out the little pot that caught the drips for months, and it had taken her five minutes to fix it? I silently cursed myself for wasting precious time in the bathroom feeling my own wetness when I could have been out there, trying to get to know her so maybe – just maybe – I could get to feel hers.

She seemed to sense something was wrong. She came closer without seeming to move. For one brief moment, she was right there. So close. All I had to do was reach out and touch her arm. The moment was gone as she walked past me to the bathroom sink, leaned over, and washed her own hands. As she dried her hands on the towel – the towel that I had just wiped my dripping fingers on, oops – she turned and looked at me.

“Is there anything else you need me to take care of before I go?” I couldn’t read her expression, although she bursa escort bayan seemed to be teasing me. That was wishful thinking, I scolded myself.

“I am just so impressed with your work!” I babbled, “I thought it would take a lot longer. You’re awesome.” Too much, be cool. I could only hope she thought my comment was about her work, not about her as an awesome woman I wanted to see more of.

Mia laughed softly. Even her laugh was amazing – low, deep, and real. She ran a hand through her hair and, standing there with her other hand in that damn pocket, said even more softly than she had laughed: “There’s nothing else around here that’s wet?”

My breath stopped. She knew. Could she smell my pussy juices? I hadn’t had time to clean myself off before she came to the bathroom door, and I thought I could smell myself. I didn’t know what to say, but it turned out, I didn’t have to say anything. With a movement so smooth, so natural that it seemed to just happen magically, Mia’s hand was on my lower back, pulling me toward her.

Her body did not bend toward mine – she was letting me decide. Letting me make the choice to hold back or to give in to my growing desire.

Did I have a choice, really? My body chose for me, let itself be guided into her softness. I melted into her, my arms at my sides, my lower body forming to hers. Mia’s arm tightened with me as I moved and she sighed softly as our breasts touched. My hand slid up from her back to her stomach to under her shirt to up to her breast – so inviting.

I wasn’t brave enough to go under her bra, and she laughed again. Not at me, not meanly, just enjoying the moment. She leaned closer and whispered in my ear:

“Get it, girl.”

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