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A Matched Set of Bimbos
Part One
“Hi, honey,” Paige gushed as she opened the door. She planted a quick kiss on Bill’s cheek as he stepped inside. He looked tense. “Hard day at work?” she asked sympathetically.
J. William Sinclair sighed as he set his briefcase down on the small table in the apartment’s foyer. “They’re all hard, Paige,” he said, sliding one arm behind her back. The slender blonde smiled as he pulled her close, his eyes locked on hers. He may be over twice my age, she thought, but he still has charm by the boatload.
Paige allowed him to kiss her briefly before sliding free and removing his heavy coat. “Go sit down and I’ll make you a drink,” she said, hanging the coat up neatly in the small closet. After a quick peek at her cleavage, Bill went to the living room and sat on the leather sofa. Paige smiled. The dress she was wearing had been a gift from Bill; it was no surprise that he enjoyed the way it showed off her boobs.
Her high heels clicking on the polished floor, Paige strode into the living room and walked over to the wet bar. She began mixing an Old Fashioned. There was no need to ask what he wanted to drink; after several months of weekly appointments, she knew Bill’s needs by heart. All his needs. She glanced at him as she tapped the sugar into the glass. He was eyeing her body, his gaze sliding up her legs to rest on her ass. She knew the look on his face.
Paige had first seen that look on his face at their third appointment. She hadn’t realized what it meant, though, until the next week when he’d shown up at the “trick pad” with a fancy silver bracelet for her. The bracelet, which she always wore for him, had probably cost him at least five hundred dollars — well over twice the fee for the one-hour trysts. It was at that point that she’d realized he was smitten.
Paige had found the realization rather exciting. The idea that she was so attractive that a married bank president in his mid-fifties could develop a schoolboy crush on her left her feeling almost giddy. She’d been an escort for two years and never had she experienced anything like it. She didn’t love Bill, and she never pretended to, but Paige nevertheless found herself looking forward to their weekly meetings. It had been a long time since she’d had to use any artificial lubricant when Bill made love to her — the idea that he had a crush on her got her wet every time.
After the bracelet, the gifts had come regularly — a dress one week, a pair of shoes the next. Bill’s presents were far more expensive than the things Paige bought for herself. She was, after all, barely twenty-one years old, struggling to make ends meet while paying tuition and attending college full-time. But it wasn’t the value of the gifts that she found so touching — after all, to a man of Bill’s considerable wealth, a silver bracelet was something to be bought with pocket change. What Paige found so appealing was the thought that went into them. The gifts were tangible evidence of this powerful man’s feelings for her, the physical proof of his infatuation.
There had also been little favors. After they’d been seeing each other for two months, Bill had offered to start paying her utility bills. She had tried to politely decline, but Bill had been persistent, and Paige had agreed, realizing afterwards that she enjoyed having him take care of her. Paige had never really encouraged Bill in his obsession, but neither had she discouraged him, because at the core she realized she liked it.
Paige finished the Old Fashioned, making a mental note to tell Nicole to get more sugar. Paige and Nicole split the rent on the apartment, using it for “entertaining” their johns. Paige used it in the afternoon and Nicole in the evening. After fixing herself a club soda, Paige placed the drinks on the glass coffee table and sat down on the couch next to Bill.
Bill loosened his well-tailored business suit as he sipped his drink. “You look beautiful, Paige,” he sighed.
“Thanks,” she replied. “I really like the necklace,” she added, fingering the diamond-studded pendant that hung just above the swell of her breasts. The necklace had been Bill’s gift the previous week. Like most of his gifts, it had cost several times her weekly fee.
Paige still felt odd getting all dolled up in the expensive dresses and jewelry Bill gave her. The glamorous look wasn’t really her style. Not that she didn’t have the looks to pull it off; Paige knew she had been gifted with a lot of natural beauty. But she preferred to dress like a professional for these encounters.
Her preferred attire for turning tricks was a business suit. A long-sleeved jacket with shoulder pads and a plain white skirt gave her the look of a serious young businesswoman, while the plunging neckline, short skirt, and high heels enhanced her sex appeal. She kept her hair short — long enough to frame her face, but short enough to contribute to her professional appearance.
Paige knew that her johns, being wealthy businessmen, spent their days in the company of professionals; most of them saw plenty of attractive young women at work. Men being men, this would get them excited, and the possibility of a sexual harassment suit ruled out flirting as a means of relieving the tension. Thus, when they finished work and came to see Paige, she provided them with the chance to live out their fantasies of banging one of their female coworkers. Judging by her johns’ passion, that was what they wanted.
But Bill was different. Granted, he’d enjoyed her in the beginning when she’d dressed for him just like she did for any other john. But then the gifts had started, and Paige had realized that he preferred a softer look — dresses and jewelry rather than business suits. So she’d started dressing up for him — wearing the softer, more feminine things she gave him and brushing out her short hair.
Bill had reached over and begun to stroke her hair. “God, Paige, there are days when the only thing that keeps me from just exploding is knowing that I’m going to see you when I get done.”
Paige smiled. There was really nothing she could say. Telling him that she felt the same way would be irresponsible. She didn’t have feelings for him, and it wasn’t right to make him think she did. But still, she felt a little rush as she thought again about how much power she had over Bill. Part of her was tempted to lead him on.
Best just to kill the conversation entirely. Paige leaned forward and kissed him, her hands massaging his still-firm shoulders. For a man in late middle age, Bill did an excellent job of keeping himself in shape. He returned her kiss passionately, running one hand down her flank as the other cupped her breast through the thin dress.
After a minute, their lips parted. Paige had just opened her mouth to suggest they move to the bedroom when Bill spoke first. “Meet me tomorrow.”
Paige worked her mouth a couple of times before regaining her composure. She was starting to feel sorry for him. Maybe she’d let his infatuation go too far. “Honey, I… I can’t. I’ve got class all day.”
“Skip it. Meet me downtown tomorrow. Please.” There was an insistence in his eyes.
Paige was puzzled. He wanted to meet in public. The man was married, for Christ’s sake. It wasn’t smart for him to be seen in public with a young woman. Besides, he’d never asked her to meet him before. “Wh-why?”
“I want to buy you a coat.”
“Oh my God!” Nicole exclaimed. “Did he really?”
“Yeah, he really did,” Paige nodded. “He wants to buy me a coat.”
“Oh my God!” Nicole squealed. She jumped up and down in excitement, causing her long, deep-brown tresses to bounce on her shoulders. For a veteran prostitute, Nicole displayed some surprisingly girlish behavior sometimes. Maybe that was part of her appeal. Not that she needed it. Her finely-chiseled Italian features, flowing hair, and trim body were no doubt more than enough to keep her johns interested. “That’s so great, Paige!” she gushed.
“I guess,” Paige replied.
“What do you mean, you guess?” the brunette asked incredulously. “You’ve found your sugar daddy! Play it right and he’ll pay for the rest of your education. You won’t have to spend your afternoons humping ugly old men. Any working girl would jump at that!”
Paige knew it was true. “Coat” in this case meant “fur coat.” A fur was a sign of commitment from a john. It made him more than just a customer; it made him a lover, a paramour. By accepting a fur from a sugar daddy, a working girl like Paige was agreeing to be his mistress. There were requirements to it — a mistress had to stop seeing other johns and spend more time with her benefactor. But in exchange, she would be taken care of, if not outright pampered. And a fur coat was the symbol of the new relationship, a sort of engagement ring for illicit affairs.
“You took him up on it, didn’t you?” Nicole pressed.
“I told him I’d think about it,” Paige said. And she had thought about it, while she’d fucked Bill and after he’d left. Normally she would have gone home after finishing with Bill, but today she’d hung around the apartment until Nicole showed up to get ready for her evening tricks. Aside from her johns, Nicole was the only person who knew Paige was a prostitute. In a sense, Nicole was the only real friend she had, and Paige had stayed late because she desperately needed to talk to someone about this. Meetings like this were rare; Paige worked afternoons and was generally long gone before Nicole showed up. The two girls usually communicated by leaving scrawled notes for each other.
In fact, the last time they’d seen each other face to face had been at the party where Paige had met Bill. One of Nicole’s old johns had invited them, promising plenty of potential clients. They had just arrived and had been chatting with each other when Paige had noticed a pair of distinguished-looking older men eyeing them from across the room. The girls had smiled invitingly, and the men had smiled back, but hadn’t approached. Rather, they’d started conversing furtively with each other, occasionally glancing at the girls.
It had been over an hour later, when Paige and Nicole had separated, that one of the men had approached her and struck up a conversation. Paige found Bill quite charming, and within ten minutes found herself eagerly agreeing to an appointment the following week.
“What’s there to think about?” Nicole asked, fluffing the couch pillows and eyeing the coffee table critically.
“I’m just… I feel sorry for the guy. He’s gaga over me. I don’t know if I can lead him on like this.”
“You’re not leading him on, Paige. He knows damn well that this is just a job to you. He doesn’t want your love, he just wants a chance to shower you with affection.”
“I guess so,” Paige replied.
“Besides,” Nicole pressed, “just think how sexy that fur coat is going to feel. Hell, give me a few more weeks and I’ll get a coat of my own from my Jimmy. Then we can walk around town together like a pair of rich bitches.”
After the party where she’d met Bill, Paige had ridden home in a cab with Nicole. The two girls had compared notes, and Paige had learned that Nicole had been approached by the other man, who’d identified himself as James. Paige had ever seen James after that first exchange of smiles at the party (nor had Nicole seen Bill), but she’d been vaguely aware that James, or Jimmy as Nicole called him, had become a steady source of income for the brunette.
Paige giggled at the image of the two girls gallivanting around the city in matching furs. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
“See?” Nicole grinned. “Look how easy it was to convince you, you little bimbo,” she teased.
“Slut,” Paige replied, laughing.
“What do you think?” Paige asked, shifting her weight to one leg as she stuck the other knee forward through the front of the coat. The feel of the soft mink fur against her skin was almost intoxicating. She’d never felt so pampered.
Bill came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders as they looked into the mirror. He rubbed his hands through the brown fur, caressing her shoulder through the thick coat. Paige sighed, leaning back into him as he studied her image in the mirror. “Something a little lighter, I think.” He turned to the salesgirl. “Let’s try the ermine.”
“Right away, sir,” the attractive redhead replied as she waded into the crowded racks of fur coats. The place was posh — an exclusive boutique in the middle of the city’s ritziest shopping area. The street outside was populated with rich shoppers — executives. socialites, movers and shakers. Bill had brought her into his world.
Paige was still struggling to absorb all that had happened. Bill had brought her here publicly, making no effort whatsoever to keep from being seen with her. Previously, their relationship had been a clandestine thing, but now… it was like Bill wanted the whole world to know.
The sales staff of the boutique had greeted Bill by name when he brought her in. “Good afternoon, Mr. Sinclair,” “Pleased to see you again, Mr. Sinclair,” and all of that. This was a place where Bill was known and recognized, he’d brought her in without a care in the world.
Paige was barely twenty-one years old, while Bill was in his fifties. The fact that he was going to spend thousands of dollars on a coat could mean only one thing: He was making her his mistress. The sales staff probably saw that sort of thing every day; they had to know what was going on. And yet the salesgirls had been faultlessly polite, showing Paige every courtesy and referring to her as “ma’am,” even though most of them were older than she was.
This was the fourth coat they’d tried. Bill had eyed her critically in each of them, as though inspecting a work of art. “You’re exquisitely beautiful, Paige,” he’d explained, making her blush. “I want a fur that makes you look perfect.” Paige had almost swooned at that, enraptured once again by the power she had over the man.
The salesgirl returned, a bulky white coat over one arm. “Here you are, ma’am,” she said, offering the coat to Paige. “White ermine.” The coat was a pure white, the color of snow. Paige hurried to shed the mink coat.
“Allow me,” Bill said, taking the white fur from the salesgirl. The girl took the brown coat and passed it off to another salesgirl, who took it back into the racks. “Face the mirror,” Bill said. Paige complied, biting her lip nervously. She sighed with pleasure as Bill slipped the soft coat over her shoulders, brushing her hair out over the thickly furred collar. Paige slipped her arms into the sleeves before straightening up and looking in the mirror.
Her thick blonde hair flowed almost seamlessly into the fine white fur of the coat. She closed her eyes, enjoying the luxurious feel. There was something about a fur coat that made her feel… powerful. Bill seemed enraptured, and Paige had to admit she looked gorgeous in the coat. After half a minute of silence, Bill leaned over and planted a light kiss on her lip. “It’s perfect.”
“Mr. Sinclair! What a pleasure to see you again, sir!” Paige turned to find that the voice had come from a portly, middle-aged man coming down a staircase in the back of the store.
“The pleasure is mine, Alexander,” Bill replied. The owner of the boutique, then.
Alexander rushed over to shake Bill’s hand, glancing over at Paige. “I must say, your new friend is exquisitely beautiful. But then,” he said, turning back to Bill, “you always did have excellent taste.” Paige frowned, a bit put out at being discussed like this.
“Now, now, Alexander,” Bill chided, moving to put an arm around Paige’s fur-clad shoulders. “Paige is a wonderful woman, and she’s made me happier than I’ve been in a long time.” That, Paige thought, was a little more like it.
“I see,” replied the owner, bowing his head apologetically. “The usual arrangements, then?”
Bill grinned. “Quite satisfactory. I’ll pick it up first thing in the morning.” He turned to Paige. “I’m afraid you can’t wear it out of the store today, honey. They need to keep it overnight for some final adjustments. Weather-treating, that sort of thing. I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Paige sighed, a bit disappointed at having to leave the soft, comfortable coat behind. But she took it off, handing it to Alexander, who thanked her, said goodbye to Bill, and hurried into the back of the store. Bill took Paige’s arm and escorted her outside where, to her considerable surprise, a limo was waiting for them. The driver sprung out and opened the rear door.
“Honey, I’m afraid I’m needed at work, so I can’t escort you home. But Ralph will take you home.” The driver nodded and smiled at her. Somewhat stunned by all of this, Paige let Bill help her into the back of the limo. “Meet me at the apartment tomorrow. Five o’clock. I’ll bring the coat.”
Paige opened her mouth to decline. That was Bill’s usual time, but not his usual day, and she had another appointment scheduled. But then she closed it. Bill had just bought her a coat. She would have to cancel the appointment tomorrow. As a matter of fact, she would have to cancel all her appointments with all her other clients. That was the unspoken agreement she had entered into by accepting the coat. She was a kept woman now.
Of course, Bill had agreed to more than she had. She was the one with the upper hand, she reminded herself. “See you then,” she said, smiling.
Part Two
“Oh, Bill, it’s beautiful,” Paige gushed as she pulled the snowy white coat out of the box. She felt silly saying that, because she’d already seen the coat just the day before at the store. But her excitement was genuine.
Paige lifted the coat to her face, rubbing the soft fur against her cheek and inhaling the musky smell. The odor seemed more intense than it had at the store. Maybe that was an effect of whatever treatment had been made to it. Whatever the cause, Paige found the aroma delicious. “Can I put it on?” she asked Bill.
Bill smiled. “Of course, honey. It’s yours; you can wear it whenever you like.”
Paige grinned with delight as she stood up and unfolded the coat. She reveled in its luxurious softness as she slipped it on over her thin black dress. Bill leaned back on the couch, watching her with a twinkle in his eye. Paige smiled lustily at him, knowing she had him captivated. She felt like a goddess.
Slowly, she climbed onto the couch, coming to her hands and knees, her face next to his. “Thank you, Bill. It’s wonderful.” She kissed him hungrily, and he responded, reaching under the coat to pull her down on top of him. She pressed her body against his, the open coat covering them both.
She groaned as she felt his hands playing with her nipples through the dress. Another dress he’d given her. Paige felt incredibly aroused. Partly it was Bill’s hands on her body, partly it was the intoxicating smell of the fur. But mostly it was the fact that every single thing she was wearing at that moment, including the wonderful coat, had been paid for by Bill. She held the emotional control in the relationship. He’d spent all that money, but he didn’t own her; rather, she owned him. Her pussy, she realized, was already wet.
She broke the kiss. “I want to do it now. Right here.” Bill arched an eyebrow in surprise, but gamely pushed the fur down off her shoulders, unstrapping her dress and freeing her breasts. Paige had never done this with Bill before. Sex with Bill, though passionate, had always been a civilized affair, conducted in a bed. But this time, well, she just wanted it now.
Bill paused in his undressing of her body, stroking her hair. “Your hair is so beautiful, Paige. So soft and thick.” Paige was a bit taken aback. Damnit, didn’t he want to screw? “Have you ever thought about letting it grow out a bit?” Bill continued.
Jesus, of all the times for him to get interested escort gaziantep olgun bayan in her hairstyle. Still, it was important to keep him happy. “Would you like that, darling?” she asked. “I’ll do it if you want me to.”
He smiled. “I think it would look beautiful if you did.”
“Then I’ll do it,” she whispered playfully. “I’ll do anything for you, honey.”
“I know,” he replied, smiling.
Good, let him think he’s in control, she thought. After all, a goddess occasionally had to do favors for her worshipers. “But now I need you do something for me, baby,” she cooed, rubbing his swollen crotch with one leg.
Fifteen minutes later, Paige was on her back on the couch, legs spread as she experienced her third orgasm of the afternoon. For a man his age, Bill’s stamina was amazing; he continued to pump away at her pussy, driving her to new heights of pleasure. Her mind foggy, Paige turned her head to the crumpled coat lying next to her. She pulled it to her face, inhaling the musky scent deeply as she came. If this is what being a goddess is like, she thought, I could get used to it.
“… so I told Bernie we were going to go ahead with or without him, and he was going to have to explain to his shareholders how he missed the boat on the biggest acquisition of the year,” Bill said, cutting off another piece of his prime rib.
Paige raised one eyebrow in between forkfuls of salad, doing her best to appear interested in his story. “And what did he do?”
Bill wore a grin of satisfaction. “He took a second to think about it, and then he agreed to our terms. He practically fell over himself thanking us for giving him a measly ten percent!” He skewered the chunk of meat and popped it into his mouth triumphantly.
“Well, congratulations, honey,” Paige replied, sipping her wine.
“Is everything to your satisfaction, ma’am?”
Paige started as she realized the waiter had come up behind her. “Why… why, yes, everything’s wonderful. Thank you.” The waiter executed a smart bow before fading away into the crowded restaurant.
Paige looked around, still not believing what was going on. Bill was treating her to lunch at the Chesterfield Hotel, one of the fanciest spots in town. The Caesar salad she was eating had cost more than she usually spent on food in a week, and it tasted like it. What amazed her, though, was how cavalier Bill had been about bringing her here. There had been no attempt to hide what was going on. Bill, a married man very much in the public eye, had escorted a fur-clad young woman into one of the city’s finest restaurants.
Paige turned her head to one side, inhaling the musky aroma of the coat sitting on the back of her chair. The maître d’ had offered to take her coat, but Bill had interceded, telling her he’d prefer she keep it with him. “It complements you so well,” he’d said. Paige had feigned indifference, but secretly she’d been relieved. She didn’t like the idea of being separated from the coat.
Paige had come to love the coat. The soft, snowy fur had a sensual appeal for her. She kept it with her whenever possible, stroking its fine white hair and inhaling its rich odor. She slept with it on the bed next to her. The only time she left it behind was when she went to classes. She was afraid some of the animal-rights activists at school would try to damage it, and she couldn’t bear the thought of harm coming to her coat.
And so she’d brought the coat into the restaurant with her, folding it over one arm while the clung to Bill with the other. She’d been conscious of the stares they’d gotten as they walked through the crowded dining area. He’s showing me off, she realized. He’s showing off his sexy young mistress and the fur coat he bought her. She knew she ought to be angry about being shown off like some sort of trophy, but she was strangely calm about it, even a bit pleased to be the focus of so much attention.
Paige brushed her hair away from her face as she ate another forkful of salad. She had begun letting it grow out, as Bill had requested, and the ends of it now brushed her shoulders. Oddly, Paige found that she liked it that way. It was more effort to take care of, certainly, but she got more looks from men this way. And Bill liked it longer. That was important.
“Bill! How are you, you old bastard?”
Paige turned to see a balding middle-aged man approaching. He rushed up to shake hands with Bill, who responded warmly. “Fred! I haven’t seen you in almost a year. I think it was that Christmas party Doris and I threw last year.”
“Right. It has been a long time! Say,” he looked at Paige, “who’s your new friend? She’s gorgeous!”
“Yes, Paige really is a work of art, isn’t she?” Bill replied, smiling as he looked at her. Paige smiled back coldly, feeling her anger rise. Being shown off was one thing, but being discussed like she was just a painting or something was entirely different! Paige reached down with her right hand to grip the sleeve of the coat, her fingers kneading the thick fur in frustration.
But… the soft feel of the fur soothed her. She inhaled deeply, breathing its sweet aroma. Her smile softened, growing genuinely warm. “Not just her face, either” Fred commented. “She’s got a nice little body on her, too.” Paige felt herself blushing at the compliment, and purred softly as she shifted her weight to show off her trim figure. She spent an hour a day exercising to maintain her body; she decided she had a right to be proud of it.
“Well, if you’ll excuse us, we’re a bit busy here at the moment, Fred, but we should get together and catch up. I’ll give you a call next week,” Bill said politely.
“Oh, please do. I look forward to hearing from you.” Fred nodded and smiled at Paige, and found herself responding in kind as he walked away.
“I’m terribly sorry about that, darling,” Bill said when Fred was out of earshot. “Frederick is a good friend, but he can be a bit… crass at times.”
“Oh, that’s all right, honey,” Paige replied. “Actually, I kind of liked it.”
“Good,” Bill murmured, barely loud enough to hear. Before Paige had time to wonder what he meant, he barreled on. “You know, Paige, you do look exquisitely gorgeous when you’re all dressed up like this. You could easily pass for a fashion model, you know.”
Paige blushed again. Normally she wore little or no makeup, even when working. It was part of the business-woman look she liked to project. But she’d made her face up more fully for this meeting. “Do you really think so?” she asked quietly.
“Absolutely,” Bill replied. “That’s why I want you to have this.” He passed her a small envelope. Paige took it from him and opened it nervously. A silver-colored credit card fell out. The name read PAIGE L SCOTT.
“The charges all come to me,” Bill said.
“B-Bill, I can’t…”
Bill shushed her, placing a finger on her lips. “Please. You’re a gorgeous woman, and I don’t want you worrying about money. I want you to buy whatever you need to make yourself pretty. Beauty like yours should be displayed for the world to enjoy.”
Paige sighed. She knew she shouldn’t take it, but… Well, it was so thrilling to be the center of attention. And if Bill wanted her to make herself pretty, then she should do it. After all, he’d bought her the fur. Her free hand stroked the soft sleeve of the coat. “Thank you, Bill.”
Bill smiled. “You’re welcome. Now let’s finish our meal. I’m needed back at the office before too long.”
“Honey,” Paige said, a wicked gleam in her eye, “I really ought to thank you properly for this wonderful gift. Perhaps after we finish here you could give me, say, a fifteen-minute tour of your office?”
They didn’t even bother to finish lunch.
“Oh my God, this is amazing!” Paige gushed as Bill escorted her through the door. And it was. Bill’s penthouse apartment was lavishly decorated. The floor of the foyer was tiled in marble, and expensive-looking paintings hung on the walls. Paige could only gape as Bill closed the door behind them and hung up his coat.
She felt Bill’s hands resting on her fur-covered shoulders. “Do you like it?” he asked.
“It’s wonderful,” she replied as she took in her opulent surroundings. Bill was so rich. So powerful. She realized how lucky she was to have him. How lucky that of all the girls in the city, he had chosen her to be his mistress. She pulled the fur coat tightly around herself as Bill massaged her shoulders.
They had spent the evening at a charity fund-raising dinner. Bill had made the keynote speech, and they had sat at the raised table next to the podium. All through the evening, Paige had felt the eyes of the other attendees on her. She had felt the jealousy of the women, who coveted her youth and beauty.
But the men… the men were jealous of Bill. They had been looking at her, lusting after her, wondering what it would be like to sleep with her. They all knew that Bill was going to take her home and fuck her, and not one of them wouldn’t have killed for a chance at that. The feeling had been deliciously erotic. She had wet her panties within ten minutes of sitting down, and the smell of her own sex, mingled with the heady aroma of the fur, had gotten her even more aroused. Bill was the luckiest man in the city this evening, and Paige adored the fact that everyone knew it.
“Let’s go to the living room and you can fix me a drink,” Bill said into her ear. Paige allowed herself to be guided into the spacious living room. She’d been feeling so… agreeable recently. It felt good to do things for Bill. She rubbed her hands over the soft white fur as she followed him into the spacious, glass-walled living room. She quickly found the bar and began mixing Bill an Old Fashioned.
“You looked beautiful this evening, Paige,” Bill told her. Paige blushed a bit, but she knew it was true. She’d spent a small fortune on cosmetics in the last few weeks, all on the credit card Bill had given her. She’d even taken a three-hour seminar on makeup techniques at an upscale boutique in the city. It had cost a small fortune and she’d had to miss several classes, but it had been worth it.
She looked up at the mirror at the back of the bar, smiling as she examined herself. Her blonde hair, styled that afternoon at a salon downtown, cascaded gently over her shoulders and down her back, flowing serenely over the snowy fur. The makeup she wore softened her face, enhancing her femininity. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim light. Blue eyes… well, Bill liked them that way, and it really hadn’t been much effort to get colored contact lenses.
She finished Bill’s drink and took it to where he sat on the couch. “Thanks, darling,” he said as she handed it to him. Paige sat next to him on the plush leather couch, allowing her coat to fall open so Bill could see the slinky black dress she wore underneath. He gazed at her, his eyes roaming up and down her body. He reached out to caress her breast idly as he sipped his drink.
Something had been nagging her. “Bill?”
“Yes, darling?” he asked, only a touch of exasperation in his voice.
“What… what about your wife?”
He withdrew his hand. “I told you, she’s out of town until Sunday.”
“No… I mean… what about your wife and… and us?”
“Ah.” He paused, scratching his chin. “Well, she and I… she and I have an arrangement. I’d really rather not talk about it.”
“Okay,” Paige replied. “I’m sorry.” She really was. She felt bad for having made Bill uncomfortable. A mistress wasn’t supposed to do that.
Bill leaned forward, smiling. “I’m sure you can make it up to me,” he said. He kissed her, his hands stroking her erect nipples. Paige groaned, feeling her pussy grow damp. She inhaled deeply, the musky odor of the fur filling her nose. She needed it so badly…
“Do me right here,” she moaned. “Please…” She reached for his belt, swiftly unbuckling it. “I want you to fuck me in the coat.” She looked at him, desperate.
He smiled, seemingly on the verge of laughter. “Okay,” he chuckled. Paige cooed in delight, leaning back on the couch and spreading her legs, causing the dress to ride up and bunch around her waist. The cool air of the apartment tingled on the warm lips of her pussy. She giggled as she looked down at her clean-shaven crotch.
Bill had casually mentioned to her one evening last week that he liked a bare pussy, and she’d shaved herself the next morning. Paige had to admit that she liked it better that way. It was easier to keep clean, for one thing. But there was more to it than that. It made her more… accessible. She liked the idea of keeping her pussy bare for Bill. She liked it so much that she had almost stopped wearing panties. But she got wet every time she saw Bill, and it wouldn’t do to have her juices running down her legs when they were out in public.
Paige let out a soft moan as Bill’s slacks fell to his knees, revealing his rock-hard cock. He leaned forward, kissing her neck hungrily. Paige turned her head to one side, burying her nose in the soft, white fur of the coat and inhaling deeply. Her body tense, she thrust her crotch forward, anticipating his entry.
“Oh, honey, I forgot to tell you…” Bill said, his attention apparently distracted from her body.
“Wh-what? What?” Paige asked, almost panicking. She needed him so badly!
“I have to fly to Europe in a few days on business. I’m going to be gone for three weeks.”
Paige was aware of feeling vaguely sad at this news, but the bulk of her conscious thought was centered around the need she was feeling, the need for Bill’s cock to feel the aching void in her pussy. “Just fuck me…” she pleaded.
But Bill was unresponsive to her desires. “Listen, honey, there’s something I need you to do while I’m gone. A couple of gifts I want you to have. Will you take them?”
“Okay, okaaaaay,” she whined, her body writhing with lust.
“Promise?” he asked, apparently oblivious to her needs.
“Yes! Yes, I promise! Just fuck me!”
“Thanks, honey,” he replied, kissing her briefly. “You’re a real sweetheart. We’ll get everything set up tomorrow.” With that, he sank his cock into her steaming pussy, sending waves of pleasure up her spine. Paige orgasmed almost immediately, her back arching as her pussy spasmed around his cock.
It was only hours later, after hours of nonstop sex and countless orgasms on Bill’s tool, that Paige began to wonder exactly what sort of gifts she was going to receive.
Part Three
Paige paced nervously back and forth across the living room of the apartment. Bill was late. It had been nearly a month since she’d last seen him — he’d called to tell her that his business trip had been extended by a week — and Paige found herself nearly insane with anticipation. She pulled the ermine coat tightly closed, savoring the feel of the soft fur against her skin. A whole month without sex, she thought. That’s more than any girl should ever have to endure.
She jumped when the doorbell rang. Fighting to keep her composure, she walked quickly to the door, her high heels clicking rhythmically on the tile floor of the foyer. After a deep breath, she reached out with one manicured hand and opened the door.
It was Bill. “Hi, honey,” he said, stepping confidently into the apartment and kissing her on the lips.
Paige swooned at his touch. Gripping him tightly, she gnawed hungrily at his lips. “Oh, Bill… I’ve missed you…”
“I know, honey, I know,” he said soothingly, gently pushing her away. “First things, first, though. I want to see how they look.”
He was referring, of course, to the gifts he had arranged for her to receive just before going on his trip. Paige bit her lip nervously as she took one step away from him. Throwing the front of her coat wide open, she thrust her chest forward. “D-do you like them?” she stammered. Bill leaned forward, craning his neck this way and that as he examined her chest. Paige brought her hands up to cup her newly-augmented tits, drawing her fingers along their curved undersides. Please, she thought, tell me you like them.
She’d been nervous about the procedure all along, ever since that day four weeks ago when Bill had taken her to see a plastic surgeon. The surgeon was an old friend of Bill’s, and they’d chatted and joked for a full fifteen minutes, during which Paige had sat quietly, calmly caressing the fur of her coat.
Finally, the doctor had turned his attention to Paige, asking exactly what sort of bust she was after. Truthfully, of course, she was perfectly happy with the bust she had. But Bill was giving her a present, and… well, she’d already accepted so many gifts from Bill that it would be rude to turn this one down, wouldn’t it? So she’d resolved to accept Bill’s largesse. She could always get them removed later on.
She’d started off looking for something small and perky, determined to avoid looking top-heavy. She and the doctor had looked at some photos, discussing the possibilities of different shapes. But then Bill had casually suggested looking at something larger. Something more… “attention-getting” was the phrase he’d used. Paige had almost swooned at that. She was, she knew, a glutton for attention. The thought of men staring at her as she clung to Bill’s arm drove her crazy.
And so, somehow, after nearly an hour of looking at progressively larger implants, they’d settled on one of the more “attention-getting” models. Paige had left the office with misgivings, but Bill had soothed her that night at his apartment. In fact, he’d spent almost all his free time with her for the next couple days, until he finally left for Europe an hour after checking her into the hospital for surgery.
The next month had been stressful for Paige. Despite Bill’s frequent reassuring phone calls, she’d gone nearly insane at being cooped up alone in her apartment. The doctor had given strict instructions that she was to get as much rest as possible for the next four weeks. He had forbidden her to drink or engage in any sort of athletic activity, including sex. He hadn’t told her not to go to her classes, but Paige had stayed away anyway. She couldn’t bear the thought of showing up in class with her chest all swollen up. Everyone would know. So she’d called up the school registrar and withdrawn from her classes this semester. She could get back to studying in the spring when she’d be less distracted. And she knew Bill would pay for it.
In the last week, she’d gone shopping nearly every day. She needed new clothes to fit her new figure. Besides, she just had to get out of her apartment. So she’d used the credit card Bill had given her to purchase an assortment of dresses, tops, and lingerie. Getting out had relieved some of the stress of being cooped up, but it hadn’t done anything for the insatiable itch in her groin. In fact, merely knowing that she was going to be wearing these clothes for Bill only made her hornier.
“D-do you like them?” she asked timidly. She realized now that they were big. Anyone who saw them would know. They’d know that she belonged to Bill, and that he’d bought her tits for her. And she didn’t mind. She loved the idea that her augmented boobs somehow marked her as Bill’s property.
Bill finished his inspection and straightened up, apparently satisfied. “They’re beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. A perfect match.” The last remark had Paige somewhat puzzled, but she forgot about it a moment later as Bill kissed her, his hands pawing at her chest. Minutes later, the first orgasm of the evening surged through her body as Bill sucked eagerly on her new tits.
“Can you believe the balls of those guys?” Bill asked as he cut his veal. “They agree to a contract, drag me all the way to Europe, and then start complaining about our service plan. Jesus.” He popped another chunk escort bayan gaziantep oral yapan of meat into his mouth, still grimacing in disgust.
“Oh, I’m sorry, honey,” Paige said soothingly. It really bothered her to see Bill so upset. She’d always known that Bill was a very powerful man, but only recently had she come to realize that with that power came a great deal of responsibility. Paige tried to do whatever she could to relieve the stress Bill felt. When they were alone together, that meant giving him a nice blowjob, or spreading her legs to accommodate his cock. But at times like these, when they were out in public, she could only soothe him with words. “Everything came out for the best, didn’t it?” Paige stirred her salad while her free hand idly rubbed the fur hanging on the back of her chair.
“Yes, I suppose so,” Bill sighed. “Still, I’m worried they might try something like this again…” He trailed off, looking distractedly over her shoulder. Smiling, he waved at someone behind Paige. She turned to see a tall, thin man approaching. She straightened up, brushing her lush blond hair back behind her shoulders. It was important to look her best for Bill’s friends.
“Bill! How are you?” the man asked, shaking Bill’s hand vigorously. His voice had the slightest trace of a French accent.
“Excellent, Pierre. So nice to see you again. And how are you? How is the venture-capital business?”
“It’s doing well. My superiors in Paris are most pleased. And you seem to be doing very well, non?” he asked, looking meaningfully at Paige.
Bill chuckled. “Pierre, this is Paige,” he said, gesturing at her. Paige put on her best smile. I’m gorgeous, she thought. “Yes,” Bill continued, “I am rather pleased with her.” Paige shivered with delight. It made her so happy that she could bring pleasure to Bill’s otherwise stressful life.
“And why not?” Pierre responded. “She is gorgeous! You are a lucky man, Bill, to have such a beauty at your side.”
“Well, it’s not all luck. She needed a bit of upgrading. You should have seen her when I met her. She had one of those ugly short haircuts. And she didn’t know a thing about wearing makeup!” Paige bristled a bit at his words. Just because Bill didn’t go for the professional look didn’t mean…
“But look at her now! I’m really proud of what I’ve done with her,” Bill continued, and Paige forgot what she had been thinking. Bill was proud of her. It made her so happy that Bill could be proud of her. “But here’s the best part,” Bill went on. “Paige, honey, stand up so Pierre can get a good look at your tits.”
Paige only hesitated a moment before rising. Somewhere inside her, a tiny voice screamed in protest at being put on display like this, but it was washed away by the pleasure she felt at being shown off by Bill. She thrust her chest forward eagerly, smiling serenely as she cupped her massive boobs through the thin dress.
Pierre gasped. “Mon dieu, they are truly magnificent!” He peered at her chest in fascination. Paige beamed.
“Go on, touch ’em,” Bill prodded. Pierre reached forward, gingerly brushing the round globes of her cleavage with his thin fingers. “They’re fantastic aren’t they? I had Gerald do them. The man is a real artist.” Paige groaned in pleasure. She felt so valuable, like a prized possession. A work of art.
“They are truly wonderful,” Pierre said, sending another surge of pleasure up Paige’s spine. She shuddered, a ragged moan escaping her mouth. Pierre stepped back, surprised.
Bill chuckled again. “Yeah, she’s horny as a minx. A real firecracker in the sack. Fortunately, I’ve still got what it takes to keep her satisfied.” Paige felt her knees buckling. It was true, all of it. Ever since Bill had returned from Europe, she’d been in a near-constant state of arousal. Only Bill’s wonderful cock provided her any release. And she wanted the whole world to know it. She wanted to be a living, breathing testimony to Bill’s virility.
“Well,” Pierre replied, “I can see you’ve got your work cut out for you, mon ami. I shall bid you adieu and hope to see you next month at the banquet, non?”
“I’ll be there, Pierre,” Bill promised, waving goodbye to the departing Pierre. “Sit down, honey,” he told Paige, his attention turning back to his dinner.
Her knees still shaking, she complied. Her breathing was quick and shallow, and she could feel her pussy growing wet. “Bill,” she mewled plaintively, “let’s go…”
“What, already?” Bill replied, looking up from his plate.
Paige was bouncing in her seat. “I need it…” she whined softly.
Bill sighed. “Oh, all right. I guess it’s not fair to get you all worked up like that and then make you wait. I was just about done with my meal anyway. Let’s go back to the car.”
Paige squealed in delight, hurrying into her coat and almost dragging Bill out of the restaurant, ignoring the stares of the other diners. Five minutes later, he was sitting in the back of the limousine while she rhythmically impaled herself on his cock. Her beautiful new tits bounced energetically as she humped him, savoring the feeling of his manhood inside her. There was no doubt that Bill knew exactly how to keep her happy.
“Here you go, darling,” Paige said, handing Bill his Old Fashioned as she sat down on the couch next to him. She settled herself gently, arranging her coat so it was open in front, allowing Bill a good look at her body. She sat far enough away to not be intrusive; there were times when Bill just wanted to sit and think, and it was important not to make his life any more stressful than it already was by demanding his attention. Bill was a powerful, important man, and had many obligations besides her.
But at the same time she wanted to be accessible in case Bill needed her attention. So she made sure the coat lay open in front, exposing her voluptuous body, its curves barely contained by the sleek silver dress she wore. Paige inhaled deeply, drawing the musky scent of the fur into her nose. She hoped Bill wanted her attention tonight.
She was in luck. After a sip of his drink, Bill turned to her. “Thanks, honey. You know, I could really use a blowjob right about now.”
“Of course,” Paige replied, her face breaking into a grin. Smoothly but quickly, she slid off the couch, settling herself on her knees between Bill’s spread legs. She deftly unzipped his slacks and pulled out his rapidly-stiffening cock. It was, as always, gorgeous. She paused, staring at it in wonder for a moment, before leaning forward to take its meaty length into her mouth.
Bill let out a long, low groan as she began to suck. “Oh, that’s wonderful, honey,” he moaned. “You’re a real treasure.” Paige beamed at his words. A treasure! She felt her pussy spasm as she thought about how wonderful it was to be so valuable. She tickled the underside of his shaft with her tongue as she pumped her head up and down his shaft, while her hands gripped the base of his cock.
Paige groaned as she felt Bill’s hands come to rest on her head. “That’s it,” he groaned. Paige whined softly as he guided her up and down his manhood. She loved to suck Bill off — it was a joy to do anything that pleased him — but tonight she desperately needed him inside her. Still sucking his cock, she reached one hand down to stroke the white bandage covering her pussy.
Bill had picked her up in the limo at lunchtime. Paige hadn’t bothered to ask where they were going. If it was important for her to know, Bill would tell her. Otherwise, there was no reason to ask, and certainly no need to bother Bill. So she’d sat back, making herself comfortable in her white fur coat, and listening as Bill talked about his day, making occasional sympathetic noises.
She’d been surprised when the limo had stopped in the middle of one of the city’s seedier neighborhoods, and even more surprised when Bill had ushered her into a run-down store boasting a wide array of garish, multicolored drawings in the front window. The man behind the desk inside was dressed in a sleeveless T-shirt, faded jeans, and sported a large silver ring in his left ear, but he greeted Bill familiarly. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Sinclair. What can I do for you this time?”
“The same,” Bill replied before Paige could wonder what was being discussed. With a quick nod, the man walked through a door in the back wall, and Bill gently but firmly guided Paige through the door after him.
The room beyond was just big enough to hold a dentist’s chair, a stool, and a small table. Arrayed on the table were an assortment of needles, bottles, and implements whose function Paige could only guess at. The walls were covered with photographs of artwork. “Take off your coat and have a seat,” the man said, gesturing to the dentist’s chair.
Nervously, Paige took off her coat. Though she was wearing a rather nice red dress, she felt almost naked without the coat’s protective warmth. Bill took the coat from her as she sat down in the chair, leaning back and wondering what was going on. She took a closer look at one of the photos on the wall and realized the drawing had been done on a person’s skin. In fact, all the photos were of tattoos. This was a tattoo parlor! “Bill…” she said, her voice rising in panic. “Wh-what…”
Bill leaned close. “Shhh,” he admonished, placing a finger across her lips. He pulled her head and shoulders up with one hand while using the other to tuck the coat in behind her. Paige felt herself relax a little as she fell back into the soft fur of the coat. “Now, then,” Bill said softly, “Do you trust me?”
Her lips tight, Paige nodded affirmatively.
“Will you do what I say?”
“Y-yes,” she stammered as the sweet aroma of the fur penetrated her consciousness. It was important to do what Bill said. She wanted Bill to be happy, and she’d do whatever she could to make him happy.
“Good girl,” Bill replied, kissing her lightly. “Now pull up your skirt and spread your legs. Paige complied wordlessly, exposing her bare pussy to this stranger. Do what Bill says. Bill smiled and kissed her again before moving away to take to the man.
They spent several minutes discussing design and placement, Bill pointing to her crotch and describing what he wanted. When they’d come to an agreement, the artist turned to Paige. “Is that okay with you, miss?”
Paige swallowed nervously. “Whatever Bill wants,” she said, trembling. The man nodded once and turned to the table, where he started working with the instruments. It was as though he hadn’t really expected her to say anything different.
Bill stood next to her and held her hand as the artist began to work, running an electric razor over her pussy (even though she’d shaved it only four hours earlier. He spent perhaps half an hour drawing with some sort of pen on her pussy, while Paige struggled to remain still. Bill stroked her hair gently as he watched.
And then the needles started. Paige yelped at the first stab of pain. Bill knelt beside her and began whispering into her ear. “Be calm, honey. There’s a good girl. I’m so proud of you for being so brave. You’re making me very happy, honey.” Paige swallowed and tried to lie back as far as she could while the artist kept poking needles into her crotch. She gripped Bill’s hand tightly while trying to burrow her upper body into the soft white fur of the coat.
It lasted an hour. Paige found herself panting in relief as the artist put the needles and ink away and placed a bandage between her legs. “Same rules as before,” the man told Bill as Bill thrust a large wad of bills into his hand. Bill helped Paige to her feet and escorted her back to the limo.
“I’m so proud of you, honey,” he said once the car had started again. “You were very brave, but you did what you were told. And you deserve a reward.”
With that, Bill had unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. Paige had eagerly clambered to the floor of the car and taken him into her mouth. The residual pain of the needles in her crotch had been drowned out by the sheer joy of pleasuring Bill.
A pleasure she was experiencing again this evening. It felt indescribably good to have Bill’s tool in her mouth, to run her tongue along its veined underside, to suck at its swollen purple bulb. But she wanted more. She began rubbing the bandage, feeling her erect clitoris through the soft cotton.
“So,” Bill remarked, looking down at her. “you’re getting tired of that thing?” There was a big grin on his face. His cock still in her mouth, Paige looked up at him, pleading with her eyes. Bill chuckled. “Well, the man said it had to stay on for twelve hours, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take it off now. Get up here and spread your legs for me.”
Paige squealed with delight, letting Bill’s cock slide out of her mouth and clambering eagerly up onto the couch. She sat down facing Bill and spread her sleek legs as wide as she could, exposing her bandaged crotch. Delicately, Bill reached down and pulled at the surgical tape, lifting the white cloth away and exposing her moist pussy.
Paige looked down in wonder, seeing the tattoo for the first time. It was exquisitely done, with letters in a soft, flowing ***********, and it was amazingly legible considering what a small space the artist had had to work with. The tattoo covered her mons, with a single word appearing vertically on each side of her pussy. Paige read them aloud in a voice filled with reverent awe. “Bill’s Bimbo.”
“Oh, I love it!” she shrieked with glee. She felt wonderful. To think that a powerful, important man like Bill liked her so much that he would have his name permanently marked on her — it was simply overwhelming. She felt so treasured, like a work of art. Like a silver trophy engraved with the name of its owner. It felt so wonderful to belong to Bill. She looked up at him, tears of joy in her eyes. “Thank you so much…”
Bill silenced her with a kiss, and she pressed her body into his, wrapping her fur-clad arms around him. “Do me…” she moaned when their lips parted. “Please…” Bill shifted his body and entered her, his wonderful wand sliding into her dripping snatch. Paige had her first orgasm at his mere entry.
Fifteen minutes later he came, spurting powerfully into her. Paige shrieked through another in a seemingly endless series of orgasms, wordlessly thanking Bill for choosing her to be his bimbo.
Paige sighed in contentment as Bill played idly with her breast. The shimmering white strapless evening dress had been pulled down off her chest, exposing her round, firm tits to his hands. She snuggled against him, rubbing the soft white fur of the coat against her face, letting its aroma drift into her nostrils.
It was so pleasant to be here with Bill, just relaxing while he rubbed her boobs. She loved the sex, of course, whether Bill’s cock was filling her pussy or her mouth. But there was something magical about moments like this, when she sat still and let Bill idly fondle her body. She loved the idea of just being there as a plaything for Bill, a toy for him to play with while he thought his important thoughts.
She felt his free hand stroking her hair and purred happily. The limo had come for her this afternoon, picking her up at her apartment and whisking her to the downtown salon that Bill always had her use. An appointment had been made for her, and the stylists had apparently already been instructed as to exactly what sort of treatment she was supposed to receive. So she’d sat quietly back and let them do their job. Afterward, she’d looked in the mirror and been amazed. Her hair had been bleached, and the honey-blond color had been replaced by a bright platinum shade. It had also been elegantly styled — a pile of lustrous tresses cascaded down her back, stopping below her shoulder blades.
The limo had driven her home, where she’d changed into the thin white dress, and then taken her downtown to meet Bill at a five-star restaurant. There they’d enjoyed a long dinner. As usual, Paige had gotten the lion’s share of the attention from the men in the restaurant, and she’d reveled in it. She’d made it very clear, though, that she had eyes only for Bill. It was important to look like a goddess, but she had to let everyone know that she belonged to Bill.
“I’ve got a surprise for you, honey,” Bill said as the limo came to a stop. Paige sat up and looked around, pulling the dress back up over her boobs as Bill got out. She had just gotten her bountiful cleavage fixed when Bill helped her out of the car, guiding her up onto the sidewalk. Only after the limo had sped away did she realize that they weren’t at Bill’s apartment.
“B-but… this is my place,” she stammered. “We can’t stay here.” It wasn’t her real apartment, of course; it was the trick pad, the elegant downtown place that she and Nicole used to entertain johns.
“That’s the surprise, honey,” Bill said, kissing her on the cheek. “I’ve decided that you’re going to live here from now on.”
“B-but…” Paige began.
“Shush, Paige. You’re a gorgeous woman. A work of art.” Paige felt a tiny tremor run through her body. Yes, she was. “And a classy babe like you doesn’t belong in a tiny student apartment uptown. You belong here, where the whole city can see you. I want my treasure to be on display for everyone.”
Paige moaned, her knees buckling as they always did when Bill talked about her as an art object. “But N-Nicole…”
Bill smiled. “Don’t worry about Nicole. Now come on.” Paige allowed him to lead her through the front door and past the doorman, who smiled at him and nodded. She remained silent but fearful in the elevator. Nicole had an appointment tonight. She’d likely be here with her john right now. Paige couldn’t let Bill do this.
The elevator stopped and opened, and Bill led her to the door of the apartment. “Bill…” Paige pleaded, marshaling all her strength for one last try. “Nicole is in there…”
“I know, honey,” Bill replied, smiling as he opened the unlocked door. Stunned, Paige allowed him to pull her inside.
“Jimmy!” The shriek came from Nicole, who race out of the living room and across the foyer to throw herself at Bill. “Oh, Jimmy!” she gushed, kissing him passionately.
Paige’s jaw dropped as she took in the scene. “J-Jimmy?”
Part Four
Bill gently pushed Nicole away, looking at Paige. “Yes, that’s my name. James. James William Sinclair. Most people call me Bill. Nicole here,” he looked down at the girl who was holding him tightly, “she calls me Jimmy.”
Nicole looked up at Paige, seeming to notice her for the first time. “Paige?” she asked, looking at Bill. “Jimmy?”
“You mean… But I thought…” Paige tried to sort it all out. “So you’ve b-been seeing b-both of us?” she asked. Nicole was looking at Bill with a suspicious expression, one that Paige was sure was mirrored on her own face.
Bill sighed. “Oh, what was I supposed to do? You’re both so absolutely gorgeous. What man wouldn’t want to have you both? I mean, look at each other.”
Paige looked at Nicole. Her deep brown hair had been dyed a jet black and worked into a style almost identical to Paige’s own. Her voluptuous body was barely covered by a sheer strapless evening dress not unlike the one Paige wore, except that Nicole’s was black while Paige’s was white. And just to top it all off, Nicole had a fur of her own, a deep black sable coat that hung loosely over her exquisite frame. Nicole was gorgeous. Almost like a work of art.
Bill took the two girls by the shoulders, turning them to face the full-length mirror that hung on one wall of the foyer. “Just look at yourselves,” he said, standing behind them. “You belong together.” Paige realized it was true. Nicole had a darker complexion than she did, but in so many other ways they were nearly identical. “You’re both beautiful separately, but otele gelen gaziantep escort bayan together you’re priceless.” Paige knew it was right. She and Nicole belonged together.
Paige turned to face the brunette, only to realize that Nicole was already looking at her, her brown eyes hooded with passion. Nicole was her other half. Paige wanted — no, she needed — to be with Nicole. She leaned forward, catching the scent of Nicole’s coat. It was different, and yet so much like her own. Their lips met cautiously at first, and then passionately, the two girls kissing each other hungrily. Their tongues danced as the two furs slid over each other.
They broke at last, still gazing into each other’s eyes. “Splendid!” Bill exclaimed, placing one arm across each pair of fur-clad shoulders. “Now then, girls, why don’t we go to bed? We’ve got a lot of fun waiting for us.”
Two hours later, Paige lay serenely on the large bed, resting on top of the two coats, inhaling their odor. She and Nicole lay curled together, their skins shining with sweat, idly caressing each other’s bodies.
They’d done everything. Nicole had ridden Bill’s cock for half an hour until they both came while Paige had made energetic use of her tongue on their entwined genitalia, after which the girls had reversed roles, with Paige furiously humping up and down until Bill shot a second creamy load into her snatch.
After that, the girls had treated Bill to a double blowjob, sucking and licking his cock together, their lips and tongues dueling over every inch of his body. It had taken awhile, but they had gotten him to come a third time. Paige and Nicole had been eager to go at it again, but Bill had pleaded exhaustion.
The girls had snuggled for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies. Paige stretched out one hand to caress Nicole’s exposed breast, stroking the smooth globe with her fingers. That was another way in which the girls were alike; they had identical boob jobs. “Matching tits,” Paige giggled, eliciting a similar response from Nicole.
She was dimly aware of Bill picking up the phone and dialing. Of course, Bill was an important man; it was only natural that he should be calling his business associates. Paige turned her attention back to Nicole’s wonderful body, letting Bill’s words pass her by. Surely it was nothing that a bimbo like her needed to hear anyway.
“Rick? Hi, it’s Bill… Yes, fine, fine. I’m doing very well, thank you… Well, remember that bet we made?… No, not that one, the one at Anderson’s party… Yes, the girls… Yes, well, I did it…”
Paige moaned as she felt Nicole beginning to lap at her pussy. Two can play at that game, she thought, pulling the brunette’s legs open and shoving her face into the smooth-shaven snatch. She flicked her tongue across Nicole’s clit, noting with pleasure that it was fully erect.
“No, I’m serious… I just had them both… Yes, together! They’re right here in bed with me… Both of them, and then they sucked me off…. Well, okay, yes, it’s none of your business but I do take Viagra.””
Paige pulled back for a second, examining the tattoo on Nicole’s mons. She’d seen it already, but in the heat of their fuck-session with Bill she hadn’t had a chance to examine it closely. As with her own tattoo, it was exquisitely artful, with the two words elegantly rendered in the small space available around her slit. Paige smiled as she read the words: Bill’s Slut.
“Slut,” Paige called out in mock derision.
“Bimbo,” came the equally playful reply. The two girls shared a laugh before returning their attention to each other’s pussies.
“Well, it surprised me, but the blonde actually took more work. The brunette was a real airhead and it was easy to get her where I wanted, but I had to keep her on hold while I finished… er, training… the blonde. I don’t know, really. Maybe the brunette just took better to the coat.”
Her passion flaring, Paige rolled Nicole onto her back, positioning herself on top and resuming her oral assault on the brunette’s shaven cunt. She was rewarded by a new energy from Nicole’s mouth between her own legs. The two girls raced toward climax, almost competing with each other to see which could bring the other off first.
“Oh, right now they’re just getting each other off on the bed. What’s that?… Oh, no, you can keep the money. Really. Consider it a token of my gratitude for what you’ve helped me discover. You really should see them, my friend. They’re absolutely gorgeous, and with the work I’ve done they complement each other nicely…. You might call them a matched set.”
Paige had been paying almost no attention to Bill’s conversation, but the last three words hit her like a freight train. She screamed in orgasm, her body shuddering. A matched set. She clung tightly to Nicole, dimly aware that her twin was coming as well. She was so pleased that Bill had collected them both, and she thought of all the wonderful times she and Nicole were going to have bringing him pleasure. Her orgasm finished, she collapsed on top of Nicole, her face falling into the soft white fur of her coat. She inhaled deeply.
“Let there be light!” Bill cried as he threw the large metal switch. The forty-foot-tall Christmas tree came alive with multicolored brilliance. Paige gasped in wonder, aware that the hundreds of onlookers around them were doing likewise. “Merry Christmas!” Bill yelled as the crowd erupted into applause. Paige clung tightly to Bill as he waved to the spectators.
The cool night air blew against her exposed upper chest. Paige had left her snow-white fur coat unbuttoned at the top, exposing a generous amount of cleavage to the eyes of anyone who cared to look. Even on a cold December evening, it was important to show off her body and make sure everyone knew just how virile Bill must be to have her.
To have them. Paige looked over to where Nicole clung to his other arm, resplendent in her black sable coat. The raven-haired girl was using her free hand to adjust her matching black fur hat as she smiled at the onlookers. Paige sighed as she drank in Nicole’s elegant beauty.
But there would be time to stare at Nicole later, Paige reminded herself. Adjusting her ermine hat — a perfect match for her own coat, naturally — Paige waved to the crowd, smiling and being sure to turn her body so everyone got a tantalizing look at the round tops of her tits. The cold air on her skin had stiffened her nipples. Her clitoris was also erect, but that was another matter. The tree-lighting signified the end of the bank’s annual holiday festival, which meant that Bill would be taking them back to the car soon, which meant… Her pussy clenched in anticipation.
Sure enough, after a few more moments spent waving to the crowd, Bill turned to walk off the makeshift stage, saying goodbye to the bank’s senior officers as he did so. Paige and Nicole followed, one on either side of him, bracketing him like decorative ornaments. Paige felt warm inside as she thought of how pretty she and Nicole must have looked flanking Bill.
They had just reached the ground level and were turning toward the street and the waiting limo when a smartly-dressed young woman holding a microphone stepped in front of them. “Mr. Sinclair! Joyce Seaver, Channel Eight News. Would you mind answering a few questions, sir?” A man with a TV camera had materialized behind her. Paige found herself growing angry. Bill was a powerful, important man who had better things to do than answer some silly girl’s questions.
Bill stopped. “Well, it’s late and normally I’d really just want to get home. But in the spirit of the season, why not?” Paige grinned, looking at Bill. He was such a wonderful man. Always so generous.
After the first time the three of them had had sex, Bill had taken over paying the rent and utilities on Paige and Nicole’s apartment, insisting that the girls move in permanently. He’d even bought them a new bed, a huge round model large enough to accommodate the three of them in comfort. Best of all, the bed was covered in fur. Paige and Nicole had spent countless hours just lying in the bed, wrapping themselves in the soft, musky fur.
During the day, the girls frequently went shopping together, looking for new clothes they thought Bill might like. Bill, being the generous man he was, always paid their credit-card bills. Of course, Paige and Nicole made sure to always co-ordinate their purchases. They were a matched set, after all.
When they weren’t shopping, they were most often exercising. They went jogging together in the park quite often; the girls had found that it took quite a bit of stamina to keep up with Bill in bed. And they spent a good deal of time at the local gym, keeping their bodies fit and trim. It was important to look good next to Bill. Speaking of which… Paige put on her most dazzling smile, turning to face the camera as she clung tightly to Bill’s arm.
“Mr. Sinclair,” the reporter began, “do you really think it’s appropriate for a man of your age and position in the community to be running around with multiple young women?” Paige bristled again. How dare this bitch talk to Bill like that!
But Bill responded quickly and smoothly. “Miss Seaver, it’s true that I’m an old man. All the more reason for me to sample life’s pleasures before it’s too late. And I happen to enjoy beautiful things,” he said, placing one arm around each girl’s shoulders. Paige sighed and beamed at him. She was so happy bringing pleasure to Bill. The newsgirl seemed visibly perturbed at Paige’s display of pleasure, which made Paige even happier.
“And just what does your wife think of all this?” the reporter fired back. “Is it true that she filed for a divorce?”
Bill smiled. “She did, but we’ve since reconciled. My wife and I understand each other perfectly. And before you ask, we’re still very much in love. You should see the mink coat I got her last month for her birthday. She absolutely adores it.” Paige sighed again. So generous.
“And you, miss,” the girl said, turning her attention to Paige. “Do you really enjoy being nothing more than a toy for this man?”
“I’m not a toy!” Paige snapped. “I’m… I’m…” She looked at Bill. “I’m a bimbo. Bill’s bimbo.”
Bill smiled at her, and Paige felt her anger fading. “That’s right, honey. You’re my bimbo.” Paige turned back to face the newsgirl, glowing triumphantly. “And now,” Bill continued, “if you’ll excuse us, Miss Seaver, I believe we’ve given you enough of our time.”
His arms around the girls’ shoulders, Bill walked past the young reporter to the waiting limo. The driver held the door open as Bill helped first Nicole, then Paige inside. There were still people watching, so Paige made sure to position herself so that her long, sleek legs were exposed to view as she stepped into the limo. She wanted all the men to see her legs and fantasize about what lay between them. They’d know that Bill was going to get to have his way with her pussy, as well as Nicole’s, and they’d be just insanely jealous. Paige grinned as she took a seat next to Nicole.
The door closed behind them, affording the girls a brief moment alone while Bill walked around to the other side of the car. The two gazed rapturously into each other’s eyes. Paige admired Nicole’s beauty and grace, knowing how well it complemented her own. Like two matching trophies, Paige thought, leaning forward to kiss her roommate.
In the evenings, after long days of shopping or exercising, Paige and Nicole fucked. Bill couldn’t spend every night with them, of course. He was a powerful, important man, with other responsibilities — a large bank to run, a wife, and even another mistress or two. When he was away, it was up to Paige and Nicole to amuse themselves.
And amuse themselves they did. The girls never got tired of exploring the curves of each other’s bodies, each knowing that the other’s beauty was a reflection of her own. The girls would stand together in front of the bedroom mirror, trying on different outfits and striking sexy poses, trying to figure out what Bill would like best. Eventually, they’d yield to their own passion and fall onto the bed, their perfectly matched bodies intertwining as they sought out each other’s sensitive spots.
But their passion for each other paled by comparison to their love for Bill. The girls broke their kiss as Bill climbed into the limo, settling himself on the leather seat at the opposite end of the compartment from Paige and Nicole, his cell phone pressed to one ear.
“Channel Eight… Jackson still owns it, right?… Yes, I thought so. Well, call him up and remind him exactly how much it cost to buy that station, and remind him where the financing came from. Remind him how difficult it’ll be for him to refinance if we decide to pull the carpet out from under him. Then suggest to him that perhaps it’s not a good policy to allow young reporters to do ambush interviews at a Christmas photo op. Suggest to him that it might be a good idea to make an example of Miss Seaver by bouncing her out to Idaho and letting her interview potatoes.”
Paige felt her pussy clench again at his words. The bitch was going to get what she deserved. It was so wonderful to belong to a rich, powerful man like Bill who would take care of you like that. “Understand? Good.” He folded up the phone and put it in his suit pocket. “Now then, girls, let’s get comfortable. I’d like to inspect my art.”
Smiling, Paige and Nicole reached out to remove each other’s coats. They’d spent hours trying to decide what to wear, and in fact hadn’t come to a decision until the limo had arrived to pick them up and bring them downtown to meet Bill at the festival. Giggling, they opened their coats and turned to face Bill. His eyebrows shot up, eliciting another round of titters from the girls. “You naughty, naughty girls,” he said, shaking his head and smiling.
Paige looked up and down Nicole’s nubile body, naked except for the black high heels and the fur hat. The idea had been born of desperation — they’d been unable to settle on outfits, and they knew Bill wouldn’t approve of them being late. So they’d worn nothing but their fur coats. Nicole had apparently felt the cold just as much as Paige had, judging from the posture of her nipples. Paige idly rubbed one of the brunette’s erect buds with her thumb and forefinger, drawing a gasp from her roommate.
But there would be enough time for that later. The girls laid their coats out on the floor of the limo and knelt on them, their knees spread to show off their tattoos. Bill grinned and began issuing instructions. “Turn a little toward each other, girls… Move a little closer… Yes, that’s it…” Paige and Nicole obeyed each instruction eagerly, positioning themselves as Bill commanded. Paige felt her pussy grow moist as she posed with Nicole.
And finally, Bill stopped. The girls were still kneeling on the furs, their knees spread to expose their tattoos to Bill. Their bodies were turned slightly toward each other, the arms away from Bill resting on each other’s flanks. Paige’s free hand was caressing the underside of Nicole’s tit while Nicole reached across to cup Paige’s crotch. Eyes closed, the girls faced each other, their tongues extended and barely touching.
Nude except for their fur hats and high heels, the girls held their position. Paige’s chest heaved as she fought to control herself. Even though her eyes were closed, she could practically feel Bill admiring their gorgeous bodies. She loved it when Bill did this. “Exquisite,” he said at last. “Still life in black and white.” Paige swooned at his words. Art. She was a work of art.
“All right, girls,” Bill said at last, “You’ve earned your reward. Time for some fun.” Paige and Nicole squealed in delight, scrambling forward to position themselves between Bill’s spread legs. They scrambled to unzip his pants, allowing his magnificent, rock-hard cock to spring free. By unspoken agreement, Paige held back and let Nicole take Bill’s manhood into her mouth. Paige had gotten to suck Bill off last time, and the girls were scrupulously fair about such things.
Paige watched in fascination as Nicole began taking long, slow strokes on Bill’s cock, her shiny red lips sliding smoothly up and down the swollen phallus. Paige brushed her roommate’s thick, jet-black hair out of the way so that Bill could have an unobstructed view of her blowjob, gently combing the shiny black strands with her fingers. Once she was confident Nicole had a good rhythm going, Paige leaned forward and began licking the base of Bill’s shaft, occasionally pausing to suck his deliciously sweaty balls.
The girls took turns on Bill’s cock, alternately taking his manhood into their mouths and stroking it with their skilled tongues. Hours of practice with various dildoes had honed their techniques to perfection. Using their talented mouths, Paige and Nicole were capable of bringing hours of pleasure to Bill, keeping his magnificent cock rock-hard without pushing him over the edge into orgasm.
In this case, however, only half an hour was required before Bill climbed down off the leather seat. Paige and Nicole embraced him, three mouths meeting in a deliciously wet kiss as the nubile bodies of the two oversexed young women pressed against the bank president’s still-muscular frame. Purring and groaning, the two beauties smoothly but swiftly removed his remaining clothes. Paige felt Bill’s hand stroking her flank, sliding up to caress one firm tit. She groaned as he pinched her erect nipple.
Paige felt Bill’s hands applying gentle pressure, and instinctively fell to her hands and knees, presenting her ass to him. She knew what he wanted and looked back over her shoulder to see him positioning himself behind her while Nicole continued to kiss and caress his body, one hand stroking Bill’s erect cock. Paige held her breath as Bill moved forward, Nicole’s hand guiding his cock.
Paige shrieked as she felt him enter her, an orgasm crashing through her tingling body. She was so happy it was her turn to go first. This, too, was a rule the girls enforced strictly between themselves; Nicole had gotten first crack at blowing Bill, so Paige was the first to get her pussy filled.
Her sex-hungry body took over almost automatically, the muscles of her pussy squeezing Bill’s cock as he began to take long strokes in and out of her dripping wet snatch. The first fuck was the best. Sure, the second one lasted longer, and was usually more sensuous. But Bill always came harder the first time, and the feel of his jism in her pussy meant more to Paige than any amount of “sensuality.” Bill’s spunk was the reward she craved, the tangible evidence of just how sexy this powerful man found her, the physical proof of her value to him. Fuck sensuality. Paige wanted Bill’s come in her cunt.
She felt Nicole’s tongue on the lips of her pussy, tickling her clit and stroking her sensitive labia, reminding her of the tattoo she wore. “Bimbo,” she gasped, working her hips back against Bill’s thrusts. “I’m a bimbo.”
Bill chuckled behind her. “That’s right, honey,” he said, one hand stroking her ass as he continued to fuck her. “You’re my little bimbo.” Paige shuddered with her second orgasm of the night.
Half an hour and countless orgasms later, Paige finally received the reward she craved. By this time, her shoulders had fallen to the fur-covered floor, her ass pointing firmly upward as Bill’s cock pounded down into her, each thrust pressing her face against the soft, rich fur. Paige screamed in ecstasy as she felt Bill shudder inside her, his cock spasming inside her tight pussy. Her body shook as he shot his load, sending wad after wad of thick, juicy man-cream spurting into her trembling pussy.
She felt Bill withdraw and slumped to the ground, exhausted but ecstatic. Bill’s cock was quickly replaced by Nicole’s tongue, lapping up the jism dripping from Paige’s pussy. Soon, Bill would want to fuck Nicole, after which Paige would do the cleaning. Returning favors came with being part of a matched set.
For now though, Page lay on the floor, shaking with pleasure as Nicole tongued her snatch clean. She buried her head in the soft fur coat underneath her, breathing in its musky odor, sighing happily.
It was so wonderful to belong.
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