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Tommy’s Neighbourhood Ch. 04

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I’ve just finished Chapter 3, so it’s straight into 4 and hopefully with time we can cut down on turn around time.

After a false start with someone else who gave the impression of being a great editor, but then unfortunately had to withdraw from providing me with help, I have finally found an editor to help me out, so you can all thank EndOfStory if this chapter seems a little more polished than others. If there are still problems, they’re on me.

A note on the series, I originally envisioned it as a coming of age story where a slightly physically underdeveloped (apart from his cock) underdog inexplicably gets a huge amount of sex and lives happily ever after. What I originally planned, and am now unsure of, was that his mother, aunt and even grandmother sample him.

However, as time has gone by, I’ve realised that there may be readers who are repulsed or at the very least not interested in reading such stuff. I think that is a fair point of view. For that reason, I completely changed Chapter 3. At the end of the day, I’ll write what I’m happy writing, but that change felt right.

However, I’m getting a few comments that want his mother or aunt to get involved. This series is a slow burn, so if such a thing happens, it won’t be immediate.

If you like the series, I implore you to leave a comment on the end letting me know if you’re for or against the incest angle for Tommy. If Tommy does go this way, I’ll make sure it’s segregated enough that your delicate eyes are protected, but I’m not going to waste my efforts on it if the majority would hate it. At the end of the day though, I’ll write what feels right to me for the story.

* * *

Dramatis Personae (Prior Chapters)

Thomas (Tommy) Johnson. Age 19. Due to a condition when he was a small child, his body’s development was stunted, though doctors assured his mother that his growth would eventually catch up. He’s the shy owner of a 6″ dick that becomes 10″ hard.

Amy Johnson, Tommy’s single mother. Age 36. Amy has silky, shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She works hard to provide a decent life for Tommy despite being a single parent and is extremely proud of her son’s intelligence though she is over-protective of him physically. Tommy feels guilty for having checked out his Mum once or twice.

Pam Johnson, Tommy’s Aunt and Amy’s sister. Age 26. Her blonde hair hangs halfway down her back with light blue piercing eyes. She possesses high cheekbones, thin lips that are very rarely seen without a mischievous smirk, and a thin nose which makes her whole face very slender. Much more liberal than her sister. Currently looking for work in her sister and Tommy’s area, requiring her to stay with her sister, and take up Tommy’s bedroom.

Brian Cherry, Tommy’s best friend. Age 18. He and Tommy have been friends for most of their lives. They’re both into video games, science-fiction and fantasy. Brian’s parents recently got divorced, and both Brian and his Mum crave for Brian to spend more time with his father.

Vicki Cherry, Brian’s mother. Age 40. 38DD-25-36. Olive skin, wavy brown hair styled like Farrah Fawcett, with thick, dick-sucking lips, and brown eyes. Vicki appears to be the doting, reserved, single mother, but underneath that is a wild child. She took Tommy’s virginity.

Brenda Bush, Tommy’s teacher. Age 27. 34DD-26-34. Dark brunette hair, brown, almost sleepy-looking eyes, slightly thick nose, high cheekbones, pouting lips. Brenda has a weakness for students that has resulted in her getting fired a few times. Most recently, she’s taken a strong liking to Tommy, and was the second woman Tommy slept with.

Ms Stern, Tommy’s principal. Age 48. 52F-28-38. Honey blonde hair with highlights, hanging loosely down her back in a sort of wavy, 50’s style when free, but normally bound up in a bun, and soft, green eyes. She behaves much as her name, sternly, but once she had Tommy in her office, it became quite obvious that she is a submissive, wanton cumslut. She is the third woman Tommy has fucked.

Heather Hancock, Tommy’s neighbour and his Mum’s best friend. Age 31. Recently, Tommy spotted her through her bedroom window in a very sexy outfit, apparently arguing with her husband.

* * *

On Wednesday night there was a letter addressed to Tommy in the mail, and the return address was some kind of fancy firm in the city, Sadler, Chisholm & Associates.

Tommy almost never got any mail.

He opened it up and noted that it was thick paper, with a letterhead and everything, very official looking.

Dear Mr Thomas Johnson,

We are writing on behalf of the estate of Mr Richard Johnson — Grandpa, thought Tommy — in relation to several stipulations in his Last Will & Testament.

Tommy’s Grandpa had died… eleven years ago, probably; Tommy had definitely been 8 at the time. Why would they be contacting him now?

Under instructions left by Mr Richard Johnson, görükle escort several trust funds were created to withhold funds from the pool and allow for future…

The letter went on and on in very strict, confusing, legal terms. Tommy wasn’t really sure what it was all about, but if he had to guess, it sounded like Grandpa had left him some money which he was about to receive. Grandpa had always been wealthy, and he did remember his Mum being very worried and stressed around the time of Grandpa’s death. Now that he thought back on that time, he wondered if perhaps his Mum had been hoping to receive a lot of money from his Grandpa.

He left the letter where he knew his Mum would see it, and then went off to do his homework.

* * *

When his Mum got home, he listened to her movements, wondering what her reaction would be. After shouted greetings, he could hear her go to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes, and possibly use the bathroom. Eventually he heard her go to the kitchen and a chair scrape on the floor, it would only be a matter of time until she saw the letter. She gasped, and then called out to him as she came down the hall, “Tommy, when did you get this letter?” She was clearly agitated when she got to his room.

“It was in the mail today Mum.” He looked at her, waiting for her response so he could gauge if she was excited or upset.

“Well… do you know what it means?” still not revealing her emotions.

“I think it means Grandpa left me something?” She grinned and rushed forward to hug Tommy.

“Yes, yes Tommy. Oh I’m so happy for you Tommy.”

“You mean us, happy for us right Mum?”

She stepped back and looked at him seriously, “No Tommy, this money is for you. You must use it wisely for your future. You must use it to go to college, or buy a house. You’re not to use any of it on me. Besides, the letter doesn’t even say how much money you have.” He could see a tear forming.

He stepped forward and hugged her. There wasn’t anything to say. He knew her well, and knew that she wouldn’t allow him to spend any money on her if she could help him. He was already planning something though.

They had a nice dinner and Tommy’s Mum said that she’d ring up the law firm tomorrow and find out what it was all about.

* * *

When he got home there was a message on the answering machine from his Mum. She’d tried to find out all about it, but they wouldn’t deal with her, Tommy had to call them up himself. She left him the phone number and told him to call them up now before their office closed for the day.

He dialled the number and waited for someone to answer.

“Good afternoon, Sadler, Chisholm & Associates, how may I help you?” surprisingly, it sounded like a young woman’s voice and she sounded bubbly.

“Uh, hi, I’m calling about a letter I received about my Grandpa leaving me something.”

“What is your name?”

“Thomas Johnson… and my Grandpa was Richard Johnson.”

“Oh yes, Mr Johnson, please bear with me for one moment while I get Ms Sadler on the line.” Tommy was suddenly on hold, listening to soft piano music. He was impressed that he was being put through to one of the partners of the firm.

“Mr Johnson?” the call was abruptly picked up by a different voice, an older female voice.


“I am Marjorie Sadler. May I call you Thomas?”

“Yes… but most people call me Tommy.”

“Very well Tommy. I understand you’re still in High School?”


“Well then, would you be able to come into our offices tomorrow after school, say 4:00PM?” He’d have to catch the bus, but he didn’t have any classes later in the day, so he would be able to leave a little earlier to catch a bus downtown.

“Yes, I can do that.”

“Excellent. You shouldn’t need it tomorrow, but if you have a copy of your latest grades, it will help to bring them in.”

That seemed strange. “Okay.”

“Just tell reception your name and they’ll take care of you. See you tomorrow Tommy.”

“Yes, thank you, Ms Sadler.”

That night, Tommy told his mother about the arranged meeting. They discussed what it could be about. They agreed that there was nothing to get too excited about, it could just be a thousand dollars or so, but even that would help them out immensely. They figured that even for a straightforward payout there would have to be some kind of formality. Still, it was definitely an unusual event in their lives.

* * *

Tommy nervously walked down the hallway. He’d been summoned to Ms Stern’s office during lunch, which was very unusual, although what had happened on Tuesday with Ms Stern had been even more unusual.

He didn’t let himself accept the fact that she’d summoned him to her office so they could fuck again, but he knew it was a strong possibility.

He found the situation strange. Firstly, he was young and horny, and would have been keen to fuck Ms bursa escort bayan Stern with her huge tits at the drop of a hat, but rather than ask him, she’d blackmailed him into it. Secondly, upon successfully forcing him to have sex with her, she’d played this weird game where she was all submissive, meaning she was forcing him to force her to have sex with him. Surely that was strange?

When he reached Ms Stern’s office her secretary was there again. She was filing her nails and waved Tommy forward into Ms Stern’s office. Did she know what was going on?

“Lock it,” he heard from behind her changing screen. He did so, and watched the screen intently for the appearance of Ms Stern. He was mentally psyching himself up, getting ready to put Ms Stern in her place, namely on her knees, in front of him, offering him her huge, enormous tits with her prodigious amount of cleavage on display, just waiting to squeeze his long, hard cock in her soft, undulating flesh, lubricated by her saliva as she gagged for his hot cum. Yep, definitely psyching himself up.

On Tuesday she’d been decked out in purple lingerie, but today, she’d eschewed all the trappings. She stepped out from behind the screen, as near to naked as she could be without actually being naked.

Her enormous breasts were unbound by any bra, and they hung pendulously on her chest. No-one was likely to describe them as perky, in fact, he could see they were showing signs of losing the fight to gravity, but they were so immense, that was no surprise. They were clearly all natural, and they hung with a natural tear drop shape and jiggled, swayed and shimmied with each tiny movement she made.

Her legs were thick, and powerful, but looked so welcoming and sensual.

His eyes were drawn to the only stitch of clothing she wore, and it was little more than a stitch. They could hardly be called panties. They were made of blue satin, glossy and shiny, but so ridiculously tiny. The front was so small, and so low, that it looked like her entire blonde bush was completely free. In fact, if he looked closely, he was sure he could almost see her clit over the top of the panties. They must be designed to hug only the very lips of her pussy, but leave everything else exposed.

When she turned, Tommy’s breath caught. The back was a severe V-String. From the moment the material left her arse crack it was split in two. Her meaty cheeks were essentially uncovered, but that little bit of material just made the whole view a lot sexier. Tommy had an urge to run his tongue all over her butt cheeks, and bite and tear at the strings that marred her skin.

She finished her turn and then looked at him with hooded eyes, clasping her hands in front of herself in a nervous manner.

Tommy knew what was expected of him now.

“Come here,” he ordered.

He thought he saw her lips turn slightly upward at the edges as she walked over to him submissively.

“On your knees,” he ordered. There wasn’t a lot of strength to his words, but he’d work on it.

“Take it out,” he referred of course to his hardening dick. From the moment she’d appeared it had been on a steady path to becoming uncomfortably hard.

She pulled his belt undone smoothly and then unbuckled his pants. All the while she rubbed the front of his pants where his big cock bulged, stimulating him. Slowly she pulled down his zipper, and immediately his rampant cock, still covered by his jocks, forced its way into view.

Tommy was keen. She grabbed his underwear and pulled it down, freeing his raging cock. He ordered Ms Stern, “Now lick it!”

She grabbed his cock between her thumb and forefinger, at the root. Aiming it upwards she dove in, flattening her tongue against the underside of his rod, down by her thumb, then began licking upwards. The soft, wet pressure on the underside caused him to moan, “Uhhhh.”

She moved down the side of his shaft, licking the underside and rolling her tongue around trying to reach every spot she knew would make him feel good, and occasionally placing little kisses along it.

When she reached the bottom she made her way back up to the tip, but treated the other side to her divine skills.

She started placing tiny little kisses all around the sensitive, nerve-filled head. Her tongue lapped out to lick along the crease between shaft and head. Around and around she worked the sensitive head.

“Oh God!” he moaned.

She made another lap of his shaft, going in the opposite direction, lips and tongue, sliding sensually all over and up and down his rod.

Pursing her lips together, she started placing big, wet, sloppy, smacking kisses on his pole, giving his whole cock the loving treatment

Placing a big wet smooch on the head, she opened her lips and slipped her tongue out just long enough to lick the slit, and press just slightly inwards.

She rained these smooches all over the head of his cock, and then finally allowed bursa escort it into her wet mouth. Her tongue surrounded him, sucked and pulled at him.

She lowered her head, taking more of Tommy’s shaft inside, slurping around it.

Tommy watched her cheeks cave in as she formed a vacuum seal around his dick, sucking for all she was worth.


He took hold of her head, holding either side of her face, and started to control the tempo, forcing her skull up and down.

He felt powerful. Once he’d set the tempo, he released her head and while she kept pace, he reached underneath to fondle her tits and tweak her tiny nipples.

“Fuck yes,” he blurted.

He hunched over her to give himself easier access to her huge udders with their enormous, four inch areolas, running his fingertips over them and marvelling at the difference in skin texture.

Suddenly, the intercom on Ms Stern’s desk buzzed, “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt Ms Stern, but there are some gentlemen here from the education board asking to speak to you as soon as possible.”

Ms Stern’s bosses were standing outside her door, waiting to see her. She froze in her ministrations of Tommy’s cock.

Ms Stern’s lips were currently wrapped around the crown of Tommy’s knob. Her tits hung pendulously, still swaying in his hands from the blow job she’d been giving Tommy. Her hair looked gorgeous, splayed out wildly, and he could still see the big, fat globes of her arse, split deliciously by the tiny, little micro V-string she wore. He sighed inwardly as he realised he wouldn’t get the chance to remove it from her today.

Spurred into action, she quickly stood and manically tried to direct him, “Please, hide in my bathroom Tommy?!? Oh god, this is a nightmare!” She hustled to her desk and pressed the intercom to reply to her secretary, “Thank you Deidre. Please tell them I’ll just be a moment.”

Tommy pulled up his trousers and hustled into the bathroom. It was Ms Stern who would truly be in trouble if they were caught, but still, he wasn’t interested in going through it all himself either.

Reaching the door, he watched her slip behind the screen to change, her luscious arse and bodacious titties bouncing and jiggling wildly with her frenzied movements.

“Oh my god, you have to hide, please? I’ll try to hustle them out to the grounds, some kind of tour, and then you can sneak out.”

Realising he had some real power right now he went for broke, “Okay, but no more threatening to fire Miss Bush.”

“Of course, I’m sorry Tommy; I just had to have you after I learned she’d taken you.” Her voice went up an octave, “But please, you can’t let them see you?”

“Okay, but Miss Bush is safe,” he said as he closed the bathroom door.

He set about straightening himself up as best he could.

After a minute he heard a gaggle of voices enter Ms Stern’s office. He couldn’t make out the words through the door. Finally, he heard laughter, and the voices faded, followed by the sound of the outer door opening and closing.

He waited another couple of minutes before slipping out of the bathroom and cautiously heading for the door.

In front of the door was some black, satin material. He stopped and picked it up, realising with a lurch in his trousers, that it was Ms Stern’s V-string panties.

Panicking, he stuffed them into his pocket. Had she dropped them by accident? On purpose? Was he supposed to find them?

He tried to act casual as he left Ms Stern’s office. Deidre was at her desk, but cast no more than a slightly interested glance in his direction, and her eyebrow may have risen slightly.

Tommy beat a hasty retreat.

* * *

Having left school, Tommy sat nervously on the bus. It wasn’t his first time riding the bus downtown, but this wasn’t just a trip to the downtown comic book store or something, this was something pretty important.

He’d tried to dress smartly. It had attracted a few extra, “Nerd!” and “Dork!” comments at school, but he was hoping it was worth it and that he would make a good impression.

He got off the bus and checked his bearings. He’d meticulously checked the address and his path to get from the bus to the office. The reality of finding his way as opposed to an internet mapping exercise was a little daunting, but he soon had his bearings and set off.

Fortunately, their website included a photo of the building from outside, so it wasn’t too hard to find.

Right on schedule, he stepped off the elevator, and located the correct office before pushing open and walking through the modern glass doors.

There was a young lady, probably only about 22 or so sitting behind a counter. It was designed so that when the receptionist sat down, she would be eye level with most people. Of course, for Tommy, this wasn’t the case, and he found himself looking up into her beautiful face.

She had chestnut coloured hair held back from her face with a black headband, leaving it hanging down her neck and around her head like a backdrop. Her eyes were brown and shone brightly. Her features were soft, and her face round. She was wearing one of those headphone-microphone things that most receptionists probably wear.

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Old Friends, New Fun

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I’d know Cathy since College where she had dated my best friend at the time for a couple of years. For some reason we’d never gotten on very well, I think possibly because she caught me starring at her once or twice when we’d all been hanging out at the beach. To be honest I didn’t really care if we got on, I was never quite sure why Simon liked her so much as she was a bit full of herself. But then she was hot, so I guess at 18 that tends to be the ruling factor. Anyway they broke up after college and went their separate ways and I lost contact with Simon completely after a couple of years. I bump into Cathy every now and then as we still lived in the same town and have some mutual friends. Now in our early thirties Cathy was married and a few months ago gave birth to her second kid. One of our mutual friends invited me to go to the christening as her +1 and despite not being overly keen on attending I did my duty as a friend and kept her company. Vicky and I were very close friends throughout College and despite the years that have passed we still manage to meet up every now and then.

Having gone into medicine Vicky qualified as a doctor a few years back and now works as a paediatrician in the local hospital. She’s a workaholic and rarely finds time to date, let alone a start meaningful relationship. During college I have to admit that I was fully head over heals in love with Vicky, she was smart, funny, kind and looked pretty good to. Although I always got the feeling that Vicky felt the same way, I was embarrassingly shy during college and never got round to saying anything. In the years since with busy lives, whilst we’d had the odd moment when I felt something might happen, we never seemed to find quite the right time and place.

I picked Vicky up and was pleasantly surprised to see that she had decided to dress up for the occasion. It was a hot sunny day and I was greeted by her dazzling smile as she opened her door. She looked great as she stood there, long straight auburn hair flowing down over her shoulders, where a light low cut summer dress took over, covering her slim body and pert breasts. I almost audibly gulped as I realised she wasn’t wearing a bra, her hard nipples poking out slightly against the thin fabric of her dress. The dress itself fell to around mid thigh, revealing a delightful expanse of her slim athletic legs.

“What’s the matter?” Vicky quizzed me as I stood their staring at her.

“Um, sorry” I replied “Ugh, not that I’m looking or anything but, do you think you might want to put a bra on?”

“Why, do you want me to?” Vicky teased stepping towards me, so I could almost stare down the top of her dress and see her naked breasts

“Nope.” I quickly answered and Vicky smiled grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the car. We often teased each other a bit like this, although today felt a little different, but hey I wasn’t going to argue.

We arrived early and took seats near the front of the church. Vicky was clearly in a strange mood and continued to flirt with me and kept finding reasons to put herself in places that would allow me to stare down her dress at her naked tits. I have to say; whilst I wasn’t sure where this was going I was having a great time. Whilst on the small side, her breasts were a decent B-cup, but it was her large dark nipples that really got my attention and I couldn’t take my eyes off them, taking every opportunity that Vicky gave me to openly stare.

Finally the service started and we had to sit quietly till the end and then made our way out to greet Cathy and her husband. When they made their way over to us I took in the way Cathy looked as the last time I’d seen her she was still pregnant. Cathy was wearing a simple red dress that despite being quite conservative still managed to highlight her cleavage. Having seen Cathy in a bikini during college I knew that she had a decent sized pair of breasts, but since having children they had clearly grown considerably. If I had to guess I’d have said that they had swollen from a decent C-cup to a large D or even a DD cup. Cathy’s blonde hair fell to her shoulders, framing a beautiful sexy smile. Wearing glasses seemed to make her sparkling blue eyes even more alluring and whilst not very tall, Cathy’s figure had mostly returned after giving birth with just a little of the baby weight still showing around the waist.

We all exchanged pleasantries and Cathy invited Vicky (and thus also me) back to their house for drinks and a barbeque. Vicky quickly accepted and a few minutes later we were back in my car headed for Cathy’s house. We got there and grabbed a drink and spent the next couple of hours drinking and eating with Vicky getting more and more flirtatious as they afternoon went on.

It was late in the afternoon, when Cathy’s husband walked past me and Vicky and suggested it was time we got a room. Vicky’s eyes instantly locked on mine and I realised that this had been her plan all along. After ten years of flirting görükle escort on and off Vicky had finally decided to take the initiative and make a move. Not wanting to pass the opportunity up I grabbed Vicky’s hand and pulled her inside, within seconds we were kissing, hands all over each other as we released 10 years of passion all at once. We half dragged each other upstairs kissing as we went looking for a room we could steal from some privacy.

Vicky was kissing her way down my neck as I tried a door, before stopping almost dead in my tracks. Vicky, instantly noticing the change in my reaction, looked up to see what had stopped me. Sitting on the edge of the bed in the room in front of us was Cathy, her dress pulled down to her waist, bra discarded on the bed beside her and full swollen breasts naked in front of us, obscured only by the young baby feeding from her right breast. I couldn’t take my eyes off of those large swollen breasts; they looked magnificent, skin stretched tight, dark purple veins clearly visible under her skin with fat pink nipples sitting proudly out from her breasts, the areola spreading out across the flesh.

I heard Vicky let out a light gasp and for a second I thought Cathy had heard, but she never opened her eyes. It was then that I felt Vicky’s hand run over the front of my jeans and slowly work the zipper down. Reaching in Vicky slipped her hand into the front of my underwear and pulled my hard cock out into the open before proceeding to slowly stroke my shaft up and down. I looked at her quizzically and Vicky just gave me one of her mischievous smiles and then turned to stare at her friend.

I returned my gaze to Cathy just in time to see her daughter fall away from the breast she was feeding on, obviously full and now very much asleep. Cathy continued to sit there for a few seconds giving me a clear view of both heavenly milk filled breasts, before her spare hand rose to her own breasts and gently began squeezing her own nipple. We heard a little moan escape from Cathy’s lips as she pinched her nipple, causing a small amount of milk to leak out and drip down over her full breast.

Suddenly Cathy roused herself and we quickly dashed back away from the door, to avoid being seen. Realising that Cathy would be coming out of the room any second, to put the baby in the nursery; we slipped into the nearest room and closed the door. We were all over each other in seconds, Vicky’s dress had hit the floor before the door was even fully shut, leaving her completely naked in my arms as I now realised that she had not been wearing any underwear at all. My shirt and jeans followed shortly after, our hands exploring each others bodies with an intensity created from over 10 years of waiting for this moment.

Then suddenly there was a knock at door. “Vicky, James, is it you two in there?” Cathy called.

“Shit!” Vicky whispered.

“I heard that.” Cathy responded from the other side of the door and suddenly the door was opening and Cathy was standing in the door way starring at us, our naked bodies still pressed together. For the second time my breath caught as I starred at Cathy. Her dress had been discarded and she now stood there wearing nothing but a thin light blue blouse, clearly too small for her enlarged breasts, which were straining against the fabric with the buttons threatening to pop open at any moment. There was no doubt that Cathy had neglected to put her bra back on, her fat nipples protruded against the blouse and damp patches were quickly forming across the material where her milk continued to leak.

“Were you two watching me feed Ali?” Cathy demanded, placing her hands on her hips.

Ignoring the question Vicky just pulled away from me and stepped forward towards her friend. “You looked so fucking sexy, I couldn’t take my eyes of you!” she responded.

“Yeah right, Mark hasn’t been near me since I got pregnant, so that can’t be true. You just wanted a good stare at my freak show of a pair of tits.”

“He’s an idiot then.” I responded without really thinking. Cathy turned to look at me, those sparkling sexy blue eyes starring at me from behind her glasses. “I never seen a sexier sight than what I just saw, your breasts are…. they’re incredible!” Cathy gasped suddenly as without warning Vicky reached out and started popping open the buttons on Cathy’s blouse.

“What, what are you doing?” Cathy stammered for a second, “I don’t think this is a good idea, Mark’s downstairs with our other friends.” But she did nothing to resist and seconds later her blouse had fallen to the floor and her glorious swollen breasts were naked to our view. Vicky grabbed her friend by the hand and led her to the bed, directing her to sit in the middle up against the headboard. We slipped onto the bed either side of her and I heard Cathy take a deep breath as she prepared for what we were going to do.

I couldn’t hold back any longer and my hand slid out and caressed my way bursa escort bayan up Cathy’s soft thigh, over her stomach and to her amazing breasts. My fingers gently danced over the taught skin, before I allowed my hand to cup her breast and gently lift it, I was amazed at the weight of it filled with milk her breast was heavy and firm to the touch. My thumb traced across her skin and flicked across an engorged nipple, Cathy moaned loudly and I looked up at her, searching for permission to continue. Suddenly Cathy’s eyes closed, her head tilted back and a low moan escaped her lips. Looking down I instantly saw the source of the reaction as Vicky had sucked Cathy’s left nipple into her mouth and was now hungrily suckling on her friend’s breast.

I didn’t hold back, lowering my mouth to Cathy’s other breast I gently licked her swollen nipple, instantly being rewarded by a trickle of milk onto my tongue, it was sweet and delicious and I hungrily sucked the nipple into my mouth, allowing my tongue to continue teasing the end as I did so. Cathy’s moans instantly became more intense as Vicky and I suckled on her swollen milk filled breasts, her milk streaming into our mouths which we hungrily swallowed down.

My right hand quickly slid between Cathy’s thighs, seeking out her pussy, only to find that Vicky had beaten me to it. Quickly realising we couldn’t both reach her pussy with her knickers on we grabbed at the waist band together and pushed them down over her hips, along her thighs and off. Our hands instantly re-joining between her thighs and soon our fingers combined to gently stroke and massage her soaking wet pussy as we suckled on her tits.

This drove Cathy wild and she was soon moaning uncontrollably as she wriggled between us. I felt Cathy’s hand reach between my own legs and finding my hard cock she began to rub me sending me into my own spiral of ecstasy. Then, suddenly Cathy’s hips started to buck and her thighs clamped tightly around our hands as her orgasm rushed through her, letting out a high pitched squeal as months of sexual tension burst out of her, her climax sending her into a shuddering spiral of pleasure.

Finally Cathy relaxed as her orgasm subsided; Vicky and I were able to remove our hands from between her legs, our hands coated in her pussy juices. We both reluctantly pulled away from her breasts and I revelled in the difference after having drained so much milk from them. Her swollen breasts had shrunk slightly and the skin of her breasts was no longer taught as her large boobs now drooped slightly with the milk drained. It was almost like a completely different pair of boobs, but they were just as sexy. I reached out and caressed her right breast, savouring the now soft and pliable flesh in my hand.

Cathy’s hand continued to slowly work my hard cock and I could feel my own orgasm start to rise as she did so. I looked over at Vicky and could see the lust still painted across her face, Cathy might be satisfied for the moment, but Vicky was clearly still as horny as ever. I pulled away from Cathy reluctantly and moved round the bed behind Vicky. Sliding my hands over her slim supple thigh I eased her left leg up over Cathy’s body, then leaning down I gently allowed my tongue to lick across her pussy from behind, eliciting a deep moan of pleasure from Vicky.

Cathy’s pussy was only inches from my face as I slowly used my tongue to tease the folds of Vicky’s twat and not being able to resist I quickly leaned over and dipped my tongue into her soaking wet snatch. I was rewarded by a instant flow of her juices drenching my tongue and Cathy’s body almost instantly tensing up again as I worked her twat. I quickly found her swollen clit and sucked it into my mouth, gently teasing it with my teeth. Cathy’s hand suddenly grabbed the back of my head pushing my face into her pussy urgently directing me. I took the hint and attacked her pussy without pause and within seconds Cathy’s second orgasm in minutes rocked through her body coating my face in her sweet juices.

As soon as her orgasm had subsided I drove straight back into Vicky’s pussy, running my tongue along the folds of her twat and opening her legs to give me access to her clit. As I did so I could hear kissing sounds and I looked up to see the two girls slowly making out above me, their mouths open to each other and their tongues caressing together. It was an amazingly erotic sight as I continued to work on Vicky’s pussy and soon I could feel her orgasm approaching.

Easing away from her, Vicky let out a low moan of disappointment as my tongue left her pussy, which was quickly replaced by another of hot anticipation. Easing Vicky’s thigh further up Cathy’s body, I quickly straddled Vicky other leg and Cathy’s where they were squashed together and placed my hard cock at the entrance to her pussy. I gently rubbed the head of my cock over the lips of her twat, teasing her before I allowed myself to find her wet entrance and eased my bursa escort cock inside her.

Vicky tensed briefly as my cock entered her, years of unfulfilled lust ending as I finally entered her driving my cock deep into her pussy until I was buried to the hilt, her tight little ass pressed against my stomach. I paused briefly savouring the feeling of her hot pussy wrapped tightly around me and then I slid almost all the way out, causing Vicky to moan loudly as I felt Cathy’s fingers return to between Vicky thighs. Unable to resist any longer I drove myself back into her tight hole filling her completely, not pausing any more I drove myself in and out of Vicky’s pussy as she pushed back with me on each thrust driving me deeper inside her each time. I could feel Cathy’s fingers working Vicky’s pussy as we fucked, seeking out her clit and brining Vicky to the edge of her orgasm.

Suddenly it hit her, Vicky pushed back against me one last time and screamed loudly as she ground her ass against me pushing me deeper inside her than I would have thought possible, the muscles of her pussy tightened around me gripping my cock like a vice as her orgasm ripped through her body causing her to shudder uncontrollably. I pulled against her as her orgasm continued ensuring I was as deep inside her as possible and then as suddenly as it hit, her orgasm faded and she collapsed onto Cathy, head resting on her soft milky tits.

Vicky was clearly exhausted from her massive orgasm, but I still hadn’t cum yet, Cathy sensing my problem just looked at me, blue eyes sparkling from inside her glasses and said “Come here, let me finish you off.”

I gently eased my cock out of Vicky wet twat, which was still gripping me tightly and moved around the bed back to Cathy’s side. Kneeling beside her, Cathy was able to reach out and take hold of my cock, which was still covered in Vicky’s cum. Starring up at me Cathy’s tongue snaked out and gently licked the underside of my cock, tasting Vicky’s juices on me. Clearly deciding that Vicky tasted ok Cathy leaned into me and slid my cock slowly into her mouth, her lips wrapping around the head of my cock as she did so. Her mouth was heavenly as she proceeded to slide me in and out of her mouth, both her lips and her tongue working the underside of my cock, bringing me quickly towards my orgasm.

Reaching down I wrapped my hand around one of her breasts savouring the now soft pliable flesh and squeezing gently to be rewarded with a steady stream of milk over my fingers. As I groped Cathy’s large milky tits I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching and tried to let her know. Cathy only smiled around my cock and increased the pace of her amazing blowjob. I looked down at Vicky who was now watching intently, her hand wantonly groping Cathy’s other milk filled tit, pausing briefly every now and then to lick the milk from Cathy’s flesh.

Cathy then used her tongue to intensely rub the underside of my cock and I lost control, Sensing my orgasm Vicky eased her self up and kissed me deeply our tongues entwining. I could taste Cathy’s milk on Vicky’s lips as her hand caressed my balls and this sent me over the edge. My orgasm hit just as Cathy was sliding me back in between her lips and my first jet of cum spayed into her mouth. Clearly enjoying herself, Cathy allowed my cock to slip out from between her lips as she continued stroking me with her hand and my next spurts of cum sprayed across her face covering her lips and splashing onto her glasses. Easing herself up slightly Cathy milked the last of my cum out over her tits, rubbing my sensitive cock over the silky soft flesh of her breasts, allowing my cum to mix with the milk that had leaked from her nipples. Finally empty I relaxed and Vicky broke our kiss, both looking down at Cathy propped up against the headboard her face coated with my cum and her breasts covered with the combined mixture of my cum and her own breast milk.

I t was the most arousing sight I’d ever seen and my cock was already responding having only just cum seconds ago, I was still hard and showing no signs of deflating. Vicky dropped to Cathy’s side and leaned into her breasts and slowly ran her tongue through the combined mess of Cathy’s milk and my cum, drawing it into her mouth. Savouring the taste for a second, Vicky was soon lapping the mess up from across Cathy’s tits and then suddenly the two girls were making out again. My eyes were glued to them as my cum smeared across their faces and their lips as they kissed, breaking apart every now and then to lick cum from each other and feed it back into their mouths as they kissed.

Finally satisfied that she had cleaned all of my cum from Cathy’s face and tits, Vicky sat back and looked at me with a large satisfied grin on her face. “Looks like James is ready for round two!” Cathy said looking down at my hard cock. Vicky looked at me and then at Cathy, “Go on you two,” Cathy answered” Get yourselves home so you can enjoy each other in private.”

“Thanks Cathy,” I answered leaning in and giving her a slow deep kiss. “I don’t think either of us will ever forget this.”

“Me either,” Cathy replied “I’ve never cum so hard in my life. Now go on, go have some fun, you’ve both been waiting over ten years for this!”

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Getting Mom

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My name is not John, but for the sake of sharing this very personal tale it is my moniker of choice. I have been a fan of for some time now, and particularly the mother-son stories, probably because of my own experiences you are soon to read. I have felt compelled to share my experience with others who would understand, but have always feared persecution. Literotica has now provided me a forum in which anonymity is assured. I realize that a lot of other authors who post here are probably writing fiction portrayed as fact, but that doesn’t bother me. The fact that people are reading it tells me that I am not the only one who feels these desires that some may consider perverse. Also, some of these stories must be true. Mine is. What follows is my attempt to relieve the weight of what I have kept to myself… until now.

I had a very normal upbringing, and felt loved by both of my parents. The only thing that was slightly atypical to me was how much younger both of my parents were compared to my freinds’ parents. Mom (Claire) got pregnant with me when she was 17 and dad (Dan) was 19. I was an accident, (or a “surprise” as my mom phrased it) but my parents were very responsible and competent. Dad was always very handy and started an auto-shop with the help of his parents. It flourished in an underserviced market with unmet demand, under dad’s expert ability. He worked a lot while mom’s primary job was to take care of the baby, me.

I should amend my previous statement. I had a very normal upbringing and felt loved by both of my parents, until the age of 9. That’s when dad passed. He died very suddenly. He was side-swiped on an icy road by a pickup truck that was going a little bit faster than it should have been in those conditions. The car he was driving spun and rolled down a hill into a shallow river. The coroner said that dad was unconscious from his head hitting the airbag before he drowned. He felt no pain. The man who side swiped him called for an ambulance. Dad’s parents and mom didn’t think it was necessary to press charges. It was an accident and the man felt awful about it. The irony of my dad the automobile mechanic dying in a car accident, is not lost on me.

It devastated us, mom and me. I loved my father very much, almost as much as mom did. We recovered after mourning him and never wanted for anything. Dad had taken out a large life insurance policy, had some money tucked away, and his company, (then employing over 50 mechanics, managers and secretaries in three different locations) was booming. Mom decided to keep the company in lieu of selling it. She is a very savvy woman and dad never kept anything from her. She was very familiar with his business when he died and although she knew nothing about fixing cars, she had an expert staff in place and managers that she and dad had both trusted. One of whom is my godfather Max. She promoted him to CEO of the company and gave him 15% of the company as a very generous bonus. My grandparents thought it was a foolish move at the time, but it provided Max an incentive to keep the company profitable and benefit from the profits. He handles all the work and the company has continued to grow under his watchful, loyal eye. Meanwhile, my mom retains 85% of the company and profits.

Chapter 1

That was all 10 years ago now. Mom never dated other men, before or after my dad. She took a couple years to get over dad and then devoted her time to me. She volunteered at my school events, hosted my friends after school, drove me to my sporting events like rugby and basketball in the summer, hockey and swimming in the winter. She doesn’t need to work anymore so she reads a lot, paints and sculpts, is an accomplished chef, works out, runs and does yoga. She is a true renaissance lady of the modern era.

I am 19 now and mom is 38, but she doesn’t look a day over 30. It is hard to describe her without sounding like I’m embellishing. She is divine. She stands about 5’6″ next to me at 6’2″. She has a beautiful face with large pouty lips and big blue-green eyes. Surrounding this face is long, cascading blonde hair that shimmers in the light. She has long slender legs that widen as they reach her thighs and continue to widen into perfectly shaped hips and a perfectly shaped ass that still turns heads when she walks down the street. Above that fantastic ass is a small waist with a flat stomach. Yet further up is her most appealing physical feature. Mom has the most incredible breasts that I have ever seen in my entire life. They are large, firm and perky. They are perfectly shaped and each is larger than my hand. Her skin is soft and porcelain smooth. Obviously I can’t include a picture of her, but I remember the first time I saw a picture of a young Anna Nicole Smith I was struck by the similarity between her and my mother.

I remember the first day I started to see my mother as more than a mom. It was a Thursday near the end of the school year. I was in my final year of high school and coming görükle escort downstairs for breakfast. I could hear mom in the kitchen humming along with the radio as I approached the kitchen.

“Mornin’ mom.”

She was standing at the stove and turned to me with a smile as I sat at the kitchen table. “Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

“Like the dead.” I smiled back.

“Well that’s good, I’m frying you up some turkey bacon and eggs. What would you like for lunch?”

At this point I made a seemingly insignificant decision, which in retrospect, changed my perception of my mother and everything between us.

“How about tuna for a change?”

“Sure sweety.” She put down the spatula in her hand and walked across the kitchen.

Mom walked over to the cupboard where we keep our canned goods. Tuna was an unusual request for me so it’s kept on the top shelf. Mom stood on tip toe and reached for the tuna. This is when I first noticed what she was wearing.

Mom was in a black skirt that went down to about mid-thigh. She was wearing a low-cut tight red top that didn’t quite cover her midriff. When she reached to get the tuna on the top shelf I had an unobstructed view of her side-profile. Her legs were long and the muscles in them tensed as she rose to her tip toes. Her butt stuck out and was accentuated by the close fitting fabric of her skirt. As she lifted her arms the red shirt she was wearing rose up her back and belly a little exposing her midriff even more. What really caught my eye though was her lovely boobs sticking out as she extended upward for the can.

I noticed all of this in the 3 seconds or so it took for her to reach the can and a lump stuck in my throat. As she turned towards me I was still staring at those beautiful tits that now faced me squarely. I tore my eyes away and up to hers, which were already looking in to mine. She paused mid-step for just a split second, hardly noticeably. She knew where I had been looking moments before.

Apparently she didn’t really think anything of it, because she immediately re-engaged our conversation.

“So do you have any plans after school this evening?” She placed the tuna next to a bowl already on the counter, then picked up the spatula and stirred the frying pan on the stove. She had her back to me again.

“No not really” I stated blandly with downcast eyes. Eager to keep talking about something other than what just happened I told her: “This girl Jill suggested we go to the mall and hang out. I don’t really see the mall as an attraction in itself though.”

Mom found this amusing. She whipped her head around with a gleeful laugh. “Wow John. It’s a good thing you have your father’s more dashing features because you sure are cursed with his inability to decipher the subtleties of women. It sounds like she wants to spend time with you.”

There was no Jill. I was just happy to have diverted my mom’s attention. She leaned over the stove and started to place the bacon and eggs on a plate next to her. My eyes hungrily ran over her body. It felt like a thrilling discovery, and it also made me feel guilty for some reason that I still don’t completely understand. God, how could I have not noticed that ass before!? It was like I was seeing her for the first time.

Mom turned around, but I had already averted my covetous gaze. She moved towards me with my breakfast.

“Well?” She asked.

“Well what?”

She rolled her eyes at me in exasperation. “What are you going to tell Jill?”

“Oh… Yes? Yes. I’ll tell her I’ll go to the mall with her.”

Mom smiled as she leaned over my left shoulder to place my meal in front of me. For a moment my face was inches from her right breast. I could smell her womanly scent. My eyes glanced toward her cleavage while I kept my head still. I could see the top of her right breast, the inside of her left breast and the portion of her black bra between her two wonderful tits. I started to get hard at the table. I was worried about this because I am eight and a half inches long with a girth to match. Not easy to hide.

“Well that’s lovely” she said as she pulled away “but try to muster a bit more enthusiasm when you tell her John.”

I could only nod and stare at my plate. The rest of the breakfast was uneventful. I continually glanced at mom’s body as she made my sandwich and packed my lunch. Honestly, how could I have not seen her before, this stunner that I have lived with all my life?

Chapter 2

School passed unremarkably as ever. The final bell rang at 3:30 and I had time to kill before I could go home after my ‘date’. I walked through our local ravine and various neighbourhood parks and schoolyards. It was only 4:30 when I found myself a few blocks from my house.

I knew that a proper date would have taken longer, but I figured that I could come up with some sort of excuse for why she had to cut it short, or possibly mom would be out for bursa escort bayan one reason or another. She usually goes for long runs late in the afternoon.

As I approached my house I could see mom’s car in the driveway. I came closer to the house and climbed our front stairs. As I reached for the door I was looking through the window on the door and saw mom come out of the living room and move spryly towards the stairs. She was wearing a tank top and her yoga pants. She was slightly sweaty and didn’t notice me on the other side of the window as she moved up the stairs. I once again noticed her amazing ass as she went up the stairs. I knew she would be heading for the shower. I waited a couple of minutes on the front porch. When I walked in I could hear the water running.

I walked up the stairs to my room and shut the door behind me. Safe.

When I heard the water turn off my ears perked up. I heard mom move through the hallway to her room. I heard her door squeak but noticed that I didn’t hear it click shut. For the first time in my life, a fiendish and thrilling thought entered my mind.

I made my way to my door and slowly turned the knob so as to not make a sound. I stepped in to the hallway and made my way towards mom’s room. I could hear her humming. When I reached mom’s door I saw it was open ever so slightly. I moved closer to look through the crack.

I could see her standing in front of her dresser mirror. She had a towel wrapped around her body and was combing her hair. Then, without warning, she put down her brush and undid the towel around her body. It dropped to the floor in a pile and my eyes went wide.

There, standing seven feet in front of me, my mother was bare-naked facing away from me. The first thing I noticed was her perfect ass. It was so full and white. It looked so luscious and soft. It looked sooo soft and smooth. It’s roundness was just perfect. I wanted so badly to push the door open and run my hands across it, spreading her cheeks wide. I wanted to bend her over and run my hands up and down her backside, caressing her smoothly.

She then walked towards her bedside table and I was mesmerized by her beautiful tits. I could not remember the last time I had seen her nipples. They were the size of dimes and stood out proudly. Her areola was a soft pink and looked delicious. I wanted to put one arm around the small of her back and pull one of those nipples towards my mouth and flick it with my tongue while fondling her other breast tenderly. Her huge breasts swayed with her feminine strut. They were so big and wonderful. I wondered how they could still be so perky after 38 years.

My cock was sticking in to the front of my pants so I unzipped to let it out.

What happened next blew my mind. She gracefully reached down to the table to pick up a bottle of moisturizer she keeps there. She put some on her hand and began to rub her belly. My eyes were drawn downward to her pubic mound, which I now noticed for the first time. There wasn’t much hair there, but there was a bit. It looked like mom liked to keep herself well-groomed down under. She moved her hands upward and started rubbing her breasts with both hands. My god! Seeing her big natural tits move under the pressure of her hands was almost too much. Her hands moved firmly in circular motions and her boobs jiggled slightly as she moved. Just as she was finishing she pinched her nipples lightly and gave them a little twist. It was very subtle, but I couldn’t miss it. There was a far-away glaze-eyed look on her face when she did this, like she was drawing upon a distant memory. She continued to moisturize her arms.

I had started stroking my shaft while leaning against the door frame. My breathing increased.

A thought suddenly occurred to me and I turned my head towards the communal laundry hamper we keep outside the bathroom. It’s kept closer to mom’s room than mine. I walked carefully towards it and looked in. The top and pants she had just been wearing on her run were on the top of the pile. I move them aside and found what I was looking for. I picked up her white panties that were still moist with her clean, sweet sweat.

I returned to the crack in time to see mom raise a leg on to the bed and start moisturizing her leg. She was facing away from me and that posture really accentuated the curves of her ass. My hand had started stroking my cock again. I raised the panties I was holding in my hand to my face and breathed in hard. I could smell her essence as my gaze moved slowly up her legs, to her ass, up her back and to the side of her breast that was peaking out. I could not see her face and in that moment, it made her more alluring. In that moment she was not my mother, just a smoking hot woman that I wanted to lay over that bed and fuck. I wanted to hear her moan and scream as I thrust in to the pussy, just out of sight, below that ass.

My hand moved faster and faster. I could feel an orgasm building within bursa escort me. I stared at my mother the way a stalking cat watches an oblivious bird. I imagined her body bouncing up and down as I fucked her from behind. I imagined the sounds she would make as I took her to me and buried myself in her over and over again.

And then: release. I brought the panties down from my face to catch the jizz that shot out of my cockhead. It felt amazing and I leaned against the doorframe as my legs went slightly weak. I stayed like that for a minute and when I looked up, mom had put on a lacy white bra and was pulling up her matching panties. I knew that she would be walking through the doorway in which I was leaning shortly after she got dressed.

With that thought I retreated towards the hamper and put her panties, now cum –soaked, under her top and pants. I went downstairs and opened and closed the front door loud enough to be heard from upstairs.

Chapter 3

“Helloooo. Mom?” I yelled up the stairs.

“Hi sweety. I’m just upstairs getting dressed. I’ll be down in a minute” she called back.

I walked in to the living room and sat on the couch. I kind of spaced out in my own thoughts about what I had just done for a while and it wasn’t long before I heard mom coming down the stairs. As mom entered the living room I saw that she was wearing a simple button-up shirt and jeans. She was dressed for comfort.

“Hi John! Sooooo… How was the big date?” She asked me with a big smile on her face. I was beginning to find that smile very alluring. She sat next to me on the couch and curled her legs up under her.

“Hey mom” I smiled back. “It was fine, we had a good time.”

The smile on her face faded a bit. She stared at me hard. It was like she was looking through me. “Oh… Ok… Well I am glad to hear that.” She had a hard time with this last sentence and I felt like she wanted to say more but didn’t know how to phrase what she was thinking. I would later wonder was she noticing a change in my demeanor? Could she tell that I had recently ejaculated? Had she credited the fictitious Jill with this accomplishment? “Well I am going to start dinner soon. Do you know what you’re doing tomorrow? It’s Friday so I figured I would go out with Stephanie and Vanessa. They wanted to hit up a bar downtown.”

“I’m not sure mom. I might do something with Steve. I might just stay in.”

“OK John. Well just leave me a note if you do go out and leave a message on the machine if you sleep over and I’m not home to answer the phone.” (Mom still hasn’t gotten a cel phone. She just doesn’t feel it’s necessary. I know, it’s weird for someone under the age of 50.)

Mom started to get up and then paused for a second. I glanced at her butt in the tight jeans she was wearing.

“John,” she said turning to face me, “if you do see this girl Jill again… Just…” she looked flustered and unsure of herself. “If you see this girl Jill again, please be sure to play safe. I’m 38 and way too young to be a grandmother.”

I blushed and looked down at the floor in front of me. “Mom! I’m not even-” I stopped myself. For some reason I liked the idea of mom thinking that I was having sex. “…OK mom. I will.”

She smiled gently, turned and walked away without saying a word.

Dinner was pleasant and uneventful. We chatted about nothing significant and I cleared the table and helped mom with the dishes when we were finished. We watched a bit of TV together on the couch after dinner. Mom was tired that evening and I could tell that it would be an early night for her. At one point I casually put my arm around her shoulder, not an unusual position for us. She leaned in to the side of me and didn’t say a word. I could feel the side of her breast pressing against my torso and felt my dick shift slightly.

I was worried that she might notice so I turned to her and was about to say something when I noticed that mom’s eyes were closed. She was obviously not asleep, but she seemed to be trying to snooze while leaning against me. I glanced down toward her body and noticed that her two buttons were undone on her blouse. It wasn’t much, but I could see the beginning of her fantastic cleavage.

We stayed like that for a while. Me, watching TV mostly, occasionally glancing down the front of her shirt, wishing I could see more. This went on for about half an hour when I noticed that her breathing had deepened and was in a steady rhythm. She was asleep. I stared at her cleavage.

I calmly raised my one free hand toward her shirt. I slowly placed my finger tips on the button that was spoiling my view. I slowly and patiently undid it. Mom didn’t react. I slowly parted and lifted her shirt and could see the front of her bra. Both of her breasts swelled and fell with her breathing. They looks so inviting and fantastic. She was wearing the lacy white bra that I had witnessed her adorn earlier.

I just enjoyed the view.

After a little while I started to feel a little bolder. I lowered her shirt to free my hand. I had other plans for it. I could see a deep cleavage line and the middle of her bra now, but that was it. I moved my now free hand under her shirt and lay it on her heaving bra-covered breast.

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I haven’t felt it in a long time. When you’re with someone for six years the spark kind of dies down into a little ash-covered coal. If you’re lucky it won’t blow out entirely.

So I’m attached in a rather permanent way… I know I shouldn’t be feeling this. I shouldn’t be playing. I didn’t mean for it to happen; it started out so innocent. But I can’t help it. There’s just something about him that hooks me, claws digging into my flesh, into my brain. A little shiver down my spine that shouldn’t be there; something I thought I’d never feel again. Not in this lifetime.

I can’t help myself.

He’s never done this before; when he – jokingly at the time – told me to be gentle I just went all to jelly inside. My knees started to shake. They’re shaking now when he lets me into his room. He’s come a long way for this – for us to meet face to face.

Pictures, emails – they only tell you so much. They tell you what a person looks like and maybe even how they think and feel, but they don’t give any indication of a spark, the thing that happens when two people meet, the thing that, if it doesn’t happen, can’t be forced.

He looks like his picture, but also nothing like. He matches the stats, the description, the picture: 6 feet, trim, short dark hair. Brown eyes. In them, the spark that can‘t be described, that must be seen in person. He looks me over, matching me with my pictures he’s seen over the internet, my stats. 5’10, 170, blonde/blue. When he smiles and shyly steps forward to hug me awkwardly, I can feel him shaking. Just like I am. The way he smells makes my stomach turn flip flops and I feel the dizziness and panic I get from heights – like I’m going to fall. I fight the urge to clutch something and instead let him go and step back. His voice… I’ve heard it before on my cell phone, but now it makes it hard for me to breathe. That accent.

All through dinner at a trendy little Thai place downtown, we keep looking at each other. Sparks in our eyes. Both of us hardly believing the other is really here. An accidental touch, when both grabbing to pay the check, makes us both jump back like we’ve been been touched with an electrical shock. Then we grin at each other, embarrassed. We should be over this, right? It’s not like we’re kids.

I can’t help myself.

I can’t take him home, not with him there. I don’t want to think about him. Not now. Just for one night let him not exist. Then I’ll go back to my semi-content domestic partnership and stay there. I swear it.

So it’s back to his room at the hotel a few miles from the Thai place. I drive and he laughs about being on the wrong side of the street with the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car. He’s never been to the States before. I can see him getting a little nervous, and I smile. Giddy. Almost sick. It’s like high school again, except no one from my high school had a sexy British accent, or ever smiled at me like he’s doing. The crushing innocence nearly does me in. My heart is in my throat like a tribal drum.

He opens the door with his key card and I sit on the edge of the bed while he gets drinks out of the mini-fridge. I need one, badly. Absolut. Rocks, with a twist of lime. We both have one; we have several. We’re strangers and at the same time not strangers. Isn’t it funny what the internet can create between two people, a sort of instant intimacy. I’ve told him things over a network of wires and signals my closest friends don’t even know.

I just can’t stop myself.

We agreed. There’s no expectation of sex. We’d just meet in person and see what happened. Just because you want someone online doesn’t mean you’ll want them in person. The pictures weren’t necessarily even a true representation of what he looked like; people lie online all the time. But honestly at this point it doesn’t matter to either of us if we hadn’t matched our pictures. I feel scared, but at the same time I feel renewed. My body stops shaking and all the sudden we’re looking straight into each other’s eyes. My whole body is tingling and my cock is growing stiffer by the second, just from sitting next to him.

He swallows and looks down. He tries to hide the fact that he’s nervous by smiling, but I don’t need to be a genius to pick up on it. God. Women by the scores, he’s had; he’s told me half of their names. But he’s never been with a man before. The fact that he picked me is baffling, but I don’t question it. I just go with it.

Lifting my hand, I slide my fingers over his smooth jaw. I watch his eyes close as he leans toward me slightly. Waiting for me to kiss him. Our first kiss is just a brush … a journey of almost four thousand miles. His lips are so boyishly soft I forget everything. When I go for a second kiss this time he meets me – shy, but definitely eager. He wants this as much as I do. The taste of his tongue sliding past his lips and into my mouth is so sweet I almost can’t stand it. I ache all over. All this time, wanting only just a taste, and now a taste isn’t enough. It’ll never be enough.

I can’t stop. görükle escort I don’t want to stop.

I wrap my hand through his silky dark hair and pull him closer to me while his arms wind around my neck. We taste each other like hungry animals, devouring. I haven’t kissed like this since I was a lovesick schoolboy. Kissing is one of those things that falls by the wayside after a few years with the same person. We’re both breathing heavy when he pulls back and looks at me and starts to speak.

I place my finger over his lips and give my head a silent shake. Don’t speak. Words, words, words. Months of nothing but words. Emails, instant messages, webcams, cell phone calls with a 6-hour time gap. Now is the time for actions. He smiles and kisses my fingertip that rests on his lips, understanding; we understand each other so well. The spark becomes a blaze.


I won’t let him say it with his mouth. Only with his touch. His body melting into mine until we’re a shaking mass of the edge of the hotel bed. We haven’t even undressed yet; all we’ve done is made out and already hot waves rush over me. His scent, sexy and innocent like sugar cookies, overwhelms me. My urge is to yank his clothes off, pin him to the bed and fuck his brains out, but his inexperience forbids that. We’ve already talked about this moment – the moment we didn’t think would ever happen – enough that I know exactly what I want to do. What he wants me to do.

One night only. That’s pretty much the agreement. One whole night together is all we can give each other. I’m attached. He’s not seeing anyone, but he’s got a job, responsibilites to go back to. But tonight it’s just us and nothing else in this world matters. I feel a weight shed off my back; a weight I didn’t even know I was carrying, the weight of the past twelve years since high school and everything that’s happened since that has piled up on top of me. In this moment I can be totally free of all my baggage and be like I was at the age of eighteen: innocent and open, ready for anything.

Slowly I reach up and the buttons of his dark shirt whisper open. I know what he looks like; I’ve seen digital photos of him from all angles, naked. But they don’t prepare me for the flesh. His satin-smooth skin that breaks into goosebumps under my touch; the silky dark hair trailing down his chest. He knows I like chest hair and he looks at me and grins as I stroke it, pushing his shirt open, over his shoulders.

It’s only one night. I’ve worked it out like this: I told him I was going home for a quick visit overnight. Home is out in the sticks where cell phones have no reception and my brother, whom I always stay with, doesn’t have a phone. It’s just family so there’s no need for him to worry or for me to call home. Home around noon tomorrow.

Noon tomorrow is a long time away.

Ths shirt falls to the bed and I put my hands lightly on his shoulders, spending my time just looking at him, seeing him in the flesh. The way his dark chest hair contrasts with his pale untanned British skin burns into my brain. His nipples are hard and his chest rises and falls quickly, matching the pace of mine. I slide my hands down his arms, skimming lightly with my palms over the light, lean muscle. He shudders.

I look up into his brown eyes and he gives me that nervous smile that makes me melt into a puddle.

“Am I what you expected?” he asks softly.

“You’re better.”

Being the experienced one here, I fully expected to lead things. I would be so gentle. But he surprises me by suddenly grabbing me, crushing me down to the bed, whipping off my shirt and kissing me with all the pent-up desire and desperation he’s been hiding all these years. Tongue dancing over my neck, down my collarbone, teeth nibbling at my hard, tight nipples while my hands, at last at last, are filled with the curve of his delicious ass cheeks. The hard bulge of his straining crotch brushes my thigh as he braces himself above me. We’re both gasping, gulping air. We’ve wanted this so long…

Stopping, he looks down into my eyes. I look up into his, so serious. Without meaning to his name leaves my lips.


He smiles and caresses the single syllable of my name with his accent. “Chris.”

We have no time to waste on talking. On and on we’ve talked – swearing we were going to stop this. Go weeks without contact, then back, drawn to each other with a compulsion we couldn’t control. Fuck it. Fuck the guilt. One stolen night is all we can have. It’s more than most people ever get.

During our IM sessions, rigorously limited to once a week, he shows himself as needing to be pushed. Just a little bit submissive, maybe. Open to suggestions. He started calling me The Boss, which made me so hot my hands shook on the keyboard. I would tell him how to get off – now slide your finger up your ass – and when we’d sign off I’d go into my bedroom, wake up Stephen, and fuck his brains out with savage passion. All the while imagining his face was someone else’s.

He bursa escort bayan asked me to be gentle and I planned to take it slow. I don’t want to freak him out. I thought he might need a little push, but it was going to be a slow, gentle, seductive push. Instead he takes over. He needs this. His eyes close halfway as he explores my body with his shaking hands, it’s the first time he’s ever touched a man and that knowledge alone makes me want to explode. But I don‘t stop him. I remember what this need is like and I only stroke his hair while his fingers fumble with the button and then the zipper of my jeans.

Through my underwear my cock is hard, pushing toward his face. I see his eyes pinned to it, can almost feel his hot breath on my belly. He looks for a long time, hands on my hips. Not moving. I live a lifetime of bated breath in just a few seconds until he moves closer, closes his eyes as his mouth brushes my belly. I raise my hips. His hands struggle with tugging my jeans down over my thighs while he licks the space under my belly button with a quick tongue. It’s all I can do no to grab his head and thrust my cock down his throat.

A wet spot grows on the front of my gray knit boxer-briefs in response to his hot, agile tongue and the head of my cock is clearly visible pressed against the thin fabric. We both smell the scent of my sex. I watch him inhale deep breaths of it. This is one thing he wants to do. He wants to feel my cock in his mouth.

My blow job instructions, emailed. Lick it first. Do what feels good to you. The head is the most sensitive. Use your hands for fondling and exploring. Fingers are nice. Teeth are not. I suggested he buy a dildo and practice on it, and with some urging, he showed me on his webcam. Very, very open to suggestions. Watching him practice was hot, but nothing like what I see now. We aren’t even naked and already, I can hardly breathe.

I reach down and touch his cheek with a gentle hand. Looking up, he smiles at me. I swear I almost feel faint. Slowly I draw away and rise to my knees before him. My cock, still imprisoned in my underwear, is a beacon he follows to its zenith; he stops as it brushes his nose. I feel the heat of his lips, his breath; I close my eyes and suck in a deep, deep breath. In a moment I feel the cool air whisper across my naked ass, my thighs and my hard, leaking cock springs free as the underwear drops to my knees.

Is it a jump off a cliff to him? Something he can never turn back from? For me it was like breathing, the first time. Natural and easy.

No more waiting. I feel his tongue on the tip of my cock, tasting the clear, slick bead; my world stops as he slowly wraps his lips around the ridge of the head. His first taste of cock. He rolls it on his tongue. So sweet… so hot… I stifle a whimper at the unbearable wonder I feel. His hands catch my ass, gently squeezing. His tongue flicks right under the glans.

Oh. God. I grab his shoulders and he looks up at me with his soul-crushing brown eyes. He smiles. Asks me if I like it. Like it? I just had a fucking near-death experience. Smiles again, mischievous. The practice payed off then.

I’ve wondered for weeks, ever since we started planning this, over and over in my mind, if he was going to let me fuck him. He said he was a little nervous about it. If I didn’t, cool. I decided that.

All thoughts of that leave my mind as he brings his mouth forward, letting my shaft slip into it deeper and deeper. He remembered what I’ve told him: suction, hands, tongue action. His mouth is so sweet. He looks so beautiful sucking my cock, eyes closed in concentration. A look of what I desperately hope is bliss on his face.

Reluctantly I pull back from his mouth. He looks a little hurt; insecure. I smile at him and tell him not yet. I sense him hesitating on the edge of something. Afraid, maybe, I don’t know. Gently I press him to the bed, taking it out of his hands. Time for that little push. But once again he surprises me. He pushes back. He bucks, manages to rip off the rest of our clothes without any help from me. He pushes me to my back with his wiry strength; he pins me, straddles me, attacks me with all his desperation. Paralyzed, I open completely. My ego fades without pain. He doesn’t want it slow and easy and gentle. He wants me. Completely. Now.

I don’t muffle my sounds even though people move on both sides of the walls. I want him to hear my pleasure. I want him to know I love it when he slides his tongue over my balls, burying his nose in my thatch of blond pubic hair. I grip the expensive bedspread when I feel his tongue hesistantly brush between my cheeks.

I help him do something I never would have dreamed doing; something I haven’t done or wanted to do in more years than I can count. I take his hands and put them on the back of my thighs just above my knees. As he pushes my legs up I spread myself wide, willingly. I smell sweat and innocence.

His tongue… so clever … teases my hole. I never dreamed he would do this. I let out a bursa escort harsh sound when a sudden finger slips up my ass. If it was anyone but him I would stop, I would say no, but I don’t care, I love it, I never want it to stop, please don’t stop. He has needed items in his bag and he jumps up and gets them while I watch. His cock is so pretty, bouncing when he walks. Long, slender, circumsized. I haven’t let anyone fuck me in years but all I can do is squirm with impatience as he slips on the condom with his shaking hands.

Naked on his knees, between my thighs, his cock sticking out, he looks up at me and I see nervousness in his face, a hint of doubt.

“Guide me,” he whispers.

Yes. Smiling, I pull him down to me, on top of me so our skins burn into each other. We’ve both fought this for a long time but the last walls between us are down, ground into dust. I feel all of him in every nerve. I whisper what he needs to do, I need some preparation because it’s been a very long time. This is something I never expected but I’m still gentle and patient, the teacher. I writhe, squirm, buck. I beg for it. His fingers stroke and lube me, fumbling. His inexperience makes me moan with need and when I reach down and guide his beautiful cock to my entrance I push forward.

The momentary charge of pain only pushes my pleasure higher. I forget myself; my scream both alarms him and gratifies him. I use my hips to guide his penetration as he holds my knees up, pushing them to my chest. I am totally open to him. For one night it doesn’t matter. I watch him lose himself in the fuck; I watch the sweat break on his forehead, I watch his head go backwards, his eyes glaze over as he devours the sight of me. I want everything, I want it all. He fills me up until the pain is gone and the hot, electric waves of orgasm wash over our pounding bodies moving together. Our eyes meet and hold.

With his entire weight behind it he slams all the way into me. At the same time I tighten around his cock. It’s so deep in me and I never want it gone. A look of surprised joy washes over his face; I feel his entire body go rigid. He bites his lips. He closes his eyes and stops moving, hips convulsing as he spurts. The condom separates me from the flood of his cum. I hold back until he finishes, and then the slight burning soreness his cock creates buried in my ass gives me the push I need to reach down between us and let myself go. God. I whimper as the orgasm flashes through me in a white-hot jolt I wish could go on forever. My cum is scorching hot as it splatters and pools on my belly.

My eyes open and I look up at his face, red and sweating. He’s grinning and I can see his pride as well as his post-orgasmic joy. He falls down to the bed next to me and we kiss, soaking each other in our sweat, our juices sliding between us.

I say his name. “I’m going to fuck you,” I tell him simply. The moment of decision has already come; he just smiles without looking at me.

“I know.”

Instead of acting on the promise, I relax against the pillow with him cuddled against me, his fingertips idly stroking my chest. We have the whole night. A pleasant drowsiness settles over us until he squirms and scratches. The dried-up cum is making him itch.

Pulling me off the bed, he leads me to the bathroom, where we play in the big white-tiled hotel shower. We stubbornly ignore all the unspoken wishes and desires writhing in the air between us. We have dentists in England you know. When he said that on IM, I pretended not to see it. IRL, I’m a dentist. It’s not as simple as just getting on a plane and moving to England. I’ve just gone back to school to specialize in orthodontics; Steve and I are tied together with a million threads, things stronger than sexual attraction; even stronger than the intense emotional connection I feel with Conor. The kind of emotional connection that fades quickly as soon as the daily grind of household chores, money fights, annoying little habits that seem cute at first, all catch up and start to sink in. Clang, go the bars of domestic life.

Easier just to play. It started out as just teasing. His bi-curious flirting turned me on. I didn’t pursue him, but I didn’t put a stop to it because I was flattered and bored with Steve. Nobody had seriously flirted with me in a long time. Then it just spiralled higher and higher, out of control, until we couldn’t stop ourselves from this night anymore. I thought just flirting would be enough, just a little spring in my step, a charge in my cock as it did its duty with Steve. I didn’t know we would end up wanting each other so much – mentally as well as sexually. I thought it was the wanting that mattered. I thought I could want without ever having to have.

Whoever said wanting is better than having never had shit.

As we lazily soap each other up under the hot spray, my mind begins to spin fantasies. Dreaming that he’s really mine; that I really can go back to England with him.We really can live happily ever after. I start to imagine that all my debts and responsibilities and promises to people are washing down the drain right along with the suds. With his wet skin pressed against my back, his tongue licking the water from my neck, his chin resting sleepily on my shoulder from behind, for a moment I almost believe it can be real.

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Queening Stool

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The smell of the leather was the second best sensation of the evening, although I must admit that the feel of the handcuffs securing me in the device gave me a wicked thrill as well. It is known as a “queening stool” and its sole function is to keep a submissive’s face (mine) in place long enough for the beautiful dominant woman to enjoy the sensation of my tongue and face against the space between her legs. I stay put until she has had her way with me and then until she feels like letting me go.

The stool is built out of stainless steel and has four legs which are connected on top in a square, but with one side missing. The tops are padded and covered in leather to provide a comfortable place her to sit. Underneath each of those three leather covered connectors is a chain, each of which are also attached to a triangular piece of leather – against which the back of my head was resting.

This toy gives her the choice of mounting my face either facing my body or facing away from it. If she faces my body, I am treated to a view of her butt which I am sometimes given to orally service. If she faces away from my body, I can look up at her (sometimes) nude figure and admire her all the way up to her face while I am tonguing her clit. Either way, I’m a winner, but variety is the spice of life.

This, of course, assumes that she is allowing me the pleasure of seeing her. Sometimes she prefers that I simply concentrate on my job without distraction and am forced to wear a blindfold, but I usually get to look. There are days though when all that I know is her smell and taste as she slides across and humps my face.

On that evening, I lay there, naked of course, while I waited for her to begin using me. She had me for as long as she wanted me, once the cuffs were on she was in control. Part of that control meant waiting. Of course, this was not just to make me uncomfortable but to allow her the pleasure of anticipation. In the meantime, all I could do was stare at the ceiling, what she did in the interim, I don’t know.

Then she was standing over me, straddling my body at first and then running a bare foot across my chest. I looked up at her and saw her naked form. She was beautiful, every curve just right, and she was going to use me for her pleasure.

Sometimes, I need to lick her for awhile in order to get her going. Other times, like that evening, görükle escort she was already wet. If she hadn’t been wet, I would have started slowly, using my limited range of motion to lick her inner thighs and moving in towards the “lower lips.” Too much too soon is never fun.

I said that the smell of the leather was the second best sensation. The first, for me at least, was that moment just before she lowered her body (facing my body, incidentally) onto my face. That was the moment at which I could see all of her and a thought went through my mind that went something like this, “She is going to use you and there’s nothing you can do about it, even if you wanted to.” Not that I would want to, but then, that is part of the point. I had no more control over the situation than any other sex toy she might possess.

She sat down gently. My cheek bones and eyes were up against her butt cheeks and my nose was positioned just inside her crack. I could feel her pubic hair gently and wetly sliding across my jaw. Drips of her essence wetted my lips and I was, once again, taken aback by the overwhelming smell of womanliness. She finished settling down and the rocked side to side, shaking my head with her body, as a signal for me to begin.

I opened my mouth and my sense of taste confirmed what my sense of smell had already experienced. Her juices began dripping from her into me before I could get my tongue out. The slickness of the feeling and the taste made me nearly instantly hard. She could see this, of course, but this only confirmed for her that I was happy to be beneath her and in no way was a request that she do anything about it. There were times when she would sometimes give my cock a playful pat after I had done an extraordinarily good job, but this time was about her pleasure, not mine.

I extended my tongue and licked my way around the outside of the outer lips. It was a slow, soft journey at first. Although I could not see, I did my best to avoid her clit in the beginning. Even when she was already aroused, I didn’t want to do too much too quickly. I used my tongue like a wet, gentle point to caress her folds.

After a little while, I flattened my tongue and touched as much of her as I could with it, moving it back easily. Over and over again I did this, just nudging her clit and perhaps teasing her with the possibility bursa escort bayan of my tongue going up inside her. This is when she began to rock back and forth on me.

We fell into a rhythmic caress of the tongue. Both of our movements resulted in her pleasure. The intensity built. Now when she rocked forward my tongue was all the way on her perineum. When she leaned back, I was clearly making contact with her clit and my nose was slammed solidly into her ass. This went on for a while until she was ready for something different.

When she was, she bore down on my face so that I could get as much tongue into her as possible. Her wetness almost poured out of her, ran down my tongue, and back to my throat. I gasped and tongued as best I could. I could hear that she had changed over from heavy breathing to moaning. It was difficult to focus then as I wanted to imagine what she looked like. I didn’t know if she was still watching my naked form or if she was closing her eyes. What I did know, however, was that things were beginning to really heat up.

This was true in a literal sense. It was getting really hot down there! Her backside and my face were rubbing against each other with greater ease because both were sweating. She was pressed so closely to me that I didn’t dare open my eyes. I desperately wanted to reach up and rub her with my hands, but the handcuffs ensured that I was only going to get to use my tongue and face.

I used what little power I had in my jaw to propel my tongue into her as deeply as I could. It certainly wasn’t a cock, but she seemed to like it. She kept the pressure on for what seemed to be a long time. I would occasionally gasp for breath and even less occasionally get one. She was passed the point of caring though, she wanted my tongue inside her and she pressed down with even harder force to make the point.

Now the noises from above had morphed from moaning into gasps and then little (and not so little) screams. She had no inhibitions about letting me (and people in the next county) know what she was feeling. She bore down with a ruthlessly as she achieved – or as I like to think of it, I achieved – her first orgasm. A small gush of her fluids nearly choked me when she did so. By this point, I don’t think there was a dry point left on my face.

She allowed for an ever so short break once she bursa escort had cum. I took a few very deep breaths and became aware of the pounding pulse inside my head and the hardness of my cock. I loved being able to do this for her!

The break, however, was short, only a few seconds and she settled back down, this time gently nudging my mouth with her clit. She spoke words for the first time, “Suck it.”

Grateful for the chance to rest my tongue, I enveloped her nub with my lips. She had leaned forward so that I could do this easily, but it also allowed me to open my eyes for the first time in… well, I had sort of lost track of time at that point. The sting of sweat, hers or mine I don’t know, and the glorious view of her backside made for a wonderous moment.

While I like to think of myself as being a “tit man,” in that moment, I couldn’t think of anything more wonderful than the combination of her taste and the sight I was seeing. If I had died then, well. it probably would have been a bit weird for her, but I would’ve gone out happy.

Again though, my happiness was secondary and my lips had a job to perform. I alternated between kissing and sucking. Sometimes, when I sucked her, I would use my still recovering tongue to massage her nub. When I did this I was rewarded with more good sounds from above, so I kept it up. It was not long before she was shaking and crying out again.

This time, in response to her orgasm, rather than taking a break she bore down again, this time rubbing indiscriminately, using my whole face as a sex toy. She took over the work and while I would throw in an occasional kiss or lick, she was rubbing with a reckless abandon so I couldn’t know whether they made any difference.

One orgasm mounted into what sounded like another and possibly (for those keeping count) a fourth. The wetness between her legs was so great now that she was practically sloshing back and forth on me. My nose was being bent in ways that I wasn’t aware that it could go, but although stretched, the level of discomfort was nothing compared to the feeling of happiness that I experienced in being used.

Suddenly she fell forward and landed on me. Caught off guard, she initially took the wind out of me, but I’m pretty sure I had just done that to her, so turn about was fair play. She splayed herself out on top of me with her back to me and rested her head against my legs. That my cock was being squished seemed like an insignificant detail in light of the joy of seeing her heaving while trying to regain coherent thought. After a few minutes of satisfaction, I was already looking forward to servicing her again.

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Tim’s Aunty Joan

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Tim had known Joan for most of his life, she had been his Mum’s best friend for as long as he could recall and he had grown very fond of ‘Aunty Joan’ as she became known over the years. He had never been sure of her exact age but he guessed she was now in her late-50’s. She was a lovely woman, full-figured and attractive, with gorgeous legs, which she liked to accentuate with heels. She always dressed nicely and with a hint of something gorgeously feminine underneath. He had often found himself looking at her full bottom and speculating about her lingerie, she had a varying visible panty line and sometimes none at all evident. He found that as she got older she became more and more alluring.

Following the death of his Mum several years previously Joan had grown in his affection and he started to regard her in a different way. As a 19-year old Tim had lost his virginity to his landlady, a motherly 50-something, and he had grown a weakness for mature women ever since. Since turning 50 himself he found he was even more attracted to older ladies and had enjoyed wonderful sex with women in their 60s & 70s.

He loved meeting women who still craved sex in their senior years and found nothing more horny than a respectable older lady who enjoyed being a cum-slut in the bedroom. He loved the way they had no inhibitions and he especially enjoyed sex with married women who needed cock supplements in their lives. Sometimes their partners joined in, either to watch or partake to various degrees. Being bisexual he was happy to entertain any option.

He found himself fantasising about Aunty Joan more often and increasingly thought about her when masturbating. He still recalled the occasion when he had happened upon her in his Mum’s house several years previously, adjusting the suspender clips on her fully fashioned nylons and had asked him to check her seams were straight. That had confirmed in his mind that he was a leg man! Since then they had often flirted together but Tim had always been concerned not to step over the line and spoil their relationship. However that all changed the day he showed off his new camper van to Aunty Joan.

Tim had bought the van as a way of getting out and pursuing his passion for the great outdoors, but since owning it he had found it a wonderful way of enjoying his other passion, namely older women who needed somewhere discrete to meet away from their husbands. So he was thrilled when Joan asked him to show it to her one sunny day, especially as she had been teasing him about it being his ‘shag-wagon’ as she called it. God, if only she knew, he thought. They arranged görükle escort to meet at a nearby country park as Joan lived on a hill, and it would be easier to demonstrate the van on the flat. He couldn’t help noticing that she had asked him to show how it was possible to unfold a double bed – she claimed she didn’t believe it was possible other than in the biggest vehicles, but Tim couldn’t help wondering if she had a hidden motive.

It was a lovely warm sunny day when they met up. Tim parked up in a quiet corner and Joan arrived soon after, dressed in a lovely thin summer dress, her make-up minimal and enhancing her natural looks. She looked just like she was off to a summer garden party. As usual his gaze was drawn to her legs, today they were bare and she was wearing strappy heels that showed off her lovely painted toes. He also spotted she was wearing a pretty toe-ring on her right foot. They embraced warmly, and Tim loved the feel of her lovely motherly bosom pressed against him – was it his imagination or was Aunty Joan showing more cleavage than usual?

Tim gave her a quick tour of the van and then they curled up close together on the sofa and caught up with each other’s news. All the while Tim couldn’t help feeling something between them and a growing sexual tension. Joan’s lovely eyes seemed to sparkle even more than usual and she was definitely flirting and teasing more than ever today, placing her hand on his knee to emphasise a point. Tim knew he had to have her and plucked up the courage to hold her hand and admit his growing feelings for her. He held his breath waiting for her response and was so relieved when she took his face in her cool, beautifully manicured hands, looked into his eyes and kissed him wetly, slowly worming her tongue into his mouth.

Tim had hoped she would be a passionate and responsive woman and he wasn’t disappointed. It was obvious she wanted him just as much. She broke away from their close embrace and breathlessly asked him to close the blinds and fold out the bed so they could enjoy each other in privacy. While Tim made the bed Joan freshened up in the small onboard loo. When she reappeared the dress had gone and she was wearing a lovely black lacy bustier and matching g-sting. Tim gasped at her loveliness and she returned to his arms, murmuring in his ear that she wanted him to tell her in explicit detail what he wanted to do with her. Joan loved her man to communicate with her during sex and to take charge.

As they sank onto the big comfy bed Tim held her close and told her exactly what he had in mind, he wanted bursa escort bayan to examine her vagina, perform intense oral on her and fuck her senseless. He added that he’d imagined doing this for a long time and had enjoyed his dirty secret, never assuming it would come to reality one day. Joan responded passionately, snogging him deeply and said she had a dirty secret too. She described how she had been a mature escort for the past 2 years, having discovered the most interesting forms of sex later in life. She told him that through online dating she had met a man who had gained her trust and gently introduced her to swinging. They had been to several swinging clubs in the south of England and she had enjoyed the social side first, and then as she gained confidence had experimented sexually. At parties she had met with several women who were escorts and she was encouraged to try it.

She said she had started doing phone sex only, and then several clients had persuaded her to meet up for sex. She had established some ground rules, that she wouldn’t meet men from her home town in Wiltshire and would only see men older than 50. As a 60-yr old she explained that sex with a man young enough to be her son was a big turn-off. She added that she was very choosy about who she met. Joan told Tim about some of the nice men she had enjoyed amazing sex with and how she had discovered her love of being submissive. She was quick to point out she wasn’t into BDSM but enjoyed being “used nicely” as she put it. Tim’s penis hardened even more as she shared some of her experiences. She recounted her introduction to dogging, of being taken by two men and spitroasted, and how one of her nice men had introduced her to black cock in a MMF 3-some with a friend of his.

She took Tim’s stiff penis in her hand and started wanking him as she shared her experiences. Tim was blown away at hearing her relate things that he never dreamed his respectable, middle-aged Aunty Joan would practice. He was reminded yet again never to judge a book by its cover. Without further thought he decided to seize the initiative and start using her for his pleasure, and hers too he hoped. He stripped off her lingerie and took in her lovely naked body, it was hard to believe she really was 60. He then spread her legs, raised her bottom and went down on her.

Joan loved receiving oral sex, it was one of her favourite bedroom activities and she liked to feel thoroughly examined and pulled apart by her lover. Tim soon brought her to an intense climax and she cried out loudly as she came. He expected her to need a bursa escort few moments of recovery but her orgasm seemed instead to energise her and Joan quickly rolled over onto her hands and knees and begged Tim to fuck her brains out.

Her vagina felt wonderfully wide and wet, just how he liked his pussy, and able to accommodate his thick girth with ease. This wasn’t lovemaking, it was animal-like fucking, hard and noisy and deep. Jean’s cunt was leaking all over the sheet and Tim loved the sound of the van’s springs squeaking as their hard pounding rocked the vehicle on it’s suspension. Jean made it clear this was how she liked to fuck, being taken firmly and used hard. Her language was filthy during their rutting and it encouraged Tim to be rougher than he had ever been with a woman. He held her hips tightly and slammed into her cunt, feeling the head of his cock rubbing against the neck of her womb. God he was so deep in her and he loved how liquid she had become, it was such a huge turn-on to see her big labia sliding along his glistening shaft and to watch a tide-ring of creamy cunt cream accumulate around the base of his cock.

As he slipped a cheeky finger gently into the little starfish of Jean’s bottom and felt the ridges of his cock through the thin membrane, she climaxed without warning and squirted all over Tim’s crotch and onto the sheet. Tim tried to worry about the effect on the upholstery as a way of avoiding his own impending climax but Joan had other ideas. She quickly dismounted from his penis, turned around and begged him to cum over her face. The decision about whether to cum was taken from him in an instant and he exploded all over her lovely face and neck. He marvelled at the sight of this sexy 60yr old splattered with his ejaculate. He was accustomed to seeing her dressed respectably with a string of pearls around her neck, and here she was looking up at him submissively, wearing a homemade pearl necklace. He smeared the mess across her face with his cock, wiped his helmet across her mouth to clean himself and told her in no uncertain terms to clean his dick with her mouth. She used her tongue to swab his penis and lovingly cleaned off all the cum from he whole length of his still-hard cock.

As they cleaned up and got dressed, Joan promised to invite Tim to the occasional meet where an extra male would be appreciated. She was intrigued by Tim’s desire to see her taking black cock and agreed to arrange an interracial MMF fuck session. Tim couldn’t wait to see his Joan impaled on a thick black cock and to maybe have his first experience of DP, which she had earlier admitted a weakness for.

He was so glad he had invited her to view his camper van but was struggling to come to terms with just how filthy his Aunty Joan had become since reaching her middle-aged years. He knew their relationship had changed forever, and for the better.

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Kelly Takes a Turn Ch. 05

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Note: Sorry for another extended delay. As always, I welcome constructive feedback. However, comments that are racist or suggest violence/hate will be deleted.

Reading earlier chapters will provide essential context for some references in this one.

Thanks as always to Todger for his incredible editing assistance!!



Kelly was incredibly nervous about the job interview, the transition to that school should she take the job, and David’s reaction to all of it. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but be aroused at the possibilities of being more available to Tyrell. She giggled before adding, “And his friends.” to her thoughts.

The week prior to her interview, on one of her visits to Tyrell, Kelly opted to take a drive by the school so she had an idea of its surroundings and such. As she did so, she marveled at her own response of “I could do this…” as it being a worthy accommodation to continue the sex she had been receiving. The thought of the rundown nature of the school or the massive change in her comfortable suburban lifestyle a distant second to her newfound priorities.

It was still summer so there was no student activity and only administrative workers or others getting the building ready for the school year were present. She sat in her air conditioned car in the parking lot shortly before lunch, gently massaging her clit and reminiscing on the fucking she had received from Tyrell shortly before heading to the school as she considered this change in her life. She chose right before lunch as she knew from experience at her own school that she should get a look at who works there as most would undoubtedly leave the building to get some food.

Sure enough, she was there only 5-10 minutes, idling in her car, as people started to emerge. Most immediately turned right on the sidewalk towards what she assumed to be teacher parking. And as she suspected everyone she saw was a woman and black, save for one older, overweight white woman who was parked relatively close in what was probably secretary parking. Kelly thought about how the woman looked sorely out of place.

After a little bit, Kelly felt she had enough of an understanding of things and was ready to leave so she figured she should just quickly finish rubbing herself to orgasm before heading back to Tyrell’s. She dipped a finger into her slit and brought a droplet of his cum to her mouth as her other finger continued to stroke and massage her clit. Still staring at the doorway to the school and imagining herself heading in there every morning, her orgasm began to erupt as a taller, fit, and casually well-dressed black man stepped from the building. His timing was perfect. Her eyes remained fixated on him as she came.

As she came down from her orgasm, Kelly realized he must be the principal or something similar as he seemed to have preferred parking. She smiled inwardly as her thoughts roamed to, “I think I could get used to working for him.”

The following day, when Kelly had returned home, she broke the news to David that she wanted to pursue a job at a school near her father’s facility and was going to interview during her next visit the following week. David was stunned by this news and torn on how to respond. He thought about his own job, the idea of moving, and the overall chaos that comes with these types of changes. He wanted to protest and remind Kelly about how her father had been aloof during her childhood and that he didn’t warrant this much upheaval in their lives. However, David didn’t offer any of those concerns. Instead of asserting himself and address the insanity of what she was proposing, he opted to dance around the edges of the issue. His effort failed miserably. In the end, he ended up bending to what Kelly wanted to do and at the same time confirming the biases which has been building up within her when comparing her husband to Tyrell. And once again her husband came out on the losing side of that debate.


Kelly spent those few days at home switching back forth from being excited about the potential benefits of taking the job at that school and being closer to Tyrell to being concerned about her ability to follow through on actually making the move. The thought of ending her newfound sexual awakening and returning to her previous life was never really considered an option.

The day before the interview Kelly stood in her living room with David; he was about to head off to work, she up to Tyrell’s. The contrasting emotions between the two could not be starker. He was troubled with anxiety. She was bubbling with excitement and anticipation. David gave her a kiss goodbye and hug, then a less than enthusiastic “good luck” before he headed out the door. Kelly was texting Tyrell that she was on the way as she watched her husband get into his car.

Ninety minutes later, Kelly was on her knees in front of Tyrell swallowing a load of his seed which she had just sucked from his balls. Only after that did she text David to let him know she had arrived görükle escort safely.

That evening, Kelly opted to call it an early night to be well rested for the morning interview, but not before she and Tyrell enjoyed a spectacular fuck.

As was now her custom, Kelly woke with the first rays of light spilling into the bedroom window and rolled over to take Tyrell’s cock into her mouth. She sucked him to completion then got out of bed to shower.

Abuzz with both arousal and anticipation, Kelly pulled into the school parking lot ten minutes before her scheduled interview time. She wanted to arrive early to settle herself down and get prepared. After calming her nerves, Kelly stepped out of the car and walked confidently into the building. She was greeted by the overweight white woman she had seen during her last visit. The look on the woman’s face confirmed one thought that had been dancing around in her head; she was out of place in this school. For whatever reason, that unspoken conversation between the two of them generated a wave of confidence in Kelly at the life adjustment she was about to embark upon.

The woman presented Kelly some paperwork to either sign or initial when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. The principal, dressed in similar casual, but professional clothes, was entering the office area with another younger black man, around Kelly’s age beside him. Kelly was struck by her initial instinct to eye them up and down and she hoped they did not notice. However, the two men were doing their own ‘appraisal’. They stopped in their tracks upon seeing her and she felt a flush of embarrassment and arousal at the look in their eyes. Her face reddened in response.

Mr. Robinson, the principal, immediately stepped forward with an outstretched hand to greet her. He played off the awkward look with a subtle, “Sorry for that reaction Ms. Harkins. Not often we have lovely white women applying to work here.”

His greeting only furthered the redness in Kelly’s face and she shyly smiled before offering a “Thank you.”

Mr. Robinson then motioned to the younger black man and introduced him as Jake, one of the gym teachers. Kelly couldn’t help but swipe her eyes over Jake’s physique and concluded that his body reflected an appropriate appearance for a gym teacher.

Mr. Robinson asked if Kelly wanted anything to drink before they began the interview, which she declined, then he asked Jake to excuse them so they could step into his office. Kelly could feel Jake’s eyes appraising her body and it only further fanned the flaming embers inside her.

Just as the two of them stepped away from Jake, the office area door opened and Kelly heard a familiar voice. “Hey, Kelly! Is that you? You looking to get a job here?!” It was Rashad, obviously excited, in the doorway. She turned and saw Rashad there in a utility uniform, apparently a maintenance worker, standing there with an ear to ear smile.

Kelly couldn’t help but return the smile based on the pleasure she had enjoyed with Rashad over the last few weeks, but she quickly remembered where she was and shook those thoughts from her head. She cleared her throat and responded, “Hi Rashad. Yes, I am here for an interview with Mr. Robinson,” as she nodded deferentially towards the principal before continuing, “I’m hopeful!”

Rashad’s smile seemed to brighten further and Kelly felt her face flush again and her nipples surge. Her excitement was nearly bubbling over at the multiple stimuli she was experiencing. She swallowed and took a deep breath and then looked towards Mr. Robinson with an expectant look. Mr. Robinson gave a nod of knowing agreement towards Rashad and then motioned to Kelly towards his office.

Kelly briefly shifted her gaze from Mr. Robinson to Rashad in a silent way of saying goodbye, and in that moment saw as he stepped from the office area to talk to Jake. Her imagination began to run wild at what the two of them were discussing; she just knew it was about her. Her thoughts were broken a second later when she felt Mr. Robinson’s hand on her elbow, “Kelly? Can we continue?”

She again shook her head clear and then looked up at Mr. Robinson, who now seemed much closer to her, and nodded, adding, “I’m sorry. I guess I was just surprised to see someone I knew here.” Then she quickly gasped at the possible double meaning of her words and added, “I mean, I just, um…”

Mr. Robinson chuckled as he continued steering her into his office. “It’s ok, Kelly. I understood what you meant.”

At this point Kelly was sure she had already failed the interview. The look on her face must have said it too because a moment after Mr. Robinson closed the door, he then closed the gap between the two of them. He stepped right up to her and gently, but firmly, took her arms in his hands as he looked down upon her, “Relax, Kelly.”

In direct contrast to what Mr. Robinson had just said, Kelly felt her breathing and heart rate increase at his actions.

Mr. Robinson smiled at her, bursa escort bayan a different smile from what greeted her earlier. This was a smile of power and desire. A smile upon discovering a hidden gem. She stared up at him wondering if he knew about her real motivations for taking the job there. If Rashad has said something. Or frankly, if she was that transparent.

Then, with all those thoughts racing through her mind, coupled with being so close to this powerful black man, something clicked within Kelly.

And she just surrendered to the moment and smiled up at him.

In contrast to his smile of power, hers was a smile of submission. She was convinced Rashad had already shared stories about her with Mr. Robinson. Her brain connected the tales she imagined Rashad telling to the look she was receiving from her prospective new boss. For a moment, Kelly wasn’t sure exactly what to do.

Then she made a spontaneous decision. She locked her gaze upon his for a few brief seconds and then, pitching up on her toes, she planted a kiss on his lips. She came back to settle on her heels again and continued staring up into his eyes to read his reaction.

Kelly knew there were really only a couple of real responses he might have, each with their own ranges. He could obviously have a negative response by having her removed from the office, whether by telling her to get out; having the overweight secretary escort her out; or calling the police.

Or he could respond positively by accepting her gesture as an awkward but nervous action and then either ending or continuing the interview; acknowledging she was caught off guard by the responses she faced from both Jake and Rashad and rescheduling the interview; or he could essentially confirm the fact that Rashad had already made mention of her and let this little scenario run a few more minutes to see what, if anything, lies beneath the surface.

He chose the latter.

Kelly, recalling her college sociology classes, studied his facial expression to see if she could determine the path he would choose. Mr. Robinson’s jaw was set but his eyes were locked upon hers. They were emanating heat like warm black coals. A moment later she noticed the slightest grin appear on his face.

Finding the response she sought, Kelly smiled and winked, then slipped to her knees before Mr. Robinson. Kelly was delighted when she freed his cock to find it already hardening and deliciously black. She pulled it free from his pants and underwear as she sucked in her breath in excitement. Then she turned her eyes towards Mr. Robinson and stared into his eyes as she planted a wet kiss on the head of his cock. Another new black cock for Kelly to welcome into her mouth.

Kelly’s eyes remained fixed on his as she slipped her lips over the swollen mushroom head of his cock. Completely surrendering to the moment, Kelly forgot about her interview and instead focused all of her attention on the cock in her mouth.

She leaned forward and took as much of his shaft as she could before pulling back and taking a deep breath. She then repeated the process, taking him further and further, and bizarrely enjoying the light gag reflex as his cockhead reached the back of her throat. However, it wasn’t just the cock in her mouth giving her so much pleasure. It was the low hum of pleasure from Mr. Robinson which let her know she was doing a good job.

Mr. Robinson rested one hand on the top of her head and the other he held on his hips in somewhat of a superman pose. He slowly eased his hips back and forth in a gentle fucking motion which Kelly synched with her oral ministrations. Their dance became a slow mouth fucking which had Kelly drooling.

As the pool of saliva and pre-cum collecting in her mouth began to ooze over her lower lip, Kelly swallowed what she could and then felt an erotic surge when she reflected on how the day’s events so quickly changed. She really did arrive at the school with the intent of it being a regular job interview. Granted, her purpose for taking the job was to put her in proximity to her black lover, but she didn’t intend for a blowjob to be part of the process. But she wasn’t about to complain; Mr. Robinson’s cock was delicious.

The string of saliva now gathering at her chin brought her out of her little daydream and Kelly knew she needed to remove her blouse or risk a rather large wet spot which she would have trouble explaining when she left the office. She quickly worked the buttons and shrugged the blouse from her shoulders and a moment later she felt the cool drip of saliva reach from her chin to her tits.

The mental image of her drooling while sucking a black cock only served to further ignite Kelly’s arousal. She pushed forward and took the last couple inches of Mr. Robinson’s cock into her throat and felt his pubic hair at her nose and lips. She then let out a deep, low moan and that was all Mr. Robinson could take.

Her left hand was cradling his balls as she felt them pull up into his sack and bursa escort she knew he was about to cum. She reached up and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and held him buried in her throat as he pumped his seed directly into her stomach. She had a mild no-touch orgasm of her own as she felt his shaft throb on her tongue as his balls emptied themselves into her.

When Kelly was certain he was through, she slowly pulled back and nursed the sensitive head of his cock to be certain she had swallowed all of him, then she planted another kiss on the crown of his head and rocked back on her heels. A wicked smile of lust and satisfaction spread across her face.

Mr. Robinson was balancing himself on the backrest of the chair he expected her to sit in during the interview as he caught his breath. A similar look of satisfaction coupled with amazement on his face. He chuckled lightly as he said, “Well Kelly, it appears you really want this job. And I have to say, you have extremely impressive qualifications.”

His words brought Kelly back to the reality of why she was actually there, since her focus had shifted completely, once she got going, to simply sucking his cock. She lightly giggled and simultaneously flushed with embarrassment. She wanted to reply but didn’t know what to say. Should she say she had no intention of doing what she just did? That couldn’t be entirely true since she essentially initiated it. Should she say she didn’t know what came over her? Well, that was at least close to truth but what would that do for her job chances? Or she should just thank him for letting her suck his cock and then go about her merry way? That would of course probably mean no job and that might mean less Tyrell. Kelly tried to think of something to say but then Mr. Robinson spoke again. He spoke as if reading her mind.

“It seems to me what just happened wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you set up the interview. But I have to commend your improvisation and particularly your skill. Are those traits I can come to count on should I hire you?”

Kelly’s embarrassment altered to arousal and her own sense of amazement at how Mr. Robinson had shifted things back to something approaching a normal interview conversation. She smiled at him and responded and played along, “Thank you. I’ve recently discovered some of these skills and intend to continue to develop them. So you can most definitely count on them.”

Mr. Robinson continued, “Now, looking at that rock on your finger it looks like you married to a white boy. That going to be something I have to worry about?”

Kelly giggled before responding, “He won’t be any problem at all. He knows nothing about this side of my life. He thinks I’m taking a job here to be closer to my father while he is in hospice.”

That drew a chuckle from Mr. Robinson. “I’m guessing that’s not true?”

Kelly, realizing she was probably actually now part of what was the closest thing to an interview she would participate in that day, answered honestly, “Well, my father is in hospice, but that’s not why I want to work here. I met his business partner this summer. And he’s, uh, he’s shown me a whole new side of life. So, my father is really just a nice excuse.” She closed her little statement with a naughty smile and watched as Mr. Robinson grinned.

He continued with another question, “So, I take it Rashad and your father’s business partner are friends?”

Kelly’s face reddened with the realization that she actually was as transparent as she feared, but she nodded and bit her lower lip.

Mr. Robinson smiled at her unstated admission. He paused a moment and then said, “Good. Looks like we only have a couple more things to cover in this interview then.” He reached down and held out his hand for her to take and then helped her to Kelly to her feet.

Kelly stood up, unsure of what was expected, but she was more than willing to follow his lead. Mr. Robinson reached behind her and undid the button on her skirt and let it fall to the floor. He then shifted some things around on his desk and, smiling at Kelly, motioned for her to take a seat in the space he cleared. Kelly was now on fire with lust. She kept her eyes locked on his as she backed her way up on to the desk and then sat there, leaning back on her arms with her legs slightly spread a naughty smile on her face.

Mr. Robinson stepped up between her legs and slowly pulled her panties off. She debated whether he could feel the heat from her pussy. His cock, already semi-hard, was just inches from her channel and seemingly staring straight at it. She was hoping at any moment he would step forward and slide himself inside of her. Instead, he paused, “Now Kelly, you stated your husband knows nothing about this side of your life, and that he won’t be a problem. How about if we give him a call and let him know you got the job?”

Kelly was caught off guard by both his admission that she got the job and his request to call David. At first she paused a moment to make sure she heard him correctly and then felt her pussy gush with excitement once she realized she had. And calling David in these situations was no longer as farfetched an idea after doing it multiple times with Tyrell and his friends. She also recognized this could be an actual test Mr. Robinson was administering.

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Detective on Naked Display

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The undercover operation felt like the perfect storm because everything seemed far too easy. And in her experience, it was usually the perfect plans that led to the biggest disasters. Taking down a criminal organization is never simple.

Detective Elana Martinez had assumed the secret identity of a high value female target. Someone of great importance to the criminal underworld.

Now here she was, at an exclusive resort in Miami, sprawled across a lounge chair by the pool wearing nothing but a barely-there bikini that highlighted her natural curves. Margaritas and fresh fruit were being served to her by the staff.

She took a moment to enjoy the sounds of the other guests having conversations or diving into the pool. They were completely unaware that this resort was owned by a crime syndicate. And it was a great money laundering operation, too.

A short distance away, just around the corner of this extensive property, she could hear the sounds of people having sex in the open air. This was one of the perks of an exclusive resort. People could do as they pleased, which included having exhibitionist sex in the pools or spa areas.

Before taking this job, she was on the verge of retirement from the police department. She had already accepted an offer working for her sister’s design company. Sure, it would be a much less exciting lifestyle, but the money was good and there was little stress.

As fate should have it, she was the only woman who could do this job. Being a middle-aged Latina with the right figure made her the perfect fit. This was a joint-operation with the FBI and the stakes were enormous.

Her concentration broke when an employee of the resort approached her in an unassuming way.

“Ma’am, your appointment is ready,” the employee said casually.

Elana maintained the bitch-face of a spoiled rich woman. “Good. Take me there.”

“Please, follow me.”

She got up and covered her body with a thin embroidered wrap and slipped her feet into designer sandals.

To anyone else, it sounded like a massage appointment or anything relating to the many high-end services this place provided. But it wasn’t. Together, they went inside the hotel and took the elevator down to the lower floor. This was a major step towards the detective’s penetration into a criminal network.

When the elevator door opened, the atmosphere was totally different from the rest of the hotel. Here, there were blue lights which were dimmed and soft music played in the background. There were hot tubs large enough for groups to use in private, presumably for sex.

They went further down the walkway. There was a door that required a password, which the employee entered.

Inside that room was dark, with blue lights, and what looked like a small pool. Nothing else.

“Remove your clothes,” the employee said. “You’ll swim in the pool. There’s a short tunnel in the water that will take you to the secret room. That’s where the main computer is.”

“Sure. We can never be too careful about things.”

Elana stepped out of her sandals and pulled her embroidered wrap away, letting it fall to the floor since there was nowhere else to put it. She was about to dive into the pool before she was stopped.

“Ma’am, you’ll have to remove everything,” the employee said calmly. “No bikini. You’ll need to be naked and I’ll have to give you an inspection.”

She gave a bitch-face and glared for a moment. “Excuse me?”

“New security measures. I’m certain you must have been informed of this at some point.”

Elena had been briefed on a lot of things, but not this. At that very moment, she could imagine the female prisoner laughing in a small cell, knowing the kind of surprise the detective was going through.

Nonetheless, she was here to do a job. Although getting naked is never part of anything a detective would sign up for, at least no one would know about this. Everything happening here was unrecorded and the employee, who’d be the only witness, wouldn’t be arrested.

Detective Martinez kept her game face and pulled her bikini top away. Her role was being a powerful crime figure who was accustomed to accessing this computer, so she acted the part, showing no fear whatsoever. The bottom came off next.

She stood completely naked before this unphased employee. Her brown skin still shining from the tan and sunscreen. Her curves on full display. And her dark nipples even turned hard from the small rush of excitement she got from this.

“Happy?” she asked, hands on her hips.

“Turn around and bend over. Once everything checks out, then I’ll be happy.”

A smile crept across her lips as she turned around. She had to admire the dedication of this bland looking employee, who appeared accustomed to dealing with powerful figures in the underworld.

Once bent over, she spread her butt cheeks to get this over with. There was no point in arguing anyway. No one would ever know she did this, and this was one small detail she’d gladly leave out görükle escort of her reports and debriefings.

A finger prodded her vaginal and rectal area for recording devices. When nothing was found, she was given a gracious smile, along with clearance to use the computer.

Elana dove into the pool. Underneath the water was a small tunnel and she swam through it. On the other side, she emerged from the water, into an empty room that was dimly lit. Nothing was there except for a table, a chair, and a computer.

With water dripping from her naked body, she sat in front of the computer and had access to a fully encrypted network. This was where international drug gangs communicated and listed their routes, prices, and distribution methods. Using a method like this was a lot safer than meeting in person or using other forms of electronics, but it made them vulnerable to women like Detective Martinez.

She always had an excellent memory and she tried to remember as much as she could, repeating key points in her mind. There were tens of thousands of different messages and she focused on what she could. An undercover job like this was left to her discretion.

‘You people are fucked,’ she whispered beneath her breath, taking a final round of memorization from the screen.

Her role was essentially that of an IT (information-technology) woman. Someone who made sure the computer and mainframe ran smoothly. It was clever to have a woman do this job, she thought, because no one would ever suspect a woman of having this much knowledge about the system.

Returning to the other side, she was greeted by the employee who was holding an outstretched towel for her.

“Such good service,” she smiled, wiping water from the eyes as she stepped out of the water naked.

“Anything for you. Will you be returning? Or is the job complete?”

“I want another look tomorrow. I’ll come up with a specific plan to find security flaws in this system. Once I’m satisfied, then I’m done.”

Elana kept her hands up while the employee wiped her body dry with the towel. She put her bikini on, and while still feeling titillated from her nudity, she went straight to her suite to transmit the information.


Diego leaned back and took a puff of his Cuban cigar while watching the monitor. Not many people on the hotel staff knew what this office was for, because this was a very unofficial job from the hotel’s upper-management.

The man’s dark, cold eyes examined the naked woman on the screen, watching this woman drive into the water to perform maintenance on the organization’s computer. In this line of work, everyone must be closely watched.

“Come over here a minute,” Diego said to his right-hand man. “Anything catch your eye?”

The other man was named Cutter. They both watched the screen as a mature Hispanic woman, water dripping from her body, performed maintenance service on the machine which contained information that could put hundreds of people in prison for a very long time.

“Nothing unusual, boss. Other than that nice set of tits.”

Diego puffed his cigar. “She’s too calm. Too collected. Too fast.”

“Ain’t that what she’s paid for?”

“Look at her hand speed. Notice her face glued to the screen. Maintenance people usually work slowly and carefully. This woman is looking through our files.”

Cutter looked again. “You’ve got a point. Feds?”

“I’ve never heard of a Fed or a cop getting naked to perform a job. That’s partly why we have the nudity requirement.”

“It could be our enemies, then.”

“We can never be too careful,” Diego said, taking a long puff of the cigar.

“How should we handle this, boss? The bitch is staying in a suite. I can go over there with a couple guys to sort things out. Make sure everything is square.”

“That could be dangerous. We don’t know who she’s associated with. She doesn’t look like any cop I’ve ever seen, but she moves like one. Quick hands and fast eyes.”

“A cop with tits and ass like that?” Cutter smirked.

“They’re desperate. Anything’s possible. We have to be careful.”

“I can call our friends below the border and see what they think.”

They both knew that it would be pointless. In this business, hiring a tech person can be like hiring a hitman. It’s often anonymous so there’s always deniability if anyone gets caught. Besides, he didn’t want to seem jumpy in case he was wrong.

“Ask our friends down south about this woman,” Diego said with his eyes sharply fixated on the screen. “There’s gotta be something that identifies this woman. Maybe a weakness of some kind. Or a trademark.”

“You got it, boss.”

Before Cutter made the phone call, both men observed the screen and watched the naked woman dive into the water, exposing a rear end which they found to be delicious.


The nightlife of the resort was something to behold. The joint task-force was thrilled with the information she had sent and the plan was still operational. bursa escort bayan She remained in character as she enjoyed the nightlife. She knew she was being watched since the moment she had arrived. Detective Martinez was playing a high-flying woman of expensive taste, so she acted like it.

On the government’s dime, and wearing a tiny black dress, Elana ordered the most expensive drinks and did plenty of gambling at the cards table, losing a few thousand dollars in the process. Then she went outside to enjoy the ocean view. Music played while the guests flirted and spent time in the outdoor hot tubs and pools.

She ordered another drink and laid across a lounge chair to observe the party. In truth, this was the best vacation she’d ever had, as a place like this was far outside her financial range. And if she were truly honest with herself, she’d miss the thrills and danger of this job. So she took a moment to enjoy the final assignment of her career.

“Having a good time?” a man asked.

Looking up, the detective was unimpressed by what she saw. The big guy looked like a classic sleaze. She had been hit on several times by men since the moment she had arrived here. This was different. The man clearly wasn’t a guest because he didn’t look sophisticated. She remained on guard.

“Seems like it,” Elana said, taking a sip of her drink.

“That’s good. You’re a beautiful woman. You look lonely, sitting here all by yourself.”

“I’m here on business. And I’m doing just fine.”

Elana knew that this man was part of the organization, just from the way he presented himself. The man was a brute. Pure and simple.

“Computer business, by any chance?” the man asked.

There was no point in denying it. “Yes, I work in technical assistance.”

“My name is Cutter,” he grinned. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“Hello, Cutter. What can I do for you? For the record, I don’t usually speak directly with clients.”

Cutter sat on the empty seat next to her. “Relax, honey, this ain’t about business. This is about, let’s say, your comfort. I’m a customer service guy.”

Having been in this line of work for a long time, Detective Martinez knew that this wasn’t good. She saw the gleam in Cutter’s eyes and noticed a slight tenseness in his voice, as if he was planning something. Remaining calm, the detective projected coolness.

“I’m fine,” she said in a reassuring tone. “The drinks they serve here are divine. And the atmosphere? I could get used to this.”

“Ah, but there’s always more. I know your reputation, Rosa.”

A chill went down her spine when the man used the code-name. She had already gone over the ins-and-outs of this character. The real Rosa had already given up so much information while in police custody, but Elana knew that criminals always held back information.

“Oh? Hopefully you haven’t heard too much about me.”

Cutter remained vague, “Don’t worry, hun. I know how this works. No one knows your real name. It’s all hush-hush. I love a woman of mystery.”

“Then it should stay that way. I’m here to do a job. I’ve conducted a preliminary review of the mainframe and I’ll delve deeper tomorrow.”

“Sure, but I’ve been told you enjoy a good time,” Cutter replied. “And I’ve also been told to be at your service. You know, compliments of the resort.”

Elana held up the glass. “This drink is more than enough. Thank you.”

“I heard the real Rosa fucked all the nearby men on her last job. You know, a nice hard group fuck. Porno style. She apparently said she can only get off if she’s got multiple dicks in her.”

There was a twisted grin on Cutter’s face, which only meant bad news. This was a topic that Detective Martinez had been briefed on. She knew that their subject was heavily into group sex. Everyone in the department knew it because it had been caught on surveillance weeks before the big arrest.

Familiarizing herself with every detail was part of staying alive for an undercover operation of this level. That’s why she didn’t deny anything. She had to remain cool. And more than anything, she had to remain firm and in control. Experienced operators like Cutter can smell fear a mile away.

“Are you saying I’m lying?” Elana questioned.

“I’m saying Rosa is a classic Gangbang Queen type of lady. And since we’re such gracious hosts, we figured we’d extend you a little courtesy.”

Despite the lascivious grin on the man’s face, the detective knew a veiled threat when she heard one. Somewhere along the line, something had gone wrong. Now suspicions have been raised. And with men as dangerous as this, she had to make the right moves.

In her experience with undercover work, maintaining a strong position is essential. When criminals raise suspicions, it’s because they aren’t totally sure if they’re being betrayed or not. Because if these people were certain, then she’d have already been killed in the hotel room earlier.

“Yeah, that’s me,” she said firmly. “But I don’t fuck around bursa escort with strangers. I don’t mix business and pleasure. I’m not an idiot.”

“So you’re a business woman?”

“I’m being paid to do a job. Just like you. Got it? I don’t fuck at work. And I certainly don’t fuck because you’re telling me to.”

She made her point loud enough that a few nearby people had heard the comment, but she didn’t care. Being raised in the streets of Los Angeles, a woman like Elana knew how to handle men like this. For a few seconds, she thought it worked. Cutter looked dazed and outwitted. But then again, men like Cutter follow orders. They don’t give up because they aren’t allowed to.

“Alright, listen,” he said, enjoying the woman’s feistiness. “We can compromise. I’ll get some of the hotel workers to come fuck you. Everyone wins.”

“Is this a test? Are you testing me?”

“It’s our gift to you.”

Knowing he had the upper-hand, Cutter reached out and gently used a finger to trace the curves of Elana’s breast through the thin black dress. It was brazen and anyone could see it, but this was an exclusive resort for adults and there was already lots of friskiness going on around them.

“I don’t like having my integrity questioned,” she said, in a tone which suggested that she knew this was inevitable.

Cutter leaned forward and whispered, “Too. Fucking. Bad. Rosa has a reputation for being a sex maniac. So that’s what you’re gonna get. Shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

The intensity of the detective’s gaze matched this mad man’s. Even at her age, she still had her edge. If she had shown an ounce of fear, then it would all be over for her.

“Take it all off,” he said, licking his lips. “Right here, right now. Get comfortable someplace. I’ll be back with a few friends, since obviously you love a good gang-fuck.”

Surely this was a bluff. It had to be. It seemed illogical that a sophisticated criminal organization would draw so much attention to themselves. But then again, the stakes were high and her undercover identity seemed in doubt. This was a surefire way to find out if she was really who she claimed to be.

Keeping the same intensity, Detective Martinez stood up with her eyes still locked on Cutter. Then she pulled at the shoulder straps of her dress, letting the expensive attire fall to the floor as if it were cheap fabric.

But when Elana unclipped her bra and shimmied out of her panties, heads turned. She stood naked in her heels for people to admire. She ignored everyone. Her audience was Cutter and whoever in the organization was watching. And she was certain that other associates were watching.

“Even better in person,” he grinned widely, eyes going up and down.

She kept her hands on her hips. “So you watched me on a hidden camera earlier. It’s not very polite to spy on a woman while she’s naked.”

“Hey, we can never be too careful,” he shrugged, but not caring at all.

“Fair enough.”

Hoping to call the man’s bluff, she turned around and walked over to the pool area. Eyes leered in her direction from men and women, but she kept ignoring them. This was work. This was her life on the line and she had to play her cards right.

She knew the risks before accepting this job. No one could have predicted a situation like this, however.

Taking a naked walk to the pool area, Detective Martinez took solace in the fact that she’d never, ever see these other guests again. This was a one-time deal and she’d be gone after tomorrow. In a couple months time, this organization and its affiliates would all be arrested.

Standing in front of the pool, Elana took her heels off and entered the shallow end of the pool using the stairway. She figured it would be a slight deterrence for whatever Cutter was planning. She was still fairly certain that this was a bluff. If it wasn’t, then she did everything she could to avoid being killed by these men.

Elana could feel many sets of eyes gazing at her body. It was an exhibitionist rush to be admired this way. She had never done public nudity before and kept reminding herself that no one would recognize her. No one would ever see her again once she quit the job and returned to civilian life.

In the background of the outdoor beachside party, she could hear the sounds of sex. Other couples, perhaps swingers on vacation, or people trying it for the first time, were having intercourse.

Detective Martinez felt nerves in her stomach. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Cutter. She did a seductive twirl in the water to show that she was the real deal. The woman she was posing as had a reputation for having a ravenous sexual appetite. Everyone in the Department knew it. So she had to play the part.

After several moments of entertaining the guests with her tits, she wondered why Cutter had gone quiet. Had the henchman had enough of these games and just left without saying a word? Doubtful.

That’s when she saw it. Cutter had returned with 4 men who were still dressed in their employee uniforms. Two were white, one was black, and one was hispanic. The men looked excited at the prospect of getting to fuck her, but also had a sense of disbelief that this would actually be part of their jobs.

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To Serve A Princess Ch. 01

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The Princess stood in the mirror for a long while and observed her reflection in its polished face. The dress was beautiful, accenting her full breasts and bringing out the beauty of her hazel eyes but it couldn’t erase the sadness from them. These days were to be the last fun ones of her life because in a few weeks, she would have to wed Sir Roger Gaufrette, the most eligible of all the local bachelors. She should be happy; indeed, she should be jumping for joy to be honored to be offered for but she could not. Because she held a secret. A secret so dear that she could not even speak it.

Princess Rosebud liked girls.

“Are you ready to go to the market, my darling?” Her mother, Queen Rosamund swept in, breaking her thoughts.

“Yes, mother.”

“You must buy some things to take with you tomorrow. Oh, isn’t it so exciting!”

“Yes, mother.”

“Well, don’t dawdle! Let’s get going!”

Even in the carriage, her thoughts flew back to girls. There wasn’t just one thing she loved about girls. It was everything. Soft lips, full curves. She would sneak downstairs and watch the handmaidens wash themselves, nearly swooning as the soapy lather clung to tasty nipples and delicious thighs.


“Wha – What?”

“I was talking to you.”

The Queen continued her talking, weaving tales of other royal weddings and how grand the Princess’s nuptials would be. Princess Rosebud’s heart sank as the burgeoning spring foliage sped by. She did not want to marry a man. She wanted a woman!

Thankfully, the market was bustling with activity. She begged her mother to be allowed to wander and since there was no threat of danger to her, the Queen agreed. So Princess Rosebud set off alone. She searched the kiosks, accepting congratulations on her upcoming marriage as she looked over the merchants’ wares. Then, she saw her.

Her skin was the color of milk chocolate, smooth and beautifully oiled with her sweat as she struggled to move a bale of hay. Her arms were muscled, but not overly so; her hips were slim, her breasts pushed nicely against a low cut top and the harem-style pants she wore showed the sleek muscles of her legs. But what caught and held Princess Rosebud’s attention was her face. The girl was breathtaking with kohl blackened eyes and pink lips.

Their eyes met and a thrill coursed through her. The girl nodded in reverential acknowledgement and turned to move a heavy wooden drum. The princess moved closer, her mouth suddenly dry and her silk-clad pussy suddenly wet.

“Excuse me.”

The woman turned and deep brown eyes gazed into her hazel ones. “Yes?”

The princess just gasped at the deep sound of her voice. Her skin pebbled with goosebumps at the sexy timbre. “I – I …”

“Velvet!” A harsh voice intruded. “Have you moved that drum yet?”

“Almost!” The girl replied to her potbellied boss, who stood in the doorway of the store but her eyes did not leave those of the princess.

“Well, get it done! I have more work for you inside!”

“Okay!” Velvet turned back to the beautiful girl standing before her with a deep sigh. “I must go.”

“No, please …” Rosebud heard herself plead. “I have need of a handmaiden.”

“Talk to Mrs. Morris just over there. She has several girls that might meet your needs.”

“But I want you.”

Those words spoke volumes about what was in Rosebud’s heart and the two women just stared at each other. Then Velvet’s eyes moved down to Rosebud’s pursed lips and the alabaster tops of her breasts, returning to her eyes. “But I am a laborer.”

“I don’t care.” Rosebud said, imagining her head dipping between those muscled legs and mmmm … “I need someone that can help protect me as well as aid me in my daily tasks.” And those hands. Nice firm fingers that would plunge into my wet slit … “And you certainly look strong enough.”

“Oh, that I am.” Velvet boasted, drawing close, whispering, “And that’s not all I’m good at.”

Heat flared between them, coloring Rosebud’s delicate features and making the sweat shine on Velvet’s skin. Her heart thundered in her ears as the tip of Velvet’s tongue lazily slid across her own lips, knowingly ensnaring her in the web of sexual tension. That tongue rimming my asshole …

“Call your boss.” The princess took a deep breath to clear her mind and moved closer to Velvet. She couldn’t resist quickly running a fingertip across her own puckered nipple, a motion that the other woman did not miss. “You belong to me now.”


Velvet hefted her pack on her back and crested the last hill. The castle arose like a white slab of granite, nestled between rolling verdant hills and flowering fruit trees. It looked like a dream and seemed very fitting for the dream her day had become. She felt her pussy twitch and gush a bit as she remembered the princess and her hazel eyes. Such a beautiful woman … and she wants me! She could hardly suppress her enthusiasm as she packed her things and görükle escort left the store. Her boss had required that she finish her day of work and was begrudgingly happy for her good fortune but he didn’t know how she really felt. How she longed to kiss Rosebud’s fingertips. How she longed to taste the warm expanse of Rosebud’s mouth. How she longed to lick the downy hairs along the crease of Rosebud’s ass.

Now here she was, standing nearly upon the drawbridge with only a portcullis separating her and the woman that she had fallen in love with. Did she really say that? She paused, examining her thoughts. Yes, I am in love with her! As she continued across the bridge, she secretly hoped in her heart that Rosebud was in love with her, too.

Up above, Rosebud stood on the forward parapet, a single yellow rose clutched in her shaking hands. She had been standing outside for the last half hour, searching the landscape for Velvet’s figure. The Queen had not been happy with her daughter’s wishes, but could not fault her logic. Rosebud would be in a strange household, and while she would be assigned handmaidens and ladies-in-waiting, it would be prudent to have someone close that she could absolutely depend on. She had given tacit approval, demanding that the woman be brought to an audience with her and the King first.

Ah, there!

She saw Velvet’s form, trudging up the hill and disappearing under the apple trees. Her heart set to thumping uncontrollably again, the shaking in her hands intensified and she swallowed past a lump in her throat. It was several minutes before she saw Velvet again and the lump in her throat was joined with tears. She saw that Velvet had taken the time to assemble a bouquet of apple blossoms and was securing them with the leather thong she had used for her hair. The thick black hair swung free, crowning her glorious face. She could stand it no longer. She left the parapet at a full run, leaping down the stairs and startling chambermaids and guards alike.

Velvet approached the portcullis and spoke to the guard. Within moments, the heavy structure lifted upward and she strolled into the outer bailey, accompanied by a guard who escorted her into the downstairs solar with words that she would be attended to shortly. She dropped her pack in the corner and took in the burnished wood and jeweled stained glass opulence of the room.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

Gasping for breath, Rosebud stood frozen in the doorway, her heart leaping in joy. She knew by the look on Velvet’s face that the other woman was feeling the same thing she was. The door closed silently behind her and she forced her legs to move, propelling her toward the advancing woman. They met in the center of the room.

“Welcome.” Rosebud’s breathy voice rolled over Velvet like the rays of the warming sun. She saw, with great joy, that the princess was offering her the rose she had been holding and she thrust her fragrant bundle forward.

“For you, my princess.”

My princess! Rosebud melted inside as she heard the words and gasped loudly as their fingers met during the exchange of flowers. Her reaction was echoed by Velvet and the princess trembled as the chocolate brown fingers brazenly stroked her pale ones.

“I like that you called me that.” She whispered.

“But you are my princess.” Rosebud nodded dully. Perhaps she had read something in her words that really wasn’t there. Velvet’s fingertips stroked the sensitive skin between her thumb and index finger as she moved a little closer. “But I will make you my Rosebud and I will be your Velvet.”

Velvet felt the woman tremble at her words and she ached to press her lips against the woman’s soft palm to seal them but the heavy door squeaked open and their hands quickly separated. A guard stepped into the room, bowing to Rosebud.

“They will see Mistress Velvet now.”

“Thank you, Rolf.” Rosebud dismissed him with a nod of her head and turned back to Velvet. “Come on. You have to meet my parents.” She grabbed Velvet’s hand and paused when she felt the woman’s fingers intertwine with hers, pulling her to a halt.

“A kiss first.”

“We can’t keep the King and Queen waiting.”

“Please,” Velvet moved close, looking down into her hazel eyes, licking her lips in anticipation. “My princess.”

Their lips met and both women groaned, Velvet’s slightly rough lips pressed against the soft, perfumed ones of the princess. She pulled the woman’s body against hers with an arm around her waist while the other supported her back, the fingers stroking her neck and sliding into her hair at the base of her skull. She ran her tongue along the seam of Rosebud’s mouth and whimpered as it opened, the sweet softness extending inward as her tongue gently sought to merge. She crushed her against her, suddenly overheated and sucked the princess’s tongue into her mouth.

Rosebud had never felt so loved, so wanted. Her knees turned to water when bursa escort bayan Velvet sucked on her tongue and she pushed her pelvis against the other woman’s, wanting to feel their soft mounds rub together. A moment passed and she moaned into Velvet’s mouth as she felt the woman’s hand cup her twitching pussy through the gown. A finger searched for the crease and rubbed against her growing clit, eliciting another trembling moan. Suddenly, liquid heat flooded her pussy and she came violently, her mouth still attached to Velvet’s.

Velvet pulled back, holding her limp princess gently. She was amazed that the princess had cum so quickly and was happy that Rosebud trusted her enough to give herself over to that magic. “My Rosebud.” She murmured, kissing her ear. “We should not keep them waiting any longer.”

Rosebud nodded, taking deep breaths and trying to compose herself. She could barely look Velvet in the eyes because she was so embarrassed. How could she have cum so quickly? She must think that I’m a whore, she thought secretly. She clutched the bouquet of blossoms to her still spasming abdomen and said, “Follow me.”

Velvet watched her open the door and start down the hallway, confused at Rosebud’s sudden change. As she followed, she only hoped that she would have an opportunity to talk to her later.


The audience with the King and Queen went smoothly. She was questioned about her past and work experience. King Simon was happy to find that she enjoyed playing chess and promised to be a worthy opponent while Queen Rosamund was overjoyed to find that she could cook. Velvet had promised to make a small raspberry bombe for the Queen’s afternoon tea in two days’ time. She was released into the temporary care of the seneschal, Sir Gordie, to be taught the machinations of castle life and subtleties of life at court.

Not surprisingly, Princess Rosebud had remained quiet during the audience and remained behind to speak with her parents once Sir Gordie was assigned as her escort. She avoided Velvet’s eyes as she departed from the chamber and worked her way through her parents’ tedious questions. In the end, both were well satisfied and it was agreed that Velvet would become Principal Lady-In-Waiting and would receive her own suite of rooms adjacent to those of the princess. She would also receive a handsome stipend and would be granted run of the property.

Inwardly, Rosebud sighed with relief, now knowing that Velvet was welcomed into the household but her stomach quivered as her thoughts flew back to the kiss in the solar. Velvet’s mouth was so warm and her tongue so gentle and dominant that it hadn’t taken long for her pussy to start gushing and even less time to reach a glorious climax. But she felt like such a whore! How could Velvet touch her again, without remembering that? And she couldn’t endure the disdain she felt sure that she’d see in Velvet’s dark eyes. She was no better than the animals in the field, fucking and not giving a damn who saw.

Gods, please help me! She prayed. I love her and I don’t want to lose her!

For the next several days, the princess avoided Velvet and it wasn’t too difficult. When Velvet wasn’t playing chess with the King, she was teaching Cook how to make hazelnut tarts or exploring the castle with Sir Gordie. Each night, she would knock on Rosebud’s door and each night, Rosebud would pretend that she was asleep, sobbing in agonized silence.

She was wandering around in the upper bailey when Velvet grabbed her, pulled her into an empty chamber and shut the door.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“N-Nothing!” Rosebud stammered, rubbing her arm where Velvet’s leather gloves had chafed her.

“Bullshit! You’ve been avoiding me!”

“No, I haven’t. You’ve been busy!”

“Why haven’t you answered your door?”

“Because I was sleeping and didn’t hear your knock.”

“More bullshit! You weren’t sleeping if you heard me knocking!” Velvet marched over to where Rosebud stood staring out of the window. She wanted to put her hands out and embrace her, but her sensibilities told her to wait. She had to know why Rosebud was acting so strangely. “You welcomed me so warmly, just days ago, and now, you’re treating me like a leper.”

“I didn’t mean to.” Rosebud choked out before dissolving into tears. Velvet enfolded her in her arms, sitting on the window seat and drawing the princess into her lap.

“What has you so sad, my princess?” Velvet asked, stroking her hair.

For a long moment, Rosebud could not speak as she wept. “You think I’m a whore.”


The princess sniffled, standing up and dabbing her eyes with a previously hidden handkerchief. “Because of what happened in the solar, you think I’m a whore.”

“Who said that? Did someone tell you that?”

“No.” She replied in a small voice. She went to the window and looked out again. “But I – I … so quickly … “

“Because you came so quickly?” bursa escort Velvet moved behind her, inhaling the perfume of roses that wafted from her hair. “Are you kidding? I was flattered.”

Rosebud turned to Velvet, falling into her dark eyes. “Flattered?”

“Hell, yes! Do you know what a gift you gave me? To respond to me without restraint and to entrust me with your intimacy?” Velvet put her hands on Rosebud’s hips, moving her closer. “You made me so happy! I barely made it through the first day because all I could think about was making you cum again.”

Rosebud felt like crying again. She felt like such an idiot. She should have followed her instincts and listened to what her heart had been telling her. But she had ignored it. She was so afraid that Velvet wouldn’t want her that she couldn’t see how much Velvet did want her. She could see it now, shining brightly in those dark eyes. She leaned forward and pressed her open mouth to Velvet’s lips.

The contact was electric again. Velvet felt a lightning bolt travel down her spine where Rosebud’s hand lay and sizzle right into her pooling pussy. She reveled in the absolute softness of the princess’s mouth and gave her control of the kiss. She pressed Rosebud’s body more firmly against hers, one hand sliding up to trace the underside of one heavy breast before circling the nipple.

Rosebud moaned into Velvet’s mouth, feeling her nipple instantly harden under her ministrations. Velvet’s fingers crept up to the neckline of her dress and her warm fingers dipped down under the fabric to find her aureole, tugging the milky breast out. The princess could only gasp as Velvet’s questing mouth found her freed nipple and her body arched in Velvet’s hands as her lips pulled and suckled, her teeth raked and her tongue laved in earnest. She could only moan as her pussy answered in juices that threatened to run down her thighs. As if she had read her mind, one of Velvet’s hands moved downward, finding the hem of the dress and moving upward to the juncture between her legs.

Velvet enjoyed the feeling of the pebbly nipple on her tongue as her fingertips enjoyed the feel of Rosebud’s soft thighs, just above her stockings. She could imagine how that flesh would taste, soft and smooth, but what she hungered for lay just a tiny bit away. Her fingers met Rosebud’s panties and she moved them out of the way to slide her fingertips into the weeping slit. Rosebud shivered in her arms, her eyes glazed as she gave in to the passion she was feeling. Velvet continued to rub the slit, feeling the juices continue their leaking and she sunk her middle finger into that hot hole.

The effect was immediate. Rosebud’s mouth opened in a silent scream, her breath caught in her throat as an orgasm flashed through her. Velvet’s knowing finger moved in and out and she shook as the addition of a second finger brought on another orgasm. She couldn’t breathe and her heart sounded like a drum in her ears. Velvet began to suck her nipple hard in time with the fingers plunging in and out of her princess. Rosebud’s skin tingled continuously now and she felt a deeper heat gathering in her stomach, something that was building from the soles of her feet and traveling towards her pussy. Oh, Velvet … I want to scream your name! Oh, fuck me!

Velvet sensed that she was going to orgasm again and she replaced her two fingers with her thumb, sliding her slick middle finger right into Rosebud’s puckered asshole. She barely had time to clamp her mouth over Rosebud’s as the woman bucked in the throes of a huge orgasm. She sucked Rosebud’s soft tongue into her mouth as she gently slowed her movements down, bringing her beautiful princess down from the lofty peak of her climax.

Rosebud shuddered, not really feeling when Velvet’s digits were pulled from her still spasming pussy and asshole and let herself totally melt into the kiss she was sharing with her lover. I love you! She wanted to scream. I fucking love you!

Velvet finally pulled her lips from Rosebud’s sweet mouth, straightened the princess’s dress and adjusted her hair. Then she looked down into her eyes and the love she saw made her heart skip a beat. How she wished they were in a bed together, lying naked in the midst of crisp cotton sheets and warm fur.

“Rosebud! Rosebud, where are you?”

The Queen pushed the door open and surveyed the scene. Princess Rosebud was standing at the window, smiling as the spring breeze ruffled her flowing locks and her guardian, Velvet, stood near the door, bowing as the Queen moved into the room.

“I’ve been looking all over for you!”

“Sorry, Mother. I wanted to show Velvet the old nursery and I got caught up in enjoying the lovely weather.”

“Well, come on. The milliner is here and he has several hats for you to pick from. You know we have to make up your trousseau!”

“Oh, Mother, must we?”

The queen did not like the way that her daughter rolled her eyes. “Yes,” She barked angrily. “We must! Now, come along.” She paused at the door to turn to Velvet. “Velvet?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Thank you for providing my Rosebud with some much-needed companionship.”

Velvet fought to hide her smile as she bowed. “It has been my pleasure, your majesty.”

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Thirsty for Mrs. Sanders

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My friend is talking to me. I hear her droning on about something I don’t care about, some shit about a PTA meeting. I nod my head occasionally, pretending to listen to her irrelevant rant… but my attention is devoted to something else.

His supple young body hypnotizes me. The sun beats down on him as he leans over my son’s car engine. My son knows nothing about cars, never sparked an interest. Luckily his friend does.

Dammit, this woman is still talking. Must keep up the act. I can’t let her know I only invited her over so I can watch her beautiful 19 year old son tweak that sad little vehicle in my driveway.

He comes out from under the hood, and wipes the sweat from his head. His damp brown hair intrigues me. I wonder what it would be like to tug it. He looks over toward me with those stunning green eyes. I should offer him a drink… no. No, let him sweat. His fingers curl under the bottom of his soaked shirt and he lifts it over his head, throwing it to the ground. My breath hitches, as I notice the smoothness of his chest, barely sporting any hair at all.

“Deana, are you listening to me?”

Shit. “Uh, yeah yeah. What would you like me to bring?”

“Bring the plates, I’ll take care of the napkins and such.”

“Sounds good. Say, uh, can I offer you something to drink, Sharon?”

“Sure, vodka on the rocks would be great.”

“No problem.”

She turns her head towards the boys and shouts in a VERY annoying voice, “Allen, Roy, do you want something to drink?!” They nod vigorously. “Alright, Allen go help Mrs. Sanders, she’s only got two hands!!”

The dripping wet little devil shuffles toward me and I crack a half smile. “Thank you, Allen. Follow me.” My voice is sultry, alluring.

“Yes, ma’am.” Oh my, so polite. Such a good boy…

I gently strut in front of him as we make our way to the kitchen. I can feel his eyes on me. I turn görükle escort to look at him, and I see his eyes quickly dart from my ass to the wall next to him. Cheeky little bastard… I turn back around and smile.

When we get to the kitchen I make sure we are out of sight from nasally little Sharon. He leans onto my counter, staring at me. His chest heaving. He is so thirsty. I take a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and crack it open. I offer it to him, his mouth hangs open a bit, awaiting the relief. Quickly, I snatch it back and take a nice, long swig. His eyes shoot open, and he lets out a bit of a whimper. “Please, Mrs. Sanders…”

I smile, holding the ice cold water in my mouth. I crook my finger at him. He swallows and shakes his head. Disobedient. We can’t have that.

Instantly I make my way over to him and pin him to the counter, his mouth barely an inch from mine. He breathes harder now, his skin is so warm against my blouse. He looks at my mouth, knowing I have what he wants, and his tongue falls from his lips. He leans in and I grasp his face, tilting him back onto the counter. I hold him in place, putting my index finger in his soft, young mouth, prying it open. I let the water drip from my mouth to his, and he swallows vigorously.

“More?” I whisper.

“Please…” he barely squeaks. I can feel his cock getting hard against my leg. I am winning this game.

I retrieve the water bottle, and pour some lightly between his lips, some of it falling out of his mouth and dripping down his neck. I bring my mouth to his collarbone and slowly lick up his salty, tender flesh. When I reach his mouth, his cock is so hard I can tell he is in pain. His eyes are squeezed shut.

“Look at me,” I command. His eyes shoot open and they are glazed over. “Do you want me, Allen?”

He nods nervously.

“Touch me.” I back up a little, giving bursa escort bayan him a better view of my now swollen, heavy breasts, basically straining against my blouse. He lifts his shaky, innocent hand and places a single finger on my lips, rubbing back and forth. I part them and he slips his finger inside. He looks deep into my eyes as I suck on it. He puts his other hand on my breast and his legs almost give out from the sensation. Poor thing…

I walk over and place my hand on the small of his back, embracing him, bringing him closer to me. He takes his finger out of my mouth, and puts it inside his. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he tastes me.

“Oh, you naughty little thing,” I growl, “do I taste good?”

“Amazing.” His body is shaking. His cock is stabbing my inner thigh.

“Let’s see how you taste.” I claim his mouth, our tongues battling each other. Small, delicate moans escape his mouth, making me melt. My hands travel down his chest and into the front of his tight, strained jeans. I kiss down his neck, past the small patch of chest hair sprinkled on his beautiful chest. I run my tongue down his stomach as I undo his belt and pull down his zipper. I reach in, and without much effort his impressive cock springs free. He lets out a sigh of relief. I take his cock in my hand, and expertly start to jerk it up and down, tugging gently. His legs buck and contract, his hands grasping the counter to keep from falling.

“Watch me, Allen.”

His eyes bow to me, his chest rising and falling intensely. My eyes burn into him as I take him into my mouth. His cock instantly stiffens even further between my lips and he lets out a deep, guttural moan. I bob my head up and down his remarkable length. He places his hand on the back of my head and pushes me further down on him. Oh yes, there’s the bad boy I knew was in there.

He groans in pleasure bursa escort as he hears me begin to lightly gag and choke on his cock, my eyes watering. “Oh, fuck, Mrs. Sanders.” He tugs my hair back and forth, using me to pleasure him. “I’m going to cum!”

I pull my mouth off him, and pull my blouse open. My breasts become exposed, my nipples standing at complete attention. “Cum on them, Allen.”

He grasps his cock and starts to jerk himself over my eager body. He lets out a long, deep, beautiful moan as he drains his hot, sticky cum all over my large, freckled breasts.

I start to stand up, but he stops me. He leans down and takes me by surprise as he licks his cum off my breasts, cleaning them off. Incredible.

“Mmm, such a good boy.” I grasp the hair on the back of his head and pull, forcing him to look up at me. I press his mouth to mine again, tasting the sweet cum on his lips. His hand travels down my stomach, and then my thigh. He slips his antsy little fingers up my skirt and gasps as he realizes I am not wearing underwear, and how dripping wet I am. He slips two fingers inside me, leaving out his thumb to circle my clit. He isn’t slow, he fingers me furiously. I lean back and sit on my bottom, spreading my legs for him. He sits on his knees and repositions his hand, so his palm is rubbing my very swollen, eager clit. I can feel his fingers curve upward inside me. He leans down and takes my hard, pained nipple into his mouth. My legs start to shake with pleasure. “Shit… Allen, fuck!” I cum hard around his hand, my pussy pulsating forcefully. I start to moan loudly, but then he pulls his fingers from my pussy, shoving them in my mouth, muffling me. “Mmm,” I suck them dry as he watches, drooling.

We both lean back and stare at each other, breathing heavily. “We should get back, Mrs. Sanders.” He’s right.

We gather ourselves, I assemble the drinks, and we head outside. Allen goes back to my son’s vehicle, handing him a bottle of water. I sit down with Sharon again, sipping my gin and tonic. Allen turns and glances at me. He still has a raging hard on. He knows I can see it, and smiles. I wink at him and take another sip of my drink.

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Cote d’Azur Wedding Ch. 03

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This is a true story which happened while on a business trip to Europe. Doing a favor for a business colleague turned into an opportunity to explore an unknown side of elegance, culture and fantasy of which I will never forget.

Chapter 3

What an amazing night. Literally a Cinderella princess fantasy come true. I dreamed about the entire experience while in bed with Jurgen.

Eventually I got up to use the bathroom. I looked out the window at the magnificent view of the Cote d’Azur and then climbed back in beside him. It was about 11 a.m., so we had slept for about seven hours.

Jurgen woke and I could feel his hands touching my skin. We only had a light sheet over us now.

He said, “Beth, did you sleep well?”

I rolled over to look at him, our heads only inches apart. I slid my leg over his and put my arm across his stomach. I gave him a light kiss on the lips, and said, “I slept fantastic. You sure know what a girl needs.”

He smiled and I continued, “How about you?”

“Fantastic as well.”

He continued, “Last night was wonderful. Thank you.”

I said, “I thought so too. You were truly great.”

He replied, “You also.”

He then asked if I was hungry. It was a little impulsive, but I slipped my hand down to grab his penis, saying, “I sure am. Do you have anything for me to eat?”

That was not his original intention, but I could feel him start to get an erection again. He moaned as I stroked him. Getting no resistance, I took him into my mouth and began sucking him. I loved the feeling of him getting hard in my mouth.

But this time I wanted to see if I could make him come this way and I was more intense. I was squeezing his balls in my hand while I sucked him more intently. I think I am good at cocksucking, probably because I like it and that I try to be perceptive to what the man likes. Jurgen liked the classic deep throat coupled with a deep intense sucking. It was only about five minutes before I felt him tense up.

He said, “Beth, I am coming.”

Of course that was to give me warning, but I already had a game plan that I wanted him to come in my mouth. It was only a few seconds before I felt him shoot into my mouth. Slightly salty and warm, and I kept sucking him intensely.

Jurgen was groaning.

I let him finish spurting inside my mouth and then beginning to relax before I lifted my head. I opened my mouth to show him his come on my tongue and then swallowed.

He was looking at me with absolute lust as I licked my lips and smiled, “Mmmmmmm, thank you for breakfast.”

He laughed and said, “Well, I had intended to call room service, but I like your idea much better.”

I laughed too, “You can call them now if you like. I am also hungry in a more conventional manner.”

He got up and found the menu, and asked what I would like. I said I wanted scrambled eggs, toast and coffee. He nodded while he got room service on the phone. I went into the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

The hot water felt great as I soaped myself down and shampooed my hair. I dried off but brushed my hair wet and let it air dry, which is kind of an interesting look on me.

I asked Jurgen if he had a shirt I could wear or a robe. The suite was well equipped and they had both terry cloth and more of a silky white light style. I opted for the latter, although it certainly was what you would call revealing. Jurgen took his turn in the shower. He was in a little longer than me as he shaved as well.

The service was fast. Jurgen just came out of the bathroom when the door bell sounded. He went to let him in and Marco wheeled in a loaded cart.

Marco said, “Bon jour, Monsieur. Bon jour, Mademoiselle.”

We returned the greetings. Marco asked where we wanted to eat. I replied first, “On the terrace.”

Jurgen laughed and said, “As the lady directs.”

Marco also laughed, “Very good mademoiselle.”

I looked over at Jurgen, “At least he is not calling me Madame any more. I won’t have to kill him for making me feel old.”

They both laughed as Marco set the table, “Never again madamemoiselle.”

Jurgen had ordered a great deal more than eggs and toast. I saw a variety of fresh fruits, bacon, croissants, as well as a large pitcher of orange juice and coffee.

Marco asked me how I like my coffee, to which I replied, “Café au lait please.”

He was never bold about it, but I saw a couple of glances as Marco appeared to be admiring my robe. It doesn’t take much attention like that, and sure enough, I could feel my nipples harden, which became quite prominent under the thin material.

I also realized he knew I had my own room and must have assumed I had spent the night with Jurgen as I sat in my robe and wet hair. I guessed he was about 20 or 21, but working in a hotel, I imagined he had seen a lot.

We sat down to eat as we thanked Marco and he left.

The food was delicious. I was hungry anyway, so anything would suffice. But everything had a great taste, the view was magnificent, the weather xslot wonderful and I was still on my high from the great sex the night before. Something about having great sex – it is very satisfying, but it leaves me still horny.

Jurgen looked hungry too as we both devoured the food.

He asked me if I would join him for dinner, but mentioned he was going to be away for the afternoon. He had already made arrangements to visit relatives who lived about an hour away.

He asked me if I wanted to come along, but he said I would likely find it boring.

I said, “I think I will stay here then, maybe go to the beach or the pool. But dinner sounds great.”

That was the plan then. I would have to leave the next day for the United States. Nice to Amsterdam was a short flight, but over the ocean would take the most time.

Jurgen got ready while I relaxed and drank coffee, watching the calm sea and the slight breeze moving through the trees.

Jurgen had arranged for a rental car and he was running a little late.

I playfully apologized, “Sorry that blow job made you late.”

He smiled and came over to kiss me, saying, “Yes, they can wait a little.”

As he was leaving, he said, “You can use this room if you like, the terrace view is better. Marco already knows you can sign for everything.”

I started to protest, when he gave me the scolding look, “We are not debating this, you are my guest.”

Then he softened up, “My very precious guest. Have a great day, wherever you decide to go. They also have a very nice spa, by the way.”

He leaned down to kiss me again, saying he would return around 7 p.m.

It was not quite 1 p.m. yet, so I would have plenty of time. One thing on the South of France, there is no need to be in a hurry.

I sat in the warm sun having another cup of coffee. Such a debate. I knew I wanted to get some sun, but should I go to the beach or pool, or should I just stay out on the private terrace?

While I sat relaxing, housekeeping came and made up the room. They also took away the breakfast dishes, although I had them leave the coffee, juice and fruit. The fruit might make a nice snack. The strawberries and pineapple slices were both fantastic.

I came to a perfect decision on where to sun; no decision at all. I could start out on the terrace for a while, and then move to the pool and beach later since I had enough time. What lost out this time would be walking around the city, which I had done last time, and the spa. Despite Jurgen’s suggestion, and that in my still horny mood, a massage sounded great, I thought it would be unbecoming to impose on his hospitality in that way. He had been very generous already, and I do not appreciate people who ride someone’s generosity into the ground.

The beach, pool and terrace all had their pros and cons. While I like being around people, which the pool and beach would solve, the pool would likely require a full bathing suit or maybe topless, while the beach would allow topless sunbathing.

I could sunbathe fully nude on the terrace. And I was still feeling a little sleepy and lazy. They had very comfortable chaise lounges, with deep cushions and large towels to spread over the top. I positioned the lounge chair and took off my robe, lying on my stomach.

The first flaw in my plan became evident, as I had things in my room I would want such as sunscreen and sunglasses, as well as my bathing suit. Oh well, I would not need them for a while.

There is just something perfect about nude sunbathing. Of course no tan lines are one advantage, but it is also very liberating. I was deeply relaxing and I started to think about the previous evening. The party and my gown were fabulous, but I also thought about the photographer and his offer. A thought struck my mind that I had time and maybe could call him. But the middle of the day was not appropriate timing. It seemed impulsive too, as I had not thought through the whole thing enough yet either.

My mind then wandered to after the party in Jurgen’s room. That was certainly impulsive, but I had been rewarded with fantastic sex. I could not say Jurgen had ‘surprised me’, but you can never anticipate when truly great sex will occur with someone for the first time.

I was thinking about him inside me, when I heard a voice from the suite. It was Marco.

“Mademoiselle, I did not want to frighten you. I was just returning Monsieur’s’ laundry. I am sorry.”

He had not come out to the terrace, as it was obvious to him I was nude. It was a little awkward, but not a problem.

I said, “Thank you Marco. No problems at all, don’t worry. I am sure you go out to the beach and see lots of people.”

He replied, “Yes, that is true, but I did not want to disturb your privacy.”

I said, “It is really not a problem. I don’t mind.”

He came a little closer, and added, “Since I have already disturbed you, is there anything I can get you? Monsieur asked me to look after you today.”

That was very sweet of Jurgen to arrange xslot Giriş that. I am sure he had tipped him well.

Suddenly it occurred to me, “Marco, you could do me a favor.”

“Of course, what may I do for you?”

I said, “In my other room, I have a suitcase with all of my things. I want to get my sun lotion and bathing suit. Could you please bring the suitcase up here?”

He said, “No problem mademoiselle, I will get it right away.”

While it was true he could see at least topless women on French beaches regularly, it was not the same, because they were not me. And while I might not be a supermodel, I think I look better than most. It had not been my intention to let him see me nude, but I also got a bit of a thrill by it too.

He was not gone very long, asking me where I wanted the suitcase.

I replied, “Please lay it on the bed.”

While it had not been my intention to let him see me nude, now it was deliberate. I got up from the chaise lounge and walked fully nude into the bedroom as he set the suitcase on the bed.

I said, “Marco, I know the beach is topless, but what about the pool?”

He was about five feet away standing. My nipples got hard as I knew he was looking at me as I unzipped the suitcase.

He replied, “Normally women wear tops at the pool here. Occasionally someone will go topless, but it is not too common. But the beaches are different. Many women are topless and some are even fully nude.”

I said, “I did not know that about the beach. I am not in France that often, but mostly I have seen most women wear both pieces of their bathing suit, and maybe 25 percent topless. I have not seen women nude.”

He said, “It depends on the location of the beach you go to. Each section is slightly different and it matters on the particular people also. I can tell you nearby places you may go, depending on your preference.”

He was very casual about it all, as was I. Marco was a nice looking young man. As I mentioned, I thought he was probably about 21. Perhaps 6 foot and thin. Curly black hair, a little long.

“Thank you Marco. That is very helpful. If possible, I would prefer topless or nude sunbathing.”

He replied, “From the front of the hotel, you go right for about 400 meters. Right past a rock wall should be satisfactory for you.”

He had very good English. There was definitely an accent, but I could understand him perfectly.

As we stood there, while he tried hard to look at my eyes, every so often he would take a look at my body and then turn away.

I uncapped the sun lotion; good old SPF15, and put some on my arm.

Marco said, “Please do not be offended. But would you like me to put that on your back?”

I thought for a second, and then said, “That would be nice, thank you.”

I walked out and laid stomach down on the chaise lounge as he followed me out. I handed him the lotion and pulled my hair off my shoulders.

As he rubbed the lotion on my back, I asked him, “How long have you worked here Marco?”

He said, “This is my second year. I only work the weekends though, as I go to school during the week.”

I learned he wanted to be an artist, but was also taking management classes. Very interesting.

He had finished with my back, “Would you like to do the rest yourself?”

I thought it was an intelligent question, to be careful about being too forward.

I replied, “Unless you would rather not, it is OK to finish.”

He said, “No problem, I just did not want to offend.”

“Thank you Marco, you have been a perfect gentleman.”

I always like the feeling of someone’s gentle touch on my skin. The lotion was not massage oil, but it felt good anyway. He smoothed down my legs first and then quickly did my butt, being careful not to overstep his bounds.

He finished, asking if I needed anything else. I replied that I was fine. As he left though, I got up and went to my purse.

Marco already started protesting as I held out a five euro note, “No, no. Monsieur was very clear.”

I said, “Well, he is not here, is he? I don’t plan to tell him, do you?”

He smiled but did not say anything.

I held out the bill, smiling, “I am sure you do not want me telling him you could not follow my instructions.”

He sheepishly took the money and I smiled, “Don’t worry. I appreciate you taking good care of me.”

He left and I went back to the lounge chair. I stayed on my stomach, so as not to wipe off the freshly applied lotion.

The sun felt lovely on my skin. It was very warm out, but the sea breeze was wonderful. The sheer curtains to the suite were billowing in, a beautiful sight.

I could have easily slept, but instead I was in that sort of middle state were I was daydreaming and once in awhile dozing off. Perhaps semi-conscious. I played out a fantasy with Marco where he had applied the suntan lotion more provocatively. All in fun.

I flipped over onto my back after a little while. It was not long before the sun xslot Yeni Giriş had my skin glistening. I usually prefer to spend the first part without sunscreen.

I definitely dozed off and when I woke, I heard Marco’s voice again. I looked at my watch. He had probably only been gone for about an hour.

He said, “I did not want to wake you. I was just about to leave when I saw you wake.”

I wondered how long he had been there watching. It was not really a problem as I had been pretty brazen about walking in front of him before. And to be truthful, how could I be surprised if he had a number of guests to care for, but he came back first to the nice looking nude women who had him put lotion on her back.

He said, “May I get you anything? Would you like something to drink?”

Actually, I was thirsty. I said, “Yes, that would be nice. Ummmmmmm let me think.”

Marco replied, “How about a glass of wine?”

I replied, “Perfect idea. Please make it the local rose’. And some water too please.”

You can never get the same flavor buying French rose’ at the store and taking it home. There is something about the heat, the sea air that makes the light local wine special.

He replied, “Excellent choice. I will be right back.”

Marco returned with the wine and a large bottle of mineral water. The wine was perfect.

I said, “I just adore this wine. It is wonderful.”

He replied, “It is also my favorite.”

I replied, “Then it is settled. Bring another glass.”

He really did protest then, “No, I cannot. The hotel manager would throw me off the balcony.”

“If you get drunk, that is true. But a little bit would not hurt?”

It was a question, as I would not have pushed him to drink if he was unwilling.

I was right though, as he replied with a big smile, “Well, maybe just a little.”

As he went to get another glass, again I notice my nipples had hardened from knowing he was looking at me.

He returned with the glass and poured himself a half portion.

We clinked glasses, “La dolce vita.” To the good life indeed.

He smiled after he drank, “This is the perfect wine for the warm weather. I was happy you selected it, and even happier now to taste it.”

I had been out in the sun too long without sun lotion. I did not want to burn.

I picked up the bottle. Marco noticed, saying, “May I reapply it for you mademoiselle?”

I was taken aback a little. I said, “Well, for starters, let’s try you call me Beth instead of mademoiselle?”

He paused without comment, so I said, “How about at least while no one else is around?”

He smiled, “As you wish ….Beth.

I said, “Thank you.”

He responded, “May I assist you with the lotion?”

I realized he sounded eager. It was probably a bit of a thrill for him, even though he had acted very professionally previously.

I replied, “You don’t mind doing my front? Or perhaps you would be uncomfortable?

He paused, then added, “Oh, I am sorry, I did not realize. I did not intend to be forward.”

I said, “No problem. I thought you might have been thinking that way.”

He was quiet, so I added, “You can do my front if you like, now that we are friends. I just wanted to make sure you would not be uncomfortable.”

He had this perfect expression. I could read his mind as he was racing through the possibilities. On the one hand, he would get to touch a nice looking woman. On the other hand, he did not want to get in trouble. I took the main decision out of his hands as I adjusted the chaise lounge to lay flat and closed my eyes.

I could imagine him still thinking as he considered what to do. I was fairly confident though, which way he would choose.

He was still quiet, but I felt his hand touch my foot as he smoothed on some lotion. He had obviously put some on his hands first.

I then felt him pour some from my ankle to knee, followed by his gentle hands. It was nothing like a massage – he simply smoothed it on. He was on my right hand side. He reached over and did the same thing to my left leg, again going up just past the knee.

Clearly he was going to have some awful choices to make about how far he would go. I realized I was making him squirm a little and he probably had his brain going 1,000 miles an hour. He did my arms next, a safe choice. He stayed safe again as I felt the lotion on my upper shoulders. I then felt lotion dripping onto my stomach, followed by his gentle hands once again.

He avoided touching my breasts, but came close. I was completely shaved on this trip, providing quite a view. But if I had had a small strip of hair, he would have come to just the top of it.

Actually, the very light touch felt great. I was in a danger mode for me. I was still horny from the great sex earlier with Jurgen. Coupled with the heat and having this young guy touch my body, I had these fantasies of forbidden fruit dancing in my head.

He leaned over to put lotion on my left thigh and outer hip. He took the safe approach next. He went high enough on my thigh, but only on the outer portion. Very deftly, I might add.

He surprised me next, as I felt lotion poured on my chest between my breasts. Laying flat this way, they had separated. He had not put any on my breasts themselves though.

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They were Really Just Bored

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Neither of them was unhappy necessarily. They were just bored. Bored can be a lot more dangerous. In the past when one of them got fed up with the other they would say something. Communication wasn’t easy for them but when push came to shove they would get up the courage to let it out. He had asked for a divorce once. On another occasion she had packed a bag and left for her mother’s house. It happens over the course of 22 years. This was different though. At 48 she was not interested in starting over. She wasn’t going to pack up and go home. He was 46 but his new job was exhausting and had him drained physically and mentally. Divorce wasn’t even an option. He didn’t have the time or the energy for that kind of nonsense.

Still, sex had become an afterthought for both of them. Mopping the kitchen floor was a higher priority.

She was at least still instigating it. Traditionally, all it had taken was to go to bed naked. That was what she preferred anyway. She didn’t mind the extras and he was exceptional at going down on her but really, all she needed was a quick lay to get her through the week. She had to put more work into it now. She couldn’t just climb into bed without her pajamas on. She had to roll over towards him. She had to touch him to even get him to pay attention to her. When she did pull him over on top of her he was disinterested and lately hadn’t even been coming every time.

He just had no interest in a quickie. Maybe it was his age, maybe it was the stress, or maybe he just needed more than the same woman he had been fucking for twenty years laying on her back with her eyes closed.

The same Sunday night pushed both of them over the edge. She had tugged his cock half hard and rolled over. He had tried but he wasn’t even hard enough to keep it in. When he rolled off of her she didn’t like the idea that another man popped into her head but the thought was there. When he went back to watching the end of the Packers game he found himself thinking of the only packers fan he could think of, the frizzy haired blonde from the bar.

She didn’t want to do it but maybe Phillip could stay hard enough to get the job done.

He didn’t like that he was seriously contemplating another woman but necrophilia wasn’t really his thing.

“One of the girls at work is leaving. They are having a happy hour Friday night. I have to go for a little while. Are you going to be mad if I miss Friday night happy hour at Mack’s?” she asked him.

“Actually, USC plays on Friday for some reason. Brian and I were talking about getting together to watch the game.”

She wasn’t meeting the girls and Brian was out of town.

Tammy wore her black crisscross top to work on a Monday. She normally wore her “boob shirt” on Fridays for the all-sales meeting. Phillip would stare and then ask her to lunch. She went by his desk that morning. He was on the phone but waved at her to stay. When he got done with his call he asked if he had forgotten a lunch date and nodded towards her shirt or maybe the tits beneath it. She liked that he noticed.

“Actually,” she said. “I wondered if you sales guys were doing happy hour on Friday night. I have the night free. I thought it would be fun to get out.” She thought that was direct enough without being explicit. He said there was no Friday happy hour, it was the first week of the quarter, and most of the sales guys took the day off. He would be happy to buy her a drink if she wanted though. He suggested they might even get dinner. She said she wanted to check out the new fancy Mexican food place. He looked at her with intent. xslot As she walked away from his desk she ran her fingers along his forearm.

She was rewarded with flirty texts the rest of the week.

Russ had no idea how to get a hold of Tammy’s friend. Russ and Tammy typically spent Friday afternoons at the little sports bar by the house. There was a group of regulars they drank with. For years, the group had gathered around the tables outside. There was a fire pit for when it was cold and misters for when it was hot. Tuesday evening the bar was nearly deserted. He pulled up a stool and sat down. When the bartender came by he asked if he had left his credit card there. The bartender left to check. He had hoped someone from their little group would be there. Someone he could ask for Emma’s phone number.

He was only there about fifteen minutes when she walked in. She was average height, and although she was a bit plump around the middle she had a flirtatious smile that lit up a room. She sat down right next to him. Her boys and their father were at Lacrosse practice at the park behind the alley. He bought her a beer.

They discussed the fact that he was only ever there on Fridays. She told him she was happy he was there. She said she never really got to talk to him like this and she placed her hand on his for a second. They talked about Friday. She and her husband were going to miss the gang. He said he and his wife weren’t going to be around either.

“She’s going out. I was looking for someone to go watch USC play Cal.”

“I went to USC,” she said.

“I know, so did I.”

“Where are you planning to go? The boys are in San Diego this weekend for a tournament. I was planning a quiet night at home.”

“I didn’t really have much of a plan at all,” he admitted, he was a little shocked by just how true his statement was.

“You said Tammy was busy?”


“We shouldn’t go anyplace too close.” she said.

“No, probably not.” He answered. He looked at her. She was smiling at him. She was smiling directly at him. He hadn’t experienced a look like that in a long time.

“There’s a Mexican place, a new one, over by the new house. It’s almost walking distance really.”


“Say seven?”

“We could meet earlier,” he suggested.

“Hand me your phone.”

She took his phone from him, typed in a number and a text message that read simply “hi.” A second later her phone vibrated in her purse.

They talked around the situation for another beer. They slipped subtle complements in here and there. He said he liked how she did her eyes and asked if it was a lot of work maintaining her wild mess of hair. She asked where he worked out and gripped his bicep. He paid for the beers and offered to walk her out. She led him through the breezeway along the smoking area and then to the alley. At the opening in the block wall he stopped and she stopped with him, leaning up against the wall. He looked down the alleyway and then up at the breezeway. She just stood there grinning.

A quick kiss became more quickly. She sighed. He ran a hand over her immense breast. She gripped his ass. When she wandered through the hole in the wall to watch her boys practice she reminded him to text her.

Thursday night Russ and Tammy sat on opposite sides of the living room. He was in his chair, she was on the loveseat and the sofa divided them with twelve feet of privacy.

She was grinning at her phone. Phillip had asked if she was going to wear her black Friday shirt. She said she thought she might wear xslot Giriş a dress instead. He said he would miss the shirt. She answered that if he liked the shirt, he was going to love the dress.

“Why?” Phillip asked her.

“It shows off even more and comes off even easier.” Her heart raced when she hit send.

Russ, on the other side of the room, didn’t spend nearly as much time on his phone as she did but he was staring at it now. He had gotten a topless selfie, the first he had ever received. Tammy had never even sent him one. He replied to Emma that her arm was in the way. She sent a follow up. They were huge, simply humongous.

“Hey,” Russell said across the room to his wife. “You wanna go to bed?”

“It’s not eight o’clock yet,” she replied. She stared at her phone still. He stood up. He turned out the lights. He turned off the television. He wandered into the bedroom.

“Oh!” she said as he disappeared.

She closed the door of their bedroom behind her. She stripped off her T-shirt and headed for the bathroom.

He grabbed her by the waistband of her shorts as she walked by. He pulled her to him. She had such delicious breasts, perhaps not as large but they were so nicely round, her nipples so perfectly suited to his lips, he gripped one and wrapped his mouth around her.

She pulled his head to her. She had planned a lot of breast play for Friday night. Phillip had talked about them all week. As her husband suckled at first one and then the other she remembered all the young men all those years ago and their desperation to touch, fondle and suck at them. He ran his scruffy beard along her erect nipple and she felt the excitement far deeper in her body than she expected.

He ran his hands along his wife’s long thin legs. Emma’s legs were not nearly so long, nor so perfectly shaped. He moved his hand to her ass and gripped her where her ass met her thigh. He hungered for her. His cock swelled.

She felt a tug at the thin hairs on her ass. When was she going to shave? She needed to shave better than normal. What was normal really, she hadn’t exactly been grooming very regularly. She felt his hand along her calve and he wasn’t stroking stubble but regular hair, Jesus, it was going to take hours to get ready.

He ran his face over her belly. He tugged her gym shorts down her legs. He gripped her panties in his teeth and tugged playfully. Emma, he imagined, wore much larger panties but she had hinted that they were sexy.

Fuck, she thought. She should have bought new panties. Odds were she had some in the drawer with tags still on them. She would have to check. Men liked panties. They liked seeing women in panties. They liked removing panties.

Her husband removed her panties. She pushed him backwards on the bed and dropped to her knees.

As she placed his cock into her mouth he thought about just how long it had been. She had skipped his birthday this year, the one blowjob he could always count on. Their anniversary get-away hadn’t gone as planned either with her time of the month starting the morning they got on the plane. They had a chaste weekend in San Francisco sight seeing like retired people. Her mouth was so wet. Her tongue was so soft. Don’t come, he thought to himself. Save it.

She liked to hear him moan. When she got just the right place he would moan every time. She had actually forgotten about that. She needed to remember that for tomorrow. From the start, she had planned to suck Phillip off. She wasn’t sure, even when she was coming on to him if she was going to be able to go all xslot Güncel Giriş the way, but she was going to at least go down on him. Her single friends all talked about giving head as the new making out. It was expected and it was supposed to be fun. She supposed, as her husband writhed about on his back, that it kind of was fun, having such complete control over him.

“Stop,” he mumbled. He wasn’t going to be able to hold it for long.

“Do me!” she replied.

She took a position at the foot of the bed on all fours, her ass in the air.

He stood and moved in behind her.

It had been a favorite when they were dating. They didn’t call it doggie they called it “wolf style.”

Don’t come, he chanted to himself.

“Fuck me, baby. Fuck me good,” she muttered to him as he entered her.

He gathered up her long brown hair and pulled gently. He was practicing. Emma had mentioned it was a favorite.

God, his cock felt good. She had forgotten the feeling of being taken from behind. He went deeper. He fucked harder. God, he was hard tonight. “Fuck yeah,” she groaned in encouragement. She had mentioned to Phillip she liked it from behind and he had mentioned how much he liked to watch her walk down the hallway in her jeans.

He had to let go of her hair to grip her hips. He needed to get a better hold of her. He needed to fuck her harder.

“Oh, fuck me harder. Go. Do it.”

He didn’t come. He wasn’t even close. He was panting. He was actually sweating.

She did come. It had come on slowly but once the first one hit they just kept coming. It was almost as if she was hit with a miniorgasm every time he thrust into her.

“Come in my pussy. Fill up my cunt.” she growled. She wasn’t sure she had ever said the C word in front of her husband. Phillip used the C word to describe it. He had actually sent her a long text describing the difference between a pussy and a cunt. You eat a pussy – you fuck a cunt. She was enjoying having her cunt fucked.

He came so hard his knees went weak. He fucked it into her. His dick pulsed with every thrust pushing his cum deeper.

“Lie down!” she barked suddenly. “On the floor.”

She didn’t give his cock long enough to go soft. She rolled from the bed, straddled his hips and pressed him inside of her. She forced the fingers of her right hand between their hips and pressed firmly on her clitoris.

Precisely 45 seconds after taking their position on the floor the same thing happened in both of their heads. Their minds went blank. She no longer thought about the sales director with the salt and pepper hair and he no longer was contemplating the plump mom with the big tits. They were just fucking for the first time in a glorious mind-numbing romp on the floor of the bedroom they had shared for 12 years.

Old habits die hard. After taking a moment sitting on top of him to catch her breath she sprung to her dresser and pulled on shorts and an old T-shirt. He laid prone for a moment or two after but then got up with a moan and joined her in bed.

Her heartbreak came when she muttered, almost inaudibly, “I love you,” to him and was rewarded with a pat on the arm. She forced her eyes closed and went back to trying to figure out when on a busy Friday she was going to find an hour for a bath.

His heartbreak came on more slowly. She had no clue he had created a secret challenge for her. Despite the vigor of their lovemaking he laid in bed pretending to watch the cop show that flickered in front of him thinking that even after all of that, the last woman he had kissed had been the somewhat insane blonde in the alleyway behind the dive bar. He was just waiting to see how long it took her to kiss him. He wondered if it would happen at all.

Neither of them slept very well. They had a lot on their minds.

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