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A Rebound Pickup

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I work for a relatively small manufacturer’s rep firm in Southern California. There are the two guys who started the business plus another guy and me in outside sales, and two in the office handling the phone and clerical stuff. I’m making noticeably more money than I would working for a salary in an office somewhere. Not bad for a twenty-five year old who barely managed to earn his bachelor’s degree. Another good part is that I’m pretty much in charge of my own time so I can take a day off every once in a while if my sales have been good.

That’s why I’m up at Mammoth for some skiing. I called a reservation service and got a room in a place that I knew existed but I’ve never been to before. It’s a bunch of condos that the place rents out for the owners. It costs a little more than a motel room but it’s right next to the gondola that takes me up the mountain, so I can park my car and not worry about driving around in the snow and ice. I got here very late Thursday night and skied all day today, Friday. I did o.k., good enough to almost kid myself into thinking I’m better at it than I really am.

There’s a bar downstairs that I’m told is the best pick-up spot up here, so that’s where I head after a shower and a late dinner. It’s jammed with people, loud with noise, a live band playing. I manage to get to the bar and buy a beer and then move off a little to more carefully look the place over. It takes me a moment to realize that I’m standing next to a very attractive girl. She’s short, maybe five foot three or so, cute face and a noticeable set of knockers. I realize she’s looking at me and grinning and has caught me eyeing her boobs.

“Noisy,” she almost yells at me.

“Yeah,” I reply, a little embarrassed being caught checking her out.

“Why are you here?” she asks.

“Skiing,” I reply.

“No,” she says, “I mean here, in this bar right now specifically.”

How do I answer that? Well, might as well be blunt and truthful. “Looking to pick up a girl,” I finally reply.

Her grin becomes a big smile. “Oh, an honest man. Why do you think so many girls are here?”

“The obvious answer is, to pick up a guy, I guess. And since the chances of finding Mister Right in a bar like this isn’t high, I imagine they’re thinking of instant gratification only. Maybe some are really just hoping for some free drinks from a guy.”

She grins some more. “Well you won’t have to buy me a drink. Why do you think they can’t find a Mister Right in a bar? Do you think you can’t find a Missus Right in a pick-up bar?”

This is getting deeper than I expected. “Maybe I was too quick to say that. My Missus Right would have to enjoy sex just like I do. That would almost have to mean she’d experienced it and liked it. I’m not a virgin, why should she be? In fact, a virgin in her mid twenties would probably be someone that wasn’t horny enough to want badly to find out what sex is all about much earlier. So I guess there’s no reason she couldn’t be in a bar like this one.”

She grins again. “You’re covering yourself o.k. So, you’re looking to pick up a girl? What would you do with her if you succeeded?”

“Take her to my room.”

Another grin. “No, specifically, what would you do with her back in your room?”

How do I answer that? Honest and blunt I guess. “Well, we’d get naked. Since she’s obviously horny or wouldn’t be there, she’d probably start by sucking me and getting a mouthful. I’d then slowly work my way down her body and end up giving her an orgasm with my mouth and fingers. Then we’d fuck as often as we could. If we felt it was just a one-time thing, I’d later take her back to her place. If we both appreciated what happened, she’d spend the night and we’d do a repeat in the morning and then ski together and come back for some more the next night. Maybe get her to bring her suitcase over. Eventually either I drive her back home down in the LA area or take her back to her friends to get back home.”

“The perfect answer, exactly what I was hoping might happen tonight,” she says, really smiling now. “Let me get my coat, you’ve just managed to accomplish what you wanted.”

“Wait,” I say to her as I think about what we’re about to do. “You asked me to be specific on a couple things, now let me ask you to be specific. Condoms or not? Are you on the pill?”

She grins, “Yes, so that’s not a problem. As for disease, I was with the same guy for a long time and we broke up not long ago and I haven’t had any sex for several weeks, which is why I’m horny enough to do something stupid like this. So I’m sure I don’t have any diseases. You?”

“Almost the same story. I was with a girl for eight months and we had lots and lots of sex. I started to feel serious but when I suggested we should move in together she let me know the sex was terrific, which is why she kept dating me, but she had no interest in making a commitment to me. That led us both to realize it was basically a waste of time to keep going so, like you, I haven’t had sex for several weeks. So I’m fatih escort sure I don’t have any disease and I’m also horny enough to do something stupid like this. In fact, I’m glad because I’m not used to using condoms and I like the spontaneity of just doing what you want when you want. So let’s go.”

She goes over to the wall and picks a heavy parka off a hook and starts slipping it on. I stop by another hook and grab my jacket. As we head out the door she says, “That jacket isn’t very warm for as cold as it is.”

“We aren’t going far,” I tell her, “Just across the open space here. I’m staying in this same complex.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize it was a hotel.”

“When I decided to come up here I called a reservation service at almost the last minute,” I tell her as we go into the building and head for the elevator. “Of what’s available, they mentioned that this was right next to the bottom of the gondola so I can just walk a hundred feet or so and buy my ticket and ride up to the slopes. It costs a little more but not a lot so I took it. I’ve never stayed here before either.”

We go up the elevator and walk down the hall a short way to my unit. As we go in, she says, as if she’s surprised, “Gee, a living room and kitchen, this is an apartment.”

“Yeah, these are all owned by people and management rents them out. I took a one bedroom instead of a bachelor unit because it’s about seven dollars a night more and just seemed better.” Our jackets come off and we head into the bedroom. She never says anything and just starts unbuttoning her blouse so I start undressing too.

Shortly, we’re both naked. She has a very good body. Feminine hips, not slim boy’s hips. A firm looking, round butt, really small waist with just a hint of a little roundness. And then her breasts. They’re not freaks but they’re about a size bigger than I’d expect on her fairly small body. I’m sure guys pay a lot of attention to them, they’re very full and attractive, large nipples. Her legs are very shapely, good muscle definition, with fairly slim thighs that seem to leave a gap or opening to her pussy. On top is that cute face and brown hair cut fairly short. “You have a gorgeous body,” I tell her.

She grins. “You’re the one with the gorgeous body,” she says, stepping to me and reaching down and grasping my very erect cock. I’m no body builder but I play soccer regularly, just recreation league games, and play at basketball with a couple friends on a playground, so I’m in decent shape. I’m about eight inches or more taller than her. My cock isn’t anything humongous but perhaps just a little more than average. At least I’ve never had any complaints about it.

We kiss, her keeping hold of my cock with one hand, the other arm around me. She then drops down onto her knees and starts on my cock. She looks at it and smiles, kisses it, licks up and down it, bending her head to either side. She looks up at me and grins, starts playing with my balls with one hand while she slides her other hand back and forth on my cock a little. She licks around the head, opens her mouth and takes the head in and licks and sucks on it a little. She pulls her head back and looks up at me, holding my cock and balls, “I think an erect cock is what sex is all about,” she says. “You have a really good looking cock.” She then opens her mouth wide and starts taking me into her mouth.

I’ve been with five girls, each lasting a little while, months at least, starting back in high school. Every one of them has sucked my cock just as I’ve licked every one of their pussies. So I’m not the world’s expert on cock sucking but she’s giving me the best blow job I’ve ever had. She likes what she’s doing. She’s not trying to get me to cum quickly and she’s not just doing it because she thinks she should. She likes my cock. She sucks a while, moves her lips back and forth on me and when I start getting close to cumming, she backs off, licks my balls, kisses my thighs, lets me relax a little before going back to seriously sucking me off. Then she does it again. Stopping in between to look up and give me a dirty grin, then run her tongue around the head and start sucking me again. Lots of slurps and satisfied sounds almost like humming.

I finally cum. Or, she finally decides she wants a taste of my semen. I must give her the biggest load I’ve shot off since high school. She swallows it all, licks her lips and has a very self-satisfied smile as she finally lets go and stands up again. I put my arms around her and we kiss. Interestingly, I realize that it’s our first kiss and it comes after she’s blown me. I don’t know her name; she doesn’t know mine. I walk over and pull back the bedspread and top sheet, tossing it to the foot of the bed. I then turn to her, bend some and get my arms behind her knees and shoulders and pick her up and carry her the few feet to the bed. I lay her on her back, placing myself on top of her but holding most of my weight off with my arms.

I kiss her again then start kissing my way down her body. sarıyer escort I kiss her shoulders, the tops of her breasts. I spend some time on those breasts; they deserve attention. I keep quietly telling her what a great body she has, how lovely her breasts are, how delicious they taste. I kiss down over her stomach, wanting to get at her pussy. I’m finally down between her legs, looking at her, she has her legs spread wide for me.

Back in high school, the first girl I was ever with sexually and I learned about sex with each other, starting with oral sex. I discovered that I love eating pussy. Probably mostly because how it makes the girl react but partly because a pussy is to me what sex is all about just like she thinks a cock is. Some guys claim they’re tit men or leg men. Well, I’m definitely a pussy man. I know, you can’t choose a girl by her pussy when you don’t get to see it until after you’ve chosen. But I think I can almost tell by the rest of her body what her pussy will be like.

Some have sort of wrinkly brown lips, some big lips, some two sets of lips and others seem to have only one. Some the clit is big, some it’s small. They’re all different. This one is actually beautiful, sort of like a pink powder puff with a crease down the middle. I tell her what a beautiful pussy she has and then use my hands to pull her open more and get my tongue into her. She’s trimmed her pubic hair, that’s the only explanation. Not shaved but trimmed very short. And her hair has a distinct reddish tint to it. I’ll have to ask her about that, her head hair is brown. She’s delicious. As I lick up and down, back and forth, she gets a little juicier and juicier. Her whole pussy seems to get more engorged, redder, and open up more. I get a hand up under my chin and push a finger into her as I concentrate my tongue on her clit.

She’s moaning. One hand is on the back of my head. I glance up and see that her other hand is pulling on one of her nipples. Her moans get louder as I finger fuck her and lick and suck on her. I pull back a little and lick around her lips, lean to each side, kissing the insides of her upper thighs. I get my tongue back in her and go for her clit again,. I pull my finger out and push two fingers into her. I work my fingers in her as fast as I can while licking her clit then grabbing it with my lips and sucking on it, pulling on it a little. Her moans move into minor screams. Her hand presses me into her pussy, her other hand has moved to her other nipple.

Soon she’s actually screaming and starting to pump out juice, her hips jerking. I pull my fingers out and try and suck her whole pussy into my mouth, tasting all the liquid she’s emitting. Her hand starts pulling on my hair, letting me know she’s climaxed and I’m done. I have half a desire to keep eating her just to see if she can handle multiple orgasms but my desire to get my very erect cock into her is stronger. I slide up over her, trying to push my cock into her and missing the right spot. She reaches between us and grabs my cock and aims it for me and I start pushing into her.

She’s tight. Very tight. My foreskin is being pulled back like mad as I push into her more and more. I pull back a smidge than further in several times until our abdomens are together and I’m all the way in. She’s still making noises, although they’re more ‘ughs’ and ‘ahs’ than moans. She has her arms up around me, her feet now on the bed, giving her a base to push her hips up at me. As I pull back, she shoves up at me, as I push back in she still shoves up at me. The real pumping has to come from me but it’s obvious that she’s involved too, not just laying there and accepting me.

We really bang away, me pounding into her faster and harder. Having cum once already I last awhile, the fuck lasts awhile. I can feel her breasts, my chest squishing them a little. I can feel our stomachs or abdomens or whatever pulsing against one another. Her insides are grabbing me, trying to hold me in her. As I pull back it’s as if her pussy is trying to pull me back in, then I’m pushing back and she seems to open up to take me. We go on and on and then I can feel it coming. I push hard into her. She wraps her legs up around me and I pump my semen into her.

I’m done and collapse a little onto her. She keeps herself wrapped around me. We kiss. “That’s what sex is supposed to be like,” she says quietly, lifting her head a little to kiss me again. She finally unwraps her legs and I pull out and roll off to the side. She rolls to face me, her arms still around me. I get an arm over her to reach around onto her back and slide my hand down to feel that wonderful curve where her back flares out onto her butt. I then grab her ass with my hand and kiss her again.

“Yes, that was top level sex, wasn’t it?” I kiss her again. “I think this is working out great. Can we exchange names now or do you want to stay anonymous?”

“Can I lie?”

“You can do anything you like as long as we do this over and over again.”


“Your osmanbey escort name is Deirdre.”

“Well, call me Deirdre. I’ve always thought that was a sexy name. How about you?”

“Well, what goes with Deirdre. How about Rory?”

She wiggles her bottom against me. “Celtic sex. Deirdre and Rory, That’s fine.”

“Deirdre, I noticed your pubic hair is red, your head hair is brown, your body coloring is light, almost pink, as if you’re really a red head.”

“Oh, I am. I dyed my hair brown so I would be a different person when I did this evil thing and fucked a stranger. That’s why I’m Deirdre. I’m not me, I’m this wanton sex fiend.”

“Well, you’re really good at it. This was probably the best sex ever for me.”

“Yeah it was really great wasn’t it? I want some more and I hate to interrupt this but since you won’t be able to get hard again for a little while, maybe this would be a good time to go where I’m staying with some friends and pick up my suitcase and skis and boots and bring them here so we can pretty much dedicate ourselves to sex from now on.”

So that’s what we do, get some clothes on, go down to the basement and into my car and drive to a town house complex. I go in with her and there are two people there, a couple. They let us know the others are still out somewhere. Deirdre explains she’s moving in with me for the weekend. One of them calls her Joan a couple times, so I’m sure that’s her real name. We get all her stuff, even get her skis and get back to the place I’m renting. Maybe a half hour all together and we’re naked again, holding each other and kissing and decide to take a shower and start over.

In the shower, she plays with my cock and balls and kneels down and gets me in her mouth for awhile. She turns me so she doesn’t get her hair wet. That doesn’t surprise me, I’ve had girls not wanting to soak their hair before. Later, I kneel down, she gets a leg up on my shoulder and I lick her pussy for awhile. Then she leans against the wall and I enter her from behind and we fuck and fuck and fuck. I’m sure she cums more than once before I finally cum. Then we wash each other a little more, me especially cleaning her pussy some, dry off and head back to bed.

“Deirdre,” I tell her,” I really, truly love your pussy. I think I love all pussies but yours particularly since it’s so beautiful. I’m not going to be ready to fuck you again for twenty minutes or so. Can I just lick you until I’m ready for more?”

“Rory, any time you want just let me know, you can lick me forever.”

So that’s what I do. I get her on the edge of the bed so I can kneel on the floor with her legs on my shoulders and her pussy almost hanging out in space so I can get at it from every angle and I do everything I’ve ever learned about eating pussy and discover that she definitely is multi-orgasmic. After a while I think she has another climax about every five minutes. When I realize I’m hard again, I pull back, push her back onto he bed and get in position to fuck her some more.

“Rory, when you get close to cumming, please let me suck you for awhile until you do. I think I like your cock at least as much as you like my pussy.”

“You want to suck it right now?”

“I’ll always want to but go ahead and fuck for awhile and just let me have the last ten minutes or so in my mouth.”

That’s what we do. Then we’re both pooped and fall asleep, our arms around each other. I’m dreaming of female flesh, thighs, breasts, a kissable mouth, the beautiful pussy I was eating earlier. I can feel my cock being worked on, stimulated and it seems so real. I vaguely wake a little and realize that it is real. I look down and she has my cock in her mouth. I just watch for a few moments as I wake up. I reach for her lovely butt that’s to my side. “Can you move around and sit on my face so I can do you, too?” She looks up at me and her mouth tries to smile even though it’s chock full of my cock but she does as I ask and that gorgeous, juicy pussy sits on my mouth and I push my tongue into it and use both hands to hold her ass as I start to lick. It’s fermented all night with my cum and her juices in it and it tastes gamy in comparison to earlier. Sort of like eating Venison instead of beef. I love it.

She must have been turned on because she cums well before I’m ready. She jumps off and moves around and squats over my cock and slowly lowers herself down on it, moaning and grinning at me the whole time. I’m looking at those truly great breasts and can see her pussy lips stretch out and contract as she moves up and down on my cock. This is one of those moments that make life worth living.

She finally gets me to cum. We actually shower, both too fucked out to add any tricks to it. She still doesn’t get her hair wet. We manage to get all dressed for skiing, parkas and boots and clump our way carrying skis and poles out into the hall and elevator and then downstairs across to the gondola. We both have three day ski tickets already. There’s a short line but in a few minutes we’re sitting inside this little cabin with a half dozen or so others and get whisked up a couple miles to the main ski area. We clump across an open area, slam our skis upright in a snow bank and head up into the lodge to get some breakfast.

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A Queen of Love City

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It was one of my first nights in Love City and I still had no place to stay. I knew Q from my previous life and I heard that she had been living here for several years. She agreed to put me up.

In the evening we chatted on her couch about music and book, drinking wine. The conversation got a bit boring, so I decided to change the subject. The first kiss startled Q, but she didn’t move away. I slid my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue was quick to respond. Soon they were both dancing wildly to the same tune. I slowly placed my palm on the back of her neck, as if the hand was too shy to share the passion of the lips. Q’s eyes were closed and her hands were buried deep in the fabric of the couch.

“I love the way you kiss, but we can’t have sex today… Not yet,” she said after we paused to catch her breath. We returned to the conversation about books and music, but now there was some tension just below the surface of her voice and she did her best to hide it. One more glass of wine. Suddenly, Q stood up without a word, took my hand, and led me to the bedroom. She didn’t turn şişli escort on the light, so for a few seconds I saw only her dark silhouette against the colorful neon lights of Love City flickering outside the window. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, she had just removed the panties and stood there naked. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to watch her undress. She climbed gracefully into the bed and said “Buon giorno, my dear.”

I undressed clumsily and joined her in the bed. For a minute I knelt between her legs spread invitingly, admiring her marvelous curves in the flashing neon light flooding through the window. I leaned towards her face, kissed her lips, and placed my hand on her groin rubbing it gently. I kissed Q’s neck and moved downwards to caress her breasts. My lips found the hard nipples swollen in arousal and started sucking them. She moaned with elation, but her arms around my shoulders were motionless and dead. I continued downwards, until I reached her groin and started licking her wet, warm, fragrant clitoris.

“Alright,” she gasped. “I will let you taksim escort in, but you have to use a condom. I don’t want you to stay inside after we’re done.” I reached for my pants, took a condom from the pocket, and put it on. I started rubbing my erect penis against her clit to see if Q was already moist and open enough.

“Go ahead, but be careful. I’m a bit tight.” I gently slid my penis into her and when it was all in, I pressed my body against hers, started moving slowly and kissing her face. I noticed that something changed in her, but couldn’t say exactly what this was.

“Can you call me by my name?” she whispered.


“Can I imagine you love me?”

“Yes, you can,” I replied after moment’s hesitation.

“Can you tell me you love me?”

“I’ll tell you when it’s true.” She said nothing. Her hips responded to my rhythm, but her hands in my hair were lifeless like two pieces of wood.

“Take me from behind.” I felt a pang of disappointed, since the sight of the magnificent breasts undulating to the tune of our lovemaking çapa escort was extremely stimulating, but we changed the position. I firmly grabbed her hips and began thrusting rhythmically. A new wave of excitement was gradually taking me away. I closed my eyes and let the wave carry me. The rising feeling in my groin was slowly sucking the awareness away from the neon lights of Love City, Q’s bedroom, her body, and from my own rhythm. For an instant, the Self fell apart into a spaceless timeless void. A short-lived carnal enlightenment. When it was over, Q lay down on her back, spread her legs, and nodded towards her crotch.

“I’m a bit difficult. Sorry for that.”

I began rubbing her groin. As her arousal grew, she put her legs together squeezing my hand between the thighs. After a while the wave carried her and when her Self disintegrated for a few seconds, she panted “I love you.” Q fell on the bed exhausted and cleaned herself with the sweaty sheets. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I had to leave in the morning to find an apartment. I promised to call her, but after that night an uncomfortable silence infected the telephone lines. She never answered any call and never phoned back. A year later I saw her on TV. She was a successful woman: got herself a better-paid job and moved to a bigger apartment.

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A Permanent Employee

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Big Tits

My name is Claire. I am 28, single, reasonably attractive with a nice trim and fit body. I am 5ft 4in tall and weigh 120 lbs. I have with a nice pair of natural 34b tits with very sensitive nipples and a nice round ass that various boyfriends have loving punished as they were burying their cocks in my very appreciative cunt. I had just started my new job as a secretary/bookkeeper in a one girl construction company office. I really liked my job, there was not a lot of pressure and Dan, my boss was really nice. In fact, even though he was married, I had fantasized about him more than once. As I said, the office was very small; most of the employees were out in the field with the exception of the three guys who worked in the shop behind the office. This is a story about how I became a permanent employee. My apologies to all the HR types who go around looking for sexual harassment in the workplace. Actually, studies show that a whole lot of hanky-panky goes on every day on the job—and I am sure that the vast majority is the result of hormones colliding in confined spaces. In this case, I was the aggressor and it resulted in some of the best sex at the time and into the present.

After I had been at the job for about six weeks, I happened to need to go back to the shop for some office supplies that were stored there. I overhead Mark & Billy talking.

“What do you think of the new office girl,” asked Mark

“She seems nice and she’s pretty cute and has a nice body from what I’ve seen,” replied Billy “Do you think she’s a permanent employee yet?”

Mark was confused, “What are you talking about, she’s only been here six weeks, how could that be permanent?”

“Oh, I sure you’ve head that the secretary is not permanent until she is screwed on the desk,” laughed Billy

They both seemed to get a big mecidiyeköy escort kick of this, willing volunteering to do the job themselves even if it meant doing it more than once. As I was between boyfriends, I made a mental note to keep this in mind since from casual observation they both seemed to have the tool necessary to do the job. The more I thought about it, I decided that in all fairness Dan should have the first shot at the job, since he was my boss. How was I going to go about this without getting myself fired rather than laid?

I thought that if I paid special attention to my hair and makeup, wore a sexy perfume and blouses that were subtle yet reveling, nature would take its course. From past experience, I knew that my sensitive nipples, which easily became very pronounced when I was the least little bit aroused, would play a big part in my plan. Not many guys miss the hint when they see a woman’s nipples poking through her top, especially while she looks them in the eye while licking her lips. It’s really not fair; almost any woman can get laid just about anytime she wants without much effort. Oh well, I guess I will just have to bear this burden.

I knew that I would have to be careful not to appear too easy, if my seduction were to work. The only problem was that this whole idea was making me so horny that I had to replace the batteries in my ‘special friend’ on a frequent basis.

The first few times that I arrived at work with my new plan in action, Dan didn’t seem to notice. Then one morning he said, “You sure do look nice today.”

“Thank you kind sir, you don’t look too shabby yourself,” I replied with a big smile and a wink. Several days later, I ‘accidentally’ stumbled and brushed against him while we were working on a report. I am sure he saw and felt my fındıkzade escort hard nipples since I was wearing a fairly sheer blouse and wearing my best nipple-less bra. “I’m sorry, it must be these new shoes,” I said while giving him my best puppy dog look while biting my lip.

“Claire, you certainly don’t have to apologize, I don’t mind at all being close to you,” he replied as he brushed his hand on my cheek.

I knew that was true as I glanced down at the front of his pants at the evidence. I knew then that it wouldn’t be long before I had my hand in his pants.

The next day he was standing very close behind me as I was sitting at my desk. I knew he could smell my sexy perfume and soon I could feel him gently stroking my neck. Soon, he began to kiss my neck with little baby kisses. I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to throw caution to the wind. I swiveled around in my chair, looked him directly in the eye, licked my lips and said, “Boss, you’d better kiss me right now!”

Dan looked surprised for a moment before saying, “Anything to please,” and kissed me gently at first before really getting into the spirit. We hungrily kissed for several minutes as he bent down while I still sat in my chair. Since my face was at his crotch level. I soon became aware of his very aroused state.

“Boss, you seem to have a real swelling going on, I wonder if there is anything I can do about it?” I said as I reached up pulled down his zipper, reached in his pants and pulled out a very nice semi-erect dick. I flicked out my tongue and tasted the pre-cum leaking from the nice purple mushroom head. Soon, with a little help from my hands he was fully erect.

As a girlfriend of mine always said, “If you can wrap both your hands around it, and there is a just a little left over, then nişantaşı escort anything over that is just excess, since it’s more than you can get in your mouth at one time.”

His cock was just right the right size as I soon found out as I deep-throated him right down to his balls. I continued sucking him and playing with his balls, occasionally sticking my finger in his ass, massaging his prostrate.

“Claire, if you keep that up I am going to cum,” Dad gasped

“Baby, I mean Boss, that is exactly the point,” I managed to say between slurps

“Claire, you can call be any thing you want as long as you keep doing that,” he groaned

“OK Baby, get ready to cum, and don’t you dare pull your cock of my mouth when you are ready to cum, I’m not willing to work this hard without my reward.” (Have I mentioned that I LOVE the smell, the texture and taste of cum?)

The blast-off was every bit as good as I had hoped and I hungrily swallowed every drop. Dan kissed me after he recovered and I am sure he could taste himself on my lips but he didn’t seem to mind at all.

I helped Dan out of his clothes and he helped me out of mine as we moved the action into his private office. We sat on the couch, kissing, petting and playing with each other. He sucked my extremely hard nipples, fingered my cunt and did a fantastic job of licking and sucking my clit causing several explosive orgasms.

It wasn’t long before he had another very nice hard-on. “Baby, I think it’s time you made me a permanent employee,” I said as I looked him in the eye licked my lips and winked wickedly.

“What do you mean?” he asked

“Well, according to Mark and Billy, a secretary is not permanent until screwed on the desk,” I answered in my sexiest voice

“We’ll take care of that right away,” He smiled as he picked me up and carried me out to the outer office to screw me on my desk and make me officially a permanent employee.

And that is how I became a permanent and well satisfied employee. I wonder if Mark and Billy would like to make it unanimous? I will have to look into that.

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A New Beginning Ch. 01

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This series is a continuation of “The Divorce Chronicles”. While it is not essential that you read the entire “Chronicles” to understand the new series, at the very least, I recommend that you read the last submission. As always, I hope you enjoy, and welcome feedback.


After our first night together, Elke and I started making up for lost time. Either I was spending the night at her place, or she was at mine. Most of the time, we were in varying stages of nudity.

We did what most couples do at the beginning of a new relationship, even at our age. We had sex. Lots and lots of sex. We had made love, we fucked like animals, we went out, got drunk and came home and had sloppy, drunken sex. We were quite happy having rediscovered our friendship, and taking it to a new level.

One night, we decided to go out for dinner and a movie. When I picked her up, she was wearing a short skirt that buttoned down the front, a halter blouse, and a pair of sandals. She told me, as we were on our way to the restaurant, that she wanted to pick out the movie. Knowing that she wasn’t the “chick flick” type of woman, I didn’t mind.

All through dinner, Elke had a smile on her face that made me wonder what she was up to. We had a couple of drinks after dinner, and then went to the theater, which was just down the street from the restaurant. When we got there, she bought tickets for a movie that wasn’t very popular, which stoked my curiosity even further.

As we walked in and started looking for seats, she took my hand and began walking up to the last row. I looked at her with raised eyebrows, and, trying to play innocent, she asked, “What?”

“What are you up to?” I asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she protested, rather unconvincingly. “Let’s just sit down and enjoy the movie.”

By the time that the previews started, the theater was maybe a third full. The closest people to us was an older couple two rows in front of us.

Elke leaned in close to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I went to put my arm around her shoulder, but she took my hand in hers and placed it on her leg.

As the movie started, I began stroking Elke’s bare leg, just inside her knee. I knew already that this was a sensitive spot, and kept my hand there for a few minutes.

Soon, she slid down just a bit in her seat, causing my hand to slide a little higher. As I started to stroke her long, lean thigh, she reached down and opened a couple of buttons at the bottom of her skirt. She then wrapped both of her hands around my arm, and nestled her head in a little more.

Now that I had a better idea of what she had planned, I continued stroking her leg as we watched the movie, my hand sliding a little higher every couple of minutes.

“That feels nice,” she whispered in my ear as my hand reached mid-thigh, and she opened her legs a little more.

As my hand slid higher, it was soon underneath her skirt. I was able to touch the insides of both of her firm, luscious thighs as I glided my fingertips higher.

“Mmm,” she moaned as I could start to feel the heat radiating from her mound. She slid down a little more, to give me easier access, and opened her legs even further.

As my hand got closer to Elke’s crotch, I spread my fingers wide. My hand pulled her skirt up higher as I inched my way to her pussy.

Elke wiggled in her seat as my little finger reached the very top of her thigh. When stretched my hand to glide it over her panties, I received a shock. She wasn’t wearing any! Not only that, she had shaved her pussy bare.

Elke whimpered loudly as I passed my fingertips over her wet slit, and the lady that was a couple of rows in front of us turned around.

I glanced down at her, and looked back up, as nothing had happened, and went back to teasing Elke. I dipped a fingertip into her hot pussy and spread her juices around her bare slit, paying special attention to her clit, which was standing out proud.

As I slid a fingertip into her wet pussy, Elke gasped and grabbed a hold of my arm. I fucked her with the fingertip as the heel of my hand rubbed against her clit, and she started moving her hips in rhythm with me.

I heard her hiss as I slid my finger in deeper, and I started pressing on the top wall of her wet hole.

It didn’t take long before Elke’s body started to stiffen and shake, and she let out a low moan as she squeezed my arm tight.

“Oh yesss!” she hissed as her pussy started to clamp down on my finger.

Her hips bucked up and buried my finger deeper, and she let out another moan as her orgasm overtook her.

The lady in front of us turned around again, and I smiled at her as I slid my wet finger out of Elke’s pussy. The ladies’ eyes widened as I brought the finger to my mouth and stuck it in my mouth. As she turned back around, I saw a smile on her face, and she leaned in and said something to the man that she was with.

The rest of the movie was uneventful, as Elke and I just teased each other, topkapı escort but on the way to the bar for an after-movie drink, she pulled me into an alley, pushed me up against a wall, and gave me an incredibly inspired, heart stopping blow-job.

As she stood, swallowing my cum and licking her lips, she said, “Let’s go have that drink now.” Weak-kneed, I could only nod my head and follow her as she took my hand and started walking.

As we sat in the bar, Elke reminded me about the Grand Opening party that they were throwing at her work, as a thank you to their investors that was scheduled for the following weekend. They had reserved the entire restaurant across the way from her spa for the evening, and had planned an open bar, along with a band.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I told her. “In fact, as a reward for getting the job done under budget, my boss has asked me to go to represent the shop.”

“That’s great!” she responded. “Now, I just have to decide what I am going to wear.”

“That makes two of us,” I told her. “I haven’t worn a suit in years, so I’m sure that the one that I own doesn’t fit me anymore. You know how closets like to shrink my clothes.”

“Yes, so you’ve told me,” she answered, laughing. “Why don’t we go out tomorrow and see what we can find?”

After a very interesting shopping excursion the next day, during which she snuck into the fitting room with me a couple of times, we found a suit for me, but Elke still couldn’t find a dress that she liked, despite how good I told her that she looked in some of the ones she tried on.

“Yeah, but none of them are what I am looking for,” she explained as we had dinner that night. “I think that I will have to go out during the week, to a couple of shops that I like. I will probably have better luck there.”

Finally, a couple of days later, she told me that she found “The PERFECT dress”, so we were both ready for the big night.

I had arranged for a limo to take us to the party, so that we didn’t have to worry about one of us not drinking. The night before the party, Elke told me that her sister, Erika, was going also, and wanted to ride with us. Since Erika was an investor, I couldn’t refuse, even though she and I never got along when we were all younger. Elke also mentioned that her sister’s divorce was just finalized, and she was kind of depressed.

That night, I drove to Elke’s, and told the limo pick us up there. When I got there, Erika was already there, and ready to go. Elke, however, was putting on the final touches, so her sister and I had to make small talk while we waited.

“You look very good,” I told her as we sat on the balcony. Erika looked a lot like Elke, only a little older. She was slightly taller and thinner, and her chest seemed a little smaller. You could definitely see the family resemblance, though. You could tell, looking in her eyes, that the divorce had taken a lot out of her, however.

“And you look quite different with short hair and a trimmed beard,” she commented, referring to my days in the band, when I sported a Jerry Garcia/Jesus look. “You look much better now.”

Before I could respond, Elke walked out and told us that she was ready. Erika and I were both speechless, looking at Elke in her short black party dress. The dress showed just the right amount of cleavage to be enticing, but yet be conservative enough for this party, and plenty of long leg. With her heels on, she was a couple of inches taller than me. She looked simply gorgeous.

We had a couple of minutes before the limo picked us up, so Erika ran to the bathroom one last time. I gave Elke a once over, and commented on her dress. “I thought you didn’t like pantyhose,” I said, looking at her lovely legs.

“I don’t,” she responded, with her naughty smile. “These are thigh-highs.” She lifted her dress just enough to show me the lace tops of her nylons, and I smiled.

“Nice!” I said as I licked my lips. “I can’t wait to feel them over my shoulders!”

Elke just smiled as her sister joined us, and we then all went downstairs to the limo.

The party was a raving success, with all of the investors having a good time, excellent food, great music, and a lot of beautiful women. Elke enjoyed herself by spending a good part of the evening teasing me and flirting with me, knowing that I couldn’t do anything to her.

“Just wait until we get home,” I whispered in her ear at one point. “You WILL pay for this!”

“Promises, promises,” she laughed, walking away.

The only down part of the evening was when the boyfriend of the receptionist, Anita, became loud and belligerent after having too much to drink.

He was mad that Anita was spending time talking to me, and not paying attention to him, so he started making a scene. After I escorted him off of the property, things calmed down and Elke and I consoled Anita.

At the end of the evening, we all had a good buzz going. Anita was in the worst shape, having downed a few drinks bayrampaşa escort after the incident with her boyfriend, but Erika wasn’t too far behind, slurring her words. It was, I knew, the first time that she could really go out and let loose since her divorce, so I really couldn’t blame her.

Elke wound up offering to let Anita and Erika crash at her place, instead of having to drive home. As we all piled into the limo, I pulled Elke aside and asked how we were going to have any alone time, with her sister and Anita there.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered in my ear. “Wait about an hour, until everybody is asleep, and sneak in to see me. I’ll be waiting for you, and if I’m asleep, you know how to wake me.”

“Sounds good to me,” I told her. “You’ll have to try to keep quiet, though. And, remember, you ARE going to pay for teasing me like that earlier.”

“Promises, promises,” she repeated, kissing me on the cheek, and then getting into the limo. “I’ll do my best to keep quiet, though.”

On the way back to Elke’s, it was decided that I would sleep in her office, Erika would be in the spare bedroom, and Anita would sleep on the couch. Elke smiled and winked at me as she ran her tongue across her full lips.

After we got to Elke’s, and everybody was settled in, I lay back and waited. After what seemed like the longest hour in my life, I silently made my way to her bedroom.

Elke liked to keep her bedroom as dark as possible, using heavy blackout curtains on her windows. As I quickly opened the door and slipped in, I saw the long blonde hair, firm, thin legs, and tight ass wrapped in a pair of lace boy-cut panties, all lying on the bed with her back to me as I walked in the room. I quickly and quietly closed the door behind me and walked towards the bed. The room was immediately plunged back into almost complete darkness.

“Damn,” I thought to myself. “She already took off her stockings. Oh, well. I’m sure she’ll wear them again.”

I slipped off my boxers and climbed in the bed. As I settled my body behind hers, I wrapped my arms around hers and softly ran my fingertips across her nipples. I heard her gasp and she started to roll over and say something.

I held her there and whispered in her ear. “Shh,” I said softly. “Someone may hear us. You have to be quiet, remember?”

She nodded and I cupped her breast. It seemed a little smaller than I remembered, but I knew that Elke had been losing some weight.

I started to kiss the back of her neck, and I heard her sigh as my fingertips continued to glide over her smooth skin. I slid them over her hardened nipples, and softly squeezed her tits, lightly pinching her stiff nipples, as I worked my lips across her neck.

I started to slide my hand down her belly, and she moaned as I passed over her navel and lightly covered the lace at the top of her mound.

She opened her legs as I moved my hand down a little more, and pressed her ass against my crotch when my hand cupped her pussy.

When she felt my rising cock rubbing against her lace covered ass, she gasped again, louder this time.

I could feel the heat and dampness radiating from her pussy as I stroked it through the lace, and I pressed my stiff cock against her ass harder.

She moaned as I slid my hand under the waistband of her panties and she wiggled her ass against my cock. When I slid a finger down her wet slit, I could feel her clit standing out, and the juices seeping from her hot little hole.

I was surprised at how wet she was as I dipped just the tip of my finger into her steamy pussy. She groaned again, this time louder.

“You’re gonna have to try harder to keep your noises down,” I whispered in her ear. “Use the pillow to muffle yourself if you have to. Your sister is in the next room. You don’t want her to hear us, do you?”

I heard her gasp, and she shook her head and turned so that she was face down in the pillow. I started slipping my fingertip into her wet opening and then sliding it out to flick her stiff clit. Every time that I made contact with her hard little bud, her body jumped and she thrust her firm ass back against my cock.

I rolled her on to her belly and started to kiss her, from her neck all the way down to the small of her back, following the curve of her spine. When I reached the waistband of her lace panties, I slowly dragged them down the length of her long legs, with my lips following closely.

She was gasping and moaning as I kissed my way back up her legs, and when I reached her ass, I gently opened her legs and lifted her hips off of the mattress.

I continued kissing the back of her long, lean body, working my lips around her tight asscheeks. I made my way to her center, and slowly slid my tongue down the crack of her ass.

She yelped into the pillow as my tongue flicked over her puckered rosebud, and then she groaned and pushed back slightly.

I slowly licked my way down the crease towards her pussy, and she jumped and beşiktaş escort then sighed as my tongue flicked across her clit from behind. She spread her legs a little wider, and wiggled her ass back and forth as I slowly slid my tongue around her stiff little bud and wet slit.

I heard her breathing deepen, and she started to push her ass back against my face as her orgasm approached. When I heard her start to moan louder into the pillow, I pulled my face away and sat back.

As I heard her groan in disappointment, I told her, “You were a naughty girl tonight, teasing me the way that you did. I don’t think that you deserve to cum yet. I want you to suck my cock and show me how much you want to cum, first.”

I sat back on the pillows and took her head in my hand. She crawled in between my legs and took my hard cock in her hand. She started stroking it, flicking her tongue across the head, until I gently pushed her head down. I moaned as I felt my cock slide into her hot mouth and she started sucking on it.

Even with my eyes adjusting to the dark, there was so little light I could barely make out the nice round shape of her ass, but I was able to see her move it in a rhythm matching her sucking on my cock. I also was able to see that she had slid one hand underneath her body, and was playing with her pussy while she worked on my shaft.

She sucked on my rigid pole with a drunken enthusiasm and stroked it with her free hand, for a few minutes, until she let it drop from her mouth and turned around and presented me with her ass.

“Ok,” I told her softly as I got on my knees behind her. “I guess you deserve to cum now.”

She dropped her head to the bed as I slid the head of my cock along her wet slit. She showed her impatience when she pushed back against me as I lined my cock up with her wet hole, and forced the head inside her hot, tight pussy.

She sighed long and low into the mattress as I slowly slid the rest of my thick rod into her wet depths. I was reminded again about how much weight she must have lost when her hips felt thinner than usual as I grabbed them and pulled her all the way back to me.

As I buried my thick, hard cock deep into her wet pussy, I had to sigh as I felt her tight muscles squeeze around me.

“Oh yeah, baby,” I moaned. “You feel so good! So tight and wet!”

I started to fall into a rhythm as I slid my shaft in and out of her clasping hole, and I soon felt her slide her hand between her legs again. She started rubbing her clit as I continued to fuck her, and she began pushing back against me more.

Slowing down my pace, I softly pushed her hips down to the mattress. She kept her hand where it was as I straddled her legs, and she gasped loudly as I positioned myself so that my cock was rubbing against her pubic bone as I slid in and out of her.

With my cock deep in her pussy, I lowered myself to my elbows and softly kissed and nibbled on her upper back and neck as I softly bucked my hips against her ass. She moaned into the bed as I worked on what I knew to be one of her most sensitive and pleasurable spots.

When she started to breathe heavier and push back into me again, I raised my body just a bit and started to take deeper strokes in and out of her increasingly wetter pussy.

It wasn’t long before she was moaning louder into the bed, and I felt her body begin to shake. I then began to slide the entire length of my shaft in and out of her pussy, knowing that would set her off, and hopefully me at the same time.

“Oh my god! Yesss!” I heard her moan into the bed, trying her hardest not to be heard, as her orgasm overtook her body in waves. I felt her pussy walls clamp down on my cock, and a gush of pussy juice surge from her when I slammed my rod deep inside her.

The massage that her muscles was giving my shaft, along with her ass bucking back against me started to set me off. Leaning forward again, I kissed the soft skin just below her ear and moaned.

“Oh damn baby! You’re making me cum!” I whispered.

She nodded her head and gasped, “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!”

Finally, I felt my balls contract, and then my cock exploded deep into her pussy.

“Oh yes!” I moaned as my body shook. “Oh my god!”

As I felt the last of my sticky cum spurt from my still hard cock, my body collapsed onto her back. I felt her body start to relax, and we fell into a breathing pattern while our bodies came down from our orgasmic highs.

After a couple of minutes, as my softening cock slid from her body, I rolled off of her and dropped to the mattress.

“My god, baby,” I whispered, “we’ve got to have your sister come over more often and sleep in the next room. You were as inspired as I can ever remember you being tonight!”

She gasped softly, and then laughed quietly, almost sounding nervous, as she climbed out of bed and stood. I could see her keep her back to me as she slid a pair of pajamas on, and then left the room.

A couple of minutes later, after I repositioned myself on the bed, the door opened again, and Elke came back in. As she always did, she took a warm, wet washcloth and wiped off my now soft cock and balls.

As she climbed into bed with me, I wrapped my arm around her and she lay her head on my shoulder.

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A Note From My Wife

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We are kissing very passionately. We are both so eager to fuck each other. I am grabbing your cock as you are squeezing my ass and my tits. We rip our clothes off. You tell me that it is your night and you will be in charge. I smile in agreement.

You lay on your back and tell me to give you head. I lay on top of you and kiss you. I suck on your earlobe and kiss your neck. I start moving down your body, kissing you all along the way. I run my tongue along your chest, down to your stomach. I kiss your hips and your thighs. I kiss the inside of your thighs. You can feel my hair brush up against your pulsing hard cock. My face is an inch away from your dick. You can feel me breathing hard on you. You flip my hair over so that you can see what I’m doing — you lookdown at me eagerly. I stick my tongue out and start slowly licking your balls. I run one of my fingers up and down your cock. I start licking your dick very slowly. I circle the tip and continue to run my tongue up and down. I take your dick in my hand and open my mouth wide. You see your dick go deep inside my mouth… as far as it will go. I slowly pull it out, then ram it back into my mouth, as deep as I can. I continue to deep throat your cock. You are topkapı escort getting really worked up. I start pumping your dick with my mouth, faster and faster, using my hand to shove it into my mouth. You can feel my tongue flicking the tip. You want to cum in my mouth, but you know that you have to fuck me before you cum.

You order me to sit on your face. I move up your body. You are watching my pussy as it moves toward your face. You can see that it is dripping wet. I straddle your head and gently lower myself down onto your face. Your mouth is eagerly awaiting. You start licking my pussy and sucking on my clit. I start moving my hips around and moaning louder and louder. You can tell I’m about to cum. I start pushing my pussy down on your face… I want my clit as close to your tongue as possible. I start moving faster and faster, fucking your face. I’m practically smothering you with my pussy juices. I tell you that I love fucking your face and that I’m going to cum all over it. You get excited and lick and suck even faster. I start to cum, I’m screaming with pleasure, and I’m thrusting my pussy down really hard on your mouth. You can taste my cum as it spreads across your face.

You escort bayan push me off you and onto the floor. You tell me to bend over because I’m about to get fucked really hard. I smile and do as I’m told. You stand behind me and before I know it , you ram your raging hard dick all the way inside of me. The force pushes me forward. You pull out quickly and ram it back in just as hard as the first time. You keep fucking me harder and harder. You tell me that I’m getting what I deserve, that I’ve worked you up so much and I deserve a really hard fuck. You start spanking my ass. I’m so turned on and my pussy continues to get wetter. You’re fucking me hard, and you cock just slides in and out because I’m so we from the excitement. You reach forward and pull my hair, causing my head to go back. You are in total control of me. You hold my hair with one hand and spank me with the other, all while you continue pounding away at my cunt. You grab hold of my hips with both hands and push your cock into me as far as it will possibly go. I gasp as the force causes be to lose my breath.

You pull your dick out and flip me over. You rub your cock against my pussy and I am squirming with pleasure. You start playfully escort spanking my pussy with your dick. I am so turned on. You continue rubbing your dick on my pussy. You slide your dick inside me and tell me to rub my clit. I reach down and start rubbing myself while you are fucking me. You tell me to play with my nipple with my other hand. I do as I’m told. You are fucking me slowly and watching me play with my pussy and my tit. As you see me getting close to coming, you pull your dick out. You ask me if I want to cum. I say yes. You ask me how badly and I beg you to let me cum. You remind me that I can cum when you decide to let me cum. I beg you even more to let me. You start fucking me faster and I cum immediately. My whole body in trembling in ecstasy.

You tell me to squeeze my tits together so you can fuck them. You thrust your dick between my tits. You start moving faster and faster. You order me to open my mouth. You stick your dick in my mouth and start thrusting it in. You are getting close to coming. I am looking up at you, eager to do whatever I’m told. You tell me that you are going to cum all over my face, just like I did to you. You see my eyes fill with excitement. You keep fucking my mouth until you are on the verge. You pull your dick out and start stroking it. You shoot your cum all over my face and neck. I reach up and grab your cock and spread your cum around. I lick any remnants of cum off your dick.

Hope that worked for you…

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