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Sometimes You Get What You Need

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Big Tits

I’d been severely crushed by a number of truly neurotic to psychotic girlfriends (including my last wife). I really wanted a relationship, but with all the ‘conditions’ and ‘requirements’ that they all had had, it just wasn’t happening. I had decide to take a break from all of it, the whole relationship thing just not working.

Many of the friends that I had had, were ‘our friends.’ When that last marriage ended, so did many of my ‘friendships.’

So here I am at the ripe old age of 52, alone, lonely, and once again single. I kept on hoping for that special someone to come along, but so far she hadn’t.

So here I was at a bar on another Saturday night, drowning my sorrows ‘omg’ in yet another beer. My back was to the dance floor where college kids were gyrating and spazzing all over said floor. Much of it was a story sight.

There were many of us at the bar. Some singles and many groups, with all of the available women (I think) in twos and threes, talking amongst themselves and erecting a “stay away” barrier around them. There was no way to do anything but force my way into any of those conversations (which I wouldn’t do).

And then there was the giggly group of barely adults (most likely students from the nearby college) tittering and giggling with their mouths cupped by their hands teasingly. As if anyone could actually hear them anyway over the loud dance music that was thumping and reverberating throughout the place.

And they were looking at me. I can just imagine that they were laughing at the strange old man (me) at the far end of the bar.

I returned to nursing my beer, so I didn’t notice except out of the corner of my eye, that one of them split off from their (still giggling) gaggle (group).

I was probably their fathers age. And no doubt he spent his nights drinking in just such another type of establishment such as this, in whatever town their family found themselves.

I was looking in the mirror behind the bar when I saw a beautiful but geeky looking girl with glasses on, standing expectantly behind me. As if she were waiting for a sign from the heavens to talk to someone.

She looked on the very young side, with her hair in front cut in bangs. She looked like she was maybe sixteen and not old enough to actually get in to this bar. I thought that she actually looked like she could be a grand daughter. Yeah. That young.

Ironically after a few moments, the guy sitting next to me waved goodbye at the bartender, and got up from his stool, walking towards the door. That’s when I found myself next to that young girl.

She just sat there for a few very long seconds looking like she was working up the courage to talk to someone.

I looked up to see her eyes, boring into mine as I looked reflected in the mirror across from us. Was she going to ask some question related to her school work, thinking that I had the answer for her? I t wasn’t like I was one of the professors from her school, so that was unlikely.

Then she leaned into me and said a very soft “Hi.” I knew she was speaking to me, but I didn’t know why.

But then I looked down the bar again to that gaggle of college coeds at the end, and saw them laughing and giggling and trying to hide what they were saying. They were trying to hide their smirks by putting their mouths up to their faces, but it wasn’t really working.

Then I looked up once again at the girl sitting beside me. She had somewhat thick glasses on for her age, and she looked oh so young. She had long hair and bangs almost down to her glasses. With her “Where in the World is Waldo Pepper Now?” horizontally striped tee shirt that made her smallish breasts seem even smaller. She looked like a little girl more than a woman.

Aside from that, she also looked to be very much on the “petite” side of womanhood. That didn’t help change my perception of my overall impression of her being as being that of an underaged girl.

I stared at her in our reflection in the mirror, occasionally broken by the bartender moving back and forth in between us. She sat there, with an expectant look on her face, that would break out in clouds of shyness as she looked down.

I turned to look at her straight on, still seeing her as one of her still yet giggling and conspiratorial college compatriots getting their kicks down at the end of the bar. She all of a sudden truly looked her shy self, unsure of what she was doing.

I leaned in and almost shouted in her left ear, “Are those your friends at the end of the bar?”

She shyly nodded her head yes not even looking up, seeming embarrassed at even being at my side.

“Did your friends put you up to this? Is this some kind of a dare? Go and bother the old man and report back what I said to you?”

She didn’t say anything for another few moments, biting her lower lip and looking at the floor between us. Finally she said, “How did you know?”

“It was painfully obvious the way they were staring and giggling at me. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.”

“Am I bothering you?” Sahabet she asked, still staring at the floor. Good thing I could read lips, or otherwise I wouldn’t have ‘heard’ her say what she did.

“It’s ok. You can go back and tell them that I wasn’t interested in their prank tonight,” and returned to staring that hole in my beer.

I watched her get up and turn like she was going to walk away… But she didn’t. Instead, she returned to her place on the stool and looked determined to continue our ‘discussion.’

“Look. I appreciate your interest, but I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

“My grandfather doesn’t look like you. Hell, my father doesn’t even look as good as you do.”

But she looked up once again, with a steely kind of determination in her eyes that belied her young age. Suddenly, she looked much older and more mature than she had a minute or so ago.

I saw a fire in her eyes that wasn’t there moments ago. Gone was the hesitant little girl, and before me was a woman who looked like she knew what she wanted (and wasn’t going to stop until she got it).

I turned around and gestured to all of the other college aged kids behind us and said, “There’s plenty of young guys your age to choose from here. Why don’t you just go and dump your friends, and find one of them to take you home?”

“I’m through with them,” she shouted in my ear. “I want a man, not a boy.”


“I’m twenty-two years old, and I’m old enough to make up my own mind,” she shouted.

Well at least she’s of legal age, I thought.

From the vantage point of a middle aged man though, twenty-two was still a very young age to be hunting for a man my age. I don’t care what I looked like.

“But you’re still acting on a dare. You wouldn’t normally walk up to some man who you might not know what he’d do to you. Would you?”

“Can we go and talk somewhere?” she asked me, seeming to be determined to have a conversation.

“There’s the outdoor patio,” I said, hooking my thumb in the other direction, gesturing to the back of the place. “But it’s getting kind of cold to be out there.”

“That’s ok. I can handle it.”

So I got up and gestured in the patio’s direction, turning to look back at her now not giggling but staring friends.

Out in more light, I looked at her and she did look kind of cute. And without those coke bottle glasses, she was borderline beautiful. But that wasn’t enough of an incentive for me to rob this cradle. And she didn’t exactly look “mature,” but still seemed like a child more than a woman

“And besides, they have the heaters out here,” she said, turning to me and putting her arm through my crooked arm. Like we were going out for a stroll.

Sitting down at the last table available, I almost felt like I was sitting down to a conversation with a daughter. If I had one, that is. I decided to let her start off the conversation, if she was that determined.

Now that we were back in a restricted space, her reticence came back with a vengeance. She was not sure where to take this.

Finally she looked up once more with that determined fire in her eyes. She leaned into me and whispered, “I’ve heard that older men know more about — you know, sex — than boys my age.”

I laughed at this one. “Maybe some of us do. But once again, I don’t think you’re going to find that that’s universally true.”

“But you do. Don’t you?” she asked me with another look of lust in her eyes.

Now I’ve been known to satisfy most of the women I’ve gone out with Heard my name get screamed a few times. But did that make me a knowing and excellent lover? Maybe more so than most of the guys I’ve heard talk. Guys get together in a bar, and when the liquor flows, so does the bullshit.

“How many guys have you been with?” I asked her with hesitation. I knew that young girls vary between being a virgin with a little bit of ‘exploration’ and poking and prodding, and those “sluts” that fuck any guy that seems to be interested (as long as he’s a jock normally).

Her still downcast look told me a lot. “You’re not still a virgin, are you?” I asked with trepidation.

“No. I haven’t had a lot of guys, but one of the first ones forced me to have that… done to me.”

“In other words. He raped you.”

“No. But he convinced me that sooner or later I would have to.”

“Convinced.” Why couldn’t she find some guy in his thirties at most to hop into bed with her? “It doesn’t sound like you’re had too many good experiences.”

“That’s basically what I told you.”

“And you haven’t been able to find a decent guy more your own age?”

“Well, I haven’t yet.”

“So… once again. How many guys have you slept with?”

“After my cherry was popped, about four or five.”

I was a little disturbed about that answer. “Four or five. Don’t you know how many you’ve slept with?”

“I got drunk at a party at one point…”

Oh my God. “So maybe even more,” I said, wishing she hadn’t told me that. What pray tell did she catch during that?

“So. Sahabet Giriş Once again, it’s not like I’m a virgin.”

I’ll say you aren’t. “So you did go and get tested afterwards I assume? And hopefully you were on the pill by that point.”

“Yes, I was on the pill.”

I’d heard of this thing called Black Out Drunk. Where some girls go out and actually try to get stone blind drunk and not care about what happened.

“I’m not a Black Out Queen, if that’s what you’re asking me. I just got… a little too drunk. I hadn’t planned on it.”

Shit. Someone could get AIDS doing shit like that.

“You don’t have to go through with the dare, do you? I mean…”

“But what if I want to?” She asked, with a hint of little girl plaintiveness in her voice. Hell, that wasn’t convincing me.

“Ok. Tell you what. Let’s go out to my car, talk some more, and maybe I’ll give you a kiss before I take you home. Would that be enough to fulfill this fantasy?”

“I want you to take me home and fuck me,” she said blatantly. Just like that. She was certainly not a little girl, that was for sure.

“So let’s do this. I’ll walk you out the front door with my arm around your waist, freak your friends out, and then I can take you home. How’s that?”

“That’s a start,” she said.

So we got up from the table, and did just that. We began walking through the bar, my arm around her waist and her arm around mine, until we got past her ‘friends.’ There was a whole lot of “Oh, shit!”s and “Gotta be fucking kidding me?” comments I heard from them as we passed.

And the freak out of her ‘girlfriends’ was enough for a good laugh for both of us once we got outside.


When we got to my car, I still hadn’t convinced her that this was not what she wanted to do. She still seemed determined to go though with this.

“What is it that you want to get out of this?” I asked her as I began un-locking the doors..

“I want to get the ‘man’ experience, so I know what to look for in a man.”

“And you can’t manage to do that by dating otherwise?

“Oh, and by the way, my name is Bryan. I figured you should know the name of the man into whose car you’re getting into.”

Smiling brightly, “My name is Chelsea. My parents met when they were in New York City when they were at NYU.” Then she asked, “Can we get into the back seat to have our discussion?”

I sighed. Talk was not usually what people do there, but I agreed.

Opening the door for her, she got in. “Scoot over,” I said, once she got in. But that didn’t last long.

I was no more inside, before she was climbing into my lap. “This was not exactly what I had in mind.”

“But you said we could kiss, You just didn’t say how we could kiss.” And then she proceeded to show me.

I had to admit, she wasn’t a bad kisser. She didn’t slam her lips into my face and expect me to respond. Her kissing was thoughtful, and it was gentle. And it was one of the best kisses that I had had in a very along time.

So naturally, with her sitting in my lap, I began to ‘respond’ to her being there. My ‘equipment’ was ‘erecting’ itself, aiming straight for her ‘plumbing.’ She giggled and wiggled her hips over my erection, making it grow even more.

“I know what I’m doing,” she said, with a straight and very intent face.

And the more that she looked into my eyes, the more thoughtful and mature she seemed to become. We took off our glasses, and then began kissing again, this time very sensually and carefully. I liked what I was feeling.

We must have kissed for a long time, because many of the cars that had been surrounding me on the street when I parked, were gone when I finally looked up.

She was still staring at me with those wise eyes, and what I thought was a flat (and far less mature) chest that I had spied in the bar, now became more. And pointed. So much so that I reached up to begin fondling the one closest to my mouth.

She began moaning and grinding herself further into my lap at this point, melting my resolve to ‘just take her home’ and be done with it. She was being more persuasive (sensitive and alluring) than many of my ‘older’ girlfriends and either of my two wives had been.

“Are you ready to take me home now?” She asked me coyly, with a cute smile. Or was that a smirk?

What the hell, I thought. She wants me to ‘play’ with her, I supposed that one night wouldn’t hurt. She was, after all, one of the first women to actually want me in a long time. And she had basically climbed into my arms (and my lap) to be with me.

I knew that most of my friends and family would practically disown me for doing this to someone so young. But I hadn’t exactly dated many women quote my own age unquote, who seemed to be half as mature as this barely adult was beginning to be.

So I drove her back to her apartment that she shared with two of those other ‘girlfriends’ who had dared her to try and ‘give me a thrill.’

On the way there, she told me about school and her plans for beginning work Sahabet Yeni Giriş after as she graduated in the spring. She also told me about her divorced parents, her father in particular having decided to leave her mother to ‘shack up’ with a thirty year old. This left her mother high and dry in her early forties.

But this didn’t bode well for a ‘long term relationship.’ It’s only for a night, I told myself. No need to get her panties in a bunch. It was going to be just about sex, nothing more than that. A once in a lifetime dalliance with my ‘much younger woman,’ that every adult male ‘of a certain age’ fantasizes about.

When we stepped inside her apartment, luckily her roommates hadn’t gotten home yet. “I’ll show you a good time, then I’ll leave,” I told her. But she just smiled a wicked sort of smile, and said cheerily and cheekily “Ok” with a knowing kind of smirk.

Getting inside her bedroom, I began to have serious second thoughts about all of this. My lifelong inner training was telling me, “She’s too Young! What do you think you’re doing, Mister?”

Looking around at the room, I didn’t see a lot of girly things. I saw the periodic table on one wall, and pictures that she had draw on many of the other ones. A few rock icon posters (from the seventies and eighties) finished off the rest.

But then I turned around and she was already undressed. “That was quick,” I said, with my jaw dropping open. She was not as ‘petite’ and childlike as I had previously thought.

Her breasts were a solid b cup and not the a cup that I’d previously taken them for. Those nipples that I had had poking in my face were not small either. In fact, they had grown quite big and long. She was slender, but not anorexicly so. Her tee shirt had hidden her slender waist and fallen so that it was not showing what her body actually looked like. She would look very nice in a bikini.

Of course, I didn’t have to worry about seeing her in one. She was standing there in all her perky and picturesque glory now for my eyes to feast on Her tits and her rather glorious and massive bush below them screamed to me that this was most definitely not a ‘little girl.’

“Well are you going to just going to stand there and stare? Or are you going to get your clothes off?” she said, with her hands on her curvier than I thought would be hips.

Not waiting for an answer, she walked over to me and began loosening my belt and taking both my jeans and my underwear down in one fell swoop. I took my tee shirt off and threw it on top of all our other clothes.

Then she surprised me. She dropped to her knees and began to take my shoes and socks off… while simultaneously taking my prick into her mouth and taking pretty much my full length in one suck.

“Woah,” I said loudly, surprise taking me by a jolt. No, this ‘little girl’ was more ‘experienced that I ever took her for. “Where’s you learn how to do that?”

“You like?” she asked, with a wicked grin on her face. Then slurped me back in to that rather experienced mouth again.

Now it was not as if I were some enormous sized mouthful to take in, mind you. I’m not like one of those many men in porn or erotica that claim that they’re eight or nine inches in length. I’m about — maybe when I’m really excited — about six inches. Really excited that is. And no, I am not inches round in cir-cum-frence.

But Chelsea was making me really excited. And for all my previous perception of her being a little, inexperienced girl, she was very adept at doing what she was doing.

She let me pop out, and she retreated back to her bed, sitting down and folding her arms across her lap very expectantly.

Emboldened now, I walked the few steps between us and reached out to grab her and lift her up in my arms. She squealed at this, as I threw her on the bed. She bounced a little and I crawled on and acted like I was a prowling panther, stalking up her legs. She smiled a broad smile and ‘pretended’ to shy away coyly.

And then our lips met again. Those sensual and not little girl lips grabbed mine and pulled me down on top of her. I acquiesced and laid down on her lightly. My body was much larger than hers, and I was afraid to put my full weight down on her for fear of crushing her.

My hands went immediately to those breasts and nipples as I began to kiss her passionately, and then one of them strayed south over that bush and into her ‘jungle’ below.

She squealed “MmmmMMm,” and started flailing around underneath me, obviously very aroused and excited. I laid down beside her so I could feel safer without crushing her, and allowing both of my hands to play on tits and with clit while we continued kissing.

I let go of her mouth, and my head began to follow my right hand south. I took her right nipple into my mouth as I continued to run my fingers through her bush, and finding her lips down there, began running my finger up and through. I touched her clit and sent a shockwave through her body.

“Ohmygod! Right there! Don’t go away! You had it!” she said, and began to moan loudly.

I heard the front door slam indicating we were no longer alone, but she seemed too wrapped up in the sensations I was giving her to notice. I heard giggling just outside her door. “Do you think they’re in there?” I heard a barely audible whisper.

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Mrs. Goodwin – A Unique Tutor! Pt. 02

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Part Two.

I was on cloud nine. Bea was exciting and her matured sexual appetite was outrageous, which was just as well because my cock was constantly erect and ready for action. I simply couldn’t get enough of the woman’s body. I had become addicted to her mature eroticism. It was habit forming and I required multiple daily fixes.

Acquiescing to Bea’s carnal needs demanded much of me — thank Christ I was young and fit! Every morning I would jog to her house, let myself in and race upstairs to find her with the bedclothes thrown back and wearing one of her super sexy, silk nightdresses rucked up around her waist and one breast exposed; a wonderful site to be greeted with.

The dirty madam’s next provocative enticement was to finger her pussy and play with the exposed stiffened nipple. I always felt it incumbent to respond mutually, so I would give my shaft a few strokes watching her perform. Then, after a decent interval of interactive playfulness, Bea would beckon me with the fingers she’d been probing her pussy with and have me suck them, before turning her attention to sucking my cock. At this point in our schedule I would slip a couple of fingers between her tumescent pussy lips seeking her proud G-spot. This morning was no exception.

‘Good boy.’ Bea murmured as my digits found their target and began teasing. ‘When you think my needy pussy is wet enough to take this throbbing beast.’ She said squeezing my cock. ‘Let me know.’

‘Your pussy is always wet, you sexy woman. Wet and willing.’

‘Then let’s get fucking! I feel particularly randy this morning. I want your cock filling my cunt and your balls banging against me.’

‘You say the sweetest things, Bea.’

‘Do I?’ Bea replied taking most of my shaft down her throat and engaging in sloppy sucking. My reaction was to force myself deeper, moaning with pleasure. I grabbed her exposed breast and squeezed it’s lovable shape roughly. I alternated my brutality by drawing out her nipple, making it harden further and grow dramatically. Eventually Bea found herself choking on my cock and withdrew it, saliva dripping from its girth.

‘Now, while it’s wet, Peter, slide it between my other lips and fuck me hard.’ I obliged my mistress with a savageness I never realised I possessed, fucking her like a crazed thing. Bea responded to my frenzied love-making and I soon found myself on the edge of ejaculation.

It was later, after we’d showered together, that Bea told me her was friend coming to stay for a few days. She was older than Bea but was assured that I would enjoy her company. Obviously, Bea continued, her presence would impose limitations on when and how we could enjoy ourselves sexually. But no doubt we could be inventive if the opportunity arose.

Well, Bea’s friend arrived just after lunch, which meant we had plenty of time to indulge our lust in a more leisurely manner one more time. The two women went into raptures about seeing each other completely ignoring me. I didn’t think anything of it and followed them indoors lugging the friend’s suitcases, setting them down in the hallway. It was then that Bea turned and introduced me.

‘Peter, I’d like you to meet Lara.’ Lara extended her arm ready to shake hands.’ We shook exchanging the usual pleasantries. It was plain to see that Lara was the kind of woman who turned heads, both male and female. A woman who demanded attention and radiated sexual charm without reservation.

‘Bea,’ Lara said turning to her friend. ‘Am I right in thinking this is the lucky young man featured in that selfie you sent me? The one overtly enjoying your charms.’

‘The very same.’ Bea replied. Her eyes met mine and she smiled surreptitiously; I reached for her hand and squeezed it.

To welcome her friend, and also appease my lustful desire, Bea had chosen to wear a black pencil skirt and a long-sleeved, pink satin blouse. A simple outfit that accentuated her figure and had me drooling over, as she moved rhythmically guiding the way to the lounge.

The two women seated themselves on the sofa and my attention was immediately drawn to Lara’s long legs, as she hitched up her skirt before sitting. I knew Bea was wearing stockings and suspenders because I’d watched her get dressed, but wondered if Lara also flaunted a pair — Christ, what a thought! She had legs perfect for nylons.

Lara looked at me her green eyes sparkling.

Now, rather than feeling totally embarrassed about the fact Bea had shared an intimate picture with this stranger, I felt honoured that Bea wanted to champion my bedroom prowess to her friend. It gave me a degree of arrogance knowing this. So, as the two women began chattering, I took the opportunity to assess Lara in more detail.

Her class, elegance and deportment were equated by her choice and style of clothes and the manner in which she wore them. The scintillating grey material of her matching skirt and jacket, the collar turned up, clung to her slim body and long shapely legs dramatically, Sahabet the hem ending around her calves. Beneath the jacket was a red silk top that matched the colour of her high-heeled suede shoes. It was an ensemble that made a statement, telling the world that, despite her advancing years, she had the perfect body for wearing high fashion. So take a look! Fill your boots!

‘Well, I can see you have a lot of catching up to do so I’ll take my leave. It was nice to meet you, Lara.’ I announced turning to go.

Both women responded in unison insisting I should stay. So I did and took up Lara’s invitation to sit next to her. Funnily, I didn’t feel out of place with these two older women, contributing with ease to their sophisticated conversation. Then, a little while later, Bea suggested Lara might like to freshen up and showed her to the guest room. I followed on, again with Lara’s suitcases.

Bea hoped Lara would be comfortable and asked if she required anything else. She said the room was perfect but could she have a bottle of carbonated water if possible. I was dispatched to fetch one returning just in time to see Lara removing her jacket to show off small, but perfectly moulded breasts beneath the red silk top. Lara indicated the en-suite saying she was in dire need of its facilities.

Bea and I left her to it and returned downstairs, where I discovered Lara’s vanity case in the hallway. Desirous of seeing more of Lara’s body beautiful, I took it up to her. The bedroom door was ajar and so I knocked. There was no reply. I entered cautiously thinking Lara might still in the bathroom and placed the vanity case on the dresser. I was about to leave when Lara came out of the en-suite carrying her skirt, which she tossed on the bed.

“The damn thing’s too tight to pull up far enough to pee. The easiest way is take it off.” She said pragmatically without paying any attention to me or her state of undress. My eyes followed her uninhibited movement across the room taking in the exquisite sight of long, lithe legs. They were toned, tanned and devoid of any unsightly flesh, the fully fashioned black stockings contrasting her red high-heeled shoes.

Lara’s black stockings were classy and of the self-supporting type — without the need for suspenders. Their lacy welts were decorated fancifully and a single pink satin bow topped off their appeal. Lara stopped before the mirror and began adjusting the tops of the stockings. She saw me watching intently.

“Do you approve, Peter?”

“Most definitely, Lara.”

“Not bad for a fifty-eight year old, eh?”

Seeing as I was invited to comment, I looked more closely at Lara’s legs, the stockings adorning them and the tantalising bulge of her black panties just visible below the bottom of her red top.

‘You look terrific, Lara. A picture of sheer sexual elegance if I may say so.’

‘You may. Thank you.’ Lara lifted her arms and pirouetted for my benefit. In doing so her silk top rose displaying more of her silk lace panties, they were of a style designed to sit high on a woman’s hip.

‘Does Bea wear the kind of sexy lingerie you like, Peter?’ Lara wanted to know. I nodded wondering about this intimate line of questioning. ‘Does she wear it while you’re fucking her?

Hearing the obscenity didn’t faze me. I had become accustomed to Bea using such language. Somehow it added to our sexual intensity.

‘Yes, she loves wearing it to tease me.’ I replied.

‘Is that how she originally seduced you?’

‘No, that particular aspect came later. Initially it was her attractiveness, her maturity and her style. Like you, Lara, she always makes a picture of elegance. Pure mature sex. The skirt and pink blouse today being a typical example. No, her lingerie would become an added bonus to our relationship.’

‘Well, you certainly have a cosmopolitan outlook, not to mention a cultivated knowledge of ladies apparel. Tell me, if it was me doing the seducing, would you fall for my charms in the same way you fell for Bea’s? Remembering I’m older than she is.’

‘Without a doubt! Older women enthrall me. I doubt whether I’d be able to resist your stylish seduction, judging by your appearance today.’ I indicated her body. ‘Lara, I find myself enamoured by older women and you are no exception.’ I volunteered shamelessly.

‘Prove it right now and fuck me. Spear me with that young cock and fuck me like you fuck Bea?’

Lara’s request didn’t floor me. Quite the opposite in fact. I fancied discovering more of the protuberance in her black silk panties. Taking it in my mouth was intriguing to contemplate. Would it taste different to Bea’s? What would it look like? Yes. I would fuck her! But I had a loyalty to Bea.

‘I couldn’t, not without Bea’s consent.’ I answered. Then Lara stepped towards me and grabbed my erection, making appreciative sighs upon feeling its size.

‘Hello, there’s something happening here.’ She purred gauging the thickness of my hard on. ‘Go and Sahabet Giriş ask her.’ She gave me a final squeeze and sent me on my way.

Standing on the landing, I replayed the conversation that had just taken place with Lara. The woman was serious, she’d wanted me to fuck her. But how would Bea react to such a suggestion. Just then Bea’s bedroom door opened and she appeared, beckoning me suggestively with her forefinger. I joined her.

‘Quick, unzip my skirt.’ Bea hissed. ‘I can’t manage it with these fingernails.’ I recalled zipping it up that morning. ‘I fancy a quickie while Lara unpacks.’ She whispered.

I’d come to love the sound of Bea’s zip fasteners. Their rasping functionality heralded sexual pleasure and the glorious vision of her in lingerie and nylon stockings. I pulled the zip down, the ripple of pleasure searing my erection. I helped Bea wriggle out of the skirt while she unfastened her blouse. More black seamed stockings were revealed only this time attached to pink lacy suspenders, over which she wore matching pink panties. Christ! Did this woman look sexy.

My trousers and shreddies were off in a trice and I found myself between Bea’s thighs even quicker — my desperation linked with Bea’s urgency becoming a compelling factor in seeking gratification. I pulled aside the pink silk panties exposing her pussy and allowed her to guide my knob to its destination. As it slid the length of her vagina I began urging and thrusting, eager to sate Bea’s craving and my own lust — we were two desperate lovers!

‘You’re lovely and hard, Peter.’ Bea’s voice was soft, enthused with pleasure at my deep penetration. Her nylon clad legs were wrapped tightly around my waist holding me deep inside her impatient pussy and I could feel the buttons of her suspenders biting into my flesh.

‘And you are lovely and wet.’ I answered settling into a rhythm.

‘Oh, Peter, I don’t think I could exist without your cock fucking me like this.’ Bea squeezed my length powerfully knowing it was something I enjoyed. ‘I will do anything to keep you satisfied.’ She admitted between grunts of pleasure.

‘Shush, you gorgeous bitch. Let’s concentrate on cumming together.’ I commanded.

I continued shoving and urging, my senses in a red mist of desire and the need to cum. By now, Bea had her legs locked behind my neck in a desperate need to feel me deeper inside. I eased up in order to open her pink blouse and watch her tits undulating, heaving within the confines of the pink lacy bra, it was a vision that never failed to excite me further in the pursuit of my orgasm.

‘Bea, your tits are beautiful.’ I grunted loudly. ‘Play with them. Hold them for me. Take them out of their cups. I want to see your hard nipples!’ I watched spellbound as she freed each one. Then, just as Bea began tweaking her nipples, I sensed the all too familiar tickle in my helmet telling me that my climax was imminent. ‘Fuck! I’m cumming!’ I said aloud.

‘Then flood my cunt with your spunk. Don’t withdraw. I want to feel all your warm cum explode in me.’ Bea’s voice rasped breathlessly. ‘Cum deep inside me. Fill my cunt with spunk! Now! Shoot it now, Peter!’ She implored.

I did. I pumped and squirted my sticky mess, feeling my helmet swimming in the stuff. When Bea felt its warmth pool inside her she could barely stifle her scream of joy.

‘Now, make me cum too. Use those magical fingers on my clit.’ I responded immediately and within a couple of minutes Bea’s entire body stiffened, as she experienced her own orgasm.

We lay quietly absorbing the excitement and post-orgasmic bliss we’d given one another. Then Bea got to her feet and stood before the full-length mirror. She parted her legs and watched my cum and her own juices trickle from her tumescent cunt lips.

‘It’s magical how you manage to produce so much cum for me, Peter.’ Bea said running her fingers through the clinging concoction dribbling down her thighs.

‘Because you are so thrilling to make love to.’ I replied.

‘Just a horny old bitch would be a better description!’ I froze at the sound of a different voice, Lara’s. She moved to the bed and sat down next to me. Bea turned from the mirror accepting her presence as a normal occurrence.

‘Lara, just look at this.’ She said to her friend indicating the mess clinging to her thigh.. ‘This is the third time today that young stallion has fucked me and he still manages to produce this much cum.’ She dropped onto the bed and kissed me, blocking out Lara’s presence.

I felt Lara place a hand on my thigh and drag her long nails down the inside. She sensed me shiver with pleasure then took my shrinking cock between her fingers, pulling the foreskin back and forth exposing my purple helmet. Feeling another woman’s sensuous attention so soon after expending myself within Bea had its effect, and very soon I was stiffening up again.

Although I couldn’t watch Lara performing on my cock — Bea was still intent on her Sahabet Yeni Giriş passionate kissing — I quickly learned what it felt like to be in the hands of two fabulous older women, especially when Lara ran her nails around my sensitive knob still covered with the residue of my orgasm. The attentiveness of two older, seductive women, their caresses and two very exotic perfumes, quickly took hold of my senses and I felt it’s inebriating effect forcing me to abandon myself to their mature desires.

Bea’s post-orgasmic craving eventually petered out. Lara, however, seeing my reaction to her lascivious touch, had no intention of leaving me alone and had resorted to sucking my shaft. But, although my cock was hard and seemingly ready to fuck, I could not in all honesty carry out a repeat performance. Bea read the situation tacitly and suggested to Lara that she desist from further titillation until later.

I spent the next fifteen-minutes in the shower alternating the water between hot and cold trying to get my body back to normal. This was difficult as across the bathroom, Bea lay soaking in the tub her breasts floating above the water line drawing my gaze. I turned away and thought about my situation with the two older women, both gorgeous, both elegant dressers and both desirous of my cock.

I was daydreaming beneath a blast of warm water when I felt Bea’s presence behind me in the shower. She wrapped her arms around and hugged me tightly.

‘Thank you for everything, Peter.’ She said. ‘Lara has taken a shine to you. She really wants you to fuck her.’

‘Would you mind if I did?’

‘No, as long as I’m present and joining in with the fun.’

‘Well, that sounds interesting, my darling.’ I added knowingly.

That evening I acted as chauffeur driving Bea and Lara to their dinner engagement. I was invited along as well, but declined — fancy restaurants aren’t my thing and I’m not much of a drinker. So, after dropping off the ladies, I took the BMW for a spin then went back to Bea’s house to watch some Premier League action on television.

I got the pickup call at ten and collected the women from the restaurant. They’d obviously had a convivial evening judging from their loquacious chattering, and were pleased to see me again; just as I was pleased to be in their company once more. They sat in the back and subjected me to much alcohol fueled teasing and suggestiveness, which indicated an action packed night ahead.

Bea and Lara decided to end the evening with champagne. I was instructed to open a bottle and bring it upstairs, while they changed into something more intimate to wear. Knowing my tastes intimately, Bea’s choice of something to wear was to simply remove her dress and display herself in lingerie, which tonight was an open bottom girdle in black that her stockings were fastened to, and a black lacy bra. Altogether a fantastic advert for a sexy older woman.

Meanwhile, Lara had slipped out of her full skirted, midi shirt dress and opted for a camisole top and French knickers in pale blue. The knickers hid the matching suspender belt but not the satin straps holding white lacy stockings in place. Lara’s breasts, although small as I’ve mentioned, moulded themselves against the blue silk perfectly, their nipples prominent and thrusting.

The women insisted I join them in a glass of bubbly and we sat together on a chaise-lounge in Bea’s bedroom, the atmosphere tense with suppressed sexual lust. Lara spoke next.

‘Let me tell you about my life in the far east, Peter. You never know, I might get you interested enough to fly out and visit me, along with Bea of course.’ Lara placed her hand on my thigh and began stroking it. ‘I rent a villa in a leafy suburb of the capital. It has a swimming pool and a large garden filled with the sweetest smelling flowers you can imagine. I have a cook/housekeeper called Saavi, and her husband, Atid, who maintains the garden and swimming pool. He also acts as my chauffeur — the car came with the villa as part of the agreement.’

Lara paused to sip her drink and push a loose strand of hair behind her ear, the motion making her large earring tinkle.

‘Atid and Saavi are in their late twenties and live in a garden annexe. Saavi is a pretty young woman, almost doll-like in her features, and Atid is particularly athletic looking — it’s a pleasure to watch him working the garden, his bronzed torso gleaming with perspiration. Many a time I’ve fingered myself watching his body muscles tense with exertion.’ She confessed with a giggle.

‘Anyhow, in a very short time my life style would undergo many changes. Saavi is an excellent cook and soon adapted to my culinary requirements. She also takes it upon herself to assist me personally, getting dressed and so on — she even holds my bra straps open for me to slip my arms into. And, as well as selecting my clothes for the day, Saavi even selects what lingerie I wear.

‘At first it felt uncomfortable to receive such intimate assistance, especially when I was in the bath tub and she insisted on sponging me all over, modestly avoiding my private parts.’ Lara paused while she took my hand placing it on her pussy mound. ‘You know where I mean, don’t you, Peter.’ She hinted.

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In for Penny, in for a Pound

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All rights for this story, including characters, remain the property of Mitzi Norton.


Family celebrations really, really weren’t Penny’s favourite way of spending an evening. Apart from the necessity of organisation, the expense, the no shows and the ingratitude, she just didn’t really like her family very much.

Some were inoffensive. Her sister, for example, could be quite tolerable. Her mum, for a couple of weeks of the the year, could be relatively kind and forget she was secretly some kind of satanic spiteball in human shape. However, her husband was, on the whole, insufferable. For one thing, he played golf. For another, he had developed a way of breathing that was just downright irritating and, she was fairly sure, deliberately irksome.

Before the family started to arrive, she gazed at herself in the bedroom mirror.

‘What the fuck happened?’ she sighed out loud, pondering her reflection. She wondered how the years had stolen away from her, how she had found herself in a situation which surrounded her with people she really didn’t like.

Looking back at her was her forty year old self, with an ungrateful son and an inattentive husband. Her eyes were filled with the resignation of a woman who felt she had nowhere left to run to, whose life lacked vibrancy and spontaneity, whose window of opportunity she felt had closed for good. Her shoulders were hunched a little, from carrying the burden of bored disappointment.

She had dressed up to make herself feel better, which she often did, along with buying dresses when she felt alone or unhappy. As a result, she had a wardrobe that was bulging with never or barely worn clothing. She also masturbated with an utter indecency in terms of both fantasy, frequency and filthiness.

Masturbation and fantasy felt like an act of rebellion, a fuck you to her husband and even to her family. She had an incredible array of toys that took up an entire drawer, confident she never had to worry about her husband find them. There were wands, dildos, butt plugs, anal beads, vibrators, and she varied what she used depending on how fucked off she felt with life. The more fire she felt with those who were less attentive than they should have been, the more angry she was with her choice of toys. She would choose a dragon’s tongue dildo that stretched her almost more than she could bare while she had her largest butt plug buried in her arse.

She also masturbated, with or without toys, in almost any location. Driving to the supermarket, she would lift up her dress or slip her hand in her trousers, rub her clit furiously and swear excessively as she orgasmed. There were times she had been in the coffee shop and masturbated in the toilet, or at parent’s evening when she found a closed corridor with the lights off and she had her hands in her knickers and in her pussy almost before she even knew what she was doing. Restaurants, hospitals, museums, taxi…she needed to fuck herself everywhere she could think of.

Although she was now in her forties, an event which seemed to have crept up on her with the stealth and lethality of a ninja assassin, she felt she didn’t look it. Although she did look like she felt it. But she whipped up the hem of her dress, slipped her hand in her knickers and stroked her warm clit hard. She wanted to cum, she wanted wet knickers when she had to go and see people she didn’t want to spend time with, she wanted to know as she poured drinks she was doing it with the scent of her pussy on her fingers.

Rubbing fast and hard, she reached a hand out to the sink to support herself. Her pussy was wet, hungry, her clit hard and hot. Pressing it until it squirmed from under her pressure, she pursued it, building a quick and intense orgasm. She was so horny she could not look up, her head was bowed and her breath caught. Panting, she felt herself building to the orgasm, the ripples of pleasure spreading through her tight cunt. Her fingers moved quicker, desperate to finish the orgasm and it swept over her, causing her to yank her head back.

‘Jesus,’ she moaned loudly, ‘Jesus fucking Christ.’

Her breath was as fast as her fingers had been and as the orgasm subsided, she felt the brief respite of a post orgasmic flush. Looking again in the mirror, she moved her hands over her knickers and made sure they were satisfyingly wet. They were.

With a smile, a straightening of her back and a deep breath, she considered the positives. She was healthy, had a fabulous house, didn’t need to work, her legs were long, her boobs were pert and her fiery red hair required little maintenance other than washing and occasionally cutting. Now she had a wet pussy and a self satisfied blush. Hopefully remembering those things and some flirting with her son’s friends would make the evening go as painlessly as possible.

Family parties, unlike masturbation, were events to be endured rather than enjoyed. Two things made this evening’s celebrations less annoying than most. First, the weather was pleasant, almost warm even. Second, Sahabet due to an emergency at work, her husband had been required to leave at 9pm and was unlikely to be back before morning. Naturally, the possible burning down of his factory or the wholesale demolition of his storage yard was sad, but there were definite silver linings.

Secretly, she suspected that he had actually gone to visit his mistress due to the unexpected absence of her husband, but frankly it meant Penny didn’t have to listen to him blink in that excruciating manner or guffaw like a choking wildebeest at anything he said, which was bound to be utterlyy unfunny, so she was happy to nod, purse her lips and play along.

Grabbing his keys, he bolted for the door. His gleeful hurry most definitely suggested a tryst than a trauma.

‘I’ll be back as soon as I can,’ he shouted back to her as he fled. Her eyes followed him not with a longing for his return but a yearning that he stay out as long as possible.

With Gary gone to deal with whatever emergency had or had not happened, she was left to encourage people to leave as early as possible.

This was something she embraced with gusto.

‘Are you sure you have to go? So early?’ she asked Julia, her mother-in-law.

‘No choice, Penny,’ Julia had barked in answer. ‘Winny needs walked and it’s getting late already.’

‘Can’t you possibly stay a little longer?’ she implored, with amazing sincerity, of Karen, her mother, as she walked her to the already open door.

‘Penny, if I could,’ her mother had snapped back,’ I would. But I really need to be home before Brian goes to bed.’

As a result, by 11.00 she had actually managed to persuade everyone to leave whilst pleading with them to stay just a little longer.

Waving off her sister and her nephew, the house was almost empty.

The only people remaining, in the garden, were her son, Alex, and his friends, Ben and Ryan. Penny had hoped to flirt shamelessly with Ryan, whom she had thought about many times while masturbating. He was tall, lean, painfully handsome and completely unaware of it, but most alluringly, he was endlessly kind.

Often she would spread her legs wide and rub her clitoris just imagining him asking if he could possibly help her with the washing up or if she was okay, because she looked a little frazzled, or if she really didn’t want him to feed the cats.

Sadly, her husband’s sudden exit and the demands of persuading her mother that she really didn’t want her to leave quickly, and the endless attention of her sister bemoaning her own marital travails, prevented any flirting beyond occasional smiles and glances.

Having finally prompted her sister and nephew to leave, she wandered into the garden. It was no surprise to see Alex lying on the grass between Ben and Ryan. He appeared to be asleep.

‘What happened?’ she asked calmly, as she stood between them and looked down at Alex. ‘I take it he’s still alive?’

‘Pretty sure he is.’ Ben replied, sharing her look of exasperated predictability.

Unlike Alex, Ben and Ryan hadn’t been drinking. Penny felt compelled to admire both of them for their ability to tolerate her family while remaining sober. She had to be there: they didn’t.

‘Do you want us to just leave him here?’ Ben enquired. ‘He looks comfortable.’

Alex snored and snuffled.

‘I’m worried he might swallow a worm or a mouse or a rat,’ Penny replied, looking at them both, ‘so we should probably move him. For their sakes.’

They all smiled and shrugged.

‘Okay, bed it is then,’ Ryan summed up. ‘We’ll get him upstairs for you and make sure he’s safe.’

‘Thank you,’ Penny smiled back, her sense of wariness for the night ahead now dissipated by the knowledge that her family had left and Gary, in all likelihood, wouldn’t be back until the morning.

As Ben and Ryan picked up Alex, taking an arm each, Penny contemplated where to start cleaning the mess her family had made. Overall, it wasn’t too bad. The living room had some bottles, some glasses and plates. But here was no destruction, no damage, no flipped tables from family fall outs.

Picking up a handful of glasses she wandered into the kitchen and put them on the worktop. She really didn’t feel in the mood to clean and tidy at this time of night and she certainly wasn’t dressed for it. Leaning back on the worktop she considered the brightly lit, white high gloss kitchen and the contrast her knee length black dress and absurdly high gold heels offered.

Deciding that she really had put in more than enough effort to cleaning up after others, she poured herself a large Merlot and walked into the living room. She dropped down and crossed her legs as Ryan and Ben walked back in.

‘We’ve put him to bed,’ said Ben, ‘but we thought we’d better leave his clothes on him.’

Penny laughed.

‘Yes,’ she agreed, ‘definitely a wise decision.’

All three looked at each other, uncertainty dancing amongst them.

‘Can I get you a beer before you go?’ Penny finally asked.

Ryan appeared to be about to decline Sahabet Giriş the offer, but Ben agreed quickly and sat opposite her.

Standing and moving to the table top where the remaining drinks sat, Penny picked up two cans and walked over to her son’s friends. They reached up, taking them and smiling, before Penny returned to her seat opposite, sat down and picked up her glass.

Ben and Ryan sipped. Penny was a little more enthusiastic in her consumption and she drank as if she wanted to forget the evening.

Eventually, she broke the brief silence.

‘Thank you for looking after Alex,’ she said to them. ‘I’m glad to know he has good friends who look out for him.’

They smiled and looked down at their cans.

‘It’s okay,’ replied Ryan. ‘He’s easy to look after. Just needs to learn to handle his beer better.’

Penny nodded and took another mouthful. She felt they wanted to ask her something, that there was a question that was loading passengers at the platform but hadn’t set off.

‘Where did Gary go?’ Ben enquired, eventually.

Shrugging, Penny indicated that she was unsure. ‘An emergency call out,’ she blithely told them.

‘It must be hard when he’s so committed to the job,’ Ryan suggested.

The smile Penny gave in reply was watery, weak. She wasn’t sure how to admit to anyone else out loud that it was very hard. Not because it was Gary – she really didn’t care about his devotion to his job or his golf or his mistress and was, in fact, glad of the chance to be away from him – but from anyone who set her heart racing and ignited feelings of lust, longing and laughter.

‘We’re lucky, really,’ she obscured. ‘We get to live a good life really on the back of it.’

‘Well, let’s be honest,’ Ryan shot back, ‘it’s Gary that’s lucky.’

He was looking right at her, and Penny blushed slightly, a tinge rising her in her cheeks. She looked into her glass and laughed, nervously.

‘Stop it,’ she said, without looking up.

‘He’s right, Mrs A,’ Ben added. ‘Gary doesn’t deserve you. You look after him and Alex, and he’s nothing but an arse.’

‘I wouldn’t say he’s nothing but an arse,’ she responded, feeling she should really defend him.

‘Okay,’ agreed Ryan, ‘he’s a fuckwit too.’

Penny laughed out loud and looked up as Ben and Ryan smiled.

‘Anyway,’ she added, ‘I’m lucky too. I get to live here and I have a really good lifestyle. I have everything I need.’

After a slight pause, Ben asked ‘Everything?’

Penny felt the inferno of her blush race from her feet to her cheeks, turning her nearly as red as her wine.

Her nervous laugh erupted again. ‘Pretty much everything,’ she lied.

‘Don’t you ever look around and think you could do better?’ Ryan asked casually.

Penny noticed he hadn’t really touched his beer and he seemed to be holding her gaze with a deliberate intensity. Ben had drunk a little more, but his attention seemed to have moved away from the can in his hand.

‘Ryan,’ she scolded him, returning his gaze but with lightness in the lilt of her voice, ‘you’re being too harsh on him. I feel like I’m out with the girls and we’re having a therapy session.’

Fairly sure she wasn’t even convincing herself, she crossed her legs and adjusted her position a little. She smoothed the floaty dress over her black stocking clad legs.

Interrupting, Ben said ‘He isn’t, Mrs A.’

Feeling a frisson in her thighs, Penny considered Ben.

He wasn’t as tall as Ryan, and was a little more firmly built. He also had a little more confidence (cockiness?) than Ryan, with much darker eyes that seemed to hold you in a beam She had never masturbated thinking of Ben, and she wondered now why not.

Looking away, she also felt, for the first time, their eyes wandering over her body.

She suddenly sensed a hunger as their eyes devoured her lithe figure, and she adjusted a little to ensure that her dress rode up a little at the risk of revealing her stocking tops.

Crossing her legs, she smiled coyly and looked back at them. Both were watching her. That hunger seemed to be growing, and she was feeling she should offer them a morsel. Taking a bigger gulp of her Merlot, she put it on the floor.

‘If I didn’t know better,’ she said more confidently than she had portrayed herself thus far to be, ‘I’d think you were both being very cheeky.’

They looked at each other, briefly, before looking back at her.

‘Well…’ Ryan began, ‘what would you say if we were?’

‘I’d tell you to stop being cheeky,’ she declared. ‘It’s not fair to tease someone.’

It was evident even to her that she was being utterly unconvincing. She drank again, deeply, as much to close her eyes and tilt her head back so she didn’t have to look at them.

‘Well,’ asked Ryan, ‘would it be different if we weren’t teasing?’

Penny took another mouthful, then returned their gaze. She didn’t answer, but she felt her cheeks burn. However, her cheeks were not alone. She could feel a stirring inside between her thighs, as she considered the brazenness of two very Sahabet Yeni Giriş handsome 20 year olds.

Moving to the side, Ryan made a space between him and Ben.

‘Why don’t you come and sit over here?’ he asked. Ben adjusted his position a little too. There was a clear space between them.

Penny considered the dynamics of the situation. She felt lust in the pit of her stomach. But she was married. And these were friends of her son. Much, much younger than her. Two of them.

However, she was already aroused by the sheer confidence of these two young men, as well as the lust she saw light up their eyes as they looked at her.

‘Boys,’ she chided gently, ‘I’m married.’

‘And you’re really fucking hot,’ Ryan shot back.

‘And married to a fucking idiot,’ Ben added.

This was something that Penny felt she couldn’t really argue with.

Penny had cheated on her husband before, and felt no guilt in doing it, but she had never had a threesum and she had never had sex with men twenty years younger than her, and certainly never with friends of her son. However, she had masturbated over it endlessly.

The space between Ben and Ryan beckoned her. The ache she now felt between her thighs, the stir she felt between the walls of her pussy, seemed irresistible.

Finishing the glass in the pregnant silence, she placed it on the floor and stood up. Without speaking she crossed to the second sofa and sat between the two men. For what felt like an eternity they sat looking at each other, her head moving from Ben to Ryan, then Ryan to Ben. Her hands were folded, ridiculously, across her lap as if she was an especially nervous interviewee.

The two young men looked at her, her lustrous red hair sitting gently on the straps of her black dress as she looked ahead, as if afraid to look to the side. Her soft, alabaster skin felt vulnerable to their stares and their hands.

‘You’re stunning, Mrs A,’ Ryan said. ‘I’ve always wanted you.’

‘Oh, stop,’ Penny giggled, unable to think of what else to say.

‘It’s true,’ chimed in Ben. ‘He’s always talking about you and what a lucky fucker Gary is.’

‘Really?’ asked Penny, holding Ryan’s eyes. ‘What else does he say?’

‘He says how much he wants to fuck you,’ Ben replied, bluntly.

She licked her lips, which were dry, as her heart beat fast. Her hands trembled slightly and she felt almost virginal again, waiting to see what would happen. It was impossible to speak, to form words, to do anything other than focus on the beat in her chest and the throb between her thighs.

When Ben reached over and placed his hand on her leg, she almost flinched. Still looking at Ryan, she sighed as she felt Ben’s hand slip down her dress, over her knee, to the sheer nylon of her stockinged calf.

As Ben stroked her leg, Ryan leaned in and caressed her face with his hand as his mouth closed on hers and he kissed her, deeply and firmly. Her heart, already pounding, beat even harder as his tongue searched for hers.

Suddenly, as well as Ben’s hand on her leg, she felt his lips on her neck. She savoured the feeling of one man kissing her, caressing her, while another tasted her delicate skin with his lips. She had imagined having two sets of lips pleasing her before, fantasised about being the focus of two lustful men, and here she was, in her living room, with two much younger bucks touching and pleasing her.

She felt Ben’s hand slip back up her leg, skimming over the nylon, under the hem of her dress as his lips gently sucked the flesh of her neck. His hand kept rising as Ryan kissed her, his lips on hers, his tongue on hers, and his hands on her cheek. Ben’s hand ran higher, gripping her leg more firmly, eager for the stocking top. As he kissed and teased her neck, moving to her ear, she moaned, breaking away from Ryan, her eyes closed and the pleasure enveloping her. Then Ben’s hands were on her stocking tops, where they found her suspender belt strap.

As Ryan kissed her, his hand started to slip down her neck just as Ben’s thumb toyed with the black lace of her suspender belt strap. Her body crackled with the sensation of two pairs of hands exploring her body. They were strong, young, urging and her body yearned for more.

Jolts of anticipation shot through her pussy. Hands skimmed her side, her collar bones, her throat. Closing her eyes she bathed in the sensation of fingers touching her over fabric, under fabric, on her exposed flesh.

‘I think that dress needs to come off, Mrs A,’ Ryan whispered in her ear, snapping her back to her senses.

Taking in the scene of which she was now part, she looked from Ben with his dark, short hair to Ryan, with his slightly longer brown hair and smiled. It had never occurred to her that this would happen, that two young men would want her together.

‘I think you’re right,’ she replied.

She stood between them, both pairs of fiery eyes on her as she shimmied the dress down over her curvy hips. It dropped to the floor and she looked at them as they drank in her mature body. Her boobs were encased in a black, lace bra, which hid the firmness of her nipples. As their eyes swam down the milky pool of her body they reached her black, lace clad pussy, topped with a matching black suspender belt which kept her firm, tight thighs encased in luxurious nylon.

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Casual Friday Ch. 02 – The Following Week

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That moment in the planning room had to be a one time thing. Co-workers who barely knew each other, playing footsies with private parts under the table? That’s not normal. I went home that Friday with nothing but sex on my mind. The weekend felt like an eternity. I can’t even begin to tell you the number of images and possible scenarios that raced through my mind over the weekend.

I was anxious to get back to work on Monday, just to see what, if anything, lay ahead. I was also slightly fearful. What if rumors were to spread? What if that brief moment in the planning room cost me my job? I honestly didn’t know anything about this woman. She could hold this entire erotic encounter we had right over my head. She was going to be in control of how things played out. This thought had me somewhat concerned, but it also had me slightly aroused.

With spring on the horizon, I’ve recently been working on getting in shape. I’ve been doing brief morning workouts in my basement, then I finish the day taking long walks. It’s not just to get in shape though, it also helps give me a place to go and clear my mind. My walks include listening to a lot of sex podcasts. As much as I love music, listening to different sex podcasts has been quite relaxing. Let’s just say I did a lot of walking and a lot of podcast listening over that weekend.

Then Monday finally arrived. It wasn’t exactly what I expected. I didn’t even see her in the building that day. Maybe she had quit? Maybe our encounter on Friday was her naughty departure from a job she never really liked? Maybe she was just lonely, or looking for someone to start her weekend off with a bang? I can’t make too many assumptions. The only thing I knew about this woman was her large curvy build and an incredibly alluring personality that just sucked you in.

My assumptions were quickly put to rest on Tuesday. I saw her from a distance in the late afternoon. I was erect within seconds. Rubbing her foot between my legs was still fresh on my mind. Unfortunately that was the last time I would see her for the remainder of the week. We didn’t cross paths at work, not once. Maybe she was avoiding me, maybe she was embarrassed?

By Friday, I had come to terms with our encounter being a random one time thing. I was finally clearing my head and getting back into my usual routines. I recently learned that there was an old trail Sahabet system behind our building that was once used for hiking, jogging or walking dogs. About a mile long, it was supposedly a great place to burn some calories or just enjoy nature. After work that day, I broke out the shorts, hoodie and running shoes, grabbed my water bottle and went for a little exploration hike.

It was a nice long loop that went well into the woods, up to the edge of a cornfield, then back down into the woods again. There were some challenging hills and some wooden ramps to walk across. Most of the trees and brush were still grey and lifeless from the long winter. Occasionally I’d come across a few green plants starting to sprout. Spring was definitely on the horizon, and this 70 degree day was definitely helping the vegetation slowly come back to life.

There didn’t seem to be any activity on the trail, which was very relaxing. I came to a spot where there were a few fallen trees, mostly off in the brush, but still bordering the edges of the path. The fallen trees had a lot of carved graffiti on them. Even though the graffiti looked extremely old and worn, it was clear that people, at one time or another, used this little trail system to hang out.

From this point I looked ahead and saw the start of a steep, downward, zigzagging section of the trail. The daylight was slowly fading, but a few random beams of sunlight broke through the tree branches to add extra light to the path. It was actually quite breathtaking. Before I began my descent, I briefly fumbled with the music playlist on my phone, when I heard a noise….

There was someone walking through the zigzagging section of the trail. I could see small portions of their white shirt through the brush. They were walking towards me. I was about to turn around and head back. I’ve been feeling anti social, and I just wanted to keep moving. Instead, I decided to move off to the side, so they could pass while I was pretending to re-lace my shoes. As I was adjusting my shoe laces, I heard a familiar voice already upon me, say, “How was your week?”

I knew it was her before I even looked up. Sitting on the edge of a fallen tree was the woman I had the encounter with. She was taking a sip from a water bottle and looking at me curiously. My erection was already back. I was momentarily speechless.

It Sahabet Giriş wasn’t that she was a supermodel or anything. There was just something about her. Her large build, her curvy body, her comforting, social personality, her cute voice. She often dressed very casual at work. Her clothes ran very tight. She had a lot of butt that jiggled, thick thighs and large hands. I was always dying to know what she looked like under her clothes. I wanted to see her legs spread open. The thought of her overwhelmingly sized pussy always had my blood flowing and my heart racing. She always had my imagination working overtime. In short, her body came off as a giant amusement park full of fun, and I wanted to buy the all day pass.

I stood up and went to lean against the tree she was sitting on. We started talking about our week. While she was talking, I tried not to stare, but I couldn’t help but notice all of her large features, especially now that I was much closer to her. She was sexually intimidating.

I don’t think about fucking every woman that walks past me, but there was just something about this woman that hypnotized me every time we were near each other. Mentally I was her slave. She constantly distracted me, turning anything I was focused on into naughty thoughts.

As our conversation slowed down, she took another sip from her water bottle, then took off her zip up sweat jacket and laid it across the fallen tree, behind her. She laid back down on her jacket, appearing to be taking a moment to cool off from her steep hike.

I wasn’t exactly sure how to continue the conversation, so I walked around sipping my water bottle, as if I wanted to keep moving. When I turned around to face her again, she was still laying on her back, but now with both feet raised onto the tree. It was like she was on an examination table. Her legs were beginning to slightly pivot outward. That’s when I noticed her slowly rubbing herself. Her large hand was slowly massaging her inner, upper thighs, and then she’d run her large fingers between her legs, sometimes lightly tapping her lady parts.

Her pants were 3/4 long and tight around her legs and ass. They weren’t athletic pants. They almost looked like more of a pajama material, but they weren’t baggy at all. As my eyes slowly traveled up from her lower region, I noticed she was also playing Sahabet Yeni Giriş with her right nipple. My cock was throbbing again. I felt a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. Then my eyes met her eyes.

I was so captivated from watching her body language, I didn’t even realize I had walked up to her feet. I could feel my heart racing. Why did she keep doing this to me? I kneeled down to get a closer look at her hand massaging herself. Her tight pants made her features easily stand out underneath the material. She was very swollen between her legs.

I should have been thinking about what to do next. I was too mesmerized by the show she was putting on. I couldn’t think straight. Before I could get my thoughts together, I suddenly felt her fingers curling around the back of my neck. She was guiding me in.

She stopped rubbing herself as she pulled my head towards her. As my lips almost touched the lips between her legs, I could see the color of her pants, where her hand had been. It appeared damp and dark colored. She was dripping wet below her pants. As much as I wanted to tear her pants off, I had to remind myself that she was in control. I felt the warm wetness that her pants absorbed on my lips. Light and slowly I kissed every part of her that was warm and wet.

I wanted to stroke her with my fingers, but she was holding my head so close and securely between her legs, that I couldn’t bring my hand into play. As a largely built woman, I could tell she had an extremely wide region between her legs that my lips and tongue would have to cover. I pressed the flat, wide section of my tongue against her and started making a circular motion with my head. She started slowly moving her pelvic region in a circular motion. I could taste her, even through her clothes. My face was starting to get wet. We had a nice system going.

What turned me on the most was the unyielding grip she had of my head between her legs, with my face and tongue pressed firmly against her pussy. My face was becoming as wet as she was. Her pants were drenched. She was lightly moaning, making sounds that displayed pleasure and desire.

I began to wonder how this was all going to play out. Was she going to have me on my knees working overtime, soaking through her moist pants, until she got what she wanted? Were we finally going to throw our clothes off and fuck like lions? Was I going to climb on top and force my cock into her, endlessly thrusting until she was out of breath? Was I even going to get a single glimpse of this steamy, hot, dripping pussy that had always played a lead role in my naughty fantasies?

It wouldn’t be long before dusk set in.

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Senior Therapy

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Who better to experience “therapy” with than someone in a similar situation, so it began when I met Carol. Back in those days the Internet was wide open, sites that advertised “personals” were mostly still “free”; the greed and exploitation for money had not quite started. Back in those days Yahoo Personals was such a site.

Carol had a lot of the same frustrations as I had back then, a libido that was far more active and in need of more than her man was giving. Yes, they would have sex but there was no foreplay and after a few minutes of grunting, bumping and grinding he blew his load, turned over and fell asleep, leaving her to take care of herself and very frustrated.

Our relationship began with emails which eventually got more and more erotic to the point that when I was out of town on business we would have strings of late night emails. I confessed early on to Carol that I was pleasuring myself while we emailed; she enjoyed my confession. After a few months of this we arranged to meet at a state park convenient for both of us; that is when I found out she had a young grandchild she was watching on her days off. Let me tell you about Carol. She is a smart and practical lady; she was several inches shorter than me, I am just short of six feet. I would describe her shape as fuller figured, not really quite a BBW; she filled out her jeans nicely which she wore most of the time; her bosom was more than ample and I would find out later that she had a couple of the thickest nipples I have ever enjoyed. Did I mention she had her own Harley that she road regularly? A motor cycle riding grandmother, OH MY! With her grandchild not of school age yet, that is how we arranged to meet up; she would come to the park for walks and we would have casual conversations while we walked around the lake; our conversations were mostly about our frustrations at home; it is how we dealt with our situations.

One hot mid summer day we arranged to meet up at a different state park, that would be our first meeting when she did not have her grandchild with; that is also the day when our relationship started to get physical. We got into the back seat of my company car where she discreetly exposed her breasts one at a time; I made sure she understood how much I appreciated the view. What I learned quickly about Carol, she was so frustrated physically and erotically at home that most any suggestion or slight hint I would make to her that involved her showing me her body and me showing myself to her, she would be more than willing to try at least once. She was more than willing to show me her breasts anytime she could do so discreetly. One afternoon, at a different local park, she was sitting on my lap, pretty much in plain sight of anyone in the area, she managed to uncover one of her breasts for me. She was getting very comfortable with the thought of baring a breast for me anytime and I was enjoying her efforts and made sure she knew that. She was also getting bolder and bolder and more daring about exposing her breasts.

We started meeting regularly after she got off work, especially when she knew her other half would be at work when we were meeting up. We also started going for rides in the country, using the back roads a lot; we would find a quiet place to park for a while to talk and enjoy each other’s company. I don’t remember exactly when and where it happened; we were probably having a conversation, maybe teasing each other some about wanting to see more of each other, maybe making suggestions via email as we still communicated that way a lot. Sitting across from one another at a picnic table Sahabet one evening, she suggested I take a look under the table; I did; her thighs were spread; her jeans were unbuttoned; she was rubbing her hand on her panties and pulling them aside just enough so I could see some of her dark pussy hair. OH MY!!! What next? She excused herself and went to use the ladies room nearby; when she returned she said “Let’s go” and we went to the parking lot. She got in my car, sat for a few moments before she opened her purse and pulled out her bra and panties, and smiled at me.

Looking around to see if anyone was watching, she let me see her nipples one at a time. She fixed herself up that way, then unzipped her jeans, wiggled a bit before pulling them down just enough so I could see her whole bush and pussy area for the first time. She let me look for a while, as long as no one came close to where we were parked; all the while she smiled at me. When she put herself back together she paused for a while then said, “It’s your turn; I want to see you below.” I slouched down some, unzipped my pants, managed to expose the head of my penis for her. Now I am not God’s gift to women; certainly no adult video star; not even sure I am “average” size. I was nervous at that moment, exposing myself some for Carol in a semi public setting. It was my turn to make a suggestion. I whispered to her, “Go ahead, touch it if you want.” She did more than just touch; she squeezed and massaged the head of my penis for the first time. I don’t recall if I ejaculated then; if not, I am sure when I got home I pleasured myself to climax. Carol and I crossed the line that evening; our times together after would change forever. We started wanting a little more after that evening.

I recall going for a ride with her late one morning; we headed to a popular state fishing area; we parked in such a way that we could see anyone from blocks away approaching where we were parked. We were alone in the parking area, I turned to her and asked if I could see her below; Carol did not hesitate. She unzipped her jeans; wiggled them down to her knees; wiggled her panties down to her knees, then turned slightly and spread her thighs. A little while later she reached down with her hands to spread her labia apart; she let me have a nice long look. She made herself modest again, looked me in the eye and said, “It’s your turn.” I got my pants undone and my underwear below my knees, shifted slightly to face her and spread my thighs apart; I let her have a look for as long as she wanted. I was not embarrassed by my lack of size ever with Carol; she might have even done some touching and fondling that day?

The more we started discreetly exposing ourselves for each other, the more the topics for discussion in our emails got more and more personal; we shared thoughts and concerns about how far we wanted to take the physical part of our friendship. We both confessed to wanting more and doing more as older adults; we had crossed the line of exposing ourselves; it was then that we decided to start sharing the cost of a room for total privacy, and we did, anytime we could have at least four hours of what we referred to as “naptime”. We would agree upon a location; I would make the arrangements; I would leave a note with the room number on my car; she would enter through a side entrance and make her way to our room. Once inside we would do whatever we were in the mood for that day.

What I especially liked about Carol; she had a very active libido; she was almost always willing to try new things especially in private. She Sahabet Giriş was starved for physical pleasure at home; whatever didn’t happen at home, she was free to express herself in private with me; and she did not disappoint!!! She liked being sensual and sexual; it wasn’t about being nude, it was more about being dressed up just enough to be very desirable and more. She knew I enjoyed her breasts a lot so she would make her breasts that much more appealing; she went so far as to wear bras with open fronts that showed her nipples. She even got nipple clips to wear for naptime. The other thing she did was wear a thong; she did not have the body for a thong but it made her feel very sensual and sexual wearing a thong for me. I did not have the body for a man thong but I wore one just for her regularly. It was more enjoyable being barely modest in private and teasing and seducing one another then just getting nude right away.

Carol did whatever Carol wanted to do with me, to me, for me…in private, during naptime. Yes, we did try to get some actual naptime in. It was nice to wrap ourselves around each other’s barely modest body, feel the warmth, experience the joy of being that close to each other.

One of the benefits of naptime, being in private together, we would regularly expose ourselves for one another. Carol would remove her thong, get comfortable, spread her labia and give me a long private show that left nothing to my imagination; she was completely exposed to the point that her clit was plainly visible as was the entrance to her vagina. More than a few times she would give me a long look into her vagina and at times the experience was such a turn on that I would have a spontaneous climax. In private Carol was more free than ever to do whatever she wanted which meant lots of touching and fondling and groping and molesting me, and I liked everything she did. She never had enough of playing with my penis and balls; I loved her touch. I was her private, personal man toy.

She got very comfortable pleasuring me especially with her fingers. She did everything in private with me that she did not do at home. I loved when she made me cum; it felt soooooo good ejaculating; she liked the feel of my fresh hot man seed on her fingers. There were occasions when she would make me climax early just so she could spread my cum on my package, then play more and make me have a second ejaculation. What I think both of us enjoyed about her wanting to make me climax a second time, it took a lot longer for that to happen so that meant she got to play with me longer and longer. The more she got to play with my penis and balls, the more she enjoyed it and more she wanted to make me cum. It got to the point that when we would go for just a drive, she would pleasure me with her hand regularly.

One time we went to a state park and went for a walk along one of its trails; it happened to be a weekday and the park was pretty much empty. We walked to the one overlook, she leaned against the railing over the spillway; I was behind her groping her bottom thru her jeans. At one point I got right up against her and started to dry hump her from behind; the more I humped, the more she pushed back against me. We continued down the trail, every now and then I would give her bottom a squeeze. Finally she stopped along the trail, turned to face me, put her hand inside my sweat pants and inside my boxers, and did not stop until I made a creamy mess all over her hand and in my boxers. I nearly collapsed when I climaxed; I had to put my hands on her shoulders to keep myself from falling Sahabet Güncel Giriş to the ground because my knees got very weak from her having her way with me.

One time we went to an adult book/toy store to shop for a toy; we found a vibrator that was about my size, I bought it for her. Not long after we planned a naptime date and she brought the toy along. I had never played with a woman with a toy before. During our afternoon she got very comfortable on the bed, she got the toy out, turned it on and proceeded to put on a show, then invited me to use the toy on her. We had not had intercourse yet, yet in my mind we were doing the act except I was using a surrogate penis. In and out, in and out, in and out; at times I would leave it all the way inside her and when I would pull it out all the way I could look deep into her vagina, the toy stretched her vagina open that much.

There had been times Carol would suggest to me about wanting my penis in her mouth; I left that choice to her. It was a naptime date at a pretty nice place; I think the person checking us in knew what we were wanting the suite for??? We got very cozy in the suite to the point we were actually starting to nap. I had only boxers while Carol was barely covered below and completely bare from the waist up. Because I was so accustomed to Carol having her way with me, touching very privately and making me climax, I thought nothing when she tugged on my boxers and eventually removed them completely; I even had my eyes shut. I felt a new sensation, when I looked down I realized that Carol had my penis in her mouth. She was not giving me a blow job; instead she was taking her time nibbling on me like I was some delicious dessert.

She took her time giving me oral pleasure; I stroked and caressed her hair gently all the while I was I her mouth. The experience was more sensual that sexual. At one point I could feel a change in what she was doing; I was feeling more and more suction and her tongue was all over the head of my penis and once in a while I felt her tongue probe and explore the opening which was leaking precum. I let her know I could not hold on much longer; she simply continued doing what she had been doing until my penis throbbed and I erupted in her mouth. My eyes were wide open at that moment; I looked down at her, into her eyes, all she did was give me the sweetest smile when she let go of my penis. There was not a drop of cum on me, she had cleaned off every last drop and swallowed my entire load. I really enjoyed how Carol gave me oral pleasure, as noted earlier it was more sensual than sexual; I felt like my penis was a special dessert for her. She would be the first grandmother to give me that kind of oral pleasure but not the last.

We saw each other for several years; sometimes we just had lunch; sometimes she would bake cookies for me when I would go out of town on business; we made time for each other as much as our schedules allowed. As her grandchild got older it got more difficult to get the kind of time together we had gotten used to having, especially naptimes. We tried our best to set up a whole night together but could not get that arranged conveniently. One afternoon one nice early Spring day, we were at a state park close to where she lived; we had been in one of the park’s shelters; I had been playing with her breasts, massaging her nipples and kissing each other. When we got back to the parking area, she was sitting next to me in my car, she had her hand in my lap, helping herself, something both of us had gotten very used to and both enjoyed. A truck drove past and she recognized it and the driver, it was her neighbor! We did not know if he had recognized her vehicle; we decided to cool things off a lot and it would be a long time before we would see each other in person, let alone enjoy the pleasures we had gotten so used to enjoying together.

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The Office Fun Pt. 06

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Frank woke up Sunday morning to the girls still holding onto him and snuggled up to him on either side still, and his cock had its normal hard on. As he shifted Emma let go and rolled onto her stomach while Jane tucked her hand up under her chin. He noticed as Emma had rolled over, she had brought one leg up, opening herself up. He slowly, and carefully slid out from between the two beauties as to not wake them and saw that the way Emma was laying, he definitely had easy access to her pussy and from the looks of it, it was moist. Either from the night before or she was having a good dream, either way he was going to take advantage of it.

He carefully crawled up the bed till he was over her, his cock just inches from her opening, and then slowly placed the head at her entrance. He held it there to make sure she wasn’t going to wake before slowly pushing his cock inside her. As his head popped in Emma gave a soft moan. He held his cock there a moment to make sure that she wouldn’t wake and realized that with his size, this was going to be harder than he thought. When he was sure that she was still asleep he very slowly pushed his cock deeper inside of her and as he went as far as he could, Emma woke up and gasped in pleasure.

She looked back to see from over her from behind and felt his massive cock deep inside of her. She looked over at jane and noticed she was still asleep. She looked bac at frank over her shoulder and her held his finger up to his mouth in a hush sign.

“Shhhh, let’s not wake her just yet. I have a surprise for her.” He whispered to her.

Emma bit her bottom lip with a half-smile as she raised her ass up a little for him, making it easier for him to plunge his cock in and out of her. He started a slow and steady rhythm of sliding his monster cock in and out of her slick pussy, as he did that, Emma put her face in the pillow and could barley hear her muffled moans. It wasn’t long before he felt her pussy massage his cock and he knew that she was orgasming. She was Cumming hard too because he felt her juices running down his cock and onto his balls.

When she was done Cumming, she lifted her face out of the pillow and was panting, so he pulled his cock out of her, had her move down to the foot of the bed and got right in front of janes face. His cock was inches from her face, hard as a rock, and twitching with each beat of his heart. Emma crawled over and got behind him, reached her hands around him and took hold of his cock with one hand, and his balls with the other. She started to massage his balls as she stroked him, aiming his cock at janes face. Frank starting quietly panting and leaned his head back as he let Emma jerk him off. With her skills it wasn’t long before he felt the familiar feeling of needing to cum.

Emma knew he was about to cum and sped up with her stroking. Listening to the way frank was breathing she knew exactly when to aim his cock at jane and watched as he started to cum. Shot after shot of his warm cum shooting out and splattering all over janes face. On the first shot jane gasped, as she did she opened her mouth and when she did, she caught server loads in her mouth. She swallowed it as more cum hit her face. Emma kept stroking until there was nothing left coming out.

Jane looked up at Frank and Emma and smiled, feeling his cum run down her face. Emma crawled over to her and started to lick and kiss her all over her face, making gout with her as she shared the cum she had just licked off. They did that till her face was cleaned up. Frank just watched them as they made out and licked and ate his cum. When they were done they all went to the kitchen as frank cooked breakfast.

“You know,” Frank started.

“what you did to Shaun last night will probably make his year. Hell, he probably went home after work and jacked off a few times thinking about that blowjob you gave Sahabet he.

“that was fun, and he tasted pretty good to. I wouldn’t mind sucking his dick again and maybe riding that cock a little too.” Emma said giggle

Jane and I laughed with her as I set plates with eggs, bacon, and toast on them.

“I wouldn’t mind sucking his cock, but I just like sucking dick.” Jane said with a giggle.

As we sat there and talked I plan started to form in my head. As we finished breakfast I suggested that the girls go get a nice long, hot shower.

“Aren’t you going to join us?”

“not this time, there is something I need to take care of first.”

The girls nodded and headed off to the bathroom where the shower I had put in was big enough for about 5 people, and had multiple head on it. Once I heard the door close I grabbed my cell phone and called my neighbor.

“hey mike, is Shaun available? I was needing help with some things around the house and could use his help.”

“yea, I’ll send him over. He needs to get off that damn game anyways.”

I hang up the phone and a few minutes later I hear a knock at the door. I answer it and let Shaun in and had him sit down on the couch.

“we’ll get started in a few, let me go get some things and I’ll be right back.”

Shaun just nodded and sat there not saying a word as I went to the bathroom in my bedroom, where the girls where cleaning themselves off from this morning cum bath I had given them.

“you girls almost done?”

Emma looked back at him just as jane shut the water off.

“yep, all nice and clean. Now you can get us all dirty again. Hey, why did you get dressed, you were supposed to stay naked.” Emma said with a pout.

“I have my reasons. So, me a favor and get dressed and come on out to the living room.”

I turned and left without letting them respond. I went and grabbed one of my ties and went back out to the living room where Shaun was waiting.

“Hey, I have a surprise for you but you need to be blind folded first” I told him as I tied my tie around his eyes.

“keep that on till I pull it off of you” I tell him as I go back to my bedroom. The girls have just finished getting dressed when I walked in.

“when you girls come out, I want you to be extremely quiet.” Frank told them as he walked away.

Both girls looked at each other with a quizzical look but obeyed. I sat down on the couch and a few seconds later watched as the girls quietly walked in. it took them a second to realize that it was Shaun and they both grinned Jane got on her hands and knees and crawled over to where Shaun was while Emma walked over and, before sitting in my lap, pulled my cock out of my shorts and impaled herself with it. She went down as far as she could and was holding herself up with her legs so she wouldn’t hurt herself, or me for that matter. I grabbed a few of the pillows that were on the couch and put them under her, she had to raise up a little so I can fit enough under her before she slowly put all her weight down. The thickness was perfect, she was able to sit completely on my lap without my cock driving up into her throat and still gave us a little bit of room to spare. She slowly starts to slide up and down my cock as Jane slowly reached for Shaun’s shorts. When Jane touched his jeans, Shaun jumped but couldn’t go anywhere.

“Relax Shaun, you will love this I promise.” I told him, hoping to relax him.

“Mr. Jones, I… I…. I… I don’t swing that way.” He managed to studded out.

I chuckled as I told him, “I’m sure you don’t, that’s why its not me doing anything to you.”

Shaun looked over in my direction as Jane pulled his cock out of his shorts and took his soft cock in her mouth and started to suck on it. She bobbed her head few times on his cock then pulled it out while grabbing a hold of it, Sahabet Giriş giving it a few strokes to show that it was rock hard. She looked up at me and grinned as she engulfed his cock again and bobbed her head for a few minutes before pulling it out of her mouth again. When she did Emma leaned down, my cock still buried in her juicy pussy, and sucked on it while jane held onto it for her. By this time Shaun was starting to pant a little and leaning his head back, clearly enjoying the blowjob these two beauties where giving him. Emma sat up and jane took his cock in her mouth again and you can tell she was using all her skills on his man meat. It wasn’t long before you could tell Shaun was coming in her mouth. As the first shot hit her throat, jane slid all the way down till her nose was on his belly, swallowing everything he gave her.

When he was done, jane went to pull his cock out but I held her head on it and then guided her to a slow rhythm up and down his cock. She got the message and continued her rhythm as I reached up and slid the tie off his eyes. He looked over and saw Emma then looked down and saw that his cock was in janes mouth. She looked up at him and smiled as she slid his cock out of her mouth.

“I figured this would be better than being in your room and jacking off” frank told him.

All Shaun could manage was a nod as he stared at jane.

I leaned into Emma’s ear and whispered to her, “I want you to ride him. I want you to fuck him till he’s ready to explode, then have him cum allover your pretty little face.”

She looked at me and smiled as she got up, my cock flopping out of her and glistening with her juices. I motion for Jane to sit on my lap as Emma stands in front of Shaun. Jane sticks her ass out on front of me, grabs my cock, and impales herself onto it, driving my cock in deep and hard and making her cum instantly. Emma walked over to Shaun, lifted her skirt up to her waist letting him see her pussy, put a leg on each side of him while facing him, reach down and grabbed his cock and guided it to her entrance.

“is this your first pussy?” she asks as she lowers herself till his head enters her then slams down on him hard.

Shaun moaned as she did that and was un able to answer her as she started bouncing up and down his cock hard and fast. She grabs a hold of his shoulders and leans in to whisper something in his hear and then see him nod. There bodies making slapping noise as she rides him. While Emma is fucking Shaun, jane starts to ride my cock. Sliding up and slamming down, feeling my head hit her cervix each time and feeling her juices flowing over my cock and down my balls. It didn’t take jane long to reach her orgasm, lifting herself off my cock as she squirts her juices all over my lap. She then gets between my legs, yanks her shirt off, grabs my cock and sticks them between her breasts and slides them up and down my cock. The feel of her breasts sliding up and down my cock was too much and I was ready to explode, and I guess jane could tell because she took a hold of my cock and started to stroke it rapidly, aiming the head at her face. A few strokes later and I started to grunt as I started to shoot my load all over her face.

Between Jane’s titty fucking and watching Emma fuck the boy next door, I came harder then I could ever remember Cumming before. I think I shot about 7 or 8 huge loads all over her face. I noticed Shaun looking over and seeing jane, he gasped, and tapped Emma on her ass. She hopped off, got on her knees between his legs and started to jerk him off till he started to cum. He shot several good loads all over Emma’s face and when he was done, she licked his cock clean of her juices and cum. Both girls stood up, took off their clothes and dropped them on the floor, and walked back to the bathroom, naked.

I got up and followed them Sahabet Güncel Giriş to see what they were doing when I heard the shower come on. I turned back around and sat down next to Shaun. He was sitting on the couch looking extremely relaxed, his cock hanging out of his shorts and limp from the workout it just got. I just grinned at him as I sat down, my cock still hanging out and semi hard still. Shaun looked over and noticed my cock was sticking out and his eyes got huge.

“Holy shit Mr. jones, you have a fucking huge cock.” He said in surprise.

I just chuckled and rested my head on the back of the couch. A few minutes later the girls came back out all nice and clean, and naked. Emma sat on my lap and Jane sat on Shaun’s. They each leaned against us and snuggle.

“You’re a pretty good fuck there Shaun. Was I your first?” Emma asked.

“Yes, ma’am you were and it was better than I could ever have imagined and definitely better than my hand.”

We all laughed and she told him, “call me Emma. Besides, you’ve had that cock inside me, no sense in being so formal.”

Emma got up, picked up the pillows that were on my lap off of the floor and put them back on my lap. She stood up over me on the couch, and turned around so her ass was facing me and had a foot on either side of my thighs. She squatted down and took hold of my growing cock and guided it to her pussy, which was still dripping and dropped down on it. She then started to ride me reverse cowgirl style and moaning every time she slid down my pole.


She tensed up as she came on my cock and help her body there until her orgasm had subsided then continued to ride me.

“OH GOD… OH YES… FILL MY PUSSY UP FRANK!!!!!” she yelled.

It didn’t take long for her to cum again and again before I couldn’t hold back any more. I grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her down onto my cock as I emptied my balls deep in her pussy again.

“AHHH… AHHH… AHHH.” I moaned as I continued to cum inside of her.

When I had completely emptied my balls inside of Emma, I look over and noticed that Shaun and Jane where watching his and jane was slowly stroking Shaun very hard cock. Emma got off my lap and laid on the floor while jane got up, pulled Shaun off the couch so she could lean over my cock and start to cuck it clean. Shaun just watched as Jane started to clean my cock off, so Emma got up and guided Shaun back to the couch and had him kneel behind jane. She grabbed his cock and helped him guide it to janes open pussy and guide him in, then grabbed his waist and pushed and pulled him into a nice steady rhythm in and out of her. After a few thrusts, Shaun took over and started to fuck jane on his own, eventually slamming his cock into hard and as deep as he could go. What ever he was doing he was doing something right because every time he would slam into her, she would moan with my cock still in her mouth.

The more he pounded her pussy the harder she sucked on my cock, and it didn’t take long of that kind of sucking to bring me to the edge. Jane waved Emma over and she understood what she was wanting her to do as she got on her knees in front of me, jane popped my cock out of her mouth and Emma started to stroke me, hard and fast. She was only stroking me for a few seconds before I erupted, shooting my wad all over her face and tits.

“AHHHH… AHH… AHHHH.” I hollered with each shot.

As I’m Cumming I see jane out of the corner of my eye get on the floor in front of Shaun and start to jerk him off until he started Cumming. He came a fair amount considering he had cum so many times that day, but he cam all over her face, hair and tits. By the time we were all done Cumming, Shaun plopped on the couch, Emma and jane were both covered in cum, and we were all needing a break.

Shaun stood up and looked at us, “man this was a blast and I hate to do this but I have to go get ready for work.” As he got his clothes on and went out the door.

The girls grinned, took my hand and we all went to have a shower.

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A Untold Medieval Story Pt. 02

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Kapitel 2

“Los jetzt, geh endlich runter von ihm, du nimmersattes Luder”,brüllte Rudolf und zerrte die weiterhin perplexe Klara von Hannes herunter. Dabei zog er ihr Kleid samt Unterkleid aus.”Deine Fummel brauchst du nicht mehr. Haben ja eh schon alles Wichtige an dir gesehen. Jetzt bring uns etwas von dem gut riechenden Eintopf.”

Während Klara völlig nackt den Fremden in Holzschalen Eintopf servierte, mied sie den Blick zu ihrem Ehemann Peter. Sie war in Gedanken mit sich selbst beschäftigt. Sie wusste, dass sie Peter schwer gedemütigt und enttäuscht hatte. Dies glaubte sie in seinem Gesichtsausdruck gesehen zu haben. Aber welche Wahl hatte sie denn gehabt? Besser die Schande ertragen und weiterleben, als ihre Familie zu verlieren, dachte sie, bevor ein harter Klapps auf den Hintern sie aus diesen Gedanken riss.

“Nicht einschlafen, Schätzen. Nachdem du uns mit der Mahlzeit versorgt hast, wirst du dich als gute Gastgeberin um meinen Schwengel kümmern. Knie dich vor mir hin und mach es mir mit dem Mund”, befahl Jörg. Zuvor hatte er einen Schemel genau vor Peters Gesicht gestellt und nahm jetzt dort Platz, um sein Eintopf zu essen.

Klara folgte der Aufforderung und nahm den nach Urin und abgestandenem Schweiß stinkenden Prügel von Jörg in den Mund. Sie blies ihn ohne viel Elan nur bis zur Eichel, bis Jörg seine Mahlzeit beendete. Jörg kommentierte währenddessen Klaras Bemühungen an seinem Schwanz und war dabei zu Peter gewandt, dessen Kopf immer noch herabhing.

“Du bist ein guter Gastgeber, teilst Mahl und Weib mit uns, hahahaha.”

Niklas und Rudolf waren noch mit ihrer Mahlzeit beschäftigt und grölten laut über Jörgs sarkastische Feststellung. Hannes hingegen hatte seine Schale bisher nicht angerührt und lag still auf dem Rücken.

Nach einer Weile bemerkte Jörg: “Niklas, diese Hure ist mir zu lustlos. Ich könnte schwören, dass sie einen bestimmten Zuschauer braucht. So wie sie gerade unter den Blicken ihres Mannes auf unseren Jungen Hannes reagiert hat, hehehe. Komm her und ermögliche dem Köhler eine gute Aussicht, wie sein Eheweib von nun an ihre besonderen Mahlzeiten einnimmt.”

Niklas folgte dem Ruf und hielt Peters Kopf weiterhin in Position, während Peter gezwungen war zuzusehen, wie Jörg die beiden Zöpfe seiner Frau festhielt und ihren Kopf immer wieder hart an seinen Schwanz zog, sodass Klara fast die volle Länge des dicken Schaftes gurgelnd aufnehmen musste. Dabei verschwanden ihre Lippen in Jörgs Schamhaaren bei jedem tiefen Stoß. Gleichzeitig zwang er sie unter Androhungen dazu, abwechselnd zu ihm und zu ihrem Ehemann, mit großen Augen, hoch zu blicken.

Peter drehte sich bei diesem Anblick der Magen um, er musste Galle kotzen, während aus dem Mund seiner Frau Speichelfäden tropften. Er kochte vor Wut auf die Söldner, seine wutentbrannten Augen konnten sich jedoch nur weiterhin auf Klara richten. Rudolf, der jetzt mit Niklas getauscht hatte, sorgte weiterhin wie eine Schraubzwinge dafür. Klara interpretierte die wütenden Blicke ihres Mannes falsch und dachte, dass Peters Wut sich auf sie bezog. Gerade als Peter die nächste Rebellion gegen die Söldner starten wollte, umschlang Niklas mit seiner großen Pranke Peters Glied, wedelte ihm ordentlich einen und schob dabei den Dolchknauf in sein Arschloch hin und her.

Zu überrascht und geschockt, um zu protestieren verflog Peters Wut wieder rasch. Er ließ sich beschämt in einen Tagtraum gleiten. Er sah immer noch, wie Klara schmatzend an Jörgs Schwanz saugte, aber er sonderte dieses Faktum in Gedanken aus. Im Tagtraum kniete seine Ehefrau nämlich vor IHM.

ER zwang ihre beiden Zöpfe packend auf seinen Prügel in ihren Rachen. Immer wieder raus und rein, raus und rein stoßend, bis er Klara mit weit aufgerissenen, großen und geröteten Augen schlucken ließ. ER war es, der sein Weib kurz vor seiner Erlösung am Hinterkopf packte. Sie zwang seine Latte zur Gänze in ihren Schlund zu versenken und SEINE Ficksahne, ihr Schub um Schub einzuflößen, mit einem Ausruf „aaaaaaah, jetzt ist es soweit, alles runter damit du Kebse, jaaaaaaa so ist es gut, kein Tropfen darf auf den Boden landen, wenn du weißt, was gut für deine Familie ist”.

Zu der Zeit, als Jörg seine Eier in Peters Eheweib entleerte, kam auch Peter mit einem gewaltigen Orgasmus und einem unterdrückten Stöhnen. Unter dem Tisch landete schließlich seine erbärmlich Samenflüssigkeit. Die Reste wurden noch von Niklas Pranke herausgepresst, Tropfen für Tropfen landete es auf dem fest getretenen Boden, bis sein Glied erschlaffte und befriedigt war.

Danach sah Peter sein Weibe, wie sie mit verkniffenem Gesicht versuchte, ihren Mageninhalt bei sich zu behalten. Dabei stützte sie sich verzweifelt auf Jörgs Oberschenkel ab, der wiederum schnell die Reste seiner Ficksahne von seinem Prügel auf ihrem roten Haupte genüsslich abwischte.

Peter fühlte sich beim Beobachten dieser Szene sehr schuldig. Seine Frau tat ihr Bestes, um sie alle drei heil aus dieser Sache herauszubringen, und er hatte dazu nichts beizutragen gehabt, außer sich wie eine Starzbet Kuh melken zu lassen. “Es wäre so oder so passiert”, versuchte er sich die Situation in Gedanken schönzureden.

Klara und Jörg lösten sich fast gleichzeitig voneinander, als Jörg sie endlich freigab. Während Klara seitlich hustend und ausspeiend zu Hannes’ Füßen umkippte, ließ Jörg sich rücklings völlig befriedigt von dem Schemel fallen und keuchte schwer atmend: “Verdammt, das hatte ich nötig.”

“Wirklich gut gemacht, ihr habt uns beiden eine geile Vorstellung geboten!” meldete sich triumphierend Rudolf wieder zu Wort, wobei er mal Klara und mal Peter fies betrachtete.

„Ich muss aber mit Verdruss feststellen, dass wir euch mit unserem unlauteren tun entzweit haben könnten. Wir möchten nicht, dass eure Ehe unter diesen Umständen leiden muss. Um uns das Gegenteil zu beweisen, soll dein Weib dir einen langen, innigen Zungenkuss geben. Das reicht uns als Beweis, dass ihr euch noch genauso liebt wie heute Morgen”, forderte Rudolf die Eheleute auf.

Peter schüttelte verneinend sofort den Kopf, als er diese Forderung hörte, während Klara weiterhin gegen ihre Schmerzen im Rachenbereich kämpfte und versuchte, ihren Mageninhalt zu behalten. Sie verstand nicht den vollen Umfang, was der Ritter von ihnen verlangte.

Niklas unterbrach sofort das verneinende Kopfschütteln von Peter, indem er ihn mit seinen Händen festhielt und ihm ins Ohr zischte: “Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Weib später mein Samen aus deinem Arschloch schlecken muss, sage ihr jetzt, dass sie dich küssen soll!”

„Mein… Herz, ich liebe… dich. Bitte, ich will dich küssen. Komm und hebe deinen Mund zu mir hoch”, kam jetzt abgehackt die niedergeschlagene und erzwungene Bitte von Peter an seine Ehefrau.

Klara erhob sich mit Mühe und schleppte sich auf Knien zu Peter. Innerlich freute sie sich, dass die Vergewaltiger endlich von ihr abgelassen hatten und sie nun nach ihrem Mann sehen konnte, der ihr das Geschehene nicht nachzutragen schien.

Als sie jedoch das bekümmerte Gesicht ihres Mannes und die höhnisch grinsenden Fratzen der Räuber sah, erkannte sie deutlich, was die Räuber als nächstes Perverses von ihnen verlangt hatten, und ihre Vorfreude über diesen Kuss erstarb so schnell wie er gekommen war. Dann, immer noch kniend, hob sie beschämt Peters Wangen mit beiden Händen an und setzte ihre Lippen auf die seinigen. Unmittelbar darauf schob sie ihm ihre Zunge hinein und begann zurückhaltend einen Tanz der Zungen.

Nachdem Peter sich an Jörgs abgestandenem, salzigem Geschmack aus dem Mund seiner Frau gewöhnt hatte, begann er sogar, diese kleine Zärtlichkeit an diesem Tag zu genießen, an dem er die schlimmsten Demütigungen seines Lebens erlebt hatte.

“Hört, hört, wie sie an den Resten von Jörgs Saft schlecken und schmatzen. Da ist wohl jemand auf den Geschmack von Männlichkeit gekommen. So, genug geturtelt, Hannes muss verbunden werden, du nimmersattes Luder”, bemerkte Rudolf bösartig lachend und zog Klara an den Haaren auf die Füße von ihrem Ehemann weg.

Hannes lag mittlerweile im Fieberdelirium, während Klara den alten Verband abnahm. Alle, die sich um Hannes herum versammelt hatten, außer Peter, sahen die stark angeschwollene, entzündete und eitrige Wunde.

“Das sieht nicht gut aus. Wenn er das überlebt, werden wir wohl länger hier bleiben müssen, bis Hannes wieder auf den Beinen ist. Außerdem brennt der Junge wie ein Ofen”, bemerkte Niklas besorgt und legte eine Hand auf die Stirn des Jungen.

Klara war froh, eine Aufgabe zu haben, die sie von den vergangenen Missbräuchen und ihrer aktuellen Nacktheit ablenkte. Sie säuberte die Wunde so gut es ging von Eiter, währenddessen hatte Jörg von Peters bestem Hemd lange Stoffstreifen abgeschnitten und es ihr gereicht. Sie knotete die Streifen gekonnt zu langen Streifen und verband damit Hannes Wunde.

“Mehr können wir für Hannes nicht tun. Jörg, hol du einen Eimer Wasser vom Bach und schau dich mal um, ob alles ruhig in der Umgebung ist. Jetzt hilft nur abwarten und zum Herrn Gott beten, dass der Junge den Wundbrand überlebt. Lege ihm noch einen nassen, kühlen Verband auf die Stirn”, befahl Rudolf Klara, bevor er den umgefallenen Schemel wieder aufstellte und sich neben Peter setzte.

Das weitere Vorgehen musste überdacht werden. Gegenwärtig genoss er die gute Sicht auf Klaras Hintern, während er gedankenverloren den wieder schlaff herunterhängenden Kopf von Peter mit der linken Hand kraulte, als ob er einem Hund verdeutlichen wollte, dass er brav gewesen war.

Sobald Klara mit dem Stirnverband fertig war, stand Rudolf auf und war vom Anblick ihrer saftigen, kleinen, alabasterweißen Hinterbacken erregt. Er stürmte auf Klara zu, zwang sie den Oberkörper auf dem Ehebett zu drücken und den Hintern herauszustrecken. Dabei zwang er sie, kniend und breitbeinig zu positionieren und fesselte ihre Arme auf den Rücken mit den übriggebliebenen Verbandstoffresten.

Klara flehte ihn daraufhin winselnd an „bitte Herr, nicht so grob, ich tu ja Starzbet Giriş alles was von mir verlangt wird.” Rudolf keuchte vor Erregung „dann halte jetzt schön still während ich es dir in deinen Arschloch besorge, schön lockerlassen und dagegenhalten, wenn ich ihn dir rein schiebe.”

Er spuckte einen schleimigen Rotz auf ihre Rosette, verteilte ihn und platzierte dann seine Eichel dort. Mit grober Gewalt drang er Zentimeter um Zentimeter in Klaras Darmausgang ein, bis er den Schließmuskel überwand und eine Weile ihre Enge genoss.

“aaah eng, verdammt eng, da war noch definitiv niemand drin” kommentierte er lustvoll.

Klara, die noch Jungfrau in ihrem Anus war, schrie verzweifelt bei der Eroberung ihrer letzten unbenutzten Körperöffnung auf. Peter bäumte sich daraufhin auf und schrie voller inbrünstiger Verzweiflung: “Lass endlich ab von ihr, du sodomitisches Schwein!” Jetzt zog Niklas erbost den Knauf des Dolches aus Peters Hintern.

„Du solltest dich lieber um deinen eigenen Arsch kümmern, Freundchen.” Dann schob er, ohne viel Federlesens, seinen dicken Prügel in Peter hinein. Unmittelbar begann er, Peter brutal in seinen Darm zu stoßen. Nach einigen Minuten kurzer Stöße hatte auch Rudolf Klara gut geschmiert und konnte sie nun bis zum Anschlag pflügen, sodass sein Becken bei jedem vollen Stoß auf ihren Arschbacken klatschte.

Dieses dauerhafte rhythmische Geräusch, mit dem Blick auf Rudolfs haarigen und faltigen Arsch, war nun Peters kleine Welt geworden. Er lag apathisch da und konnte es nicht wahrhaben, festgebunden auf dem Tisch, wie eine Frau, die von einem widerwärtigen Kerl genommen wird, wimmernd gefickt zu werden.

„Die Rosette von der ist köstlich eng, Niklas. Aaaaah, das musst du mal unbedingt probieren”, sagte Rudolf zu Niklas, während er Klara weiter mit tiefen Stößen in den Arsch traktierte. Er schlug ihr mit der flachen Hand immer wieder abwechselnd auf ihre hellen Arschbacken, bis sie knallrot glühten. Rudolf hielt sie weiter fest mit beiden Händen an ihrer Taille, um sie festhalten und bis zum Anschlag tiefer stoßen zu können.

Klara schluchzte und jammerte nur noch bei jedem Stoß von Rudolf um Gnade „ah… ah… ahhh.. ich flehe dich an Herr, dort reinzustecken ist unchristlich uuuuughhhh.

Peter musste weiter mit ansehen, während Niklas ihm unermüdlich Schmerzen im Arsch verursachte, wie der große, haarige und tief hängende Hoden des Ritters bei jedem Stoß auf die Möse seiner Frau feucht klatschte und dabei ihr kurze Schmerzensschreie entlockte.

Ihre kleinen Füße reckten sich zitternd bei jeder folgenden Penetration vor Schmerzen in die Höhe. Da sie weiterhin auf dem Boden kniete, wurde Rudolfs Fickbewegung in keiner Weise behindert. Er bewegte seinen behaarten Arsch weiterhin vor und zurück, um Peters Eheweib mit lauten Grunzlauten weiterhin in den Hintern zu rammeln.

Gegenwärtig zwang er sie jetzt, an einem ihrer Zöpfe ziehend, das Klara den Kopf nach links zu ihm zurückwendete. So konnte Rudolf voller Wonne beobachten, wie Klaras Mimik sich bei jedem seiner Stöße vor Schmerzen verzerrte. Der Anblick dieser verheulten, geröteten Augen, der tränenbedeckten Wangen und der vor Schmerzen zitternden Lippen brachte Rudolf schließlich die Erlösung seines Lebens: “Jaaaaa, geiles Ding du, ooooh jaaaa jetzt fülle ich dein Weib ordentlich mit meiner ritterlichen Soße ab.”

Als letztes schlug Rudolf Klara noch einmal hart auf die Arschbacke, bevor er sich aus ihrem Darm herauszog und rücklings zur Erholung, erstmal schwer atmend auf den Boden warf.

Klara lag weiterhin still zitternd mit dem Oberkörper auf dem Ehebett, nur ihre unermüdlich zitternden kleinen Füße und die Schluchzer, die ihren Mund gelegentlich verließen, zeigten, wie stark Rudolf ihr innerstes im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes aufgewühlt hatte.

Peter, der Niklas’ Tortur inzwischen überstanden und erleichtert darüber war, dass Niklas fertig geworden, bevor seine Frau die ihm zugefügte Demütigung bemerkt hatte, sah mit Entsetzen, wie aus dem After seiner Frau ein Rinnsal von Rudolfs Samen floss. Es war mit Blut durchtränkt, und die zuvor verdrängten Gedanken schossen ihm in den Sinn: Sah es bei ihm genauso aus, was nun von Niklas und ihm vermischt seine Hoden heruntertropfte?

Rudolfs Samen in des, kämpfte sich weiter Klaras Fotze benetzend die Oberschenkel sickernd herunter, bemerkte Peter widerwillig.

Nach schier endloser Zeit für die missbrauchten, keiner der Anwesenden hatte sich großartig vom Fleck bewegt, begann der Säugling wieder an zu greinen.

„Bring dein Balg zum Schweigen, ich hau mich jetzt aufs Ohr. Ich will die Nacht über nichts hören, Niklas sag Jörg wenn er wieder zurück ist, dass die Wache für die Nacht unter euch beiden aufgeteilt wird ” befahl Rudolf, löste Klaras Fesseln, warf sich dann neben Hannes auf das Ehebett und setzte unmittelbar danach zu einem lauten Schnarchen an.

Klara rappelte sich erschöpft und gedemütigt auf, nahm das Kind mit steifen Armen aus der Wiege, setzte sich auf die Bettkante gegenüber Starzbet Yeni Giriş ihrem Mann und fing an ihr Kind zu stillen, während Rudolfs hinterlassenschaften mittlerweile über ihre Waden krochen.

Sie schaute während des Stillens mit einem leeren, steifen Gesichtsausdruck an ihrem Ehemann vorbei. Sie schienen weit, sehr weit entfernt in ihren Gedanken verloren zu sein.

Peter war sichtlich peinlich und unangenehm berührt, dass er immer noch eine halbe Erektion hatte, während seine Frau gewaltsam in all ihre Löcher gewaltsam fremdbesamt wurde. “War er denn genauso pervers wie die Räuber geworden?” dachte er irritiert, bis endlich der Schlaf ihn übermannte und ihn von den trüben, verwirrenden Gedanken befreite.

Ein erneutes Weinen mitten in der Nacht weckte Peter auf, doch er fiel wieder in den Schlaf zurück, als er Klara zu ihrem Sohn sagen hörte: “Sch… sch… alles gut, Schatzi. Mama liebt dich doch, brauchst keine Angst. Hier, nimm meine Brust und trink.”

Klara ging in dieser Nacht alle Fluchtpläne durch, die ihr in ihrem apathischen Zustand einfielen. Sie verwarf sie jedoch immer wieder, da Jörg und Niklas ihr Lager unmittelbar vor der Tür aufgebaut hatten und dort fest schliefen. Es war also unmöglich, ihr Kind zu schnappen, Peter zu befreien und durch die Tür zu fliehen. Durch die schmale Fensterlade hätte sie zwar ihr Kind und sich hinauszwängen können, wenn keine Tierhaut davor gespannt und mit Nägeln befestigt gewesen wäre. Das Entfernen davon hätte zu viel Krach verursacht und die Räuber geweckt.

Diese Ausweglosigkeit ließ Klara verzweifeln. Sie hatte deutlich gehört, wie der Hüne Peter vergewaltigt hatte, das Knarzen des Tisches und das Aufheulen von Peter, die stoßweise kamen. Was dies zu bedeuteten hatte, kannte sie seit dem heutigen Tag leider nur zu gut.

“Irgendwann wachte Peter wiederholt auf, dieses Mal aus einem Albtraum. Er vernahm, wie seine Ehefrau die halbe Nacht weinte, hustete und mehrmals erbrach. Nach einem dieser hysterischen Anfälle bekam Peter mit, wie der Ritter zu ihr rief, sich zwischen Hannes und Rudolf zu legen und Hannes zu umarmen: ‘Der Junge braucht Wärme, hab dich nicht so, mach schon.’ Klara folgte dem Befehl, legte sich zwischen die Räuber, umarmte den stocksteifen, kalten Hannes unwillig, während Rudolf sie von hinten umarmte und sie trocken stieß, bis alle wieder tief einschliefen.”

Am nächsten Morgen weckte Jörg alle mit dem Ausruf: “Aufwachen, Leute, mit Hannes stimmt etwas nicht!” Klara, die Hannes weiter umarmte, bemerkte, wie steif und kalt er mittlerweile war, und sie nahm den süßlich beizenden Geruch des Todes wahr, der von Hannes ausging.

Sofort stürzte sie sich vor Angst rückwärts zum Fußende des Bettes und lehnte sich an die Hüttenwand. „Der ist hin”, bemerkte Niklas trocken, nachdem er sich über Hannes Tod vergewissert hatte. Rudolf, immer noch vom Schlaf benebelt, fasste sich an die Stirn und meinte: „Schade, das Leben ist leider zu kurz, deshalb sollte man es in vollen Zügen bis zum letzten Tag auskosten. Geben wir ihm wenigstens ein christliches Begräbnis, bevor wir aufbrechen. Länger hier zu verweilen hat jetzt keinen Sinn mehr.”

Jörg packte erbost Klara an den Haaren und zog sie aus dem Bett heraus. “Los, mach uns etwas zu beißen”, befahl er ihr schroff, während er noch einmal die Hütte durchsuchte. “Schaut mal her, ich habe ein Fässchen Bier gefunden. Das mit dem guten Gastgeber nehme ich zurück. Seine Frau darf jeder rammeln, aber sein Bier hat er uns nicht gegönnt, der Schlappschwanz.”

Peter trafen diese Worte kaum noch; immer wieder spukten ihm die Worte des Ritters von vorhin durch den Kopf. “Länger hier zu verweilen hat ja keinen Sinn mehr”, hatte er gesagt. Durften sie es wagen zu hoffen, die ganze Sache überstanden zu haben? Klara hatte Ähnliches im Sinn und bereitete daher mit Elan den Söldnern Haferbrei zu. Sie verteilte die Portionen jedem mit vor Freude glänzenden Augen und wartete danach die Hände ineinander ringend ab.

Die Söldner wrangen ihre Schalen Brei in kurzen Augenblicken herunter, rieben sich zufrieden die Bäuche und rülpsten dabei laut. „Deinem Mann wirst du jetzt eigenhändig füttern, er braucht seine Kraft später, um Hannes Grab zu schaufeln, und DICH werden WIR währenddessen füttern.

Komm, setz dich hin”, befahl Rudolf barsch. Er legte sich ein wenig vor Peters Gesichtsfeld auf den Boden. Jörg verstand sofort, was Rudolf beabsichtigte. Er holte eilig einen Hocker und platzierte sich rechts vor Peters Gesicht, während er Becher mit Bier aus dem Fässchen für seine Kameraden einschenkte.

„Das wird ein Spaß”, gluckste Niklas amüsiert, während er Peter wieder Anweisungen gab, wie er sich zu verhalten hatte und welche Konsequenzen ein Bruch für Folgen hätte. Klara füllte schweren Herzens eine leere Schale mit Brei und setzte sich vorsichtig auf den Becken des Ritters. Dieser führte ihr sofort, trocken wie sie war, seinen Schwanz ein.

Jörg drückte sie dann an den Schultern nach unten, bis sie Rudolfs Gemächt unter Schmerzen zur volle in sich aufnahm. Sie wartete einige Stöße von Rudolf ab, bis sie gemeinsam ihren wippenden Rhythmus gefunden hatten, sodass sie ihrem Ehemann häppchenweise mit einem Holzlöffel Brei füttern konnte, während der Ritter seine Ehefra, mit schmatzender Fotze reiten ließ.

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Categories: Uncategorized Tags: Etiketler: ,

A Secret Life Ch. 02

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A week passed by and the same scene played in her head every time she saw the yet to be determined Wifi device or her desk. Every time she played the scene in her head she would change detail making her hornier and hornier. I’m going crazy. I have to get out of this room. Grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Got in the elevator and pressed the 1 floor. She was trying to numb her mind shopping online when the elevator door opened and in front of her was Paul struggling with a cart full of boxes. She got paralyzed as if time had stopped. STELLA, yelled Paul trying to get out of the way for her to come out of the elevator. Paul, so nice to see you, I was going crazy in that room and decided to breathe fresh air, Stella said, trying to compose herself and hope that Paul didn’t notice her awkwardness. I get it Paul said, sometimes you have to clear your head. I’m going to drop some laptops but if you are still around when I come back we can chat.m, Paul said walking into the elevator Sure, Stella replied walking away heading for the lobby.

Oh my fucking god, get it together girl, what is happening to you. She wanted to either disappear or not move and make a tent in front of the elevator door. She walked out the lobby door to the street repeating to herself. Go far away go far away, she walked to the other side of the building. It was the smoker session but she didn’t care she could not go back and have more of those thoughts. After 1 hour she thought Paul must be gone, it was a quick trip just to drop some laptops and then leave. I should be safe. She passed the lobby door and got into the elevator. Elevator door opened and a sigh of relief came out of Starzbet her. Ohh I can breathe now. As soon as she turned around the corner heading for her office’s standing texting on his phone was Paul.

Hey I was about to text you. I have one laptop that I couldn’t deliver. The security told me that your office was the most secure place here because it used to be the security office.

A nervous high pitch OH!? Came out of Stella’s mouth. That explains why it looks like a prison cell, she added.

Yeah it looks like that, said Paul laughing at her joke.

Thanks for storing this for me, you saved me a trip and traffic, Paul added.

I saved myself from seeing you again so soon, my thoughts are killing me, Stella was thinking while she was opening the door.

I’m glad I could help, look at it as a way of paying you back from all the help you have given me, she said looking back over her shoulder with a flirt smile.

Oh by the way, I looked into that device and unfortunately it is not wifi, sorry Paul said with a disappointed face.

It’s ok she replied, thank you for trying.

where do I put the laptop said Paul as if he was in a rush.

Oh let me see replied Stella moving boxes and papers that she had all over the place from the moving. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to organize this. Promotion comes with a lot of work.

Do you need help? Said paul picking up a box.

Nah I got it im a strong girl, said stella picking up some papers from the floor.

Stella felt as if a ghost was looking at her, she was looking at the floor picking up the papers. She raised her face and saw Paul looking at her Starzbet Giriş breast. Paul tried to brush it off by picking up papers and making a nervous comment.

so… hum… have you made any friends here?

A few nurses come to drop notes, but I wouldn’t call them friends, she answers with a sad face.

Stella had noticed what was going on with Paul, but she needed to be sure.

I will be right back, she told Paul.

She went into the ladies room, she had two reasons, first to release some of the tension she had in there and second she had to accommodate her goods for the test that she was gonna put Paul on. She was wearing a black dress suitable for work, but with a few tweaks it could be upgraded to something borderline sexy. She usually dressed it with a jacket but this time the jacket did not have a job. She felt desired for the first time in a long time. She lived alone, with 3 cats no sex for one year and a lot of stress with her new promotion.

She was damaged a year ago by a guy who made her promise to herself that she wasn’t seeing any man, not even for casual sex. She knew that she falls in love hard and she wasn’t gonna get hurt anymore. But this time she didn’t know what happened with paul. Maybe the forbidden involve on it, maybe because he is my type, or maybe it is because we are alone in a room.

You have to stop Stella, pointing to her face in the mirror.

He is married with kids. If you let this freight train go it is not going to stop until it derails and is on fire, not to mention all the cities that this train will burn to the ground. On the other hand the journey to derailing sounds Starzbet Yeni Giriş amazing and out of this world, she continued. But what if it isn’t and I damage everything, changing her face from dreaming to reality, surprise with big eyes. Maybe he doesn’t fall for the trap?! If he doesn’t we are safe, he is not into me. But if he does? Asking herself in the mirror as if the reflection had an answer. I can’t do it, I won’t be able to live with myself thinking that I intentionally look for it.

Stella went back and as soon as she opened the door she hit Paul on the nose.

ouch!! Paul reacted to the pain.

I’m so sorry I didn’t see you, she said with a sorry voice. let me see, sit here, let me get something to clean, Stella said with a worried voice.

Blood was coming out of Paul’s nose and Stella started cleaning it very close to him. So close that she didn’t notice, that her boobs were touching Paul’s shoulder. Paul’s shoulder was in the middle of her two perfect size perky round tits. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed how paul pants were growing. She knew immediately that Paul was getting too excited.

This is the train with no breaks that I was afraid of. Suddenly Paul kissed her on the cheek and said thank you. At that precise moment the train left the station carrying an atomic bomb.

Stella went for Paul’s mouth and gave him a passionate kiss. She weighed 95 pounds, she was easy to carry, Paul graber by her waist and put her on top of him kissing her and touching her ass. She was now in a perfect position for a dick. Legs bent sitting on top of paul leaning forward. Paul unzipped his pants down still kissing her a few seconds later Stella gasp as if all the air in the world was sucked out and she was trying to have her last breath and store it for days.Paul cock was all the way as hard as a rock. Knock, knock…, Stella’s heart stopped and Paul looked at her with an Oh shit face.

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Nasty cheerleader loves it

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Nasty cheerleader loves it.

Jenny walked home from the party she attended on friday after school. Her school team wins the baseball game and they celebrate the win by drinking some booze and having a good time. She is a cheerleader and a popular girl at her school. Next street right, passing the campus. At night it’s a dark and threatening complex with many dark corners and paths. The headphones in her ears blast her favorite music full volume. She’s a bit dizzy from the alcohol, but the 20 minutes walk on the way home should sober her out a bit. After passing a building, she takes a turn and heads to the dark alley, the fastest way home. As she was in the total darkness of the alley, she had a really bad feeling. Someone is observing her. A quick look back – nothing. As she takes a deep breath, she turns around again and boom, walks straight in the chest of a tall man. “Not so quick beauty, don’t rush.” She was in shock. A hand grabs her throat and pushes her with her back on the wall. She tried to get rid of his grip, but he was way too strong for her petite and slim body. He must at least be 190 cm and his hands felt resly strong. He leans down to her, his face right in front of hers. “We gonna have a bit of fun, so play with and nothing will happend to you!” “NO, let me go!!” She screams. Her head rings and her cheek burns. He slapped her straight and with full force. It silenced her immediately and her tears ran down her face. “I told you to shut up and play with! Now I don’t go easy on you, you’re gonna see!” He thighten his grip, Jenny couldn’t breathe properly. Her vision blurred and she passed out.

A sharp pain shoots through her head and wakes her up. She lays on a hard surface. It’s warm, but not comfortable. Her throat hurts and the memories come back to her mind. She panicked, opens up her eyes and looks right in the darkness around her. Her feets are bound together, she cant stand up. Her mind fills with terror. Whats happening with her? The next moment, the light is shining brightly and she can’t see anything for a few seconds. As her vision comes back, she notices that she knows the room. She lays on the floor of the shower from her school gym. Laying there, looking down on her, noticing that her top was a stripped of her and took to binding her feet together. At the moment she wanted to loosen the shirt at her feets, a loud voice shouts: “Stop! Let this be or you’re gonna regret it!” She winces and turns around her head. Behind her on the bench he sits. Her kidnapper looked at her. He was really tall and a monster of a man. At leats 120 kg, but not fat. His arms were big and full of muscles. His bald head made him look older, but she guessed he’s about 30 years old. She looked him straight in the face. She knows him! That’s Mike, the older brother of her friend Stacy. She admired him everytime she was at Stacys home and he was around. “What the fuck Mike?! What you doing with me?!” She shouts. “Shup up, i have to think…” Mike tried to think through the situation he brought himself. He wanted to life out his rape fantasys. But now he knew the victim and he didn’t thoughts of this outcome. “M …Mike, let me free…” Jenny said with her loveliest voice. He looked at her, in his eyes was a mix of regret and panik. She almost felt a bit sorry for him. “What was your plan? Why you do this?” “I want to rape some dumb drunk bitch! I just couldn’t resist this urge anymore!”. The thoughts in her mind spins. Looking at this big man an laying on the floor helpless and bound, made her a bit horny. “So if I would play along, would you leave other women?” ‘Oh My God, Jenny, you really said that?!?’ shoots through her mind. “I… I think so..” he stuttered and couldn’t believe he understood her words correctly. “So go on, i won’t tell everybody about it, just leave me go afterwards.”

He stood up, his fantasy shots back to his mind. He walk over to her, she was so beautiful and he noticed her staring at him when over with his little sister. He loosens her shirt from her feets, Starzbet but just to drag her to the bench and tighten her hands to it. She was sitting on the bench, her hands stretched above her head and bound to the pole. She was so shocked from herself, she let this happend and never felt so horny in her live. He pulled her pants down, without loosening her belt and with full force. It hurts her, she screams and he slaps her face again, but just soft to shut her up. She looked in his face and smirked a little. It made her so hot to be handled so rough. He smiled: ” I never thought you are such a sick bitch. If you like it after i’m finished, we can hook up” he said an laught. “Mhmm…” she wasn’t sure, but the thought made her even hotter. He threw her pants away and spread her legs as much as he could. Looking down at her wet pussy made him hard. He grabs her cunt, forces in 3 fingers and pulls it up and down. Her whole body shivers as he touches and tears her pussy. His finger were so big, she felt herself full and moaned like a horny little girl. He fucks her with his finger so strong pushes his fingertipps up to her g-spot and she cums after just a few minutes. She squirts all over his arm. “Oh you such a nasty little bitch!” As he pulls out his fingers, a last gush of squirt shoots out of her pussy and on the ground. “Stand up!” She makes what he says, not want to riks get slapped again. She had to turn to stand straight and this was exactly what he wanted. He lifts her legs up that she stands on the bench, leaned forward and stick her ass out. His hands on her ass, pulls apart both cheeks and opens her pussy and ass. She could feel a wet spit lands straight on her asshole. Followed by a finger, pushes his spit inside her. She never had anal sex. So it was a brand new feeling for her. She relaxes as he pulls out his finger. But he didn’t stop, he just wanted more inside her. He forced 3 fingers at the same time inside her little hole. She screams in pain and he slaps her ass so hard, it leaves a bright red mark. Tears shots in her eyes and ran down her face. He pump his finger in her ass with such force, she thought her ass would rip apart. “Not so funny anymore, isn’t it?” She sobbs but didn’t said a word. “You are a lucky girl, I came here preperated.” An evil grin was in his face as he walked to his backpack. She could see, he pulled something out of it and walks back to her. “You want some lube?” He asked and laughed. “Yes please…” she sobbs. With one hand he pulls her head back on her hair. With the other he puts the black, 12″ dildo on her lips. She never saw such a long dildo in her life. “Open up!” She took a deep breath and opens her mouth. Without hesitation he pushes the toy in her throat. Just the part he held in his hand wasn’t forced down to her stomach. She paniked and squirms. It hurts and she didn’t become air. Once he was inside her, he let the toy deep inside her, enjoying her struggle to do anything. After long 15 seconds he pulls the whole dildo out of her. Not just the toy came out, she puked almost all the booze she drank out and on the floor. “Oh, no food, so you wanted to get wasted. No problem, we will find something solid you can puke up.” She knew exactly what this meant. He fucks her with the whole lenght of the dildo. Over and over again. It felt like she was gonna suffocate every time he stops while inside her. Her throat hurts and burns as he pulls out for the approximately 20 time. This time a bit of food she ate the day before comes out. “So finally we can go on!” The dildo was full of her slippery puke. He bows down and graps the solid part of her puke. He placed it on her asshole. The toy was placed right behind it and pushes it inside her. This time slowly, but with such force she couldn’t do anything about it. Her ass burned and opened up as big as the dildo fits in. First just 3″ but with every trust a inch more. He couldn’t fit more than 8″ inside her without her scream for her life. He smacked her face again, but she couldn’t control herself Starzbet Giriş anymore.

She slowly got used to the big toy in her ass. He pulled out the toy, and it was dirty from her shit. Her hole was so loose she couldn’t hold back and shit a little on the floor. Mike laughed and bows down again. This time he grabs her shit and does the opposite from earlier. The smell was awful as he stuffed her the shit inside her mouth. She gags immediately, but she was empty. “Don’t worry, we gonna fill you up again.” He shuts her mouth with his hand. “Swallow bitch!” She had a really bad struggle, but managed to gulp down her own shit. He walks in front of her, open his pants and pulls his dick out. “I want you to drink every drop. If not, i’m gonna punish you even more!” He sticks his fat 9″ dick inside her mouth and begins to piss. She drinks as fast as she can. Luckily he made some pauses, so she could take a breath of air. Her stomach fills with his piss and she feels the warm feeling in her insides. Mike pulls out his dick and walks away. Jenny tried not to puke and kept the warm piss in her stomach. She tried to look, what Mike was doing. He opened the door to the hallway and headed out. ‘Fuck what will be next. It’s so embarrassing and humiliating what he does with me! But somehow I like being his nasty dirty toy.’ Jenny couldn’t stop her horny thoughts. The door opens up again and Mike walks in, in his hands holding a small empty trash bin. “We have to collect your waste.” He was visibly aroused by his cruel thoughts. “You want to be my good girl?” He asked Jenny, as he comes really close face to face and grips her hair. “Yes! Yes, I am your good girl and will do anything.” He didn’t expect such admiration from his victim. She almost wished to be this degraded.

He stood up and freed her hands. “Strip down my pants and suck my dick.” She doesn’t hesitate and goes on her knees, loosens his belt and pulls down his pants. He steps out of his pants and pulls his shirt up his head and throws it to his bag. He was jacked and had a handsome body. Jenny sucks on his dick with lust. Her hands around his big cock, slurping up and down his shaft, she looked up. He looked her in the eyes and smiled. After a few minutes he pushes her head back. She fell back on her ass and sat on the floor. He grabs her under her arms and lifts her up without problems. He lifts her up and sets her on his dick. She puts her legs around his body and he pushes her pussy on his dick. She moans as she feels her pussy filling up with his dick. The bin he had brought was a few steps away, so he walked over and stopped as Jennys body was directly over it. “I want you to empty your ass. Shit out everything what’s inside you.” She had a moment to realize what he wanted from her but she began to push out her shit. Every time she pushed, her pussy contracted and squeezed his dick, making it uncomfortable for her to be on him. After a short time, the first turd falls out of her hole. Mike doesn’t have that much patience and started to fit his fingers inside her ass. Her hole was loose from the big dildo, so he pushed in 2 finger from each hand and stretched her hole open to a big gap. It hurts, but helps her also to shit out more. It all lands in the bin and the room filled with the smell of shit. “I think… I’m empty.. that’s all I had inside.” “Inside your ass, but you have more inside you” he said and smiled. He pulls out his dick and sat her in the bin. “Piss in it! I want it at least ¼ full as you finish. Otherwise I have an idea to fill it up.” She tried to empty her bladder. Slowly her pee drips in the bin. The small stream became stronger and she really hoped it was enough. She stands up and looked inside. “Not enough” she said and wondered why she said that. He looks at her and laught. “So you want to find out what my idea is?” “Yeah kind of,” she answered. “So come over, and take the bin with you.” His voice wasn’t as angry as at the beginning. He liked that she was ready to play with everything Starzbet Güncel Giriş he said or forced her to do. They walked over to the showers. On one side was a faucet with a hose to clean the floor. He pointed at the wall and she stands close to it, hands on the wall and sticks out her ass. He put the water on, it was only cold water. Without losing much time, he sticks the hose in her ass and waits to fill her up. It was so cold, her whole guts squeezed. Her ass filled up with the cold water and at the moment she thought she couldn’t handle more, he closed the faucet. He placed the bin under her ass and pulled out the hose. Like a fountain the water mixed with shit shots out her ass and in the bin. It felt so relieving as she emptied. “I wasn’t as empty as I thought.” she said with a smile on her face.

The smell in the bin was awful, but Jenny couldn’t await what he wanted her to do with it. Mike looked in the bin, he liked what he saw. He looked at Jenny and she looked at him, waiting for an instruction. “Drink!” He said and wondered if she did what he said. She took a deep breath and let the mix in the bin floats towards her mouth. She takes a big sip of the water, piss and shit fluid. A second and a third followed. Her body rebelled and she had to choke. “You have to empty this bucket, no matter how much you have to puke , you have to drink and eat everything!” This words made her so horny. She knew she couldn’t do anything about it and she kind of liked to be so nasty. She stops for a moment. Mike thought she was gonna puke, but to his surprise she grabs the bin and takes out the biggest turds in it. She puts it in her mouth and chews on it, before swallowing it up and taking another sip. His dick was so hard as he witnessed this mess. She drinkes more snd more of it. It made him so horny that she did it, nearly, voluntarily. “You like to eat your shit and drink your piss??” “Mhh.. I wouldn’t said like. But it makes me horny as fuck… can I…. Can I be your… toilet and sex slave?” Mike couldn’t believe it. He goes down, his face on the same height as hers. “Repeat that again” he said surprised and not trusting his ears. “I want to be your toilet slave! I want to do everything dirty you want to do with me or make me do.” Jenny felt brainwashed, but she couldn’t resist the urge to be his worthless bitch. “ I slapped you. I raped you. I made you eat your shit and piss. I almost suffocated you with the dildo and you still want to be obey me?” “Yes please!” He couldn’t help but grab her head with both hands, pulls her towards her and kiss her. Her mouth smelled like shit, but he didn’t care. They made out and both of them were in heaven.

Mike found his dream wife. He could do with her whatever he wanted and didn’t have to fear any consequences. Jenny found her place as a sex and toilet slave, welcoming all the pain and humiliation.

He stands up, not letting her head out of his hands and sticks his dick right in her mouth. He fucks her throat full speed. She couldn’t’ hold it in and puked the shit she ate and piss she drunk all up. All over his dick and back in the bin. He loved this feeling. His newly slave puked the dirty shit out of her mouth as he fucks her. After a while he noticed, that nothing comes up her mouth, so he fucks her head as fast as he could. He was cumming. Right at the climax, he pushes his dick right down in Jenny and fills her empty stomach with his cum. She gagged and gasps after air as he stayed deep inside her and emptied his balls. She feels so honored to be his cum dumpster. He pulls out and she breathes. “I love you!” She shouts. He laughs and looked at her. “You have earned to be my slave. You really do. But first, clean this mess up. They mustn’t notice that we were here.” Mike starts a shower and stands under it. He grabs her hand and pulls her towards him, taking her into his arms under the warm shower. He smiled and walked over to his pants and got dressed. Jennys look followed him, she admired her master. She cleans up everything she made messy, even the dildo was as new as she was finished. He handed her her clothes and she also dressed up. They left the gym complex and outside the sun was already rising. He leads her to his car and they drives off.

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Program Alpha-Omega 3

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Episode 3: New User

Zack continued to show the school that Claudia was his by kissing her in public again on Thursday, both at lunch, and after school. Though Zack was enjoying “showing off” his girlfriend, he also noticed something. Not all of the stares they were getting were simply amazed. Some of them seemed a bit, well, hostile. Zack didn’t let it concern him too much. After all, who was going to overreact over a single girl?

When Friday came, Zack decided to take it one step farther. He had sat down at his usual table, and Claudia greeted him warmly as she passed his seat.

“Hey, Claudia,” he said. “Why don’t you sit here with me?”

Claudia paused, again only momentarily, before she nodded, and slid onto the bench beside him. He leaned over, and he received his usual, sensuous kiss. The stares were beginning to bother Claudia, he could tell. She broke off their kiss just as the principal, Mr. DeVain, came up to them.

“All right, you two,” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. “This is a cafeteria, not lover’s lane. Let’s keep the kissing out of school, okay?”

“Yes, sir,” they both answered in mock-subservient tones. Mr. DeVain was a “cool” principal, and he fit in well with the students. Though he insisted on proper discipline and respect for the teachers, he wasn’t so overly strict that the students feared him. He struck a chord with them, as if he took some small pleasure in their antics, and only reluctantly would he bring them to a halt. This made him popular with the students. The fact that the students did, in fact, listen to him made him popular with the teachers.

As he was about to walk away, he stopped and turned back. “Oh, by the way, Zack, there’s a new project the school is working on, and I think you’d fit in well with the team. Could you stay after school on Monday, so that we can discuss it?”

“Sure, Mr. DeVain. What is it?”

He got a devilish grin on his face. “Oh, I think you’ll like it. It’s right up your alley.” Before Zack could ask any more questions, the principal walked off, leaving the two of them to eat their lunches. Zack made sure to touch Claudia as much as possible.

Claudia was torn by his actions. While she gloried in his touch, and longed for him to hold her close, she felt the disapproval of her classmates from across the room, where they sat at her usual table. When she got up the courage to look, the only eyes she connected with were Stephanie’s. The look was cold; brooding. She was definitely unhappy about Claudia’s choice of dining companion. Well, maybe she’ll feel better about him after the weekend.


Zack was back to being bored in computer class. He had completed his project, and most of the rest of the class was well on the way to finishing up theirs, so no one needed his help. He decided to get online for a while. Mr. Parks did not object to this, as it kept Zack occupied with something less intrusive than some of his more creative endeavors at keeping himself busy. Zack had once made every computer in the room print all of its text upside-down for the entire hour. Except his own, of course. And any time the teacher would make him switch, it seemed like the virus knew where Zack was, and “fixed” whichever computer he was at.

It was child’s play for Zack, of course, and it didn’t do any permanent damage to the system. Mr. Parks never did figure out how Zack had infiltrated the system, and Zack wasn’t about to tell him. But on this day, he kept his activity to just browsing. He did, however, catch one of his friends online.

Hey, Zmorph! What’s up?

Hey, Val! Not much. CP class is a drag today.

Project all finished, huh?

Weeks ago. Anything shakin’ w/ you?

Nah. Say, did you ever take a look at that prog I told you about?

Yeah, actually, I did.


Let’s just say the program was not entirely bullshit. 😉

Are you shitting me? The damned thing works?

I never said that. You didn’t see me type that.

But it does, doesn’t it?!

You may draw your own conclusions, Val. -> 😉 <-

Yeah, yeah, I got ya. Worried about something?

One never knows when BB is watchin’ the wires…

(By “BB”, Zack referred to “Big Brother”, or the school and governmental overseers of the networks.)

I hear ya, Z-man. Well, I’m not a hacker like you, but my programming skills aren’t too bad… think I could have a look at the newest version of the program?

I don’t know, Val… I’m still in Alpha-testing… I don’t think I’m ready for Beta-Testers yet.

*Valkyrie359 groans

Okay, okay. I won’t press… but remember who led you to the damned thing, okay?

Always, Val. Gotta go, class is almost out. Bye.

Zack signed off of the computer, and shut it down for the day. It was just a few minutes before the bell rang, and he headed home for another work-free weekend. Unfortunately, Claudia lived across town from him, and her father was picking her up because her car was in the shop, so he had to settle for a simple kiss with her after school. Except that, with them, a kiss was never “simple”. Her tongue slithered across his lips, asking for entrance until he gave it, and then flitting only momentarily in and out of his mouth. Her body was pressed full against him, and he could feel her heat rising. Just before things got out of control, she broke the kiss, smiled at him, and said, “See ya tomorrow!” And then she hopped into her father’s car, and was gone. Zack had seen the look of surprise on her father’s face.

He had to hurry to make his bus, still a little dizzy from the arousal her kiss had caused in him. He looked around as he sat down on the bus, and once more his mind wandered to each female form on the bus. He realized that, as great as Claudia was, there were definitely other wares to be sampled. Stephanie would merely be the first of many “second string” girlfriends.


The next day, Zack had managed to mute his excitement. He knew the program worked, but it hadn’t yet ever worked on the first try. Well, except with his mother, but that programming was minor, and he’d managed even to screw that up at first.

His parents would not be a problem this day, as they were once again off looking for a new car. His dad had said something about an afternoon with friends afterward, so he knew they wouldn’t be home until late. His parents’ “afternoon” with friends usually ended around nine or ten at night. Zack never minded, and he certainly didn’t care this day.

He had modified the basic “Claudia matrix” during the week, turning it into one specifically for Stephanie, he hoped. He knew a fair amount about Stephanie’s background from talking to Claudia, but still, he wondered if he wasn’t missing something important.

They showed up around one in the afternoon. Claudia was looking radiant in a tight-fitting T-shirt and a pair of jeans that must have been painted on. She gave him a hug and a brief kiss as a greeting, before she walked past him to let Stephanie into the house.

Stephanie was already glowering at Zack. Why she hated him so much, he was sure he would never know. Today, she looked beautiful, in her light blue button-up blouse and jeans, not quite as tight as Claudia’s but still not leaving much to the imagination. Zack said, “Hi, Steph. Come on in.”

“Don’t call me Steph, Zachary. You know I hate that,” she huffed as she pushed by him.

For now, you do, he thought.

“So, what’s so damned special about some gizmo computer program?” she asked sharply. “Come on, let’s get this over with. There’s a sale at JCPenney.”

Maybe I should get Claudia to tell me why women love to shop so much, Zack thought irrelevantly.

“Oh, Stephanie! You just have to see the program to know what it’s all about!” Claudia almost sighed audibly, but held it in.

“Fine, fine. Let’s go.”

As Stephanie headed off down the hall toward Zack’s room, he held Claudia back a minute. He whispered into Claudia’s ear, “If this works, I will give you an ‘okay’ sign. When I do that, here’s what you’re to do…” Zack quickly laid out his plans for Claudia for that afternoon. They caught up with Stephanie standing outside Zack’s door.

“Well, don’t just stand there, go in!” Claudia chided.

Stephanie walked into the room, and looked around. Zack had picked up, and so the room was neat and clean, if not entirely organized. He never seemed to get around to making any kind of sense out of all his books and magazines, so they were stacked neatly, but out of any logical order. Stephanie took all of this in, including the Babylon 5 poster on the wall, and the miniature dragon sculpture on the dresser. She dismissed it all as junk.

“You need to sit here, Stephanie,” Zack said as he indicated his desk chair. “Just double-click the icon that says “PAO dash S” She sat down, and Zack turned Claudia to look away from the screen, just in case. There were elements in this script he did not want Claudia to pick up.

Stephanie stared as the screen blanked, and then brought up the Program Alpha-Omega logo. Suddenly, a sweet, almost lilting music filled the room, and swirled inside Stephanie’s brain. The screen darkened, but was soon filled with softly modulating patterns of swirls, circles, and curves. The pattern was unpredictable, and it drew her into its depths. Stephanie quickly became lost amidst the sound and light. For the briefest of moments, she felt panic rise within her at the loss of her sense of direction, but it quickly eased when something told her, it’s only a program. She was never sure if that was her own thought, or if it came from elsewhere. She drifted.


As Zack watched the now-entranced Stephanie, he had learned to read the signs of being under long before the program ran its course. He gave Claudia the “okay” sign, and she immediately headed out of the room. He knew she would be enjoying herself for some time to come. He sat back to wait for PAO to complete its job on Stephanie’s will.


Stephanie’s mind slowly descended from the highest levels of bliss. The program was so relaxing, so fulfilling. And now she knew that she was the property of Zachary Griffin. Her earlier behavior to him seemed but a distant memory, but it was remembered. However, right now, it was not important.

She swiveled in the chair until she was looking directly at Zack. Her eyes locked with his briefly, but then they quickly lowered to look at his shoes. She could no longer look him directly in the eyes. She saw the feet shift, and the legs moved as he rose from where he was seated on the bed. She watched the feet cover the short distance over to where she sat, unable or unwilling to move, she wasn’t sure.

Zack stood over her for several moments, wondering just what to do with her first. He thought to just have her strip naked, but he thought that would be too simple, too “normal”. He felt she deserved a little punishment for the way she had treated him for the last few weeks. However, she looked damned sexy in her blouse and jeans, with her head bowed in respect like that, and his cock was straining against his own jeans to be let loose.

“Open my zipper,” he said. Slowly, Stephanie’s hands moved to his pants. She tugged until his zipper was fully opened. “Now,” Zack said, “reach inside my underwear, and pull out my dick.”

Stephanie’s hand shook as it moved inside his jeans and found the slit in the front of his briefs. She pushed her way through the fabric, and her hand brushed against his hard cock. She gasped at the feel of its heat. She let her fingers close around it, and found that she could just barely get her hand around his shaft. Her hand slid lightly along his length toward the tip of his dick. Once there, she tugged gently at his manhood until she had him pointing out through the slit, his prick standing out from his body, begging for attention.

“Suck me. And do it right.”

Stephanie’s tongue slipped out from between her lips, and, almost without any conscious thought, she began to lick the head of his cock. Around the entire head she went, her tongue slipping wetly over the surface of his cockhead. She kissed the shaft of his cock, working her way down toward the base of it. She kissed each spot along one side until she reached his underwear. Then she slipped her tongue around the underside of his dick, and proceeded to plant kisses up the other side of his shaft, again making sure not to miss a spot.

Zack was shivering with the feel of it, so intense was the pleasure of this. But he wanted to be in her mouth. When she arrived once again at his cockhead, he pressed himself against her lips. Almost reluctantly, her lips parted to admit him, slowly taking a portion of his seven-inch length into her mouth. She moved her head on his cock, moving back and forth slowly, making sure he was enjoying every movement. She inched him further into her mouth with each stroke, until she felt him at the back of her throat. She had never taken a guy further than this before, and wasn’t ready to do so now. She started to increase her pace on his shaft, using her tongue and sometimes a gentle swipe of her teeth to stimulate his pulsing organ.

Zack was doing his best to hold off his blow. He had learned a bit of control in the past few days with Claudia, but it was still a struggle. Stephanie’s mouth was doing wonderful things on his dick, and it was hard to keep his cum inside, but he was enjoying this, and wanted it to last as long as he could hold out.

Stephanie was determined by now that he would not hold out much longer. She rubbed the head of his dick along the inside of her cheek as she sucked on him, pulling him into her, trying to literally suck the cum from his balls. Her lips and tongue worked in concert to cover every last fraction of his pole, lavishing on it the attention she knew it deserved.

Finally, Zack had all he could take. He took hold of Stephanie’s head, and pulled her against him. He felt the back of her throat, and he pushed past it. He felt her gag, but she soon relaxed, and his cock passed down her throat. Once there, he blew his load straight into her stomach. The force of his come was like nothing he could remember, and it left him a little dizzy. As his eruption trailed off, he pulled his softening dick from Stephanie’s mouth, and staggered back to drop down onto the bed. He looked at her, and smiled. She almost looked him in the face, but her programming forced her to look down once more.

“While I recover for a bit,” he said after a moment of catching his breath, “Why don’t we go see where Claudia’s gotten off to?”

Zack led Stephanie down the hall to his parents’ bedroom. There they saw Claudia, lying on the bed, completely naked. Her hands danced across her body as she pleasured herself, completely oblivious at this point to her new audience. Stephanie fought between looking away from her friend’s private pleasure, and devouring that lithe young body with her eyes. Zack obviously wanted to show Stephanie that she was not his only girl. It occurred briefly to Stephanie that it was Claudia who had brought her here, that she should thank her for that. The program had been wonderful, and she felt so at peace with herself.

Stephanie tried to move toward Claudia, but was restrained by Zack. She actually let out a small whimper at that. Zack held her firmly, though. He leaned over and whispered. “Not now. I just wanted you to know that Claudia is having her own fun, so you needn’t worry about her. Now then, let’s get back to my room.”

As Stephanie tore her eyes away from Claudia’s writhing form, her eyes swept over an object that almost froze her in her tracks. It was a camcorder, set up on a tripod, and recording the events on the bed. Stephanie’s blood went a little cold as she considered what that might mean for her future. She could see that the scene had aroused Zack, as his cock, which was still poking out of his pants, was once again erect.

Back in Zack’s room, he had Stephanie stand in the middle of the room, arms at her side, legs slightly apart. He walked all the way around her, examining her body. He ran his hand across her ass, and felt a slight shiver from her. He liked that.

Moving around in front of her, he began undoing her jeans. Having them fully undone, he knelt to untie her sneakers, and then he had her lift each foot so that he could remove her socks and shoes. Then, slowly, he began to peel her jeans down off her body, slowly revealing the smooth, soft flesh of her thighs and legs. He ran his hands briefly along her inner thighs, not touching her pubic area, before he returned to the task of removing her pants. As she stepped out of them, he sat back to admire the view. He wasn’t entirely happy with it. Yet.

“Put your hands behind your head,” he ordered. Stephanie did just that, which raised and lifted her tits to allow them to stand more firmly from her chest. He liked how it accentuated her curves. He stood back up, and began unbuttoning her blouse from the top down. He paused in mild surprise as he finally realized that she was not wearing a bra. “Hmmm, very nice.” He said to no one in particular.

He fully unbuttoned the blouse, but did not remove it. Instead, he grasped her panties, and pulled them down her hips, having her step out of them. Now she stood before him in nothing but her blouse, her hands clasped tightly behind her head, her legs spread to shoulder-width, giving him a nice view at the vee of her crotch. He could see her pussy lips poking out through the thin hair on her pubes. He stood back to look at his prize. She was very sexy.


While Zack was admiring Stephanie in his bedroom, Claudia was working toward her first big orgasm of the day. She didn’t know why Zack wanted her to tape herself masturbating, but she would do as he asked. And the thought of what he was doing to Stephanie drove her wild. Her one hand stroked her breast while her other hand slipped between her legs, pressing a finger into her already dripping snatch as her mind contemplated the joy that Zack would give Stephanie. Her finger moved quickly in and out of her cunt, her other hand twisting her nipple. She moaned aloud for the tape to hear, and her fingers were making a squishing sound in her cunt. She pulled her one tit up to her mouth, sticking out her tongue and flicking it across her abused nipple. The sensation sent her over the edge, and she cried out in pleasure, her orgasm rocking her body, her hand continuing to thrash into her pussy while her juices flowed freely down onto the bedspread. She wriggled about on the bed until her orgasm passed.

But she did not cease her activity. She slowed for a few moments, but Zack’s instructions were clear, and she kept her hands working across her body. It didn’t take long before her body began to respond again to the ministrations of her deft fingers.


Back in Zack’s room, he had heard Claudia’s screams. He knew that Stephanie had, too… and the blush that spread across her chest was beautiful. He rose from his crouched position, and approached his toy. He placed his hand against the middle of her chest, where the blouse was pulled open by her posture. She shivered at his touch, her eyes closing slightly. He could actually see her body trembling.

He moved his hand slowly inside her blouse, letting his fingers slip softly beneath the material. He guided his hand over her left breast, letting his fingertips pass gently over her nipple, which hardened under his touch. He kept his caresses soft as he moved his hand over to her right tit, and repeated the action, just barely rubbing her nipple, but bringing it fully erect. He stepped around behind her, so that she could not see him. He slid his hand, still beneath the fabric of the blouse, down off her breast and down her side. He could feel her shake with the mixture of sensations and emotions that were rioting in her mind. His stroke continued down her side, and finally reached her ass. He lightly fondled her cheeks, stroking gently across each one, sliding his hand into her crack and down, reaching almost between her legs, but stopping before he touched her most private of areas.

By now, Stephanie was positively shuddering with her need for release. But she could not, would not, say anything to Zack. She didn’t need to: even a complete fool would have been able to read her body language. He kept his hand in light contact with her hip as he stepped back around to face her. He enjoyed the mixed look of lust and shame on her face. He knew what she needed at this point, and he was just about ready to give it to her.

His hand moved over her hip, and slipped down between her thighs. His middle finger contacted the bud of her clit, and she convulsed with the pleasure of it. He continued moving his hand further back, keeping in contact with her clit. She was having trouble staying upright, so much ecstasy was rolling through her body. Then Zack slipped a finger into her cunt.

Stephanie’s pussy seized on his finger, pulling it further into her. Her vaginal muscles contracted around it, feeling like a million small fingers all caressing his at once. But Zack was not content to be passive in this encounter. He started to shove his finger all the way into her. She was so wet and lubricated that he made it all the way to the third knuckle with almost no resistance. But he did not pause, but started to pull back out. He felt her pussy sucking on his finger, resisting its withdrawal, wanting it to stay within. But he had other plans.

His finger started to dance a rapid pace inside her twat. It was only a few strokes before the first moan escaped her lips, and they became an endless string of moans, groans and squeaks from then on. Zack’s finger moved feverishly, and then he added a second finger. Her body was beginning to rock as she tried to thrust herself down onto his fingers. When he added yet a third finger, her body seemed possessed, as she shoved herself down onto his hand just as hard as she possibly could. Her grunts and screams were very exciting to Zack.

He was about ready to try for a fourth finger when her body gave a massive convulsion, and his hand was flooded with her juices. She let forth a long, loud, “Oh!” and she spasmed on his hand. He had to grab her to keep her from falling down, but he kept his hand moving inside of her. Her orgasm seemed as if it would never end, but it did, finally, start to taper off. Stephanie was drenched in sweat, her hair and her blouse clinging to her body. Zack unceremoniously let her drop to the bed onto her back. Her legs splayed off the end, opening widely and invitingly. Having gotten her off in such a way had really made him horny, and he would not be denied what he wanted now. He shucked his clothing in a matter of seconds, and stood over her naked form.

Stephanie had little chance to register what was going on. She was just coming out of her ecstatic fog as she saw Zack lean over her body. Fear and excitement battled for control of her mind, but somewhere in the back, revulsion lay in waiting. None of it mattered as his cock entered her. The sensation to her already excited snatch was one of pure electricity. She was so wet that he slid home easily, and buried himself to his full extent in one swift stroke.

Zack enjoyed the sensation of Stephanie’s hot cunt. She was tight, and she was hot, and she had the moves to go with it. As Zack began to move within her, Stephanie’s body responded to him, rocking in synch to his motions. With each thrust, her body worked to pull him further inside of her. Zack mauled her tits as she lay on the bed beneath him, her body moving against his as though they were one body. She was again shrieking with the joy of her body’s sensations. She writhed beneath him, adding to his pleasure.

This time, however, Zack was able to hold off. He pummeled her throughout her orgasm, but slacked off when he felt himself getting ready to climax. He continued to knead her tits until her gyrations subsided, and then he pulled out of her.

Stephanie was aware enough to know that he had not come. She knew he would not finish with her until he had come. She wondered if she would be expected to suck him off again. She was not ready for what did happen.

Zack reached down and flipped her over onto her stomach. He pushed her further up onto the bed, so that her knees were thrusting her ass nicely into the air. She wondered what was going on until she felt his shaft slip back into her warm wetness, and stroke again. Her body started to heat up again, moving swiftly towards another orgasm.

But just as she reached that pinnacle, Zack pulled his prick out of her cunt, and pressed his cockhead against her asshole. Though she made a feeble attempt to move away, there really was nowhere for her to go. As lubed up as his cock was, the head slipped into her ass with remarkable ease. As he continued to push, however, the discomfort built quickly. Soon, Stephanie was grunting with the pain. Still, in the back of her mind, was the sense of how pleasurable this was going to be.

Zack didn’t want to hurt her, and so he took it slow, but steady, until he was fully inside her. And he moved slowly back out again. He pushed in and out, moving just a little faster each time. Stephanie’s grunts and groans were urging him on, whether that was her intent or not. His dick was as hard as he could ever remember it, having it rammed up her sweet, tight little ass. Soon he was rocking into her with his full force, and she was grunting and pushing back at him, having raised up to her elbows to better force herself onto his dick. Her hand strayed down to play with her clit, giving her even more stimulation. He rode her ass wildly, his hips slamming into her ass, his hands gripping her hips to help him ride her harder.

Finally, Zack had reached his limit. He leaned over and started to massage Stephanie’s tits as he pummeled into her ass. Her hand was a blur as she frigged her clit, and she came again before he did. As her orgasm ripped through her body, her ass clamped down on his dick in a most pleasant way, overloading his control. He shot his cum inside of her ass, filling her up. He pulled his dick out, looking down at her stretched asshole, and seeing his spunk leaking out of her.

Though she was wobbly, Zack stood her up and had her face him. Then he did something he had as yet not done to her. He took her face in his hands, and he kissed her. His tongue forced its way into her mouth, and he played with her tongue. Finally, he broke off the kiss, and stood back, looking at her. She looked like a well-used fuck toy.

“You know you’re mine now, don’t you, Steph.” It was not a question.

“Yes, Zack. I’m yours.”


Zack spent some further time playing with Stephanie’s body, but he really Starzbet was too tired for further sexual escapades. They finished up with a shower where he let Stephanie wash him – all of him – and then she dried him off and helped him get dressed. Which was hardly necessary, since he was only wearing sweats and a T-shirt now, but he had liked having her do it, anyway. It was all part of her punishment for treating him like shit.

Finally, they went to collect Claudia. Once again, Stephanie had to restrain herself from gaping at her friend’s gorgeous body. And they arrived just in time to watch her orgasm for yet another mind-wrenching blow of ecstasy. As she came down from this high, she noticed that she had company. Zack moved over and turned off the camcorder. He helped Claudia to her feet, but she was very unstable, and could barely stand, as weak as her almost-continuous orgasms had made her. She would be sore, and she was very tired. But she was also very happy. The look on his face told her that she had made Zack happy today, and, besides, her fingers had made her cunt very happy today, as well.

Zack had to get undressed again to help Claudia take a shower. She could not walk well, and there was no way she would be able to stand under her own power while the water washed away the remnants of the day’s activity. They were both too tired to fool around in the shower, though they did some heavy petting while the water washed over Claudia’s beautiful form.

Finally, with all three of them washed, dried, and redressed, Zack walked them to the door. Claudia was regaining her balance, and Stephanie just looked a little confused. Zack beamed at both of them. “Bye, girls. See you in school on Monday!”

“Bye, Zack!” giggled Claudia.

“Good-bye, Zack,” said Stephanie in a subdued tone of voice. She still was uncertain of her feelings right now. She got in the car with Claudia, and they drove away. But her revulsion was pushing itself from the hidden place where it had lain to stalk the jungles of her mind. She did not like Zack Griffin.

Did she?


Sunday passed quietly for Zack. His parents had returned Saturday evening, still not having found a car. The entire family lounged about on Sunday, doing little more than watching television and snacking. For the first time in a couple of weeks, Zack did not have a conquest planned for Monday morning. It was as if his life had reached some new stability.

This was not to be the case.


Zack arrived at school just as Claudia was getting out of her father’s car. She saw Zack immediately, and ran over to give him a hug and a kiss. Students stared openly at the audacity of a sophomore flirting with a senior. For some reason, it was socially acceptable for sophomore girls to go out with senior guys, but guys weren’t allowed to “date upward”.

They broke their kiss as Stephanie pulled up in her little red sports car and got out. She walked over to the two of them. Her face seemed bright and cheerful. “Hi, Claudia!” she said. “Hello, Zack,” is what followed. Zack gave her a quick hug and let her go. Even this garnered him further attention from the students.

The first bell rang, and they split to go off to their respective classes. Zack breezed through his, not paying full attention, but knowing that he’d remember it all for the test, anyway. He spent the majority of his time looking around at his classmates, evaluating the females for their desirability. He discarded most, made note of several, and decided that some he’d have to know more about.

His third class of the day, however, was English. And in that class was a desirable object to put most of the others in the dust. Her name was Kate, he knew, but he had to call her Ms. Pinches. She was his English instructor, and she was gorgeous. Though her breasts were of average size, her curves were well-proportioned and very sensual. Her ivory blouse and tan skirt accentuated her features nicely, giving enough glimpses of flesh that he knew he wanted more. Her brown hair tumbled to just below her shoulders, framing an oval face with a warm and inviting expression. Her brown eyes sparkled with a zest for life, and her lips always carried a slight smile. All in all, it made him hard just to think about what he could do with her. But how to get her under his spell? There wasn’t even a computer in the room.

Zack ignored the bulk of his English class to ponder this problem. By the time the bell rang, he had come to the disturbing conclusion that he had no idea how to ensnare her. He vowed to find a solution to this problem. But his next class was Biology, and he always paid a little more attention in this class, program or no program. This was his toughest subject.

After Bio, it was time for lunch. This was a time of day that Zack had really started looking forward to. Just being able to sit at the same table as Claudia was a wonderful experience. As they sat down, she gave him her usual kiss. Even after several days, it still drew attention from the seniors tables.

As Zack began to eat, Claudia noticed Stephanie walking by. “Stephanie! Come sit with us!”

Zack looked up, interested in her reaction. He could see the indecision on her face. Not good. He would have to see how well his words to her worked. “Yes, please join us, Steph.”

Her face darkened as he used his pet name for her, but she moved slowly over to the table and sat down on the other side of him. Looking askance at Claudia, he said, “What, no kiss for me?”

Stephanie stiffened. She had not expected him to make their affair public information, in light of his status with Claudia. However, she was compelled to give him what he asked for. She leaned into him, and pressed her lips against his. Though not as hot or as sensual as Claudia’s kisses, Zack still found it satisfying. He glanced out of the corner of his eye as they broke their kiss, and he took note that many of the seniors, mostly guys, were staring overtly at him now. Jealous, boys? He smiled quietly to himself as he began to eat again. He did not carry this thought to its next step.


As they were leaving lunch, Mr. DeVain reminded Zack that he had agreed to meet the principal after school. Damn, I’d forgotten about that.


The last bell rang, ending an interminably long class in Computer Programming. Mr. Parks was going over review, again, and Zack was nearly bored to tears. He wasted his time by playing around on the Net. He was half-tempted to break into the school’s computer system and change everyone’s grades to a C, but he resisted the temptation. He headed for the door, and found Claudia waiting for him on the other side of it.

“I remembered that you couldn’t wait with me for my dad. I can at least give you a good-bye kiss.”

Before he could say anything, she was all over him, her tongue dancing inside his mouth, her hands rubbing his upper arms. For over a minute, their lips were pressed tightly together. Then, she pulled away from him. Reluctantly, but with a smile.

“See you tomorrow, Zack!” she called as she walked away. Zack leaned back against the lockers and waited for his head to stop spinning. He wondered if he still had any of his fillings left after that kind of kiss. Then he remembered that he was to go see the principal, and headed toward Mr. DeVain’s office.

Zack got within a hundred feet of the principal’s office before he was stopped by four rather large seniors. He recognized all of them: they were the sports stars of the school. The leader, a big guy named Kyle, was quarterback of the football team. Tim was captain of the baseball team. Mike was head of the weight team, and Bill had been kicked off of both the football and basketball teams for being too rough during games.

“What’s up, guys?” Zack asked, nervousness creeping into his voice. Only now did it occur to him that the senior guys might not appreciate him poaching on their turf.

“Think you’re something special, Griffin? Think you can just dance in and take away some of the seniors from us?”

“Hey, guys… I… I can’t help it if they like me, can I?”

“You’re going to wish you’d never messed with either of them, Griffin,” threatened Bill.

“Look, guys-” he never had a chance to finish that sentence.

Mike let loose with an upper-cut to Zack’s midsection, doubling him over in pain. Kyle kneed him as he was bent over, sending him flying back against a set of lockers. Tim and Bill grabbed his arms, and held him in place as Mike approached.

Mike was a weight-lifter, and it showed. His arms bulged and rippled with strength. He was as bulky as a teenager had any right to be, and he could probably pick Zack up with one arm. He looked down menacingly at Zack. Then he started in.

Mike’s blows might as well have been delivered by a sledgehammer. The pain was intense. Mike repeatedly struck to his midsection, making Zack worry about broken ribs. But that wasn’t what Mike was interested in. He paused for a moment, and looked at Zack.

“Maybe after this, they won’t want you.” And with that, Mike struck him square in the face, just to the left of his nose. His head flew back, and rapped against the metal door of a locker. Mike waited for Zack’s head to roll back forward for another blow.

But the sound of a locker being struck drew the attention of Mr. DeVain. The principal stepped out of his office just as Mike was drawing his arm back for a second blow to the face.

“I don’t think so!” he nearly screamed. The boys backed away as the principal stormed toward them. The look on his face was as near to hell as any of them ever wanted to get.

“How DARE you bring this kind of violence into my school! I let you boys get away with a lot, because you’re star athletes, and you’ve always been decent role-models for the younger kids. But THIS!” he gestured to where Zack leaned back against the lockers. “This is intolerable! Get out of my school building. Don’t you dare come in tomorrow. And I will be calling your parents. Now, get out of my sight, before I decide that a call to the police is more warranted!”

The boys scattered like leaves before a wind. They wanted nothing to do with the fury they had drawn from Mr. DeVain. They had seen what happened when “Principal Cool” melted, and it scared them badly. But he turned his rage off almost as quickly as he had turned it on when he turned to Zack. “Are you okay, Zack? Geez, they really did a number on you. Come on, let’s get you to the nurse’s office.”

They walked down to the nurse’s office, where Ms. Shannon was still sitting at her desk, looking over some forms. She gasped when she saw Zack. “My Lord in Heaven! What happened to him?”

“Some seniors worked him over pretty good. Find out if anything’s broken, while I call his parents, would you?”

“Of course, Mr. DeVain. Now, Zack, you just lie back, and rest. Where does it hurt?”

Zack started to laugh, but ended up having a coughing fit, his ribs hurt so badly. He finally managed to say, “It would save time if you asked where it didn’t hurt.”

Ms. Shannon smiled warmly at his attempt at humor. She ran her hands very carefully along his neck, and across his collar bone, and then down his ribs. She noted the places where he winced in pain. When she was finished, she withdrew an icepack from the freezer, and placed it in a thin towel, and gave it to him for his eye, which was already swelling shut.

By this time, Mr. DeVain had re-entered the room. “Your mom will be down in a few minutes to get you, Zack. Now, I need to know, what were those boys beating you for?”

“I don’t think they like my choice of girlfriend, sir,” Zack responded, trying, and just barely succeeding, to sit up.

“Well, I can understand that, in a way. You are going with one of the cutest seniors in the school. I guess I could have warned you that you should watch your step. Sorry.”

“Not your fault, sir. I should have had enough brains not to flaunt it. If anyone’s to blame here, it’s me and my stupidity.”

“Now, that’s no way to talk, Zack,” chided Ms. Shannon. “Love makes a fool out of many a man.”

“Yes, Ms. Shannon, I suppose so.”


They left Zack alone, after Mr. DeVain told Zack not to bother coming in the next day, either. His school work would be assembled for him, and sent home via Claudia. Shortly thereafter, his mother arrived, and nearly panicked at the sight of him. She insisted, without chance for argument, that she was taking him to be looked over at the hospital. He wanted to tell her what an insult this was to Ms. Shannon, who was a real nurse, but his mother was hearing none of it.

The doctors, after poking, prodding, palpitating and x-raying him until he’d have rather been beaten again than endure the process, said what it had taken Ms. Shannon five minutes to figure out. “He’ll be fine, but he should take it easy for a couple of days,” said the one doctor. Well, duh.

On the way home, his mother finally got around to asking him what it was all about. After he explained it to her, she just nodded. She couldn’t think of what to say to him that would make sense. She couldn’t discourage his relationship with Claudia, as she was the only girlfriend he’d had in months, and, truth be told, the others hadn’t been around long. On the other hand, she worried for her son’s safety, if this was the kind of treatment he was getting for going out with a senior. Her indecision meant that she could only say to him, “Be careful, Zack, okay?”

“Okay, Mom.” He limped to his room and flopped down on his bed. His head was pounding, it hurt even to breathe, and he couldn’t see out of his left eye. Just now, his life sucked.


Zack spent the rest of the day in his room. His mother brought him dinner, but he had little appetite, and left most of it untouched. He seethed in frustration. He should have been able to at least put up a fight, he thought. He dozed fitfully, reliving the attack over and over in his mind, trying out different possibilities of what he might have done. In each case, he ended up in the same condition. He tossed and turned, his nightmares tormenting his tortured body.

He bolted awake after one particularly nasty one in which he’d ended up a lot worse off than he really was. He had come to a decision almost immediately upon waking up. I’ve got to find a way to defend myself from those guys. Zack wasn’t stupid enough to think that carrying a weapon into school was a good idea. Besides, his parents didn’t own a gun. It wasn’t Zack’s style, anyway. He needed to think of something more subtle, something less openly aggressive. He would have to think about this further, but right now his head was throbbing, and he needed to get some aspirin.


He slept unevenly throughout the rest of the night. He woke up the next morning, his bed soaked with sweat. His head and ribs still ached, and it was still hard to see out of his left eye, though the swelling had decreased quite a bit.

On entering the bathroom, he looked at his reflection, and he understood what Mike was trying to do. His face looked like nothing but a mass of bruises, and he wondered that Claudia would even be able to look at him in this condition. He stepped into the shower, and let the hot water wash over his body, helping to relax sore and aching muscles. He leaned against the shower wall, just hoping that the pains would go away. His mind was blank; he had nothing left to think about at the moment. He had a big problem to deal with, and not even a direction to turn in which to find a solution. Briefly, the idea of using the program on them crossed his mind, but he thought, How would I get them to look at it? ‘Gee, guys, we’ve been such good friends, why don’t you come over to my house and look at this neat computer program I’ve got!’ Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to fly. He pondered the problem until the hot water ran out, and then he stepped out of the shower, and dried off.

He dressed in his weekend outfit of T-shirt and sweats. It felt strange to be so dressed on a Tuesday, but that’s how life was for him at the moment. His parents were both gone to work, and so he made himself a bowl of cereal, and slumped down in front of the TV to see if he could find anything worth watching on.

After an hour and a half of flipping channels and finding shit to watch, he went back to his room. At the very least, he could play a video game or something. Once his computer powered up, however, he got the sudden urge to do some more work on the program. It works fine, why tamper with it? he thought. But still, he returned to the code. He had a fair understanding now of what each part of the program did, and how. He spent a few hours looking through some parts, and he found three or four places where the algorithm could be made to run faster, cutting down the amount of time necessary to run the program. The difference would only be a minute, maybe a minute and a half for a single-person matrix, but that was twenty-five percent of the total running time as it was.

After trekking back to the kitchen to grab something to munch on as he worked, Zack got down to rewriting these sections of code. He wondered how to make sure they worked, and then decided he would try them on himself, as he had all the other major changes. He figured it was only fair: he was tampering with minds, he might as well be his own guinea pig.

After a few hours of coding, and several compile attempts, the code compiled correctly. He first ran the program without a command script. This allowed him to time it without getting caught up in it. It ran for four minutes. He had cut the run time by a full two minutes! He was pleased with himself, but now he needed to make sure that the matrix still worked with this new setup.

Inserting his usual “relaxation” script, he booted the program. He saw the usual start-up effects, and he immediately felt better. He could no longer feel his aches and pains. His body no longer felt stiff or sore. He was floating, weightless in a paradise of color and sound. And, once again, his maidens appeared.


Thank you. Do you have any new lessons for me?


I don’t understand. This time, I want a straight answer. Who are you?


What the hell does that mean?


So… why are you all girls, then?


Conversation ended at that point, because a dozen women descended upon Zack, caressing him and stroking his suddenly bare skin. He wondered when his clothing had been removed, but then realized it was a dream, and it didn’t really matter. He felt hands caress his legs, his arms, his chest. The Claudia-maiden kissed him hotly on the mouth, and he suddenly felt another mouth engulfing his prick…

An hour later, relaxed and at peace, Zack emerged from the dream state. He felt more alert and focused. Looking at the clock, he realized that the programmed time had indeed elapsed, and that the new program worked exactly like the old one. Before leaving, the maidens had reminded him that he had not changed the two items in his own matrix. Now knowing that they were simply his subconscious, he went in and changed them. He ran a simple command script on himself, to allow the new matrix to take hold. He felt no change, but he wasn’t sure what he’d expected to feel anyway.

His thoughts were interrupted by his mother coming in at that point.

“Zack, how are you… Oh, I should have known you’d be doing fine so long as we didn’t take away your computer.” Her voice was soft and uplifting. She felt his forehead; for what reason, Zack didn’t know, because he wasn’t sick. Then she ran her hand through his hair, and asked how he was really doing.

“A lot better, Mom. I think I’ll be okay to go to school tomorrow.”

“Okay, but you take it easy. If it turns out to be too much for you, Dad or I will come get you.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

A knock at the door startled them both, and his mother went to see who it was. Shortly thereafter, Brian bounded through the door. Brian had been Zack’s best friend since the third grade. They’d gone through all the major events together: puberty, voice change, hair in weird places, the whole nine yards. With one exception: Brian was still a virgin. He was short, at 5’3″ tall, and had curly black hair. He had the thick glasses of extreme near-sightedness, and his gray eyes could be so intense that they intimidated a lot of people. Not Zack, though, who knew that Brian’s gaze had more to do with trying to see than anything else.

“Hey, Bri!” Zack said in greeting. “What are you doing here? Hey, how was the family reunion?” Brian had been away for the last two weeks at a family get-together for his grandparent’s fiftieth wedding anniversary.

“Don’t ask. If I never see some of those relatives again, it’ll be too soon. Claudia asked me to drop off your homework: her dad was taking her and the rest out to dinner or something, and she didn’t have time. What the hell happened to you?”

“Senior bullies,” Zack said with a scowl.

“Damn, what guys’ girlfriend did you steal?”

“Potential girlfriend, I think. Claudia.”

Brian’s face paled. “You’re shittin’ me! No way would Claudia go out with you!”

Zack had told Brian every detail of his life up to this point. He had described in minute detail his first sexual encounter. It didn’t even occur to him to keep the program a secret from him.

“I did a lot more than go out with her, man. I got laid.”

“Bullshit! Okay, if you got laid, what did you drug her with, and where can I get some?” he laughed nervously.

“Not a drug, man, but you’re close. I’ve got a computer program.”

“You’ve always got a computer program. What’s this one do?”

“It controls people.”


“No joke, man. I’ve got proof… but I can’t show it to you here. I don’t have a VCR that’s private enough.”

“We could take it to my house, man. I’ve got my own in my room. Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner? Mom’s making homemade pizza.”

“Cool! Why don’t you call your mom and see if it’s okay, and I’ll go ask my mom.”

“All right.” Zack left as Brian picked up the phone to call home.

Zack found his mother in the kitchen. She readily agreed to let Zack go over to Brian’s house. Zack gathered up the videotape, and, on reflection, he put the program on a ZIP disk. Brian also had a computer, and had a ZIP drive, so he could easily take the program to show him.

They rode to Brian’s house in Brian’s beat-up Ford pickup truck. It wasn’t much, but it got him around town. And it was more than Zack had. It occurred to him to use the program to get his parents to buy him a car, but he really didn’t think they could afford it. They were trying to find a cheap enough replacement for the car his mother was driving, because it was always breaking down on her. So, Zack shelved that idea as not practical.

Once at Brian’s house, both boys rushed back to Brian’s bedroom, taking only long enough to say hello to Mrs. Selman, Brian’s mother. He closed and locked his bedroom door, and then turned to Zack. “Okay, what’s on the tape?”

Zack fretted a moment. “Won’t your mother be suspicious about a locked door?”

“Nah. I’ve started doing that a lot lately. She thinks it means I want to be alone. Usually it means I’m jackin’ off.”

Zack shrugged, and put the tape in the VCR. He sat back as Brian hit the PLAY button. It took mere seconds for him to realize who was on the screen, and what she was doing.

“Holy shit!” Brian whispered.

It was the tape Claudia had made, and Zack had wound it to the best part. Her legs were spread apart, her knees raised. Her chest heaved as her fingers slid in and out of her pussy. Her moans were evident on the tape. Her movements became more frenzied as her fingers continued to slip in and out of her cunt. Finally, her back arched, and her body froze as she screamed in orgasm.

Brian sat stunned as he watched the tape. Zack let it continue for a few more minutes before getting up and ejecting it from the machine, putting it back into his book bag.

Finally regaining his voice, Brian said, “How in the hell did you manage to get a tape like that?”

“I asked her to make it for me,” Zack replied simply.

“And she just said, ‘Sure, Zack. No problem,’?”

“More or less. Well, I had to keep her busy, I was screwing Stephanie at the time.”

“Jesus Christ! You got tape of her, too?”

“Nah, just Claudia. Stephanie’s a lot of fun, though.”

“And you expect me to believe that you got this because of some damned computer program?”


“Well I’ll be dipped in shit and rolled in feathers.” It was Brian’s favorite expression for not knowing what to say. He didn’t really doubt Zack: Zack had never lied to him about how he got things, or how he did them. Brian was also a skilled computer programmer, but not on Zack’s level. Zack understood intuitively things that took Brian a day to figure out.

“So, where’s my copy?” Brian asked.

“It’s not that simple, unfortunately.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, so far, it still has to be configured for each person you use it on. It took me a bunch of tries before I got it to work on Claudia. My parents weren’t as big a challenge, but I screwed it up with my dad the first try… Stephanie’s the only one that hasn’t been a problem, but I got a lot of background on her from Claudia.”

“You fucked with your parents?”

“Had to, to get them to ignore what I was doing with Claudia.”

“Shit, man!”

“I know. Ain’t it cool?”

Just then, Brian’s mother called them down to dinner. Brian and Zack raced down to the dining room. Mrs. Selman’s cooking was quite good.

The two boys were the first ones into the dining room, and they sat together around the circular table. Mrs. Selman began serving the pizza to them, even before the rest of the family came in. Mr. Selman, she explained, was off at a conference, and wouldn’t be back until Thursday. Zack was too young to know whether that was a veiled reference to him having an affair or not, but Mrs. Selman’s deep blue eyes didn’t seem to show dismay. Zack watched her move about the dining room, how her short blonde hair flipped as she turned her head, how her skirt flowed about her legs. He was just starting to notice how her breasts pressed nicely against the flowered blouse she was wearing when the three girls came into the dining room.

The first in was Pam, Brian’s oldest sister. She was eighteen, and a knockout. She had tits at least as big as Claudia’s, and just as firm. Her flowing blond hair reached the middle of her back, and her blue eyes sparkled. She was wearing a pullover blouse and a pair of jeans that showed her ass to good advantage. Starzbet Giriş Zack was not the only one admiring the view. He quickly glanced at Brian, and noted that he was enthralled with his sister as well.

Zack took inventory of the other two sisters, who were both still in junior high. Bonnie was fourteen, with thick, wavy brown hair and gray eyes. Her round face was open and friendly. She was developing the same buxom appearance that seemed to be a family trait. Zack could think of worse traits to inherit. The rest of her was about average for a fourteen-year-old girl, but still fun to look at.

Brian’s remaining sister, Wendy, was short, even for her thirteen years. She stood only 4′ 6″ tall. To atone for that, she had the only red hair in the family. She had the pale skin to go with it, as well. Her eyes were a dark brown, and her smile was incredible. She, also, was developing the family chest, and Zack figured she must have been the envy of many a classmate, despite her height. Actually, he found her very attractive.

After they all greeted each other, the feasting started. Zack was thoroughly enjoying the dinner, almost enough so to forget about his wounds. Until he’d chew too vigorously, and then his face would start to hurt. Once, when Bonnie told a joke she’d heard at school, he’d caused himself a coughing fit because he laughed too hard. Mrs. Selman looked concerned, but he assured her that everything was fine, and dinner resumed.

Dessert was a wonderful homemade ice cream, and Zack enjoyed it all. His mother did not have the talents to do much home cooking, and most of their meals came out of a box with instructions on it. He spent a lot of meals at Brian’s house, for that reason. All the kids were aware of what had happened to him, and why, but it was a carefully avoided subject at the dinner table, until they were finished. As Pam got up to help her mother with the dishes, and the boys were about to head back to Brian’s room, she handed him a note. “Claudia asked me to give you this if I saw you before you got back to school. I guess she didn’t think to give it to Brian.”

Zack took it, and nodded. “Thanks, Pam.”

“No trouble. See ya!” And she headed to the kitchen to help her mother. Pam was the “perky” type, and she loved doing household chores. That alleviated the amount the other kids had to do, and they loved her for that.

Once they made it back to Brian’s room, he closed and locked the door again, and then turned on Zack. “Just what would it take for me to get a copy of that program?”

“I told you, Bri, it has to be specially written for each person.”

“Okay, okay… I don’t suppose I can write the custom stuff, huh?”

“It would take you forever to learn it. It did me.”

“Well, would you be willing to write it for me?”

“Hmmm… Depends on who you want it for, I suppose.”

“I want it for Pam.”

“Your sister? You want to do your sister?”

“Yeah. You see the way she looked tonight? She always looks like that! Damn she is hot! Look, you know my luck with the girls at school. I have no popularity.”

“I can sympathize man. Okay, okay… let me think.” Zack pondered for perhaps fifteen seconds. He actually needed Brian to want the program, because he needed Brian’s help. Or rather, his sisters’ help. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’ll write you a program to control Pam, IF,” he paused for effect, “You will install another program on your other sisters’ computer.”

“You want Bonnie and Wendy? Why?”

“Well, not them specifically… but I’ve seen some of the girls at the junior high, and they are choice, man. Definitely worth the effort.” Not that he felt that Bonnie or Wendy weren’t, mind you, but there were some things you don’t say about family members.

“Okay, that’s fine. Do with ’em what you want. I don’t have a problem with it.”

“Cool. Hmm. Probably easiest if I just write it right here… why don’t I call Mom and ask if I can stay for a few more hours? Will it be okay with your mom?”

“Sure. She’ll take you home, I’m not allowed to drive after dark. It sucks.”

“Okay.” Zack called his mother, and, after making sure he didn’t have too much homework to do, said he could stay until nine.

“Will that be enough time?”

“Should be… problem is, I’ve always just had whoever I wanted to see it, run it.”

“Pam doesn’t trust me with stuff on her computer.”

“I know. Which means we have to find a way to sneak it onto her machine.”

“If we can get it done in the next hour or two, she takes a shower before she goes to bed.”

“Okay, but how do you get her to run it?”

“Hmmm… no way to make it run automatically at a certain time?”

Shit! “Does your sister use a screen saver?” Zack had a new idea now, and it was forming up quickly. Brian could see it, and the energy was contagious.

“Doesn’t everybody?”

“Then I can turn it into a screen saver. One of the keys of this program is how it tends to draw a person into it. Once she sees it, she’ll want to keep watching it. I’ll have to write in a loop, and a time limit…” Zack was already booting programs on Brian’s computer to start making modifications. Brian, not able to keep up as Zack’s hands flew over the keys and scrolled through pages of code, dug out the tape of Claudia again, and started to play it through, with the sound muted, so it wouldn’t disturb Zack. Sound wasn’t really necessary, anyway.

An hour and a half later, Zack sat up straight. “Time for a test run!” He noted for the first time what Brian had been watching. There on the screen was Claudia, with her hands buried at her crotch, her body contorted in ecstasy. He snapped his fingers. “Hey!”

Brian finally snapped out of it. “Sorry, man, but… damn!”

“Yeah, yeah. Make one of your sister to watch. That one’s mine. We’re ready to try a test run of this program.”

As Zack booted it into the screen saver module, and was about to press “Preview”, Brian stopped him. “What’s this going to do to us, Zack?”

“I’ve loaded a special script into this. If you or I see it, we’ll feel some effect, it’ll be energizing. If your sister sees it, then the special programming I wrote in goes into effect.”

“What did you write for her?”

“I told her she wanted to be your love slave, that she was to do anything you wanted her to at any time. And a bunch of stuff like that.”

“Shit! You think this will really work?”

“It worked on Claudia and Stephanie.”

“Boot it up, then!”

Zack clicked “Preview”, and at first flashed the familiar Alpha-Omega logo. Then the program started. Zack could feel the energy coursing through him, it was almost like an adrenaline rush. Which, he figured after considering it, it probably was.

After about ten minutes, the program continued to run, but neither boy felt any further effects.

“What happened?” Brian asked, obviously having been under the effect as Zack had been.

“Time limit kicked in. It lasts for right around ten minutes. Otherwise, she’d be stuck staring at it until someone else came in and turned it off.”

“Zombified!” Brian said in jest.

“That’s about the size of it… interesting way to keep someone out of the way for a while, I suppose.”

Having completed the program, Zack and Brian fooled around until they heard Pam walk down to the bathroom for her shower.

“Okay, let’s go!” Brian said in a hoarse whisper. The two boys dashed down to Pam’s room, making sure not to be seen. They could hear the water running in the bathroom even from here, so they knew she would be a while. She had even conveniently left her computer on, with its screen saver running.

“Shit, she’ll notice the new screen saver right away!” Brian worried.

“That’s okay, it shouldn’t matter. Now, I don’t know if this new program will work in one dose or not. Honestly, I can’t say for certain it will work at all, but I can keep tweaking it until it does work.”

“Cool. So, how long do you think before I see results?”

“If she comes back and stares at it, she may be screwing your brains out before I manage to get home!” He smiled at his friend.

“Naw, really, how long?”

“I’m serious. If it works in one dose, and she sees it tonight, she will act on it tonight, or as early as is safe to do so. I wrote that in, that she needs to be careful about your parents.”

“Okay, cool. You done?”

“Yeah. She’s got the delay on ten minutes, so it should kick in before she gets back in here.”

“Yeah. She won’t be back for another twenty minutes, at least.”

“Let’s get out of here, before your mother comes looking for us.”



After that, Zack packed up his stuff, and Mrs. Selman drove him home. He thanked her and headed inside. After greeting both of his parents, he went to his room. Only then did he remember that he was carrying Claudia’s note. He took it out to read it.

Dear Zack:

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to bring your homework to you. My dad insisted we go to eat. I am also terribly sorry about what happened to you because of me. I will understand if you never want to see me again after this. I really missed you at school today, and I hope we can still at least be friends.

Love Always,


He knew he had to call her right then, so she wouldn’t worry about this. He dialed her number, and reached her mother. “Mrs. Merris? This is Zack Griffin. Can I talk to Claudia, please?” He waited as she went to get her. It seemed forever before she picked up the phone.

“Okay, Mom, I got it,” she said. They both heard the click of the extension hanging up. Claudia would be in her room now. “Zack?” she asked.

“Hey, Claudia. Missed you after school today.”

“I’m so sorry, Zack. I can’t believe those boys-“

“It wasn’t your fault, Claudia. They’re just jerks.”

“But it was because they were protecting me, or my reputation, or I don’t know what!”

“And neither do they, I’ll bet. They just thought they might have a chance with you, I guess, and were trying to get rid of the competition.”

“No way, Zack! I would never go out with anyone but you…” she hesitated for a moment. “If you’ll still have me.”

“Claudia,” he said in his softest voice, “If you were here right now, I’d show you the answer to that question.” He left no doubt as to what he meant.

“Oh, Zack,” she responded in relief.

“So, I’ll see you in school tomorrow, right?”

“You’re going?” she asked with surprise.

“Yeah. Can’t hang around this dump all day. I’ll be there.”

“Okay. My car still isn’t fixed, or I’d pick you up.”

“Not a problem. I’ll see you when I get there.”

“Bye. Love you.”

“Bye, Claudia.” He waited for her to hang up the phone before he hung up, listening to hear if another extension had indeed been active. It had not. He hung up considering her last words, but wrote them off as just part of the programming he had instilled in her. He put it all aside with the thought that he had two days’ worth of homework to do.


Back at Brian’s house, Pam exited the shower and dried herself off. She looked herself over in the mirror, believing, as she always had, that she could drop a pound or two. Her family tried to tell her that her weight was fine, but she was insecure about her appearance, and had always struggled with it.

She covered herself up with her robe, and walked back down to her room, wrapping her hair in a towel as she went. As she entered the room, and stripped off her robe to put on her nightgown, she noticed her computer screen appeared different. Normally, the screen contained the usual “Curves & Colors” screensaver that came with her Windows computer. This screensaver, however, was like nothing she had ever seen. Forgetting her nightgown, she sat down at her computer to watch it.

Her body felt warm, energized, and yet completely relaxed. She felt completely at peace and at rest. The cool, soothing colors of the screensaver enfolded her, and for the first time, she noticed the soft pitch of music coming from inside the colors, it seemed. She felt as if she were both falling, and soaring, yet with no sense of fear. Her mind reeled, but was not confused. Her senses were overloaded with the changing scenery, and with the pleasant sense of completeness she felt.

Meanwhile, the commands that Zack had written into this version of the program were planting themselves deep into her psyche. The program’s audio-visual presentation opened up the pathways to her inner being, allowing the commands to be planted there, to integrate them into her being. Whatever else Pam had been, she was now becoming one thing more.

Ten minutes later, she was shivering in front of her computer. She had not realized that she had been staring at the screen for so long. She thought to yell at Brian for putting a screensaver on her system…

As soon as she thought about Brian, she knew there was something more than screensavers she needed to talk to him about. But not now. Not with their mother in the house. That was too dangerous. Thinking thoughts about Brian that she had never had before, Pam climbed into bed, without her nightgown. She fell asleep with her hands between her legs, her dreams, of Brian.


Zack got off the school bus the next morning, and faced the large brick edifice of Thorndyke High School. He hadn’t gotten as much sleep as he would have liked, and, while his program could keep his mind fresh, his body was a bit stiff and sore. He still moved slowly, because any sudden moves jarred too many sore places.

As he approached the front doors of the school building, he took horrified interest in who was there waiting for him. Obviously, Principal DeVain had allowed the four toughs back into the school, for they were waiting for him on the front steps.

“Come on up, Griffin,” said Mike. “We need to finish our chat from the other day.”

The others nodded and egged him on, rubbing their hands together as if waiting for a meal. Just then, the door to the school building opened up, and out came Claudia. The look in her eyes was venomous.

“Get the hell away from him. I don’t need you four telling me who I can and can’t date.”

“We were just-” Kyle started to protest.

“Yeah, I know what you were ‘just’ gonna do. Stay the hell away from my boyfriend!”

Zack was astounded at her ferocity in his defense. He had not thought his program worked that well. As soon as the boys had moved off, she moved over to him, hugging him so gently that he didn’t feel a single ache. She kissed him on the cheek, and led him up the steps into the school.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up this morning. I don’t want my dad to know about you… That’s wrong, isn’t it? I should tell him about you tonight.”

Zack shook his head. He didn’t need yet another guy telling him to stay away from Claudia. “Don’t bother, Claudia. It’s not necessary, and he might not like me very much.”

“Okay, Zack, I won’t, then. You want me to help you get around today?” She was being as helpful as she could. She was being a little too helpful. She was being… and Zack smiled as he realized, She’s just being a girlfriend.

“That’s okay, Claudia, I’ll be all right. Why don’t you just go on to your other classes, and I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

“Okay, Zack.” But she didn’t go without giving him a good-bye kiss, which reminded him why all the bumps and bruises were worth it.

He stepped into Mr. Farley’s Algebra II class, and tried to forget about his bruises, and get back into the swing of things.


He had seemingly slipped back into normalcy by lunch. He had even had a few more fantasies about Ms. Pinches. But he still had no way to act on them, and so once again set them aside.

On his way to the lunch room, however, he was yet again accosted by the seniors. This time, it wasn’t an outright beating. They walked down the hall, two on each side of him, shoving him into one another, causing him to almost lose his balance several times. They broke off at the cafeteria door, before the principal could see their actions. Zack wasn’t about to tell Mr. DeVain what was going on: he didn’t need them thinking that he couldn’t fight his own battles, and would tattle on them. That was the last kind of bad reputation he wanted to have for the next two years and a month of high school.

He found Claudia waiting for him at his table, and she kissed him quickly as he sat down. He still noticed the stares, but they didn’t seem as nasty now. It was almost as if they felt he’d been punished for his indiscretion, and that he could now go about his business. Why, if that’s the case, are those other four still beating on me? His train of thought was broken as Stephanie walked right past him, without even looking at him.

“Steph,” he called, “Why don’t you sit with us?”

Stephanie paused, and looked at him. Still, she couldn’t look him in the eye. But she hesitated longer than he would have liked. Why isn’t her programming as strong as Claudia’s? He patted the bench beside him, and finally she came over and sat down. He decided not to risk giving her a kiss. If she rebuffed him in public, it could cause really bad things to happen for him.

“So, Zack,” Claudia started in, “Are you really okay? I mean, those guys didn’t hurt you too bad, did they?” Zack took a chance to glance at Stephanie before answering. Her look was cool, controlled.

“I’m fine, Claudia. Really.”

She leaned over and said to Stephanie, “Those boys beat up on Zack because he’s going out with us.”

Stephanie said nothing, but nodded curtly. What’s going through her mind right now? he wondered.

“Steph, can you come over to my house tonight? I, um…” He had to think fast, he had no reason to want Stephanie at his house other than to screw her brains out, but he needed to check why her programming wasn’t holding.

“Yes, Zack. I will be there. What time?”

Hmm. Guess I don’t have to think up a reason. “Seven.”

“I will be there.” She repeated. Her voice was almost toneless. Zack didn’t understand why her demeanor wasn’t the same as Claudia, who nearly doted on him. Not that he minded that, of course.

“Good.” They finished up their lunch in silence, not having much to say just then. Zack enjoyed being seen with two of the most beautiful senior girls in the school, but worried that this might mean further trouble for him.


Pam Selman’s day had been one of distraction. She was thinking about her brother constantly. She had had a sudden revelation about him last night, and she knew that she must act on it. She wondered why it had risen so strongly to the surface, but it didn’t matter. It was here. It was what was meant to be.

She walked in the door of their home that afternoon, sweaty and disturbed. She’d run all the way home. Normally, she would only run halfway, and walk the rest as a cool-down, but her thoughts were so disturbed this day that she had kept running, in an effort to outrun them. It had not worked, as they were waiting for her at her destination.

She went upstairs and took a long, cool shower, to try to cool her body down, both from her run, and from the heat that was building inside of her. Though the shower did make her clean, it did nothing for her arousal.

Maybe playing on the Net will help.


There were exactly 18,372 lines of code in Program Alpha-Omega, not counting the command scripts. It could not, therefore, be considered Zack’s fault that he had overlooked eight of them. They were not eight in a row, or even paired. These eight lines of code were dispersed throughout the 18,000+ lines of the program. They were designed to be hidden.

The program also behaved in a fashion similar to some computer viruses. Once it had been run on a machine, it would wait until that machine logged onto the Internet, and then it would send a message to a secret location. Had Zack known about these eight lines of code, he would have been able to find and remove them. But the sections in which they occurred did perfectly harmless things, and Zack had not checked closely enough to make sure they did what it appeared they did.

When Pamela Selman accessed the Internet at 4:32 pm that Wednesday afternoon, she sent a beacon to that secret location, and it gave her IP address, as well as her email address, as obtained from her mail program’s registry entries. Nothing showed on Pam’s screen, no files were tampered with or erased. And as soon as the message was sent, that function of the program was disabled, and the email would never be sent again. At least not by this version of the program.


The man sat once more in his darkened office. He was typing out specifications for new hardware and software. The newest systems were going to be very costly, but he knew they would sell. His company was making a fortune.

He was interrupted, again, by a knock on the door. His temper flared momentarily, for he hated to be interrupted. But his staff knew that, and an interruption could only mean it was important. That muted his response somewhat, but not all the way. “Come!”

The door opened, and William stood before him again. So, our program develops new information. “What do you have for me, William?”

“Sir… this is odd. As I told you, we’ve been attempting to track down the person who accessed our program…”

“I know this. Have you not gotten me a name yet?”

“No, sir. Unfortunately, the individual is very adept at hiding his tracks, and has routed through multiple systems before going over the network, so we haven’t been able to track him back yet. We do know his local Internet Provider, however. Once we can track him back to a specific number, we’ll be able to look through their databases, and get a name from that.”

“William,” the man said patiently, “You are giving a discourse on Net Tracking to the person who taught it to you. Now, what news do you bring me?”

William gulped, and hurried on. “Sir, we’ve got a strange anomaly. Someone else is running the program, from the same provider as our unknown, but this one cleared through directly, and it was not hidden in any way. Sir, I doubt this could be our person.”

A slight smile played at the man’s lips. “You are most certainly correct, William. What conclusion do you draw from this?”

“Sir? We, uh… We’ve not been able to come up with a good reason for this, sir.”

“Think, William! Our friend downloads our program. We’ve gotten a couple dozen emails from him or her, indicating that they have continually been changing the program, but always with a scrambled locator code.”

“Yes, sir, that’s correct. But what-“

“I said, think! What are the four possible reasons for moving it to a different computer?”

“Well, sir-” the man cut him off.

“I’ll tell you, William, to save you the stuttering. First, he, and I’ll use ‘he’ neutrally here, as it could easily be a female, doesn’t feel his computer is secure anymore. But if that were the case, the same protections would be in place on the new system.

“Second, he could be calling in reinforcements: another person to help him with it. But, if that were the case, then he would certainly have his associate protect his computer in the same manner as his own.

“Third, we could have another person working on the program. I reject this out of hand, because the idea of two hackers that close together geographically being unaware of each other is beyond the realm of possibility.”

“What says they don’t know each other, sir?”

“William, you’re a good programmer, but you never were a hacker. Hackers teach each other all the tricks. If they knew each other, they’d be using the same defensive measures. No, this person is not another programmer.”

“Sir, that covers all the bases, doesn’t it?

“No, I said there were four possibilities.”

“What’s the fourth, sir?”

“That it works, William. I believe our friend has made a program that actually works.”

William just stared at him, wide-eyed in disbelief at the concept. Finally, he regained his voice. “Surely not, sir. With all the minds we have here who couldn’t get it to work-“

“Never assume you are the best at anything, William. The programmers here are good. The person we are looking for is better. The whole point of Operation Second Chance was to find just such a programmer. I want him. Find me that programmer!”

The man’s voice boomed across the room, and William scurried backward out of the office, closing the door before his boss could yell at him further. The man did not return to his specifications; instead, he paced the floor, considering how to handle a possibly malevolent person with a functional mind-control program.

My God, what have we done?


Brian arrived home at five-thirty that afternoon. He had spent some time at the public library, getting his term paper ready. He saw Pam’s book bag on the chair, so he knew she was home. Their mother wouldn’t be home until around six-thirty. He went to the kitchen to get himself a glass of juice, and found a note on the table saying that his mother was going out with friends, and wouldn’t be home until nine or ten. This was common for her when Dad was gone, and so he thought nothing of it, but looked in the fridge briefly to find what he would have for dinner later. Having decided that, he rinsed out his juice glass, and headed up to take a shower.


Pam had also read the note, after taking her shower. She had played on the Internet for a little while, but then she had gotten bored, and made herself something to eat. By the time she had returned to her computer, the screensaver had kicked on. She was immediately drawn into it, and her mind absorbed its message freely. For the next ten minutes, she was in bliss, and her body’s urges did not bother her. However, the euphoria did not last, and she felt the need more urgently than ever when she came out of her trance-like state. She knew her brother would be home soon, but she didn’t know how to present herself to him. If she put the situation to him the wrong way, she thought, he would scare off and tell Mom, and that would be bad for everyone. How to do it?


Brian was already soapy by the time Pam entered the bathroom. She moved stealthily, and so he didn’t hear the door open or close. Pam had already removed her clothing, having only a robe on now. This she removed and put on a hook on the back of the door. Nude, she stood and watched his form inside the shower enclosure. The acrylic panels were frosted, but still allowed you to see the person’s shape inside. She waited, knowing that he would wash his hair soon, and that was what she Starzbet Yeni Giriş needed.


Brian rubbed the shampoo into his hair, lathering it up well. Then he stuck his head under the water to wash off the sudsy substance. He spent a good forty-five seconds making sure it was all out of his hair, before he pulled his head from underneath the blasting stream of water. He hadn’t heard a thing.

He turned around to grab for the soap, and nearly had a heart attack, for standing before him in the steamy shower enclosure was his sister Pam, completely naked, holding the soap.

“Is this what you’re after, Brother?” she asked. She never called him “Brother”. It was always “Brian”, or “Brain” when she was in a teasing mood.

“Yes- Pam- what the-” he realized he was turning into a blithering idiot, but seeing his sister’s gorgeous nude form before his eyes was quickly shutting off brain functions.

“Let me help you, Brother,” she cooed, and stepped toward him. Brian was rooted to the spot, and couldn’t have moved to stop her if he’d wanted to, and he didn’t want to.

Pam moved into the stream of water, wetting her own body down, and also lathering up the soap. She started with his back, moving the bar of soap in her hands along his skin in long, smooth gestures. She allowed the water to wash off the suds before she continued, soaping up his shoulders and neck.

Brian was really enjoying this. He finally realized that this was exactly what he had asked Zack for, and he was getting his wish. His sister Pam had become his love slave. Well, we haven’t gotten that far yet. Let’s not get over-excited here. But it was impossible to avoid that, as his dick was already standing out iron-hard in front of him.

Pam began to work further down his front, but she didn’t move around him. Instead, she pressed herself right up against his back, her nipples were hard points stabbing into him, and he leaned back against them. She rubbed her hands down his chest, rubbing his nipples especially before continuing down to his abdomen.

Pam was a good four inches taller than Brian, and she looked over his shoulder down to his crotch. Quietly, she said to herself, “Mm.” She moved around to let the water run over Brian’s shoulders and wash off the suds on his chest. She knelt down before him, looking up into his eyes, and said, “I don’t think soap would be good for this, Brother.”

Before he could ask her what she meant, her lips had encircled the head of his dick, and her tongue was dancing across his pisshole. She did her level best to suck the cum from his dick, but he was holding out with everything he had. She began to take more of him into her mouth, sliding her lips down along his shaft as she held it in place with one hand. Her other hand was busily fingering her clit. Her mouth reached just over halfway on his cock, and then she started slipping off of it again, her tongue sliding along the bottom and sides as it pulled slowly from her mouth. When just the head was still in her mouth, she began to descend again, only faster this time. Her mouth moved back and forth on his dick, sending wave after wave of pleasure through Brian’s body. This being the first sexual contact of his life, at least with another person, he couldn’t contain himself for long. His cum was soon splattering the back of her throat. Pam held it all in, not letting a single drop slip from her beautiful lips. Then, when it seemed he was finished, she swallowed it all.

Her mouth slipped off his dick, which he had expected to soften now. He found, to his amazement, that he was just as hard as he was when she’d started. He looked up at her, as she had stood back up in front of him, and she asked him, in no uncertain terms, “Do you want to fuck me, Brother?”

“Oh, God, yes!” he answered.

She turned around and placed her hands against the tile wall of the shower. “My pussy is yours, Brother. Take me!”

Brian quickly moved forward. His dick was soon at the entrance to her cunt, but he was unsure how to find the opening. Somewhat frustrated, Pam reached back, and took his shaft in her hand. She guided the head of his cock to the right spot, and screamed, “Push!”

Brian did, and her pussy was so steaming hot and dripping wet that his cock slid all the way into her on the first try. He rested when his balls touched her clit, and he just felt her around him. Her pussy held him in its velvety grip, contracting along his length as if to pull him further inside. Her smooth skin was hot beneath him where his chest rested against her back. He reached his hands around her sides, and took her wondrous tits into his hands. He rolled them around her chest, finally grabbing her nipples and stretching them. She moaned with the sensation, but she wanted more.

“Fuck me! Go ahead and fuck me, Brother!”

Brian did not let go of her wonderful globes, but he did begin to move his dick in and out of her pussy. First, in long, slow strokes. As his excitement grew, he started pounding into her faster, and his hands mauled her tits as he became too aroused for finesse. Pam did not care, she just wanted him to fuck her. Faster he went, and louder she became, encouraging him, and moaning and screaming in her ecstasy.

It didn’t take long before Brian’s cum shot deep into her twat, filling her, sating her, giving her what she had wanted all day. She had come twice during their session, and that was unusual for her, but it was her Brother – Her Master.

He pulled out of her, and she turned around to embrace him. She looked down at him, and then their lips met. The kiss was soft and sweet, but still held passion. Though they broke the kiss, their eyes remained locked.

Pam whispered softly, “I am yours forever, Brother. You are my Master now.”

“Yes,” replied Brian, in what voice he could find. He noted that the water was beginning to cool, and they got out of the shower. He made her dry him off, and the sensation of being caressed in that manner was very erotic. Soon, he was hard again.

“Pam,” he said, “Come into my bedroom. There are some things you need to teach me.”

It’s a good thing Mom’s not going to be home for a while…


Somewhat later that evening, about a mile away, Stephanie walked up to Zack’s house and knocked on the door. Zack answered it, and still enjoyed the view, even after having seen her naked. Today, she had on tight green shorts and a light green blouse, tied just below her tits so that her abdomen showed. He enjoyed seeing her like this, and couldn’t resist caressing her in the living room. She started to step away from him, thought better of it, and froze.

“Steph, let’s go back to my room.”

“Yes, Zack,” she intoned. He didn’t remember installing a robot voice in her, so he knew that she was trying to keep something under control. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew a way to find out. Quickly, he wrote a few new lines to her script. He knew that he would have her as his again, for at least tonight. He wondered if he could stand the sex in his condition. He thought, Well, at least a blowjob…

Soon, Stephanie was under the trance of the program. Four minutes later, it had run its course. Boy, it’s amazing what a difference those two minutes make!

Stephanie turned to him with lust in her eyes. He backed away and sat on the bed. She did not make eye contact, but moved over to him, standing in front of him, her eyes now on the floor in an effort not to make eye contact.

“Steph, take off all of your clothes.” Quickly, she removed all of her clothing. Zack would have preferred a striptease, but he hadn’t ordered that, and it was a little late now. Something to remember for later.

“Okay, now I want you to kneel before me, your hands behind your head, and your knees as far apart as you can comfortably go.” These orders, she complied with. It was a very arousing sight, and Zack’s dick was, indeed, aroused. It was straining against his jeans now. He reached down and undid his own jeans this time, lifting up to slip his jeans and underwear down past his knees. He then sat back on the bed. “Whenever you and I are alone,” he continued, “You will assume this position, unless I have given you another task to perform. When you have completed any tasks I have given you, you will return to this position. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Zack.”

“Good. Now, come blow me.”

Immediately, Stephanie crawled over to where he sat, and her mouth plunged down onto his dick. She deep-throated his entire seven inches in one swift maneuver, and he just knew that she was going to have a sore throat in the morning. But just now, he didn’t care, because the feelings she was sending up his dick were divine.

She kept up her sucking of his dick, moving almost off it, and then plunging all the way back down. She let her one hand fondle his balls, but her other hand was rubbing at her tit. Eventually it strayed down, and wormed its way into her cunt, flicking in and out at the same pace as she was sucking Zack.

It didn’t take long before Zack was ready to come, and Stephanie could tell. She quickened her pace, both of her mouth and her finger, and began to frig her clit with her thumb. Just as his cum began to spill down her throat, she felt her own orgasm rip through her body. Her fingers were coated with her juices, and she moaned on his dick, causing him another few spasms of orgasm.

She made sure to clean up every last bit of his cum from her lips, and then licked off her own hand. Once finished, she moved back, and resumed the position he had ordered for her, awaiting further instructions.

Zack sat back for a few moments, examining how she looked in that very open pose. His cock was beginning to stir again, and so he figured he’d better get on with what he was trying to find out from her.

“Stephanie,” he used her full name, as she preferred, in an attempt to maybe placate whatever hostility she might have toward him, “I insist that you always tell me the truth, and the whole truth, at all times. You are not to lie to me, misrepresent anything, or to omit important information. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Zack.”

“Do you like me, Stephanie?” He knew the proper answer to this question.


Well, not a programmed answer, but I told her to tell the truth, not a programmed fiction. Good.

“Is that why you haven’t been following my instructions?”

“I believe so.”

“You’re not sure?”

“I don’t understand why I would follow them in the first place, Zack, so I cannot be certain why I’m not following them, either.”


“But you believe the reason is because you don’t like me?”


“Why don’t you like me?”

“Because…” He could see she was struggling with herself, trying to fight the command he had given her.

“Stephanie, answer me, now. Why don’t you like me?”

“Because you don’t deserve Claudia. She’s too good for you.”

“I see. And who do you think is good enough for Claudia?” He asked this question out of curiosity, more than any formulated plan. He didn’t know how to deal with this. She was fighting off the matrix because she didn’t like him? How screwed up is that?

He also noted that she hadn’t answered his question yet. “Answer me!”

“I am.”

What? ‘General Protection Fault: error at memory location: answer to question!!!’

“Please say that again.”

“I am good enough for Claudia. You are not.” The hurt in her voice was evident.

“Are you telling me that you have a crush… no, that you are in love, with Claudia?”


Well, shit.

“Are you a lesbian?”

“No. I am bisexual.”

“I see. But, us sharing Claudia would not be acceptable to you.”


“Well, you know what, kiddo? That’s just too damned bad. Because I have Claudia, and I intend on keeping Claudia. Now, get dressed. You can go home now. You will come back to this house every three days. Kiss me, and you may go.”

She stopped pulling on her panties, and came over and kissed him hotly on the lips. When he broke their kiss, she finished dressing, and left, without him escorting her to the door.

In love with Claudia. Well, I’ll be damned.


When Brian Selman woke up the next morning, he almost believed that the previous evening had been a dream. If it hadn’t been for his sister’s panties lying on his dresser, he might have actually thought it to be so. But, no, he was no longer a virgin, and his sister was his love slave. Life was very good, but he now had to live up to his part of the bargain. He dressed quickly, and took the ZIP disk to his younger sisters’ room. They had already left for school with their mother, and so he was alone. Pam walked to school, stupidly, he thought, for the exercise. On the other hand, it keeps her looking like she does…

He turned on their computer, and slipped the ZIP disk into the drive. He quickly inserted the right file onto their computer, wondering briefly what paosswb.scr stood for. He could guess at some of the letters, but the rest were a mystery. He copied the file to the right place, and set up their screensaver to use it. They had theirs on a five minute delay, so he figured it would activate even more quickly with them. For a moment, he regretted the loss of his sisters as potential targets, but he figured he might be able to trade Zack something to get them back, if he really wanted them.

Having finished what he was doing, he shut down and turned off their system, and headed back to his room. He had promised to get the disk back to Zack as soon as he had loaded the other program. He didn’t want to piss Zack off. Not when he had this kind of gift to give.


By now, Claudia’s car was out of the shop, and she picked up Zack at his house. He kissed her warmly before they started to the high school. She was wearing her usual jeans with a pullover shirt, and she looked beautiful as always. Her hair laid softly across her shoulders, and her mouth puckered as she concentrated on the traffic. He wanted to kiss that pucker, but he figured that would cause an accident.

The boys were waiting for him out in front of the school again this day, but walked away at seeing Claudia. I can’t believe I need to be protected by a girl! He vowed to find some way to better protect himself from people like them. He also figured that he’d need to find a suitable way to get revenge on them for his beating. He rejected changing their grades; anything he did would probably be an improvement for them. He couldn’t think of anything, and it distracted him until they got to his first hour class, and Claudia kissed him good-bye. He put his troubles aside as her warm lips pressed his, her tongue just sliding out to caress his upper lip, before it slipped back into her mouth, and she broke the kiss, and was gone.


Somehow, at least two of the four seniors managed to harass Zack between each of his classes, making him almost late for class each time. And each time, one of them would say, “You know how to make all this stop, Griffin.”

I’ll be damned to hell before I let them win like this!

At lunch, he made a point of calling Stephanie over to him. She obeyed meekly, her memory of last night still poignant in her mind. She was embarrassed that she had told him those things; she was upset with him for making her tell him, and she was also still horny, for he had not given her anything last night. Sure, his cum was good, but she wanted it up her cunt, not just in her mouth.

Dear Lord, what am I thinking?

Zack broke her train of thought by giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him dutifully, and attacked her lunch. Zack and Claudia carried on a conversation around her. They didn’t seem to mind she wasn’t involved.


Actually, Zack noticed her quiet behavior, and correctly attributed it to the previous night’s encounter. What he still didn’t know was what to do about it. He couldn’t just give up Claudia to her. For one, he wanted to keep Claudia. For two, he was having too much fun with Stephanie. He decided that he’d have to see if there was something in the matrix that could be adjusted. After all, a mind control program that didn’t work on your enemies was worse than useless.


Later that day, a problem began to emerge, but Zack didn’t even know about it. Sarah was a friend of Stephanie’s. She and Stephanie had been good friends since eighth grade. That afternoon, in gym, she got Stephanie alone in the locker room.

“What the hell is up with you and that guy you’ve been going with?”

“You mean Zack?”

“If that’s his name. I hear he’s already going with Claudia Merris. What, one girl ain’t enough for him?”

“I guess not,” she responded aimlessly.

“And you’re going to put up with that shit? You? Miss ‘I can have any guy I want’?”

“Well, it’s not like I’ve got that much of a choice in the matter. Look, can we not talk about this? We’re already late for warm-ups.” She hurried out of the locker room, leaving behind a stunned friend.

Doesn’t have much choice?


Though Zack’s wounds were healing rapidly, he wasn’t in good enough shape to fool around with Claudia for more than a little petting, which they did on the way home from school. She dropped him off at his house, only to hear a horn honk behind them. It was Brian. Claudia waved to him, blew a kiss to Zack, and drove off. Zack walked over to Brian’s truck.

“Hey, man. Believe me now about Claudia?”

“Shit, Zack. I believe you about everything. Never did manage to catch up with you today. Here’s your disk.”

“Does that mean…?”

“Virgin no more, my man. And my sister… Damn!”

Zack knew just what he meant. “So, you installed the program for your other sisters, right?”

“Yeah. Say, I been meaning to ask you, what the hell do you call this program, anyway?”

“‘Program Alpha-Omega’. Has a real nice ring to it, don’t ya think?”

Brian snorted. “Whatever. Look, if that prog works as fast on my little sisters as it worked on Pam, you’d better get over there, or they’re gonna be tearing the walls down looking for you.”

“Let me tell my mom I’m going, but you don’t have to worry about that sort of thing.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not in their programming.” Zack walked off to the house laughing, and let his mother know he was going to Brian’s.


Once they were in Brian’s room, they just sort of wasted time. They were waiting for his sisters to come to them. Zack had explained, for the most part, the programming he had used on Brian’s younger sisters. Once programmed, they would go to Brian seeking Zack. If Zack happened to be there, great. If not, they would insist that Brian take them to Zack. So, they spent about an hour waiting. Finally, there was a knock at Brian’s door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Wendy. I need to talk to you.”

“What do I do?” Brian whispered.

“Just let her in. Act normal,” he answered.

Brian opened the door, and his sister came in, ready to say something, until she saw Zack. At that point, she faced Zack squarely, came to an almost military posture, and said in a soft voice, “Your servant Wendy is ready to do your will, Master Zack.”

“Shit!” Brian breathed.

Zack just chuckled. “Don’t worry, she won’t talk like that all the time. Just when I need to give her instructions.” To Wendy, he said, “Wendy, you are in the seventh grade, correct?”

“Yes, Master Zack.”

“Okay. I want you to pay attention in school tomorrow. I want you to look at all the girls. I want you to find me girls…” He hesitated here, not sure he wanted to say what he was going to say in front of Brian. He said it anyway. “I want you to find all the girls who are as pretty as you are, or prettier.”

“You think I’m pretty, Master Zack?” She blushed.

“Yes, I do, Wendy. Now, once you find those girls, I want you to take their picture. Do you have a camera?”

“Yes, Master Zack.”

Brian whispered into his ear, “It’s a cheap piece of shit camera.”

Zack whispered back, “How do the photos turn out?”

“Okay, if she uses the flash. Which she does.”

Zack nodded and continued. “I want you to take a picture of each girl, and I want you to bring those pictures to me. After that, I will give you further instructions. Do you understand, Wendy?”

“Yes, Master Zack.”

“Good. Just one last instruction. Make sure your sister Bonnie looks at that cool new screensaver we installed on your machine, okay?”

“Yes, Master Zack.”

“Good girl. Now,” and he paused as he wanted to make sure he had her attention for the code phrase, “go play.”

Without a word, Wendy walked quickly out of the room, shutting the door softly behind her.

“She will now do everything I told her to, without questioning, or knowing, why.”

“Shit! You’ve got your own little robots! Should I even bother to ask what you want with pictures of all the cute seventh graders?”

“I don’t think there’s really a need for you to…” They both laughed.

Five minutes later, Brian’s sister Bonnie came in the room, and Zack repeated the process. She did not have a camera, but Brian loaned her his so that she could complete her assignment. Soon, she also walked out the door.

Then there was another knock at the door. They looked at each other for a moment in confusion. Then Brian shrugged and said, “Come on in.”

His mother poked her head in and said, “Dinner in fifteen minutes you guys. It’s just burgers and fries tonight, I’m not much in the mood for cooking.”

“That’s okay, Mrs. Selman. It’s still good food.”

She beamed at the teen, and left.

Brian had something else on his mind, though, that his mother’s entrance had reminded him of. “Zack?”


“My parents are going to be a problem for Pam and me.”

“Well, I can give you the program that I used on my parents…”

“Won’t work. They have zero interest in computer programs of any kind. They never touch the things.”

“You couldn’t convince them to come look at one?”

“Hey, I’ve tried before. With normal stuff, like a picture I wanted my mom to see, or whatever. They just have no desire to mess with the machines.”

“Well, shit. Look, I’ll work on it, but I don’t know what to do. What do they have interest in? What do they do when your dad is home?”

“Mostly they watch TV.”

Shit! “I wonder…” Zack’s eyes got that glazed look that Brian recognized as clearly as a light bulb going off over his head.

“You thinking what I think your thinking?”

“If we can port the audio-visuals to a television…”

“Yeah! Then I can just trick them into watching it!”

“Perfect! IF I can find a way to port it to a TV.”

“Come on! You’re a genius! Of course you can do it!”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Bri,” Zack said, laughing.

“Well, let me know if you need my help with anything.”

“Sure will. We better wash up for dinner.”


Zack spent the entire night after he got home thinking over three problems. First, he had four big mean guys who wanted him to leave Claudia alone, which he wasn’t willing to do. Second, he had a girl who was trying to break the control of the matrix, and she was able to do that simply because she didn’t like him. Third, and perhaps most annoying, he had to figure out how to port his program to another, less stable, media. Computer screens have far more fidelity than TV screens, and he had no idea if that would matter to his program or not.

Well, only one way to find out…

He spent the night writing down ideas. He didn’t have any video-porting hardware in his computer. Up until now, he hadn’t needed any. However, the school DID have such equipment, but he didn’t have access to it under normal circumstances. I could probably get away with saying that I want a copy of my multimedia project for Mr. Parks. That would work fairly easily, I think…

He went to sleep that night, figuring he had the makings of at least one solution in his mind.


Friday, he got up and went to school, carrying his familiar ZIP disk with him. He also had his portable drive, in case the school’s system didn’t have one. He had asked Claudia to hurry, and he’d left her, rather reluctantly, well before the bell rang so that he could speak to Mr. DeVain about using the school’s multimedia systems.

On seeing him in the office, something triggered Mr. DeVain’s memory that he still had a question to ask Zack.

“Good morning, Zack! By the way, if you have a few moments right now, I want to talk to you about that project I mentioned last Friday. Come with me.”

“Okay, Mr. DeVain.” Zack figured he could butter him up by agreeing to whatever project the principal had in mind. At this point, whatever it took to advance his work on the program, he’d do.

Mr. DeVain led him down the hallway, to… the media lab. Zack had not expected them to go here. This was the room he needed access to. The principal led Zack in, and led him over to a corner, where a mass of electronic equipment was covered in plastic.

“Zack,” he said, “The school system has spent a lot of money linking every school in this county with ITV.” He pulled the cover off the system, to reveal a few boxes of equipment. “Trouble is, nobody bothered to tell us how any of it works. Oh, they did give us a manual,” he pointed to a one-inch thick book labeled, ‘User’s Guide’, “But no one on staff has the time to learn how this works. We’d like to get this system up and running as soon as possible. Do you know how to work anything like this?”

“Well, not this particular item, sir, but all electronic equipment is basically the same. I’m sure I can figure out how to run it, given a little time.”

“Look, take the book home with you, and look it over. Monday morning, come back to me, and tell me what’s possible, and what isn’t. Maybe you can even show me how to hook all this stuff up. They wired every classroom for the connections for this thing, but nobody knows diddly about which plug goes where for what.”

Zack stifled a laugh. Adults. “Sure, Mr. DeVain. I can look this over, and probably be able to get it running for you on Monday.”

“Great!” As they started to leave the media room, he asked, “By the way, what was it you were in the office for?”

“Oh, nothing. It can wait until later. I don’t want to be late for class.”

“Okay. Thanks again, Zack,” the principal said before heading back to his office.

Zack went to his math class whistling. For the first time in two days, he wasn’t harassed on the way there. The toughs had obviously missed him. And now he had an inkling of an idea far bigger than one he could have hoped for last night.

Convert to TV? How about convert to ITV? He chuckled to himself as he sat down in math class, and began to daydream… and to plan.



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Big Sis sought out my dick only when she wasn’t feeling horny. Because she has a libido that rivals mine and our Mother’s, she asked for a ‘treatment’ about three times a week. It was like I was her therapist but without the fat payments.

“Mom is keeping a sharper eye on us since she learned we were not-boinking.”

“I’m not worried.” I was slowly jerking myself, sitting on my bed while she knelt before me. I had been doing it for ten minutes. My big sister always tried to talk about non-sexy things, to bolster her boredom.

If she was trying to bore me, she failed big time. Mom’s envy for Nell’s access to my dick was cutting dangerously into Dad’s sleep! Mom would either be on top, boning him, or beside him, running her vibrator late into the night.

What Nell didn’t know, I was tracking Mom’s sexual arousal cycle. Poor Mom was about to hit her monthly peak. I wanted to be ready for it!

“Ohh, yeaaahhh! I shouted and cum erupted from my prick!” My mommy complex was my favorite way to reach the big O, but I had to restrict using it. Opposite of Nell’s goal, I never wanted to get bored of fantasizing about Mom.

Nell had learned to stay three feet from the tip of my prick, or she’d get soaked. Each time her body or clothes caught flying spunk, she would scurry away, angry as fuck but not at me. I’d made her promise not to blame me for accidents.

My cum arced over the carpet and crashed against the plastic sheet I’d placed between us. It had a circular target painted on it. When my spurts ended, and the last only oozed out of the tip, she tallied the impacts.

“Seventeen.” She looked up at me grunted. “Are you even trying to score?”

Oh yeah I was – her. It was as good a moment as any to ask. “Are you sure you’re not going to your room and masturbating after watching me?” For a while now, I hadn’t seen her get even slightly aroused by my cock’s towering presence. That however might be a testament to her stoic facade.

Nell shuffled on her toes and knees. “I’ve had setbacks. Frankly it’s none of your business.”

“I guess not, but I would like to know if your crazy scheme is actually working.”

My proud sister pursed her lips. She fumed, just as mother had, dozens of days earlier. “You ought to be plenty satisfied with your ravishing sister kneeling while you jerk off.”

“Not too long ago, you were showing me your tits.”

“I’m not proud of that.” Nell’s behavior during our sessions had certainly changed. Whether it reflected her success or mine I couldn’t fathom.

“Then are we done here?” My hand grabbed the zipper tab hanging under my ball sack.

“I-I guess.”

“If you stay over an hour, I’m gonna have to charge you double.” I grinned.

“Maybe a little longer.” Nell surprised me. “Can you get it hard again?”

“Can you show me your tits?”

My big sister actually blushed! She would rather I watched porn with better tits than hers, while jerking off for her, but she’d never admit to being inferior.

The sight of red tinge on my sister’s cheeks was already sending blood into my dangling 8 inches. But I had pushed her far enough. I made a new offer. “How about if you hold it, or maybe rub it a little?” I let go of my soft length.

“I-I’ve seen enough for today.” Her voice quivered so slightly. Only people who’ve lived with her for eighteen plus years would have noticed.

I leaned back and carefully zipped up my happy penis. “Good session.”

“Fuck you.” She said that a lot before ending a ‘session.’ I wondered if the phrase signaled anything useful. Perhaps after telling me off, she finger-fucked herself back in her room. Or perhaps Nell masturbated when she didn’t curse. She left my room. I set a twenty second timer.

Twenty five seconds later, my ear was pressed to her door. I nodded at what I heard. “After she says it. Definitely.” I almost laughed the words loudly.

“Definitely what?” Mom stood at the end of the hallway, wearing her tool belt.

“Uh, um.” I cleared my throat and stood straight, stepping wide from Nell’s bedroom door. “I’m definitely not spying here.”

“Hear anything good?”

“It was very good.”

“For her or for you?”

“I never spy and tell.”

She shook her head and ambled over. She brushed me aside, marching to her room.

I dallied at Nell’s door, not listening. I had heard what I wanted. If my sister was getting bored of my big cock, she was fantasizing about something else to make long moans and sharp heaves of breath. I should have walked away, patting myself on the back. Intuition kept me in the hallway, waiting.

A glance at my parents’ bedroom door gave me a clue. I was sure Mom had closed it, but now it was open enough for a horny minded son to peep through. Six big steps put me three feet away from the door. “Mom, you left your door open.”

“It wasn’t an accident.” She replied just loud enough to reach me.

My mind sank further into the gutter. It was her tone, not her volume that compelled me. “You don’t mind me looking in.” I warned.

“I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”

My brain managed to gather enough synapses to puzzle out what she meant. I nearly leaped to plant my face at the door’s opening.

I hadn’t missed the main event. She was pulling down her boxers. Panties would have chaffed her crotch, given the kind of work she performed. My dick scraped up the inside of my trousers, saluting my naked mother. I winced, but I didn’t care. Ask most people, and they’ll tell you that my sister is sexier and prettier than Mom. Not by much, but only I think that’s horseshit. Mom has bigger tits and a bigger ass, but Nell is curvier by proportions. Maybe it’s just me, but my mother’s little belly bulge alone Starzbet would have brought my dick to full mast.

It’s not like she stood posing naked for me. She ambled into the master bath, again leaving its door slightly open. I slipped into the bedroom and crept up to that view.

Mother tied her hair, arms raised, her large, soft but not quite sagging breasts staring at me in the mirror. Two mommy-boobs and the thatch of dark brown cut off by the mirror’s bottom edge, urged me to pull out my dick and wank like a proper Peeping Tom.

I allowed my lungs to pant faster and louder than the speed of my slow rubbing hand.

Mom suddenly smirked at the mirror and gave a smug grunt/squeak. She entered the shower but closed the frosted glass doors tight. That was the end of my show. Still, I remembered what she’d told me. She didn’t want to be a hypocrite.

“I’ll be in my room when you’ve changed.” I hastened to the kitchen, grabbing a cold bottle of water and stuffing it into my trousers. I had to keep my dick from exploding for the next half hour!

When Mom had dressed and left her room, she immediately saw the gap between my bedroom door and its frame. She looked through the opening, her face two feet from the frame. The light through the door slashed across her intense gaze. She heard me, “I need to thank Dad again, for this crotch cream. I was really worried for a while.” She also heard and saw my hand slapping that crotch.

I don’t know what she was thinking while watching me jerk off, but I heard occasional gasps. They weren’t orgasms. I think she was uttering the opposite of a sigh. She was definitely excited by my consensual performance.

Often, to get off quickly, I will use both hands and close my eyes to visualize something hot. I limit visions of mom. Like I said, I fantasized about her sparingly, to keep the fetish potent. Right then I was imagining biting her big, soft tits while I pounded nearly nine inches of thick, incestuous cock through her dark pubes. “Gods, Mom, I’m gonna fuck you.” I dared to grunt loud enough for Nell down the hall to hear.

Mom gasped but continued to watch. I suspect she gave regular glances to her daughter’s door, but if Nell had heard my outburst, she would have been too angry to investigate. She would probably think that I was goading her.

I wanked slowly and confidently with one hand, but aware that my mother was entranced by my cock and by me jerking it, I wasn’t going to last long.

A soft, contralto breezed in through the gap. “Are you going to make it cum?”

“Oh FUCK!” My brain lit up like the forth of July. My midriff lurched and my prick thrashed. Bright spurts of sperm surged out of the tip of my dick! “Mooooommm.” I gurgled and groaned, cum flying everywhere. I had planned to catch it in a rag, but my left hand was gripping it so tightly, as I convulsed and ejected semen, I nearly ground the rag down into paper. “Uunnngggh!” I sang and rocked. The last of my ejaculate bubbled out of my prick to drip sluggishly down my jerking fingers.

Mom didn’t gasp then. She gave a sly giggle and traipsed away down the hall.


“When does Dad’s shift end this week?” Nell asked before forking salad into her relaxed maw. We were eating a light meal, and had planned to eat another when Father returned.

“You know it’s tomorrow night, Daughter.

“Daughter!?” Big Sis mimicked saucily. “You sound so regal, Mommmiee.” Nell smirked the last word. “Feeling like you’re losing control of the family and need to reassert your authority?”

I should have ducked and covered under the table. Nuclear first strike had been launched! Dinner had started out so communally, everyone helping to make the salad and dressing and hot wings accompaniment. Had someone spiked the hot wings with cocaine?

Mother sent out waves of carpet bombers. “It’s too late to save you from yourself, Nelda Williams. I’ve seen your declining grades. I’ve spoken with your father about how having to support you for longer than we planned. Your friend, Ailene, mentioned that you were hoping to date a guy but fucked it up – somehow – Ailene couldn’t say. And someone has been stealing small bills from my wallet – is that really a new low for you, or is Craig the thief? I would believe that if you swear he is.

I sank lower in my chair, hoping to melt into a puddle of ‘don’t poop on me.’ Two fans on high speed flung shit back and forth across the table.

Nell piffed, spitting micro droplets. “Pfft! I needed few bucks for batteries. I’ll pay you back. I do work part-time in the business college.” She didn’t mention she earned half of minimum wage – education system privilege. She could barely buy herself a latte twice a week.

During the eight dimensional chess game they were fighting, Mom grinned having forced Nell to regroup. She looked ready to capture her daughter’s queen – which they valued far greater than the stodgy king. “Batteries? Really?”

Nell’s face turned red but not from embarrassment. She had more than enough pluck to use her vibrator during a full family dinner. The only reason she didn’t was to save the other members from being embarrassed. Big Sis was angry!

“I usually steal your batteries, but this time they were all dead! Mother explain to our fine high schooler, why you are suddenly wearing out a dozen D-cells faster than video games, when you have a competent man in your bed every night?”

No no no no! I didn’t exist at the table. I had passed down into purgatory. My butt nearly slipped off the edge of my seat.

Mother’s queen suddenly found herself surrounded. “You’re the one fucking around with his stupid dick!” Her regal mein shattered. Out from the shards a sabertooth tiger leaped and Starzbet Giriş roared.

“You’re the one stalking him!” Nell meant to say, “…stalking us.” But my sister had arched her back and raised her fur on end all the way to the tip of her raised tail! She wasn’t going to budge another inch.

Rival, growled threats swirled over the table.

I was about to dash to the safety of my room when both women yelled, “CRAIG!”

My eyes ping-ponged between their antagonistic hackles. I gulped.

“Pull it out, Son!” Mom roared. “I want to see your slut sister cower before it!”

“HAH! As if!” Nell snorted then doubled down. “Yeah Li’l Bro, go ahead and show it to our dear mama. She’ll freeze up at the sight long before I acknowledge you even have a dick.”

“Sorry,” I squeaked, easing up from my chair and turning away. “I’m late to an appointment for transition surgery.” It was the only chance I had of escaping whatever the fuck is going on between the two.

“Don’t you move an INCH, Craig!” Twin voices demanded.

I ran. And I ran. I ran so far away, I couldn’t get away.

If only I had been A Flock of Seagulls, I could have scattered in every direction. I made it to the hall entrance. “No fucking way!” I yelled, not looking back, but their shout froze me.

It was the strangest Mexican standoff never to hit the big screen. Two women threatened with dagger eyes. I somehow felt their ultimate confrontation was my fault, but to even hint such a thing would have re-targeted all of their wrath. My dick had never shrank so tiny next to my nuts. I wished I could have shrank to atom size and recruited potential alloys.

I didn’t see what happened next. I heard clothing shuffle from both women. One of them (I dare not say who) told me later that Mom and Nell had nonverbally agreed to a new contest. Behind my back, they began stripping.

I heard fasteners unsnap and buttons pop. Nell actually ripped her shirt to expose her torso. Mom pulled off her leisure dress in one expert motion. They raced to un-confine their amazing tits before tugging down their (Nell) pants, (Mom) girdle, and then panties.

“Turn around, Craig.” Their angry duet remained in perfect sync.

I couldn’t help but turn my head. The two sexiest women in my life were stark naked and boiling with energy! “FUCK! Get a room.” It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said.

Mother thrust a demanding finger at me. “It’s your turn, Child.”

Fuck me if her last word didn’t skewer my prick with a steel rod!

“We’re going to decide this stupidity once and for all!” Nell’s stiff words shook her boobs.

Instead of ping-ponging my eyes, my head turned slightly side to side. “Nah.” I exhaled a souring breath and walked away. It was the first time I exercised real power over both of them. Silence formed behind me.

When I passed through the gate to my room, I slumped against it, sinking ass down to carpet. I would barricade the door until thirst forced me to escape. Whereupon two harpies would pluck out my eyes and feast on my flesh. “What the fuck have I done?”

I stared at my empty hands and at the tent in my trousers until the eight plus, damned titan slunk back between my loins.

A knock startled me. Time had passed. I didn’t know how much. I could have stared at nothing until the sun rose again in the sky.

“Craig? The women said I had to fetch you.” Dad sounded a little confused.

“Yeah. — Right!” I climbed to my feet, legs nearly asleep. Opening the door, I staggered into my father’s healthy frame and hugged him. “Thanks.”

“I love you too – Son.” He patted my left shoulder, looking more puzzled than I felt. We pulled apart, and he escorted me back to the dining table. He scrutinized me as if worried I was on drugs.

“Hello, Darling. I’m pleased you’re attending.” Mom spoke like New England elite.

“Sit your ass down so we can eat, Craig-kins.” Nell stared at her food. Both acted as if they hadn’t gotten naked like two feral felines short hours ago.

Dad joked. “Should we say grace?” He was that confused by the inscrutable subtext of our family nexus.

“Amen.” I was dead serious. I hoped fervently that whatever had riled Mom and Big Sis, had ended.


It was a dark and stormy night. I tossed and turned in my bed-

Actually, the moon shined brightly through the curtains in my room’s window. I woke up, eyes simply fluttered open. Nell stood naked in my room. I wouldn’t have been surprised if her eyes glowed red and sharp horn had grown from her temples.

“…not now, but whenever it’s convenient.” She turned away and faded like a ghost, only she just walked out of my room.

I stared at the ceiling for about an hour, or so it felt.

I woke to bright sunlight, making me blink. Like bad, stop-motion animation, Mom hauled the blanket away from my body. Morning wood stood high through the gap in my boxers. She nodded at it, eyes smoldering. “Up and at’em, Craig. I don’t have much time before your father wakes. Now go shower.”

Mom followed me into the hall bathroom. Hot water was already running, steaming all metal surfaces. It took me a second to guess what she waited for. Like a child in a pedo porn movie, I obeyed, nervously pulling down my underwear and lifting my shirt away.

I bent to raise the toilet seat.

“Pee in the shower.” Mom instructed. She reached into her slacks and began masturbating. “Or do you need to take a shit?”

I should have nodded, but at that moment I feared lying to my mother more than in front of the US Supreme Court. I continued to stand, not sure if I should continue to display my massive, morning wood or escape into the steam filled shower.

Mom Starzbet Yeni Giriş didn’t seem to care. Her eyes remained locked on my groin while her grunts grew louder.

“Do you want me naked?” She asked. The soft tone of her voice nearly knocked me over. My dick pulsed into extra hardness.

“Mmm-aaybe – later?” I tried.

“Fine. Whatever’s convenient.” The word stung. Nell had said the same word – in my not-a-dream.

I backpedaled into the steaming stall, nearly tripping.

Mother cried out as if the whole world could take notice halfway through my shower. Her climax burst louder than the water striking ceramic tiles.

When I exited the stall, I was alone with a huge boner which had softened briefly after pissing into the drain. After drying, I wrapped a towel around my hips and stepped gingerly into the hall.

I passed my door and knocked on Nell’s. “Sis?”

“Yes, Craig?” She sounded uncharacteristically gentile. “Come in.”

I entered and shut the door behind me. We studied each other, tension tightening between us. “Last night-“

“Are you going to drop the towel?” She interrupted, her voice at low volume. She could see the bulge, but she wasn’t staring at it.

My lips pressed like a vice before parting. “No. You take it off of me.”

She hesitated, uncertainty making her lips tremble, or was it something else. “Fine.” Nell rose up from her desk and kneeled before me.

“Take off your shirt and bra.” I tested whatever was driving her.

Sparks lit up in her eyes which seemed aimed at my bellybutton. I had seen sparks like them, right before she would annihilate me, verbally and/or physically.

Her hands reached to her shirt and unbuttoned it. She hauled it efficiently over her shoulders and then down her arms. She worked to free her bra next.

I wanted to say something. The room was too quiet, the air almost too sultry to breathe. I feared the slightest peep would shatter the alternate reality around me. Her large, round tits grabbed my attention, totally ignoring the even of when her bra hit the carpet.

Her eyes looked up at me. Sparks had become flames.

I gulped but nodded.

My sister reached for the towel around my waist and unwrapped the giant package’s concealment. She spent no time marveling at its fetish fulfilling size, she opened her mouth wide and impaled her face on my dick!

“Nell!” I gasped. My body froze standing still. My eyes tried to pop out of their sockets! My big sister choked on my fat dick, managing to stuff half its length past her trembling lips. She didn’t seem to care if she suffocated. She sucked her cheeks tight around my shaft and began bobbing her head. Both of her hands caught the base of my prick and slowly wanked it.

I groaned loudly, suddenly not caring if our mother barged in – or even our father.

Nell mewled and sucked. Rude sounds escaped from her stretched lips as she slurped and sputtered for air. Somehow her lungs managed to avoid starvation. I wouldn’t have been surprised if my sister could breath through a secret set of gills. I reached for her head but refrained from grabbing it. I patted her left shoulder. “Heavens, that feels incredible, Nell.”

She ignored me, too busy grunting when she could afford the breath required. Her head bounded up and down my pulsing shaft. “Nnnnghh! Ngghhh!!” She growled.

“Uhhhh!!” I grunted. The base of my groin wound tighter and tighter as Big Sis gave me the best blowjob of my young life!

Suddenly, Nell’s body flounced as if cracked like a whip. Her mouth nearly pulled off of the column stuffing her face. She screamed on my dick, and I exploded into her mouth!

“Fuuuccckkkk!!!” I howled, bucking my prick into her orgasmic face. We shuddered as one while my spunk spat repeatedly down her throat! Finally, Nell wrenched herself off of my cock and fell back, gasping for air. Cum drooled out of her mouth and down the underside of my expended prick.

I leaned against her door, also breathing heavily. “Fuck, Sis – that-that was amazing!”

She didn’t react – heaving lungful after lungful, at first. Her eyes swung lazily up to me. “F-fu-fuck you.”

Big Sis told me that a hundred times a week, but it was the first time, in a long while, where I felt true anger in the words.

“Whoa, this was consensual, right?” I leaned farther back.

Her eyes blazed at me, anger, disgust, scorn, and yet I knew she was still reveling in her fading orgasm. Her head twisted silently, left and right. No.

I didn’t understand. “I’ll never do this again. I swear.” I hissed desperately.

“Too late.” She hissed back. No explanation was forthcoming. Grabbing the towel, I slipped out of her room, fully expecting Mom to be standing outside, meat cleaver at the ready.

The hall was empty, and I fled to my room, warmed by the intensity of our simultaneous orgasm. I sat on my bed and tried not to think. My gut told me, something had changed, not for the better, but life at home would be more serious from now on.

I happily paid my full attention in my classes that day. I didn’t dare contemplate how I had won a great victory but possibly lost a war.

Nell was still at her college when I arrived home that afternoon. I studied and completed all of my assignments before sitting in the living room and playing the most attention absorbing game in our library. I hardly heard Mother arrive until the garage door opened, and her boots thudded into the kitchen.

The game seemed to pause on its own. Mother stepped right next to me unexpectedly. She placed something on the end table nearest the couch I sat on, and walked away into her and Dad’s room.

My head involuntarily turned, and my eyes tried to focus through a mist of dread.

V-a-s-e-l-i-n-e. Letters dotted across a blue label. The plastic jar-tub waited impatiently. I must have stared at the inert, wave shaped vessel for several minutes.

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Ravageme Part two

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I can’t believe that he just admitted he lives right next to me. Why can’t he be like his son and take no for an answer. Damn should I tell Mark that he dad has been chatting with me in a rape site chat room. Looking over to Mark’s house, the back door opens and his dad comes out his tablet in his hand, calling over to me when he spots me

“Hey Melinda can I borrow my son for a minute?” hearing that Mark gets up and goes home.

While alone all I can think is ‘Fuck what am I going to do, I said if he and his friends found me I considered doing a gangbang with them’. Shit what was I going to do now!

Mark returns “You think he of all people would understand that not everyone stays online all day!” laughing as he sits back down on the lounger “Someone just freaked out and left a chat room dad was in after he posted some personal info. God and he says I’m reckless with my personal info!” Looking up at Melinda, “Hey earth to Melinda, you listening to me, that was your cue to agree with me!”

“Huh what?” What was he going on about. “ Sorry Mark I was distracted by something I read online while you were helping your dad!”

“Oh I said that dad couldn’t believe that someone wouldn’t talk with him online, that’s all!” looking back down at his laptop then “Hey Bill wants to know if you like to make some easy money tonight helping to lay carpeting?” he carries on “Fuck I could use the money,”Raze The Dead 3” comes out Tuesday!”

Lay carpet tonight, well that would help me with my little dilemma with his father. So I readily agree to help. “So when do we start tonight?”

“Right after dinner so around 7pm want me to drive you there?” then he says the magic words “I’ll get dad’s car for the night, He’s having some friends over and there’s something they want to do, so he won’t need it until tomorrow morning.”

Melinda thinking ‘Yeah Starzbet they want fuck me in all my holes, over and over all night long is what they want to do!” Further questioning herself “Should I tell Mark what his dad wants to do to me or keep him in the dark about his intentions?” Starting to open her mouth before closing it and nodding to him.

“Okay I’m in, like you I can use the money!”

“Great! I’ll e-mail him that we both coming right now!” Lowering his head back to the screen ,his fingers flying over the keyboard. ‘ She will be there after 7pm, Acting weird though, keeps looking at my place for some reason!”

Within a minute the reply, ‘Great think she’ll actually go through with her claims?’

Replying ‘Three guys like us why wouldn’t she. Too bad you can’t see her in her new bikini- having hard time not getting a boner looking at her in it!’

Fast reply ‘Mark got your phone with you- take a picture and send!’ Damn i didn’t have it on me, in all my haste to follow her i forgot to grab it off my night stand. So I reply back ‘ why you’ll be seeing and using her nude body tonight, just wait until then!’

Looking to her “Say why don’t you christen your new bikini with chlorine?, let’s go for a swim!”

“You just want to check out my ass without the sarong on!” as she ties it. Dropping it to the deck then dives in. Moving my laptop off my lap I join her.
For the rest of the afternoon we swim, tan, joke around and surf the net. Whatever was freaking her out earlier seems to have vanished.Leaving her a six I go back home for dinner. By five to seven i’m asking dad if I can take his car for the night. Getting permission and the keys, the doorbell rings and dad’s two friends are outside. Letting them in, they greet dad then the bell rings again letting melinda in and I tell her that I forgot my phone, so Starzbet Giriş come in and wait for me. In she comes dressed in a loose t-shirt and sweatpants and all three heads turns to check her out, making her slightly uncomfortable.

“Hi Melinda, this is My friends John and Tyrone!” both offer her their hand “Ready for a big night?”

Visible nervous Melinda answers “Just going to lay some carpet with Mark,Bill and Aaron, nothing really big!”

“Well enjoy yourself!” dad tells her “Maybe We’ll see you when you and Mark get back!”

Without answering she turns to go out as Mark comes down the stairs “We’re off dad, don’t know when I’ll be back tonight!” Turning to see dad’s head and his friends head following Melinda out the door “Pervs!” laughing as I think about what I’ll be doing to her that they wish they were also doing to her.In the car , driving for five minutes before I pick up Aaron and Bill. Five more minutes before turning to Melinda “Why so quiet tonight?, usually we have to tell you to shut up to get some peace around you!”

“Just thinking what I’m just avoided that’s all!” She doesn’t elaborate about it. We really don’t care all we can think about is how we’re going to spend the time in the basement doing her. Five more minutes were there 130 Bay St. Pulling in around back, going to the back door, waiting for Bill to unlock it, then entering.

“So dad going to pay us $100 per room we lay the carpet in. There’s three bedrooms upstairs only the living room and dining room on this floor and a rec room in the basement!’ he tell us before offering “I think we should split into two teams and work the bedroom first then gather to do the rest of the place!” And that’s what we do and by 8:47 we in the living room laying a giant one piece, letting melinda cut as we guys pat it down. By 9:30 we’re in the basement Starzbet Yeni Giriş knowing we just earned $125 each for our night’s efforts.

Deciding to take a break, Bill brings out four tablets and without planning this we all surf to RavagedMe then into the chat room. Seeing all of us logged in Mark starts the conversation as per the plan

Hi BluePeaceDove what you up to?

BluepeaceDove want some lovin’

BluepeaceDove lookin, good!

Hi guys, sorry I didn’t stay to get acquainted with you like i said i would, maybe later!”

But you are with us right now, so do you want to get aqquainted, we got all night to lay the rec room carpet!

Melinda drops her tablet, looking up “You!’

“Yeah me who did you think htdapr was?” then it comes to me “Damn you thought my dad and his friends wanted to gangbang you tonight!’ The three of us get up and move closer, surrounding you on three sides. “Well If you’re up for it after showing us a good time, I’ll call dad and see if they want a turn with you!”

Bill grabs her by the left arm, Aaron get’s her right as I grasp her sweatpants pulling them down her legs, revealing a white thong. Making her step out of the pants Bill And Aaron pulls her down to the under padding, holding her down as I grab her legs and thong,cutting the thinnest part with the utility knife. “Damn finally going to get to fuck you Melinda!”

Struggling against the three of us “I was only joking when I said I’d do all of you if you found me!’ tears coming to her eyes as Bill and Aaron grab a leg and pull it aside, giving me a chance to strip naked and settle between them. “Please I don’t want to fuck you, you’re my best friend in the world!’

“Too bad cause I been wanting to fuck you since I first saw you naked after developing your tits!” Positioning myself, sliding my hand under the side of her ass, lifting her pelvis up and burying my mouth between her legs. Looking up to her scared tear stained face “And tonight the night!”, then beginning to give her the first of multiply pussy probing of the night!

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