Ay: Ocak 2024

Being owned – Part 5

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Holding my bouncing tits with my hands I was running towards my bungalow. The sun was already setting. I might be late for the first time. “Damn,” I swore as I stumbled on the uneven path. Panting I stopped, pressed a hand to the sting in my side. Out of shape, that’s what I was. Not far now. I moved on, just a slow jog now.

It had been a beautiful day. After the morning dog fuck and the cleaning up I had wandered outside. Walking over the grounds I had met the dogs. All of them were running free like me at the moment. They were playing and I had watched them from the edge of the meadow. All ten of them were clearly enjoying themselves, the Irish Wolfhound in the lead.

Without thinking what might happen I had moved closer. And the dogs had spotted me. Soon enough I had been surrounded by dogs, sniffing at me and bumping into me. I petted them, feeling the different kinds of fur – and then I had joined the pack. None of them made any attempt to fuck me. The Wolfhound led the way, slower as if aware that I wouldn’t be able to keep up otherwise and we followed. We had ventured farther and I had lost track of time.

That was why I was now jogging on the path, panting. Finally the bungalow came in sight. I slowed down, tried to catch my breath. Hopefully he wouldn’t be there already. I had never not been in the bungalow when he came for me. No idea what would happen if I wasn’t. On the other hand, he had never threatened me. So maybe it was not a big deal.

My heart sank as I came nearer and saw him leaning against the wall. Still panting, my body sweaty and covered in shed dog hairs I reached him, muttered a breathless “Sorry, Sir”.

My owner nodded curtly, opened the door for me.

“You’ve been playing with the dogs.” It wasn’t a question. “Yes, Sir,” I replied and walked over to the trapdoor, waited for him.

“Don’t be late again.”

And that was it. No threat, no consequences, no scolding for having played with the dogs. I breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the trapdoor and I followed him down the steps. “Yes, Sir,” I replied again and frowned as I heard him chuckle.

Still smiling grup gaziantep escort bayan he opened the door to the room with the enormous bed. With a mock bow he bade me to enter. Shyly I stepped into the room. This was the first time he had led me here. Something new was going to happen.

He closed the door and started to undress. “Do you want to prepare yourself or shall I?” Now only in his boxer shorts he looked at me.

That question came as a big surprise. Never before had he asked me a thing like that. He had just taken me, stimulated me to get me wet and ready for his big werewolf cock. Only twice in the five or so weeks here had I masturbated before he came to get me. The look on my face must have said it all. He laughed. “I thought you might like it more when you get yourself ready.”

I had to swallow down the lump in my throat before I could answer. He wouldn’t like it. ”Only if you don’t watch.”

Smirking he crossed the room, placed a hand on my cheek. “But that is part of the training.”

Part of the training? What else was there to come? But the hand on my face felt good, unconsciously I leaned against it. So far I had never disobeyed. And I had been late the first time today. It had been a question, no order. Still my heart beat fast as I asked timidly. “Can you? Today?”

He smiled, lowered his hand. His fingers brushed my jaw, traced my collarbone. I shivered under the slight touch. “Turn around.”

With slightly trembling legs I obeyed.

Placing his big hands on my hips he pulled me closer. So close that I felt his hard cock through the fabric of his boxers, pressing hard against my ass. His breath brushed my neck.

“Maybe you should practice with the dogs. Let them watch, when you get off.” He murmured close to my right ear. I shivered again, more because of his deep voice so close by than because of his suggestion. Being with the dogs today had been fun. Maybe he was right. Maybe not.

His hands moved down my sides and I spread my legs automatically. Softly his fingers brushed my pussy escort bayan güneyşehir lips.

“The next stage would be my other shape.” His mouth was close to my other ear now. “You might get to like it. Turning me on.” Back to the right ear again. His lips brushed the skin on my neck, sent shivers down my spine. His fingers parted my labia as he placed soft kisses on my shoulders. My tits heaved with every fast breath I took. He had never done this before. I had nearly forgotten what it felt like to be kissed, treated like this. And my body reacted naturally.

Expertly he played my body, aroused me. Not for the first time I wondered where he had gotten this experience from.

I moaned as he slid one finger inside me. “I’ll give you one month.” The hairs on my neck stood on end as his lips brushed my skin. “By then, when I order you to prepare you will do it.”

“Yes, Sir”, I sighed, nearly breathless with arousal now. The sound his finger made as he finger fucked my cunt only confirmed what I had felt. I was ready for him, wet and today… horny.

And he knew it. He let go of me and stepped back. I heard a rustling sound. That were his boxers falling. He would change now.

Slowly I turned around. More and more it had become rather fascinating than appalling for me. Seeing his body change into its other form, stretching, fur growing, the ears, the muzzle and his claws. By now I was pretty sure he could not speak in his other form. The only sounds I had heard from him were animalistic. I remembered the terror I had felt the first time. It seemed so long ago now.

Transformation complete he stood there, panting. His hard cock out of its sheath. Tentatively I took one step forward, raised a hand. “May I?” During the day I had felt all the dogs. From the short gleaming coat of the Great Dane to the fluffy, thick black fur of the big black dog. How would his fur feel? A werewolf.

He nodded and I placed my hand on his chest. The black fur was long, softer that I had expected but I could still feel the human breast underneath. It was a weird islahiye escort bayan sensation, a human torso covered with thick fur. Careful I let my hand trail down, felt the muscles on his stomach. How would his dick feel? So far I had only felt human cocks. It was huge, a vivid red and already glistening with precum. Did I dare?

He flinched as my fingers touched his cock. A sound like a questioning growl escaped his throat and I looked up to his face. Our eyes locked for a moment, I looked away, down again. Careful I closed my hand around his cock. Slick and hot it lay in the palm of my half closed hand. Not for the first time I wondered how he was able to fuck me without inflicting permanent damage to my human body.

He growled again. Eagerly he grabbed my hips with his claws and pushed me towards the bed. I understood and turned around, got on the bed.

Legs as far apart as I could spread them I knelt on the bed, waited for him to mount me. In an instant he was there, slamming his cock in my wet cunt. I cried out in surprise. It hurt, never before had he fucked me this forcefully. Fast and hard he fucked me, his hot breath in my ear. It was hard to bear and I whimpered, tried to hold still.

Growling with pleasure he fucked me, burying himself deep with each thrust, his balls slapping my sensitive clit. I moaned, in pain this time, and held my breath as I felt his knot begin to swell. Twice he shoved his dick deep inside, deeper than I had ever felt him before, than he came with an exited yelp. His knot filled me as he collapsed on top of my trembling body. It was too much and I lost my stance, collapsed myself and lay down on my belly. Buried under this heavy fur blanket I struggled to breath. My face was pressed into the mattress and I was struggling to turn it to one side.

Just as I was beginning to panic I felt him gently wrapping his arms around me and he rolled to his side. Still connected to him I lay in his arms. His heavy head rested on my shoulder while we waited for the time to pass.

I had nearly dozed off, in spite of the pain and the uncomfortable stretching knot in my cunt, when I felt him move again. His cock and a rush of cum left my body, he got up. He got up while I stayed on the bed, sore and tired.

“You can stay here if you like. Just make sure to get a shower before you go upstairs.” “Yes, Sir,” I murmured and closed my eyes again. A short moment later I heard the door. He had left me.

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Mordille-lui les tétons. Lèche-lui la poitrine. Caresse-lui le ventre et les joues avec tes jeunes seins déjà bien ronds et fermes. Embrasse-le partout. Légèrement, pour lui faire désirer que tu y reviennes. Sur les bras, sur les lèvres et les paupières. Mordille-lui les oreilles, le nez, les lèvres, tout en frottant tes seins sur lui. Gratte-lui la poitrine avec tes tétons durs comme des billes de bois. Je suis sûre qu’il adore, regarde comme il bande. Griffe ses cuisses et ses flancs de tes ongles pointus, enfonce-les dans ses bourrelets de chair grasse, comme une chatte qui fait ses griffes sur un tapis.

Flora, il faut mêler les griffures aux caresses et les coups de langue aux mordillements. Égratigne et pince. Mords cette viande mâle offerte à ton désir cannibale. Descends lentement vers sa pine toute raide. Elle doit te supplier cette pine. Fais-la crier après ta langue et tes lèvres. Remonte lui lécher la poitrine. Fais lui craindre un instant que tu aies changé de plan. Attrape ses roubignolles entre tes griffes de jeune tigresse. Joue avec son corps, il est à ta merci, comme une proie. Masse-lui l’oignon escort gaziantep yabancı bayan à la racine, aussi fort que tu peux. C’est toi qui dirige son plaisir et qui peut le mêler d’une exquise douleur. Empare-toi de sa tige et presse-la jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit toute bleue. Elle doit souffrir pour mériter de jouir.

Son gland violacé attire tes lèvres. Lèche-le délicatement pour l’agacer avant de le prendre en bouche. Flora, tes lèvres doivent s’ajuster au bourrelet gonflé de sang à la base du gland, et ta langue doit parcourir ce gland dans tous les sens, comme si tu léchais une glace. Mordille ses couilles et fais-lui peur avec tes dents, comme si tu allais le châtrer.

Gobe sa queue maintenant. Avance, recule, avance, recule, … très … lentement. Il faut l’impatienter. Tes lèvres doivent garder un contact léger, mais ta langue peut faire ce qu’elle veut. Allonge-toi sur lui, sa langue aussi s’impatiente. Offre-lui ta chagatte, caresse-lui les joues avec le duvet brun et soyeux qui la tapisse. Branle ton minou sur son genç escort gaziantep nez. N’aie pas peur d’écraser ton bas-ventre juteux sur sa figure. Je t’assure qu’il adore. Ecarte bien les cuisses et les fesses, pour qu’il voie s’entrouvrir ton trou du cul. Et redresse-toi, sa langue hardie ne demande qu’à s’y enfoncer. Prends ton plaisir avec sa langue, elle est habile et gourmande, j’en ai fait plusieurs fois l’expérience. Prends ton temps, rien ne presse. Glisse ton clito entre ses lèvres et laisse tranquille un moment sa queue, pour qu’il se concentre sur ton plaisir. Il s’applique, il est tout rouge tellement il a du mal à respirer.

Je devine que ton jeune bourgeon gourmand gonfle entre ses lèvres. Je vois le plaisir t’envahir comme la marée qui monte, tes fesses frémissent et ton ventre s’affole, ton jus lui coule dans les narines et dans les yeux. Serre ses joues entre tes cuisses et tant pis s’il étouffe. Sa mort sera bien douce, entre les cuisses d’une presque-pucelle en train de jouir. Son gland est maintenant comme une grosse olive violacée. gaziantep gerçek resimli escort bayan Retourne à ses couilles et descends jusqu’à son cul, tu lui dois bien une feuille de rose. Sa langue n’a pas été frileuse entre tes fesses, vas-y de même. Sans oublier de mordiller au passage tout ce qui passe à portée de tes dents. Bon, ta langue a bien fouillé son cul, reviens à son gland pour le maintenir au bord de l’explosion. C’est à toi de sentir jusqu’où tu peux aller. Quand il est à point Flora, tu te retournes et tu t’enfiles sur sa tige prête à gicler.

Le retournement a été parfait. Allonge-toi sur lui pour qu’il sente encore la chaleur de tes seins sur sa poitrine. Que tes lèvres gourmandes s’emparent des siennes. Vas-y à fond, plus vite, sans ralentir. Attrape sa langue entre tes dents. Sa jouissance éclate. Continue ta chevauchée. S’il est cardiaque, il y passera, et on aura un macchabée sur les bras! Tant pis on s’arrangera. Mêle ton plaisir au sien, dévore ses lèvres et sa langue comme une parfaite amoureuse.

Après une séance comme ça, ma petite Flora, tu le tiens ton client. Il te donnera tout ce que tu lui demanderas.

— Elle est géniale ta Flora. Si demain elle me refait tout ça aussi bien et sans tes conseils, je l’embauche au Mithuna (*).

(*) Note : Mithuna : Terme sanskrit désignant les couples enlacés sur les hauts-reliefs et les statues érotiques des temples indiens. Ce terme convient parfaitement comme nom d’un bordel de luxe dont la clientèle est saine et sélectionnée.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Categories: Uncategorized


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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Following a painful romantic break-up, some people enter into a new relationship almost immediately, often with less-than-stellar results. Dating too soon after an emotionally charged break-up is known as a rebound relationship, and is almost always considered a bad idea for all parties involved. A person on the rebound may have great difficulty distinguishing between the old romantic partner and the new one, for instance. Whenever a romantic relationship ends, whether amicably or painfully, both parties should allow themselves to go through a real grieving process before pursuing new relationships. In essence, there has been a “death” of a valued relationship, and few people can recover from such an injury in only a few days or weeks. While the prospect of dating someone new, especially someone who has been kept off-limits during the old relationship, may sound like a cure, it rarely ends well. Another problem with rebound relationships is motivation. Some people who feel victimized or humiliated by a bad breakup may feel the need to start a new relationship simply to prove they are indeed over the old one. This action is often primarily directed at former partners, either in an effort to generate feelings of jealousy or to remind them of what they gave up. Neither tactic is a particularly healthy reason to pursue a relationship, and the new partner is not always as understanding or conspiratorial as one might hope.

There are times when a person may feel he or she has fully recovered from a break-up and is truly prepared to re-enter the dating scene, but this may be a premature assessment. If a new relationship starts too soon after a painful break-up, the new partner may become little more than a sounding board for all of the negatives intended for the former partner. Constant comparisons to a former boyfriend or girlfriend can be a sign of an unhealthy rebound relationship, as well as the careful avoidance of almost all dating venues associated with the former relationship.
Because there will almost inevitably be a new relationship following the dissolution of an old one, it is important to recognize the difference between a new healthy relationship and an unhealthy rebound one. Much like a widow or widower, a spurned partner may want to establish a reasonable hiatus from dating until he or she is emotionally ready. Personal counseling may also help prevent someone from entering into a shallow or unhealthy relationship until his or her self-esteem has been fully restored.

Nancy 37 recently divorced, FRIDAY 3:50 p.m. leaving work: Nancy recently out of a five-month-long divorce process and feeling restless after a several dead-end dates. Dying to have some fun. At 3:55 p.m.: Get a text from a friend,
to come to dinner. Nancy is seated directly across the table from me, I assumed, next to her husband. She had a vibrant voice, impeccable manners, and her body movements seem to be fluid as she synchronized her movements with her speech. My hostess, Denise Morgan, introduced me saying, ‘ This is Mr. John Malone, and John, this is Miss Nancy Frost, my lovely friend.’ Then she burst into robust laughter and added, ” You’re aware her father is chairman of the board of Frost bank, a large state bank.” Her eyes, yes, it is her eyes. They are dark brown in color, but appear to have a tint of orange in them. I wonder why they seem to be so full of life. Her hair is auburn adding to her apparent radiant gleam and vivaciousness. I cannot believe how exceptionally attractive this 37 year old woman is. I tried not to gaze at her so intently, it’s impolite to stare. I tried to concentrate upon Denise but I was constantly staring at the exceptionally attractive woman.

At first I was unable to determine what it was that added to the allure of Nancy that had suddenly made me feel like a teenage boy, instead of the 55-year-old business tycoon. I realized the dress she is wearing is the most attractive yellow I had ever seen. It seemed to be silk, yet there is no sheen, the thing that sets off silk from other fabrics. In addition, it is low cut emphasizing the roundness and fullness of her breasts. I could picture in my mind, the light shade of tan that most assuredly colored her nipples and areolas. She was so poised that I was convinced she was married, later I found out she was recently divorced. During dinner, she noted my lusty looks when I was
speaking to the other guests. She would smile when it was appropriate to do so, and occasionally added a few
sentences to the conversation. Most of the time however, she nodded and smiled as decorum dictated. I believed she was looking directly at me and I took her smiles to be a sign of encouragement. Looking around the table, I observed the other men were also watching the charming friend of their host. After dinner, the guests were escorted into the library, with walnut wood covering the walls, and ceiling.

Mingling with the other guests, I found myself face-to-face escort gaziantep rus bayan with the lovely friend of my host, as she smiled, I wanted to pull her into my arms and take her to bed. This female, was in the opinion of the men in the room, the epitome of womanhood. I convinced myself a fling with her would be the ultimate conquest. Nancy willingly went with me, I was the only one she knew since most of the other guests had already left and the other girls were leaving with boyfriends or husbands. We were on the private elevator to my penthouse. I slipped my arm around her holding her close as I kissed and nibbled at the Eros spots on her neck: she sighs with the erotic feeling I’m giving her.
The sensations coursing through her as I slide a hand over the firm gentle rise of a breast. I muse: Damned she is so nice…nice and desirable. Damned what I’d like to do to her tonight. Looking down the front of her dress to the nice sight of her nice small firm breasts, I grinned with lust and desire for her; the little nipples erect and begging to be kissed and sucked. When we reached the spacious penthouse, I closed the door and locked it. Nancy heard the click of the lock and turned as I took her in my arms to kiss her. I slide my hand down along her back to her waist, slipping my fingers under the dress’s waistband at her back. Nancy noticed a large silver bucket with a white linen towel wrapped about it with a green bottle in ice and glasses on the table near the windows.

I led her to a chair at the table. Sitting her in the chair, I took my jacket and tie off then took the bottle from the bucket of ice, showing her the label, Champaign. I popped the cork from the bottle and poured her a glass of Champaign. We toasted and drank two glasses. I kissed her with passion as we sipped the Champaign slipping my tongue into her inviting mouth. Nancy sighed with the feeling of letting me kiss her so much and the feel of my hands moving over her young body. This is what she dreamed about when her divorce became final, letting me make passionate love to her in a romantic setting. As we parted for the moment, getting her breath back she said in a soft quivering voice: ” I–I’ve not done anything like this in a long time.” ” Ssssh,” I said brushing back the long silken curls of her dark copper hair gazing longingly with lust and desire into her brown eyes, ” there’s a first time for everything Nancy. There’s even a first for love and passion after a divorce.” Nancy feels a smile fill her face as I leaned down to kiss her again. ” Do – do you love me then, John?” I nodded my head. ” Yes.” I loved her young body. However, my love is more lust and desire for a young woman than passion. I took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom and over to the bed. I sat Nancy on the edge of the bed then knelt in front of her. She watched me through the haze of
the drinks she’d had now.

A tingling warmth filled Nancy with a heat as I knelt in front of her, a stirring in her made her feel excited that a man would do these things to her again. I gazed up into her brown eyes, my eyes roved over the subtle form of her young body. I liked what I saw. Nancy watched me as I placed my hands on her ankles; the feel of my hands touching her nylon clad legs sent a tingling through her. Her resolve slowly melted as my hands slide up her legs slowly lifting the dress past her thighs and the silk and lace garter at her thigh and the satin garter straps holding up her hosiery. When I met Nancy tonight, I liked what I saw. She is a young divorced woman who wants to be a sexually satisfied in the worst way. Nancy is a very attractive 37 year old woman, she is also the most desirable. In a way, I consider her a hot sexy vixen; she is all woman and more than willing to please an older man. She is willing do anything for me that I want. My hard thick virile cock is aching for the relief of a woman’s nice tight young pussy and the feel of her tightness. I smile approvingly up at Nancy as I gently caress her ass, gently and slowly, not rushing her, I’m enjoying watching her reaction as I caress her legs. Nancy held her breath, as I caress her thighs, I sent shivers of anticipation up her back as she watched me slowly push the dress up until I reach my first goal, her sheer maroon nylon lace panties and matching garter belt.

My cock aching with the need for relief as I look at the fine panties and the soft shadow of her thatch of fine dark shade of downy hair between her legs. Standing, I move on to the bed beside Nancy; taking her in my arms I laid her back on the bed. Nancy looks up at the man who is to become her first lover since her divorce, with a sense of longing and desire. Her long auburn silky hair lays back about her head like a burnished halo. Her arms are laid
back above her head, the full-length opera gloves added to Nancy’s sensuousness and willingness. I gazed escort bayan gaziantep swinger down into her dark eyes seeing a woman willing to let me have my way with her tonight; Nancy is willing to let me make a complete woman of her. Nancy gazed longingly into my eyes as I slide a hand along her side then to the firm gentle rise of her nice small full breasts. The small nipples are erect and hard, pressing against the satin bodice of
the dress. The tempo of her breathing quickens as I cup the small breast in a firm hand; my fingers fondling the erect little rose bud nipple pinching it through the satin fabric bringing a soft moan of delight from her. ” Be gentle, John… please,” she whispers in a voice mixed with fear and awe of her first time since the divorce. ” I – I
don’t know if I can do this…I’ve not been with a man since my divorce became final.”

” Sssh,” I said kissing her as I slipped my hand inside the bodice. ” Nothing to fear, Nancy. Just don’t resist, just give in and be willing is all, you’ll enjoy this as we make love tonight. Would you like me to make a complete woman of you tonight?” ” Will you make love to me, John? I’ll be yours… I’ll do whatever you want…” ” Yes, sweet heart. I’ll make passionate love to you…” Making passionate love is what Nancy wanted to hear from me. She is willing to give herself and her tight unused pussy to me tonight. Holding her on her back I drew the top down from her breasts; sighs of anticipation escapes her lips. With gentle subtle gestures I fondled Nancy’s firm breasts, I kissed her in all the right places bringing sighs and soft moans of delight from her. I kissed her down her breasts, taking my pleasure with each small pert dusky rose bud nipple, her breasts swelled with her arousal. As I nibbled and licked the small nipples, I left little dark love marks on her breasts and places only she would see them later. She moved my hand down to her waist and then under the dress, gathering it up along her legs, again to caress her silken smooth thighs, drawing my hand back up to her hips. I nibbled and sucked at her nipples, then the round firm form of her breast, enjoying the sighs and moans from Nancy as I caressed and stroked the slender form of her legs and thighs.

Nancy drew in a breath as she feels the firmness of my hand on her as I slip it between her legs. It has been a long time since this has happened to her. This is the first time a man has touched her like this since her divorce. Until tonight she could only imagine in her dreams what it would be like to give in to a man and let him have his way with her. She feels my hand pushing between her legs, the strong fingertips pressing firmly into the sheer silk lace against her very tight unused pussy. Then I begin to caress her pulsing pussy with firm gentle gestures, caressing her very tight pussy, the silk rubbing against her pulsing clit sent a thrill of delight through her; Nancy feels the first throes of her arousal as I caress and fondle her pussy. Nancy sighs with contentment as she let me have my
way with her. She feels her hips begin to move in rhythm with my stroking gestures. I sucked, licked and kissed her breasts and back along the tender length of her neck to her ears. I’m kissing and licking in all the right places as I fondle and caress her very tight pussy. Nancy’s hips rose and fell with the caressing strokes of my fingers on her pussy and clit. I can sense that she is close to her orgasm; the wetness of her juices seeping from her pulsing pussy. Nancy is moaning with the sensuous feeling as I brought every nerve alive in her. The strong yet gentle touch of my hand gliding over her body sent waves of ecstasy through her.

” Oh yes, John… oh I’ve have not felt like this in a long time.” ” Sssh, sweet heart, sssh, just relax my sweet heart and enjoy what I am doing…” Smiling with my pleasure, I wanted to make this moment last for Nancy. I knew how to make women crave the sensational feeling of their arousal. Nancy isn’t the first divorced woman I’ve seduced and she won’t be the last. I have a desire for young women like Nancy and have a way with them, know what they crave. Stopping, I just hold my fingers against her pulsing pussy as it throbbed with her arousal, pressing firmly for a moment, then held my hand there enjoying the look of ecstasy in her eyes. Nancy is enjoying this splendid new experience. Nancy feels the firm pressure of my fingers pressing against her pulsing pussy. After a moment Nancy begins moving her hips, rubbing her pussy against my hand wanting to feel my fingers caressing her pussy. Her juices wetting her as I fondle her pussy, my fingers pressing the silk against her pulsing hard clit the movement of her hips made my fingers brush firmly against her swollen clit. I grin with delight as she shifted her hips moving them to give herself pleasure; I’m delighted in her wetness as she gaziantep travesti escort kızlar sighs with the momentary relief of her juices. I begin to caress her a little more, firmly pressing the silk panties against her pussy; Nancy sighs loudly with the erotic pleasure it is giving her. She thrusts her hips, her juices seeping as she savors the feel of my finger pressing into her tightness.

Nancy thrust her hips with vigorous motions against my fingers. Waves of heat washing over her in a tide of pleasurable feelings, she has not experienced in a long time, bringing her to a level of arousal that sent
her tumbling over the edge in orgasm, she cries out with her orgasm. ” Aaaaah…John… Ohhhh…yes!” I smile with pleasure as her orgasm soaks her panties and my fingers. Then I drew my hand back up to the waistband of her panties. Nancy feels tears of fear and anticipation running down her face as she lets me have my way with her for the first time since her divorce. I deftly slip my fingers under the waistband and down to the moistness of her pussy, her downy thatch of hair is wet from her arousal and orgasm. She moves her hips with the caressing of my fingers. ” Ooooh…yes…yess…oh…please…John…Please…be gentle with me, please…” she begs me as she feels my fingers caress her. Then I slip my finger into her throbbing wet pussy, she is so wet, savoring her tightness made it feel good as I caressed her pussy probing the hole. Slipping my finger in just a little, I begin to gently finger fuck the tightness of her. I gently, with firm strokes begin to probe deeper fingering the sweetness tightness of Nancy’s pussy. Nancy is moaning with erotic pleasure of my finger touching and caressing her. My virile monster cock aching, it is so hard; it is as hard as a steel rod.

Nancy gasped as I loosened my pants; my hard thick monster cock is big and thick as a steel rod. I softly moan with the pain of my aching cock. I quickly lower myself on to her: ” Ssh, don’t resist, honey, just be willing and give in now. You’ll enjoy it more that way… tomorrow morning you’ll be a complete woman.” I’m now on top of her, my cock touching and probing her tight pussy; she gasped at the feel of my cock being rubbed up and down her tight pussy for the first time in a long time. Nancy is just right for me, her pussy is unused and wet and ready for my pleasure. Nancy gasped as my cock touched and probed her pulsing womanhood. A shuddering sob of panic caught in her throat; with a deft thrust of my hips, I penetrated tight throbbing womanhood. With a scream from the intense pressure and pain, Nancy thrust her hips to meet me. She cries out as she feels the head of my cock touching and probing her tender vaginal walls. I stop short of raping Nancy’s tightness. I held back slightly letting her become used to the feel of my cock inside her unused and tight pussy for the first time. I did not want to force her just yet. I wanted her to become used to the feeling of me taking her, sliding into her wet tightness for the first time since her divorce. I move in and out with slight gestures of my hips with precise thrusts; Nancy feels the stirring and warmth of her juices as they seep from her with my cock inside her now. Her gasps became moans of pleasure as she realized she is enjoying the feeling of letting me have her body for my pleasure for the first time.

When I knew Nancy was ready with a hard thrust, I took Nancy’s tight pussy, stretching her tender vaginal walls and
popping that gossamer thin tissue that had formed from no sex; she cried out in shock as I force my cock deep into her. Then with skillful thrusts, I begin fucking Nancy; her pussy throbbing with the sensations of her first time; a man is fucking her and she is beginning to enjoy what I’m doing to her; her slender hips rose and fell with my cock as I thrust into her with rapid strokes. Within a few minutes Nancy feels the warm surge of her juices flowing, gasping with the pleasurable release, she feels it again as she gives into the enjoyment of another orgasm. ” Aaahh — Ooooh…oooo…John…yessss!” ” My Nancy…So Tight,” I whisper to her as my hips move up and down with the rhythm of a hammer, thrusting my steel hard cock into her womanhood. ” You’re enjoying this now, aren’t you?” Nancy moved her head as she gazed up at me through her tears of joy and happiness. ” Yes,” she gasps, as she wrapped her arms around my neck. ” I want to be lover, John.” ” You are,” I told her, her gasps and moans coming in rhythm to my fucking her.

Nancy is tight as I thrust into her then slowly pulling out, slowly pushing in alternating getting the feel of her wet and tight pussy gripping my cock. Nancy wraps her arms around my chest, her fingernails clawing and digging into my back. She is moving her hips with me as I set the pace; she is enjoying the feeling of being fucked again. My steady rhythm fucking, driving my cock hard and deep in and out of her. Nancy is bucking up meeting my pace as I drove all the way into her. My cock head pounding her cervix, until I can hold back no longer: ” AAAAhhhhh,” I moaned emptying my cum into Nancy: ” Yes, yes baby!” She moans with the release of her orgasm arching her back with the pleasure I gave her. She is ready and willing to give me what I desired of her.

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Afternoon Aggression

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Morgan called me the next day after our first date sex session. ” John, I must see you again…I must see you this afternoon. I realized that I was tired of having a man making love and doing things gentle all the time like my deceased husband did. I never experienced raunchy sex until I met you. I have never had a man talk to me like you did. I had never experienced a man ravishing me like a animal and tell me to be quiet. I have never been so sexual satisfied until last night.” ” Come over…plan on spending the night.” I said. Morgan entered the house, closing the door behind her. I grab her throwing her against the wall. Morgan gasps in surprise, and suddenly my lips are on hers. They’re hot, fiery, burning and scorching her skin as they touch her. But she loves every second of it and opens her mouth to let out a moan. My tongue invades her mouth, she challenges me to war with her tongue. Heat flashes over her skin, where I touch her. My growl is very inhuman echoing in the room, intriguing Morgan like nothing ever had. She attacks me, needing to get closer to me, wanting to be one with me. My skin’s fire under her hands and when she threads her fingers in my hair, I let out another of my inhuman deep growls. My hands suddenly yank her off her feet ’til she’s forced to wrap her legs around my waist. I smell amazing. Musk, male and something exotic and animalistic. My hands are everywhere, touching feeling, on her neck, chest, her waist, hips and thighs. She feels feverish; aroused to the point she didn’t care if I took her against a wall in the middle of the street or against a wall. She can feel the wall texture press into her back.

Part of her is revolting, but too much of her doesn’t give a damn. She gasps, tilting her head up with a cry of pleasure as my hands find their way under her dress. Everywhere is hyper-sensitive, her nerves firing off like fireworks. My lips trailing down her jaw, as I bite at her neck hard, hands clawing against her legs. She whines in delight, loving how rough I am. I nip again, seemingly more hungry and aroused when she gasps weakly. My hand fumbles under her dress, fingers finding her clit easily. I flick it and she arches against me, groaning. She’s so wet, she can feel it and smell it. She’s so turned on, so hot she yanks at my hair hard. I snarl against her, teeth biting her shoulder viciously. She makes another sound, and suddenly my other hand is fighting for access to her panties. But I can’t find any way under the fabric. She gasps when I suddenly yank at the dress harshly. It rips away like paper, leaving only the top half intact. My thick fingers curl under the hip straps of her panties. I yank them down without a second thought as Morgan curls her toes. She whispers something she hopes is a sound of approval, but I’m growling again, thick, angry, lustful sounds. I lead her into the small room. It is only a few steps down stairs and made of concrete. Against one wall is a set of chains, a small mattress under it. On the other wall the same, but with a bigger mattress, bigger chains. Morgan didn’t know what to expect, but when I lead her to the small mattress and shoves her onto it, she’s stunned. Soon both wrists are chained, nearly over her head. I step back to admire my handy work. She can see my erection straining against my pants. She tears her eyes away, looking at me. I lean against the doorway calmly. The lust takes over, as she pulls at the chains without meaning to. She wants me to fuck her…She wants me to fuck her hard and fast…She doesn’t care if I break her…She wants to be broken.

She whines, feeling angry, then she realizes she doesn’t care. She’d play along if it means I will finish what I started. Her pussy aching for me like it had never ached for anyone or anything. No man had made her so wet, no man had ever growled and bit her before. She isn’t sure it was pleasure or pain she is feeling. She forces her eyes closed, trying to ignore the waves of heat and the swelling of her clit. Her nipples are hard, her pussy soaked. She tugs at the chains, wishing she had super human strength to tear them from the wall. If she could, she would come to me. ” This is ridiculous!” she snarls. A few minutes later, she is hoping the intensity of the lust would wane. But no such luck. She is cold, but also so hot. Her stomach seems to be full of lava, but it isn’t hot enough. The time slides by like a snail, leaving her to her boredom. I don’t say anything, but stares at her endlessly. She watches me multiple times squeeze my cock through my jeans. Whether looking at me, or not, she had realized both were horrible. Looking at me made her pussy wetter, but looking away made her feel uncomfortable and squirmy. Morgan blinks and frowns at me in annoyance as I unclasp her chains. Her back hits the wall again, and all the fire that had simmered down earlier spikes back up. Her pussy practically begs for me, soaking her panties in desire. Her hands yank at my hair ruthlessly. I snarl, and Morgan gasps as my teeth nick her flesh rather painfully. My hands burn her skin as I search her body. I snarl grabbing and squeezing her breasts roughly. Before she has time to breathe, I show her my monster cock and thrusts into her with one escort jigolo gaziantep forceful push! If she hadn’t been so aroused and wet, I would have hurt her immensely with this abrupt opening of pussy.

I know that she has the urge as much as I do, and that she is well lubricated, by the time I get my steel hard cock inside her. My onslaught is ferocious, if somebody saw us, they would think, I was raping her, but she loves it! I can’t be fierce enough with my grinding into her, the friction my huge cock is causing is way better, then the gentle attempt her husband did. She opens her legs as far as she can, to allow me to thrust inside her as deep as possible, I slam my cock all the way inside her. ” Oh my God, John. You are a bull! What would I do, if I hadn’t found you?” I don’t answer, but concentrate on my approach, kissing her nipples and sucking them until they are erect and swollen, but never relenting with my onslaught on her pussy. The sensations, I’m causing her, are overwhelming, I know, what she needs, as she is cramping with delight and ecstasy. ” John, please come, I can’t hold on much longer… I loose control…” ” One sec, John, one sec…” with this my rhythm is faster, I’m holding her tight pushing in unison and ramming my cock into the deepest corner of her body, hurting her with my ferocious thrusts, until her vagina is raw but irritatingly tingling, and she starts whimpering softly, then starting a desperate scream of delight. ” Shhh, Darling, shhh!” I try to silence her. She growls with sheer pleasure, while she is experiencing the most delicious orgasm. ” John…John…come…please…” She whispers in between her orgasms. ” Oh my God…, you are killing me, John!”
” No, Darling. This is what you came for…You want me to challenge you…rape you…hurt you! You are tired of remembering your husband’s lame love making…You admitted that to me. ” Yes, John, but this is too much!” ” Oh no, Darling, there is never too much of a good thing!” I keep delivering the most punishing thrusts. ” You are a widow.. you need to be taken and satisfied…I will make sure..this experience lasts you till you need to be satisfied again! You won’t be able to tolerate gentle lovemaking, by the time I am finished here with you!”

” Have mercy, John! You are too large, too strong…” She moans in desperation. ” No, Baby. I am the perfect fit for you, I’ll prove it! I fill you completely, up to the brim. The friction is superb, don’t you agree?” ” John, I am still very sore from yesterday.” She exclaims, while she is shaking from another overwhelming orgasm. ” So why did you come?” ” John, I love it, I absolutely love it, I need it, I can’t live without it!” ” That’s right, Darling. And you get it! I will give it to you, all of me!” I start an intolerable crescendo of thrusts, which leaves her aching for more and a new release, she contracts around my tool, which is causing her agony, clinging to me, although she knows, I’m the source of her torment, until we both climax at the same time, shaking and trembling, sweating and moaning, exchanging vows of devotion and expressing our affection and desire, not love, for each other. We are spent and exhausted, I release every last drop of my semen into her, she is exuberant although she is so sore and violated again, she is still panting, when I finally ask her: ” Your deceased husband never gave you raunchy primal sex?” She stared at me. ” No.” I smile. ” So why are you divorced six times?” ” Because my six ex-wives were unable to hand my sexual need…and did not enjoy the raunchy primal sex.”

” It was the same with my hubby. After experiencing raunchy primal sex…it really made me so horny I needed to see you again.” I waited patiently in the bedroom as the smells of soap filled the room, but then I smelled her musky scent. My arousal begins to grow as my body is overpowered by the scent of her musk, Morgan’s fingers toyed with her hardened nipples as the steaming water cascaded over her body. She lowered one hand to cup her smooth sore mound; the swollen lips of her now excited sore pussy filled her hand. Slowly slipping a finger between her lips she feels her juices run over her hand coating her finger. One hand teasing her nipples and one hand teasing her mound. Morgan leaned back against the shower wall slowly thrusting her hips to her fingers rhythm. I sat on the bed licking my lips expectantly as the scent of Morgan’s heat filled my mind. Slowly growing hard again, shifting my weight from side to side as I wait expectantly for her to return. Digging her fingers deep Morgan’s head rolled back as her orgasm overtook her, tugging at erect nipples she rode out the waves of pleasure, feeling the water cleansing her skin again. Slowly reaching over to shut off the water and pull back the curtain, Morgan exited the shower, reaching for a towel. Looking up at the doorway she saw me sitting there stroking my cock. She smiled and said, ” Well, I hope you haven’t been there very long.” Thinking of how she had enjoyed her shower, but knowing I most likely had heard everything. I just looked up into her eyes as she wrapped herself in the towel, drying her hair. She walked into escort bayan gaziantep lezbiyen the room and sat on the bed, still drying her hair. ” I just got cleaned up, I don’t want to have any more sex.” The smell of her heated musk is now so close I’m very aroused again. I watched closely as Morgan continued to dry off, seeing her body slowly revealed again. Her scent held my attention to where she sat on the bed, her thighs slightly apart showing me the swollen lips of her pussy. I moved closer to the bed, wanting to again smell her scent. Her thighs parted a little more as she moved unaware of how close I was now.

Suddenly I pushed her back onto the bed and roughly parted her legs. She feels my tongue push over her mound and between her lips where so recently her fingers and my cock had been. Shocked at this intimate contact again, Morgan tried to gasp a sharp ” John!!..” as she feels my tongue again push into her pussy. What came out instead sounded more like, ” What….JJJJooohhhhnnnnn.” My tongue flattened against her wet lips, slipping between them lapping her sweet juices like a long piece of warm velvet sandpaper. No turning back now, I’m again lapping her pussy as I feel her body reacting. Morgan dropped the towel as she put her hands on the side of my head between her legs, thinking to push me away. The touch of my tongue on her pussy rapidly had the effect of reviving her earlier arousal, unwillingly she feels herself growing wetter and wetter. Pushing hard against my head, she managed to say, ” Oh god, John no….. please nooo…don’t dooo that…” Instead of pushing me away Morgan found that I pushed against her arms, causing her to roll slightly backwards pushing her hips up and into my mouth. Feeling her hands on me, I drove my tongue deeper inside of her pussy, drawing out her juicy heat. Morgan feels herself rolling backwards onto her bed, she tries to steady herself by holding onto my head, but instead causes me to be pulled tighter against her as she fell back onto the bed. She feels me between her legs, as she lay naked upon her bed. As my tongue continues to slip between her folds and her wetness now flows out for me, Morgan continues her protests even as she found herself opening her legs wider to allow me between them. ” Ohh god JJJooohhhhnnn…wwhhatttt…mmmm…pleeeasee nooooo…not again.” Now fully between her legs, I eagerly continue to lap at her juicy pussy, my tongue slick with her juices.

Unseen by Morgan, my cock continues to grow thicker and harder. Initially it was slender and small, but as my excitement for her heat grew, it is becoming thicker. ” Ooohhh godddd… mmmm….John….your tongue…mmm…” Morgan ignored the obscenity of her actions as she begins to hump her pussy at my tongue, caressing her breasts finding her nipples excited and hard, she pinched and pulled at her hardened nipples. I became aware of my growing need hanging below me, knowing I needed to satisfy my new desire. I continue to lash her wetness with my tongue, lapping from bottom to top, as my tongue grazed over her swollen clit, she groans and scoots back farther onto the bed, making me follow her by putting my hands up on the bed. ” OH GOD JOHN!” She moans as my tongue teases her clit wanting to feel more but unable to take the stimulation she scoots back from my tongue, as I followed her onto the bed. ” John… jjjooohhhnnn…oooh,” Morgan moans as now I joined her on her bed loving and licking her nakedness, feeding and drinking in her juicy heat. Morgan wanted now only to orgasm, and opening her eyes she looks into my eyes close to hers as I leaned over her on the bed. ” Make me cum John,” she pleaded to my eyes as I leaned there, she touched my head trying to lower it to between her open thighs again. But I wouldn’t budge an inch, ” Pleeeaasee….” she pleaded Her eyes traveling back over my body, finally seeing my hard monster cock hanging down, slick with excitement.

It is again huge, 9 or 10 inches long and at least 3 inches thick. ” OH My God!” Morgan said in surprise as a drop of clear liquid dripped from my cock onto her skin. ” Ohhh god nooo, no John noooo….” she said as she tries to scoot back on her bed, with her back to the wall, she can’t get away backwards. Morgan rolled to her left side trying to ease out from under me and off the bed, but as she did so she feels me suddenly on top of her, my hands gripping her waist tightly and my cock searching for her wet heat. ” Ohhhh god no no no John!” she cries as she feels what could only be the head my cock poking and prodding her thighs and butt. ” Noooo Joooohhhhnnnn!!!!” she cries. I have to have her. I leaned over her nakedness with my cock hanging down dripping clear drops of lube. Mogan’s eyes widened at the sight of my cock, she tries to scoot back from me and as she turned to the side, the sight of her delicious ass presented itself to me. As if by instinct I lunged on top of her, my hands gripped her waist tightly, pulling her back to me. I thrust my cock at her wildly, as she still tries to scoot away from me, she rolls all the way over onto her stomach. Now she can feel my cock slipping wetly between her ass cheeks as I gaziantep escort masaj salonları sought her opening. Morgan jumps as the cock head stabbed her tight anus briefly. ” Ohhh god no John,” she pleaded as my insistent thrusts continued. Thinking I had found her entrance I push hard but slide past her tight brown anus and glided over her still swollen mound. Morgan put her hands back underneath them both to keep me from getting my cock in her, as she did she raised her butt higher against me and laid her head on the sheets, looking back under her, she sees my cock head shiny with her juices slide between her legs, The size and shape of my cock again kept her attention as she unwittingly raised her butt higher and helped my alignment.

I feel her butt raise against my belly, I took this as her acceptance and slide in against her wetness, the head slipping between her swollen folds I push, finally finding her tunnel. Morgan watched as the head slides between her lips feeling its raw heat against her skin. She groans knowing it is inevitable now that I will take her as my bitch with my cock again. I hunched forward in the animalistic delight of mounting my bitch in heat, my hard cock pushing deep into her wet pussy. Before she can adjust to me, I slide in and out again and again, rapidly beginning to fuck her. Morgan pushes back against me as my cock drives into her hot pussy. The length and girth is filling her and teasing her depths as more and more of it works inside her. As I lay on top of her, my hips driving my cock deep within her, Morgan begins to give herself to me; she humped her ass at my driving cock as I fucked her on her bed. ” OH GOD, FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” she screams as the full length of my cock fills her pussy. My hairy balls rubbing her ass every time I drive into her. I’m groaning as I slam her pussy with my cock, feeling her respond under me. Her humping back to my thrusts assured me that she has surrendered to me. I’m feeling strange stirrings in my loins as I fucked her. Morgan feels my cock swelling it begins to slip in and out of her, growing larger and larger with every thrust. Stretching her lips apart I continue to thrust into her. The growing stimulation has Morgan starting to cum, her ass wildly humping back on my big cock. Moaning and writhing her body covered in sweat as my body is against hers. Suddenly she feels the swelling rubbing her outer lips as it is to big too fit now. This drove her wild and she starts cumming hard against me. I push against her now, trying to get myself all the way in. As she came on my cock, her fluids flowed out over my swollen knot, and with a desperate push, I find myself tied to her, her tight pussy fully filled with my cock.

“Aaaaiiiiieeeee!” The sudden pressure and pain of my knot being pushed inside her had Morgan biting the pillow as her orgasm peaked, then she feels me jerking inside her then suddenly geysering scalding cum into her womb. Jet after Jet coursed through my cock filling her pussy with cum. Morgan almost passed out feeling me orgasm inside her, oblivious to the obscenities presented as she submitted to my bestial desires, she tries to pull away from me as I’m done now, or so she thought. She feels the swollen ball of my knot firmly wedged inside her pussy. She never knew any man that had a knot. Locking the milky flood of my cum into her womb. The pulsing of my cock is keeping her close to cumming again. She starts to rock back and forth trying to get free, my knot stretching and caressing her pussy. Within minutes she feels a sudden tug as my swelling went down enough for us to separate. My cock slides out of her pussy still semi-hard and shining with our cum now. I got down off the bed and left the room, leaving her lying on the bed sweaty and with my blood tinged cum starting to run out of her freshly fucked pussy.Morgan laid there on her stomach, her mind spinning from what had just happened. She feels the pool of cum on the sheets between her thighs. Her pussy still throbbing from being stretched by my knot. The room smelled heavy of sweat and sex. Even now she can’t believe what she had just done, or rather what had happened to her. She has never experienced a sexual experience like this. Getting up off of the bed, Morgan looking down at the large wet stain where she had been laying; its center is a mix of blood and milky white cum. She feel fluids running down her thighs standing there, she needed a shower. Walking over to the bathroom door, still naked, she sees me laying in the bedroom across the hall, my hand holding a towel sliding over my cock, cleaning myself of our juices. The sight of my cock, which was so recently in her pussy made her stare, her fingers traced over her swollen lips feeling their sticky puffiness. Morgan quickly closed the bathroom door and started the hot water to rinse off the afternoon session. In the shower she ran the water hotter than normal and scrubbed at her body trying to cleanse herself of the fact that she had just been with me sexually again. In the steam, water and soap she washed away everything but the fresh memory.

She exited the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, trying to conceal the redness of her freshly scrubbed skin. Rachel quickly moved across the room, closing the door quickly scanning the room to make sure she was alone. Feeling safe she plopped down on the bed, barely missing sitting in the still wet area on the sheets. Brushing her hair again , she paid no notice. The room’s heavy odor of the combined musk filled her mind as she wondered will it happen again.

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Categories: Uncategorized

The Dallas School Girls Pt. 07: Roxanne

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When my wife first mentioned what she called, The Dallas School Girls, I thought of them as simply a clique of women, and one gay man, all in their 60s who had stayed close friends since middle school. I met most of them at parties or dinners. They were all smart, successful, and quite beautiful.

It wasn’t until after my wife passed away that I learned the real secret of the Dallas School Girls.

I suggest reading at least the intro to this series to help get things started. -Emmerson

The knock on the hotel room door came very early. Wearing only my sweatpants, and Morning wood, I stumbled to the door and opened it, knowing who had knocked.

“Good morning!” Roxanne called out as she threw her arms around my neck and tried to give me a tongue kiss.

“Roxanne, Roxanne, I haven’t brushed my teeth, I’m barely awake.”

“Barely awake is good. Means you haven’t had time to beat away your morning wood. Let me!” She dropped to her knees and yanked down my sweat pants. My eyes were still closed, but I felt her fingers play with my balls as her mouth slid the full length of my cock. Without thinking I thrust into her face. “Oh yes! Fuck my face with this,” she took her mouth of my cock “great” she kissed the tip “big” she licked the underside “yummy” she kissed my balls “cock!”

I could feel the blood pulsing in my suddenly fully erect cock. “Good morning lovely cock. Shall I suck you so I can swallow your cum?” Roxanne started bobbing her head and stroking my cock at the same time “Brushing teeth doesn’t matter with a cock this yummy.”

Her tongue wrapped around the head, licking me with warm, wet strokes. Eyes still closed, I laced my fingers into her hair and pulled her head onto my dick. Her nose was nestled in my pubic hair. I could feel her throat closing on the sensitive ridge. She continued to lick and suck me. I rocked in and out of her hot mouth.

When she took her mouth off my cock, I almost opened my eyes until I felt her warm boobs being pressed on either side of my dick. I knew from experience that Roxanne gave the best titty-fuck and this was to be no exception. As the head of my cock emerged from between her tits, she spit on the swollen purple glans, using it as lubrication to slide her boobs the full length of my cock, focusing on the head.

Roxanne released her boobs long enough to open the button and zipper of her blue jeans. She plunged her hand into her panties, taking the time to stroke herself, quickly gasping at the touch, before reaching up to bring her fingers to my lips, spreading her juice across my face. I inhaled her tangy scent and sucked the fingers into my mouth, my tongue probing between them. The taste was marvelous and I fucked her face harder and faster.

I squeezed my eyes tighter. “Oh, Roxanne you are the best titty-fuck ever!”

“And I love your cock and delicious cum.”

I shoved my cock between her big soft tits. She caught my head in her mouth, sucking hard before pulling her tits back over it. “GOD YOU FEEL SO GOOD! I’M GOING TO CUM!” My dick released long streams of cum over her tits and face. I felt her fingers at my mouth, and again, sucked the flavor of pussy from them. But this pussy had a different flavor. I paused, wondering if Roxanne had fingered her ass, instead, but it was sweeter than that. Before I could settle down to truly taste it, she took the fingers from my mouth, pressing her tits along the head of my cock, collecting my cum and bringing it to my lips.

It was then I realized both of Roxanne’s hands were still on her tits around my cock. I opened my eyes to find the young Hispanic housekeeper standing in our room, holding her skirts in her teeth and pumping her hand into her cunt. Her deep brown eyes glistened when she knew I saw her, and she brought more fingers full of cunt juice to my mouth. Her smile highlighted her dark complexion which blushed from arousal.

“Gracias,” I said.

“Hm?” Asked Roxanne her face still buried in my pubes.

“De nada,” the woman said, returning the hand to her pussy.

It was then that Roxanne looked up. escort gaziantep bayanlar “Oh hello,”

“Mia,” she said, sharing her fingers with Roxanne. Far from being embarrassed or offended, Roxanne kicked the door closed abandoning the housekeeping cart in the courtyard, and grabbed Mia by the wrist and pulled her into the hotel room. When they got to the bed, Roxie dropped onto her back and announced, “Bring me that cunt you magnificent puta!”

Mia looked offended. “I am no whore. I wasn’t the one sucking his dick with the door wide open.” Whore or not, Mia hoisted her skirt around her waist and sat on Roxanne’s face. “But señior is so handsome and his pene is just perfect, you got Mia all wet and I wanted to join in.”

Seeing Roxanne’s lower half sticking from under Mia’s uniform dress and apron, her pants open and half off her hips, I ran to the bed. Mia leaned forward, grabbing my face for a kiss, then went back to riding Roxanne’s tongue.

I quickly removed my clothes, receiving a “Ese pene perfecto” sigh from Mia, and peeled Roxanne’s jeans off her wide hips. I laid at the foot of the bed, my tongue in Roxie’s pussy, licking and sucking as Mia’s epithets, both English and Spanish got louder and more shrill. “Y se come el clítoris de la dama. Mmm” she rocked her hips faster, grinding her clit to Roxie’s mouth. I licked her pussy lips before driving my tongue into Roxanne’s wet cunt. She shrieked and lurched her hips up to my face. I sucked her clit deep into my mouth, letting it drag against my teeth.

“Santa María Estoy teniendo un orgasmo!” Mia screamed as I heard fluid splashing and Roxanne’s gulping and slurping. I kept licking her, sliding two fingers inside and hoping for the same result. Soon Roxie was bucking her hips and screaming my name. She threw Mia’s skirt away from her face, gulping air as she gasped my name again and again until her orgasm grabbed her pussy, constricting it and spewing cum down my throat. We all three sat, gasping and letting our lust-addled minds return to captivity.

“¿Puedo sentarme en su pene también, señor?” Mia said looking at me. I looked to Roxanne, a native Texan. She grinned “she wants to fuck you, now.”

I turned to Mia, stroking my cock to keep it hard and long. “Why didn’t you just ask in English?”

“I was taught to speak impure thoughts in my native language.”

“As if God doesn’t speak Spanish?”

As I walked closer, Mia unfastened the front of her dress and it fell to the floor. Her slim, muscular body shone with sweat. Her panties were still bunched to one side, leaving the lips of her pussy and her clit exposed, pink and dripping. I pulled her into a hug, absorbing the smell of her orgasm mixed with cleaning supplies. She tilted her head up and we kissed. She licked Roxanne’s pussy from my lips and cheeks. Her arms snaked below mine, her fingernails tracing the muscles of my back.

I unclipped her bra and she lowered her arms, letting it fall away. Her tits were simply beautiful. Her deep tan outlined the lighter colored curves which highlighted the even darker areolae. They were wide and swollen, pushing the fingertip nipples out in firm nubs. She pulled the waistband of her panties, which resisted coming down, wadded up at the apex of her thighs.

“Dear God, Mia you are lovely.” Roxanne was kneeling on the bed, her hands between her legs, plumbing her pussy and strumming her clit.

My cock rose up between Mia’s legs. She allowed her hips to sway forward and back, pulling me though her thick, dark pubic hair and across her clit. She moaned softly as I kissed her breasts. “It is the fantasy of every housekeeper to fuck a guest. No matter if it’s one of the older grannys past her prime or young and vibrant.”

“Like you, Mia.” I licked her navel.

“We all have a different fantasy. For some it’s the visiting movie star, for others the famous sports figure. I always wanted a good-looking couple who are open about sex as a way to have fun and share love.”

My tongue teased her pubic eskort bayan gaziantep hair, tasting the cum from earlier.

“So when I was going by and saw señora sucking your perfecto pena in the doorway, I knew I had to ask.”

I stood back up, kissing her again, as I backed her toward the bed.

“Of course,” she seemed embarrassed, “I was a little worried after what the staff found yesterday,” she wrinkled her cute nose. “But I thought, Mia, you’re a big girl. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“That was a one-time thing with a particular person,” I stroked her cheek. “We won’t be doing that today.”

“Oh,” she glanced at Roxanne, a flash of disappointment in her eyes. Roxie looked at me, confused, not having heard of my time with Jill the previous day.

I kissed Mia once more as the back of her legs touched the bed. She lay back, spreading her legs as I stepped between them. Her eyes focused on my cock, which bobbed and pulsed as blood rushed in. Roxanne scampered her naked butt to one side, making room when I took Mia’s wrists and we stretched the width of the large bed.

“Is this your fantasy, Mia? To be taken by a stranger with a large cock and a hunger for your sex? To be watched by a big-breasted stranger who masturbates until you can smell her sex from only a few feet away as she pours cum onto the same bed you are using for your immoral purposes? To be fucked, deep and long and fast until…”

“Santa Maria! Will you shut up and fuck me?”

I heard Roxanne snicker as I shoved my dick in Mia’s soaked pussy. As impatient as she was, the housekeeper was still surprised by the force and depth of that first thrust.

“Aw, fuck!” she shouted.

I laid on top of her as I slid up and back, letting our pubes mingle and my cock drag against her clit. She gripped my shoulder blades, pulling us closer as she spewed a string of oaths in Spanish. I thrust faster, leaning down to suck first one nipple than the other.

“God yes. THIS! This is what I want!”

She bounced her hips up to mine, faster and harder, slamming her clit into my pubic bone. Missionary position had never been so intense.

“Oh fuck,” I started yelling in time with her thrusts. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” I could feel her pussy grabbing at my cock.

“Aw yes,” I heard Roxanne moan and glanced up to see her tits squeezed between her arms as both hands rubbed frantically between her legs.

Mia bent her legs so her knees were at her breasts, bringing her hips forward and her clit in direct contact with my shaft. Each time I pushed in or pulled back my cock would drag along the sensitive button.

“Oh mi amor. You fuck so good. Going to make me…oh yes!”

I fucked her hard, shoving my cock deeper as I felt it expanding. My balls tightened. “I’m going to cum, Mia. Where do you want it, mi amor?”

“In my cunt,” Mia screamed.

“In my mouth!” Roxanne yelled, her mind a jumble of lust, her fingers a blur on her clit.

I slammed the head of my cock against Mia’s cervix as my balls emptied themselves into the hot wet cunt.

¡Oh joder, sí, mi amor!” she screamed, dragging her clit through my pubic hair. “Tu esperma caliente me está haciendo llegar al orgasmo. ¡Vete a la mierda señor! ¡No dejes de follarme!”

Her body convulsed and her cunt opened wide, letting her cum splash around my cock, spurting as I continued to fuck her.

Roxanne grabbed my shoulders, pushing me onto my back next to Mia. “Give me that cum!” she ordered, throwing her leg over my face. “Yours and hers I want it all!”

Roxie licked my pubes and sucked my still-hard cock as she shoved her cunt in my face. I licked her clit, caught up in the madness of the moment! Then I felt Mia’s delicate fingers in my chest hair. She moved her face next to mine, kissing my cheek and licking Roxie’ juices from my face. “She tastes wonderful,” Mia cooed, “doesn’t she?” I grunted an assent. “And now she’s sucking my cum off your beautiful cock. That is so goddamn hot. I may cum again just gaziantep bayan eskort thinking about it.” She tilted her head and slipped her tongue, flicking at Roxanne’s clit. I moved my tongue to push into her pussy.

“Ooooh two tongues at once at my cunt. Amazing.”

I let go of Roxie’s head with one hand and slid it along Mia’s thigh until I found her pubic thatch. She sighed, pressing her hip into my hand. I slipped my fingers though her pubes, over her clit and into Mia’s pussy.

“Your cunt is hot.” I groaned.

“And whose fault is that, sexy man?”

It didn’t take long for all of us to climax. Mia helped me drink Roxanne’s cum from her convulsing cunt. Roxie sucked my cock dry as I humped her face again and again. Mia shivered her small orgasm onto my fingers, sighing “So nice, mi amor.” Before I brought the fingers to our mouths, sharing her cum, saying “You taste rather wonderful yourself.”

“Mmm. Yes I do. I want to taste your cum from your cock.”

I stroked her cheek and swam in her dark eyes. “And you will, but not today.”

“Because today is Roxanne and Ryan?”

Roxie climbed off me, dipping her fingers in her pussy to clean herself up. “I’m Roxanne.”

I blinked at Mia, confused. She giggled. “We snoop, we talk. You think we don’t know about the list of names and dates in the nightstand?” She stood up, her pussy dripping, “And the bottle of lube? Are you a Gigolo? You certainly have the body of one, and you fuck like one.”

Roxanne laughed, “No one is getting paid here. He’s just a great fuck and that list is a bunch of MILFs who can’t get enough.”

“Is Ryan a MILF?”

I stood up next to Mia, noticing for the first time how petite she was, big tits notwithstanding.

“Ryan’s gay,” Roxanne offered as if that explained everything.

Mia turned to me slowly, her eyes widening. “Are you…?”

“Bi-sexual, evidently. I love ass-play and have enjoyed sucking a cock or two.”

Her eyes focused on something far away. “Bi-sexual. Handsome, big cock, loves to fuck and eat pussy…and do ass stuff. Are you married?”


“But seriously attached.” Roxanne jumped in on Jan’s behalf.

“How seriously?”

I gestured to the room, “She set all this up to share me with her friends.”

“She shares,” Mia reached around, fingering my anus. “I love her.”

“We all do,” Roxanne grinned, “as often as possible. She can suck a cunt almost better than this guy. And if you want your asshole licked, she’s your gal.”

Mia turned to me, pressing her tits to my chest and pushing her finger deeper into my ass. “I want my asshole licked! Will you introduce us? Is she beautiful? Will she lick my ass while I suck the cum from your cock?”

“Yes, to all those things.”

Mia stood on her toes to kiss me, her tongue reaching deep into my mouth as her finger pumped my ass with a delightful force. I pushed her away, gently. “But not today.”

Mia looked disappointed, but not angry. She took the finger from my butt and sucked it coquettishly. My dick was hard immediately. “Promise?”

“I promise.”

She started stroking me. “Soon?”

“As soon as we can mi amor.”

“I love a happy ending,” Roxanne was getting dressed. She paused, bending down to kiss Mia’s butt cheeks. “Almost as much as a happy rear ending.”

Mia wiggled her ass and giggled before she began gathering her clothes. When she bent to pick up her bra, I quickly licked my middle finger and slid it into her tight asshole. “FUCK!” She screamed and stood up quickly. I pulled her into another hug, letting my erect cock nuzzle her pubic hair. I slid my finger in and out, slowly. “Very soon,” I whispered. She sighed as I took my finger out and sucked it, if not coquettishly, then lustfully.

“Aw, fuck me.” She quickly scribbled on a business card. “That’s my cell. Call or text anytime you and … “

“Jan,” Roxanne and I said at the same time.

“Anytime you and Jan want to get together.”

My phone chirped. I looked at the screen, “Text message from Ryan. He’s on his way up.”

“Probably undressing in the elevator at this moment. Come on, Mia. We don’t want to miss out.”

“I think only you do that Roxanne.” I picked up my dirty clothes and found some clean ones. “Have fun ladies. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Evidently there’s nothing you won’t do,” Mia flipped up the back of her dress, flashing her asshole.

“Anything for you, Mia.”

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Jan in California Pt. 04

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Tourist Fun in Wine Country

The B&B in Napa had come highly recommended by our friends Meryl and Mitch, who said to be sure to have someone named Kathryn show us the sauna. When we checked into the large, Craftsman style house, and were met by a striking brunette.

Five foot 8 with light tan skin and wide eyes, she wore a slate gray shirt and a khaki green skirt that highlighted her figure. A full head of pure black hair draped around her face before cascading over her ample bosom. She rested her hand lightly on my upper arm, “Welcome. My name is Kathryn, and I’m the innkeeper.” She checked our names in the reservation database. “I see you were recommended by Meryl and Mitch. Would you like the same visitor package that they made us of?

I blinked at Jan, who shrugged. “Sure. Whatever they had…”

“Very good,” Kathryn smiled and began unbuttoning her blouse. “If there is anything you need,” she removed her shirt revealing a black lace bra over large, dark nipples, “Anything at all,” she was lowering the zipper at the side of her skirt. “Please do not hesitate to ask.” Her skirt came off. Her panties were matching black lace barely covering a thick patch of black pubic hair.

“Excuse me…” I began, but Jan cut me off as she lifted her shirt over her head.

“Thank you for having such a welcoming policy. May I kiss you?”

“Of course.” Kathryn openly admired Jan’s breasts encased in a blue satin bra. “While all touching is encouraged as part of the “Swinger” package, it is considered courteous to ask.”

Jan put a hand behind Kathryn’s neck and pulled her into a kiss. Kathryn’s hand reached for the clasp of Jan’s bra, breaking the kiss long enough to ask, “May I?”

“Only if I may return the favor,” Jan replied.

Both women had their bras undone in seconds, and were rubbing their nipples together amidst deep sighs and occasional gasps.

I could only stare, my dick growing in my pants.

“Let me show you around the place,” Kathryn took Jan’s hand.

“No, wait,” Jan stopped and began opening her blue jeans, peeling them away to show blue satin that matched her bra as it encased her round butt and cupped her pubis. “I’d feel awkward with you having such a lovely pussy while I was in rough denim.”

Both women looked at me, expectantly.

I pulled my pants off, over my shoes. My black boxer briefs displayed a barely restrained bulge.

“He’s quite nice, isn’t he?”

Jan put her arm around Kathryn’s narrow waist. “Wait until he’s fully erect.”

“I’m positively dripping with expectation.”

I followed the women as they sauntered around the lower level of the house, showing off the living room, sitting room, kitchen and a large dining room with seating for 12! No one else seemed to be visiting the B&B that day. Kathryn stopped in front of two dark wooden doors. “And this, is the playroom.” She pulled open the double doors. The heady smell of sex poured over us as we gazed at as many as five couples on thick pads on the floor. They were men and women, youngish and oldsters, different colors and body types. All with one thing in common: sex. All were licking or sucking or fucking or being fucked, and several combinations of thereof. “This was Meryl’s favorite room.”

“Of course, it was,” Jan marveled.

“I think there were days when Mitch went on our excursions by himself. Although, with the Swinger package, you need never be alone.”

“And now, upstairs,” Kathryn began climbing the polished wooden staircase.

Jan took hold of my solid cock. “And now, upstairs,” as she followed Kathryn’s swaying butt. Jan nudged me, tilting her head toward Kathryn as she mouthed “Say something.”

I coughed. “I must say, Kathryn, you have a spectacular ass,” Jan looked at me, aghast but Kathryn smiled as if I had paid her the highest compliment.

“Why, thank you. If you’d like to explore inside it” she slowed to let us get close “Please just ask.”

At the top of the stairs, Kathryn stopped and turned to us. From four steps down, her pussy was at eye level. “Your room is the first on the right,” She pointed with an elegant index finger whose fingernail was significantly shorter than the others on that hand. I quickly glanced to her other hand, noticing the same distinction, but with the middle finger trimmed short, while all the others had long nails, perfectly manicured to a sharp point.

“There is brochure in the room describing each of our accommodations and excursions. Everything is included in the price except wine, food purchases and tips.”

She stepped aside, letting us climb to her level. Her smile could turn my knees to liquid and my cock to solid.

“Here is your key card. And once more, since it is your first time, let me repeat,” she slid her hand into her panties, where it was clear that she was inserting her fingers into her pussy. She gasped, then brought the fingers out, covered in her juices. “If there is any way I can make your stay more pleasant,” she wiped her cunt juice under escort gaziantep bayan numaraları Jan’s nose, “please do not hesitate to ask.” She smeared her fingers under my nose and I quickly caught them in my mouth, locking eyes, as I sucked and licked them clean. “Anything at all,” she finished with a sigh.

She rubbed the large bulge in my crotch before she stepped away, “I’ll have someone bring up your luggage. Would you prefer Armand or Agila?”

“Armand,” I said.

“Agila,” Jan said at the same instant.

We both smiled and chuckled. Jan turned to Kathryn, “Whomever you would recommend.”

“Of course,” and she stepped past us on her way downstairs.

I unlocked the room as quickly as possible. The minute we were inside, I grabbed Jan, kissing her fiercely as my cock pressed against her stomach. “What the hell is going on?”

She dropped our clothes in the middle of the floor before grabbing my cock and tugging it with long, fast jerks.

“I should have known Meryl would recommend a swingers’ resort. Kathryn thinks we’ll like the same ‘sharing’ high jinks as those two perverts.”

I chuckled, “And the problem is?”

“I am so goddam horny right now I can’t think straight!” Jan shoved me onto the bed, burying her face between my knees. She sucked me hard and deep before lifting her head. “Kathryn wants to fuck you. You got that, right?”

“Ya think?” I rested my hand in her hair, guiding her up and down my pulsing cock.

“And you want to fuck her, don’t you, Lover?”

“Absolutely! And you? What will you do while Kathryn and I are indulging our lust?”

“I will be going back and forth, licking your assholes.” She paused in her assault on my cock. “Or maybe Armond will be worth giving a tumble.”

I was humping her face, faster and deeper. “And don’t forget, Meryl and Mitch specifically recommended the sauna … fuck yes, Jan. I’m going to cum.”

Jan doubled her efforts, abandoning the conversation long enough to deep throat my cock, making me fill her throat with cum. I pumped uncontrollably, shooting stream after stream into her mouth.

Jan swallowed with a satisfied groan.

I cradled her face, lifting until she sat on my lap, her soaked panties squishing onto my thighs.

“That looks like the excursion brochure, there,” I nodded my head toward the nightstand.

When Jan leaned over to pick it up, I slid two fingers under her panties and into her dripping pussy.

“Ooo, yes Lover.”

She pressed back on my fingers, pushing them deep as I unfolded my thumb across her clit.

Jan began to read aloud.

“In-room dress code and personal access is established and enforced by the assigned occupants.”

She smirked, “Personal access?”

“Who gets access to whom and how often?”

“And how messy,” she smiled dreamily.

“In-house playroom facility. All occupants and their guests age 21 and over are welcome. Please enter and exit through the unisex locker room. See posted dress code for appropriate individual attire.”

“Dress code? Was anybody in that room dressed?”

Jan squinted, “I just remember seeing lots of tits, cocks, clits, and asses.”

“Sounds like our kind of place.”

“Private Wine Tour for Lovers. Now we’re talking,” Jan wiggled her hips on my fingers. “Escape for a day in the wine country on this exclusive winery tour, with all tasting fees included! Your private group tour visits three estate wineries, beginning with Castello Degli Innamorati. Your personal concierge will help you discover the intimate winemaking process. Enjoy the Napa Valley regions of Yountville, St. Helena, and Rutherford.”

“Intimate process? Do we get to watch the winemakers fucking?”

Jan smiled, then groaned when my fingers sped up their internal massage. “Well, there’s this. NOTICE: For health and safety reasons, no nudity is allowed in manufacturing area. Appropriate robes and masks will be provided. Complete nudity and access is allowed, and encouraged, in the tasting area.”

“This really is a fuck-as-you-go resort.”

“Starting with your magical fingers, Lover.”

I rubbed her clit in quick, tiny circles.

“Hot air balloon ride. Hm, we may have to do this. Aw, fuck, Lover. So nice. Um…In compliance with county laws and statutes, no nudity is allowed below 1000 feet. Complete nudity and access is allowed and encouraged above 1000 feet at the discretion of the pilot.”

“Can we request a pilot with no discretion?”

“It doesn’t say. Faster Lover. Finger me faster.”

She scanned down the pages. “Ah, here’s the sauna. The intimate sauna experience takes place in a reused and renovated wine barrel. Sauna can be reserved as either a private or shared booking. Nudity and full access is allowed, based on booking status.”

“Hm. Full access.”

“That means pegging your sexy ass while surrounded by stream.”

“Did you bring the double dildo?”

“Of course, though I’m sure escort bayan gaziantep reklamları Kathryn has something we could borrow, if necessary.”

“She may only let us borrow half of it, while she keeps control of the rest.”

Jan’s breath was coming in short gasps as she continued reading. “Open Air Wine Trolley Tour with Lunch. Now that sounds fun.”

“Fresh air around my balls. A stiff breeze up your…”

“No nudity is allowed while on board the open-air trolley. Nudity and complete access is allowed and encouraged in tasting rooms and outdoor picnic areas.”

“Party poopers.”

“Speaking of poop, Lover,” she rocked forward, sharing a view of her tight anus. I slipped one finger from her well-lubed cunt, then pressed it into her asshole.

“FUCK YES. Keep going!” She looked at the next item and laughed around her lusty groans.

“How appropriate. Horseback riding tour. No nudity allowed at any time during horseback riding tour.

“That’s probably so the horses don’t get a superiority complex.”

“Not around you, my big-dicked … FUCK YES! OH GOD I’M … SO GOOD!”

Her cunt squirted around my hand and across the bed as she humped me quick and hard. Soon, she started to relax.

“That’s everything. Where do you want to start?”

Before I could answer, there was a soft knock on the door. Without thinking, I moved Jan off my lap and stood to open the door.

A small, dark-skinned Asian woman stood behind a luggage cart with our bags on it. In keeping with the theme of the resort, she was completely nude.

“Hello. My name is Agila,” she started pushing the cart into our room. “Milady Kathryn said I should make you feel…” her voice trailed off as she saw Jan, sitting on the bed, smiling, her large alabaster tits riding high and proud, her legs spread in a lewd display of her dripping cunt. “… welcome,” she finished her sentence, politely taking her eyes from Jan, only to find my big cock, hard and glistening.

Once the cart was out of the way, I got a good look at Agila. A petite five feet tall, her hair was black and straight, long enough to part as it flowed down her square shoulders and over her large, tan breasts. Her nipples were dark brown and quickly puckering as she watched me stroke my cock. Her hands drifted to the small tuft of smooth, straight hair at the front of her labia, fingers spreading as she touched herself.

Jan stood close beside her, putting a hand on her tight, tan ass.

“Suck it, Agila. He won’t mind. And I will lick your cunt while you do it.”

Agila’s head whipped toward Jan, a luscious smile on her face, her almond eyes wide with desire. Jan gave her a soft tongue kiss. Agila’s eyes grew wider still as she plumbed Jan’s mouth.

“I taste…”

“It’s his cum. He filled my mouth just a few minutes ago.”

Agila looked back at my cock, throbbing to its full size. “And he’s already hard again,” she marveled.

“Do you want your cunt licked, Agila? Or should we ask him to put that big cock in your tiny pussy?”

By way of an answer the Asian woman knelt down, then crawled toward my dick. “Lick me,” she spoke to Jan while mesmerized by the bobbing cock in my hand. She presented her dark brown backside to Jan’s appreciative gaze. “Suck my clit while I suck your man’s cock. Finger fuck my cunt while your man fucks my face.”

I tilted my cock down, pointing it at her intense expression, “Hello Agila. May I fuck your mouth?”

Her eyebrows slopped upward, as if the question was obvious. “It is what I live for. It is why I took this job.” She cradled my shaft in her small hands. Her English was clipped but perfect. “I love to be used. Make me your slut, both of you, and I will make your dreams come true as well.”

Jan was pulling off her sticky panties, “That’s all I need to hear,” Spectacularly naked, Jan got on all fours, crawling up behind Agila. Her nose against the other woman’s pussy, she paused to inhale her unique fragrance before licking the dark brown lips.

Agila sighed as she slipped her mouth over my cock. “You’re so big, sir. With her on my clit I will cum soon. Fill me with your seed.” She started rocking forward and back, pushing me deeper into her throat as she pressed her clit to Jan’s mouth.

“You taste exquisite,” Jan cooed. I saw her bring up one hand, inserting two fingers into the tight orifice. Agila moaned and sucked me harder.

I felt her tongue circling the swollen head of my cock. Then her fingers were stroking my balls. I threaded my fingers in her smooth dark hair, pulling her head tight against my stomach, pushing my long, thick shaft to the back of her throat. I heard her breath in, her nose buried in my thick pubic hair, “Oh fuck,” she sighed. Tightening her fingers around my balls, the other hand grabbed my rod, pumping in rhythm with her mouth.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Jan lift her head. I watched as she smiled at me, her face glistening gaziantep escort kız telefonları with Agila’s pussy juice. She raised her hand to show me two fingers, pressed together, then added a third before lowering them into Agila’s cunt.

The small woman grunted, then cried, “Yes, madam! Fuck me hard.”

She humped onto Jan’s hand with deep fast jerks, her tongue lathing my entire shaft as she clucked her throat on my head. I grabbed her hair with both hands, matching her speed as I fucked her face. “I’m going to cum Agila. Your mouth is…FUCK YES AGILA DON’T’ STOP!”

I slammed my cock far into her mouth, shooting load after load of cum down her throat. Agila screamed around the mouthful of dick, her body convulsing. I heard Jan gulp and saw cunt juice splash around her face and down her tits. “GIVE ME YOUR CUM, YOU TINY SLUT!” Jan shouted, feeding Agila’s fantasy as she pounded her fingers into the tight cunt.

I pumped into her, again and again. “Still cumming,” I managed to groan.

“Agila, don’t’ swallow!” Jan commanded. “Bring his cum to me!” She took another long drink from Agila’s cunt before sitting up on her thighs. She grabbed the smaller woman, yanking her around, but there was no concern that Agila would not obey. Her mouth sealed shut, her eyes wide with lust, she kept grunting “Um hm. Um hm. Um hm.”

I noticed Jan’s mouth was also tightly closed. Her hand was at her pussy, frigging herself wildly, as Agila knelt in front of her. Her small tan hands took Jan’s alabaster face on either side and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes grew wider as she realized she was not the only one with a load to share. The two women traded mouths full of cum, mine and Agila’s. Jan’s hands gripped Agila’s light brown tits, mauling and tugging the dark nipples. Agila groaned, cum pouring from her mouth, running down Jan’s face an onto both sets of breasts.

I was still jerking my cock, managing to fire more sperm onto the floor as I watched this incredible consummation.

As the women calmed and parted, I quickly knelt between them, kissing Jan deeply, then Agila, saying, “Oh Agila, you are such a wonderful slut.”

She wriggled with delight at the genuine compliment. “If I have pleased you, sir,” then to Jan, “madam, then I am content.” The smell of our shared sex was making me hard again and I began licking their tits and sucking their nipples, enjoying the taste of mingled cum and sweat.

Jan held me to her breast, caressing my hair as I felt Agila’s fingers sneaking between my ass cheeks. “How long will you be with us?” Agila asked quietly.

Jan kissed her, soft and gentle, “Only until Tuesday.”

Agila nodded, “And you will want to partake in all the excursions? Fucking the other guests?”

“Isn’t that what you will be doing?” I asked, kissing the top of her head.

“My instructions come from Milady Kathryn, but how I implement those instructions is up to me. I was told to make you feel welcome. I hope I have done that.”

Jan kissed her again, gently caressing her dark brown nipples. “You have done that and more. You are a very good slut.”

Agila noticed the brochure, all-but-forgotten on the bedspread. “Have you decided how you want to spend your day. It’s probably too late for the hot air balloon or any of the organized wine tours.”

“A friend recommended the sauna.”

Agila’s face brightened. “The sauna is wonderful. I love getting sweaty and slippery. May I join you, so I can give myself to sir?” She glanced longingly at my half-hard cock. “Your cum tastes wonderful, but I want that big cock in my cunt.”

Jan smiled, taking my dick in one hand while cupping Agila’s pussy with the other. “Sister, I know what you mean. I’m a slut for my man’s cock as well.” She squeezed me, eliciting a few drops of per-cum, which Agila quickly bent to lick away. Jan laughed, “Yes, you are my Sister Slut from now on!”

“Sister Slut,” Agila repeated, grinning as she licking Jan’s tits.

“Agila,” I decided to be the practical one, “How do we book the sauna?”

Agila struggled to get into professional mode as Jan caressed her brown nipples. “You can use the website, or call the desk, oh my…” she put a hand to Jan’s head at her tit. “Or, since your room is so close, we can just walk there and see if it’s in use.”

“Will we need robes?”

Agila shook her head, “The resort hallways are considered private and not subject to the pruderies of the outside world. Or, as Milady Kathryn likes to say, naked is always better.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Jan gave Agila’s tit one last nibble before putting her arms around both of us.

I opened the door and lifted my chin, proud to be in the company of these two sexy women, “To Oz?”

Jan leaned toward Agila, “Sex makes him quote movies, and movie quotes make him hard.”

Agila laughed, shouting, “To Oz!”

We strutted together down the hall, my cock taking the lead.

As promised the sauna was a large wine barrel, perhaps eight feet around, just a few steps out a side door and into a courtyard garden. One end had two small benches mounted on either side of a thick, glass door, frosted opaque on the lower three-quarters but clear at the top. Not far away, a young couple was locked in a 69 on a patch of thick grass. Hearing the door, the woman looked up at us, giving a finger wave before diving back onto the very respectable cock. Jan waved back, “I am really starting to like this place.”

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A 55-year-old Virgin

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The 55-year-old Virgin

by The Big Bopper

Chapter One

Are you intrigued by the title of this story? How many women would there be who had managed to keep their vagina intact to that age in this age? Well, I can assure you that life’s circumstances brought me to meeting one such woman and I am about to relate the story for you.

Should I start at the beginning? No, I better only go back as far as I need to take you to have all the details become relevant. I am a 55-year-old guy and, no, I am not the 55-year-old virgin referred to in the title. I have never felt comfortable describing males as virgins, simply because they hadn’t yet sunk their erection into that beautiful, warm female cavern. I mean, no aspect of a penis is torn or abused as a woman’s vagina is … it is just a wonderful slippery slide into paradise. Right, guys?

No, I am about to tell you of a real, living, breathing woman — physically a virgin — who still possessed an unruptured hymen at the age of 55, and who having passed the half-century mark, would perhaps have anticipated never having her vagina sullied by the insertion of a man’s penis. But at the point where I will take up this story, I didn’t know of this 55-year-old woman’s secret internal sexually intact condition.

Before I set about telling you of meeting the mature aged virgin, I need to pay my respects to my gorgeous wife, and mother of our three great kids. I was married to this wonderful loving woman for almost 30 great years, and we had a good life. Two years ago, she became ill with a form of cancer that is most often fatal. She suffered these past two years and was taken from us six months ago. I miss her terribly, and I brooded for months after the funeral, feeling miserable and cursing why God had to take such a good woman as her.

Everyone around me tried to encourage me to snap out of my melancholy. My kids, of course, my closest buddies, and some couples that my wife and I had known and socialised with for years. I was unmoved for several months, but then a buddy, who had travelled down a similar path a year before me, took me aside to tell me how much happier he was once he accepted that his late wife would have wanted him to move on and start living life again.

I took his sage words on board and determined that I should at least open a dialogue with single women, but how to get myself out there and onto the dating scene for the first time in more than 30 years? I have been a regular on Facebook in recent years, initially to keep up with what my kids were doing. One day, out of equal amounts of boredom and a little curiosity, I began to search on Facebook for the names of young women I dated from school days until I met and married my late wife.

What initially seemed a great idea to reacquaint with former girlfriends, turned out to be a stupid idea because obviously, their names changed once they married, making them almost impossible to trace. Duh!

After failing with the first eight names I tried, I actually found one that could be a young woman that I dated for only 8 weeks back when we were twenty … Amy Martin. Could this Amy Martin be her? The photo at the top of her Facebook page didn’t look much like I recalled, but then it was 35 years ago. What convinced me was that she had listed her old high school and that matched, and I recognised one name among her list of Facebook friends … fortunately, her page was public. Must be The Amy I knew. I clicked a Friend Request and was pleasantly surprised when she confirmed it within 12 hours.

I posted a short note on her page, saying: “Hi Amy, remember me? Do you still live around the same area? If so, would you like to catch up for lunch one day, compare notes on how our lives have evolved?”

I wasn’t all that confident that she would accept my invitation. After all, ours was one of the shortest relationships in my life. In eight weeks, we didn’t even get to becoming sexually active. Oh sure, we kissed a lot at the end of our dates, but the best of our making out was on our last date. I remember her having a great pair of breasts, but such a waste that she kept them hidden most of the time.

A reply to my post came back quite quickly. She said simply, ‘Are you married?’ That was all! I typed my response, ‘Widowed last September,’ and clicked ‘post.’

In my email Inbox, I got a Facebook message, telling me to look in Messenger for a personal message. Amy had moved our communication to one-on-one, giving me her phone number and inviting me to call her. I did.

“Hi Amy, how are you?”

“I’m fine thanks, Jason. It’s interesting to hear from you … after all this time.”

Was that a touch of sarcasm, or is that cynicism, that I was reaching out after 35 years to a woman I had known for all of 8 weeks? That is not quite right. We only dated for 8 weeks, but I had known her for at least a year before asking her out. She was part of the group that I hung with toward the end of escort gaziantep ilanları our teenage years.

Chapter Two

Amy at Twenty

I remember that I never thought of Amy as a possible girlfriend back then, she was just one of the gang … about a dozen guys and girls, who socialised a fair bit, went to all the same parties.

I think we each found ourselves between relationships and, needing a date for a friend’s wedding, I made a call to invite Amy. I recall being a bit surprised when she said yes? But we both had a good time that night, so a week later, I called and asked her to come to the movies with me. We sort of clicked, and so I upped the invites to two or three a week.

On our third date, we went to a pizza restaurant and were back in my car by nine, so I suggested we go for a drive. There was a big lake not far out of town and, by the age of twenty, I knew the best parking spots along the foreshore. I drove to my favourite one, usually quite isolated from other cars, and turned to Amy, who was wearing a skirt and sweater.

I had come out of a 10-month relationship that had been relatively serious — and quite hot and heavy at times. It had ended only two weeks before I got the idea to ask Amy out, so it was close to a month since I’d had any sex. Not that I had any expectations on this third date. One of my good buddies had dated Amy previously, and I recalled him at the time I started dating her, describing her as an Ice Maiden, a moniker subsequently confirmed by another of the guys in our group.

So, on that third date, as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and leaned in for a kiss, I half expected rejection. However, Amy gave me a half-smile before our lips touched, but she did keep hers firmly closed, maintaining a no-entry stance for my tongue for at least the first ten minutes. I allowed my free hand to wander, up and down her arm, around the back of her head, my fingers tangling in her hair. Taking a chance, I brought my fingers lightly across her chest, firmly contained within her pink sweater. I felt her upper body tense, and, for a moment, I thought she was about to withdraw her lips from mine.

When she didn’t, I rolled my palm over the generous shape of one of her breasts, and again I felt her tense. Amy pulled her lips away, but only to express a decisive, “No!” and then allowed me to reclaim her lips … still pressed tightly together. I did think of moving my hand lower, but this was only our third date, and if she didn’t want me to feel her breasts, there was no way she would accept my fingers sliding up under her skirt.

A couple of times, I broke the kiss that was no more exciting than kissing one of my aunts, to allow us both to come up for some clear air. Each time, I filled the awkward moment with some idle chatter about how nice the lake looked at night with the moonlight shimmering on it. Then, I would dive back in to resume the kissing.

I said a moment ago how Amy continued to keep her lips pressed tightly together for about ten minutes. I thought that was going to be about as far as I would get … even when my palm closed over the mound of her left breast for the third time. This time, she didn’t say ‘no’ … only gave a soft sigh from between the clamp of our lips and I felt hers part ever so slightly. My tongue was ever ready, and I slid it between the slight gap she presented. My tongue tip felt her bottom teeth, and then our tongue tips touched, setting off a magical spark through my loins. She gave a second sigh, louder this time and my palm rolled over and around the shape of her breast through the sweater.

Now we were making some progress. If Amy was indeed an ice maiden, then was I getting further than either of my buddies had? Did they give up too soon, or maybe Amy found me more appealing than they? The intermingling of our tongues raised the passion on the front seats of my car. Emboldened, I slipped my probing hand down to the bottom of her sweater at her waist and slid up under it, my fingers tracing over bare skin between her waist and the bottom edge of her bra.

Amy broke the kiss to utter her most definitive “NO!” yet. When I tried to resume the tongue kiss, she pulled her face back away. She was staring at me with an unemotional look. She explained, “Too soon!”

I told her, “Sorry!” because it seemed the most appropriate response for a guy to give when he’s caught with his hand in the cookie jar … so to speak.

We sat close together, almost like statues, our faces close, our lips still slightly apart, mine ready for more while I wasn’t sure about hers. I hadn’t withdrawn my hand, holding my position with my hand and wrist up under her sweater, my fingertips lightly pressing against the lower half of her bra at that left breast.

Do I go for it? Ignore her latest and loudest ‘no’ and grasp her entire orb in the palm of my hand while pushing to resume escort kadın gaziantep the kiss?

She could obviously read indecision in my eyes, so she decided to set out her position lest I go the same way as my buddies had and never ask her for another date. “I like you very much, Jason. I liked you even before you asked me out. I don’t know what you do with other girls and frankly don’t care. You might call me old-fashioned, but I am saving myself until I feel I’m with the right man.”

WTF? I wasn’t trying to breach the citadel concealed within her panties, for god’s sake. I only wanted a feel of her breasts, and maybe — either tonight or next time — get to wrap my lips around a nipple and suckle on it for our mutual pleasures. But for now, I guess I needed to assure her I wasn’t after only one thing, even though my previous girlfriends had been more than willing to allow me that one magic thing. Yes, it was magic to a 20-year-old … can’t you all remember?

The tongue kissing had me wanting more at that time, even if it was only applying my lips and tongue to her nipples. I had been getting very regular sex in my previous almost year-long relationship and it had been a month since we parted. But on that night, on my third date with Amy, I withdrew my hand from under her sweater. We did kiss a bit more before I drove her home, not with quite as much passion as we had been building up.

Our fourth date was a daytime outing, and we didn’t go parking after it. Not quite the same in daylight by the lake, far less privacy for some intimacy. The fifth date was in our third week, and we found ourselves back down in the moonlight by the lake after seeing an early evening movie. Amy wore a skirt and blouse this time with buttons down the front. The tongues saw action much earlier in the kissing this time, giving me hope that we might progress a little further this night.

While our lips and tongue played intertwiningly together, causing me to believe I had Amy preoccupied, I sent my free hand roaming again. Soon, my fingers were (I thought subtly) unbuttoning her blouse and slipping my hand in, to this time grasp a firm hold of that left breast, encased only in her bra. She seemed to accept the caress of my palm, even when I used my fingertips to rub across her stiffening nipple.

I drew encouragement when Amy brought her hand to hold the back of my head as if ensuring I didn’t withdraw my lips and tongue from hers. But how to get her bra off without appearing to push this beyond her limits? My fingers traced up onto the upper slope of her bare smooth flawless skin above the top of that lacy bra cup.

A similar sigh to the other night. I tried curling my fingertips inside the top of her bra cup, managing to touch that now engorged nipple and she emitted a muffled gasp from behind the kiss. Yes, you guessed it, I had pushed too far, and she ended the kiss abruptly, her hand darting off the back of my head to pull my fingers from out of her bra cup.

We looked closely into each other’s eyes, she with an expression of ‘what am I going to do with you?’ Mine would have been more an impassioned pleading look of ‘come on, let me go just a bit further, please.’

By our eighth week of dating, we’d been out about fifteen times. Girlfriend Amy had so limited my access to her body that I now knew that my fingers must never touch a nipple, and don’t even think about sliding a hand up under her skirt. Yet, there was this one intriguing night in the eighth week when she took me completely by surprise. I parked my car in my favourite spot down by the lake, switched the engine off and turned to start kissing her, finding her lips already parted and tongue at the ready between her lips.

Immediately, Amy was way more passionate than on any previous night. I don’t recall how aware I was back then that a woman’s libido changes on different days of her monthly cycle. Thinking back to that night now, she must have been in that hottest stage that evening. By then, I had almost given up any prospect of getting her bra open or off, but finding her more passionate, I gave it one more try.

She was back to wearing a sweater on this evening and eventually as our lips and tongues entwined in an intensely passionate kiss, I slipped my free hand up under the bottom of her sweater. My palm slid over the cup containing her left breast, and she gave one of her sighs. Her response was to raise her hand up to the back of my head. Although expecting my effort would be futile, I ran my palm over and around the orb that I held, then let my fingertips play with the stiffening nipple through the material of her bra.

Another sigh, maybe it could be called a moan even. Her hand slid off the back of my head. ‘Here we go,’ I thought, ‘here’s the hand coming to rip my hand off her breast.’ But to my amazement, her hand didn’t go near mine. She did break the kiss, but only to lean forward in her seat and she used both escort gaziantep kızlar of her hands to raise the sweater up over her head. Then, still leaning forward, her hands met behind her back. Oh man, was she unclasping the bra? I saw the cups loosen over her breasts, then watched as she eased the bra straps down her arms and the cups fell away, revealing two wonderful perfectly formed perky breasts, nipples stiff and prominent in the moonlight streaming in through the windscreen.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I stared into her face, almost seeking her approval to proceed. She spread her two arms wide to me, seemingly inviting me to covet her upper body. I needed no further encouragement. My face closed on her chest and I wrapped my lips around the closest nipple, beginning to suckle on her taut teat. I can recall it as if it were yesterday, stunned at her sudden change. I avidly feasted on both nipples for a long time that evening.

Emboldened by her newly revealed sexuality, I even had a compulsion to push further, sending my fingers on an exploratory mission to the lower half of her body. My hand touched a knee and slipped under her skirt, sliding slowly up along her inner thighs. Too far! Amy abruptly stopped my progress before I got anywhere near the juncture of her torso with the tops of her thighs.

If the sudden switching on of a new sexual appetite by Amy had taken me by surprise that evening, then what happened next completely blindsided me. Once she had reclasped her bra and pulled her sweater demurely into place, she turned to me to ask, “Err, Jason, before you start the car, I need to tell you something.”

She gave me a serious look as she continued, “I like you very much, and I have had so much fun with you these past few weeks, but I need to ask you if we could go back to just being friends? It’s the sexual part that I’m not at all comfortable with. It’s nice to just kiss when we come down here, but I am constantly aware that you want so much more, and I’m not prepared to give you what you want.”

I tried to interrupt, “Amy, we don’t…”

She raised a finger to my lips to stop me mid-sentence, “Shush, be quiet, hear me out. What I’m saying is true. I know what you want, it’s what all guys want from a girl or woman every time they are alone with her. And it’s not fair of me to string you along, having you think every time we come here that this might be the night when I know in myself that it won’t ever be. It’s not a commitment thing, I don’t see anything for us long term, not when we’re only twenty. So many years to be single and see the world before settling down. I may be different from any other girl you’ve dated. I don’t want sex, not now, not this soon. I hope that one day I will really feel like it … want it and need it, I mean. But for now, for me, the sexual side of dating is a complication that I don’t want. It’s not for me, and I know that’s unfair to you, so you should be free to date any girl who will happily make out with you. Jason, I am hoping we can remain friends and it would be great if we could go out occasionally. I just don’t want the afters that follow every date.”

I had gone from wanting to interrupt to becoming speechless. What should I say, do I rush to deny that I was a sex fiend, only interested in one thing? Back then, when I was twenty, her assessment was cruelly accurate of me. But I couldn’t work out why we had just gone through our most intimate night in the eight weeks? She had been more sexual in the past half-hour than at any other time since we began dating, “Amy, what was tonight all about then? If you had already decided we were going to break up, how come you suddenly let me loose on your breasts. It was so good tonight, we seemed to be getting somewhere. You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy all of that? You looked and sounded like you were really into it.”

“Oh yes, Jason, I did, and you are very good at that, you made me feel extremely good deep inside. What do they say … you got my juices running? I hoped you’d be good, and damn it, you were. But I know that if we continue to date, you will want all of that and more every night that we come down here. Jason, I am not prepared to give you any more of me. This might surprise you, but until tonight, I’ve never let any guy even see my nipples, let alone kiss them the way you did tonight. I know you’re confused; I can see it on your face. You’re wondering why I let you do that if I was about to stop dating you. So, I will explain … I am definitely not ready for full sex, but I have always wanted to try what we did tonight. With every other guy I’ve dated, I wasn’t confident that they would respect my wishes to stop when I said stop. You are the first guy I felt I could trust, a guy who was so incredibly patient through all of our previous dates, accepting it without complaint whenever I said stop. I have to stop us dating now because it wouldn’t be fair to you. Whatever I let you do, you will always want more, and I can’t do that.”

“Is it a religious thing, is that why you don’t want to enjoy the pleasures of great sex?”

“Jason, I suppose it’s a bit about religion. My family is quite religious, I was raised Catholic, but it’s more a moral question. My parents have very strong moral values and they instilled those in me from a very early age. I won’t give my body to any man until I marry.”

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Lab Lockdown

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Locked in a lab with an attractive pregnant doctor

This is a story about a young man trapped together with an older married woman.

Lab lockdown

If it hadn’t happened to me, I’d have said it sounded like the plot of a bad science fiction movie, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

My name is Patrick and I’m 20. All my life, if you’d asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have given you the same answer. I wanted to be a scientist, wearing a white lab coat. So I studied and got straight A* in my ‘A’ levels in maths and all the sciences. Now I’m studying physics and chemistry at one of the country’s top universities. In addition, I’m studying engineering in my limited spare time. What can I say? I’m a nerd and rarely socialise.

My professor had encouraged me and arranged for a tour of a local research laboratory, something the general-public would never get to see. So, after signing an alarming number of waivers and handing over my phone, because no electronic devices were allowed inside, I was introduced to Doctor Nia Patel.

Instantly, I was tongue-tied. I struggle around girls in the first place and it gets worse the more attractive they are. Despite her name, she wasn’t Indian or Pakistani, but some blend that left her with perfect features. Mocha coloured skin and a hint of an African component in her tight, curly black hair.

Fortunately, as she talked about science, my brain finally kicked into gear and I could avoid sounding like a bumbling idiot. Science was one thing I could always talk about.

She explained how the laboratory was split into different levels of safety protocols. Starting with level one, which was the lowest level of isolation, all the way up to level five. These contained deadly toxins, radioactive materials and the nastiest of viruses.

As we toured the facility, we paused outside a level three laboratories and she explained this was where she used to work, until she got pregnant. She placed her hand on her belly and explained she was three months pregnant. Because of the potential dangers, she was forced to do admin work out of the laboratories, such as give me a tour.

On the way to show me the outside of a level five lab, she detoured into an empty level two lab to show me how it worked. One entire wall was glass, and we had to enter via an airlock into the negative air pressure laboratory. Sensors measured the pressure to ensure there could be no leak from the lab. It caused a little discomfort until I forced my ears to pop to equalise the pressure.

Nia seemed to think that was amusing, but all humour vanished as alarms went off all over the building. Lights started strobing in the hallways and we stared at the door as we heard locks sealing us in. For a moment, I wondered if this was some prank. Something to scare the crap out of a visitor and any second, a gang of scientists would appear and laugh at us trapped in the lab.

However, Nia’s expression revealed she was as shocked as me. The alarms were nearly painfully loud, and she moved to a control box on the wall and flicked a switch. It shut off the alarms within the lab, and the alarms outside were partially muted by the multiple layers of glass.

Grabbing a phone on the wall, she dialled an extension and put it on speaker. We waited for several minutes before it was answered.

“Hello?” a man’s voice asked.

“Tim? Is that you?”

“Nia? Please tell me you’re not in the office today.”

“Unfortunately, yes, I’m stuck in lab 7.”

“Shit. Are you alone?”

“No, I was giving a tour when the alarms went off.”

“A tour? What the hell. You know we can’t…”

“Not my idea. Professor Gardener set it up.”

“Fuck! He treats this place like his private property.”

“I know, but he’s on the board of directors and pushes a lot of work our way. What’s going on?”

“I don’t have all the details yet. There was a flash fire and explosion.”

“Shit! Anyone hurt.”

“Unfortunately yes. At least one fatality, but that’s not the worst part.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was in a level four lab dealing with category D compounds.”

“Oh, my god did it breach containment. And what was it?”

“I can answer the first question, yes it did. However, I cannot tell you exactly what it is with a civilian in the room with you. Give me a moment and I’ll check the risk log.”

Nia looked at me and I could see her searching for some words to reassure me. However, she came up short and looked back at the window, wondering what pathogen was floating in the air outside our lab.

“Nia? Are you still there?”

“Where else am I going to go?” she snapped back.

“Yeah right. Please tell me you have full hazmat suits in that lab?”

She turned to me and pointed at a cupboard in the corner. I opened it to find it empty.

“Fuck! No, this lab is not being used at the moment, so it’s not fully equipped.”

“Damn. In which case, you’re going to be stuck in there for quite a while.”


“Because I’ve escort gaziantep bayan checked the details on the compound. I don’t know what your attitudes to carcinoma are, but this stuff is terrible for a foetus.”

“Oh, my god!” She pressed her free hand over her belly.

“Yeah, so we’re going to take no chances of keeping you all safe. I do not know how long it will be, but be prepared for it to be days…”

“Fuck!” Nia’s swearing matched my thoughts exactly.

“Make an inventory of what you have, and I’ll call you back as soon as I’ve got news.”

Nia slammed the phone down with unnecessary force.

We had a full range of standard lab equipment. Bunsen burners, flasks, pipettes and so on. A selection of measuring equipment and the regular chemical reagents. There were enough rubber gloves to re-enact the movie up, and for some reason we had miles of paper towels. Fortunately, there was a fridge containing dozens of bottles of water and a half-empty box of snack bars.

“This must have been Doctor Taub’s lab. He eats those things all the time and they give him terrible wind.” Nia comments.

“If this is all we have to eat, you’ll need someone to check if it has enough nutrients for the baby.” I suggest, and she nods, making a note on one of the many notepads.

The other most notable thing apart from the missing hazmat suits was a lack of a bathroom. The jumbo Coke I’d drank before coming here, I now realised, had been a mistake.

“What do we do about going to the toilet?” I ask the doctor, embarrassed.

She smiled before replying. “After graduating from university, I visited my ancestral village in Africa for several months. Out there, you went out to the fields night or day and did it in a ditch. That’s not going to work here. Let’s try this.” She pointed to a metal bin a little over knee high, with a hazard label on the side and a lockable lid.

“Seriously? I don’t think I could, not in front of you.”

“I don’t see any other options. Damn it! Now you’ve mentioned it, I need to go. Look, it’s no good getting bent out of shape over this. We all need to pee and poop. In Africa, they don’t have our hang-ups. We’re grownups in a difficult situation. Let’s not make it worse by getting overly worked up about it.”

Nia reached down and pulled her skirt up part way, then reached under it and wriggled out of her panties. I was blushing as she slipped them into her lab coat pocket. Moving to semi squat over the bin, she pulled her skirt higher. I got a flash of tight black curly pubic hair as she rested on the edge of the bin.

“You could at least look the other way.” She admonished.

“Sorry!” I blurted, and turned around. My face must have been scarlet.

I could hear her peeing, and then she asked.

“Could you hand me some paper towels?”

Grabbing a couple from the dispenser, I hold my arm out behind me.

“You’ll have to come closer than that.”

Looking only at the floor, I moved closer, and she took the towels.

“OK, your turn.” She said, and I turned to see her standing and straightening her skirt.

“I think I can wait.”

“Days? Not a chance. I’ll look the other way.”

Unzipping and aiming at the bucket, but I couldn’t go. I’ve always had something of a bashful bladder, and having an audience always made it harder. Closing my eyes, I thought of streams and waterfalls until I peed, then opened my eyes to ensure I didn’t miss. It seemed to go on forever before I finally stopped and zipped up, and I quickly put the lid on the bin.

“It certainly seemed like you needed to go. I think we’re going to have to keep toilet visits short. Especially when we’ve had to do a number two. Each time we open it, the air in here is going to stink. Speaking of air…”

She walked off to the control panel and swore.

“The air system is not running properly.”

“What does that mean?”

“A lab like this has bottled, filtered and recycled air. Without the air running, all we have is the air in the room. So if the room’s volume is…”

I glanced at the room and did the maths in my head.

“About 190 cubic metres.” She paused in surprise that I’d calculated it in a moment, then continued.

“OK, that means we’ve plenty of air for the pair of us if we don’t waste it, for perhaps 4 days.”

I thought for a moment and added. “I’d be more worried about the build-up of carbon dioxide. That will happen sooner and give us headaches and other side effects. That probably halves the time we have, unless the air comes back on.”

The phone rang, and we put Tim back on speaker and went through our inventory, and he made notes.

“We have a few urgent issues.” Nia spoke after we’d finished. “The air system is not working.”

“Fuck! That lab was going through maintenance before this shit happened. I’ll get someone looking into it urgently.”

“The second issue is something Patrick pointed out. The only thing we have to eat is Doctor Taub’s escort gaziantep bayan ilanları snack bars. We’re not sure if they have sufficient nutrients for the baby at this stage of its development.”

“I’ll have someone check for you, but you should be ok with your body’s stored nutrients.”

“Are you saying I’m fat?” She asked with a hint of amusement.

“Never, you’re amazing as ever. Or is that going too far to say about my former boss?”

“Maybe a little.”

“OK, back to the serious stuff. That’s a level two lab with an isolated waste and water system. However, we’re not convinced the water is entirely uncontaminated. So use bottled water only.”

“Has anyone told my husband yet?”

“Karen was on the phone with him a few minutes ago.”

“What about Patrick’s family?”


“His contact details are with the waivers on my desk.”

“I’ll do it right away. If anything changes, call me, and I’ll call you when we know more.”

Nia hung up. She turned to me and sighed.

“It looks like we’re going to be here for a while. How about I quiz you on what you know about science?”

So from around lunchtime until about 8 pm, she quizzed me and corrected me on a few things. It turned out she would have made an amazing teacher. With no materials but a pen and pad of paper, she could recall formulae and chemical bonds, along with tables of properties from memory.

“You know if your career here doesn’t work out, you’d make a killer teacher.” I complimented her. “I think you’re a lot clearer than Professor Gardener. He tends to look down his nose at anyone who doesn’t already know what he’s teaching.”

“Thanks. I may have to consider that. I plan on breastfeeding, so it might be years before I can get back into the lab. Plus, I’m planning on having more kids.”

When it came time to sleep, we wondered what to do. We had nothing soft to lie on, so the choice was the concrete floor or the metal work table. We chose the floor, and we chose wrong.

Several hours later, we both lay awake and were getting colder. The concrete was leaching the body heat away slowly but surely.

“This isn’t working. I’ve an idea.” I suggest getting up and grabbing a roll of paper towels.

Putting two layers of towels on the metal work table large enough for us to lie on, I helped Nia up and climbed up to lie next to her.

“The paper isn’t much cushioning.” She commented.

“It’s actually there as an insulator against the metal. Hopefully, we won’t get too cold.”

“Do you mind if I snuggle up against you? I can cover us both with my lab coat, like a blanket of sorts.” She offered.

I was incredibly aware of her breasts as she lay on her side against me, resting her head on my shoulder. However, the combined body heat warmed us and we both slept.

When I awoke, Nia was already up and pacing, chewing on her thumbnail, looking agitated.

“What’s up? Is it the baby?” I asked, sitting up.

“No! Or in another way, I should say yes.” I frowned in confusion.

“Can I help?” She suddenly looked rather stressed, and I realised I’d said something wrong.

After a moment, she shook her head and spoke.

“What do you know about the stages of pregnancy?”

“Not a huge amount, really. Conception, cell division, but not the specifics.”

“OK, you’re lucky I’m past my morning sickness phase, but unfortunately I’m in another phase that in some women makes them super libidinous.”

“Does that mean what I think it does?”

“If you think it means I get extremely horny, then you’re correct.”

“Oh!” is the best I can manage.

“I know. I don’t like to admit it, but it’s true. Normally my husband and I deal with it, two or three times a day, or I nip off to the ladies and…” She mimes rubbing her crotch.

She’s blushing, but I’m blushing worse.

“And we’ve no privacy here.” I add.

“I thought about dealing with the problem before you woke up, but I realised it would be worse if you found me doing it without at least explaining beforehand.”

“Erm!” I manage and chide myself. For a near genius IQ ‘Erm’ is the best I could manage.

“So, like the toilet arrangement, we have to be grown up and not squeamish about this.” She comments and I nod, but wonder where this is going.

“I know all men masturbate, as do nearly all women. In my case, it’s not just for pleasure, it’s a medical necessity. If I don’t, I pass on stress hormones to the baby. Even if I’m not showing it, I’m pretty stressed. Being horny just makes it worse.”

“OK, what do you want me to do? I could go sit in the corner. Perhaps hum to myself or cover my ears? It’s about the only privacy I think we can organise. Whilst you…” I gestured to the crotch.

“Thanks. I’m sorry this is awkward for you. It’s awkward for me as well.”

Taking a chair, I moved over to the enormous glass wall and tried to block out what Nia was about to do. It wasn’t easy as the gaziantep bayan escort reklamları lights were out in the hall and I could see her reflection as she climbed back onto the table. With her feet facing away from me, she raised her knees, and I quickly closed my eyes.

However, that didn’t help. In my mind’s eyes, I imagined her pulling her skirt up and touching herself. My brief glimpse of her pubic hair had filled in too much of the detail, not to imagine her fingers working on her pussy. I pinched the fleshy bit between my finger and thumb, hard to distract myself and stop the erection that had spontaneously risen.

After perhaps five minutes, I heard her swearing.

“It’s not working.”

“Sorry?” I asked, careful not to turn around.

“It feels too unnatural like that. At home, my husband always helps while I do it.”

Glancing around, I’m relieved to see her sitting up on the edge of the table.

“Help, as in…” I gesture a rubbing motion.

She chuckles. “Not necessarily. We sit on the bed and I rest my back against him. He holds me, kisses my neck and tells me he loves me.”

Thinking hard for a moment, I ask. “Would it help if I did that? I mean, except for the ‘I love you’ bit. That might be.”

“True, and I doubt you could pull off my husband’s accent. Nevertheless, would you mind?”

“It will certainly be strange, but I’ll do whatever it takes to help you and the baby.”

She grinned and added, “Well, you came here for a learning experience.”

“Yes, but I was expecting chemistry and not biology to be on the syllabus. What should I do?”

“Sit on the floor with your back to the cupboard.”

I had to wonder if my limited circle of friends would believe this. Then I remembered, amongst the papers I’d signed, were ones restricting what I could say about what I saw within the facility.

As she stood in front of me, she seemed to hesitate, and I wondered if this was too much for her. Then she pulled her skirt up, just short of flashing me, and sat down. Sliding back between my open thighs until her curvy backside was nestled up against my crotch. Damn! I’d barely suppressed my erection earlier; I doubted I’d manage it with physical contact.

“Now what?” I asked.

“Put your arms around my waist and then kiss and nuzzle my neck and ear.”

“Anything for science.” I muttered under my breath and did what she said.

With our height difference, it was a bit of a strain to reach down, gently kissing the side of her neck. And it pretty much forced me to look at her hand partially under her skirt.

“This is very weird.” I commented.

“Shush! I’m trying to imagine this is my home and you’re my husband, Izad.”

I could not see what her fingers were doing, but you could tell from the movement of her hand and wrist. Closing my eyes didn’t help, as my imagination was very fertile.

I tried staring off at the far wall and mentally recited the periodic table. Including their atomic numbers and properties.

By the time I was nearing the end for the second time, Nia surprised me by taking a hand from her waist and placing it on her breast. My first instinct is to pull it away, but she holds it there, and I realise she’s stronger than she looks. Unsure what to do, I give her breast a gentle squeeze.

“Thank you.” She lets my hand go.

Experimentally, I reach up and touch her other breast and she sighs ‘good’ and continues her rubbing.

By now, I’m certain she’s noticed my erection pressing into her back. I try to shift a little to move it, and as if she’s reading my mind, she comments.

“It’s OK, my husband gets them all the time like this. I’ll think of it as a compliment.”

I can feel my cheeks warm after being caught out.

However, she’s speeding up and I adjust my caresses of her breasts in time with her movements until she climaxes with a shudder. For a few moments, she lies pressed against me and I let my hands drop to the floor. It seems inappropriate to keep touching her up after we’re done.

Then she clambers to her feet, straightens her skirt and moves off to wash her hands with bottled water and liquid soap.

“You’ve no idea how much I needed that. Thank you. I know it was difficult for you.”

“It was hard…” she sniggers and I see her looking at my bulge. “I meant…”

“It’s OK, Patrick. It really is. Women’s secretions are packed full of hormones specifically designed to generate one of those. Even under these stressful circumstances, if you didn’t get hard, I’d have had to send you to a doctor. Even a gay guy would get one. Wait, you’re not, are you? Oh god, that would make it worse.”

“No, I’m not. I may not have had a lot of experience, but I’m not gay.”

“Do you need to…” She makes the universal wanking hand gesture.

“No, I’m OK, thank you. Most of it is because I need to pee.” A lie and she knows it, but it’s the best I can come up with.

Around 9 am, Tim calls and tells us the air system should be working shortly. He was trying to set up video conferences with our families for that evening.

“Any chance you could sort out the firewall and let me get access to my emails or the internet?” Nia asks.

“Sorry, you know the rules.”

“I know, but present company excepted, it’s pretty boring here. Nothing to listen to and nothing to read.”

“Apart from a few hundred thousand research papers on the intranet.” Tim replied.

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Spoilt for Choice

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Spoilt for Choice


Jamie wondered if he should just pack it in.

He had his coursework to do after the field trip yesterday, when the class had spent the day in the caldera and had been roasted by an unforgiving sun that had blazed down, unrelentingly, out of a cloudless sky. The four weeks in Lanzarote, on a geology course and especially vulcanicity, were but an interlude before he started his new job in an environment consultancy, his master’s degree in such matters essential if he was to have any chance of getting his foot in the door.

Other preoccupations filled his head, the first being to rid his mind of the memories of being ditched by a long-term girlfriend he had thought was ‘the one’. Academic cleverness didn’t equip you for such trouble. The second was more of an obsession; he loved his art, and painting in particular. It was a distraction that always stood him in good stead.

He reckoned that he was pretty good at his landscapes, the take he had on them, and that those who had bought his work, back home, said captured the view but portrayed it through different eyes. Perhaps his interest in geology accounted for that, along with his use of colour. He sure wasn’t a painter who treated the scene before him as if he was painting by numbers and replicating it…not giving it any kind of ‘spin’. He used the word often in his thoughts of the Impressionist painters.

Where he was now, on the palm tree lined seafront, with its mass of passersby, the honking of car horns and the bloody noise from those infernal mopeds and scooters, did his head in. It was the pitch to be if you were to succeed in selling any work, but it seemed not for him.

He pulled away his battered straw hat, bought a few days ago from a street vendor, and saw that it was already becoming battered, the rim a frayed mess. Yet the state of it lent it a rebellious look, and he liked that.

‘It goes with my mood,’ he muttered and on a sweep of his long fingers through the tangle of his rusty brown hair, still long after his uni days. He shoved the hat back on and gave it a rebellious backward tilt. He then set about clearing up his work, some of it hung by ingenious means on the railing that he stood by surveying the scene.

He could never tire of seeing the young women pass by, their clothes in a confined palette of colours, but the more adventurous ones intriguing him, along with what they showed off, those with firm, trim figures or the fleshier ones, slender thighs or only too fleshy. Women with bangles and beads galore, worn on wrists and in necklaces, firm breasted and not, the loud and the brash, or the more modest but captivating ones.

‘This is the place to be if I just want to ogle them all…’

He had paid for his pitch and wondered just what to do. There was always the chance someone else would stop, talk and assess, bargain a price and walk off with a distinctive image in acrylics and signed by the artist: Jamie Tindall.

Only one couple had stopped. They had gone and bought a very small piece, a butterfly resting on a sun scorched leaf; an image that he’d painted from a digital pic he had taken when in that caldera and where flowers, adapted to the harsh conditions were in bloom. It was something of a miracle to find both there.

He turned sharply when a woman’s cultured voice was to be heard over his shoulder and directed at him.

‘Please don’t pack them away,’ she asked, her smile engaging him instantly. ‘I’ve come back after seeing what else is on show here…and I liked your work the most.’

Including me, he kept from saying. He was younger than the other artists, a foreigner on their pitch, not that it bothered him. What did grab a hold in him was the look of the woman and a sullen faced daughter who stared back at him. They would make his day, either of them; the older one in her breezy, billowy slacks with its belt cinching a trim waist; her sleeveless top a flattering fit that she had passed on to the young woman, her daughter. The one smiled and engaged his attention, the other was suspicious.

He took the easy route.

‘I won’t…I’ll let you feast your eyes on my work,’ he told the captivating one, choosing to be over-familiar. ‘I don’t think I’m wrong, but I saw you yesterday at a rest stop…your excursion bus stopped in that oven that everyone says is a ‘must see’ when you’re here….’

He heard her soft laugh. ‘Yes, we were there, weren’t we Sarah?’

‘Yes, and it wasn’t any fun…but we did it.’ Her voice was sharp and only too belligerent. It made him wonder what had turned the beauty before him into such a mixed-up mess. He had soon taken in how some passing guys gave her the eye.

‘Well, take a look and your pick of what I’ve painted. I’ve tried to capture the light and the scenes hereabouts…but in my own ways.’ He also pulled into view a small portrait; that of an elderly fisherman’s wife. ‘Not quite the potato eaters by Van Gogh…’

He breathed escort gaziantep bayan ilanları in the woman’s scent as she drew near and looked at it, her hair brushing his bare arm as the breeze caught it. She smiled on catching his appraising glance upon her.

‘I’m spoiled for choice, Jamie…may I call you that?’ She glanced her daughter’s way. ‘Help me choose one, Sarah…please?’

‘I thought you said that you had made your mind up on it already?’

Jamie wondered why they fell into these snippy exchanges. ‘I didn’t see you walk by…’

‘You were busy with those people who bought the small picture…the butterfly…’

‘I did that the day I first saw you,’ Jamie answered looking only at the mother speaking to him. ‘May I know your name? I have to write out who I sell to…for the local tax people…you understand?’

‘And just for them?’ Sarah said sarcastically, intervening in his dealings. She saw Jamie’s face set in a moment’s flash of anger and sighed. ‘Go on…tell him, mother.’

‘I don’t need your consent, darling,’ she retorted on a haughty look. She turned to him and again and met Jamie’s appraising look upon her before he looked Sarah’s way. It was fanciful, but was he playing them off against each other? ‘It’s…my name’s Claire Johnson and I’ll tell you my address, here on the island…’

‘Whatever’s best…Claire.’ Jamie wrote out what she told him and soon held out the pad to her.

‘That’s almost perfect spelling. Here, give me the pad and I’ll correct it…’ She was aware that Sarah fidgeted, and Claire turned to her. ‘Go and find Leo…ring him…I’ll meet you whatever you decide upon…but I’m buying my picture.’ The two women stared at each other. ‘Go…go Sarah! I won’t be long…just tell me where you’ve decided to go.’

That they were all seen to be talking had aroused the interest of passers-by. They stopped and Jamie’s attention was taken from Claire. He took the pad from her, unthinking, and was soon engrossed in conversation but could not fully concentrate. He kept looking away from those he spoke to and at Claire. She was seen to be talking to Sarah who soon left her side, some snippy exchange evident. Two ‘looker’s but at odds with each other, it seemed, had entered his life.

‘Excuse me for a moment…yes that picture is sold…to the lady over there. I must speak to her…I won’t be long.’ 


Jamie couldn’t help but laugh, softly, as he finished packing up the last of his things; his small, foldable easel, his paintbox, and the few paintings that he had failed to sell. The picture for Claire was separately bound, and he devoted the most attention to it as he sat against the promenade wall. He sipped reflectively on a Diet Coke. His straw hat had been tied to his easel. He’d chill out and wait for Claire’s call.

Jeez, the woman stopping by had the effect of not only opening the floodgates to three sales, but had also aroused memories of Jenny Talbot, his only too accomplished art teacher and mentor. What she had not taught him in laying paint on the canvas, she had shown him in getting laid. They still shared in the heat, but his time away at university had made their times together few, but nonetheless intense.

‘Jenny…Jenny…see what you’ve started?’

He was like a bee around the nectar where it concerned an older woman. Claire had some years on Jenny and a great deal more wealth besides. He’d taken in her slender shape, how that camisole top was filled, her graceful stride and the wondering look of her soft blue eyes upon him; her parted lips a sure sign that she was engaged but breathing nervily. She’d not argued about the price and had told him that the artist mattered as much as his work. She had left him reeling from having heard it said.

He’d lost count of the times when Jenny had coaxed him to stop painting and devote his attention to her…

‘It’s a dull day now, darling…the best of the light’s gone…’ she said, her fingers stroking his neck. ‘Be artful with me, now…in other sublime ways that I know you’re so capable of.’ Her hands soon caressed his chest as she kissed him, had him stand up and embrace her.

‘That I learnt from you…time and again,’ he smiled, choosing to undress before her and pushing away her questing hands. She knew what he would bring to her soon enough.

‘Yes, perhaps, then…before you expressed the man you are in your own wonderful ways.’

He took a deep breath as she slipped off her panties, the last item of clothing, and there she stood naked and incredibly pale skinned, small breasted, and beguiling. She moved over to him and draped her arms around his neck, her bare tits pressed up against his chest and his erection digging into her belly. She kissed him hungrily on the lips, met his questing tongue before they exchanged hungering open-mouthed kissed, stroked and clamped on enervated skin and saying not eskort gaziantep bayan a word through their kisses and questing touches.

He breathed heavily. He would know again the wonders that Jenny always brought to their loving, her inventive and brazen ways of it as she knelt on the floor before him and soon licked the tip of her tongue over his length, had her fingers stroke it as she moved a hand to squeeze rhythmically on his sac before she took all that she could in her mouth.

He gasped on looking down at her ways of it, not a hint to be seen in her modest ways of dressing and when she had greeted him at her front door, a soft wondering look soon telling him that art and love were on her mind. The two were often indistinguishable, the techniques deployed on the canvas an expression of what was on their minds.

His breathing came in short gasps, their frequency quickening. ‘Jenny!’

‘Can you hold it in?’ she asked her attentions upon him persisting and she aware of the answer. There was no need to ask her to take him deeper into her mouth, for she sensed that it was what he sought, his hands on her head guiding her and encouraging an increase in the pace of her sucks and licks, her lingering ways and snorts of breath a sure sign of what she sought of him, and he brought to her. Jenny looked up at him; did not move as he bent to clamp his paint smeared hands on her breasts; tugged on them until she gasped, her soft passionate eyes large in her wantonness. ‘Doing this is the only way I can control you and your ways…’

‘Oh God…Jenny…Jenny…you know that’s not so!’

Jenny just went up and down, up and down; tugged on him, first this way and then that, with her mouth as she knelt before him and fingered his sac. She knew from all previous preliminaries to fucking with him, that her young lover had so much trapped inside that sac and strong body that it would soon be expelled in a jetting rush until he had emptied himself on her breasts, throat; anywhere she directed his load to be expelled under her jerking guidance.

What she never did was take any of it in her mouth.

‘Stand up…come to me!’ he now commanded. Jenny stumbled to her feet. ‘I’ll do for you what you did for me…my mouth, lips and tongue first…then all that you crave…inside you.’

He silenced her denial of what he had told her with kisses.

Jenny was pushed back on the bed before he settled between her parted thighs, pushed them up to her belly and began his kissing, licking and fingering of her. He tugged on her nipples with his hungry lips and loved to hear her soft moans of pleasure.

Jenny yelped and threaded her fingers through his hair.

‘Suck on them hard for me Jamie,’ she called out, rubbing her hands over his muscular shoulders. ‘Suck them hard…you…you know that I love that from you!.’

He heard her gasps of entreaty and claimed her; heard Jenny moan and shiver as she soon felt his fingers trace a path down over her belly and two fingers enter her, to then massage that wet crack and go deeper, her body convulsing as his mouth and fingers weakened her resolve to take control of him once more. He felt her languish in all that he did for her.

‘You’ve taught me so well, Jenny…my first true love…’ he kissed.

She pulled him to her and kissed him into silence. ‘Show me…don’t just tell me!’

He slid down the bed to place his face between those beautiful slender legs, that he had always admired for so long and that he glimpsed as she sat before him and watched as he painted. She would scold him for his loss of concentration.

When he pulled back her lips and flicked his tongue up and down her crack, over those pink lips and into her; she bucked like a frisky colt.

‘Oh…oh Jamie….Jamie you wonder!’ she shrieked. ‘I’m coming…coming!’

‘Not yet!’ he cried out and soon entered her in unforgiving shoves of his hips; the shearing rush as his prick entered her body and their movements now as one as she met his claims. Jenny pushed back and tugged on that length of flesh that found her.

She complied as he made them turn on one side and pushed on her leg until he was again enfolded by her moist heat. It was now slow and sensual. Better still, he could hold those plump, firm breasts and work her body just as he wished.

‘Soon lover…soon!’ he cried out as he rammed into her on Jenny’s urgent pleas, her words of entreaty and curses that she could not embrace him as she loved to do. ‘Jamie…Jamie…Jaamiee!’

His balls ached. He felt the pressure build and on a scream of her name and lustful pleasure he filled her, felt this woman clamp with her failing strength on what he had brought to her. He moved so that Jenny could finally embrace him and tug on his flaccid length.

‘I loved it…again…darling. Bring what you do with me….to me…to your art. Reveal the passionate man that you are to all who see your work.’

‘You escort gaziantep bayan were miles away,’ he heard Claire say softly and he gazed up at her as she stood over him, a questioning look in her eyes.

‘Yes…I was, but not anymore…now that you’re with me.’

Claire looked at him in some bewilderment; quelled the urge to touch his face as the handsome young man, with his winning smile and beguiling eyes, met her wondering look.

‘The others didn’t want to come back but are taking a moped tour of the town and te beaches. I could help you carry your stuff back to your place…if it’s not too far? Or I could drive you there…?’

‘Either way is fine, as long as I’m with you.’

She looked back at him in amazement; pouted a disbelieving smile that he was flirting with her…her! ‘You crazy boy to go saying that and so soon…’

Jamie reached out and pressed his fingers to her lips to silence whatever else Claire might say. He needed no reminding of their differences in age, but he cared not a jot for any of that; just as he had never done so with Jenny. He saw Claire’s eyes widen surprise for what he had done; made the simplest of passes at her. Put simply, she captivated him with her grace and style; with the wondering look of those wonderful eyes; with her soft laugh.

She would soon learn he was not just any street trader, or artist selling of some of his work.

‘Crazy man…not boy. I’ve lived it all out and,’ he smiled on casting a knowing look her way, ‘as you may find out. I thought you looked wonderful when I first saw you step off the bus in that dustbowl yesterday. Now, I see another you…’

Claire hesitated, even as she watched Jamie grab all of his stuff and grip it I his strong hands, or under his arms. She saw the tension in his arm muscles; the frown of concentration that he was concerned something would fall. She now met his tilled look upon her knew that something had to be said.

‘I’m…I’m not sure that this is such a good idea after all. I’ve just met you…in crazy circumstances, really, and now I’m offering you a lift home. Perhaps I should just take the picture?’

‘Perhaps…’ Jamie put it all down and eased her painting out of the bundle. He knew that a defining moment had been reached, crazy as it all felt, but he was a Jamie who lived by his instincts.

‘I’ll just say this and then I’ll step out of your life again, Claire. I saw Sarah all bolshie and distant…and you open to me…talking and sharing a moment or two. But I also sensed an edge to it all…from both of you. I’ve done enough portraits and life sketches to read the signs. You’re both here to forget something…you’ve moved on and I guess Sarah hasn’t. I can only interpret what I see, and sometimes hear, and guess that if it wasn’t me talking to you, in the way that I have, then it might be someone else. Company comes with no strings, just a painting thrown in…’

Claire saw that wondering look of his eyes drift over her. It was followed by the hint of a pout on those smiling lips of the young man before her as he brushed fingers through his hair. She saw the taut muscles of his stomach when he moved to do that, his lean figure and vitality, the tone of his arm muscles, his handsome youthful face and oh, that mouth! She felt a rush of longing for him vie with the need for restraint, even propriety.

‘Jamie stop…just stop!’ she snapped.

She had given voice to irritation that her behaviour had, somehow, encouraged him in what he said and so obviously felt for her; her responses to what she knew were Jamie’s seducing words, however inept they sounded to a woman of forty-seven. She was here to mend; would spend time with friends who had retired to the island; Sarah had her distractions in Leo but, as her mother, she had taken to wondering how that fragile relationship could survive. Perhaps that explained her girl’s wayward mood. Perhaps she was even jealous that Jamie had shown a preference for her. She was just as confounded by that development. Emotion could so easily take over from a harsher reality; and then the other way about.

‘I have stopped, Claire. The rest is up to you.’


She clutched her iPhone for a moment longer before she felt him draw near once more and take it from her hand. It was held out to him, over her shoulder. Her body ached. It had been some time since she had been made to feel wanted, that consideration then wonderful, wondering and wandering attention had been paid to her body. She had none of Sarah’s fulsome curves, no longer their firmness and tone, but none of that had mattered to Jamie. Her confusion on being taken to bed, and that it was so, had given way to sensual and prolonged intercourse that had reduced her to asking that he relented in his loving of her, for that was how Jamie had made her feel.

‘There’s no rush to go now…you can stay a while longer.’

Claire nodded, shivered on feeling his warm breaths to her throat as he slowly, and tantalisingly, kissed her skin. Sarah would be spoken to upon their return to the apartment.

She entwined her fingers with his and nestled against him. She felt the heat of Jamie’s skin press against her back and was grateful for the soft breeze that came through the open window, the thin veil of the net curtain hiding them from view, its slow movements hypnotic.

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Categories: Uncategorized

A Reunion with My Sexy Auntie Ch. 02

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Recap: After several years apart I’d gone to visit a lady I liked to call Auntie. She was a few years older than me and I’d got to know her when we worked at the same company when I was a teenager. I’d always wanted to fuck her, but never had the courage to ask her out. Now, as a young adult, I’d gone to stay with her for a few days and after a nervous start I’d convinced her the age gap between us was irrelevant, we’d started to get intimate, and eventually fucked each others’ brains out.

The following day…

I woke to find the bed next to me empty. Yawning and stretching I turned over and laid my head on her pillow – a hint of her perfume lingered on the soft fabric. Memories of the past night ran through my head. We’d held each other, kissing and exploring each others’ bodies, and made love until exhausted, falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.

Reluctantly I dragged myself out of bed, jumped in the shower, then pulled on a pair of shorts and made my way downstairs.

“Good morning darling,” she smiled with more energy than I felt was proper after the exhaustion I felt from our incredible night.

“Morning beautiful,” I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist, tasting the sweet moistness of her lips.

“Go sit on the terrace, I’ll pour us coffee.”

I watched as she walked out of the kitchen, marvelling at how fresh and radiant she looked, a loose red shirt fluttered over a short white denim skirt, exposing a lot of her slender, tanned, legs.

As she sat down I leant forward to kiss her again, my hand running along the soft, cool, flesh of her thigh. “That was an incredible night Auntie, I didn’t want it to end.”

She laughed seductively. “Me neither darling… but tell me what’s with the Auntie? We’ve played around with it, but you keep calling me that, so unless you’re trying to remind me of my age – what’s it about?”

“Well, I told you I’ve had a crush on you for so long, your look, your sexiness, your elegance, everything about you has been my fantasy woman for as long as I can remember.”

“OK, so why Auntie?”

“Cos that’s what I fantasised about every time I masturbated. I was thinking of you. You were, and still are, the sexiest person I’ve ever known. In my fantasies you were my Auntie. I wanted you to seduce me, so I made up a world where you were in charge and made me do all of the sexual things I dreamt about. You must know that every young man dreams of having sex with an older woman? Oh, you think I’m silly, don’t you?”

“No, not at all. I’m flattered. It just never occurred to me you felt like that, especially wanting to have sex with your Auntie…”

“I can’t explain what a turn-on it is thinking about you like that. Don’t you get turned on being a sex goddess to a younger man?”

“Mmmm, I have to admit that it does have its appeal. Do you think there are others that think of me like that?”

“Hey, you stop that now, you’re mine…”

She burst out laughing and slapped me on the leg. “Come on I thought we’d go to the beach today – if you’ve got the energy of course. So, grab your gear and be quick – otherwise Auntie might get cross…”


Later, driving along narrow, winding lanes, I watched avidly as each time she changed gear her skirt crept a bit higher.

“I see you’re not taking in the beautiful countryside again.”

“I’ve got a better view in here watching your skirt creeping up your legs – and hoping it gets all the way up to your knickers.”

“Sorry to disappoint darling, but we’re here.”

“Oh, give me a flash Auntie.”

“Later, if you’re a good boy,” she whispered as she swung her legs out of the car.

Picking up our bags we made our way along a sandy path, open fields on one side, thick pine trees on the other.

“I love this place, the trees protect the sand dunes, but also make the beach very private. I often come here to spend a few hours relaxing, swimming, reading. It’s good for the soul.”

After a while she took a path, that disappeared into the trees, and eventually came out onto sand dunes sloping steeply down to a vast expanse of beach. It was a hot day so we set up our chairs and blanket in the shade of a tall pine.

Nicole took off her shirt then let her skirt fall to the ground to reveal a white, halter neck, bikini.

“Wow. Very sexy. You look gorgeous.”

“I thought you’d approve. Come on let’s go down to the sea.”

She ran off, sliding down the steep dunes as I threw off my t-shirt and chased after her. Halfway to the sea I caught her, wrapped my arm around her waist and swung her off her feet, both of us laughing loudly. As we walked on I squeezed her bum and settled my hand into the back of her bikini bottoms. We chatted and kissed splashing along in the shallow water, holding hands demurely when somebody passed by.

Sometime later, we returned to our blanket in the shade of the pine, the sun escort gaziantep evi olan bayan now high in the sky.

“I see what you mean about this place, it is idyllic, especially with you sitting next to me. Wanna slip out of that bikini and make it paradise?”

“Ouch. I hope you don’t use cheesy lines like that on other girls…”

“Don’t be so hard on me Auntie, I’m only a youngster…” I grinned.

Laughing, she got up and kissed me on the cheek: “There, there, now don’t you get upset my pretty boy. Auntie still loves you.”

I reached out to grab her bum, but she stood back: “Later, you naughty boy. Let’s head off and find some lunch, there’s a nice deli in a village not far away, we can get a picnic there. Keep a lookout for me, will you? I need to get changed and I don’t want somebody to come along while I’m half-dressed.”

Out of her bag, she pulled various items of underwear and a light summer dress, which she laid on the chair. Then, standing on the blanket she looked at me: “Is there anybody around? Is it clear?

“Nobody for a long way, you’re OK.”

Reaching behind she unclipped her bikini top and slipped it over her head, her breasts falling out of the cups. I watched avidly as she brushed some sand off them with a towel, then slid her arms into a white lace bra and fastened it at the front.

Slipping her thumbs into the sides of her bikini bottoms she pulled them down her legs and stepped out of them. My eyes widened as she stood up and I saw the dark, thin smudge, of hair above her pussy lips. Picking up a white suspender belt she placed it on her hips, then reached behind to fasten it.

“You’re supposed to be on the lookout, you know! Half the people on the beach could amble past here and you wouldn’t notice.”

“But you can’t get dressed in front of me and not expect me to watch, that’s insane,” I laughed.

“Well while you’re watching make sure you keep an eye out for unwanted guests.”

Taking a packet out of her bag she carefully removed a pair of chocolate coloured stockings. Gently gathering one up, she slipped it onto her foot, then slowly rolled it up her leg, pulled lightly on the welt, then reached behind to fix the suspender.

“Oh Auntie, you don’t know what that does to me. The sight of a lady putting on her stockings and fastening suspenders is the sexiest sight in the world… I’m in heaven.”

“And you’ll be in big trouble if I see somebody suddenly wander past.”

She fastened the other two suspenders then pulled on, and fastened the other stocking, adjusted the welts to check they were even, then stepped into a pair of white, lacy panties and pulled them up, sadly hiding her pussy from my view.

Slipping the summer dress over her head she straightened it, slipped her feet into some low, sling-back wedges, then looked at me.

“Well, will I do?”

“Absolutely, you look gorgeous.”

“Come on then, let’s get this stuff back to the car and see what we can find for our picnic.”

Walking back through the cool forest I put my arm around her, stroking her bum, feeling for the outlines of her suspenders. “You do know that watching you getting dressed just now has made me really horny?”

“Well I’ll have to see what I can do about that later, won’t I?” She laughed.

Arriving back at the car we threw the bags inside and drove off down the lane. Reaching over I slid her dress up above her stocking tops and stroked her legs.

“Hey, go easy young man, I’ve got to keep my mind on the road.”

Running my hands over her stockinged legs I caressed the suspenders, then let my fingers brush over the soft skin above, moving slowly between her legs, feeling the wet fabric of her panties.

“Enough!” She shivered. “I’ll have us in a ditch any minute.” Pushing my hand away she lowered her dress.

“Ohhhhhhh. That’s not very nice Auntie – look what you’ve done to me…”

“Ahhh, has my pretty boy got a nasty swelling in his pants?”

“Yes, I have, and all because of you, what are you going to do about it?”

Giggling she pulled off the road into a car park and stopped the engine. Reaching over she took hold of my erection and stroking it looked into my eyes. “Now are you going to be able to drag this package into the deli – or do you need to convalesce in the car while I go foraging for some lunch?”

“Oh, come on, that’s not fair, I meant what are you going to do to relieve me, not make it worse. “Nasty Auntie. You’re just teasing me now aren’t you?”

She opened the door, swung her legs out of the car and stood up, looking back at me with a mocking look in her eyes.

“OK if that’s what you want. But everybody in there will see I’ve got a huge boner. Aren’t you going to be embarrassed about that?”

“No, I don’t think so, they’ll think your just an over-sexed youth who can’t control his hormones,” she laughed.

“OK, have it your way.” I got out of the car, walked around to her escort gaziantep fetiş bayan side and took her hand as we walked into the deli.

As we wandered around picking up items that looked good for our picnic she constantly broke into laughter whenever she saw the large bulge in the front of my jeans. At the counter, while we were waiting to be served, I stood close behind her, pressing myself against her bum. Each time the assistant turned away to pack up something she rotated her hips, pressing her bum harder against my dick – just stopping in time when the girl turned back towards us.

After paying we walked back to the car, my hand fondling her ass, running my fingers over the suspenders I could feel through the thin material. She slipped her hand into the back of my jeans, running them over my bum and squeezing my cheeks.

At the car, she put the picnic into a cooler box, then strapped herself in and started the engine. “Let me slip your dress up, I love to look at your stocking tops while you’re driving.”

“OK, but no touching or we’re going to have an accident,” she smiled, as she slipped her dress up, tucking it under her seat belt.

My eyes were transfixed by her legs, her stocking tops and suspenders and the hint of white knickers I could see between her legs.

As she drove out of the car park I unzipped my jeans, painfully releasing my cock from the constriction it had been under for so long. “Is this Ok Auntie?”

She took her eyes off the road for an instant, paused, then: “That’s very OK darling, but it looks like you need a little help.” Reaching over she took my dick in her hand and began slowly stroking it.

I laid back in my seat, moaning at the sensation of her hand moving up and down my cock, then she let go and I snapped back to reality.

Slowing the car she turned off the road onto a grassy track. “Where are we going?”

“Wait and see.”

We bumped along the track for some way, between fields of crops, then along the edge of some trees until we came to a clearing where she pulled up and switched off the engine. Releasing her seat belt she leaned over my dick, taking it in her hand, her tongue licked the tip as she started to wank me. Parting her lips she took my cock into her mouth, slowly moving down, drawing more of its length inside, sucking, licking, up and down, driving me insane.

“Stop, get out, now!”

I ran round to her side of the car as she got out, took her tightly in my arms, my tongue sought out hers, my cock pressing urgently against her. Reaching down she wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began to wank me again.

“Get your knickers off I need to fuck you – now!”

Lifting her dress she pulled her knickers down and stepped out of them as I ripped my shorts off.

“Turn round.”

She bent forward over the car’s bonnet as I lifted her dress and pushed it high up her back. Sinking to my knees I buried my face between the cheeks of her ass, my tongue seeking her hole. I ran my hands frantically up and down her legs, stroking her stockings, fingering her suspenders, kissing her stocking tops. Pulling her legs apart I forced my tongue towards her pussy, pushing it between the lips and inside as far as it would go – she gasped, then let out a low moan.

Standing up I took her hips and pulled her against my cock.

Pulling her cheeks apart I looked down on her freckle as I slid my cock between her legs, sliding back and forth against her wet pussy.

“Oh yes baby, get inside me – now!”

Pushing her hips back, her cheeks closed on my cock as she rubbed her ass against my pubes. Reaching between her legs I opened her pussy lips with my fingers, rubbing her clit as she writhed against me. I guided the tip of my cock to her pussy and thrust forward, slipping deep inside her. My hands gripped her hips as my thumbs opened her ass cheeks – I could see my cock sliding in and out of her cunt. Leaning forwards I slipped my hands under her dress and cupped her breasts, slipping them out of the cups of her bra.

“Oh God, I’m loving this, get your cock right up inside my pussy,” she gasped.

Dropping my hands I fondled her stockings tops, slowly easing my cock back until it was almost out of her pussy then ramming it back in deep, her cheeks slapping against my pubes. “I’m fucking your cunt and I’m not going to stop.”

“Go on baby, fuck your Auntie, I want your cock right up inside my cunt, fuck me, fuck me…”

I thrust my prick in and out of her pussy faster and faster, my balls slapping against her ass cheeks, my hands squeezing her tits, her nipples hard against my palms.

“Wait, let me get on the ground.”

I slipped out of her pussy as she stepped back then lowered herself onto the grass. Lifting her dress high above her stockings and suspender belt she opened her legs wide and laid back. “Come on get that cock back inside me, you’re going to fuck me until I tell you to stop.”

Dropping bayan escort gaziantep to my knees I moved between her legs, feeling the soft nylon of her stockings pulled taught over her knees.

“Let me put your cock where I want it. Mmmm, feel how wet I am? Do you like your cock rubbing against my wet pussy? I’m going to open my cunt lips with your cock, can you feel it against my clit? Oh, baby, that’s making me shiver, get inside and fuck me now.”

Laying back she pulled me on top of her as I slid deep inside her dripping cunt.

Grabbing her legs I pulled them onto my shoulders. “Oh, Auntie the feel of your stockings against my cheeks is fucking amazing.”

“Kiss my stockings then baby, you love them don’t you? You wank thinking about my stocking tops and suspenders don’t you? Would you like me to stand over you while you’re lying on the floor?”

“Oh yes Auntie, I want to see all the way up your dress. I want to see your stocking tops, your panties covering your pussy between your legs, that would be fucking incredible.”

“Open my legs wide darling, can you see your cock fucking my cunt? Fuck me harder, harder – I’m starting to cum – I’m cumming, oh baby do you want to shoot your load inside your Auntie?”

“Yes, yes Auntie, I’m going to shoot my cum right up inside your cunt, I’m going to fill you with my spunk.”

Our bodies went rigid as we both orgasmed, my cock shot cum inside her cunt, again and again, her pussy lips gripping it tightly as she writhed against me, pulling my hands against her tits, her hair in my face as I kissed and bit her neck.

“No love bites,” she gasped. “Auntie will not be happy with that.”

Gripping her legs I thrust my groin hard against her pussy, ecstatically revelling in the final convulsions of our orgasm.

Breathlessly falling forward on top of her I looked deeply into her eyes: “You are incredible. I’ve never had sex as good as that. You are out of this world.”

She smiled as I slipped out of her pussy and laid by her side, stroking her stockings. I kissed her gently, running my fingers across her naked groin, she shuddered: “Oh, that tickles, stop.”

Slipping down her body I ran my lips across her stomach, gently kissing the soft skin as I moved down to the tuft of hair above her pussy, running my tongue over the wet juices. Teasing her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue I gently parted them, tasting the nectar of her cum.

“Mmmm, that is wonderful, I could lay here forever while you do that, but we need to get cleaned up – come on, pour me a glass of that Rosé we bought for lunch.”

Reluctantly I got to my feet, walked to the back of the car, lifted out the cooler box and pulled out the bottle and two glasses. As I poured the wine I watched her, enjoying the sight of her holding her dress high as she wiped herself, opening her legs to reach her pussy and the inside of her thighs. Stepping into her knickers she pulled them up her legs and settled them over her hips and between her legs. After adjusting each of her suspenders and smoothing the welts of her stockings she brushed her dress down then took a glass from me and sipped the wine.

“So are you going to get dressed, or do you plan to walk around naked all afternoon with your cock swinging?”

“I’d like to stay like this if that’s OK.”

“No, it’s not,” she laughed. “Get dressed before somebody comes along and thinks you’re a flasher.”

Reluctantly I tidied myself up, then we spread the beach blanket in the clearing and settled down with our wine and picnic. Everything in the world felt good, a soft breeze rustled the branches above us as we gazed out across golden fields to hills in the distance.

After the picnic we sat with our backs against a tree, luxuriating in the peacefulness of our surroundings and our sexual contentment.

My fingers caressed her stockings, slowly working their way up her thighs, slipping her dress up and lingered over her stocking tops and suspenders. I stared at the flimsy white material of her knickers as it disappeared between her legs. “Your panties are beautiful, so delicate, so sexy. I wish I could look at them all day…”

“I’m pleased you like them.”

“I adore lingerie – soft, silky, all the different colours and styles. I love to just look and admire it, the delicate, flimsy feel of the material…”

“So it’s not just stockings, you get turned on by the whole ensemble?”

“Oh yes. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I sometimes go into the lingerie section of stores to see what’s on display. I bet you think I’m weird now, don’t you?”

“No, not at all darling. There’s nothing wrong with you liking sexy lingerie, or looking at it in the shops, I bet there are loads of men that do it.”

“The joke is I get so embarrassed when I’m amongst all that lingerie, I look a couple of times then quickly leave. I don’t have the nerve to browse, or touch anything.”

“Really? I’ve always thought you were such a confident young man.”

“Not when I’m amongst all those bras and knickers,” I laughed.

“Mmm, you’ve given me an idea. Come on let’s get all this cleared up.”

“What are you thinking of?”

“Wait and see…”

With everything packed into the car, we bumped our way back along the track to rejoin the road.

“Where are we going?”

“Patience my love, all will be revealed in time, but first I need a quick shower.”

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Cynthia was twenty-seven years old when she discovered that she was unable to do whatever she set her mind to with ease.

It might seem like a strange age to discover such a thing, as usually a person will find their confidence shaken long before then. Everyone has their strengths, and all that. But Cynthia Weber, apple of her parents eye and habitual success machine had always found that she naturally took to all things she tried.

From running track and playing girls lacrosse in high school, to academics and the arts in college, to her job working as a paralegal in a large firm settled in central London. Even moving abroad and ending up in England in the first place had been a breeze, despite growing up in small town America where anything further than the Dairy Queen in the next town seemed an entire world away.

Yes, Cynthia had always held the bull by the balls. But when she discovered the severe plumbing problems in the little flat she had purchased upon arriving in London, she met her match. Her father had always done the home improvements at home, her family being the picture of traditional gender roles. So when a pipe burst and her bathroom flooded, she knew that the first call she should have made was to a plumber.

Which she did, and which she firmly regretted when she got his estimate for the job. Her savings had already dwindled to next to nothing thanks to her costly relocation. Her new home was mortgaged, and her job paid well but not enough to cover her credit cards (which were maxed) and the plumbing. So the woman made a decision; she would fix it herself. How hard could it be?

The answer was: really fucking hard.

She didn’t know a pipe wrench from a vise grip, and before long she was finding herself extremely grateful for the tiny second bathroom that still worked in her flat. But she didn’t give up hope, and found herself turning to the trusty internet to help her out. It was there that she found her a forum specializing in home improvement, where people who had an actual idea of what the hell they were doing kindly offered their expertise and assistance to the poor little American girl who had become completely overwhelmed by her task.

It was on this forum that she met Gerald Parkman. At fifty-one years old, he had ample time over the years to figure out how to fix a busted pipe. Given his natural inclination towards fussiness, he had learned to take care of many basic tasks that would have required a tradesman, and he had been a lifesaver for Cynthia.

With his instruction and patient guidance through private messages, she had slowly managed to minimize the damage and fix a few things in her bathroom. He had even helped her to find someone else who charged much less to fix what was left over, while giving her pointers for other areas of her flat that needed work.

Throughout these messages they would often slip in personal conversation, getting to know one another. She knew his favorite food, and he knew that she went for a run in the evenings. They had spoken at length about favorite movies, music and even recommended books to one another. Given the difference in their ages, they seemed to have a great deal in common.

So when the bathroom was fixed and her flat fixed up, they still continued to speak. Only they took the next step and began to write at their respective email addresses, a touch more intimate to both of them. Not that anything that was said there had been inappropriate, more mildly flirtatious. At least as much as Gerald was willing to flirt, though he seemed to delight in her occasional implications and teasing.

After a particularly long day at the office, Cynthia happily entered her apartment, slipped off her shoes and jacket and headed to her computer. As it loaded the operating system, she wandered into the kitchen for a glass of wine, pulling her long, dark hair from its bun and shaking it out over her shoulders.

She was an attractive women, though not a beauty queen. Her hair was thick and a dark brown, almost black. Her skin was a light brown, though her ethnicity was always difficult for others to distinguish. Her eyes were so dark that they glittered like polished onyx, surrounded by thick lashes that she always wished were longer.

As for her body, she always considered it average. She was neither overweight nor thin, with a soft stomach and large breasts that were not nearly as firm as she would like. Her hips were narrow, but her bottom rounded just enough to be seen in the right kind of jeans.

Cynthia curled that body into a chair now, blowing a strand of hair from her face with her full lips. This had become a regular routine, getting online to surf various forums, read blogs or watch shows thanks to her not having a television with a working license. But her first port of call was always her email account, and when she saw Gerald’s name heading a new escort gaziantep bayan tanıtımları message she grinned happily.

From: Gerald Parkman

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 5:47 PM

To: Cynthia Weber

Hello Cynthia,

You know, it doesn’t matter how often I type your email address in, it still makes me laugh. I am almost thinking of creating one of my own, just to have something more interesting than my former work address to write to you from.

How are you? You had mentioned the other day that you had a large staff meeting to attend this morning, and you seemed nervous. I hope everything went well? In any case, I doubt you have anything to fear, even if there have been rumors of redundancies. I can only imagine they would be lost without such a clever woman on the payroll.



Cynthia read over this email with a smile. He was always considerate, and he frequently brought up things she had mentioned in the past. Which was much better than the last several men she had dated, all of whom were much too preoccupied with her tits to care much about what was going on in her life.

Taking a quick sip of her wine and placing it down on the desk, she opened up a reply window and wrote him back. Hopefully, he would be online and they could have one of their enjoyable evening chats…

* * *

Gerald Parkman had, for the most part, lived a satisfying life.

He came from a working class family, and he had not been in a position to go to university. But after working for a time at his father’s struggling building company, he had secured a low level position in his early twenties at an insurance agency. Over the decades he had managed to climb the ladder, sticking with the same company tenaciously until he had been poached by a rivaling business and placed into upper-middle management.

Marrying young, his wife Agatha had watched him become more successful. He had been able to give her the things she wanted; a nice house, regular holidays, the ability to stay home with their only son, Anthony. All of which she had enjoyed, along with her credit cards, and she showed her appreciation by being an attentive and loving wife.

Over time, their relationship had…not soured, that wasn’t the right word. More ebbed away into something barely there. They were friendly and courteous to one another, and fights were non-existent. Sadly, that was due to the lack of passion and communication, rather than any improvement in their marriage. As evidenced by their total lack of a sex life.

When they had first gotten married, Agatha had been willing to have sex, if not especially enthusiastic about it. Not that Gerald had ever complained, and over time he began to feel as though his desires were disrespectful to the wholesome woman who became all the more long suffering in performing the most basic of sexual tasks.

By the time their son was born, they made love perhaps once every couple of months. As Anthony grew, he was lucky to get any physical affection beyond a peck on the cheek. Besides the occasional spontaneous hand job out of pity, sex had entirely dried up by the time the boy was in high school.

Gerald had long since been spending more and more time at the office at this point. He would never be unfaithful to his wife, no matter how tempted, and so he kept himself busy at work. His office became a refuge, and the one place where, after hours, he would look at pornography and guiltily hide the evidence of his wanking before heading home. Usually thinking about the young women in the office that he would be forced to look in the eye the next day.

However depressing it might all seem, he was not unhappy. Sure, he was sexually unfulfilled, but he felt that it was rather his own fault for being so fixated on his desires anyway. The rest of his life had been a triumph of hard work, and he had many benefits for it. His son was a good boy, who had been accepted into a top university, which Gerald could not be more proud about. As for his marriage, he truly did love his wife and he felt lucky to have such a good woman who cared so deeply for him.

Things began to take a turn for the worst the fall of his fiftieth year. He had been in the kitchen, preparing for another long day of work. As he half-heartedly listened to his wife trying to convince him to take a holiday in Spain that year, he started to notice a tingling in his left arm.

At first, he thought it had fallen asleep and began to rub his shoulder. But before long it coalesced into a sharp pain that spread to his chest. It had been Gerald’s first heart attack, and a wake up call for a lifestyle change. The biggest of which was his company insisting that he take early retirement, cutting off his lifeline and ending a career that had given him a sense escort gaziantep bayan telefonları of purpose in life.

He liked to think that this had not triggered anything major, like a midlife crisis. It had merely forced upon him a pallor of boredom that he had been adamant he overcome. There was some belief from his wife that they would spend the time together, doing things they had always wanted. Unfortunately, it became apparent that the two had nothing in common, and within the first few months she had retreated to her own activities and left him to his devices. Who would have known that those ‘things they had always wanted’ were not the same for either of them?

Gerald had turned to projects to keep him occupied. When the small ones were not doing it for him anymore, he took on a much larger task he had always told himself he would do: a full house remodel, including an extension on the left side of the house. It was the perfect way to exhaust his energy and keep him from lingering too long on the growing discontent in the back of his mind.

While he could do a number of useful things around the house, he needed help. So he had become active on a number of websites, the most frequent being a forum that had sparked his home improvement project into a full hobby. Especially as it gave him a chance to offer his expertise to others, and so feel useful once again.

He was halfway through the remodel when he met Cynthia. The young woman was nothing more than another post with a problem, at first. But the more they spoke, the more he began to like her. And the more that tense feeling he refused to examine seemed to increase within him.

It was when they exchanged photos – a friendly gesture – that he found himself becoming a little obsessed. He had not given much thought up to that point of what she looked like. When she jokingly brought up the fact that he could be anyone, like a 14-year-old boy with a hardware magazine membership, he had laughed and searched out some old holiday photographs from two years before. Sending her one, he had been surprised when he had gotten a photo back.

The young woman in the photo was sitting with who he assumed to be several members of her family, including smiling parents and perhaps her brothers. She had dark eyes and hair, and smooth, tanned skin. The word that fluttered to mind as he studied the photograph was ‘exotic’. He had been unable to keep himself from letting his eyes glance to the slight bit of cleavage peeking through the v-neck shirt, and her large, firm breasts.

She was beautiful in an unconventional way that he found he liked, and with her warm personality, wit and charm, he was immediately hooked. Though this was a secret attraction only, and he did everything in his power to control it. He was, after all, a married man. Besides, she was a fraction of his age, and he liked her too much to make her uncomfortable. He was terrified that if she knew the developing thoughts and fantasies of which she starred, she would stop speaking to him.

Attracted he might be, but all he really sought was a bit of friendly conversation.

He had spent the day painting the small upstairs office, and it was currently airing out. The windows all over the house were open to the quickly darkening autumn night. His wife had cleared out for the evening, participating in a function he hadn’t really heard her explanation of. Some kind of raffle? Or maybe a sale of some kind?

In any case, he was alone once more with the stereo playing quietly in the background. He barely heard the music that in today’s world was classified as ‘oldies’, but he could still remember hearing for the first time as a kid. He was surfing the net to avoid having to think on that too clearly.

Taking a sip of iced tea, he opened up a new browser tab and checked his email. A small smile flickered on his lips when he saw Cynthia’s name waiting in his inbox, a reply to his earlier message. Experiencing the small wiggle of excitement that made him feel like a foolish schoolboy, he opened the email and read her response.

From: Cynthia Weber

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 6:25 PM

To: Gerald Parkman

Hey Gerald,

As always, you’re right. It turns out I had nothing to worry about…technically, I have been promoted. I will be heading the group of paralegals on staff, which is a step up. The problem is that my bosses are still cheap bastards, so while I will have more responsibility I won’t have a bigger paycheck to show for it. Oh well, it is better than getting canned, I suppose.

Otherwise, my day has been long but standard. What about you? You had mentioned you planned on tackling that paint job in your office. Did it go well? Feeling high from the paint fumes? I am about to feel blissfully tipsy from my wine. Wish you escort gaziantep bayan videoları were here to share a glass. 🙂

By the way, thank you for the compliment. Hopefully my employers start to see me as intelligent and indispensable as you do!


– – –

From: Gerald Parkman

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 6:37 PM

To: Cynthia Weber

Sadly, I received many of those ‘promotions’ during my career. The good news is that if you take it with a smile and do well, a pay raise can’t be too far behind. The trick is showing them that they couldn’t possibly run things as smoothly without you there. Once you convince them of that (which I doubt should be difficult, in your case) you are on your way to bigger and better things.

The office is complete, and with minimum pain involved. Though I did have to redo the baseboard when it came out uneven near the door. Enough of that, I would hate to ramble.

I am not much of a drinker and never have been. But a glass of wine sounds nearly as lovely as the company. My own glass is filled with nothing stronger than iced tea with lemon, which is being enjoyed in an empty house.

Perhaps I will take the wine, after all. Though I would worry about my behavior. Especially if I have, indeed, been affected by the paint fumes. Who knows what shocking things I might divulge?

* * *

Cynthia stared at the message in surprise, reading over the last bit a couple of times as she sipped her second glass of red. Was he flirting? It wasn’t much to go on, but given his usual replies even when she herself teased him, it was something different.

Her eyes slid over the final sentence. “‘Who knows what shocking things I might divulge?'” she read out in a hushed voice. A small smirk touched her lips. “Oh yes, what might you say, Mr. Parkman?”

To her surprise, she found that she rather liked the idea that he may be flirting. She had never really considered him as a love interest. He was so much older than her, for one thing, and he was married, for another. She wasn’t in the habit of sleeping with anyone in a committed relationship, much less a man old enough to be her father.

Despite this, she found herself biting her lip as she typed out her reply.

From: Cynthia Weber

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 6:51 PM

To: Gerald Parkman

Iced tea? You are a rebel, aren’t you? 😉 If you put a splash of rum in the glass we would be talking about my kind of beverage.

I can understand staying away from the booze, and I try not to partake too much unless it is a special weekend or occasion. Though I have to say it is a real shame…I bet you have all sort of interesting secrets in let lose.

You might be shocked to know that I have plenty of my own.

* * *

As he read her message he felt his eyebrow creep up into an arch. Secrets? It seemed obvious that she was flirting with him, though she had done so playfully before. This didn’t feel quite the same, however. There was a touch more intimacy in the implication, and he felt a slight heat in his gut as he wondered at what those ‘secrets’ might be.

Though his mind was telling him he should stop this now, he ignored the voice of warning. After all, nothing had been said that wasn’t perfectly innocent. So what if there was a bit more of a teasing tone to it this time? It had been so long since Gerald had indulged in such a conversation that it seemed high time he allowed himself a minor pleasure.

He sat staring at the screen for a full minute, unsure of himself. This was unfamiliar territory, and he wasn’t sure how much was too much. In the end, he decided to follow her example and never take a step beyond where she left them. It seemed the safest route, and still thrilling to consider.

From: Gerald Parkman

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 6:55 PM

To: Cynthia Weber

Secrets? Me? I am afraid that my thoughts are hardly exciting enough to catch the interests of such an enticing woman as yourself. Though I will admit that a couple of glasses of alcohol would make my confessions a tad more surprising than without them.

Now your secrets are another matter entirely. I can only imagine what fascinating quirks linger behind those big, brown eyes of yours.

Have another glass of wine, for me.

– – –

From: Cynthia Weber

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 7:01 PM

To: Gerald Parkman

Why Gerald Parkman! Are you trying to get me drunk? Because if you are, there are much more effective drinks than wine to get the job done. Then again, I might just spill my secrets without the help of liquor, if you were to coax me.

I bet your own thoughts are much more scandalous than you let on. I have to admit that my own have gotten a lot more heated since I broke up with my ex. That always happens to me when I am single.

– – –

From: Gerald Parkman

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2012 7:11 PM

To: Cynthia Weber

I am sorry to say that marriage doesn’t always help that. Of course, not all couples are like Agatha and myself. We don’t discuss anything that would be considered inappropriate, as it makes her uncomfortable.

It is shocking that you are single. A woman like you must have men lining up around the block to woo you.

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A Day by the Pool Pt. 04

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After me and Daniella’s first full day on holiday, I was left absolutely shattered. I drank way more than I should have. I enjoyed some hot, double penetration action with Daniella and the Greek Boy. I got to watch some hot lesbian action between Daniella, Nina the German teacher lady, and Georgina the Greek lesbian with big nipple rings. After which Burkhard and I enjoyed a little oral action when we both came in his wife’s mouth. And most importantly I got to help beautiful Daniella work her way through nearly a dozen orgasms and nearly half as many lovers. So, by the time my head hit the pillow at the end of the night, I was done.

God knows how long I was out, but the next thing I remember, I was dreaming that I was back home in California. I was out somewhere in the Mojave Desert. It was a hot and sunny day, and I was driving along in my dream car—a cherry red, 1972 convertible Corvette Stingray—through the endless western landscapes with my arm hanging out the window and the wind rushing through my hair. I was in heaven.

This wasn’t the first time I’ve had this dream. In fact, it had been one of my favourite recurring dreams ever since I was thirteen when my hard drinking Aunt Carol—with her amazingly the big tits and inappropriately low-cut dresses—took me for a long ride in her late, third husband’s Corvette. While we drove across Death Valley, she told me, “it’s easy for a boy like me to get lucky in a car like this.” It took me many years to understand what she meant by ‘get lucky’ but when I did, the dream only become more intense.

I drove on through the shimmering deserts until I came to a hill. I slammed on the gas, and the Corvette shot over the crest like a rocket. The whole car roared and shook with a raw power that I could feel in my bones. Then suddenly there was a hand on my crotch working my balls. I looked down half expecting to see my aunt’s hand, but instead it was a thin woman’s hand. I followed the hand up to find my wife—now my ex-wife—Betty sitting in the car next to me. It was her, but from years ago before we got married and made each other miserable.

She smiled at me with cherry red lips and sparkling blue eyes, as her long blond hair whipped around in the wind, then suddenly she was naked and so was I. Without bothering to stop the car we collapsed into each other’s arms and began to kiss and rub our naked bodies all over each other. The car continued happily rumbling along on its own down the road, as she climbed onto my lap.

Betty’s pussy was warm, soft and inviting as I slipped my cock inside. Her and I made love in the bright sunshine, in the front seat of the car as we travelled on down the road—only occasionally stopping to wave at creepy truck drivers and smiling passengers as they passed by.

We continued on like this for miles, but just as I was about to cum, a great odd, red shadow passed over the car. I pulled my head away from young Betty’s eager mouth to see that a strange face shaped cloud come into view and blot out much of the sky.

Suddenly I looked around and we were no longer out in the deserts, but somewhere in LA, with its endless traffic passing through some nightmarish zone of endless, nondescript strip malls as far as the eye could see. Also, we were no longer in the Corvette, but in that damn two-tone minivan she made me purchase last year for her shitty mobile dog grooming business that she never put any time into.

Betty crawled off my lap and instantly aged ten years. “There it is,” she pointed to a beige stucco building sandwiched between a thousand other beige stucco buildings, “Park the van there,” she commanded.

I was no longer in control of the minivan. It jerked escort gaziantep bayan reklamları hard to the left and crashed through a small hedge into an empty, darken parking lot. The sun had disappeared before the minivan came to a screeching halt in front of an old defunct shop now turned evangelical church. The windows were covered in a cheap mirrored tint which gave everything inside a sickly green hue.

“We’re here!” Betty smiled. “Time to give us a baby.”

“What? No! We’re divorced. I’m not giving you a baby,” I complained.

The minivan was gone, and we stood outside the building in the darkness as the summer heat radiated off the black asphalt of the parking lot. Above the main shop window to the old store was a beat-up painted on sign that read “The Hands of God Church,” while in the corner a red neon sign slowly blinked, “All sacrifices welcome.”

I knew the place from when Betty found God a couple years back and made me go to church with her here once. Inside the air was horribly stale and hot given their AC was perpetually broken. The church itself consisted of a large multipurpose room divided in half. Up front there sat a beat-up pulpit, a folding card table on wheels with a white tablecloth thrown over it that doubled as a collections table, and a giant homemade wooden cross made by someone’s kid. In back, in place of actual pews, there were just several rows of beat-up plastic folding chairs for the congregation to sit, watch the weird shows, and to find god—poor bastards.

Betty had changed into a long flowing, white, semi translucent, silk night gown, while I remained naked. We stood at the front of the room while a sea of grey, ashen faced evangelical men slowly poured in. Each one greeted Betty by speaking to her in tongues and by running their meaty hands up the front of her silk gown to touch her blond pussy. They then would give me the evil eye before taking their seats.

“Praise Jesus!” boomed the voice of the Preacher from behind the pulpit. He was a greasy middle-aged man in an off color white button up dress shirt and a black tie, with a broad Texas accent, and the look of a used car salesman. “Praise Jesus! We are all here today because we are all sinners. Can I get an amen?”

“Amen!” the congregation shouted back.

“Praise Jesus!” replied the Preacher.

“Praise Jesus!” the congregation replied.

“We are all sinners,” the Preacher continued, “but we are all still members of God’s family. And as members of God’s family, we all have a sacred duty to continue that family. But this man, this man here has failed in his sacred duties!” The Preacher began pointing his finger wildly at me. “He has failed to share his sacred seed with us and these ladies.”

The congregation collectively gasped.

“I know, I know,” the Preacher continued, “the good book teaches us to forgive, to turn the other cheek, but sometimes, we need to take matters into our own hands.”

I was confused and turned to my wife who was nodding along in agreement, “Betty? What the hell is this about?” I demanded, but she didn’t answer. “Fine then, I’m leaving.”

“No, you’re not son,” the Preacher said with a smile. “Tie him to the cross!”

Before I could make a run for it, several large, hairy naked men wearing trucker caps, rose from the congregation and wrestled me to the ground. I tried fighting but it was no use. They then dragged me to the large, homemade wooden cross at the side of the stage and tied me to it.

Betty stepped up next to me and she suddenly was beautiful, sweet, and 20 years old again. “Don’t fight it Theo, given in and give escort gaziantep resimleri us a baby.” She kissed me on the lips while she reached down with her free hand and began to stroke my cock.

I had to fight it because her hand and mouth felt too good. I pulled my mouth away from her and turned my head towards the congregation. By now the whole congregation of men had disrobed and were sitting there mouths agape, with their hands on their cocks while Betty started to get me hard. As hard as I fought it, I couldn’t help but get erect again. Betty continued to stroke my cock. With each beat I could feel my resolve falter a little more until all too soon I was about to burst.

Betty turned to the Preacher and gave him a nod. The greasy used car salesman stepped out from behind his pulpit. He was naked from the waist down and was supporting a major erection.

“It will be okay Theo. All you got to do is give us a baby,” Betty cooed in my ear before she let go of my cock and slowly made her way to the Preacher. There in front me, the congregation and presumably God as well, Betty slowly squatted down in front of the Preacher until her mouth was level with his big hairy cock. She made a point to maintain eye contact with me all the way down before she slowly opened her bright red mouth and licked her lips.

“Praise Jesus!” The Preacher shouted before he popped the big purple head of his cock into young Betty’s eager mouth where she began to suck it like a lollipop.

“Praise Jesus!” The congregation shouted back in support.

When we were married, especially towards the end, it was all I could do to get Betty to suck my cock, and now here she was sucking off her Preacher while the congregation looked on and jerked off. I admit that I had fantasized about her sucking off other men, but this was a bit much. Betty cocked her head towards me where I—and the congregation—got a good view of her sucking the Preacher’s dick. Several times she slowly worked his cock deep into her mouth before pulling it all the way back out. I tried not to watch, but I couldn’t help myself. I was rock hard.

“You have a good wife here. She really knows how to serve God,” the Preacher grinned at me while he slowly fucked Betty’s mouth. “Can I get an Amen?” he shouted at the congregation.

“Amen!” They shouted back.

They went back and forth for another minute, until I could see rings of sweat seeping through his dress shirt, and I could hear his breath become more ragged. Like a champ, Betty continued to work his cock faster and faster until, at last his legs locked into position and he grabbed her head with both hands. “Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!” He shouted as he came in young Betty’s mouth.

“Hallelujah!” Someone shouted from the congregation while others clapped in approval of the Preacher cumming in Betty’s mouth.

Eventually the Preacher pulled his spent cock from Betty’s mouth and then helped her back to her feet. She gave a little curtsy to the Congregation and wiped her mouth dry with the back of her hand as they cheered her on in appreciation.

Without bothering to put his cock away, the Preacher signalled off stage to a group of church women dress in choir robes and their organist who instantly started up some church hymns. Betty turned to the sea of men in the congregation and was instantly mobbed by dozens of them. They were of all sizes and shapes—big, fat, short, and tall—a lot were very hairy, and their cocks weren’t that big. Betty quickly fell back to her knees and in short succession sucked off several dozen of the men—making a point each time not to spill any of their seeds—all escort gaziantep bayan sitesi the while the choir sang on.

Eventually she sucked off the last of them and the Preacher joined her back on stage. He threw his arms high into the air, the music stopped, and he addressed the congregation in his booming voice, “Now it’s time for why all of us are here. It is time for this man, to give these women a baby.” He waited several seconds for the shouts from the crowd to subside before he walked to the other side of the stage where the collection table on wheels was. He then began to slowly push it toward me and my erection. It was then that I saw there was a person underneath the white tablecloth.

Poking out from under the tablecloth was a pair of rather large woman’s calves. Then I saw it, there on the inside of the right ankle, a butterfly tattoo. My blood ran cold, and I began to scream, “Not you! Not You!”

Like a magician with his cock out, the Preacher snatched away the white tablecloth to reveal my ex-boss, Christina.

“NOOOOOOOO!!” I screamed.

Christina was, by far the meanest woman who has ever lived. She was a large redheaded woman in her late 40’s who never married, or as far as any of us at my last job every knew, ever even dated anyone. All of us just assumed that she should have been a lesbian, if it wasn’t for her damn conservative Christian beliefs that she tried pushing on us daily. She hated all men, especially me, and for years she made my life a living hell at work. On no less than 14 separate occasions she attempted to get me fired. And now here she was naked on the table, propped up with some pillows, glaring angrily at me. Her fat thighs were pulled wide, exposing a giant mass of curry red public hair that stretched from hip to hip. “Oh for fuck sake!” She shouted at me. “You can’t even do this fucking right. Does that small fucking cock of yours actually work?”

I was too shocked to do anything but stammer, “No, not you.”

“Come on son, just give the ladies what they want,” the Preacher chimed in with a big smile before he began to push the collections table with Christina on it towards my still hard member.

Betty stepped up next to Christina, bent down and casually popped Christina right nipple into her mouth. She sucked it for a second before she looked up at me, “come on Theo, please give us a baby,” she pleaded.

“Yeah, fucking Theodore,” Christina shouted, “just give us a fucking baby already!”

The preacher stopped pushing the table towards me for a second where he could readjust his angle to make sure my cock and Christina’s hateful pussy would line up properly.

“NOOOOOOOO!” I shouted, but no one cared. I looked out at the congregation for help, but they were now little more than a sea of grey faces, franticly masturbating.

The table with her mean pussy on it, was getting closer with each passing second. I struggled with my bindings, but they wouldn’t budge. I looked down at my cock and to my horror it was still rock hard. “Maybe if I think of something horrible it will go down. Shit, shit, shit!” I racked my brains, trying to think of anything to make my erection to go away, “Shit this isn’t going to work, because the one thing I hate more than anything is you!” I shouted at Christina.

The table moved closer and closer.

I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. Christina’s hairy red pussy was now so close its brimstone like smell stung my eyes. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did. With a snarl of her lip, Christina reached down and pulled open her pussy lips to reveal a full set of gleaming white fanged teeth. “NO!” I screamed.

Chomp! Snapped Christina’s pussy fangs towards my cock. Christina cackled while Betty smiled and said, “Just give us what we want Theo. Give us a baby.”

“Never,” I sobbed.

CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP! Snapped Christina’s pussy as the head of my innocent, hard cock came within a hair of her pussy’s mouth.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” I shouted one last time before everything went black.

To Be Continued…

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