Breaking Cathy
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I have been corresponding with a wonderful young woman, who is curious about my experiences as a dominant man. Her name is dee.
I do love training girls to be submissive.
I am going to post two long emails that I wrote to her. dee suggested that I share them on Literotica. She enjoyed the other stories I have posted here in the “Professor of Two Minds” series.
The first email, “Breaking Cathy,” I’m posting here.
The second is my follow up to her reply to the first story, and it is called “Twenty-Two Ways to Train a Slave.” I’ll submit that later in a separate posting.
What follows isn’t a story, like my earlier writings. It’s based on my experiences and my love for dominant relationships with women.
My dear sexy dee,
Such a pleasure to read your message. It seems that you are very interested in my talk about taming a wild girl. I don’t think I ever told you about cathy, perhaps my wildest girl. Let me try to explain what I did with cathy to turn her into my pet.
Some girls are good. It is sexy and fun for me to make them bad. Taking good girls and making them bad is an erotic adventure. Some lucky man had the pleasure of doing that with you. He took good girl dee and made her into a naughty girl.
I have done that with some girls, and I think back fondly on that, though sometimes with a little guilt. Should I have taken the sweet, highly disciplined star of the college cross-country team and made her such a little slut that she actually missed a meet? You see, she was tied up in my dorm room, learning, for the first time, the joys of physical restraint and multiple orgasms. Hmm….yes, I should have done that. I don’t recall that she ever complained to me…
Some girls are bad. They are aggressive. They offer themselves to boys, who take them up on their offers. These bad girls know what they want and they take it.
cathy was bad. By the time she crossed paths with me at our college she had had sex with many boys. cathy was a spoiled little princess. She thought she was hot shit.
cathy’s father was one of the richest men in St. Louis. I was a senior, she was a freshman.
cathy was very conceited. She was sexy though, mainly because of her mane of blond hair, her beautiful chest, her wild girl aura, her knowing and dirty laugh, her total lack of impulse control, and her aggressive sexuality.
Within 45 minutes of our first meeting, her hand was down the front of my pants, squeezing. That first night I met her we ended up in my bed. I took her shirt and bra off. I still remember her delicious breasts—big and soft, white Midwest girl tits–round, full, pink nipples, really fun for snuggling into.
But she didn’t want me to gaziantep escort lubricate them with my spit and slide my shaft between them. I was not happy. See, cathy was a spoiled little rich-girl. The entitled girl wanted everything her way. I, however, wanted things my way and I was already quite the control freak. It was a battle of wills.
Guess who won?
By the way, cathy was also an out-of-control drinker and a druggie. Good girls? I want to make them bad. But cathy was a bad girl. Bad girls? I want to make them good. To teach them to obey. To train and tame them. To make them into my slave.
So there cathy was in my bed, topless, high on Jack Daniels and pot. When she wouldn’t let me straddle her chest and slide my cock between those breasts, when she disobeyed my direct command, what was a Master to do? I roughly pulled off her shorts and panties and threw her over my legs. I spanked her lovely ass very hard.
dee, I like to spank. cathy had a cute whitish-pink ass. I made her white rich-girl ass red. Like magic, just 12 or 15 spanks made her much more obedient. Now her eyes lacked that bratty look. Her eyes now contained just the right amount of respect, and just the right amount of fear.
Once cathy fully understood that she was mine, and felt genuine respect for my hand, I enjoyed sliding between her gorgeous tits for a long, long time as she squeezed them together. Then I straddled her face and used her mouth for my pleasure for a long, long time. I remember how she squirmed and lifted her hips from the bed with each deep thrust into her mouth. That was the first time I had known a girl to orgasm just from having her mouth penetrated, my fingers massaging her tits.
You know that I love the moaning sounds a girl makes the first time she experiences my cock in her mouth. cathy was so appreciative. The smile on her face revealed that she was like a new girl, an obedient girl.
But she was still a drunk. I wouldn’t let her drink in my presence or before she came to see me.
She had so much to learn. cathy told me that she didn’t like being taken from behind. She was very aggressive, and always wanted to have sex face to face, and preferably on top of her man.
dee, when you are taming a girl, you do to her the opposite of what she wants. If she says, I don’t like X, you do X. Repeatedly. She was so very sexy getting fucked from behind. What a pretty pussy she had. So inviting. You so would have enjoyed tasting me and feeding me into her warm body.
dee, Would you have helped me tame cathy? I think you would have. Would you have noted how I broke cathy, step by glorious step? Would you have purred in cathy’s ear, congratulating her on her newfound obedience, and helped me discipline konya escort her? Would you have rewarded me for my conquest?
She tried to pull away after I’d used her for a nice long time, but I grabbed both arms at the elbows and held her as she struggled. dee, you have to imagine what it’s like to have a woman in that position. You completely control her. She shakes and tries to get away. But she’s unable to move. Formerly a rich and drunken brat, and now a sexy prisoner.
I told her I wanted to coat her face with my cum after she’d orgasmed twice. She said “no, gross.” What do you think I did?
The key to taming a wild woman is to force her to do what she doesn’t want to do. She didn’t like to masturbate in front of a boy. What do you suppose I taught her to do like a champ? It didn’t take long, with my system of discipline and rewards. I made her into such an exhibitionist… Some of her loudest orgasms were from her own hand as I watched, smiling, urging her on, and praising her.
She loved it, dee. cathy loved that first night of being a slave. She came back the next night, and the next, and for three weeks I tamed her. I educated her. Can you imagine the things I did to her? The things I made her do?
Each perverse request was met initially by hesitation, which I overcame with a combination of verbal persuasion and physical force. And what do you think, dee? Do you think cathy began to hesitate just because she wanted to be forced? I think so too.
cathy learned to enjoy having her gorgeous blond hair tugged urgently while she was on all fours. She learned to enjoy being ordered to spit on my balls and then lick it up before it dribbled off. She learned to love having her nipples pinched and bitten, to be fully submissive, to call me Sir and Master, and to spend hours on her knees, on her back, and on her belly, in service to her Master.
I broke cathy, dee, and I am proud of it. She was out of control. At my hand, she actually quit using drugs and cut back on the drinking. If she came to my room tipsy or high, I made her get on her knees and kiss my feet for a long time, then lick my legs very, very slowly from my ankles all the way up to my balls and cock. If she missed a spot, I made her start over. Slowly. I taught her to worship every part of me.
Do you think she’d take a little drink before she came to my room, just so I would smell it on her breath and punish her? I do too.
After three weeks, I had made wild cathy into a highly disciplined slave. It was time to move on.
But I was bad, dee. Before I broke the news that her training was complete, I came up with an excuse to spank her and take her hard from behind. When I told you before about holding a girl’s hair from behind kayseri escort with two hands, I was thinking of cathy. I pulled out of her. I ordered her to reach between her legs and grab my cock and bring it to her ass. I spit on her asshole a few times. I entered her ass slowly. I thought she might like it, but not at first. She said ‘ow!’ but slowly she relaxed. I only got the head inside before I came inside Cathy’s oven of an ass as she started wagging it side to side like a dog. She loved being taken this way, as she learned.
The next day I broke up with her. She was so mad! Despite how much she loved my training, she felt spurned because I ended it without warning. She was indignant. She started telling tales to her friends about me.
cathy cried to two of her rich spoiled girlfriends at the college what an asshole I was, that I did all these rough things with her, that i used her mouth, that i spanked her, that I made her my slave, etc. She cried to her girlfriends for hours. Her two girlfriends’ names were lonnie and terry. I can still remember their names, dee.
The next weekend, lonnie knocked on my door on Friday night. terry knocked on my door on Saturday night. Over the course of the next few weeks I trained them both.
Later I became friends with cathy again. It didn’t take long before her hurt went away, and she shared with me how much she appreciated my training. I stayed on good terms with all my former slaves, dee. I was never mean or cruel with them, just strict and loving and open and honest, and they appreciated that.
Wow, I have gone on longer than I thought.”
This is how my friend dee replied to the above message:
“I really do love this story. Mostly, because you’re so critical of her – quick to point out her flaws – entitled, bitchy, drunk, druggie, there are so many! And then exactly how you take all of those things away from her.
“This is my favorite: ‘She loved it, dee. She loved that night of being a slave. She came back the next night, and the next, and for two weeks I tamed this spoiled brat. Can you imagine the things I did to her? The things I made her do? Each perverse demand was met initially by hesitation, which I overcame with a combination of verbal persuasion and physical force. And what do you think, dee? Do you think she began to hesitate just because she wanted to be forced? I think so too.'”
“This is where my pussy starts to twitch. Where I can feel myself becoming more and more aroused. Where I blush, I look around to see if anyone is watching me, and a little smirk crosses my face. Where my mind runs rampant with ideas of ‘the things you did to her’ what you ‘made her do.’ Please tell me what you made her do – please tell me what your perverse demands were?”
My answer to dee’s question—”what did you make her do?”—inspired me to write back to her. That email forms the basis of my next posting, “Twenty-one ways to Train a Slave: A Manifesto and Lesson Plan.”
I enjoy feedback. Let me know how you liked this and if you’d like to read more.
Professor Jim
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