Kween 02

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Kween 02

I mean, I already knew that Ronald’s message was that I should find a red and white striped outfit to wear to the “Devils & Angels” party to represent the male gender devils and the female gender angels, so we don’t need to call him out for that, okay? I mean, his message was kind of true anyways, but listen, OMG, never start out by showing me a “Where’s Wanda” cosplay costume! I mean, it was cute and all for maybe a Halloween party or something, but OMG, nowhere did it say I’m half devil male and half female angel. I mean, it clearly said, “hi there, I’m Wanda and I heard you have been wondering where I’ve been” and nowhere did a devil or an angel come up!

But it was nice that he put in a little effort.

“Ronald, that’s a hard pass since it’s the wrong season for that, so, um, what else did you come up and um, are you rubbing hips with me, Ronald?”

“Oh, Kween and yes, I pronounced your name correctly, I mean, a couple of people need to bump a couple of hips while looking at a phone screen since they are smaller, so, never mind that because we’re just a couple of people looking at a phone in shadows of the Strip and…”

Oh, is a couple of people bumping hips in the shadows along the Strip exactly the same as we started out under the lights of a store front and slowly bumped hips until we were backed into the shadows then, hmm, folks? And Ronald was the bumper, by the way. But he brought a glass of punch for me way back in the day at prom, so, it was cool, you know, for a couple of people to grind hips in the shadows a few years later.

“Alright, Kween, here’s my trick, I mean, my thoughts, I mean, I know that you have been having second thoughts about attending the “Devils & Angels” party and find, maybe “Where’s Wanda” isn’t the best fit, but it comes with those tall, thigh high socks and I know that those things are your thing, so, um, keep scrolling because I found a couple more things and it’s only a coincidence that we have jointly stepped back a couple more steps into the shadows, so?”

Was it? Was it really just a coincidence that we stepped back a couple of steps into the shadows? Oh, and jointly too, tee he. But my prom punch came with a couple of kisses behind the cardboard painted quarter moon hanging and swinging thingy and a couple of people made room for us, so, whatever.

“I mean, look here, Kween because I found a couple of more red and white choices for you and if nothing else, you have to award me a couple of points for all this effort that I’ve gone through, so, scoot a little closer and have a look at a couple more things.”

Oh, in the last chapter, I mean, “scoot a little closer” got me into trouble in Ethan’s bed, um, well, that’s a lie since I started it and um, well, a couple of people should always scoot a little closer in a bed, um, the end. Especially since I’ve side sneaked with Ethan a couple more times since that night, that was nice, but that’s over by a couple of weeks now, the end.

“And this is where I hooked you, Kween because I found all these other styles of red and white stripped tall socks and since your earrings hooked in my hair behind the moon hanging thingy at prom from us sharing a couple of kisses, I mean, well, have a look at a couple more choices and by the way, we should both say “thigh high” socks a couple more times, so.”

Well, actually, I do like to say that myself, but not more than a couple of times a night per Buca travesti person.

“I mean, Kween, just try to tell me these red and white stripped thigh high socks aren’t the whip, the bomb and a couple of other things too!”

Well, that little fucker! Who is taller than me.

Anyways, that little fucker, who is taller than me, found a pair of winter holiday themed red and white stripped thigh high socks, which looked great, but they came garnished with a green bow at the top and ta da, Suzie Homemaker, I am not! I’d leave a big hole in those thigh high socks if I tried to remove the green bows on my own. But they did look nice.

“Well, Ronald, other than they are also seasonally wrong, um, I award you a couple of points, but listen, thigh high tall socks are just one piece of an outfit, so…”

[Oh, Ron scrolled a couple of screens down and he was quick about it]

“I mean, ta, da!”

Well, that little fucker! Who is taller than me.

I mean, I have more than a couple of pairs of Denim shorts since I’m a double-shorts wearing type of person, but huh, I don’t have a pair of blood red Denim shorts and I really liked what I saw on his phone screen after he scrolled a couple of screens down.

“Fine, Ronald, you’re award a couple more points on top of the other couple of points that I just award you, but listen, I’ve just ran a couple of outfit schemes and themes through my head and they all come out a little too on point with “Where’s Wanda” and that won’t do. I mean, red and white stripped stuff just isn’t going to work at a “Devils & Angels” party, so?”

[Huh, that Ron guy was quick to scroll a couple more phone screens down then]

Well, that little fucker! Who is taller than me.

“Then split the difference, Kween and attend as the vampire in the middle and ahem, I know you wear black and purple thigh high socks a couple of times a week and since the Denim shorts are blood red, I mean, you’re the fashion expert and all, so, I mean…”

Well, that little fucker! Who is taller than me.

“Well, Kween, I obviously put in some effort, so, stop mumbling that I’m a tricky little fucker to the air and say something else!”

Oops, my bad.

And by the way, for you couple of followers who might want to visit back to the first chapter, I mean, I may have mentioned a couple of times that black and purple are my “to go” or something, so, shut it. And, and, and, a vampire is exactly in the middle between the male devils and the female angels!

“Ronald, fine, I’ll reconsider not attending Danny’s “Devils & Angels” party because a blood thirsty vampire in blood red Denim shorts and black and purple thigh high socks will balance things out, but listen, I tried the risqué dating thing for the past couple of weeks and I found out that there are seriously hellish consequences with that, so, this is not a dating thing, okay, Ronald?”

“Yeah but, Kween, yeah but, Kween, yeah but, Kween, we can make out like banshees, right? I mean, Danny’s place is a mansion!”

“Oh, we can make out like sex starved banshees, Ronald, but that’s all and I halfway mean it!”

Well, the ‘rents of Danny Daniels do have a large house and all, so. And it has a couple of floors, so, um, well, there should be a couple of places for a couple of people to sneak away, we’ll see if that’s the end, the end.

And I ordered the holiday seasonal red and white stripped socks Buca travestileri with the green accent bows for another time because they did look nice and all I needed was a person who knew how to reverse sew, right?

[The Red Demin Shorts Shop front door jingle, jangle]

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the honorary Congi Zen, the Queen of the Strip! How can I help you, my babies, hmm?”

“Jules, shut it. It’s Kween and you know that already! Anyways, I need your best blood red Denim shorts and the perfectly matched black or purple activewear shorts for under and I’m coming up short with a couple of ideas for a vampire pullover, so, that’s how you can help me, so?”

“Oh, oh, I can’t wait to let my sister, Julia, know that you’ll be at the “Devils & Angels” party sucking on necks then! She kind of has a couple of thoughts about you and is hoping you’ll switch back in a couple of years, so?”

Oh, trust me, Jules and Julia Jullian are a couple of sisters to reckon with alright!

“There, Kween, these blood red shorts fit you perfectly and they will be the star of your outfit, but I’m warning you, there will be a couple of true devils at the party and from I just saw since I joined in the dressing room, I mean, sometimes devils can really be devils, so, watch it. And tell my sister that I saw you naked first, tee he.

Well, one cannot wear new blood red Denim shorts without a new pair of undies, it harmless, it was a first, it was very exciting, why does this have to be the end, the end.

[The Mis Matched High Top Shop front door jingle, jangle]

“Oh, Queen, come on in, my sweets, I have just the mis-matched pair of High Tops for you, I mean, ta, da, one black and ta da, one purple, both on sale as a pair and since I need to make this sale, I mean, hey there, hey, Kween, so?”

Well, Carrie saved it at the end, so, she made the sale.

“Alright, Kween, now confess. I mean, have you transitioned into calling him Ronny yet because I have to tell you, that guy grew up from geek to cute and he’s well on his way to handsome, so?”

Oh, I mean, well, Carrie was right about that little fucker! Who is taller than me. Ronald had grown handsome, the end.

“Fine, don’t confess the truth to me then, Kween, but just know that my sister, Cary Carrison, will be at the “Devils & Angels” party and she is the nosey one, so, I’ll find out anyways. Thank you for supporting my oddball shoe shop, but since you’ve always been then the oddball, it all fits better than your new High Tops, the end, bye.”

Well, I may have called the oddball a couple of times, so, what?

“Oh, you’re just what this “Devils & Angels” party needed, Kween because there should always be an exactly in the middle vampire in attendance and there are like six rooms upstairs and if you’re wearing purple and black stripped undies to match your purple and black stripped thigh socks, then, I mean, then we should upstairs so we can have some sex, so?”

“Oh, Greg, that’s not how it works at all because my base color theme is black and purple and not purple and black and the strips on my skimpy undies are diagonal anyways, but diagonal stripes are my thing for my skimpy undies now since I bought the thong that I’m wearing tonight, but you can say something nice about my blood red Denim shorts and then go away, so?”

“Oh, um, they seem to be the star of your outfit, Kween, but I still want to be your Travesti buca porn star stud for your blow job sex tape reveal, so?”

I mean, those were Greg’s words, not mine.

“Mwahahaha! I am your vampire master, Queen and I “mind will” you into hypnotizing sex upstairs, mwahahaha!”

That might have worked if Henry was actually dressed as a vampire instead of a devil in a red cape.

“Fine, mwahahaha, I “mind will” some devil banshee stuff on you, Queen, so, let’s sneak upstairs for a couple of minutes, okay? Also, mwahahaha!”

Did Henry really have “mind willing” powers then? Oops, yep. But just so that I could check of the upper floor of the Daniels mansion, which by the way, OMG, had room doors that looked like they cost more than my home gym equipment all put together!

“Henry, I mean, you’re an idiot for mispronouncing my name so much because just the wood alone on these doors is enough to seduce me into taking care of your wood right now!”

“Wait, what, did this work? Am I blindly going to win, Kween?”

Ahh, no, but I can tease back, right? Also, revisit above where I said something about learning my lesson from the consequences of the dating scene. I mean, I traded in my dating card for my old tease card, the end.

“Oh, well, hello, Kween, I mean, thanks for coming to my “Devils & Angels” party, um, you look very nice tonight, but, tee he, no fair vampire biting too many of my guests on the neck for your life line blood and I hope you enjoy yourself, so, carry on then.”

You see, folks, more people should be as polite and refined as Danny Daniels. He has always been pleasant and polite and to the best of my knowledge, has never judged anyone, why does Danny Daniels have to be the end of that?

“Danny and yes, Danny, I always refer to you as Danny instead of the more refined Dan, I mean, is there a bathroom in this place where I might have a little privacy because with all the devils that here…”

[Oh, so, the refined Danny Daniels knows how to use a shushing finger then?]

“Say no more, my little queer queen because I get how a couple of these devils might not let you pass too easily as you make your way down the hallway, so, Kweeny Beany, follow me and I’ll show to my ensuite bathroom in my bedroom…”

I mean, folks, it’s just a known fact that private bathrooms are like gold to people like me!

“But in exchange.”

Oh, I mean, don’t people usually say what the “in exchange” is and means when they say “ah-hah, but in exchange”, hmm?

“Oh, are you gazing blankly and waiting on me, Kween? I was waiting for you to “gulp” for effect, so.”


“But in exchange for the safety of your bathroom needs tonight…”


“I mean, Kween, can you make it happen so that I can visit the “Peep & Pull” adult bookstore like everyone has been doing, but you know, but keep my family name rep intact, huh?”

Well, SOB! That’s the exact same thing that his very refined daddy, Mr. Daniel Daniels asked a couple of weeks ago when I was up at the “Peep & Pull” peeping booth store!

“And OMG, stop texting…”

[Tap, tap, tap, tap…]

“I just said it, this needs to be more private than private! And a few instructions wouldn’t make me mad, so.”

“(Gulp) oh, I’m not texting, Danny, I’m re-applying online for a quick re-activation of my “kissing and other stuff” card!”

“(Gulp) I mean, Kween, are the vampire stripes on your undies, I mean, diagonal then?”

“You’re about to find out, Danny. Is that your bedroom right there, hmm?”

Well, the diagonal striped black and purple vampire undies end. I mean, he’s hot and rich, so. Oh, and he’s refined.

End Kween 02

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