Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

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Big Sis sought out my dick only when she wasn’t feeling horny. Because she has a libido that rivals mine and our Mother’s, she asked for a ‘treatment’ about three times a week. It was like I was her therapist but without the fat payments.

“Mom is keeping a sharper eye on us since she learned we were not-boinking.”

“I’m not worried.” I was slowly jerking myself, sitting on my bed while she knelt before me. I had been doing it for ten minutes. My big sister always tried to talk about non-sexy things, to bolster her boredom.

If she was trying to bore me, she failed big time. Mom’s envy for Nell’s access to my dick was cutting dangerously into Dad’s sleep! Mom would either be on top, boning him, or beside him, running her vibrator late into the night.

What Nell didn’t know, I was tracking Mom’s sexual arousal cycle. Poor Mom was about to hit her monthly peak. I wanted to be ready for it!

“Ohh, yeaaahhh! I shouted and cum erupted from my prick!” My mommy complex was my favorite way to reach the big O, but I had to restrict using it. Opposite of Nell’s goal, I never wanted to get bored of fantasizing about Mom.

Nell had learned to stay three feet from the tip of my prick, or she’d get soaked. Each time her body or clothes caught flying spunk, she would scurry away, angry as fuck but not at me. I’d made her promise not to blame me for accidents.

My cum arced over the carpet and crashed against the plastic sheet I’d placed between us. It had a circular target painted on it. When my spurts ended, and the last only oozed out of the tip, she tallied the impacts.

“Seventeen.” She looked up at me grunted. “Are you even trying to score?”

Oh yeah I was – her. It was as good a moment as any to ask. “Are you sure you’re not going to your room and masturbating after watching me?” For a while now, I hadn’t seen her get even slightly aroused by my cock’s towering presence. That however might be a testament to her stoic facade.

Nell shuffled on her toes and knees. “I’ve had setbacks. Frankly it’s none of your business.”

“I guess not, but I would like to know if your crazy scheme is actually working.”

My proud sister pursed her lips. She fumed, just as mother had, dozens of days earlier. “You ought to be plenty satisfied with your ravishing sister kneeling while you jerk off.”

“Not too long ago, you were showing me your tits.”

“I’m not proud of that.” Nell’s behavior during our sessions had certainly changed. Whether it reflected her success or mine I couldn’t fathom.

“Then are we done here?” My hand grabbed the zipper tab hanging under my ball sack.

“I-I guess.”

“If you stay over an hour, I’m gonna have to charge you double.” I grinned.

“Maybe a little longer.” Nell surprised me. “Can you get it hard again?”

“Can you show me your tits?”

My big sister actually blushed! She would rather I watched porn with better tits than hers, while jerking off for her, but she’d never admit to being inferior.

The sight of red tinge on my sister’s cheeks was already sending blood into my dangling 8 inches. But I had pushed her far enough. I made a new offer. “How about if you hold it, or maybe rub it a little?” I let go of my soft length.

“I-I’ve seen enough for today.” Her voice quivered so slightly. Only people who’ve lived with her for eighteen plus years would have noticed.

I leaned back and carefully zipped up my happy penis. “Good session.”

“Fuck you.” She said that a lot before ending a ‘session.’ I wondered if the phrase signaled anything useful. Perhaps after telling me off, she finger-fucked herself back in her room. Or perhaps Nell masturbated when she didn’t curse. She left my room. I set a twenty second timer.

Twenty five seconds later, my ear was pressed to her door. I nodded at what I heard. “After she says it. Definitely.” I almost laughed the words loudly.

“Definitely what?” Mom stood at the end of the hallway, wearing her tool belt.

“Uh, um.” I cleared my throat and stood straight, stepping wide from Nell’s bedroom door. “I’m definitely not spying here.”

“Hear anything good?”

“It was very good.”

“For her or for you?”

“I never spy and tell.”

She shook her head and ambled over. She brushed me aside, marching to her room.

I dallied at Nell’s door, not listening. I had heard what I wanted. If my sister was getting bored of my big cock, she was fantasizing about something else to make long moans and sharp heaves of breath. I should have walked away, patting myself on the back. Intuition kept me in the hallway, waiting.

A glance at my parents’ bedroom door gave me a clue. I was sure Mom had closed it, but now it was open enough for a horny minded son to peep through. Six big steps put me three feet away from the door. “Mom, you left your door open.”

“It wasn’t an accident.” She replied just loud enough to reach me.

My mind sank further into the gutter. It was her tone, not her volume that compelled me. “You don’t mind me looking in.” I warned.

“I don’t want to be a hypocrite.”

My brain managed to gather enough synapses to puzzle out what she meant. I nearly leaped to plant my face at the door’s opening.

I hadn’t missed the main event. She was pulling down her boxers. Panties would have chaffed her crotch, given the kind of work she performed. My dick scraped up the inside of my trousers, saluting my naked mother. I winced, but I didn’t care. Ask most people, and they’ll tell you that my sister is sexier and prettier than Mom. Not by much, but only I think that’s horseshit. Mom has bigger tits and a bigger ass, but Nell is curvier by proportions. Maybe it’s just me, but my mother’s little belly bulge alone Starzbet would have brought my dick to full mast.

It’s not like she stood posing naked for me. She ambled into the master bath, again leaving its door slightly open. I slipped into the bedroom and crept up to that view.

Mother tied her hair, arms raised, her large, soft but not quite sagging breasts staring at me in the mirror. Two mommy-boobs and the thatch of dark brown cut off by the mirror’s bottom edge, urged me to pull out my dick and wank like a proper Peeping Tom.

I allowed my lungs to pant faster and louder than the speed of my slow rubbing hand.

Mom suddenly smirked at the mirror and gave a smug grunt/squeak. She entered the shower but closed the frosted glass doors tight. That was the end of my show. Still, I remembered what she’d told me. She didn’t want to be a hypocrite.

“I’ll be in my room when you’ve changed.” I hastened to the kitchen, grabbing a cold bottle of water and stuffing it into my trousers. I had to keep my dick from exploding for the next half hour!

When Mom had dressed and left her room, she immediately saw the gap between my bedroom door and its frame. She looked through the opening, her face two feet from the frame. The light through the door slashed across her intense gaze. She heard me, “I need to thank Dad again, for this crotch cream. I was really worried for a while.” She also heard and saw my hand slapping that crotch.

I don’t know what she was thinking while watching me jerk off, but I heard occasional gasps. They weren’t orgasms. I think she was uttering the opposite of a sigh. She was definitely excited by my consensual performance.

Often, to get off quickly, I will use both hands and close my eyes to visualize something hot. I limit visions of mom. Like I said, I fantasized about her sparingly, to keep the fetish potent. Right then I was imagining biting her big, soft tits while I pounded nearly nine inches of thick, incestuous cock through her dark pubes. “Gods, Mom, I’m gonna fuck you.” I dared to grunt loud enough for Nell down the hall to hear.

Mom gasped but continued to watch. I suspect she gave regular glances to her daughter’s door, but if Nell had heard my outburst, she would have been too angry to investigate. She would probably think that I was goading her.

I wanked slowly and confidently with one hand, but aware that my mother was entranced by my cock and by me jerking it, I wasn’t going to last long.

A soft, contralto breezed in through the gap. “Are you going to make it cum?”

“Oh FUCK!” My brain lit up like the forth of July. My midriff lurched and my prick thrashed. Bright spurts of sperm surged out of the tip of my dick! “Mooooommm.” I gurgled and groaned, cum flying everywhere. I had planned to catch it in a rag, but my left hand was gripping it so tightly, as I convulsed and ejected semen, I nearly ground the rag down into paper. “Uunnngggh!” I sang and rocked. The last of my ejaculate bubbled out of my prick to drip sluggishly down my jerking fingers.

Mom didn’t gasp then. She gave a sly giggle and traipsed away down the hall.


“When does Dad’s shift end this week?” Nell asked before forking salad into her relaxed maw. We were eating a light meal, and had planned to eat another when Father returned.

“You know it’s tomorrow night, Daughter.

“Daughter!?” Big Sis mimicked saucily. “You sound so regal, Mommmiee.” Nell smirked the last word. “Feeling like you’re losing control of the family and need to reassert your authority?”

I should have ducked and covered under the table. Nuclear first strike had been launched! Dinner had started out so communally, everyone helping to make the salad and dressing and hot wings accompaniment. Had someone spiked the hot wings with cocaine?

Mother sent out waves of carpet bombers. “It’s too late to save you from yourself, Nelda Williams. I’ve seen your declining grades. I’ve spoken with your father about how having to support you for longer than we planned. Your friend, Ailene, mentioned that you were hoping to date a guy but fucked it up – somehow – Ailene couldn’t say. And someone has been stealing small bills from my wallet – is that really a new low for you, or is Craig the thief? I would believe that if you swear he is.

I sank lower in my chair, hoping to melt into a puddle of ‘don’t poop on me.’ Two fans on high speed flung shit back and forth across the table.

Nell piffed, spitting micro droplets. “Pfft! I needed few bucks for batteries. I’ll pay you back. I do work part-time in the business college.” She didn’t mention she earned half of minimum wage – education system privilege. She could barely buy herself a latte twice a week.

During the eight dimensional chess game they were fighting, Mom grinned having forced Nell to regroup. She looked ready to capture her daughter’s queen – which they valued far greater than the stodgy king. “Batteries? Really?”

Nell’s face turned red but not from embarrassment. She had more than enough pluck to use her vibrator during a full family dinner. The only reason she didn’t was to save the other members from being embarrassed. Big Sis was angry!

“I usually steal your batteries, but this time they were all dead! Mother explain to our fine high schooler, why you are suddenly wearing out a dozen D-cells faster than video games, when you have a competent man in your bed every night?”

No no no no! I didn’t exist at the table. I had passed down into purgatory. My butt nearly slipped off the edge of my seat.

Mother’s queen suddenly found herself surrounded. “You’re the one fucking around with his stupid dick!” Her regal mein shattered. Out from the shards a sabertooth tiger leaped and Starzbet Giriş roared.

“You’re the one stalking him!” Nell meant to say, “…stalking us.” But my sister had arched her back and raised her fur on end all the way to the tip of her raised tail! She wasn’t going to budge another inch.

Rival, growled threats swirled over the table.

I was about to dash to the safety of my room when both women yelled, “CRAIG!”

My eyes ping-ponged between their antagonistic hackles. I gulped.

“Pull it out, Son!” Mom roared. “I want to see your slut sister cower before it!”

“HAH! As if!” Nell snorted then doubled down. “Yeah Li’l Bro, go ahead and show it to our dear mama. She’ll freeze up at the sight long before I acknowledge you even have a dick.”

“Sorry,” I squeaked, easing up from my chair and turning away. “I’m late to an appointment for transition surgery.” It was the only chance I had of escaping whatever the fuck is going on between the two.

“Don’t you move an INCH, Craig!” Twin voices demanded.

I ran. And I ran. I ran so far away, I couldn’t get away.

If only I had been A Flock of Seagulls, I could have scattered in every direction. I made it to the hall entrance. “No fucking way!” I yelled, not looking back, but their shout froze me.

It was the strangest Mexican standoff never to hit the big screen. Two women threatened with dagger eyes. I somehow felt their ultimate confrontation was my fault, but to even hint such a thing would have re-targeted all of their wrath. My dick had never shrank so tiny next to my nuts. I wished I could have shrank to atom size and recruited potential alloys.

I didn’t see what happened next. I heard clothing shuffle from both women. One of them (I dare not say who) told me later that Mom and Nell had nonverbally agreed to a new contest. Behind my back, they began stripping.

I heard fasteners unsnap and buttons pop. Nell actually ripped her shirt to expose her torso. Mom pulled off her leisure dress in one expert motion. They raced to un-confine their amazing tits before tugging down their (Nell) pants, (Mom) girdle, and then panties.

“Turn around, Craig.” Their angry duet remained in perfect sync.

I couldn’t help but turn my head. The two sexiest women in my life were stark naked and boiling with energy! “FUCK! Get a room.” It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said.

Mother thrust a demanding finger at me. “It’s your turn, Child.”

Fuck me if her last word didn’t skewer my prick with a steel rod!

“We’re going to decide this stupidity once and for all!” Nell’s stiff words shook her boobs.

Instead of ping-ponging my eyes, my head turned slightly side to side. “Nah.” I exhaled a souring breath and walked away. It was the first time I exercised real power over both of them. Silence formed behind me.

When I passed through the gate to my room, I slumped against it, sinking ass down to carpet. I would barricade the door until thirst forced me to escape. Whereupon two harpies would pluck out my eyes and feast on my flesh. “What the fuck have I done?”

I stared at my empty hands and at the tent in my trousers until the eight plus, damned titan slunk back between my loins.

A knock startled me. Time had passed. I didn’t know how much. I could have stared at nothing until the sun rose again in the sky.

“Craig? The women said I had to fetch you.” Dad sounded a little confused.

“Yeah. — Right!” I climbed to my feet, legs nearly asleep. Opening the door, I staggered into my father’s healthy frame and hugged him. “Thanks.”

“I love you too – Son.” He patted my left shoulder, looking more puzzled than I felt. We pulled apart, and he escorted me back to the dining table. He scrutinized me as if worried I was on drugs.

“Hello, Darling. I’m pleased you’re attending.” Mom spoke like New England elite.

“Sit your ass down so we can eat, Craig-kins.” Nell stared at her food. Both acted as if they hadn’t gotten naked like two feral felines short hours ago.

Dad joked. “Should we say grace?” He was that confused by the inscrutable subtext of our family nexus.

“Amen.” I was dead serious. I hoped fervently that whatever had riled Mom and Big Sis, had ended.


It was a dark and stormy night. I tossed and turned in my bed-

Actually, the moon shined brightly through the curtains in my room’s window. I woke up, eyes simply fluttered open. Nell stood naked in my room. I wouldn’t have been surprised if her eyes glowed red and sharp horn had grown from her temples.

“…not now, but whenever it’s convenient.” She turned away and faded like a ghost, only she just walked out of my room.

I stared at the ceiling for about an hour, or so it felt.

I woke to bright sunlight, making me blink. Like bad, stop-motion animation, Mom hauled the blanket away from my body. Morning wood stood high through the gap in my boxers. She nodded at it, eyes smoldering. “Up and at’em, Craig. I don’t have much time before your father wakes. Now go shower.”

Mom followed me into the hall bathroom. Hot water was already running, steaming all metal surfaces. It took me a second to guess what she waited for. Like a child in a pedo porn movie, I obeyed, nervously pulling down my underwear and lifting my shirt away.

I bent to raise the toilet seat.

“Pee in the shower.” Mom instructed. She reached into her slacks and began masturbating. “Or do you need to take a shit?”

I should have nodded, but at that moment I feared lying to my mother more than in front of the US Supreme Court. I continued to stand, not sure if I should continue to display my massive, morning wood or escape into the steam filled shower.

Mom Starzbet Yeni Giriş didn’t seem to care. Her eyes remained locked on my groin while her grunts grew louder.

“Do you want me naked?” She asked. The soft tone of her voice nearly knocked me over. My dick pulsed into extra hardness.

“Mmm-aaybe – later?” I tried.

“Fine. Whatever’s convenient.” The word stung. Nell had said the same word – in my not-a-dream.

I backpedaled into the steaming stall, nearly tripping.

Mother cried out as if the whole world could take notice halfway through my shower. Her climax burst louder than the water striking ceramic tiles.

When I exited the stall, I was alone with a huge boner which had softened briefly after pissing into the drain. After drying, I wrapped a towel around my hips and stepped gingerly into the hall.

I passed my door and knocked on Nell’s. “Sis?”

“Yes, Craig?” She sounded uncharacteristically gentile. “Come in.”

I entered and shut the door behind me. We studied each other, tension tightening between us. “Last night-“

“Are you going to drop the towel?” She interrupted, her voice at low volume. She could see the bulge, but she wasn’t staring at it.

My lips pressed like a vice before parting. “No. You take it off of me.”

She hesitated, uncertainty making her lips tremble, or was it something else. “Fine.” Nell rose up from her desk and kneeled before me.

“Take off your shirt and bra.” I tested whatever was driving her.

Sparks lit up in her eyes which seemed aimed at my bellybutton. I had seen sparks like them, right before she would annihilate me, verbally and/or physically.

Her hands reached to her shirt and unbuttoned it. She hauled it efficiently over her shoulders and then down her arms. She worked to free her bra next.

I wanted to say something. The room was too quiet, the air almost too sultry to breathe. I feared the slightest peep would shatter the alternate reality around me. Her large, round tits grabbed my attention, totally ignoring the even of when her bra hit the carpet.

Her eyes looked up at me. Sparks had become flames.

I gulped but nodded.

My sister reached for the towel around my waist and unwrapped the giant package’s concealment. She spent no time marveling at its fetish fulfilling size, she opened her mouth wide and impaled her face on my dick!

“Nell!” I gasped. My body froze standing still. My eyes tried to pop out of their sockets! My big sister choked on my fat dick, managing to stuff half its length past her trembling lips. She didn’t seem to care if she suffocated. She sucked her cheeks tight around my shaft and began bobbing her head. Both of her hands caught the base of my prick and slowly wanked it.

I groaned loudly, suddenly not caring if our mother barged in – or even our father.

Nell mewled and sucked. Rude sounds escaped from her stretched lips as she slurped and sputtered for air. Somehow her lungs managed to avoid starvation. I wouldn’t have been surprised if my sister could breath through a secret set of gills. I reached for her head but refrained from grabbing it. I patted her left shoulder. “Heavens, that feels incredible, Nell.”

She ignored me, too busy grunting when she could afford the breath required. Her head bounded up and down my pulsing shaft. “Nnnnghh! Ngghhh!!” She growled.

“Uhhhh!!” I grunted. The base of my groin wound tighter and tighter as Big Sis gave me the best blowjob of my young life!

Suddenly, Nell’s body flounced as if cracked like a whip. Her mouth nearly pulled off of the column stuffing her face. She screamed on my dick, and I exploded into her mouth!

“Fuuuccckkkk!!!” I howled, bucking my prick into her orgasmic face. We shuddered as one while my spunk spat repeatedly down her throat! Finally, Nell wrenched herself off of my cock and fell back, gasping for air. Cum drooled out of her mouth and down the underside of my expended prick.

I leaned against her door, also breathing heavily. “Fuck, Sis – that-that was amazing!”

She didn’t react – heaving lungful after lungful, at first. Her eyes swung lazily up to me. “F-fu-fuck you.”

Big Sis told me that a hundred times a week, but it was the first time, in a long while, where I felt true anger in the words.

“Whoa, this was consensual, right?” I leaned farther back.

Her eyes blazed at me, anger, disgust, scorn, and yet I knew she was still reveling in her fading orgasm. Her head twisted silently, left and right. No.

I didn’t understand. “I’ll never do this again. I swear.” I hissed desperately.

“Too late.” She hissed back. No explanation was forthcoming. Grabbing the towel, I slipped out of her room, fully expecting Mom to be standing outside, meat cleaver at the ready.

The hall was empty, and I fled to my room, warmed by the intensity of our simultaneous orgasm. I sat on my bed and tried not to think. My gut told me, something had changed, not for the better, but life at home would be more serious from now on.

I happily paid my full attention in my classes that day. I didn’t dare contemplate how I had won a great victory but possibly lost a war.

Nell was still at her college when I arrived home that afternoon. I studied and completed all of my assignments before sitting in the living room and playing the most attention absorbing game in our library. I hardly heard Mother arrive until the garage door opened, and her boots thudded into the kitchen.

The game seemed to pause on its own. Mother stepped right next to me unexpectedly. She placed something on the end table nearest the couch I sat on, and walked away into her and Dad’s room.

My head involuntarily turned, and my eyes tried to focus through a mist of dread.

V-a-s-e-l-i-n-e. Letters dotted across a blue label. The plastic jar-tub waited impatiently. I must have stared at the inert, wave shaped vessel for several minutes.

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