Nude Hikes at the Beach
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I have been meaning to write this story for a long time now. The events took place over a weekend one summer when my wife and I hiked our local beach. I have used experiences at this beach in other stories, both fiction and non-fiction. I thought you might be interested in how things actually got started with us. This is a true story and, as far as I know, the beach still exists, although a lot of its allure has been lost to urban landscaping and increased public access. My thanks go out to barefootgirl69, for her careful edits to this story.
Many years ago, when Gina and I were much younger, we purchased our second home after being married seven years or so. It was a beautiful old ranch style home on a full acre lot with lots of trees. We had a swimming pool in the back and the trees gave me enough privacy to enjoy skinny dips when I wanted.
Another big plus was our proximity to water. There was a public beach only a few minutes away by car, and I indulged my love of exhibitionism there by taking long naked walks. This wasn’t a nudist beach at all; it was quite public. The only legal clothing option beach was an hour away and required a ferry to get to it.
Our beach, however, was very well known for the towering bluffs only forty feet or so back from the waterline. The beach ran for almost five miles, with only a few points where people could gain access to the sand, far below.
It was well known that nudists frequented the beach, but offenders were rarely confronted. The significant effort it took to scale the bluffs discouraged police from conducting raids. Access required skill and agility, because the cliffsides were very steep with poor footing. On the rare occasions when the law did show up, beach goers saw them them coming in advance and were dressed before captures could be made. There had been no arrests for as long as anyone could remember.
Over time, the atmosphere became more and more relaxed and the beach became an illegal haven for nudists, exhibitionists, and voyeurs alike. Gays were very predominant, as well, and they brought another level of eroticism to the mix. Despite the opportunity, however, the shoreline was rarely crowded like typical public beaches. I always felt that it wasn’t the getting down part that kept people away, it was the hellish climb back out.
I was an avid hiker and physically fit, climbing wasn’t a sufficient deterrent for me. I loved the feeling of freedom as I strolled buck naked for miles. I would encounter people jogging, walking their dog or just lying around in the sun. They usually just smiled as I continued on my way. In the beginning, I would carry a pair of shorts in my hand, just in case. But over time, I simply stripped and hid my clothes in the brush before hiking.
Gina, my wife, was wild and full of fun but she wasn’t yet the exhibitionist she was to become. Still a little shy about nudity, she often asked what it was about my nude hiking that was so enticing. I tried to explain the thrill of exposing myself, and the freedom I felt, but she never quite understood. One Saturday, I was preparing for my hike, and she asked if she could tag along.
I agreed, of course, and soon the two of us were making our way down the sheer cliffside toward the beach. Once at the base, I went to my usual spot and stripped before tucking my clothes away.
“That’s it,” she said, “you’re going to leave everything here and go completely naked?”
“That’s the plan,” I said, “unless you’re intrigued enough to leave some clothes, as well.”
She shed her shoes and socks, then, she removed her bra from under her string top. Feeling satisfied, she turned and walked away to the water’s edge. We set out eastward and soon encountered another couple walking their dog. It was a big German shepherd, both young and playful. His master called out his name sharply as the dog approached us. A minute later, the couple was upon us and smiled as they passed.
“You know that felt very strange,” Gina said. “I was nervous about how you were naked, but at the same time, it was exciting. Especially with how that woman kept eyeing you. I don’t know how you did it, I’d be so embarrassed.”
Then, she saw I was erect. “Oh god, you’ve got a hard-on, you’re aroused.”
“You bet I am, and it’s not just because I’m naked. It’s because you’re here with me too,” I said. “I’ve come across that couple lots of times and they always smile at me, with or without the hard-on. People down here expect to see some nudity. Some look for it, while others love to show off, but most just accept it.”
We stopped to rest in a shaded area near the bluff wall. Gina was sweating profusely and I suggested she cool off by removing her top.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you, me going topless on your little beach.”
“Okay, has the sun got to you? Why the hell wouldn’t I? I love your beautiful tits, and I’d love others to see them too. Just like you did earlier, when that woman checked me out. Anyway, there’s no one else around and you’re sweating Onwin your ass off. Do yourself a favor and strip off a bit. There’s nothing to be shy about and a whole new experience to be gained.”
Reluctantly, she pulled her top over her head, but she kept a bead in both directions, just in case. Her tits were so nice, round and plump, beautiful C cups. Her nipples were stiff, perched in the centre of her dark pink areolas. At five foot seven inches, with long blonde hair and green eyes, Gina turned heads everywhere we went.
After a few more minutes, she began to relax. She even strolled to the water’s edge and back, always checking for signs of life though. She slipped her top back on and we continued on our way. After a short while, we had encountered several nude sunbathers but, when I noticed one in particular, I headed in his direction.
“What are you doing, that man’s naked,” Gina objected.
“So am I,” I said. “Hi John, how’s it going, buddy.”
As we approached my friend, Gina kept trying to avert her eyes.
“John, this is my wife, Gina.” I made the introductions. “Gina, I’ve known this guy ever since I started this little hobby of mine.”
“Pleased to meet you,” Gina said.
“Likewise,” John replied as he rose to his feet. His enormous ten-inch cock hung between his legs, swinging like a bell clapper. “I guess nudism is kind of new for you, Gina.”
“You might say that,” she said, now desperately trying not to stare at his cock.
“Well, I just wanted to make the introductions,” I said. “We’ll see you on the way back, okay John?”
We continued onward as John waved goodbye.
“Damn it, Rick, you could have warned me. That guy is hung like a horse.”
“Yeah, but then I would have missed your expression when you saw it. It was great,” I laughed.
Gina let fly with a firm right hook to my shoulder.
We heard voices from farther up the beach and three young people came around the bend ahead, two young women and a guy. The guy and one of the women were naked, while the other woman was topless. They approached and stopped to say hello.
“Hi there, isn’t this beach amazing?” the guy said. “Who’d have thought there’d be something like this, way out here? I had to bring my girlfriend and her friend to see it for themselves.”
“Welcome, it’s my one of my favorite places as well. It’s my wife’s first time here too,” I said.
The three of them smiled and waved at Gina, then they all ran into the water to splash and frolic around. Gina couldn’t take her eyes off them as they played. The guy hugged and fondled whichever woman was near, and they both seemed to be fine with that.
We waved goodbye and kept hiking east. After another half hour, we stopped for a break where there was a deep clearing. The bluffs had eroded to tall rolling hills and the beachfront was nearly one hundred feet deep now. This part usually had more sunbathers, but today there were only two. They were both male and both getting nude suntans. They were too far away for us to see them in any great detail.
“Many sun worshipers build little rock and driftwood fortresses on the beach,” I explained to Gina, pointing out eight or ten such shelters back near the wall. “They do it for windbreak and privacy.”
I picked one that I felt was the nicest and we settled in for a break. As we lay back in the sand I rolled over and we kissed.
“How’s your day going so far?” I asked.
“Mm, better now,” she said, “this is cozy.”
“Yeah, it is,” I said, “people build them all the time. You’d be surprised how horny you get lying naked in the sun all day.
“You mean they have sex right here, right out in the open? You’re kidding.”
“You bet they do,” I said as I slid my hand under her top and kissed her more passionately.
She pulled back. “Oh, no, Rick, I’m too shy to do this out here.”
“Oh, come on, hon, we’re safe here, and I’m really dying to touch you right now.”
I rolled her nipple between my fingers and she sighed. I moved my hand down into her shorts and found a nice damp pussy. I delicately fingered her little nubbin as she began to warm to my idea. She took hold of my cock, stroking its length slowly. Her hips were moving in rhythm to the movement of my hand then she sat up and moved in toward my cock, but I stopped her.
“Uh uh, I want something to eat too,” I said.
She rolled her eyes, and she slid off her shorts and thong before straddling my face and taking my cock into her mouth. She pumped and tongued me expertly as I slurped and licked up her juices.
Suddenly, she froze.
“Shit! There’s people out walking by on the beach,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry, they’re too far away, they can barely see us. Besides, they’ll just glance and keep going,” I said.
“Oh, I can’t believe I’m doing this out in the open, and with people around,” she said.
She resumed her blowjob, but her nerves made her method much faster and more intense than usual. The added stimulation Onwin Giriş pushed me over the top quickly, and she was swallowing my load in no time. She rolled off me, hoping to put her clothes back on, but I had other plans. I attacked her sweet clit before she could cover it up.
I tongued and sucked at her joy bud while I inserted two fingers into her and massaged her G-spot. Within minutes, she was writhing and tossing in the sand as wave after wave of her orgasm took hold of her. She pushed my head away from her sensitive clit as I continued to finger fuck her.
When she calmed down, she saw we were both sticky and covered with sand.
“Great! Ugh! What do we do now?” she asked.
“Well, I’m going to rinse off in the lake,” I said, as I stood and held my hand out to her.
“What, you want me to walk all the way over there, bottomless, and wash my pussy and ass in the lake? No way.”
“Suit yourself,” I said, “but it’s going to be an uncomfortable walk home.”
“Damn you! Get out of my way,” she pushed passed me carrying her thong and shorts in one hand.
She stomped to the water’s edge and dropped them both at the shoreline, and then trudged into the water knee high. I was right behind her, and I waded in a little further. I turned back around to see the shore and Gina. I noticed movement up on the hillside, it looked like hikers passing by on the high ground. I waved to them and they waved back. That perked up Gina’s antennae.
“Oh, come on, are there people behind watching me now?”
“Yeah, just some hikers, but they’re too far away to see anything, though. They can probably see your great ass, but they can’t see your pussy, to bad for them. It’s too late to do anything, hon, just enjoy being caught with your goodies exposed.”
She gave me a funny kind of smile, then turned and waved to them. They waved back and she gave a nervous laugh, and then she surprised me. She lifted off her top, threw it to the shore and then continued to wave. Wolf whistles echoed from the distance and she laughed out loud, bouncing up and down and clapping her hands.
“Oh, my God, I can’t believe I just did that,” she said. “Oh shit, I’m completely naked, let’s get out of here,” as she walked back to the shore. I reached her side just as she picked up her clothes and we walked on the sand. There was something different, though, she still wasn’t dressed.
“Oh, you’re making me a very happy man right now,” I said. “I’m so proud of you, you always know just how to drive me crazy.”
“Thanks, but don’t build your hopes up, I’m just drying off before I dress again. I’ve got to admit it, though, that was really fun back there. I’m really feeling the freedom and excitement you described, but I’m still too nervous. I don’t enjoy feeling so vulnerable.”
True to her word, twenty minutes later she was dressed again. By this time, we had walked at least three miles in all and I suggested we turn back. I explained that the entry point we had used was near the center of the beach and, if we still weren’t tired, we could continue on past that point and go west.
It was well past midday and more people were coming down to the beach. We passed the couple with the dog again, plus the three others, who were all sprawled out on the sand now. Some of the newcomers were nude like us but most were on the borderline.
We passed guys wearing tiny speedos plus a topless woman. There was another woman in a microkini that made you wonder why she bothered putting it on. The top consisted of two tiny triangles that hardly covered her areolas plus another small triangle on the bottom. Just like the top, it had little more than a cosmetic effect. Her boyfriend wore a thong that looked like a big bag of marbles hanging from between his legs.
Another couple was lying on a blanket near the shore, instead of up against the wall, out of the way. The man was naked but he had pulled up a corner of a towel from between his legs to partially cover his cock. The woman with him was on her back and wore only a thong. Her boobs were huge and they poured into her armpits with large areolas at least four inches across. Her legs were bent and spread apart, making the thong all but useless. Her thick pink pussy lips were clearly visible to all passing.
Gina was more relaxed now, becoming less stiff and friendlier to the people we encountered. The shock of seeing so much skin was finally wearing off. We stopped for a break near the last couple and she skinned off her shorts leaving her thong on.
“It’s too hot now, and I love the breeze on my pussy,” she giggled. “I don’t know why, but I’m less shy about my pussy than my boobs.”
She got up and strolled to the waterline then bent over to wet her hands. The view of her ass, with just a flash of pink, was beautiful and I could see the guy farther down take immediate notice. My cock began to swell seeing her so exposed and out in the open.
She walked back to me with a coy smile. “Enjoy the show?”
“Oh, Onwin Güncel Giriş I’m liking this more and more,” I said, “Now, you’re showing off. You have no idea how it turns me on to watch guys drool over you.”
“You mean, that guy saw?” she said. “That was just meant for you.”
“I know that, but aren’t you a little excited, now that you know you were seen and appreciated. We saw a beautiful flash of your pussy lips as your ass cheeks opened up a bit. It was awesome.”
“Oh, shit, I didn’t think I showed that much. That IS kind of exciting, even fun I guess.”
I kissed her and fondled her tits through her top, and our neighbour watched us intently.
“He’s watching us,” she said.
“I know, how do you feel about that?
“Okay, I give in, it does feel pretty sexy,” she admitted.
We got up and moved on again, and soon we reached the point where I had hidden our clothes.
“Do you want to continue or call it a day?” I asked her.
“Well, it’s still early and, frankly, I’m just starting to really enjoy myself now. Can we hang around here for a while and enjoy the sun?”
We found a spot under some low hanging branches that gave us partial shade. The midday sun was quite hot now, and we both felt like lying down and enjoying it. Gina lay back in her thong with her top riding up and her breasts bulging from underneath. You couldn’t see her nipples but it was a view I always found sexy. I love to see tits hanging below short-cut tops.
Before long, other passers-by decided to stop and take the sun near us. It was all guys, some with and some without clothing and after an hour there were five of them. Every now and then Gina would sit up and look around at the group of wishful admirers, clearly hoping to see more of her.
“Boy, this is good for the ego,” she chuckled. “I feel pretty sexy right now. Am I safe here, though? I mean, look at all these horny guys.”
“You’ll be fine, I’ve never seen problems down here. For any one of these guys who’d try something, another couple would get in his way to protect you. None of them want their show ruined because there are damn few women of your caliber down here. Plus, they’d have to go through me.”
“My hero,” she smiled. “I’m getting warm now, I think I’ll go and cool off.”
She got up and walked to the water, then she strolled in up to her waist. She had her back to the beach and every eye was glued to her. She splashed handfuls of water up under her top rubbing the coolness onto her tits. No one could actually see, but it looked very suggestive from behind. She turned around and her wet top now stuck to her breasts and her nipples were clearly outlined. She continued her walk out and her thong, now drenched as well, clung to her pussy in a well-defined camel toe.
She made her way back to me and lay back down on the sand.
“I guess you realize that you’ll have to wash all that sand off again before we leave, don’t you?” I said.
“Uh huh, looking forward to it,” she said as she pulled her top up a little higher this time.
We stayed there for another half hour, until she got up again. This time she waded into the water knee high and slipped off her thong before continuing up to her belly. She pulled her top off as well as she maintained her back to us. She then dipped into the water up to her neck and, while submerged, she turned around facing the beach. She looked straight at me as she stood back up and started to walk back out again.
Her plump firm breasts stood proud, as her nipples and areoles seemed to push forward to the beach. Halfway back, she put her top back on but her beautiful pussy was bare for all to see and desire. When she reached me. She winked as she bent to put her thong back on in front of me. Guys behind her were wrenching their necks to see her exposed pussy as she bent over to dress.
“I think that’s it for me,” She said, “I know I’m going to get myself in trouble if we stay longer.”
I got up and we went to my cache and retrieved our clothes. After a long hard climb back out again, we were in our car driving home.
“You know,” I said, “in my wildest dreams, I never thought you would do all those things today. You’re a latent exhibitionist, my dear.”
“Well, call it what you like, all I know is I want to do it again, and soon. In the meantime, I hope you don’t have plans for when we get home, I’ve got some serious horny to work off.”
“I think I can fix that,” I said.
When we got home, we could hardly wait to get in, we stripped and made love right on the living room floor. Later that night, Gina came to bed without her usual sheer baby doll.
“Still looking for more?” I said as I eyed her up and down.
“Yeah,” she said, “but I think I’d like to try this for a while also. It’s nice being naked. I never fully realized it.”
“Oh, man, how lucky can a guy get?” I said. “You have no idea how happy that would make me. I can never get enough of your gorgeous body.”
“I kind of like it too, now, but don’t be expecting it all the time. I have to be in the mood.”
We made love again, only very slowly this time, thoroughly enjoying each other from head to toe. The next morning, after I had cut the lawn, Gina was waiting for me in the doorway.
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