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A Rebound Pickup

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I work for a relatively small manufacturer’s rep firm in Southern California. There are the two guys who started the business plus another guy and me in outside sales, and two in the office handling the phone and clerical stuff. I’m making noticeably more money than I would working for a salary in an office somewhere. Not bad for a twenty-five year old who barely managed to earn his bachelor’s degree. Another good part is that I’m pretty much in charge of my own time so I can take a day off every once in a while if my sales have been good.

That’s why I’m up at Mammoth for some skiing. I called a reservation service and got a room in a place that I knew existed but I’ve never been to before. It’s a bunch of condos that the place rents out for the owners. It costs a little more than a motel room but it’s right next to the gondola that takes me up the mountain, so I can park my car and not worry about driving around in the snow and ice. I got here very late Thursday night and skied all day today, Friday. I did o.k., good enough to almost kid myself into thinking I’m better at it than I really am.

There’s a bar downstairs that I’m told is the best pick-up spot up here, so that’s where I head after a shower and a late dinner. It’s jammed with people, loud with noise, a live band playing. I manage to get to the bar and buy a beer and then move off a little to more carefully look the place over. It takes me a moment to realize that I’m standing next to a very attractive girl. She’s short, maybe five foot three or so, cute face and a noticeable set of knockers. I realize she’s looking at me and grinning and has caught me eyeing her boobs.

“Noisy,” she almost yells at me.

“Yeah,” I reply, a little embarrassed being caught checking her out.

“Why are you here?” she asks.

“Skiing,” I reply.

“No,” she says, “I mean here, in this bar right now specifically.”

How do I answer that? Well, might as well be blunt and truthful. “Looking to pick up a girl,” I finally reply.

Her grin becomes a big smile. “Oh, an honest man. Why do you think so many girls are here?”

“The obvious answer is, to pick up a guy, I guess. And since the chances of finding Mister Right in a bar like this isn’t high, I imagine they’re thinking of instant gratification only. Maybe some are really just hoping for some free drinks from a guy.”

She grins some more. “Well you won’t have to buy me a drink. Why do you think they can’t find a Mister Right in a bar? Do you think you can’t find a Missus Right in a pick-up bar?”

This is getting deeper than I expected. “Maybe I was too quick to say that. My Missus Right would have to enjoy sex just like I do. That would almost have to mean she’d experienced it and liked it. I’m not a virgin, why should she be? In fact, a virgin in her mid twenties would probably be someone that wasn’t horny enough to want badly to find out what sex is all about much earlier. So I guess there’s no reason she couldn’t be in a bar like this one.”

She grins again. “You’re covering yourself o.k. So, you’re looking to pick up a girl? What would you do with her if you succeeded?”

“Take her to my room.”

Another grin. “No, specifically, what would you do with her back in your room?”

How do I answer that? Honest and blunt I guess. “Well, we’d get naked. Since she’s obviously horny or wouldn’t be there, she’d probably start by sucking me and getting a mouthful. I’d then slowly work my way down her body and end up giving her an orgasm with my mouth and fingers. Then we’d fuck as often as we could. If we felt it was just a one-time thing, I’d later take her back to her place. If we both appreciated what happened, she’d spend the night and we’d do a repeat in the morning and then ski together and come back for some more the next night. Maybe get her to bring her suitcase over. Eventually either I drive her back home down in the LA area or take her back to her friends to get back home.”

“The perfect answer, exactly what I was hoping might happen tonight,” she says, really smiling now. “Let me get my coat, you’ve just managed to accomplish what you wanted.”

“Wait,” I say to her as I think about what we’re about to do. “You asked me to be specific on a couple things, now let me ask you to be specific. Condoms or not? Are you on the pill?”

She grins, “Yes, so that’s not a problem. As for disease, I was with the same guy for a long time and we broke up not long ago and I haven’t had any sex for several weeks, which is why I’m horny enough to do something stupid like this. So I’m sure I don’t have any diseases. You?”

“Almost the same story. I was with a girl for eight months and we had lots and lots of sex. I started to feel serious but when I suggested we should move in together she let me know the sex was terrific, which is why she kept dating me, but she had no interest in making a commitment to me. That led us both to realize it was basically a waste of time to keep going so, like you, I haven’t had sex for several weeks. So I’m fatih escort sure I don’t have any disease and I’m also horny enough to do something stupid like this. In fact, I’m glad because I’m not used to using condoms and I like the spontaneity of just doing what you want when you want. So let’s go.”

She goes over to the wall and picks a heavy parka off a hook and starts slipping it on. I stop by another hook and grab my jacket. As we head out the door she says, “That jacket isn’t very warm for as cold as it is.”

“We aren’t going far,” I tell her, “Just across the open space here. I’m staying in this same complex.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize it was a hotel.”

“When I decided to come up here I called a reservation service at almost the last minute,” I tell her as we go into the building and head for the elevator. “Of what’s available, they mentioned that this was right next to the bottom of the gondola so I can just walk a hundred feet or so and buy my ticket and ride up to the slopes. It costs a little more but not a lot so I took it. I’ve never stayed here before either.”

We go up the elevator and walk down the hall a short way to my unit. As we go in, she says, as if she’s surprised, “Gee, a living room and kitchen, this is an apartment.”

“Yeah, these are all owned by people and management rents them out. I took a one bedroom instead of a bachelor unit because it’s about seven dollars a night more and just seemed better.” Our jackets come off and we head into the bedroom. She never says anything and just starts unbuttoning her blouse so I start undressing too.

Shortly, we’re both naked. She has a very good body. Feminine hips, not slim boy’s hips. A firm looking, round butt, really small waist with just a hint of a little roundness. And then her breasts. They’re not freaks but they’re about a size bigger than I’d expect on her fairly small body. I’m sure guys pay a lot of attention to them, they’re very full and attractive, large nipples. Her legs are very shapely, good muscle definition, with fairly slim thighs that seem to leave a gap or opening to her pussy. On top is that cute face and brown hair cut fairly short. “You have a gorgeous body,” I tell her.

She grins. “You’re the one with the gorgeous body,” she says, stepping to me and reaching down and grasping my very erect cock. I’m no body builder but I play soccer regularly, just recreation league games, and play at basketball with a couple friends on a playground, so I’m in decent shape. I’m about eight inches or more taller than her. My cock isn’t anything humongous but perhaps just a little more than average. At least I’ve never had any complaints about it.

We kiss, her keeping hold of my cock with one hand, the other arm around me. She then drops down onto her knees and starts on my cock. She looks at it and smiles, kisses it, licks up and down it, bending her head to either side. She looks up at me and grins, starts playing with my balls with one hand while she slides her other hand back and forth on my cock a little. She licks around the head, opens her mouth and takes the head in and licks and sucks on it a little. She pulls her head back and looks up at me, holding my cock and balls, “I think an erect cock is what sex is all about,” she says. “You have a really good looking cock.” She then opens her mouth wide and starts taking me into her mouth.

I’ve been with five girls, each lasting a little while, months at least, starting back in high school. Every one of them has sucked my cock just as I’ve licked every one of their pussies. So I’m not the world’s expert on cock sucking but she’s giving me the best blow job I’ve ever had. She likes what she’s doing. She’s not trying to get me to cum quickly and she’s not just doing it because she thinks she should. She likes my cock. She sucks a while, moves her lips back and forth on me and when I start getting close to cumming, she backs off, licks my balls, kisses my thighs, lets me relax a little before going back to seriously sucking me off. Then she does it again. Stopping in between to look up and give me a dirty grin, then run her tongue around the head and start sucking me again. Lots of slurps and satisfied sounds almost like humming.

I finally cum. Or, she finally decides she wants a taste of my semen. I must give her the biggest load I’ve shot off since high school. She swallows it all, licks her lips and has a very self-satisfied smile as she finally lets go and stands up again. I put my arms around her and we kiss. Interestingly, I realize that it’s our first kiss and it comes after she’s blown me. I don’t know her name; she doesn’t know mine. I walk over and pull back the bedspread and top sheet, tossing it to the foot of the bed. I then turn to her, bend some and get my arms behind her knees and shoulders and pick her up and carry her the few feet to the bed. I lay her on her back, placing myself on top of her but holding most of my weight off with my arms.

I kiss her again then start kissing my way down her body. sarıyer escort I kiss her shoulders, the tops of her breasts. I spend some time on those breasts; they deserve attention. I keep quietly telling her what a great body she has, how lovely her breasts are, how delicious they taste. I kiss down over her stomach, wanting to get at her pussy. I’m finally down between her legs, looking at her, she has her legs spread wide for me.

Back in high school, the first girl I was ever with sexually and I learned about sex with each other, starting with oral sex. I discovered that I love eating pussy. Probably mostly because how it makes the girl react but partly because a pussy is to me what sex is all about just like she thinks a cock is. Some guys claim they’re tit men or leg men. Well, I’m definitely a pussy man. I know, you can’t choose a girl by her pussy when you don’t get to see it until after you’ve chosen. But I think I can almost tell by the rest of her body what her pussy will be like.

Some have sort of wrinkly brown lips, some big lips, some two sets of lips and others seem to have only one. Some the clit is big, some it’s small. They’re all different. This one is actually beautiful, sort of like a pink powder puff with a crease down the middle. I tell her what a beautiful pussy she has and then use my hands to pull her open more and get my tongue into her. She’s trimmed her pubic hair, that’s the only explanation. Not shaved but trimmed very short. And her hair has a distinct reddish tint to it. I’ll have to ask her about that, her head hair is brown. She’s delicious. As I lick up and down, back and forth, she gets a little juicier and juicier. Her whole pussy seems to get more engorged, redder, and open up more. I get a hand up under my chin and push a finger into her as I concentrate my tongue on her clit.

She’s moaning. One hand is on the back of my head. I glance up and see that her other hand is pulling on one of her nipples. Her moans get louder as I finger fuck her and lick and suck on her. I pull back a little and lick around her lips, lean to each side, kissing the insides of her upper thighs. I get my tongue back in her and go for her clit again,. I pull my finger out and push two fingers into her. I work my fingers in her as fast as I can while licking her clit then grabbing it with my lips and sucking on it, pulling on it a little. Her moans move into minor screams. Her hand presses me into her pussy, her other hand has moved to her other nipple.

Soon she’s actually screaming and starting to pump out juice, her hips jerking. I pull my fingers out and try and suck her whole pussy into my mouth, tasting all the liquid she’s emitting. Her hand starts pulling on my hair, letting me know she’s climaxed and I’m done. I have half a desire to keep eating her just to see if she can handle multiple orgasms but my desire to get my very erect cock into her is stronger. I slide up over her, trying to push my cock into her and missing the right spot. She reaches between us and grabs my cock and aims it for me and I start pushing into her.

She’s tight. Very tight. My foreskin is being pulled back like mad as I push into her more and more. I pull back a smidge than further in several times until our abdomens are together and I’m all the way in. She’s still making noises, although they’re more ‘ughs’ and ‘ahs’ than moans. She has her arms up around me, her feet now on the bed, giving her a base to push her hips up at me. As I pull back, she shoves up at me, as I push back in she still shoves up at me. The real pumping has to come from me but it’s obvious that she’s involved too, not just laying there and accepting me.

We really bang away, me pounding into her faster and harder. Having cum once already I last awhile, the fuck lasts awhile. I can feel her breasts, my chest squishing them a little. I can feel our stomachs or abdomens or whatever pulsing against one another. Her insides are grabbing me, trying to hold me in her. As I pull back it’s as if her pussy is trying to pull me back in, then I’m pushing back and she seems to open up to take me. We go on and on and then I can feel it coming. I push hard into her. She wraps her legs up around me and I pump my semen into her.

I’m done and collapse a little onto her. She keeps herself wrapped around me. We kiss. “That’s what sex is supposed to be like,” she says quietly, lifting her head a little to kiss me again. She finally unwraps her legs and I pull out and roll off to the side. She rolls to face me, her arms still around me. I get an arm over her to reach around onto her back and slide my hand down to feel that wonderful curve where her back flares out onto her butt. I then grab her ass with my hand and kiss her again.

“Yes, that was top level sex, wasn’t it?” I kiss her again. “I think this is working out great. Can we exchange names now or do you want to stay anonymous?”

“Can I lie?”

“You can do anything you like as long as we do this over and over again.”


“Your osmanbey escort name is Deirdre.”

“Well, call me Deirdre. I’ve always thought that was a sexy name. How about you?”

“Well, what goes with Deirdre. How about Rory?”

She wiggles her bottom against me. “Celtic sex. Deirdre and Rory, That’s fine.”

“Deirdre, I noticed your pubic hair is red, your head hair is brown, your body coloring is light, almost pink, as if you’re really a red head.”

“Oh, I am. I dyed my hair brown so I would be a different person when I did this evil thing and fucked a stranger. That’s why I’m Deirdre. I’m not me, I’m this wanton sex fiend.”

“Well, you’re really good at it. This was probably the best sex ever for me.”

“Yeah it was really great wasn’t it? I want some more and I hate to interrupt this but since you won’t be able to get hard again for a little while, maybe this would be a good time to go where I’m staying with some friends and pick up my suitcase and skis and boots and bring them here so we can pretty much dedicate ourselves to sex from now on.”

So that’s what we do, get some clothes on, go down to the basement and into my car and drive to a town house complex. I go in with her and there are two people there, a couple. They let us know the others are still out somewhere. Deirdre explains she’s moving in with me for the weekend. One of them calls her Joan a couple times, so I’m sure that’s her real name. We get all her stuff, even get her skis and get back to the place I’m renting. Maybe a half hour all together and we’re naked again, holding each other and kissing and decide to take a shower and start over.

In the shower, she plays with my cock and balls and kneels down and gets me in her mouth for awhile. She turns me so she doesn’t get her hair wet. That doesn’t surprise me, I’ve had girls not wanting to soak their hair before. Later, I kneel down, she gets a leg up on my shoulder and I lick her pussy for awhile. Then she leans against the wall and I enter her from behind and we fuck and fuck and fuck. I’m sure she cums more than once before I finally cum. Then we wash each other a little more, me especially cleaning her pussy some, dry off and head back to bed.

“Deirdre,” I tell her,” I really, truly love your pussy. I think I love all pussies but yours particularly since it’s so beautiful. I’m not going to be ready to fuck you again for twenty minutes or so. Can I just lick you until I’m ready for more?”

“Rory, any time you want just let me know, you can lick me forever.”

So that’s what I do. I get her on the edge of the bed so I can kneel on the floor with her legs on my shoulders and her pussy almost hanging out in space so I can get at it from every angle and I do everything I’ve ever learned about eating pussy and discover that she definitely is multi-orgasmic. After a while I think she has another climax about every five minutes. When I realize I’m hard again, I pull back, push her back onto he bed and get in position to fuck her some more.

“Rory, when you get close to cumming, please let me suck you for awhile until you do. I think I like your cock at least as much as you like my pussy.”

“You want to suck it right now?”

“I’ll always want to but go ahead and fuck for awhile and just let me have the last ten minutes or so in my mouth.”

That’s what we do. Then we’re both pooped and fall asleep, our arms around each other. I’m dreaming of female flesh, thighs, breasts, a kissable mouth, the beautiful pussy I was eating earlier. I can feel my cock being worked on, stimulated and it seems so real. I vaguely wake a little and realize that it is real. I look down and she has my cock in her mouth. I just watch for a few moments as I wake up. I reach for her lovely butt that’s to my side. “Can you move around and sit on my face so I can do you, too?” She looks up at me and her mouth tries to smile even though it’s chock full of my cock but she does as I ask and that gorgeous, juicy pussy sits on my mouth and I push my tongue into it and use both hands to hold her ass as I start to lick. It’s fermented all night with my cum and her juices in it and it tastes gamy in comparison to earlier. Sort of like eating Venison instead of beef. I love it.

She must have been turned on because she cums well before I’m ready. She jumps off and moves around and squats over my cock and slowly lowers herself down on it, moaning and grinning at me the whole time. I’m looking at those truly great breasts and can see her pussy lips stretch out and contract as she moves up and down on my cock. This is one of those moments that make life worth living.

She finally gets me to cum. We actually shower, both too fucked out to add any tricks to it. She still doesn’t get her hair wet. We manage to get all dressed for skiing, parkas and boots and clump our way carrying skis and poles out into the hall and elevator and then downstairs across to the gondola. We both have three day ski tickets already. There’s a short line but in a few minutes we’re sitting inside this little cabin with a half dozen or so others and get whisked up a couple miles to the main ski area. We clump across an open area, slam our skis upright in a snow bank and head up into the lodge to get some breakfast.

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Charli’s Rosebud

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It took a minute before Ryan realized the girl who caught his eye walking through the doors from baggage claim into the arrival area was his eighteen-year-old daughter, Charli. The beautifully built, raven-haired Asian girl was wearing a little fedora cocked at an angle, pulling a rolling suitcase and striding confidently through the doors in a black pencil skirt that looked too short to be practical for traveling in. She was also wearing a matching black jacket that almost made the outfit look businesslike, except for being so revealing, especially with the charcoal grey tank top underneath that showed off a very tantalizing valley of cream-smooth cleavage.

Charli just laughed at the stunned expression on her father’s face and hurried the rest of the way to where his feet felt like they were nailed in place. Ryan knew he was busted. He just hoped his striking daughter would let it pass for a normal father’s surprise at seeing the way his little girl had changed since they’d seen each other. She’d always borne a much bigger resemblance to her Southeast Asian mother than Ryan, but she was more beautiful than her mother had ever been on her best day.

“I missed you sooooo much!” she cried, immediately throwing her arms around him.

Ryan was so happy to see his beautiful girl for the first time in two years that he forgot to feel embarrassed by his initial reaction. He just threw his solid arms around her and hugged her back as tightly as she was hugging him.

“I’ve missed you, too, Charli-girl.”

But then, Ryan couldn’t help feeling overly conscious of the fact that Charli wasn’t wearing a bra under her outfit, and her full, pliant tits were squashing against his firm body as they hugged. But he’d missed her like he’d never missed anyone in his life and the two just stood there hugging for a long time while scores of people bustled around them.

With their arms around each other, Ryan pulled his head back so he could look his daughter in the eye. It didn’t seem possible she could be even more beautiful, but there she was, smiling right back at him.

“I can hardly believe you’re really here. I almost didn’t even recognize you when you first came through the door,” he said.

“I could tell,” she replied with a giggle and a knowing look in her eye.

“You look incredible,” he said, too flustered to think of anything else.

Charli smiled, obviously pleased. “If you think so then I don’t care what anybody else thinks.”

The girl threw herself into another close hug, pressing her face against her father’s broad chest. Ryan was half relieved. His daughter had taken the compliment just the way he meant it, which was the last thing he wanted. At least the hug gave him a minute to compose his addled brain after being caught checking out his own daughter. He hadn’t meant to, but he couldn’t help that she had everything that appealed to him. She was just his type. When he realized it was her it was too late to take it back.

It wasn’t that Charli had changed that much in the two years since Ryan had seen her. It was true her tits and ass were fuller and rounder, and her legs a little shapelier, but the biggest changes were more in her fashion sense and the bright, confident way she carried herself. He’d never seen her in anything as boldly revealing as the outfit she was wearing now. He took a deep breath and told her how much he missed her five or six more times before they broke the hug.

“Let’s get you home so you can rest up from the trip,” he finally told her.

He offered to take her suitcase, but she brushed him off, saying it was no trouble, and she kept rolling it alongside her as he led her out of the building toward the parking lot across from the arrival gate.

“You didn’t bring much with you,” he pointed out.

“Oh, I shipped a couple of boxes, and then, um, I kinda figured you’d take me shopping for other stuff. Like the old days.”

Ryan grinned happily. Taking his daughter to the mall and spoiling her rotten as she damaged his credit cards couldn’t have sounded better. Her mother had always chided him for doing that, but Ryan’s ex had always chided him over the time and attention he always lavished on their only child. Charli had always been a classic daddy’s girl, and the two had been as close as any father and daughter could ever be.

When they got to Ryan’s SUV, he opened the hatch. Again, Charli refused his help, deftly picking up her suitcase and pushing it into the back of his vehicle. The way she handled the sizeable luggage proved she was even stronger than she looked. He’d taken out the far rear seat, expecting to need room for more luggage, and as Charli bent over to shove the suitcase all the way forward, the hem of her tight miniskirt easily lifted over her firm, shapely ass.

He didn’t mean to, but Ryan could see his daughter wasn’t wearing panties. And when she arched her body forward, not only could he see her bare, hairless pussy, but her tight, perky looking Antep Escort Bayan rimhole also appeared between her firmly formed ass cheeks as they parted just enough to let it show. His breath caught in his throat. He quickly moved directly behind her, his first thought being that he should block anyone else’s view.

This was a whole other league from the way he’d looked at her coming through the arrival gate doors. Suddenly his whole body flushed with heat. He might have been able to recover from a sudden flash of her pussy, even though it was the freshest, prettiest looking slit he’d ever seen, but the sight of her asshole made his blood boil.

The whole incident lasted no more than ten or fifteen seconds, yet there was something life changing about it. When Charli straightened back up, she almost seemed surprised to see her father still standing behind her yet Ryan could tell she knew exactly how much he’d seen. She just smiled and asked if he was going to take her home now as she pulled her skirt back over her hips and walked around to the passenger’s side.

Ryan shut the hatch and went to get in the vehicle. As he drove out of the parking lot, he couldn’t help wondering how many other people had seen his daughter’s ass or pussy while she’d been traveling. Could she really have made the entire trip in a skirt that short and tight without panties underneath?

On the ride to Ryan’s place in the hills above the local beaches, he and Charli talked as if they hadn’t already been talking every day since the divorce. Yet it seemed there was always more to catch up on. Charli had traveled to the coast to live with her father the second she graduated, planning to apply to colleges near where he lived. It had been a constant topic for them ever since he split up with the girl’s mother and moved. But Ryan couldn’t clear the image of his beautiful daughter’s fresh-looking asshole from his mind. Even worse, the memory of her taut rosebud only brought back the image of her silken pussy along with it.

The girl’s short skirt rode teasingly high on her shapely thighs as she sat in her seat. They were very slightly parted and Ryan was now painfully aware that she wasn’t wearing panties. This wasn’t the way he’d envisioned his reunion with his daughter and best friend in life. He promised himself to take a cold shower at the first opportunity, and then get his head clear and set on rebuilding their close relationship.

But that proved more difficult than he hoped. Heading south from the airport, Ryan worked his way onto the route that followed the coast, wanting his daughter to see the many sights it had to offer. Yet there were long stretches peppered with frequent stop lights where Charli would look out her window and let her thighs drift further apart. As much as there was to see, she was the one sight her father couldn’t get over. Given the warmer weather than she was used to, she eventually squirmed out of the blazer she’d been wearing on her flight and tossed it behind her onto the back seat. Then she took off her hat, too, and tossed it back with her jacket.

She fluffed her silky hair and flashed a bright, sweet smile at her father, who now couldn’t ignore the ripe swell of her tits in her tank top. They weren’t overly large, but so shapely and perky that Ryan had a hard time keeping his eyes on the girl’s pretty face. The thing that worried him as much as the way he was looking at her was the way she just kept smiling back at him like she either didn’t notice or didn’t mind. And he knew she had to notice.

When he started to tell her about the room he’d had set up for her for almost a year already, it was as much an attempt to distract himself as her. The girl smiled brightly and put her hand on her father’s leg.

“I’m really glad I’m finally here, Dad,” she told him. “I can’t wait to see my room. Everything just feels so perfect now. No one’s ever been so good to me. Or so…loving.”

Ryan smiled and put his hand over Charli’s on his leg and gave it a light squeeze. In turn she squeezed on his thigh muscle. She kept her hand where it was all the way to the next traffic light, where he took the opportunity to look at and admire his beautiful girl. She smiled back at him, and with her jacket off it seemed like her out-thrust tits were the most perfect pair he’d ever seen. He somehow managed to keep eye contact with her, though, despite the fact that his cock was swarming heat and threatening to grow. Her hand was mere inches away from his crotch, only making matters worse.

When the light turned green again he took his hand back for driving, but Charli left hers on his leg. She wasn’t wearing a bra under her top and her tits wobbled heavily with the motion of the vehicle. And it wasn’t long before Ryan’s cock began to respond. He ground his teeth in desperation and hoped it wouldn’t grow long enough to bump his daughter’s hand. Yet there was a part of him that kept hoping it would. What’s more, he had a strong suspicion the girl wouldn’t mind.

There were plenty of shops and places to eat along the way, and Ryan asked her if she wanted to stop anywhere before they got to the house. Charli said she was excited to have him show her everything, but it had been a long flight.

“If you don’t mind, I’d really like to see my new room and maybe relax on that gorgeous beach you keep sending me pictures of,” she told him.

“Anything my baby girl wants,” he replied with a loving smile.

“Oh, so I’m your baby girl now?” she giggled.

“You always have been and don’t you forget it,” he quipped.

“Hmm, and what happens if I do, Daddy Dearest?”

“You’re never too old to get spanked, young lady.”

“Promise, Daddy?”

The smile on her face when she said it looked so sweet and wicked that Ryan’s cock twitched in his pants, still mere inches away from the girl’s hand. He made an attempt to just laugh it off like it was nothing but a joke, but in his mind he couldn’t help seeing his daughter’s naked, luscious ass just like it was when she bent into the rear of the vehicle, offering those tightly rounded cheeks up for Daddy’s open hand.

When they reached the house, Ryan pulled into the driveway without pulling the car into the garage. This time he insisted on getting Charli’s suitcase, and she didn’t argue. She was standing close to him while he pulled it out of the back.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she told him almost shyly.

It almost seemed that now that they were home she was turning more into the Daddy’s kitten she’d always been.

“Welcome home, baby girl,” he told her, putting his arms around her and hugging her even tighter than they hugged at the airport.

He showed her around the ground floor first, which was open and spacious. They went out onto the wide deck on the back of the house overlooking the beach below and Charli gasped in surprise the moment she saw the view.

“Oh my god it’s amazing,” she cried, once again throwing her arms around her father in excitement.

They held the hug for too long and Ryan very nearly kissed her supple mouth. But he broke up the hug before making such a crazy mistake and took her upstairs.

At the top of the stairs there was a large bathroom on the left. On the right was Ryan’s bedroom. It was also large and well appointed, but he’d only just moved into that room from the master bedroom a week ago. The master bedroom was even larger and had windows overlooking the beach. He’d enjoyed it for the time he used it, but he wanted to give his daughter something really special.

Ryan showed her the other room at the back first. It had been meant as a bedroom, but he’d converted it to an office. Then he opened the door to Charli’s room, and the girl gasped excitedly when she saw the large, bright room with such an amazing view. There was even a desk with a brand-new computer, a couch and easy chair, a huge bed and even its own bathroom. Charli was stunned.

Ryan watched his beautiful young daughter stare in awe for a moment, then rush in and jump backward onto her big bed, causing her legs to rise up before flopping back down. The movement caused her tight skirt to bunch around her hips and Ryan saw the flash of her bare pussy when her legs went up. But when they came back down her skirt was still bunched high enough to expose her smooth mound, and she did nothing to rearrange her clothes. She just let her bald pussy show openly as she gazed at her father with an excited looked.

“Oh, Dad, it’s amazing!” she cried. “But why don’t you have this room? It’s obviously the master. So it’s supposed to be for the master of the house.”

Ryan just smiled, forcing himself to keep from staring at the most perfectly formed pussy he’d ever seen. He admitted that he’d been using it until a week ago, and that he just wanted his favorite daughter to have something special. Besides, he was doing a lot of his work from home these days, and his office windows allowed him to enjoy the same view.

Charli giggled. “Your favorite daughter? Dad, I’m your only daughter.”

“That doesn’t matter,” he told her. “You’re still my favorite.”

As he looked at her lying there on her bed, he realized that the last girl he’d had with him in that room had looked a lot like her. In fact, the majority of the girls he dated since his divorce looked like Charli: young, pretty, dark-haired and sexy. But none of them compared to her.

She finally got up off the bed and went over to him, hugging him tightly. Ryan put his arms around her, fully aware that she still hadn’t bothered to pull her tiny skirt back down. Her bare pussy was practically pressing against his leg, and he was in more danger of getting hard now than any time since he saw her at the airport.

“I love you so much, Dad,” she sighed against his chest.

“I love you, too, baby girl. I just want you to be happy here.”

“Oh god, I want to live here forever.”

“That sounds perfect.”

Ryan broke the hug before his cock ended up throbbing against his newly arrived daughter’s body.

“Why don’t you get settled and we can go out for something to eat if you want.”

“Can we do that later? I’m dying to go check out the beach.”

“Whatever you want, Princess.”

She giggled when he called her the name he used to when she was little. She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, and Ryan backed out of the room before he lost his mind and kissed her the same way he’d kissed the last hot young woman he’d had in that room.

He went down the hall to his own room to throw on a pair of shorts and a T shirt for the beach. Then he went downstairs and waited for Charli. He couldn’t help thinking about the careless way she kept flashing her ass and pussy. She had to know how much her father could see. Either she was doing it on purpose or else just didn’t care.

Being alone in the kitchen area of the mostly open ground floor, he heaved a sigh and gave his tingling cock a quick fondle through his shorts. He made himself stop, though. It didn’t make any sense at all to let himself get hard for his own daughter. She hadn’t even been home for an hour and already his brain was spinning. Charli was there to stay, and he was going to have to find a way to coexist with the hot young vixen that happened to be his one and only daughter without having to fight off a hard on every time she flashed her amazing cleavage or peach-smooth pussy.

It was a problem he never anticipated, but there had to be a workable solution. There just had to be.

Ryan hadn’t been seeing anyone for at least the last month when he became intent on making changes around the house to make Charli happy. He wanted her to like it there enough to stay as long as she wanted. The best solution seemed obvious. Get together with Rita or Kaylee, two of the girls he’d been with in the last few months and hope they hadn’t started seeing anyone regular, or else get together with someone new to get some relief for the tension that was rapidly building for his daughter.

Yet Ryan didn’t want to start bringing girls home so soon after Charli’s arrival. And he couldn’t imagine what his daughter would think if she saw Rita or Kaylee and how much they were like her. Ryan knew it wouldn’t look good.

He was no closer to thinking of a solution when Charli came downstairs to be escorted down to the beach. She was wearing a big yellow T shirt as a beach cover. It didn’t cover any more of her shapely legs than the skirt had, although it was a much looser fit. Ryan couldn’t tell what kind of swimwear she had on underneath, even though he tried.

“Ready?” he asked, forcing himself to look her in the eye.

The fresh-faced girl was smiling at him and nodded. Ryan took a few seconds to grab an extra-large beach towel straight out of the drier which was in the small laundry room built into the garage. The door was right off the kitchen so it was an easy grab. He led Charli through to the back of the house, onto the deck where there was a set of stairs down the slope onto a path that led down to the beach. There were still a couple of hours of sun left for the girl to enjoy her new environment.

Ryan had the towel around his neck and stood by while his daughter yanked off her T shirt, exposing herself in a strikingly skimpy, white bikini. He couldn’t help admiring her openly, and she responded with a pleased smile. Then she spun on her heels and ran toward the water. Her father’s eyes were trained on the flexing of her firm, shapely ass. She shrieked when she ran into the water, obviously surprised to feel how cold it was.

Her father stood in the sand watching her. She didn’t go too far into the water, but just far enough to dive in and swim a little. Fortunately the waves weren’t tossing her too much, but it wasn’t long before she quickly rose back up to her feet and practically ran back to where Ryan was standing. Her tits bounced so enticingly as she ran, and her body was only that much more erotically appealing soaking wet. Even worse was that her bikini became slightly transparent when it was wet, and her father was hopelessly entranced by the sight of her thick, swollen nipples and the telltale shade of her areolas showing through the V shaped strips of material containing her luscious tits.

And with the bottom being so snug and skimpy, Charli’s camel toe was strikingly visible. Ryan was practically holding his breath by the time his daughter got to where he was standing.

“Oh my god, the water is so cold!” she exclaimed.

“You’ll get used to it,” he said, smiling and wrapping the big, warm towel around her shoulders. It was a relief to cover the girl’s lush, young body with the towel since Ryan didn’t think he could go on looking at her much longer without developing another inconvenient hard on. His daughter was just outrageously sexy by any standard. He couldn’t imagine being the only father in the world with a daughter as beautiful and sexy as Charli, but at the same time he realized he could never love any girl as much as he loved his own.

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