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Sarhoş Yengem

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Sarhoş Yengem

60 yaşındaki dayım daha çok karı kız meselelerinden dolayı eşinden boşanmış, bir süre sonra da bir oğlu olan ve eşi ölmüş 36 yaşındaki dul bir kadınla (Ayşe) evlenmişti. Ben de üniversite için Ankara’ya gelmiş ve yurtta kalmaya başlamıştım. Küçüklükten beri aramız iyi olan dayım sık sık beni evine çağırıyordu. Ben rahatsızlık vermemek için gitmemeye çalışsam da pek fazla kaçınamıyordum. Dayımın yeni eşi Ayşe abla samimi ve çok cana yakın bir kadındı ve hiç yabancılık çekmeden kendisine alıştım. İkinci sınıfın başından itibaren daha sık gitmeye ve onlarda kalmaya başladım. İkisi de çalıştıklarından bazen Ayşe ablanın ilkokula giden oğlunu okuldan alıp eve götürüyordum ve onlar gelene kadar çocukla ilgileniyor, derslerine yardım ediyordum ve o günlerin bazısında onlarda kalıyordum. Genelde yemeklerde içki içilir, onlar rakı bense bira içerdim. Bazen dayım erken yatar biz Ayşe ablayla içmeye devam eder havadan sudan konuşurduk. Bu içki sofralarında bazen tartıştıkları da oluyordu. Ben onlar tartışmaya başlayınca yatmaya giderdim çünkü bu tartışmaların ardından ateşli bir şekilde sevişeceklerini biliyordum artık. Dayım yaşına rağmen libidosu yüksek biriydi ve mekanizmasının hala sağlam çalıştığını biliyordum. Onlarda kaldığımda ben yatak odalarının bitişiğindeki odada kalıyordum. Dayım ve Ayşe abla seviştiklerinde bazen Ayşe ablanın derin iç çekişlerini, kesik çığlıklarını duyuyordum. Bir süre sonra Ayşe abla odadan seri adımlarla çıkıp yalpalayarak banyoya doğru koşturuyordu. Hatta bir gece yarı karanlıkta çıplak şekilde bacaklarının arasına sıkıştırdığı külotuyla koşarak gittiğini görmüştüm. Merakıma yenilip ben de bir süre sonra banyoya gittiğimde beyaz bir ıslaklığa bürünmüş ve sıcaklığı henüz üzerinde olan külotunu kirli çamaşırların en üstünde bulurdum.

Artık onlarda kaldığımda neredeyse sevişmedikleri gün olmuyordu. Dayım yaşına rağmen Ayşe ablayı inletebiliyordu zevkten. Ben cinsel olarak çok faal olsam da kız arkadaşım da olduğu için bunları olağan karşılıyordum. Ancak bir süre sonra Ayşe abla gözüme daha farklı görünmeye başladı. Hafif balık etli vücudu ve biraz büyük kalçaları ve buna rağmen küçük göğüsleriyle bana çok çekici ve seksi gelmeye başladı. Mastürbasyonlarımın kahramanı oluvermişti birden. Kız arkadaşımla sevişip geldikten sonra dahi onu düşleyerek mastürbasyon yapıyordum. Onlarda kaldığımda bir akşamın sabahında Ayşe ablanın iç çamaşırlarını keşfettim. Dantelli, beyaz, kırmızı ve siyah renkler ağırlıktaydı. Ben bazen bunlara bakarak bazen koklayarak mastürbasyon yapmaya ve bunların üzerine boşalmaya devam ettim. Bir süre sonra kirli çamaşırlarına merak saldım ve bunları koklayarak üzerlerine boşalıyordum. Temiz olanları kurutup tekrar yerine koyuyor, kirlileri öylece çamaşır sepetine atıyordum. Ayşe abla bende bir tutku haline gelmişti artık. Ancak kendisine hiçbir şey hissettirmiyordum ve aramızdaki ilişk**e değişiklik olmamıştı. Bana bazen dayımın kötü huylarından, kendisini sinir eden davranışlarından ve başka kadınlara muhtemel ilgisinden bahseder ve dert yanardı. Haklıydı da. Bir gün düzensiz bir şekilde eve geldiğimde kapıyı anahtar üzerinde olduğundan açamamıştım. Beş dakika sonra kapı açıldığında dayım telaşlı bir haldeydi. Evde başka bir kadının olduğunu anlamıştım ve bir şey unutmuş gibi yapıp geri dönmüştüm. Kadın olup olmadığını anlamak için biraz dışarıda beklediğimde önce bir kadın çıkmış, beş dakika sonra da dayım çıkmıştı evden. Daha sonra aracının anahtarını kaybeden dayım yedek anahtarını getirmemi istediğinde gittiğim yerde tesadüfen aynı kadını balkonda bize bakarken görmüştüm.

Dayım bazı günlerde şehir dışına çıktığında da onlarda kalıyordum. Böyle günlerde de birlikte yemek yer ve dayım olmadığı için o da benimle birlikte bira içerdi. Daha sonra da 7 yaşındaki oğluyla yatak odasında yatardı. Tüm bunları ben olumsuz yorumlayıp onunla bir macera yaşayamayacağıma yorardım ama kendisine de çok tutkun hale gelmiştim. Bazen kız arkadaşımla onların yatağında sevişirken Ayşe’yle seviştiğimi düşünüp daha azgın hale geliyordum. Yine dayımın olağan yokluklarından birinde ben Ayşe’nin oğluna ders çalıştırmış ve sonra da o sabah çıkardığı kirli külotuna boşalmıştım. Ayşe eve geldi yemek yedik ve ben tv’de bir film izlemeye başladım. Ayşe abla yemek ve bulaşık işlerini hallettikten sonra biraz işiyle ilgilendi ve uykusu gelen oğlunu dayım olmadığı için kendi yatak odalarına yatırdı. Sonra benden bira almamı istedi. Üçer tane bira alıp eve geldikten sonra fikir değiştirdiğini ve rakı içmek istediğini söyleyerek kendisine rakı koydu. Ben de bira içmeye başladım. Ve göz ucuyla kendisini süzüyordum ve yine kendisiyle deli gibi sevişme arzusu uyanmıştı bende. Bir süre sonra filmin heyecanına kapıldım ve arzu falan kalmadı. Film bittiğinde ben üç bira içmiştim Ayşe abla ise ikinci dubledeydi. Biranın da etkisiyle bende yine Ayşe Ablayla ilgili fanteziler uyandı. İşini bitirdikten sonra sohbet etmeye başladık. Bana yine dayımdan dert yanmaya başladı. Bu arada üçüncü dubleyi bitirmiş ve konuşurken ağzı yalpalamaya başlamıştı. Dördüncü rakıyı daha az koydu hızlı bir biçimde onu da içti. Rakının bittiğini görmüştüm. Ben isterse bira olduğunu, içebileceğini söyledim. Hayır diyerek konuşmaya devam etti ve konuşmanın bir yerinde dayımın bornozunun cebinde prezervatif bulduğunu, bu yüzden tartıştıklarını söyledi. Bu tür konular konuşulduğu için ben yadırgamadım ve başka şeye de yormadım ancak çok sertleşmiştim. Bu arada Ayşe abla dayımın kadınlar konusunda doyumsuz olduğunu ve tüm kadınlara asıldığından bahsetmeye başladı. Dayımı çözmüştü. İçk**en dolayı ağzı yamulmuş sözcükler anlaşılmıyordu; sarhoş olmuştu. Ancak zaten ben artık kendisini dinlemiyor, kendisiyle bu gece sevişip sevişemeyeceğimi düşünüyordum çünkü artık patlayacak hale gelmiştim. Nasıl oldu anlamadım ama birden elini tutarak kendisine bir şey göstereceğimi söyleyerek banyoya götürdüm. Sabah çıkardığı ve akşam üzerine boşaldığım ıslak külotu kirliden alarak kendisine gösterdim. Sarhoşluğuna rağmen bu çok şaşırmıştı. Kendisini çok arzuladığımı, bu arzumu da külotlarına boşalarak gidermeye çalıştığımı, beni sapık olarak görmemesini söyledim. Ayşe abla sallanmasına rağmen daha da çok şaşırmıştı. Birden yüzü asıldı ve anlatamayacağım bir hal aldı. Kendisinin eşi öldüğü için çocuğuyla ortada kaldığını, tek başına yapamayacağını, bu nedenle dayımla evlendiğini, kendisinin benim sandığı gibi bir kadın olmadığı anlamına gelen bir şeyler söylemeye çalıştı ve en son bunları konuşmamış kabul edeceğini belirtti. Bense acayip utanmıştım ve yaptığıma aklım almıyordu. Ellerini tutarak kendisine sarıldım ve özür diledim. Kendisine sadece tarif edilemez bir cinsel tutku duyduğumu ancak başka türlü değerlendirmediğimi ancak şu anda yaptığımdan utanç duyduğumu belirttim ve kendisine sarılmaya devam ettim. Ancak sarılma cinsel bir şey içermiyordu. Ayşe Abla ise bir şeyler söylemeye devam etti ama anlayamadım. Ellerini benden kurtulmak ister gibi belime götürdü ve beni ittirdi. Ancak gücü bittiğinden mi yoksa vazgeçtiğinden mi anlayamadım, ellerini serbest bıraktı. Ben sarılmış vaziyette sırtına baskı yaparken ellerim sırtında hafif hafif gezinmeye başladı. Ben konuşmuyordum ancak kesik kesik soluyordum ve penisim kemik gibi sertleşmişti. Bu arada Ayşe ablanın ağzından anlaşılmaz laflar çıkmaya devam ediyordu ve baktığımda gözlerini zor açıyordu. Anlaşılan iyice sarhoş olmuştu. Onun o halini görünce pişmanlık modundan çıkıp tekrar onu arzulamıştım. Kendisini yatıracağımı söyleyerek ve belinden tutarak yatak odasına götürdüm. Oğlu yatağın bir kenarında yatıyordu, Ayşe ablayı diğer kenara yatırarak biraz ittirdim ve kendisini izlemeye başladım.

Kış olmasına rağmen evin içi sıcaktı. Üzerinde bir tişört ve altında eşofman altı vardı. Biraz izledikten sonra yatağın kenarına oturdum ve yüzü koyun halde sırtını okşamaya başladım, kalçalarına doğru indiğimde sırtı benden yana olacak şekilde yan döndü. Kalçalarını eşofmanın üzerinden okşamaya devam ettim. Çok sertleşmiştim ve boxerımın önü çok ıslaktı. Elimi tişörtünün altına sokup tenine dokununca ürperdim. Bu arada Ayşe abla anlaşılmaz şeyler mırıldanıyordu. Ama kendinde olup olmadığından emin değildim. Tepki gelmemesi üzerine yanına uzandım ve sikimi kalçalarına dayadım ve tişörtünü sıyırıp göğüslerini okşamaya geçtim. Oğlu bir ara uyanır gibi oldu, durdum ama derin uykusuna devam etti. Ben artık kendimden geçmiş şekilde Ayşe ablayı okşuyordum. Eşofmanını dizlerine kadar sıyırdığımda altında siyah bir normal külot gördüm. Biraz da külotun üzerinden okşadıktan sonra külotu da dizlerine indirdim. Düşlediğim muhteşem kalçaları ve kadınlığı önümdeydi. Ben okşarken Ayşe abla inliyordu ancak sarhoşluktan mı, zevkten mi anlamadım. Elimle kalçalarını okşadıktan sonra parmaklarımı amına değdirince ıslaklığı hissettim. Parmaklarıma baktığımda koyu beyaz sıvıyı gördüm ve yaladım, ekşi ama baştan çıkarıcı bir tattı. Ben de yan yatar halde pantolonumu sıyırıp sikimi çıkardım ve Ayşe ablanın amına sürtmeye başladım. Sikimin ucu ıslak ve bembeyaz olmuştu. Yavaş yavaş ittirerek amına girdim, buna inanamıyordum, uzun süredir düşlediğim amın içindeydim. Yasak olanın zevkiyle düşler birleşmişti işte. Yavaş yavaş, sarsmadan gidip geliyordum içinde. Boşalacağımı hissedince durup sonra tekrar devam ediyordum. Ayşe abla inliyor ve anlaşılmaz şeyler mırıldanıyordu. Bir ara dayımla sevişirken çıkardığı seslerin aynısını çıkardı. Bunu duyunca irade dışı hızlandım ve deli gibi içine boşalmaya başladım. Yaklaşık bir dakika kesik kesik içine aktım. Kan ter içinde kalmıştım. Sikim içinde küçülünce çıkardım. Döllerim Ayşe ablanın amından kalçalarına doğru akmaya başladı. Bir süre daha kendisini seyrettikten sonra taşan dölleri peçeteyle temizledim ve külotuyla eşofmanını çektim. Salona gittiğimde müthiş bir pişmanlığa kapılmıştım. Ancak bir süre sonra tek yanlı olmadığı konusunda kendimi ikna ettim ve uyudum. Ertesi sabah uyandığımda Ayşe abla işe gitmişti. Kirli çamaşır sepetine baktığımda gece giydiği külotu ıslak bir şekilde duruyordu. Acaba durumu anlamış mıydı? Ancak hiçbir tepki görmedim. Ben sınavları bahane ederek bir süre görünmedim. İlk karşılaşmamızda ise hiçbir şey olmamış gibi davranınca rahatladım. Sonraki iki seneyi de okuldan bir arkadaşla çıktığım evde geçirince böyle bir fırsat daha doğmadı.

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liseden sınıf arkadsım ve onun guzel gotu

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liseden sınıf arkadsım ve onun guzel gotu

July 9, 2011, 1:42 am
merhab oncelıkle yazdıklarım tamamıyle gercek ve ysanmıs dır..ben 24 yasında sarısın yakısıklı sayılacak kadar tatlı bırıyım..lıseden kalma halen gorustugum arkadsım vaglar la cok samımıyız
sureklı bırlıkte vakıt gecırır sohbet ederdık. bı gun ban pasıf arkadası oldugunu ve bırlıkte oldugunu soledı ınanmadım ama bana bunu bı gun suprı z yaparak gosterdı..onu bı ara anlatacagım…:)

aradan baya zman gectı aılem evde yoktu onu cagımıstım bıraz alkol aldık sohbet falan edıp sakalsıodduk sonra yattık odamda tek yatk var o yzuden bırlıkte yattık…uyumusum bı sure sonra yaragımda bı el hıssttım yaragımı oksuyordu ben halen uaynmamıs gıbı yapmaya devam ettım daha da ılerletmeye basladı ılerı gerı yapıoyordu.sonra agzına ladı yalamaya basladı bende yenı uyanmıs gıbı ne yapıosun dedım cvp vermeden devam ettı… coook guzel yalıyor hepsını emıordu baya bı suer yaladıkdan sonra agzına bosaldım. ogece yalvardı ama guzel gorunu sıkmedım.ama bır hafta sonra dayanamayıp sabah kadar sıktım .. o gunde berı bos vakıtlerımızde bırlıkte oluyor.kendıme temiz pasif arkadaslar arıoruz..ılgılenlere duyurulur msjlarınızı beklıorum.anlatılmaz yasanır…:)

Categories: Uncategorized

Ceren ve Lise Arkadaşları 3

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Ceren ve Lise Arkadaşları 3

Artık saniyeler geçmek bilmiyordu. Sevgili karımın yabancı iki erkekle bir otel odasında çırılçıplak olduğu, onlarla her türlü ahlaksızca konuşmaları yaptığı, belki benimle alay ettikleri, birinin önünde domalmış sevgili karımın diğerinin sikini ağzında gezdirdiği fikri karnımın kasılmasına, hem büyük bir haz ve hem de büyük bir suçluluk dalgasının vücudumu kaplamasına neden oluyordu. Acaba adamlar birbirlerinin spermlerini cerenin kadınlığından yalamışlar mıydı? Ya da sevgili karımı, “asla arkadan olmaz honey” diyerek her seferinde reddettiği arka kapı meselesini çakırkeyif halde lise arkadaşlarıyla tost olarak denemiş miydi? Acaba adamlar cereni domaltmış, kalçalarına şaplaklar atarak, biri bırakıp diğeri devam ederek, sıra ile kullanmışlar mıydı? biri diğerininkini eli ile tutup cerene yerleştir olabilir miydi? düşündükçe heyecanım artmış, arka arka yapmış olduğum mastürbasyonlar bile ateşimi düşürememişti.

bir saat kadar meraklar içinde bekledikten sonra mesaj attım “görüntü gidik, ne durumdasın?” yarım saat kadar sonra cevap geldi.

“çooook iyiyim :). beni merak etme, gece de bekleme ?. Çok öpüyorum seni, iyi çocuk olursan belki bir de sürpriz yaparım”

Tamam gece beklemiyim ama nasıl uyuyabilirim ki? Ara ara uzanıp telefona baktığım, kaydettiğim görüntüleri baştan, tekrar tekrar seyrettiğim zor ve uzun bir geceydi. Saat 3 gibi bir mesaj daha geldi cerenden


o kadar, başka bir şey yok. Biraz uzandım uyurum diye, kendimi kaybetmişim, telefonun sesiyle uyandım. Ceren karşı tarafta şakıyordu

“hala mı yataktasın koca bebekkk”

“ya evet sızmışım da saat daha doku” lafımı ağzıma tıkayıp

“tamam tamam, ben eve geliyorum ama karnım çoookkk açççç, bana kahvaltı hazırla lütfeeen”

“tamam bebeğim, özel bir isteğin var mı?

“pancake olsun, yumurtalı ekmek de olsun, meyve de olsun, avokado da ez, patatesli omlet de isterim”
“hepsini sen mi yiyeksin?”

“çok açımm çookk, yarım saate ordayımmm”

“tamamdır kocaman sofra hazırlıcam sana, kalanı da kedilere veririz artık”

Hemen fırladım, elim çabuktur, yumurtaklı ekmek, derken kahve, üstümde siyah boxer’ım ve mutfak önlüğüm var. komik bir kıyafet ama nasıl olsa gören yok. Cerenin aramasına da bakıp saati kontrol ediyorum, bu şapşal yarım saat dediğine göre en erken 40 dakikada gelir derken, 1 saati geçtikten sonra kapı çaldı. Sofraya gururla baktım, istediği her şey hazırdı.

Hiç çekinmeden ve kontrol de etmeden açtım. Önde pardesüsünü giymiş ceren ve arkada harun ile burak, kapının önünde duruyorlardı.

“merhabaaa biz geldiiiikkkk” ceren şakımaya devam ediyordu, içeri daldı. Sonra dönüp

“ay dikilmeyin çocuklar gelin içeri” umursamadan ama fısıldar gibi “konu komşu görecek şimdi”

Kısa bir tereddütün ardından harun ve burak içeri girdiler, ceren mutfağa yönelirken acil ihtiyaç belirttikleri için iki silahşörlere tuvalet ve banyoyu gösterip mutfağa girdim. Ceren pardesüsünü çıkarmış, mini eteği ve buruşmuş, lekelenmiş beyaz şeffaf gömleği ile yüzü mutfak kapısına dönük beni bekliyordu, kapıda beni görünce bir ayağını yanındaki sandalyenin üzerine koydu, kırmızı topuklularını çıkarmamıştı, eteğini bir eli ile yukarı sıyırdı, pembe külodu ortadaydı artık. Kekeleyerek

“duş, duş almadın mı yoksa” dedim

“yüzümü bile yıkamadım” diyerek külodunu yana sıyırdı.

“sabah senle telefonla görüştükten sonra bi daha spermle doldurdular”


“yaaaa, akan aktı ama bak hala var daha”

“evet” ceren’in ip gibi şekillndirilmiş tüylerinin altındaki amcığında sperm damlaları görülüyordu

“temizlemek ister misin?”

Titreyerek cerene doğru ilerledim ve önünde diz çökerek önce bacaklarına akmaya başlayan spremleri yalayıp temizledim, sonra da kadınlığına ulaşarak yalamaya derinlerdeki spermleri de emerek temizlemeye başladım. Cerenin kullanılmış, arka arkaya sikilmiş kadınlığının kokusu, iki erkeğin sperm kokuları ve kahvaltı masasındaki yiyeceklerin kokusu birbirine karışıyor, serin bahar sabahında açık pencereden gelen kuş sesleri cerenin hafif inlemelerine eşlik ediyordu. Sevgili sikilmiş ve kullanılmış karım eli ile başımı okşarken, arada fısıltıyla

“nasıl güzel mi tadı, çok güzel temizliyorsun tatlım. Pezevengim benim” diyordu.

Bir yerde ceren’in inlemeleri ve fısıltıları kesildi. O zaman mutfakta misafirlerimiz olduğunu anladım ama talimat gelmeden başımı kaldırmak istemedim. Şu anda ceren eminim kapıda dikilmiş iki adama baygın baygın bakıyordu ve belki de dili ile dudaklarını yalıyordu.

“çok teşekkür ederim tatlım, baya temizledin. Hadi artık çok açım, kahvaltı zamanı” dedi

Ayağa kalkıp lavaboya uzandım elimi yüzümü yıkayıp ağzımı çalkalarken belli belirsiz bir

“Gavat”” lafı geldi kulağıma. Tam kim dedi diye kafamı çevirecektim ki

“ne dedin sen?” ceren çok sert bir tonda burağa dönmüş bağırıyordu.

“ya ben öylesine” burak kıpkırmızı olmuş mutfağın ortasında duruyordu. Ceren aynı tonda ve hiç taviz vermeden

“eve gelirken biliyordunuz, yavşaklıktan hiç hoşlanmadığımı söyledim. Eşime küfür edilecekse ben ederim, senin gibi eğri sikliye de müsade etmem. Hem karısını sikeceksin, hem evine geleceksin, hem de küfür.” Burak kekeleyerek

“çok özür dilerim, gerçekten” dedi

“bana bak aslanım” ceren sandalyeye bacağını tekrar koydu ve bacak arasını tekrar göstererek “bu amcığı bir daha sikmek istiyor musun?”

“evet” dedi burak fısıltıyla


“evet, o amcığı bir daha ve çok defa daha sikmek istiyorum, ceren, gerçekten, hayatımda ilk defa erkek olduğumu hissettim dün gece. Sen banyoya gittiğinde harun da aynı şeyi söyledi.”

“güzel” dedi ceren yumuşamış bir ses tonu ile “çocuklar dün gece çok özeldi ve ben de devam etmek isterim, ama bi şartım var”

“kocamı çok aşağıladınız, bunu kabul edemem, gururunu tamir etmeniz lazım”

“ne istersen” harun çok kararlı “abi isterse siksin bizi”

güldü ceren

“yok göt sevmez o” durdu

“ama, ikiniz de arka arkaya diz çökün ve kocamın sikini emip bana hazırlayın bakalım”

Hiç müdahale etmedim, tepki göreceğini bilse böyle bir şey teklif etmezdi. Muhtemelen gecenin seyredemediğim kısmında bu ikisi birbirlerine de hallenmişti. Önce burak diz çöktü önümde ve boxer’ımı indirip yarı kalkık sikimi ağzına aldı, biraz emdi eli ile sıvazladı ve cerenin talimatıyla harun onun yerini aldı. Ceren ortamın mutlak hakimiydi, genelde femdom senaryolarından hoşlanmaz ama bu sefer tam bir sahibe edasıyla yönetiyordu bizi.

“tamam tatlım, şimdi beni al kucağına ve bu avareller de beslesin minik orospunu” ben sandalyeye, ceren de kucağıma oturup erkekliğimi içinde aldı ve kalçalarını hafif sallandırırken burak ve harun’un verdiği yiyecekleri yemeye başladı. Burak ve harun bir taraftan kendileri bir şeyer atıştırırken bir taraftan da masanın hakimi olan kadının isteklerini gözden kaçırmıyor, bir dediğini iki etmiyorlar, ceren kucağımda, arada kegel egzersizlerinden hatıra sıkıştırmalarını yapıp bana dönüp kikirdiyordu. Dün gece bu marifetini göstermediğine emindim, gösterse adamlar haftasonu otele kapatılardı bu kadını. “her şeyin bir zamanı var” ceren’in hayat mottosuydu, demek ki ileride gösterecek bu maharetini.

Kahvaltı bitip kendimizi salonda kanepelere atmıştık. Ceren elinde kahvesi bir sigara çıkardı. Burak atlayıp çakmağıyla yaktı sigarasını. Ceren çakmağı tutan eli hafif bir okşadı ve

“Dün gece de ilk bu sikti, atak çocuk” dedi.

“memnun kaldın umarım” dedim

“ay çok heyecanlanmışlar ilk seferinde hemen boşalıverdiler ama sonra iyidi”

“tost bile yaptık” atıldı harun

Ceren çekinerek baktı bana sonra dönüp yaramazlıkta yakalanmış çocuk gibi

“her şeyi de anlatmasana” diye elindeki yastıkla hafifçe vurdu harun’a.

“bence abi sana her detayı anlattırır biz gidince” burak işi biliyordu.

“Siz de keyif almışsınızdır umarım arkadaşlar” dedim, “ceren lisede de böyle rahat mıydı?”

“yok be abi” dedi burak “biz kapanır bu diye bekliyorduk çiçek gibi açılmış maşallah”

“cem açtı beni sağolsun” dedi ceren “hem de öyle güzel açtı ki” yanağıma ıslak bir öpücük kondurup saçlarımı karıştırırken.

“halk sana müteşekkir abi” burak ciddiydi.

“demek halk kocama müteşekkir” ceren ayağa kalkıp yürürken burağın yanağından bir makas aldı.

“ben duşa giriyorum”

Bir kaç dakika sessizce bakıştık salonda üç adam. Tam bir laf açayım da bu sıkıcı ortam bozulsun derken banyodan gelen su sesi ile irkildim. Sevgili minik orospum her zaman kullandığımız yatak odasındaki banyoyu değil de, büyük misafir banyosunu kullanıyordu ve kapıyı da açık bırakmıştı ki su sesi böyle duyulabiliyordu.

Ayağa kalktım, hiç bir şey söylemeden banyo kapısına yürüdüm, evet kapı ardına kadar açıktı ve ceren duşun tepeden musluğunu açmış vücudunu sabunluyordu. Beni görünce gülümsedi ve bir öpücük gönderdi.
Az sonra sessizce yanıma gelen iki erkeği farkettim. Şimdi sevgili kocası ve lise aşkları, banyo kapısında durmuş, duşun altında çırılçıplak sırtını, kollarını, memelerini, kalçalarını, bacakarasını sabunlayan cereni seyrediyorduk. Ceren kendisine odaklanmış üç çift gözün farkında, onlarla doğrudan göz göze gelmeden suyun altındaki dansını sürdürüyordu. Yumuşak hareketlerle lifi boynunda göğüslerinde kalçalarında dolaştırıyor, bazen bize sırtını dönüyor bazen yan duruyor, ama asla açık bir davet yapmıyor, adeta dansına katılmak için doğru zamanı keşfetmemizi bekliyordu.

Bu dans karşışında büyülenmiş üç kişi nasıl oldu bilinmez aynı anda soyunmaya başladık ve giysilerimizi banyo kapısında bırakarak, duşun altına cerenin yanına sokulduk. Sanki olacaklardan haberi yokmuş ve diğerlerinin farkında değilmiş gibi ceren önce bana sarıldı, sabunlu vücudu ateş gibiydi ve bu ılık duştan olamazdı.

“hoş geldin tatlım” dedi sonra boynuma doladığı kollarından birini aşağı sikime indirerek
“taşşş” soluğu kesilir gibiydi. Bu sarılmadan sıra ne zaman kendisine gelecek diye beklemekten sıkılan burak arkadan cerene sarıldı ve boynunu kulaklarını öpmeye başladı. Arkasından gelen bu sarılmayı beklemeyen ceren “ay” dedi ve geriye burağa yaslandı. Ben aramızda oluşan az da olsa boşluktan faydalanıp erkekliğimi cerenin amcığına sürtüyordum. Harun da gene bu boşluğu fırsat bilip cerenin dudaklarını, boynunu fırsat bulunca da memelerini hem öpüyor hem okşuyordu.

Şimdi ılık duşun altında ortamızda ve odağımızda sevgili ceren, ağır ağır hareket ediyorduk. Burak cereni kendine doğru çevirdi ve kucağına aldı, iyice tahrik olmuş ceren ayakta burağı içine almakta zorlanmamıştı, ama asıl sürprizi bana yaptı. Kafasını çevirdi ve arzuyla kalçalarını işaret edip,
“hadi” dedi.

Işte bu bir mucizeydi, sevgili karım burağın kucağındayken arka deliğine çağırıyordu beni. Ikimiz arasında tost olmuştu ve harun da öpülmedik yerini bırakmamıştı.


Üçümüz sanki bir tanrıçaya ibadet ediyormuş gibi duştan çıkan ceren’in başka bir tarafını aynı anda kuruladık. Sonra da hiç konuşmadan sağa sola kıvrılan kalçalarını takip ederek yatak odasına ulaştık. Hiç bir şey söylemeden yüzü perdesi sonuna kadar açık pencereye dönük olacak şekilde yatağın üzerine domaldı minik tanrıçamız. Önce harun, duşta dışarda kalmış sikini daldırdı cerenin artık iyice davetkar kadınlığına

“haruncum” dedi ceren “hemen tanıdım bak, en tatlı sik seninki” ben önüne geçip sikimi ağzına uzattım

Şimdi dışarda kalan burak kendini okşarken, sikim harun’un darbeleri ile sarsılan cerenin boğazına kadar giriyor, ceren kızarıyor kusacak gibi oluyor ama asla ağzından çıkarmıyordu.

Harun’un boşalacağını anladığımda benim de çok halim kalmamıştı ve ağzından çıkardığım sikimden çıkan spermlerimi cerenin sırtına ancak boşaltabildim.

“hadi buraakkk” ceren burağın vakit kaybetmesini hiç istemiyordu. Burak arkasına geçip yüklendiğinde harundan kalan spermlerin kayganlığına boşalıvermişti ve sanki ceren de onu bekliyordu. Hepimiz gevşemiştik ki, ceren hayalet görmüş gibi atladı, perdeyi kapattı, bize dönüp kahkahalarla

“umarım akşam porno sitelerine çıkmayız” dedi.

Categories: Uncategorized

The Tanya Sessions Ch. 5

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Big Dicks

I found you lying there in bed, a cover only covering your top half. From your toes to your waist was completely uncovered, almost inviting me to come play with you. You were just waking up as I began to slide onto the bed, sliding my hands up your calves, slowly spreading your legs nice and wide as I moved my way up them. I began to kiss at your knees and slowly worked my way down your thighs, eventually moving to your inner thighs, causing you to moan and shift slightly.

You then rolled over; causing me to duck out of the way a bit as you swung your legs over. In doing so, you rolled completely out of the covers, tossing them aside as you did, still not fully awake. I smiled and slid my hands up the back of your legs, slowly kneading them under my thick fingers. You let out a sigh of delight as my hands reached your ass, and I began massaging it gently. I slid up on you, working my hands to your thong, and I slowly began tugging it off of you, working it down your thighs and calves. I tossed your panties aside and slid up between your thighs, pressing myself against you.

I saw your hands grab the sheets and you pulled on them hard, moaning with delight, still thinking it might be a dream. I slowly leaned over you and I whispered in your ear to wake you up. Your eyes flew open and you realized where I was. You immediately tried to get up, but I placed a hand on the back of your neck and I began massaging it gently, to make you hot and bothered and to get you to relax a bit at the same time. You immediately settle down and let me begin to please you, as my hand stroked your pussy gently, occasionally fingering your clit as I felt myself hardening against you. You reached out and grabbed the edge of the bed as I moved my other free hand back and freed up my cock from my pants. I then slid my hands over the soft flare of your hips and I pulled you back into me, sliding my cock into you nice and deep, but slowly, holding it deep inside you to let you get used to feeling my hardness inside you again.

You moan nice and loud and begin begging me to fuck you and make it rough. I oblige you, starting slow and picking up the pace until I’m working my cock in and out of you nice and hard, our skin slapping together as I continue to pull you back into me. After a few moments I hear you begin to moan loud and long for me to spank you while I ride your pussy hard. I begin spanking you at the same time as I begin rolling my cock in you in circles, pulling it around all inside you, dragging it along your Göztepe Escort pussy at every possible angle as I slide myself in and out of you harder and faster. I slide my hands down your sides and I begin teasing your breasts, playing with your nipple ring as I knead your luscious breasts under my hands roughly. I keep working my cock into you harder and faster with each second, keeping my cock going deep into you with each thrust. You continue to moan loud, all the while drawing your breath in ragged gasps between moans and screams. I feel your pussy begin to tighten on my cock, and in response I pull out of you, not ready to cum yet and not wanting to have you cum before me.

I grab one of your hips and roll you over, then I grab your wrists and I pin them to the bed as I slide down between your thighs. I slide my cock back into you and I begin working it into you nice and slow again. I feel you wrap your legs around my waist as I struggle to keep your hands pinned to the mattress. Finally I move your hands to the headboard and I refuse to let go unless you grab it and keep your hands there. After you do, I move my hands down to your ass and I begin pulling you up into me, causing your entire pussy to rub along my cock as I worked it in and out of you. I feel myself finally begin to swell inside you and I feel you again begin to tighten on my cock as I work down into you faster and faster with each second. Finally the two of us both surge toward cumming, and I feel myself finally ready to release. At this point, you no longer can hold it in either, and your hands come flying off the headboard to my back, where you begin digging your nails in more and more, causing me pain as well as the pleasure of working my cock into you. In response I work my cock harder and harder into you, slamming us together almost painfully. Your cries of ecstasy become intense as the pain mixes with pleasure for both of us. Finally we both explode into each other, you dragging your nails across my flesh, drawing blood as you cum all over my cock. I explode violently into you as I slam my cock into you deeper and harder than ever before, causing you to scream at the top of your lungs, as we are both fulfilled.

I collapse onto you, having spent most, if not all of my energy. You, however, are not totally spent and you shift your hips slightly, rolling yourself over on top of me. You roll off of me and then you lay to the side of me, your hand trailing down my chest, both of us breathing heavily as we lie there for İstanbul Escort a moment. Your hand finally dives down to my cock, and you begin stroking me gently with your hand, working on making me hard again. I feel myself start to harden slightly, but when you realize that I’m not going to get completely hard without some serious help, you slide your mouth around me and begin bobbing your head up and down while working your hand in tune with it. Quickly I become hard again, and you stop when you realize this, then you swing a leg over and position your pussy just over my cock. You then slide down it slowly, working the head inside you, then working the rest of it into you by dropping onto me hard, causing me to moan and groan loudly as you slam down onto me, our skin slapping together hard.

You then grab my hands, much as I did to you, but instead you move them to your breasts and I palm and knead them as you begin to ride me, rocking your hips down onto me. You reach back with both hands and spread my legs apart, so you can drop down between my legs as you rock back. You rock back and forth hard, occasionally putting your hands back on the bed near my legs as you rock your hips up, keeping my cock inside you and making it bend almost painfully. I keep my hands on your breasts despite the pain and pleasure you were putting me through, squeezing them hard as you ride me. I feel myself begin to swell hard inside you, and you move a hand down under you as you rock harder and harder on me. You squeeze my cock hard, trying to keep me from cumming for as long as you can. I feel you begin to throb on my cock as your pussy becomes even more hot and wet than before. You keep moaning loud and long as you grind down onto me, still squeezing my cock hard to keep me from cumming until you do. I finally don’t think I can hold it any longer, and just at that point, you rock up hard then spasm and I feel your juices coat my cock. You pull your hand off my cock and collapse onto me just as I cum, and you cry out one last time as my hot juice flows into you. I slide my hands to your hips and I pull you up off of me slowly, all the while kissing your lips and neck as I roll you to the side and lay you down next to me.

We lay there for a few moments together before I get up and head off to the shower…After a few moments of washing myself off, I hear the bathroom door open and I pull back the curtain, offering you a spot in the shower with me. You brush up against me, pressing your ass against my cock for Anadolu Yakası Escort a second, then sliding your hand to it. I begin washing you off, sliding the soap over your wet skin as the water cascades down over us both. After a couple minutes I lean in and kiss your neck gently, then whisper in your ear that I’m going down on you. I slide around in front of you, my hands on your waist for a moment, pulling you to me before I kiss down your neck, chest, then over your breasts and stomach. I then pull your hands to the shower wall as I get down to your pussy, the water dribbling down over both of our bodies. I begin to lash your pussy with my tongue, laying it flat as I run it over you, then sucking on your clit and working my lips and tongue side to side and top to bottom on it. You moan loud and tell me to keep going. I keep working you over with my tongue, occasionally letting it dive into your pussy as I keep working you over, stopping only to suck on your clit as before.

Before too long, not for growing bored with it but for wanting to try something new, I slide around behind you and I place my hands on your ass. I spread your ass nice and wide open and slide my cock into it, then I begin working it roughly into your ass, sliding it all the way in and almost all the way out with each thrust. As I’m already hard again, I feel myself begin to swell in your tight ass as I work my hard length in and out of you. I grab the washcloth and I pull my cock out of your ass, then I clean it off as you moan loud, waiting for me to do something more.

After I clean it, I slide my cock into your pussy hard and deep right away, then I begin working it into you hard and fast, making you have to stand on your tiptoes. I wrap your long, flowing hair in my hand and I begin tugging on it enough to make it pleasurable when combined with me working my cock into your pussy hard and fast. I feel you begin to throb and tighten on my cock as you begin building toward a strong cum, since the two of us are both still so hot from the last two times. I finally can hold it no longer, and I tell you I’m about to cum. You respond by sliding a hand back between us and clamping it around my cock, forcing me to hold off cumming again until you can fully build up toward being fulfilled completely. And when I feel your pussy begin to throb and tighten on me hard as I work my cock into you deep and fast. Finally I feel you tighten on me unbearably and you release your grip on my cock just before you explode all over me, and I release hard into you. After a few moments of holding my cock in you, I slowly pull out and let the water wash both you and I off. Finally we go back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed together, kissing and cuddling before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Categories: Uncategorized

The Trip

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“Oh for goodness sake, she’s just an old friend, ok?” Emily climbed off Jack’s lap, fat lips sneering at his flagging member. She pulled up her underwear.

“And yet you refer to her as your ‘first love’, and boast about your… antics , even while I’m inside you?”

Em glared and his stomach wrenched. He wanted the big seductive eyes back. Her wetness chilled on him. She clawed her new, boyish hairdo in frustration. “Years ago at college! Look, you want me to cancel France? Is that what it’s going to take to get you hard again?”

“You talk about this bloody trip too much.”

“What? You think I want to get back together with Beatrice? Now? Right there in her husband’s villa? I see how you look at her. You perve on the thought of us together.”

“Oh yes. That’s what’s got me so hard right now. The thought of watching my wife finally, for once in her life, enjoying oral. With her ex.”

That’s when Em slapped him.


They travelled separately to Provence, as Jack had a conference in France, the reason why Beatrice had suggested they all meet up in the first place. He took as long as he could getting there.

His wife’s confession about her past had been hard to take, but he could accept it as that. The past. However, now it was all out in the open, why did she have to dwell on it? Did she really think he enjoyed hearing the explicit details of the things she did with her lesbian lover? “Beatrice fingered me in church… She loved to lick me from behind… often we were both wet to the knees…”

Meanwhile, she was so reticent with him. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. This weekend would be the ultimate test.

The villa was enormous and beautiful, dappled by cool leafy sunlight and set in its own grounds. Not only was Beatrice a sexual threat, but her husband, the much-feted Parisian artist Le Génie, could afford all this, too? Jack’s manhood shrivelled.

Then Beatrice answered the door.

Beatrice. The bright, happy – irrepressibly flirtatious – artist’s model-turned-muse with her sexy accent and carefree curves and cheeky pout. She threw her arms around him, and for a moment, he was lost in the flowery dampness of her long, dark, just-washed hair.

She reached up and kissed him, French style, once on each cheek. He hugged her, English style, as if she was his maiden aunt. The woman was wildly voluptuous compared to his elfin wife. He had to admit, Emily had impeccable taste in women.

“Bonjour, lovely boy!” She sung and grabbed his hand, hauling him inside. “Le Génie has gone to pick up Emmy in the car. The airport taxis are a rip off. “

She dressed like a gypsy next to the tailored city fashions that Em favoured, her bare feet slap-slapping on cool, smooth flagstones as she led him through the house, turning all the usual polite questions into the bubbliest of conversation. She all but pushed him into their guesthouse, next to a long pool.

“Here you are, all yours, have a swim if you like, but please come and drink wine with me, oui?”

The water looked enticing after his long journey – and Jack wasted no time in getting into his swimming shorts – but then became possessed of a sudden awkwardness about revealing himself to Beat, who sat waiting outside. He loitered by the pool-house door, unsure if he should change back into his clothes. Was this proper? To be half dressed, alone, with his wife’s ex?

“Hurry up!” Beatrice bellowed quite suddenly, as if reading his mind, “Let me see this fabulous physique Emmy gloats over so!”

Bereft of any choice, Jack stepped out to wolf-whistles and dived into the pool. The shock of freezing water took his breath away as he crawled across to where Beatrice sat with a bottle, dangling her feet in the water, dark peasant skirt up around her brown knees. She giggled as he gasped to a stop. “The pool is fed straight from the mountains,” she said, “I forgot to say. Sorry. Drink this.” Beatrice shoved a large glass of red wine at him and gulped at hers. “Let them find us in-flagrante delicto, non?”

Jack smirked. “I don’t believe that means what you think it does, Beatrice.”

She sipped, and sparkled at him. Jack was suddenly thankful for the cold water. He glugged wine. “Where is my wife, and your perfect man, then hmm?” He said, feeling her eyes drilling into his chest.

Beatrice sighed. “Oui, they are taking far too long. But Le Génie is not so perfect. I am cross with him.” She pulled a goose-bumped foot out of the pool and cupped toes in her hands.

Jack squirmed; he did not want to be drawn into taking sides in a lovers tiff. He held his Maltepe Escort tongue. Beatrice growled anyway. “He is so selfish, you know?”

He gestured to the pool and house. “He seems to be providing you with a good life, to me.”

“No.” She pressed her lips to a raised knee as if to shut herself up, then blurted. “I mean as a lover. You two are so lucky to enjoy licking each other so. With him it is like-” she mimicked him, grimacing and sticking out her tongue. “Sorry. You are English I know, you don’t talk of such things.”

Jack downed his wine and dunked his head in the water. Beatrice roared with laughter and refilled his glass. The sun, the wine, this beautiful, candid, woman. He felt dizzy already and left the glass alone. But…

“Em said that?”


“That we… she and I enjoy…” He rolled his hand. Beat peered down at him almost in triumph.

“What, this is not true?”

“No. It’s great. Just, well. Never mind.”

Beatrice smiled and patted his arm. Her hand hot and soft. “You forget how well I know your lovely wife, Jack. She is also a little like Le Génie, non? Why do you think we split up, her and me. I know she enjoys receiving a lot more than… giving.”

Hot, lapping, silence consumed them.

Beatrice clasped her hands between her knees and flipped her legs in the water. “What is taking our lovers so long!” she gasped, cheeks pink.

Probably the wine, Jack deduced. It was certainly getting to him. Then, as if to prove the point, he blustered, “Probably in a field somewhere tearing each other’s clothes off.”

Beatrice sniggered. “Oui, enjoying a lovely soixante-neuf on the grass. Laughing and licking and climaxing…”

“Yes! That’s it, the bastards.” Jack laughed too loudly. His heart hammering fit to burst, unlocking every brain cell and releasing all sense. He slapped Beat’s knee. “Come on then, our turn! Get your knickers off girl!”

His attempt at bawdy humour barked out over the water and away into the icy mountains. Beatrice arched her great dark eyebrows and her smile trembled, then disappeared. She blinked slowly. A long terrible moment eked itself out. Jack closed his eyes in shame, waiting for the gentle rejection.

“Monsieur, I would certainly remove my underwear, if…” Her voice was a husky whisper, “… if I was wearing any.”

Such a quiet bombshell. Jack cleared his throat and Beatrice chuckled. She stroked one foot with the other. They both watched her legs.

“I suppose,” Jack felt a warm stirring in his shorts, “It’s just too hot for undergarments.”

“Maybe.” Beatrice shrugged. “But when one is to entertain a beautiful man, it is just exciting to be secretly naked, non?”

Her dark eyes seemed to fill the sky. He pulled himself out of the water and splashed onto the poolside. She made no secret of staring into his lap. He leant back, letting the water run off his skin and his shorts squirm beneath her gaze, secretly glad that the heat of the wine and the conversation seemed to mitigate any cold-shrinkage down there. This was ok. Flirtation. No harm in it.

“No. You’re teasing me.” He said, trying not to blare another nervous laugh.

Beatrice stood and swirled her skirt with contrived flamboyance as she pivoted and strode away, revealing in an irresistible glimpse of clefts that she definitely was not teasing.

Jack rose and followed, possessed by the notion that they were beyond flirtation now, and then mesmerised by the wobbling swing of her hips as she climbed the stairs. In her bedroom, she reclined in the corner of a window seat, sat carelessly with her skirt gathered between rudely splayed knees.

She tilted her lips up at him as he stood beside her, but this was not what he wanted. She pressed the palm of her hand to the stiffness in his shorts, and he flexed against it, then gripped her skirt and pulled it up as if tearing aside the last shred of their conscience.

She watched him take in her mound and swung her knees wider. He settled between them and pushed his mouth to her flushed folds, so much fuller than Em’s, and lapped his tongue into a shocking slickness. After months without the marshmallow resilience of a woman in his mouth, jack’s head spun. He groaned and his manhood bucked in his shorts.

Beatrice pulled her legs up and back and muttered in staccato french, moaning and gasping as he devoured her sex, relishing its salty heat and the eager grind of her hips at his mouth. When she cried out and locked her hands behind his head, and then her feet too, he found himself humming as loudly as Beatrice. It had Anadolu Yakası Escort been so long since he had pleased a woman this much, this way, that his eyes moistened at the bliss of it.

She arched and howled “Oui! OUI!” And Jack laughed, licked, and gulped at the illicitly satisfying pulse of her juices as she ground out a deep, writhing climax on his tongue.

She shuddered and swore as he eased off his licking, kissing her lightly and enjoying her post orgasmic slinkiness. She took his head in both hands and peered down at him.

She stooped and kissed him, her tongue flipping in his mouth. “You like to eat me?” She said, biting a drop of her own moisture from her lips. Jack nodded, wiping his hand across his.

“Prove it.” Beatrice nodded at his trunks. He stood and presented his hips to her, his cock ridiculously stuck out the top, harder than he had ever been.

“Oh, Oui…” Beatrice pulled the shorts down and took hold of his member, her hot hand delicious on his chilled skin. “What a delightful brute! That is too hard, it will burst, non?” She pressed a kiss to it and sighed, her breath rolled down his shaft along with a teased-out drop of pre-cum. She swung her tongue around him, chuckling as his knees trembled.

“I’m not finished,” he said and pushed her back. She beamed and lifted her hips and he impaled her effortlessly and deeply in one slow stroke. Her jaw dropped and her sex fluttered as she engulfed him, chewing her hips at his strokes.

“Merde.” She breathed, “This will not take—”

The crunch of tyres on gravel below, just outside the open window, jolted Jack to a halt.

“No!” Beatrice wrapped her legs around his hips as he pulled away in panic.”I am too close!” She wriggled her hips at him to speed up. He pushed firmly and quickly.

The car stopped and a brake cranked. From their position, they could see through the passenger window, into Emily’s lap. With a twist of guilt he recognised the grey silk chinoise dress Em would wear to please him.

Beatrice huffed and puffed her whispering encouragement, grinning down at the cuckolds. “Oui, oui… don’t stop. Oh… how… delicious…”

Jack was torn between the picture of unequivocal, blushed, pleasure spread before him and the torturing glimpse of his wife and Le Génie, outside. He pushed as hard and fast as he could into the clamouring woman, desperate for her to orgasm so they could compose themselves before they were caught. At the same time he was shocked at the strength of his ardour, that the urge to please Beatrice was more compelling than even the terror of being discovered.

Beatrice seemed unconcerned, worse, she seemed to be enjoying the moment, her cries mounting in volume. He pushed his hand over her mouth but this seemed to drive her even wilder.

Then everything went strange, as -in the car – a man’s hand leant over Emily’s lap and pulled up her skirt. Emily didn’t stop him. She remained with the silk around the crease of her thighs, revealing her stocking tops and panties. Her wedding lingerie, in fact.

Beatrice whimpered and shuddered. “They can’t… see us!” she said, eyes wide and riveted, also, to the oddness playing out below.

Emily leant back and pulled the skirt higher, sliding her hips to the edge of the seat and opening her knees a little. Displaying herself.

“Oh Oui!” Beatrice rammed her hips hard at Jack’s thrusts.

Emily tugged down the waist of her underwear and exposed her nakedness to the driver. She had done something to her mound. Gone was her honey tuft of hair. What kind of nightmare was this? Jack wanted to climax, and howl in pain. He swallowed at a hard lump in his throat even as Beatrice swallowed his hardness between her legs. The man patted his wife’s smooth bald folds like a puppy’s head. What kind of reaction was that?

Beatrice rolled her eyes and locked rigid. Jack rammed and hauled her orgasm out of her, holding up her feet, grinding his teeth as Emily fixed her clothing and got out of the car. Alerted by Beatrice’s cries of pleasure, she peered up at them.

Beatrice stirred her hips and wound down her orgasm whilst waving feverishly to Emily. “We are in flagrante delicto!” she squealed. Jack set his jaw. Emily frowned, smoothed the front of her skirt, and charged into the house. The car pulled away.

Beatrice’s eager sex, combined with the sight of his wife’s own infidelity had balled him up inside. So, even though Beatrice had climaxed and was crimson and floppy beneath him; even though his wife’s footfalls trotted up the stairs toward them, he could not stop İstanbul Escort pushing his aching manhood relentlessly in and out of that slavering hole. He would confront Emily like this, fucking her best friend. Her first love’s juices stringing off his fucking balls.

Emily charged into the room, screaming.

“Yay!” she shrieked and grabbed Jack’s face, covering it in kisses, her tongue plunging into his mouth. She smacked her lips. “Salty!” she said, and slapped his bare arse. “I hope that means what I think it does. Darling Cherie!” She spun and launched herself onto Beatrice’s face next. “Clever girl! I didn’t think you could do it!”

She pulled away and regarded the pair, hands clasped and joggling on the spot, eyes flicking over them as if they were a fairground ride and she was working out where to get on.

Beatrice, it seemed, had devolved to pure animal. It was all she could do to rock her hips at him, her hand squeezing Em’s bottom. “Jack is about to give me my third orgasm, darling Emmy, can I have him one more minute?” she purred.

“Yummy, I’ll watch.” Emily unhooked her shoulder straps and let her dress slide to the floor. ” Your hubbie didn’t agree with my choice of lingerie, Beatie.”

“Darling… oh… my husband is gay. Unless you had a cock in there… ah… he will not care… oh…”

Em smiled and wriggled off her panties. “He liked my Hollywood wax, though.” She posed, twirling the silk underwear around her finger. Jack gawped at his wife as if for the first time, resplendent in bra, stockings, and absolutely nothing else. Other than a look of perfect joy. Even her newly revealed intimate lips seemed happy, poking out a cheeky pink tongue; she chuckled and kissed him again.

“Come on, don’t slow down, can’t you see she’s close? I hope you didn’t mind our little subterfuge?”

Beatrice groaned, Jack gripped her hips and shoved hard into her gaping slot. “I’ll cope, I think,” he said. Em was already climbing onto the window seat with them, standing astride her friend with her naked rump toward him.

“There is a rental fee for my hubby,” Em said, pushing her hips at Beatrice’s face. It was the last straw for the woman’s resolve. Jack glimpsed a wet tongue slide up into his wife and then Beatrice shuddered into another rigid, though muffled, orgasm.

Em watched Jack over her shoulder with huge hooded eyes as her Beatrice screeched a climax into her sex and Jack slid hard and fast between her best friend’s thighs. Em grasped her bottom and dug her nails into it. “Oh God yes,” she muttered and shivered, stirring her hips on Beatrice’s face.

The roller coaster ride of an afternoon had left Jack unsure whether he would orgasm any second or never again. He decided to just go with it while he had it, and slid out of Beatrice. He stood on the seat and slid straight up into his wife.

Emily laughed with a wild abandon Jack had never heard from her before. Her friend cackled, licking them both eagerly as he impaled Em deeply from behind.

“There it is!” Beatrice said, “At last! The Laugh!”

The Laugh? This extreme pleasure was that common – for them – it had a name. Why didn’t he know this? A dark flash of doubt had Jack faltering; a doubt consumed by his wife’s tight, shockingly liquid hollow, the slender writhe of her hips and the flared plumping of her bottom. Everything underscored by Beatrice, licking Em’s juices from his balls.

Jack decided to stop worrying. He increased his speed until Em’s buttocks slapped on his front and Beatrice licked and sucked everything that came into range.

Em emitted a long, low moan. It had been so long since he’d heard this noise; he had quite forgotten what it meant. Beatrice didn’t miss the cue and sat to attention. When it hit him, that his wife was about to climax, every lock sprung inside him. He moaned too.

“Yes,” Em muttered into his ear, her head lolling back in the crook of his neck. “Cum with me.”

“Oui, oui! hmmf!” Beatrice pressed her lips to Em’s bud and with a juddering howl Emily was sucked, and fucked, into orgasm. Jack locked too, tried to control his thrusts as long as he could, then plunged wildly as he erupted into his wife.

Beatrice laughed all the way through their blissful twitching, lapping them through it and refusing to stop when they finally calmed down. She sparkled up at them, running her tongue along his glossy length as Jack withdrew. He shivered and Em laughed and hopped in hysterics as Beatrice probed a cheeky tongue inside her.

“So, darling Jack, tell me,” Em said, climbing off them both. “Still think I was looking forward to this trip too much?”

But Jack was lost, Beatrice taking his idly pumping member into her mouth and drawing on it with a blissful hum. Em stroked her friend’s hair, watching. Her lip curled. “Oh, and by the way, both of you?” she said. “I will never do… that.”

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The Sweetest!

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He comes to me each night and I long for the day to end just so I can be with him. He fills me with his spirit, and I am satiated.

Each night I prepare myself for him. I lavish my body in a bath of lavender scented oils. I sponge the warm water over my skin and breathe in the sensual aroma of the candles. I let my hands wander over my body, feeling the softness of my skin. I feel I could almost sleep in this oasis of warmth and aroma.

Wrapping myself in the thickest towel, I pat my skin dry. Small drops of water still drip from my shoulder length hair, causing tiny rivers down my spine as I move from the warm lush bathtub to the edge of my bed.

Wanting to be soft to his touch, I smooth cream all over my skin with the palms of my hands. I want him to be surrounded by the sweet scent of my perfume. To be mesmerized by the silky feel of my skin. My fingers massage the cream into the calves of my legs and then up over my stomach. It is all I can do to resist the temptation of letting them slip between my thighs. By now thoughts of him occupy every corner of my mind and I can feel the swelling and heat that comes from the memories of him.

Carelessly, I allow my hands to run down over my stomach and fall between my aching, swollen loins. Ecstasy envelops me and it is all I can do to stop myself from falling backwards onto the bed, surrendering myself to these blissful yearnings.

The wind blows the curtains billowing into my room, breaking my reverie and I move to the window. I can hear his voice calling me in the night. My name on his lips! How I love to kiss those sweet, delectable lips. I know he’ll be here soon.

Still naked, I admire my body in the mirror. Tracing a finger down my side and smiling at what I see. I enjoy how my breasts heave as I take a deep breathe, thinking of him Maltepe Escort kissing me. With only a gold necklace around my neck, there is nothing to interfere with his hands that will want to explore all of me as he makes me his own.

The silk wrap on the chair shall be my blanket. The feel of it on my skin makes me shiver. I lie on the bed and wait.

Slowly I drag the fabric up over my body. The coolness of it make my breasts scream and nipples taut. I let it slip between my legs and feel it pull up against me, as I slowly drag it. I am completely covered. He will enjoy coming in and seeing me this way. Lying in bed, naked and waiting only for him.

My eyes are closed, but I feel him drawing near. The wind blows in again through the window. I feel the softness of it caress my skin. Then I’m not sure if it is the wind or his breath I feel. The silk scarf falls away from my body as I wait for him with great anticipation.

I feel him trace his finger over my cheek and then my lips. I want to take it into my mouth but he draws away. With my eyes closed, I can’t see him. I only feel him. His finger continues over my chin and down slowly along my neck. I take a deep breath as I feel a shiver run through me. I know his eyes are drinking in my nakedness. I can somehow feel his heart beating quickly; I hear his breath coming in a soft whisper. He is calling my name, teasing me by brushing the silk scarf over my breasts. I arch my back, aching for him to touch me. Wanting his hands to cup my breasts, massage them. I long for him to roll my nipples between his fingers. The silk scarf slides lower down my body and I am exposed entirely in the pale moonlight.

I know he must be enjoying this moment. I am his, and his alone. I feel him draw near me. He whispers in my ear – a husky, beckoning İstanbul Escort call filled with an urgency that we are both consumed with. His lips are on the nape of my neck, his hands tracing circles around my breasts. I am paralyzed with ecstasy. My lips are begging to be kissed, and when they meet his the desire in my body comes alive. I nibble and taste him. I long to just run my tongue over his lips, to suck on them. His kisses fill my body with waves of delight as his hands rub my nipples and softly squeeze my breasts. I must have more of him.

I hungrily kiss his neck and run my lips to his chest. My hands feel the tight muscles in his back, as he so carefully lets his body hover over mine. I am lost in this emotion. I am lost in his touch. Like a doll he puts his hands under me and pulls me to him. There isn’t a questioning look. He understands my need. His lips hungrily find my breasts, and suck on my nipples as my intense moans grow. Fingers are running down, pressing in between my legs. Oh, how I want to feel you touch me. They tease, feel, play and I push my hips skywards, urgently wanting them inside. Longing for them to penetrate deep inside, to satisfy that intense desire.

His Lips are like fire moving down my body and I feel his hard maleness moving from my thigh down. I sigh and press my hips deep into the bed under me. Enticing him to move lower, screaming in my mind for his kisses to reach farther down. I am his goddess, my moans his call. He is rewarded with every soft moan and sigh as he lets his lips fall to me. His tongue presses between my sweet lips; tasting the desire he’s created. My mind blank, my body moves with a rhythm of its own. My fingers run through his hair, as he teases me with butterfly kisses.

Feeling his breath against my thigh, his Anadolu Yakası Escort tongue dancing, I am drowning in a wave of rapture. A moment is lost; there isn’t thought or sound. Only the explosive pleasure he brings to me.

My eyes flutter open and I see him. A glow from the window washes over his body. I reach for him, pulling him to me. He pushes his body against mine, his hips between my trembling thighs. He takes my hands and puts them above my head, his fingers wrap around my wrists, holding me there, immobilized by his strength and desire. I slowly feel him press into me while my lips eagerly meet his. My breasts arch into his chest and slowly he starts making love to me.

He continues to hold my hands away from his body and only allows me to explore him with my lips. I am insane in wanting to touch him. I want to pull his hips into me, run my hands over his back. I want to gently trace his lips and kiss them greedily. I seek out his lips, and bite down on them as his thrusts inside me quicken. I can’t breathe as my body consumes him. The sweat rolling down his back drips onto my stomach and he groans as he nuzzles into my neck and sends me reeling. I drag my hands out of his and reach for his body. Stroking him, feeling his skin, pulling him so deep into me that I want to scream, from sheer passion. I hear myself calling out his name and he responds with a soft moan. I push him from me and turn onto my tummy. I drag his hands around me until I feel his chest brush my back. I sway my hips into him and tease him until he grabs them and takes me forcefully.

Both of us moan from the sheer animalistic desire that takes over. The urges to just devour each other. His hands reach and squeeze my breasts. I push my back into him and turn enough to reach his lips with my own. Ragged breaths. Strong moans. Deep, hard strokes. He clutches me to him and with a final plunge into the depth of my soul, he shudders against me. He is mine. For that one suspended moment, we are one. Phantom lovers, spirits that mix together, and share a passion, in the darkest still of the night.

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The Truth of My Spring Break Ch. 02

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Kenna jumped as the doorbell rang. Was she really ready for this? She squared her shoulders and checked herself in the mirror one last time. Perfect… short tight jean skirt, tiny black tank top, bed rumpled hair. She took a deep breath and pulled the door open. She could do this, this wasn’t that hard. Take it one moment at a time. As their eyes locked it was as if they had never been apart. There stood Billy in his old ripped up jeans and t-shirt. Looking like he had stepped out of the pages of an Anne Rice novel with his long black hair and seductive eyes. She heard someone clearing their throat and the trance was broken. Looking down she saw a plain girl, standing to the side and slightly behind Billy. Her eyes ran up and down, taking inventory. The girl was short… maybe five two, and chubby. She wasn’t ugly really, just uninspired. Her face was round, her eyes were brown… dark kind of curly hair pulled back. She was wearing jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, and Kenna was amazed that anyone would dress so fully for a California summer. The girl was shifting back and forth from one foot to the other, obviously uncomfortable. Kenna bit the inside of her cheek and thought to herself “Here goes nothing “

She motioned for the two of them to enter the apartment and take a seat on the couch. With a confident smile that she didn’t really feel she asked “Would either of you like something to drink?” Billy shook his head and the girl just looked at the floor.

“Hey babes,” Billie said as he relaxed back into the couch, “This is Anadolu Yakası Escort Lindy.” Kenna smiled and said everything that was polite but she could tell that the girl wasn’t comfortable. Hell, who could blame her. I mean here she is meeting the girl who he was prepared to spend the rest of his life with and they’ve been together for like three months.

As things progressed they just got more awkward. The girl was obviously pissed, and her passive aggressive bullshit was starting to give Kenna headache. Couldn’t this girl just come out and say it already. It was obvious that she didn’t fit. Billy and Kenna knew each other too well. They shard private jokes, they could speak to each other without voicing a word. Of course Lindy didn’t fit. I mean what is three months compared to three years? Even the radio was conspiring against her, playing all of their old songs. Lindy finally spoke up, shocking the hell out of Kenna. “She speaks Who knew?” Kenna snickered to herself.

Looking so painfully uncomfortable that putting her out of her misery almost seemed justified Lindy whispered “I feel like the third wheel on a date.” Kenna and Billy both tried to make her more comfortable. Billy let go of Kenna’s hand and put his arm around Lindy, and Kenna attempted to be nice by telling her that it was only old friendship and that it just took time to get to know people this well. By the time three hours had passed Lindy had to leave for work and she did not look at all happy about leaving Billy alone with Kenna. She offered Kurtköy Escort to call in sick, but Billy assured her that Kenna would take care of him. Kenna shook her head at his choice of words but didn’t say anything.

After Lindy had left for work Kenna suggesting driving around and looking at some of their old haunts. They drove around talking for hours and ended up at an office building. The building was never locked and they had started out using the bathrooms at night when they were out with their friends and didn’t want to drive too far. After discovering that the place was never locked and always empty at night they had started using the bathrooms for something more ummm… involved. As it turned out Kenna needed to get rid of the 44 oz Dr. Pepper she had drank, and so they snuck into the building and up to the third floor.

Kenna wasn’t looking for anything else… she honestly just had to pee… but the memories were all around her. Being there with Billy made it seem as if they had never broken up, as if they had never been apart. Their connection was as strong as ever. When they reached the bathrooms they didn’t speak. They just looked at each other, and as the bathroom door closed behind them their lips locked. Clothes were thrown everywhere as their tongues dueled. It felt so good, so right, to be there with him… to be holding him…. kissing him. In that moment nothing and noone else existed. They were alone in the world, touching and tasting each other. He pushed her down onto the floor and as he came down Pendik Escort on top of her she wrapped her legs around him. Her arms went up over her head, hands flat against the wall to brace her body. Their eyes locked as he slid into her and groaned. She threw her head back and began to pump her hips. The entire room went out of focus. They were the only two people on earth, the only thing that mattered was how good she felt. She reached out with her tongue to lick the sweat off of his neck, and her entire body arched off of the floor. She exploded, tightening around him in spasms. She heard him moan once, twice… and then he went still inside of her.

Kenna opened her eyes to see Billy holding his body about an inch above hers. He slowly slid out of her as he sat up and pulled her up with him. Their eyes locked for a moment, and in that moment she knew. This was it… this was all they had for now. She wasn’t going back. He wouldn’t leave. Their lives were separate now. Kenna stood all the way up and began to get dressed. She laughed when she saw the mess he had made of her hair and did her best to straiten it with her fingers. He groaned when he felt the wet spot on his jeans. This had happened, they couldn’t take it back. Kenna didn’t honestly know if she wanted to take it back. Now, well now it was time for damage control. They made their way down to the parking lot and leaned up against the car. Kenna lit up a smoke and Billy joined her. As they stood there in silence a familiar car drove by. “SHIT!” Billy whispered. “Did you see that?”

“Yeah,” Kenna said back, “just relax… she probably didn’t notice us and even if she did… well it isn’t as if we are still naked.” They both heard the screech of brakes. Kenna rolled her eyes and got ready to face the dragon.

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She Was Everything

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I was walking through the house, I don’t remember why, especially after seeing her sitting there. There at her little makeshift desk crunching numbers she sat. For who or what I didn’t really care, I just noticed her sitting there with that tight t-shirt on. She never wore bras around the house, it only made things harder to access for me, a victim of being a male, I loved tits and her’s were perfect. On her small frame, they looked even bigger than they really were. Stretching the fabric tight across them, I swear that shirt was two sizes too small and it probably was, she loved to tease me nonchalantly.

I loved that way about her, how she would sit across from me reading a book or watching tv and slightly part her legs, just enough for me to see that she had no underwear on and if I was really lucky, a glimmer light from the delicious moisture that flowed from her. It would make me hard as a rock. We would sit there waiting to see who could hold out the longest. I would make no attempt to cover up the throbbing bulge in my pants, even shifting in my seat to show it off even more while catching her out of the corner of my eye staring at it. She didn’t like to let on but she craved my cock.

In a matter of time, she was always the one who couldn’t hold out, often excusing herself to go to the kitchen or some other place in the house, usually to pull up her skirt and plunge a finger or two into her hot slit while moaning softly, the only loud noise coming from her wetness. After a minute or two I would follow after her only to stumble upon her in a moment of weakness. I could only watch her, skirt hiked up, leaning on the counter with her legs spread, fingers working herself over trying to cum. The juices had formed a small puddle on the floor, her hand glistening as it plunged in and out. After seeing that, I had to pull my cock out, it was starting to hurt straining so hard against my jeans. I stood there erect, watching this obscene display with precum dripping out of me onto the floor.

I couldn’t stand it anymore, the things this girl does to me. I walked up behind her, she didn’t even notice, lost in her own near-orgasmic world, and slid my hand around her neck Kartal Escort and squeezed gently. This was all it took as she moaned loudly and came hard. Feeling her shake as I bent her over the counter I couldn’t help but smile. Letting go of her neck, I pulled her shirt up releasing her perfect breasts with the rock hard nipples onto the cold countertop, then reached for both hands and pulled them behind her back. I held them there with one hand, the other pushing her back down onto the counter. She knew better than to resist.

I eased up behind her, my cock sliding up between her legs and over the soaking wet lips of her pussy. I slowing slid over them again and again, enjoying the wanting moans she made. She wanted it so bad but I was going to take my time physically taunting her with each slow thrust coating my cock with her juices. Reaching up with my free hand and pulling her hair to the side exposing the side of her beautiful face, I licked from her shoulders up to neck, tasting her. I craved her, every square inch. I wanted to taste every single spot on her body, a lick here, a nibble there. On occasion I would even give her a bite, not hard enough to break the skin but enough to leave a mark, often on the edge of where her clothing would lie. A casual slip would inform anyone looking that she wasn’t the formal lady she appeared to be but a nympho in nuns clothing as it were.

I made my way up her neck with my tongue, licking and nibbling along the way. Pulling on her earlobe with my teeth, listening to her moan and feeling her close her legs to trap my cock between her thighs, squeezing me as tight as she can while I slowly thrust between them. It was when I reached her lips and they parted that I spread her lower lips with my cock, the instant our tongues touched was the same instant I sunk deep inside of her. Her tight pussy milking me for all I was worth. Kissing her while I slowly went as deep into her tight wet hole as I possibly could.

I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes for what seemed like forever, I felt like I could see into her very soul. I could see her want for me on that beautiful face of hers, her mouth forming the Pendik Escort words “fuck…me…please?…”. I knew what had to be done. I closed my eyes and stood back up, I could feel her tighten as she knew what was coming.

Looking down at that perfect round ass of hers, pulling my cock out slowly and pushing back in, giving her that feeling of fullness she desired. Watching her pussy lips stretched around my cock as her pussy desperately tries to pull me back in as I pull out. She starts to lean up off the counter in eagerness, she never could hold out for long. I gathered her hair in my hand and pushed her back down forcefully and relieved her of her wait. My cock started slamming in and out of her hard, deep, and fast. My thighs slapping against her ass, my balls slapping her clit with a moist sound escaping every time.

I pounded into her like a jackhammer, all the way out to the tip and back in as deep as I could go. Her moans told me I was giving her exactly what she needed as she made little animal noises. A squeak every now and again as I slammed into her so hard I must have hit her cervix. She loved every second of it. Letting go of her hair, I slapped her across the ass hard, again and again making her cheek glow a bright red. She was helpless to do anything, my other hand still holding both of hers behind the small of her back. I had complete control over her every move.

As the pressure built inside of me, I picked up the pace and fucked her harder than I thought possible. She was going to be sore for days after this, her punishment for her wanton acts. I let go of her hands but they stay where they are and reach up, pulling her back by her shoulders so we’re both standing, her big tits now free for me to grope and squeeze. Playing with her tits, pulling on her nipples until they’re hard enough to cut diamonds. Rolling them between my fingers gently at first, then pinching and pulling, an act that would cause her great pain but now only gives her immense pleasure. I roll them harder between my fingers while still fucking her pussy for all it’s worth, I want them to be sore as well, every shirt she wears for days will scrape across Göztepe Escort them making her tingle with every step she takes, every move she makes.

She’s almost there, almost to the point of cumming so hard she loses consciousness. Her legs are shaking and her knees are weak from the fucking I’ve been giving her. I can feel her pussy pulsing on my cock. It’s when she starts to shake at the onset of her earthshattering cum that I plunge deep inside of her and she squirts her girl juice all over my balls, some making it far enough to land on my legs. Her inner thighs have streaks of our juices going down past her knees. It’s as she’s still cumming that I pull out and push against her ass, she doesn’t even notice, she’s in her own little world. My dick coated in pussy lube, there’s no resistance as I slide in deep and start fucking her earnestly. This sets her off again and I can feel every muscle in her body tense as she writhes in pleasure.

I’m so close, I can feel my cum boiling inside of me. She’s still cumming, groaning loudly as she lays on the counter pushing her ass out against me. She starts coming back to earth as she turns enough for me to see her looking at me, biting her lower lip. Her tits jiggling with every thrust. From the squeezing I feel inside of her, I can tell she’s close yet again. I slap her ass again hard, watching her close her eyes in shock and pleasure, then reach around to flick my fingers across her clit in rhythm with my cock.

I’m on the verge of unleashing my load into her, the whole point of this entire exercise. She looks surprised when I stop rubbing her clit and pull out her tight ass but quickly understands as I pull her off the counter onto her shaky legs and push her down. She finds my cock and sticks it as far into her throat as she can while simultaneously cramming 3 fingers from one hand into herself and tugging at her clit with the other as I grab the sides of her head and fuck her mouth as I stare into her beautiful face. It’s at the point we cum at the same time, I flood her mouth with my cum, puffing out her cheeks before she can swallow it all as she squirts girl cum all over her hand before dripping into a puddle on the floor.

She finishes sucking the last drop out of me before letting my now spent cock fall from her lips. We’re both soaked with sweat as I steady myself and pull her up and hug her tightly to me. Our lips meet and our eyes close as we fall deep into eachother.

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The Two of Us (and Another)

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I called Tina and asked if she could get away for a night sometime this week.

There was silence from the other end of the phone line as she pondered. “I think I could make Friday night,” she said, “I must be back home by Saturday lunchtime though, what do you have in mind?”

“That’s perfect Tina,” I said, “I just want you to myself for a night of love, I thought we could go to a hotel somewhere, not too far away, we don’t want to drive far.”

So it was sorted, I booked a hotel only thirty minutes drive away, and early Friday evening we signed in at the reception. We hadn’t taken much gear with us, A change of clothes, and underwear each and our toothbrushes and that was about it.

We went up to our room and as soon as the door closed behind us, I pulled her into me, I crushed her to my chest and told her how much I had missed her.

“Me too,” she whispered.

I told her I had booked a table in the restaurant for eight o’clock, so we had two hours to ourselves till then. Tina had her arms round my neck, leaning back slightly as she looked at me and with her lower body pressed into my groin.

“What shall we do with those two hours?” she enquired amidst a giggle.

“Well,” I said, “I am sure the hotel will have a selection of board games we can hire, we can easily pass two hours playing that, OR, we can watch Gardeners World, on the TV, OR…” and I kissed her neck and squeezed her breast, “We can make wild passionate love, which would you prefer?”

“Go on then,” Tina laughed playfully, “lets make love, then I can get a good nights sleep later, when you are too tired to do it again.”

“No chance of that my darling, you will get no sleep tonight, I have not lashed out on this sumptuous hotel room for you to go to sleep,” and we laughed again. I put my lips to hers, and our tongues flicked together, open mouthed we kissed again, this time our tongues clinging together.

Slowly between kisses we undressed each other, Tina’s top, my shirt, her jeans, my jeans, her bra… Tina’s gorgeous breasts came tumbling out, I caught my breath, I marvelled wondrously at them, so round and soft and so perfect for the rest of her body, I bent my head and kissed each nipple, and licked around each one, we fell backwards onto the bed, with me on top, and for some minutes we kissed and caressed each others bodies.

After satisfying myself with her eyes and nose and cheeks and lips, I kissed the top of her chest, I moved my hand to the sides of her breasts, and just stroked her there, I kissed underneath her breasts and the top of her stomach. We still wore our pants, I turned her over so that she lay on her stomach, I knelt either side of her body and massaged her shoulders, then down to her bum cheeks, round, fleshy and soft.

I kissed her buttocks, and pulled the rear strip of her thong out of the crack of her perfect arse, I allowed my gaze to drift downwards as I pulled the strap until I could see the lovely peach shape of her beautiful pussy, so smooth and succulent, I eased her thong off.

Tina lay with her arms in front of her and with her head resting on them. I pushed her legs apart and ran my fingers along her pussy slit, pushing my fingers into her already wet hole,

I asked Tina to raise her bum up, as she did so I took my boxers off and held my now hard erect cock in readiness, her pussy was in direct line with my cock, and I guided it to her entrance, pushing forward as I did so, my cock slid into her tight cunt.

Tina pushed back on all fours, she squealed and moaned as my shaft filled her sex.

“Oh yes, push it in harder she called to me, I began to fuck her with long slow strokes, gradually increasing my pace, faster and harder, I banged against her bum cheeks, reaching under her body to feel her nipples and squeeze her tits, then I held her hips and pulled and pushed her soft body harder and faster into mine.

Tina whimpered then shouted loudly, the bed shook and the room seemed to rattle, she cried out and raised and shook her body aggressively, I hung on to her knowing she had cum, I felt round her pussy and the cum dripped from her.

Resuming my thrusts, my thick cock stretched her hole, more thrusts and my eyes screwed up, my face tingled and my motion froze for a second before I ejaculated my entire balls full of cum deep into her welcoming pussy.

Tina fell forward onto her face and I lay on top of her, resting on her spongy buttocks, it felt so comfortable, we didn’t speak for ages, then I whispered in her ear, “Shall we Maltepe Escort play that board game?”

It was time we got down to the restaurant for dinner, we showered together then dressed and went downstairs, the dining room was quite full but our table was ready for us and we settled down to enjoy our meal.

It was a good atmosphere in the restaurant and we chatted to the waiter, he told us that later that night a singer would be performing in the lounge, I asked who and he said it was Donny Gaul, the Irish folk singer, we laughed out loud at his name, knowing full well that it was just for his act.

“Shall we go and listen,” I asked Tina.

“I would like to,” she said, “we will be in the bar anyway so we may as well listen to him.

So after finishing our meal and thanking the waiter, we made our way to the lounge. Irish folk singing would not generally be the choice of either of us, but this guy was good and he really entertained the big crowd there to see him.

At eleven o’clock he finished his act and said his goodbyes to the audience, coming off stage he had to pass our table, so I called to him, “Hey man you were great.”

He stopped and said, “Well thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it.”

“Can I buy you a drink?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied and sat down with us.

I told him I was Mark and introduced him to Tina, he took her hand and looked at her appreciatively. I called the waiter over and ordered more drinks and we began chatting to Donny, he told us he was staying at the hotel and would be appearing again the next night, we asked if he was in any hurry to go anywhere and he said he wasn’t, and would probably just go to bed.

One drink led to another, and another, and I noticed that Tina had changed her drink again to Vodka and orange. I knew from experience that she always became randy and sex obsessed when she drank that, and I wondered if she had designs on some fun with Donny. We were getting on well together and the lounge began to empty as it got late and guests went off to their beds. Tina nudged my leg and flashed her eyes at me, letting me know she was interested in prolonging our friendship with Donny

“It looks like they are closing up,” I said, “Come up to our room Donny, we can have another drink up there.”

Donny looked quizzically at us. Tina excused herself and went off to the loo, and while she was gone, I asked Donny a question.

“Do you fancy some fun and games tonight Donny?”

” What do you mean by fun and games,” he asked, half knowing what I meant, but wanting confirmation.

Well Tina has an eye for you and we like variety in our sex lives.”

His face brightened up, “lead the way,” he said enthusiastically.

Tina returned and on the way upstairs, she held my hand and smiled, while giving me a knowing look, she knew what I had in mind and was giving me her approval.

“Which room are you in?” asked Donny, “I just have to pop along to my room, I will be back in 5 minutes.”

“OK,” I said, telling him our room number, and he dashed off along one of the other corridors.

Tina looked a little concerned, “He hasn’t run off has he,” she asked.

“I think he will be back alright, he wanted something from his room,” I reassured her.

Once in the room Tina went straight to the bathroom, I sat and waited for Donny. True to his word he was back in the five minutes, he had a bag with him and he dropped it just inside the door.

“Are you OK with this?” I asked him.

“Oh yeah, I’m all ready for action,” he said with a big grin.

“Fine,” I said, “Lets see what happens when Tina comes back.

A few minutes passed by, then Tina emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a big fluffy bath towel, Donny stared, and I grinned my approval. I met her in the middle of the room, gave her a kiss you and said with imitation pomp, “Good evening Miss Tina, may I present our guest for the night, Mr Donny Gaul.”

She replied in equally haughty tones, “Pleased to meet you Mr Gaul, would you like to fuck me?”

There was nothing self deprecating in Donny’s reply, I have just the weapon to make you very happy,” and he promptly unzipped his jeans and lobbed his cock out for Tina’s eyes to feast on. Donny was very well equipped, long and thick and very much to her liking,

“That will make your eyes water Tina,” I said.

“My eyes are already watering,” she said, “but with lust,” and she closed her hand tightly round Donny’s cock, not being able to make her fingers Anadolu Yakası Escort meet.

I discarded my clothes and stood behind Tina, pressing my body into her back, I kissed her neck knowing it is one of her erogenous zones and reached round to remove her towel,

Donny’s eyes opened wide with admiration when he saw Tina naked, “COR!” he exclaimed, in a non too sophisticated way, I looked over her shoulder at him, “Come and get it Donny,” I invited him.

I thought he would rip all the buttons off his shirt, the way he tore it off, jeans, pants and socks followed in very quick time and for a second Tina feasted her eyes on his nude form.

His cock was certainly something to be proud off, and Tina, having been fed on big, and very big penis’s, was most impressed. Donny stepped forward, and while my two hands enclosed her naked breasts, and my own hard long cock pressed into the crack of her bum, he dropped to his knees and kissed her pussy lips. He licked up and down each smooth lip and used his fingers to part them and insert his tongue into her slick vagina.

I jerked my hips forward causing her to push her pussy flat against his face. Slowly I eased her down onto the carpet, and she lay on her back, Donny hardly noticed, without missing a single lick, he resumed his new position, on his knees, his face between Tina’s legs and his tongue inches inside her love hole, I knelt by her side and sucked the nipples standing long and erect at the summit of her tits.

Donny gorged himself on Tina’s cunt, I could hear him sucking and slurping as he drew her juices from inside her. With me stimulating her nipples and squeezing her tits, and Donny biting and licking her clit, her body was ready to explode.

Donny suddenly stopped and stood up. “Right,” he said “Time for something else,” and he bent down and picked Tina bodily up from the floor, carried her to the bed and dropped her full length on it. “Stay there,” he rapped, and he went to the other side of the room to pick up his bag, he opened it up and pulled out ropes with shackles on the ends.

He threw two of the ropes to me and said, “Tie one to her wrists and one to her ankles.” I did as he said and he did the same to the other side. Tina smiled and said nothing, considering it to be part of the game. When we were finished Donny stood on one side and me on the other, Tina was staked out on the bed, her arms above her head, tied to the bed posts and her legs spreadeagled out and tied to the bottom bed posts.

She was completely helpless and totally at our mercy to do whatever we liked with her body. I looked at Donny and asked, “Do you always carry this stuff around with you?”

” It comes in handy sometimes,” he said, and he brushed his fingers lightly over Tina’s pussy lips, “Come on,” he urged, jolting me out of my reverie, “have your fill of her.

I don’t have to tie Tina up to get my fill of her, but nevertheless, resumed my play with her nipples, I kept my eye on Donny, and he was tickling and teasing her, making her body tremble and shake, he concentrated mainly on her lower stomach, inner thighs and defenceless pussy. I kissed her and she kissed me back, seemingly enjoying what was happening to her body. When I looked up again Donny was about to insert two fingers inside her and he pushed in and out of her sex quite aggressively, he had a sort of leer on his face and I thought to myself he was more than just turned on.

He increased his fingers in Tina to three and was unconcerned that he was hurting her.

She strained at the bonds holding her but there was no escape, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy and licked them, I could see they were swimming with her juices, he climbed up onto the bed, knelt between her legs, and placed his long thick cock at her pussy entrance.

He looked at Tina, “Are you ready for this?” he asked, “You won’t have been fucked like this many times before.”

Tina tried to smile as he pushed his cock inside her, she had no control at all, she could only lie with her legs wide apart and feel him sliding into her. His big penis stretched Tina’s pussy lips wide, she had no need to grip his cock, as it went in it clung to her tight hole.

Tina yelled and shouted at the discomfort his cock was causing her, until his balls were banging against her arse.

Donny fucked Tina good, his young rock hard prick cannoned in and out of her soft yielding pussy, I watched his arse bouncing up and down, while his full length filled her love hole, İstanbul Escort It was some exhibition, I watched Tina’s reaction, her face taught and lined, her eyes screwed up and her mouth opened to release her tensions.

Donny came in a torrent, his buttocks tightened and his whole body stiffened, he fired into her rapidly, emptying his balls of his cum, fluids from them both spread over her belly.

I stroked Tina’s perspiration covered face, and she opened her eyes. Donny got off her body.

“Oh WOW,” he exclaimed, “That was some shag, your turn Mark, get in there while its still hot.”

“What I have just seen happen is enough for now,” I said, I didn’t think Tina was ready for any more just yet.

“Alright, on to phase two then, Undo those ropes.”

He seemed to have assumed charge and doing all the ordering, but I did what he told me, Tina sighed with relief to have the ropes off, but she smiled and said she was enjoying what was happening.

Then Donny said, “OK Tina babe, turn over onto your stomach.”

Tina flipped herself over and supported her chin on her hand, I sat on top of the bed my legs apart in front of her head, and with my cock touching her lips, she opened her mouth and I slipped it in, Donny meanwhile had gone back to his bag, and this time he came back with a short whip.

“What’s that for?” I asked him, now a little alarmed.

“This is for Tina’s plump arse cheeks,” he announced cheerfully, “she will love this.”

I had administered a few hard smacks to Tina’s bottom once or twice during our more aggressive sex sessions, but I thought she would jump off the bed to protect her tender bum skin when she saw the whip, but instead her face broke out in smiles and she completely ignored my cock dangling in front of her face, instead she raised her bum up a short way and waited for the first slap, “Go on Donny, show me what you can do with that thing.”

“Owowowowo,” she yelled as it landed, I jumped down and ran round to the bottom of the bed to look at her rear. A red mark was already showing from the first hit, then the second one landed, “Aaaaaaa,” she again shouted, but got further up on to her knees and bent fully forward so that her cheeks were taught and inviting.

Three times in quick succession, the whip smacked her soft skin, and each time she cried out in pain, but called for more.

“Three more should do it,” claimed Donny, and this time he lashed her arse even harder,

“Aaaaahhhhhh owowowow,” she cried in anguish and pounded the bed with her fists, but as I watched I saw her cum squirting out of her pussy.

“There she blows,” shouted Donny excitedly, “It never fails. Get on the bed Mark and fuck her pussy, I’m having her arsehole”.

Tina was writhing about the bed in both pain and passion, her arse cheeks throbbed with pain but her pussy tingled with stimulated nerve ends, She desperately wanted to feel a cock inside her and practically pulled me on to the bed, she sat astride me and wriggled herself onto my stiff cock, until all of it was inside her, I pulled her forward so that her face was touching mine, and her pained rear facing Donny.

Donny drove his cock into her bum hole, not gently but forcefully, she screamed out as his cock travelled swiftly along her anal canal, I even felt his cock pass mine, separated only by a thin membrane of flesh, Tina gripped my shoulders hard for support, I raised my hips as high as I could to push far into her pussy, but it was from her bum hole that all the feeling was coming to her, I heard Donny grunting and groaning and I saw he was working hard, none of us could last, Tina had been cumming almost non stop for the last fifteen minutes, and now both Donny and I, within seconds of each other poured out our hot sticky cum, mine into her pussy hole and his into her arsehole.

Tina fell full length onto my body in a faint, I soothed and comforted her as best as I could. Donny pulled his cock from her hole and stood by the bedside.

” Well folks,” he said, “I sure did enjoy that, thanks for inviting me, If you are here tomorrow night, come down and see the show. If not here’s my card and if you see me appearing anywhere come and say hello, I will always find time for you two, especially you Tina, and he leaned down and kissed her cheek, gathered up his things, called and waved his goodbyes, and left our room.

We stayed huddled together for several minutes, not saying much, but both of us reliving the amazing sex we had been involved in, Tina much more than me, she whispered to me that it had been fantastic, but her arse was sore.

I roused myself, “Come on darling, I’ll take you into the shower.”

Ten minutes later we emerged feeling a little more refreshed but desperately tired, we climbed into bed and in each others arms, we slept.

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She’s the Boss Ch. 02

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The rest of my day at work was uneventful. I taught two more classes, one of which was just administering a mid-term exam, and then I headed home to get myself refreshed for my evening with Jennifer. Our lunchtime quickie had left me craving more.

I got to Jennifer’s around 6:45. She was clearly not in the mood to fuck around. As soon as her front door closed behind me, she guided me up against the wall in her foyer and dropped to her knees. This get-together was starting in a very similar fashion to our meeting earlier in the day.

“Did you shower after work?” she asked, fumbling with my belt and zipper.

“I did. Wanted to be all nice and clean for our evening together.”

“Good. I haven’t had enough wine yet to be tasting my ass on your dick.” She engulfed my still only half-hard cock, taking it all the way down to the balls and savoring it for a few seconds. I could feel myself quickly becoming fully erect thanks to her talented mouth and throat. I placed one hand on the back of her head, lightly grabbing her hair and gently pressing her mouth back down onto my cock.

“No!” she said, with a sharp slap on my hand. I was a bit surprised, but also more than a bit turned on. “You decided you wanted to be in charge earlier, so I’m taking over for now. No touching. Just stand back and let me have my fun.”

After explaining how things were going to go, Jennifer focused on getting my clothes fully removed. First she removed my shoes and socks, tossing them aside carelessly. Then she forcefully pulled my jeans and boxers down, indicating that I should step out of them. My now rigid cock bobbed in her face while all this happened. She teased me by breathing heavily on the head.

“Shirt, too,” she ordered. She was really wearing her boss face this time around. I complied quickly.

Now entirely exposed in front of my lovely plus-sized boss, I stood back against the wall as she had told me to do. I folded my hands behind my back to resist the urge to touch. Jennifer Ataşehir Escort remained fully clothed, adding to the power dynamic. Her massive breasts bulged enticingly in her sexy black turtleneck that was at least a size too small.

Maintaining eye contact with me, Jennifer went to work on my cock. At an agonizingly slow pace she worked me all the way into her throat, until my balls rested up against her chin. I almost lost control when I felt her tongue snake out between her lips and tease my balls. She pulled me out of her mouth equally slowly, leaving a strand of saliva lewdly bridging the gap between the head of my cock and her wonderfully hot mouth.

The connection was broken as she started to slowly stroke my shaft, first with one hand and then with both. She stared up at me the entire time, my face likely an equal mix of pleasure and desperation. I needed to cum, badly. I had thought all afternoon about our plans for this evening, and I had known better than to jerk off and deprive Jennifer of her cum. She was a demanding boss.

“Does this feel good? My hands, my mouth, my tongue… do you like this?” She maintained a steady pace jerking my dick with both sexy, chubby hands.

“Yes, Jennifer. I love it. I’m gonna cum so hard for you.”

“I don’t know if I should let you right now. You were a very, very bad boy earlier today. Remember that?”

“I do.” I was loving every second of this. “I remember.”

“What did you do that was so bad? I asked you for something, remember?” Jennifer paused her stroking to take my cock about halfway into her mouth, then just as quickly released me and resumed her luscious handjob. She was such a tease.

“You asked me to cum in your mouth.”

“Why didn’t you do that for me, Tyler? Why didn’t you cum in my mouth?”

“Because I wanted to put it in your ass. I came in your ass.”

“That’s right, Tyler. You came in my ass even though I told you I wanted to swallow it. I did have an amazing orgasm, Kadıköy Escort sure… but that doesn’t change the fact that you disobeyed your boss at work.” I noticed a change in Jennifer’s expression. She was going a step beyond her usual dominant boss face. She looked authentically angry.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer. I was hoping to make it up to you tonight somehow.”

Jennifer raised one eyebrow, looking intrigued.

“Good. I’ve decided that I am going to let you cum right now. Then after dinner we’ll have some more activities in the bedroom. You can make it up to me all night.”

Not wasting a moment, Jennifer resumed her oral attack on my raging hard-on. Earlier her sucking had been slow and tantalizing, but now she assaulted my cock with her tongue and lips, seemingly desperate for my load. She plunged repeatedly up and down the length of my dick, bringing me close to the edge of orgasm.

“Give it to me. Give me the load I wanted. Cum for me right now.”

Almost buckling at the knees, I gave in to Jennifer’s demand. I couldn’t possibly hold back any more.

“Fuck, babe. Here it comes. I’m cumming.” I repeated that handful of phrases in one order or another for the duration of my orgasm. It seemed like I gave her a decent-sized load.

As I tried to return my breathing and heart rate to normalcy, Jennifer did her best to smirk up at me with a mouthful of semen. I smiled down at her, anticipating the moment when I saw her take my creamy mouthful down her throat. I was surprised to see her stand up without swallowing. I’m sure my face betrayed my confusion.

Jennifer moved quickly to pin me up against the wall. She held both of my wrists stationary against the wall while she used her ample body to keep me from going anywhere. Still smirking at some secret joke, she moved her lips towards mine. That’s when I got the joke.

Payback. I wouldn’t give her a load to swallow earlier, so she was going to give me one now. I started to panic.

“Jennifer, Bostancı Escort no. Come on, we’ve never d-…” My protest was cut short, for obvious reasons.

Feeling her lips press to mine, I decided to give in. Not that it would have been easy to get out of the situation if I’d tried. Jennifer was significantly larger than me, and perfectly capable of dominating me physically if she decided to.

Her tongue forced its way between my lips, bringing with it my first taste of my own semen. As both of our lips opened wider, Jennifer began pushing the load into my mouth. As I had suspected initially, it was a lot of cum.

I’ll admit that I was in a very weird spot mentally at this moment. On the one hand it was sexy because my boss was dominating me and using me for her own gratification, regardless of my protests. It turned me on. But on the other hand, how did girls swallow this on a regular basis? I had a momentary flash of guilt thinking of all the loads that girls had swallowed for me without so much as a grimace.

As I wrestled with the idea of swallowing my own cum, Jennifer looked on with satisfaction.

“Isn’t it tasty? Don’t you see why I wanted it so bad today?”

My lack of response was all the answer she needed.

“Do you want to swallow it?”

I shook my head, hoping that Jennifer would ease up on me.

“Okay. Give it back to me then.” I was saved. A wave of relief washed over me. As Jennifer had said earlier about tasting her ass on my dick, I wasn’t nearly drunk enough at this point in the evening to be experimenting with swallowing my own semen.

Jennifer leaned in to kiss me, and we reversed the process from earlier. I got as much of the cum back into her mouth as possible, leaving only the taste of it behind in my mouth. As soon as the transfer was complete, Jennifer gulped it down happily.

“I’m a good boss, Tyler. That’s why this time was just a warning. But let’s be clear… Next time you misbehave like that when your boss tells you to do something at work, you are going to be the one swallowing that load.”

“Got it, Jennifer. Thank you.”

“Okay, now let’s get on with our night. Dinner should be almost ready.”


Our after-dinner antics are a story for Chapter 3.

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The Trouble with Arousal is… Pt. 03

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Continuing to watch herself in third person, Casi’s TV persona carefully scrunched up the stocking, she then lifted her right leg to slip the silk over her foot. Resting her foot on the bed she pulled on the stocking, keeping it taut as she drew it up her calf and over her knee. As she got to the larger area of her thigh, she ran her hands around and under to make sure that the seam was perfectly straight. Then putting her leg back to the floor, she fastened the front suspender clip, adjusting it to the correct length. Then twisting, clipped the rear suspender in place; her pendulous boobs receiving the close-up attention of the cameraman.

Casi had to agree with herself, that the impact was pretty good and she also had to admit that she looked pretty good too. Her slender, long legs looked toned and tanned, probably from her hours spent in the garden. Her thin waste had a slight hint of a four pack, as she breathed in. Her boobs she had always been proud of, large enough to create a stir when she was wearing revealing clothing, firm enough to go unsupported when she felt like it. But the one thing she had never seen from this angle before, was her pussy.

As the Casi on screen scrunched up the other stocking and then raised her left leg to put it on, Casi surprised herself by saying out loud, “Oh my God!” Then quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Both her eyes, and the camera lens had spotted a new target of interest and zooming in refocused their attention. Clearly and in HD close up, Casi saw her vulva for the first time.

Of course, there had been fumbling moments in her adolescence when she had investigated herself, but that had been many years ago, and although she knew what she felt like, seeing herself from this angle was a new experience; despite Alex’s penchant for making these erotic videos, or home porn as he called it. She paused the video and studied the almost completely hair free area that was her pussy. Aside from what her husband crudely called her ‘landing strip’ across her pubic bone, Casi preferred to shave the rest of her pubic area, believing it to be more hygienic and more pleasant to the touch. Alex seemed to agree with her too.

Looking closely at her labia however, was where the surprised outburst had arisen. She was shocked at how much her inner labia lips seem to be exposed from the outer. They looked engorged, red and with quite some evidence of wetness. Was she turned on by this dressing routine? Casi remembered the occasion as a romantic meal for Alex’s birthday, that she had set up, seven months ago, but could not remember whether she was turned on at that early stage of the evening?

The Casi on screen had finished with the other stocking and removed the swollen labia from view by putting on the small pair of complimentary, lacey panties. Turning to her bra, Casi put that across her shoulders, and leaning forwards, loaded both boobs into it, clipping it between them. This bra showed her two assets to perfection. Slipping on her knee-length dress she moved out of shot to obviously prepare hair and makeup. The video ended.

“Wow,” Casi said to the empty room, “I’ve married a voyeur and I didn’t know it, you dirty man! I shall have to pay you back for this!” However, looking down at herself, it was evident to Casi that the video had done its intended job. During the film, she had unconsciously slipped down the sofa, her bum was almost at the edge of the cushion. Her legs were apart slightly and she had already undone a few of the buttons on her dress, which had fallen either side of her tanned legs to reveal her small white thong. This small triangular piece of material barely covered her small patch of pubic hair; but that was just as it was intended to do. Casi couldn’t help but put a hand to her pubic area and instantly felt that her small panties were soaked. Oh yes, the film had done its job.

“You naughty boy, you are hard already!” Casi’s attention was Ataşehir Escort drawn back to her voice on the TV as the new DVD started playing. She watched as the Casi on TV knelt between Alex’s open legs, his tight boxers leaving nothing to her imagination. The Casi on screen, slipped her fingers into the waist band of his underpants, drawing them slowly down, relishing the moment before his cock came into sight, seeming to postpone the moment for as long as she could. “Is the camera filming?” She looked up at Alex.

“It is,” he said with a croak in his voice already, as suddenly his cocked sprang out from its cotton trap and slapped against his flat stomach.

“Ah there he is,” purred Casi, as her darkly painted red nailed fingers grasped the base with one hand and the head with the other. “Now then, what does daddy want me to do with you?” she said addressing Alex’s cock rather than him. “It would seem that he wants to film me playing with you and making you explode with all that delicious come!”

Casi lent forwards and put her brightly coloured lipstick covered lips around the slightly expose glans, then drawing back the skin between finger and thumb, she followed with her lips, sucking his hardness into her mouth. Her hair, which had been tied back to prevent intrusion, fell onto his thigh as she knelt up a little to engulf the mass of his cock to its base. Alex was always impressed when Casi deep-throated him, not just because of the achievement of getting his massive cock passed the gag reflex, but also when deep within her, she could somehow contract her throat sending rhythmic pulses along his shaft.

As Casi watched herself performing on the TV, she allowed her fingers to brush aside the wet material of her panties and to gently encircle the nub of her clitoris with her finger-tips. She watched the video intently as her lips withdrew from Alex’s huge shaft, leaving a trail of wetness along its length and a string of saliva which remained connected between his glans and her lips for as long as it could as she pulled away from it.

The magnificence of Alex’s cock would, she felt, always hold her captive. That something could at one point be soft, pliable and small in comparison and at the other turn into this raging beast of throbbing hard flesh, that demanded her absolute attention; as if Pan were blowing his pipes and she must follow his every movement; was intriguing to her. The glans on his penis were her favourite part. Highly glossed, plum-like in their construction, so, so smooth to the touch; indeed, a marvel of Mother Nature.

As Casi watched her lips slide back over the erection on the screen, two of her fingers slid along the very wet valley of her vagina and into her tight hole. Her attention not wavering from the screen as her other self, started the process of sucking and wanking the hard erection before her. She watched as occasionally the cock was accepted into her throat and then she would run her hands along his thighs and up over his hard stomach to the large pectoral muscles where she would play with his nipples as he fucked her mouth. She witnessed the hard sucking and knew she would be making her throat contract on every inward stroke. The watching Casi’s fingers mirrored each movement of Alex’s cock into her mouth with a deep thrust of her own fingers, the slurping of her wetness loud in the silence of the room.

It was evident that Alex was heating up fast. His breathing was already ragged and his stomach muscles contracted. As she watched Casi knew the signs, and also knew that his cock would right now be getting even harder in the throat of her counterpart. His penis would always start to pulse quicker as he tried desperately to hold onto his orgasm and prolong the pleasure.

Casi’s fingers were doing something similar to her too. The slurping sound her lubrication was making drove her on to greater heights, it was such a turn on that she got Acıbadem Escort this wet. She inserted a third finger for good measure and every now and then pulled them right out to run back over her expectantly waiting clit. Before she rammed them home again, her copious juices dribbled down between her cheeks as she ran her fourth finger probingly passed her anal sphincter and in to her anus.

“Umm,” she murmured to the room. “Look what that naughty man has done to me. Oooohhhhh, ummm, ohhh FUCK!” Her finger pulled out of her arse and now all four entered her vagina thrusting up to the knuckles. She drove her fingers in deep against her protesting vaginal walls as she felt every contraction of the sheath of her vagina. “Oh FUCK, OOOHHH FUCK!” She shouted as her orgasm hit her. Casi clamped her legs together hard and rode the orgasm to the end. “Oh, oh, OH THAT’S GOOD! YES, oh yeah I need that!” Her legs trembled in spasm before her as her fingers continued their delving searching for and finding her ‘G spot’. “Uh huh, uuuh huhh, ohhhwww, yess, oh yes.”

Casi looked over at the large patio doors, the curtain less glass showed nothing but the darkness outside and acted like a mirror throwing back the reflection of her with legs spread and one hand slipping in and out of her fanny. The other had worked its way into the top of her dress and was fondling one of her breasts. Suddenly she blushed. What if there was someone standing outside looking in at her right now? What if that someone had seen her whole masturbation routine?

Instead of causing a reaction of utter embarrassment however, the thought of an imaginary or maybe real voyeur looking at her right now only heightened her current sexual state. Casi smiled and opened her legs further so that her voyeur could see more. Of course, it also allowed for her own visual pleasure. She was getting turned on again! It was evident that the previous orgasm had not fully satisfied her, but then that was often the case with masturbation.

The Casi on the screen had undone several of the buttons on her summer dress one handed, revealing her tremendous cleavage in the process. As she was doing this, her other hand was occupied slowly running up and down Alex’s huge shaft. With each reveal of his glans, she would lean forward and blow upon it, then before her upward stroke began, she would plant a kiss upon it. Alex had calmed down a bit as his breathing was a little less laboured, but it was evident that he eagerly awaited the next part of Casi’s sexual attention.

A dribble of pre-come ran down his shaft but didn’t make it too far before being lapped up by Casi’s tongue as she looked up at him smiling. “So, is my baby ready to give me what I want then?” Casi’s TV persona asked. “I think he is, isn’t he?” She leant forward and sucked the head into her mouth instantly bringing Alex to the point where he could not hold on, then she teasingly pulled off him again. “Ummm,” she said, “yes I can see my little Hercules is ready, but he is going to have to wait just a bit longer.”

Casi watched her image on the TV as she looked down at her chest and dribbled some saliva directly into her cleavage. Then kneeling up she pulled Alex’s shaft down towards her and pushed the head towards her lubricated breasts and into the valley between them pushing up towards him so that his cock was caught between her breasts and held there by her bra. Her TV persona then slowly drove it in deeper by raising herself up along his body, then pulling back down again; all the while, staring intently at him. “Is that nice?” She heard herself ask Alex, her smile one of wickedness.

“Uh huh,” was about all he could manage at this stage. Casi rocked back and forth giving Alex a ‘titty fuck’ all the while, planting kisses on his stomach and chest. Then she pulled back off him saying, “I think the girls want to say a proper hello.” She popped the front fastener to her bra and İstanbul Escort both breasts tumbled out. The nipples on them were at full erection and stood out like acorns.

Casi moaned as she watched herself raise again, grasping Alex’s cock and this time she pushed it up between her breasts from beneath, clasping them both around his shaft as she lowered herself onto him. Her fingers and thumbs grasped a nipple each and squeezed on them hard. As the tip of Alex’s cock broke free from the top of her cleavage, Casi lent forward and licked the top before sucking it into mouth and then pulling off again. After two such thrusts, Alex could no-longer stand it. “I can’t hold on any longer, I’m going to come!”

“Are you my dear?” The video Casi taunted, “Well this I need to see!” Pulling Alex’s cock from between her breasts, she slowly sucked the plum shaped glans into her mouth and pumped it up and down until she felt it stiffen further in her hand, then she drew down the foreskin fully exposing the glans of his penis.

Casi knew what happened next on the video, she already had four fingers inserted inside her vagina, and had released her breasts a while ago. Her free hand grasping hold of one of her rounded orbs and punishing the nipple. She groaned again as she looked back at the screen to watch her husband’s orgasm. In the video Casi was moving in for a further kiss when Alex erupted with an “Uuugghh.” Catching her out and making her jump a little with the unexpected force of the ejaculation, as it hit her just under the nose and exploded outwards across her face.

Rivulets of sticky, hot glutinous come dribbled into Casi’s mouth. She continued to wank Alex furiously with one hand, whilst the other cupped his balls. Her index finger slipping into his anal sphincter. As the second ejaculation fired off, it caught the screen Casi on the side of the cheek and neck, ricocheting into her hair then falling down across her back. The masturbating Casi, wiped her drenched fingers across the same places on her body and fed her fingers urgently into her mouth, tasting her juices as if they were his. She could almost feel the warm come run down her back and mingle with her bra and dress.

As Casi’s second orgasm approach she watched the video as her counterpart’s hands worked feverously, urging Alex on as she heard herself say, “Yes baby, give your come to mummy, give me it all, drown me in it. I love your come on my face and tits!” Casi could see that Alex was captivated by the view of her jiggling breasts. As she looked on another shot of his come hit her on the chin and fell immediately to her breasts the more fluid parts of his semen running down into her cleavage, whilst leaving a pendulous glob dangling from her chin.

Another shot of ejaculate hit her above her left eye, immediately dribbling down her face and making her close that eye just as another hit her in the cheek and ear. A further two shots with reduced volume and force fell across her breasts, the last merely dribbling down his shaft. Both were panting with the effort of that explosive orgasm, both were so completely turned on they were making quite the mess of themselves.

“Oh my God!” Casi feigned scolding him. “What a mess you have made, look at the state of me!” Alex’s come had pretty much covered Casi’s face, and tried valiantly to cover her breasts too. She wasted no time in scooping up the semen and feeding it hungrily into her mouth, until she was left with a few bits in her hair, down her back and across an eyebrow, “Well, I hope your camera caught all of that? I know I did.” She laughed at her own joke, before leaning in to suck his cock into her mouth again.

Casi had seen this video a number of times now, she knew that Alex came eight times, and unconsciously counted them as they burst from his cock. With each spurt, she rammed her fingers deeply into herself bringing on another orgasm by the time Alex got to his eighth shot. “Oh yes,” she whimpered, “Oh yes, oh I wish that come was all over me now!” She had by now fully smothered her exposed breasts with her own juices and continued to rub her hand across her face and neck as if emulating the Casi on TV. “Yes, I can almost taste him now.”

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The Srirangam Connection Ch. 03

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Since then we used to sometimes chat or talk through calls. We both wanted each other sexually since then and would often plan to spice up our life. Her husband was to go on a two day training on Saturday night and was to return on Tuesday. So we decided to make love on Sunday. She asked me how I wanted the Sunday special. I said that I wished to see her in saree. She agreed and I asked her not to shave her vaginal hairs. She asked if I liked her vaginal hairs, I said that I loved them and not to shave it this time. She agreed. I said that when she comes on Sunday I will have a surprise gift to her. She kept asking what it was. But I didn’t reveal it.

Sunlight broke in my house and I was very much waiting for her to get home. She said that since she was wearing saree, she would go to Sri Ranganathar Temple and then only she will come. I was losing patience from morning itself. I decided to make and have breakfast. She came to my home by around 10am. She looked beautiful in saree and she had adorned her hairs with flowers. The fragrance itself was setting the mood. I said that we should be more romantic today and she smiled in affirmation.

I suggested her that I would feed her and fed her idly with my hands. She ate them silently and playfully like a child. Soon after eating we began discussing how that day’s sex should be. I suggested that I needed atleast two session, one as slow and graceful while the other as rough and random. She too suggested that we needed to explore something new.

I told her that I had a surprise for her. She asked me what it was. I told her that I have kept the surprise on the bed and asked her to wear it. Actually it was a bra and panty. It was white in color and had floral designs on them. I bought it for her. She wore it under her saree and said to me that it was nice. We decided to start. We closed all doors and curtains before starting.

We started playing soft music and lit a candle at the centre of room. By using curtains the room was dark and the candle light gave the dim light. This itself upped our sexual mood. I opened the cupboard and took the items purchased for this sex session. A packet of dotted moods condom, a red silk cloth, Ümraniye Escort a bottle of honey and a Diary milk chocolate. She accepted everything except the condom. She was telling that using condom will not give sexual pleasure. I was concerned about pregnancy. She said that she had bought pills to control pregnancy.

We started to hug and liplock. We kissed slowly and passionately. I started sucking her lips and she started to kiss and play with my hairs. I kissed her cheeks and breast. I slowly undressed her saree. In the low light, she looked just as a newly wed bride on her first night. I rolled over her and lay over her. My weight was pressing her. I continued to suck and taste her lips and tongue. We kissed for some 10 to 15 minutes. I moved down to her breast and cupped both her breast. She closed her eyes and bit her lips. I started to massage her breast with both my hands. I kissed them, sucked them over the dress and even tried to bit her nipples over the dress. I moved down to her navel. I kissed it. Sucked it. I massaged my face over her navel. I pinched her hips and pulled it hard.

I then moved done to her vaginal area and planted multiple kiss on the area. I lifted her skirt up and kissed her thighs. I massaged and felt her thighs from feet up to her vaginal area. Then I removed her blouse and skirt. Now she was wearing the white bra and panty that I gifted her. I smiled at her seeing her wet and hard nipples. I inserted my finger into her vagina and found that it was wet. It was ready to be serviced by my penis. I removed her inner wear too and I made her lay over me. Her breast was resting over my chest and it was hard and erect. Her vaginal hairs was touching and pressing my penis and hairs over my private area. I put my hand over her and touched her hips and spine region. I put my both hands on her ass and started pressing them. Her breathing increased and her wetness became more.

I then asked her for foreplay and lied on by back with both hands supporting my head. I took the red silk cloth and tied it around her waist. She was completely nude except for the red silk cloth as a thin cloth over her hips. Red was the color of love and İstanbul Escort sex. It dim light it beamed strongly. I took the diary milk and it was already melted. I put into my hands and applied the diary milk on my erect penis. Now it was something like Diary milk penis. Every girl liked diary milk as it was tasty and yummy. Now my dick was waxed with diary milk. She laughed at this sight and said that she loved dairy milk and that she was going to lick it clean. She started sucking slowly and sucked deeper than last time. May be she was really licking the diary milk. I got a heart ful satisfied blow job for around 10 to 20 minutes. She satisfied me to the core. She was gentle and at times varied the pace and finally I reached my climax and cummed in her mouth itself. She drank it along with the diary milk cream.

Now it was my turn for the foreplay. She said she wanted the same like last time. I told her this time it will be different. I asked her to lay on her back with breast facing the roof. I took the honey bottle and put my finger into it. I took the finger out and put into her mouth. She sucked by finger. I watched her how she sucked. I put the finger back into the bottle, covered my finger with honey and first poured some honey over her nipples and breast. Then I started sucking both her breast. In between I cupped and massaged her breast. I started licking her nipples and sucked all the honey that I poured on her breast. She began swaying her head and legs. She was enjoying the pleasure of being sucked.

I then moved on to her vagina and applied honey on them. I asked her to open her thighs. I lay between her legs and inserted my tongue into her pussy and started tongue fucking her. I then put my mouth on her vagina and sucked her. Soon she had her first climax. I sucked and licked the cum and the honey. It was lot sweeter than the first time. I inserted one finger into her ass and slowly thrusted them. She begged me not to do it as it was paining. So I put one finger in her ass and other finger in her pussy and started finger fucking her pussy. Then I inserted two fingers into her pussy and moved all the fingers in her ass and vagina. She was blowing Anadolu Yakası Escort out the air through her mouth and was swaying and beating her legs on the bed. I increased the pace and soon she had her second climax. We both lay still and tired for some time.

I was ready to fuck her with my penis. She stood four on her legs and hands. Yes, it was the first time that we were to fuck in doggy style. She bend and leaned forward over the bed. It was easy to enter her and held my hands on her waist for getting grip. I slowly fucked her in and out. It was such a nice feel and little resistance was there. I was able to reach deeper into her and it gave both of us very good sexual comfort. After few initial thrust, I gradually increased the thrust and went on from straight to both sides to explore her vagina with my penis. Occasionally we slowed down and paused for some time and resumed the fucking. After around 20-25 minutes I cummed in her and she too cummed by that time. Both of us were happy and rested for some time. I went out at around 1pm bought us lunch. She ate lunch without wearing any dress. We then resumed after 2.30pm for the next round of sex.

It was the rough sex. I removed her red silk cloth over her waist and tied into around her eyes. It was time for blind folded sex. Without wasting much time in foreplay we went directly into sex. I suggested doggy style. She said that we just did doggy now and she wanted something new. I calmed her down saying that this is new doggy. She stood on her feet and bend over my table. Her ass clearly showed her vagina and asshole. I asked her to relax and smile. She asked me what I was about to do. I silently put my penis in her asshole. She resisted and cried. But I didn’t give up. After few trust it went in fully. She cried in pain. But after few more thrust she stopped crying and started moaning in pleasure. The room was echoing her moan in the soft background of the music being played. After around 15 to 20 minutes she had her climax and after that I had mine. And turned her around and hugged her tightly. She responded by kissing on my lips. I held her tight and once again sucked her breast and pressed her ass.

We were done with the schedule and soon she left to her home. After she left I had a deep sleep as I was very tired of the fuck session.

The next day both of us were on leave because the session was very exhaustive. Things didn’t end and it further continued.

To be continued.

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